DD EXPRESS (Vol.2, Issue 1, October 2021)

Page 8

attributed the victory and saving of Christianity to the rosary. It was during the same century that when missionaries went through the whole world, they took the rosary and they taught the indigenous people about the Christian faith through the rosary. Now the rosary in itself covers many forms! Yes. The one which is very common and familiar is the five-decade rosary, which we pray: the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries. This rosary is called "The Dominican Rosary." There are other forms which include the Bridgetine Rosary, the Servite Rosary, and the Seraphic (Franciscan) Rosary. Though the rosary was given to the Dominicans, the church remains grateful to the Franciscans for the word 'rosary.' It was a vision given to a Franciscan novice where our Lady compared praying the rosary as crowning her with roses. The rosary has an endorsement not only from Saints but also from Popes. The Rosary is one of the most powerful devotional prayers of the Church! This is evident throughout its history. The major events in history include The battle of Lepanto & The siege of Malta. This powerful devotion has also transformed the lives of many people one among them was Bartholo Longo, who was ordained a satanic priest (now a blessed of the Church) who went on to build the world's greatest Shrine dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary in Pompeii in Italy. Let us look at ourselves, how do I pray the rosary? Under compulsion? Let us make maximum efforts to make this prayer our own and cherish it. Let us use the numerous indulgences which the Church offers us by these blessed beads and help the holy souls in purgatory.

Cl. Winston Pinto

DD Express


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