Photo by: Brian Barsema
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief -
Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505
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“Anytime God is going to take you to a new level, there will be excuses that you have to first get rid of. Before you get promoted, you have to get rid of that excuse, “I’m not qualified, I don’t have the talent. I can’t do it.” Before you break the addiction, get rid of the excuse, “I’ve had it too long, I’m not that disciplined.” Before you see vindication, get rid of the excuse, “They hurt me too badly, I could never be happy.” Before you meet the person of your dreams, get rid of the excuse, “It’s been too long, I’m not that attractive, I don’t have a good personality.” God wants to do a new thing in your life. He wants to bring you into a new level of your destiny. Are you letting excuses hold you back?” …… Joel Osteen Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo Welcome 2018 !!!! I hope you will be a year filled with new and exciting times .. I wondered what the future might hold for us...so I checked on some past predictions from some very famous people.. Maybe you and I can make a few predictions ourselves.. “Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You’re crazy.” – Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859. “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” – Western Union internal memo, 1876. “X-rays will prove to be a hoax” Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society, 1893 “Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” – Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895. “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” – Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899. “Unworthy of the attention of practical and scientific men” – British Parliamentary Committee report on Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb “Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.” – Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre. “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” – David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s. “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” – H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927. “I’m just glad it’ll be Clark Gable who’s falling on his face and not Gary Cooper.” – Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in “Gone With The Wind.”
CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo page……..3 GIZMOS CARRIAGE HOUSE…… Gizmo page……..6 THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole page……..7 BREAKFAST CRUISE-IN... Michael Lachaussee page……...7 FOOT NOTES…..…. Lynne Lightfoot page….....8 OLSDMOBILE…. Mike Martin page…....10 FOLDED NAPKIN……. Truckers Story page…....11 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason page…... 12 NSRA NEWS……. Donna Holland page…....14 TRUNK TALES……. Cubby Hole page…....16 NOSTALGIA FROM SCOOTER… Scott Strenzel page...….18 CHURCH OF CHOP….... Brian Barsema page…....19 ROCKIN & RAMBLIN …… Stefanie Lee page...….22 CAR EVENTS………………….... page…....26 MOTORCYCLE EVENTS………. page…....44 BUSINESS DIRECTORY…… page…....46 CLASSIFIED…………………. Page…....60 SUBSCRIPTION FORM…… page…....71 The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy
“Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” – Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” – Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943 “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.” – Popular Mechanics, 1949 “The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible.” – A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.) “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.” – Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962. “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” – Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 “So we went to Atari and said, ‘Hey, we’ve got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we’ll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we’ll come work for you.’ And they said, ‘No.’ So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, ‘Hey, we don’t need you. You haven’t got through college yet.'” – Apple Computer Inc. founder, Steve Jobs, on attempts to get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wozniak’s personal computer.
“640K ought to be enough for anybody.” – Bill Gates, 1981 Stop Selling Sugared Water Who among us could live without computers? It seems they’re everywhere – in our studies at home, on our desks at work, in the library, the bank and even the cafe. We get pleasure from them, we swear at them, we need them. But it’s only a recent thing. Just 3 generations ago the Chairman of IBM declared there is a world market for only five computers. As recently as 1977 the President of Digital Equipment claimed there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home! The revolution was brought to us in large part by Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computers. Steve Jobs was just 21 when he and Steve Wozniak invented the Apple Computer. Until then computers were a monstrous mass of vacuum tubes which took whole rooms. Then the two Steve’s managed to take that mass of tubes and incorporate them inside a box small enough to sit on a desk. Jobs and Wozniak offered their invention to Atari. They weren’t interested in big bucks – all they wanted was a salary and the opportunity to continue their work. Atari knocked them back. They offered it to Hewlett-Packard, but Hewlett Packard knocked them back. It seemed Jobs and Wozniak alone could see the possibilities. So Jobs sold his Volkswagon and Wozniak sold his calculator, and with the $1300 that gave them they formed Apple Computers. The company was named Apple in memory of a happy summer Jobs had spent working in an orchard. The rest is history. By all accounts Steve Jobs is a visionary, and spurred on by that vision he built a successful computer company. But Jobs soon discovered that if his vision was to reach fruition they needed greater management expertise. So Jobs approached John Sculley, then President of PepsiCo. There was absolutely no reason why Sculley should leave a highly paid position in a world leading company to go work with a bunch of computer nerds in a fledgling industry. Not unsurprisingly he turned Jobs down. But Jobs wouldn’t take no for an answer. He approached Sculley again. Again Sculley turned him down. In a last ditch effort Jobs passionately presented his visionary ideas to Sculley and he asked Sculley a question that forced him to accept. The question was this: “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” Indeed Jobs and Sculley did change the world. Jesus comes to us with the same question: “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” Most of us spend our lives making sugared water, going to work to accumulate more possessions and perhaps finding space for God and the world in our spare time. But Jesus had a vision to change the world. His was the vision of the kingdom of God and he calls us to place it at the center of our lives, to make it our reason for existence (Matthew 6.33). Source: information on Jobs and Sculley from “silicon_valley_story” and “ideafinder” websites.
"There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. Every year he won the award for the best grown corn. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. “How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked. “Why sir,” said the farmer, “Didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.” So is with our lives... Those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all...
So here’s to a new year...2018 our future is being predicted by the experts but each of us has the ability to change the course of our history. Each one of us comes into this world with a gift. Now just might be the time to share yours… Til Next Month, Jimbo Here are a few emails….. Jimbo, Dead Penguins - I never knew this! Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica? Where do they go? Wonder no more!!! It is a known fact the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the ice hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into the ice hole, and buried. The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing: "Freeze a jolly good fellow." "Freeze a jolly good fellow." You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you? .. ttommys@ Jimbo, After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application. When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too.' Jimbo, From the hills, ground is frozen hard. Better than mud season-Awful cold. Cars are garaged. Thanks for mailing the great Gulf Coast MotorSports magazines-will send money for postage soon. We had family meeting in Gulfport for Thanksgiving--All good. Coach Saban's team made the playoffs--Also good. Family meeting for Christmas is at New York--Not so good. I'd have chosen Gulfport--Didn't get to choose. Hoping to come back to Gulfport in January. Meanwhile, in the hills--keeping the heat on. Best Regards, Mendal Yoho Jimbo, A blonde city girl named Dallas marries a Colorado rancher. One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Dallas, 'The insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today, so I drove a nail into the 2 by 4 just above where the cow's stall is in the barn. Please show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK?' The rancher leaves for the fields. After a while, the artificial insemination man arrives and knocks on the front door. Dallas takes him down to the barn. They walk along the row of cows and when Amy sees the nail, she tells him, 'This is the one right here.' The man, assuming he is dealing with an air head blonde, asks, 'Tell me lady, 'cause I'm dying to know; how would YOU know that this is the right cow to be bred?' 'That's simple she said, by the nail that's over its stall,' she explains very confidently.
Laughing rudely at her, the man says, 'And what, pray tell, is the nail for?' The blonde turns to walk away and says sweetly over her shoulder, 'I guess it's to hang your pants on.' !!! (us girls in Texas are just different.) audra@ Jimbo, ♦ I read that 4,153,237 people got married last year. Not to cause any trouble, but shouldn't that be an even number? ♦ I find it ironic that the colors red, white, and blue stand for freedom until they are flashing behind you. ♦ When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90% of their body. Men are so polite they only look at the covered parts. ♦ Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y? ♦ America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote. ♦ You know that tingly little feeling you get when you love someone? That's your common sense leaving your body. ♦ Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish? ♦ My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We'll see about that. ♦ I think my neighbor is stalking me as she's been Googling my name on her computer. I saw it through my telescope last night. ♦ You're not fat, you're just easier to see. ♦ I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters. Do they just give you a bra and say, "Here, fill this out?" ♦ I can't understand why women are OK that JC Penny has an older women's clothing line named, "Sag Harbor." ♦ My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I'm pretty sure she was hitting on me. ♦ The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can go in a robe before you start looking like a mental patient. ♦ I think it's pretty cool how Chinese people made a language entirely out of tattoos. ♦ The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married. Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara and, of course, Opie were all single. The only married person was Otis, and he stayed drunk.
It doesn't get any better than this people, giving back to your community and neighbors in need. Fun day with around 25 cars coming to hang out and support a few great causes. Photos from the Coast Cruizers North Pole Rod Run Toy/Food drive along with their annual handicap van giveaway to a family in need they pick each year. A special thank you to All of You who donated to the Handicap Van fund. Proceeds from our club activities go to this program. We thank you for attending our Cruise-ins, shows and special activities. Without you help none of this would be possible.
Sent in by: gptteebyrd@
Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage January 2018
The 14th Annual Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show Recap The fourteenth annual Scarecrow Cruise and Car Show was held on October 20th and 22nd, 2076 in Madison, MS. The Scarecrow show which began in October 2004 with a handful of cars and a handful of spectators has grown into a monumental event. Record crowds and vehicles packed the show grounds located at the Tulane University campus at the corner of Highway 463 and Highway 51 in the middle of Madison, Ms. Cars started flowing onto the grounds early Friday morning seeking a good place to park. By late Friday most of the paved parking was full. The cars stayed overnight worry free, thanks to the security provided by the Madison Police Department! Two big tractor trailer rigs owned by nationally known racer and car dealership owner Rick Hendrick came late Thursday. This rigs had a collection of Mr. Hendrick’s personal cars. This collection is shown only in 3 other events each year. Many people registered on site for the Saturday event on Friday. About 60 participants took part in “Cruisin’ For Cash” in which the participants drive their classic cars to different stops at various merchants in Madison, Ridgeland, and Canton. There, they got a chance to win desirable prizes and including $1,000 cash. Both participants and merchants love this event. This year there were events held on Friday evening that was sponsored by Mac Haik Chrysler and Chevrolet dealerships along with great food. The food was prepared onsite by Outback Steakhouse (sponsored by Mac Haik) and given to all spectators that wanted to partake. Saturday morning broke fair and warm and participating cars and spectators poured into the show grounds. There 25 regular vendors on site plus 8 food vendors all doing a good business. The two charities that the Mississippi Classic Cruisers, the car club managing the event, support are SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and Hope Hollow. Both of these organizations had vendor spots also and did good business. The “Cruise” portion of the event left Reunion Subdivision out on Highway 463 about 10 miles West of Madison. The Madison police department provided an escort for the roughly 50 participants that enjoyed the nice drive back into town and onto the grounds site. The crowd at the show site looked much like the Mississippi State Fair…..huge! DJ Dave Worman did his usual great job of providing the DJ voice over on the PA system. At about 2:30pm the individual award winners were announced with over 150 plaques being given out. The 14th annual Scarecrow event was a complete success in everyone’s eyes. Many thanks goes to Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler and to the personnel of the City of Madison. Without their help this worthwhile event could not be pulled off. ……… See you next year!
Hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas with families and friends, and here is hoping you have a wonderful and prosperous New Year. This year for me will be exciting and challenging.
Let me explain. I have this project that my now 8 yr old grandson has claimed. I call it Chases' Big Truck. I have been working on this off and on for quite some time. Well this year it must get finished or at least drivable. Because I am now out of the fun with cars loop, I recently sold my Hot Rod. Yes its gone and come car show and cruise night season I will be without. This will tend to motivate me, I hope. This absence of a vehicle to partake in all of the fun should do wonders to make me want to get-r-done. I have been in this situation several times in my hot rodding past, it's not a real big deal, I just have to get focused and make a few sacrifices and next thing we know I will be out rolling the roads again. Quite honestly there is not a whole lot more to spend on pieces, its mostly time and effort that is needed to make this project drivable. Notice I did not say finished, to me they don't have to be finished to drive. In the mean time I am looking for the next hotrod project to replace my roadster. People have asked what's next? My honest reply is, well I just don't know, I think when I finally find it, and it reaches out and gets me, and draws me in like a moth to a flame, or like a fish hook on my bottom lip that I can't shake loose, that will be the one. Wish me luck on completing the Big Truck Project, and also on my search for my next hotrod build or buy. Once again have a Great New Year, and I hope to see you all down the road somewhere. Till next month, from the Carriage House, Later Gizmo
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Leathernecks Toy Run On December 2 the Leathernecks put on a toy drive benefiting Angel Tree Ministry, we had 140 motorcycles participate from clubs and independent riders from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, and a hot rod from Arkansas. We gathered two SUV loads of toys and raised over 1500.00 dollars for this worthy cause.
The Cole Report Jan. 2018 I started out this Month in Biloxi with the MS. Gulf Coast Mustang Club and their annual car show/food drive collection. Always a good turnout for this cause. The next week made it to Gulfport for the Coast Cruizers annual toy/food drive, along with their yearly special needs van giveaway. This one's always one of my favorites to be
By: Michael Lachaussee
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will stop old car enthusiast! As you can see from the photo, it was a lonely time for those who did show up. Dale Patterson drove his Chevy in the really bad weather all the way from Wiggins for the monthly breakfast. Melvin and Kathryn Howard, Lester Mallette, Mike Lachaussee and Joyce O'Brien came but weren't brave enough to travel in their stock vehicles without heat. We pray everyone had a Merry Christmas and has a Happy New Year and stay safe. Remember the reason for this joyous season. We will hopefully see everyone on the second Friday January 12th at Hardee's in Lucedale, bad weather or not. Corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 7:30am till. For info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 Nov 26, 2017 The 44th Annual Turkey Run Brian Barsema The Greatest Stock Car Track ever and a car show, what can be better. Turkey Run in Daytona Florida 44 years of amazing rides. Year in year out this show attracts sponsors, cool cars, and venders. This year work and play I spent very little time at the show of shows. I managed to attend on Sunday after all the goof ball playing is over, Sundays are for bargain shopping and car hunting. Sunday is the day it all wraps up prices go low and the big crowds of thousands of people go to a couple hundred. I needed parts for a Corvette and a 65 Mustang if you know where to look you can find anything here. This is one of the larger shows in the country so people come by the truck loads to sell cars, parts, and projects. The cars on the for sell lot are every bit as good as the show lot. Amazing rides left and right I walked all over, 10 miles in a short time on Sunday. No mistaken the crowds are smaller but the savings on sales from people not wanting to reload a truck are worth it. If you ever get a chance stay till Sunday but bring your wallet and stay an enjoy one of the largest shows on the East Coast. A yearly staple this show is hard to match. So now as I go to the couch for what I spent, my garage is full of new projects for the Holidays. Here is to wishing everyone a great holiday season!
involved with. To see these families faces really is amazing. Always a great job by the Club. The following week was our Misfits Street Krewzers 17th annual toy drive in Bay Saint Louis. Lots of toys/gifts were donated at this one. Ended out the toy drives with KaotiK Kreations in Gulfport for their annual Toys for Tots collection. Over five boxes of toys donated at this one. They even had Santa Scott out for the kids and a fun day was had by all that came out. Made a few Pass Christian Harbor cruise-in’s and the Long Beach Harbor cruise-in these cruisein’s keep going through the winter. As always see y'all somewhere or everywhere and remember to watch for our friends on bikes out cruising also. Allen
Happy New Year! May your 2018 be blessed with love, happiness and peace. At the beginning of a New Year many of us make a resolution for the year ahead. Some of us resolve to lose weight, get healthier, quit a bad habit or spend more quality time with our loved ones. According to historians, the tradition of New Year’s resolutions dates back to early Rome in 153 B.C. The Romans believed that the god, Janus, for whom January is named, had two faces and that he looked back on the past and forward on the future at the same time. The end of the year became a time for the Romans to make resolutions for the new year and forgive problems and troubles in the past. They believed that Janus could forgive their past wrongdoings and they made promises to him so he would to see their desire to do better and therefore bless them in the year ahead. While our resolutions are no longer intended to honor Janus and gain his blessings, we recognize that each year is a chance to symbolically start over and be a better person. Some of us take this time to look back at the dreams and goals we had when we were younger and make note of how far we’ve come toward achieving that dream or how far we have drifted astray. A dear friend of ours, C. Conrad Claus, is one of those people. Conrad always wanted to be a police officer. When he told his father of his plans, they were strongly frowned upon so Conrad veered off path and became a very successful defense attorney practicing in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was frequently the professional “expert” consulted by Vegas news stations for his legal opinion on high-profile cases. He became an instructor for the LVPD and nationally ranked in martial arts. In the past few years, he met and fell in love with his soul mate, Aisha McKenzie, and started a family. They are now married and have two very small daughters, Ariadne and Avalon.
didn’t help. He became increasingly discouraged and worried about being able to make the time requirement for his 5-mile run. He was 15 seconds over and time was running out for him. Finally, after Thanksgiving weekend when he had worked many hours on the street for the Crescent City Classic, he had to run one more time. He had iced his tendon as much as possible and resolved, one more time, to give that run everything he had. His classmates lined the course cheering and encouraging him literally every step of that run. He said that he had never before tried so hard or hurt so much to come in last in anything in his life, but he made it. He crossed the finish line in the allotted amount of time. His biggest hurdle had been conquered. Conrad graduated with NOPD Recruit Class #180 this week. Charlie and I were proud to be there to see him get his well-earned badge. His face reflected pride and joy and relief. Standing there wearing his new badge I recognized what making a resolution and sticking with it, no matter what obstacles are laid before you, can do. Conrad has finally made his long-held dream a reality.
NOPD Officer C. Conrad Claus gets his badged pinned on by his wife, Aisha McKenzie. Conrad’s classmates included Jacquen Hunter. Officer Hunter’s sister, Natasha Hunter, was also a NOPD officer. She was killed by a drunk driver in 2016 while working an accident scene. Officer Hunter was given her sister’s badge to wear as her own. Her classmates resolved to be her family now. Despite his professional successes and personal joys, Conrad’s heart was still longing for law enforcement. He resolved to follow his heart. Now in his mid-40’s, Conrad enlisted with the New Orleans Police Department and moved to New Orleans to start the Academy. Aisha fully supported him in completely turning their lives and lifestyle upside down. She and his girls followed him to New Orleans once she finished up some professional obligations and was able to get their home and possessions squared away. Conrad did not have it easy. Despite his martial arts experience and other physical demands, he was not in good physical shape. He needed to lose weight and meet stringent, demanding guidelines running and swimming. During his time in the Academy, Conrad tore his Achilles tendon and had to have surgery. This sidelined him, and he didn’t graduate with his class as he had hoped. The NOPD, however, kept him in the next Academy class. Despite his surgery, he still had to meet the criteria for running 5 miles in a specified time limit. He didn’t have the chance to properly rehab it, so his tendon often flared causing him a great amount of pain. Standing and walking for long hours on the streets during training
Officer Jacquen Hunter in front center. Also in the class were Officer Clint Sullins and Officer Ashley Sullins. Clint was recruited from the military by the NOPD and his wife Ashley, joined with him. Their mothers and their 4 young children were all there. They resolved to work hard and risk everything to provide a better world for their children to grow up in.
Officer Clint Sullins, second from left and Officer Ashley Sullins on right.
NOPD recruits awaiting their badges. I resolve to stand, not just behind The Blue, but with them. Today and every day. What is your resolution?
Officer D. T. Broussard receiving her badge. The Sullins Family waiting for both their mom and dad to receive their NOPD badges. I asked some of the new officers why they wanted to be police officers and their answers often echoed the ones before: they have a calling, they want to be part of the solution and they want to make a difference in this fractured City. They have resolved to be strong, positive, honest, trustworthy citizens and role models.
NOPD Recruit Class #180 saying a prayer asking for protection and guidance as they go forth to protect their City of New Orleans.
Daddy’s badge
please go to my “PhotoHoe” Facebook page. Be sure to “Like” it while you are there.
Officer C. Conrad Claus being sworn in.
OLDSMOBILE’S AND YAZOO’S By Mike Martin I was raised in the 1960’s in a sleepy little central Mississippi town, Crystal Springs. My mother, sister and I moved there in 1957 after the death of my father in Texas in a car accident that year. Crystal Springs was my mother’s hometown and she had a sister and brother there. It was a wonderful place to grow up. I was much interested in automobiles and the “Muscle Car” era of that time. In 1963 my mother told me that I needed to “get to work” and she had some ideas about how to go about doing just that. The grass grew good in Crystal Springs and Mama knew folks would pay to have their grass cut. She and I went to the small hometown bank Trucker’s Exchange Bank. We talked with a lady vice-president that Mama knew well. Yazoo Manufacturing in Jackson, Mississippi manufactured big wheel Yazoo mowers. These were legendary locally as being fine and tough push mowers. A new one at Mr. Ates’ Standard Station on the Square in Crystal Springs was $130, a fortune in the day. Mama co-signed for me and I was in business at the age of 13! I picked up about 10 yards most paying $1.50 or $2 per mowing but Dr. Little’s big yard (3 hours non-stop mowing) paid an incredible $5! Our little house was at the end of Dampeer Street. The fellow next door worked as a contractor at the U. S. Air Force radar base located in Crystal Springs. Don’t ask how a radar based ended up in this little town, but having a couple of powerful US Senators might have had something to do with it. I doubt if they ever tracked an enemy “bogy”! The Air Force fellow next door was a car lover and he had a succession of automobiles. One that I liked was a 1956 Chevrolet Sedan, 265 “Power Pack” with three speed and overdrive. He would take me for brief rides and the car was (to me) fast and fine. One day he told me he wanted to sell it. $400. I was interested but I never even considered that I could be the owner. A few days later I was pushing the Yazoo down the street and walked passed his house. I saw the ’56 sitting there. Suddenly, it hit me! I had been mowing plenty of yards and I had $400. I could buy the ’56! Actually I could buy it if Mama would go along with the deal. I was a 16-year-old high school sophomore at this time. Mama was tired of hauling me everywhere so she didn’t fuss too much and I took the $400 to the neighbor and just that quick I was the owner of a fine blue Chevrolet sedan. This vehicle served me well from 1966 through 1969. I modified it a bit with a 396 engine (a summer’s work) and Muncie 4 -speed transmission (a second summer). It took me through high school and a couple of years of college. My best buddy Bill Price had a similar equipped ’55 Chevy BelAir sedan and was going to the same college as I. His father wanted him to have a more dependable automobile so a 1969 Chevelle SS was ordered. That was never going to work for me so in order to keep the pace, I was on the hunt for a more modern car for myself. I saw a good looking 1967 Oldsmobile 442 on the lot of Paul Moak Pontiac in Jackson and pulled in. Silver with 400 cubic inch engine and 4 speed (no power steering, brakes, or AC) that baby was fast! Mama helped me with the purchase. The Pontiac dealer gave me $900 on the trade in. Pretty good for a hot rod car. Real life started to intrude on my idyllic car life. But not before I had traded the ’67 in 1971 for a new ’71 Olds 442, with air hood, all power, and air this time. Marriage and two kids came into the picture and the 442 was sold and replaced with a 4-door Delta 88.. My hot rod buddy bettered me with 3 kids and a van. But we had been bit by the muscle car bug and that evidently is a long-lasting bite. After a 30-year career in the insurance business, I retired. I built a garage behind my home to house the 1967 and 1971 Olds 442’s that I had purchased. They weren’t my originals but very similar automobiles. Following my retirement, a friend asked if I could restore his friend’s 1961 Desoto.. Answering in the affirmative that I though I could, I now find myself with a growing restoration hobby. My long-time hotrod buddy in Crystal Springs has joined me in restoring the same classic cars we loved all those years ago. The story has come full circle and I am still trying to honor my Mama’s words, “Get to work.” Mike Martin Mikeamartin02349@gmail.com 601-906-1196
Don’t drive aggressively Driving on busy, crowded roadways can be stressful. But aggressive driving is never the answer. The Department of Motor Vehicles defines aggressive driving as “the act of operating a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of others.” Here, are some tips on how to avoid it:
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If you’re feeling stressed or irritated before heading out, try to relax first. “Easy listening” music may help you calm down. Give the roadway your full attention, and don’t let yourself be distracted by eating or grooming. Never talk on a cellphone while driving. Try to give other motorists the benefit of the doubt. Refrain from driving slowly in the left lane. Remember that how another person is driving has nothing to do with you. Don’t take other people’s behaviors personally. Give yourself plenty of time for traveling and factor in delays, such as bad weather, traffic or road construction. Know that you may be delayed. Take a deep breath and accept it. Slow down as conditions warrant, and keep a safe following distance. Never make gestures with your hands – keep them on the wheel. “Avoid making any gestures that might anger another driver, even seemingly harmless expressions of irritation like shaking your head,” CDMV states. If another driver is determined to get in front of you, let him or her. This response soon will become easy for you and you won’t be as offended by the actions of others. If you are confronted by an aggressive driver, make every reasonable attempt to get out of the person’s way. Never challenge the other driver by speeding up or attempting to block the person’s vehicle. Refrain from making eye contact and ignore any gestures the driver may make.
If this doesn't light your fire ... your wood is wet! I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn't sure I wanted one. I wasn't sure how my customers would react to Stevie. He was short, a little dumpy with the smooth facial features and thicktongued speech of Downs Syndrome. I wasn't worried about most of my trucker customers because truckers don't generally care who buses tables as long as the meatloaf platter is good and the pies are homemade. The four-wheeler drivers were the ones who concerned me; the mouthy college kids traveling to school; the yuppie snob s who secretly polish their silverware with their napkins for fear of catching some dreaded "truck stop germ," the pairs of white-shirted business men on expense accounts who think every truck stop waitress wants to be flirted with. I knew those people would be uncomfortable around Stevie so I closely watched him for the first few weeks. I shouldn't have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around his stubby little finger, and within a month my truck regulars had adopted him as their official truck stop mascot. After that, I really didn't care what the rest of the customers thought of him. He was like a 21-year-old kid in blue jeans and Nikes, eager to laugh and eager to please, but fierce in his attention to his duties. Every salt and pepper shaker was exactly in its place, not a bread crumb or coffee spill was visible when Stevie got done with the table. Our only problem was persuading him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished. He would hover in the background, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, scanning the dining room until a table was empty. Then he would scurry to the empty table and carefully bus dishes and glasses onto his cart and meticulously wipe the table up with a practiced flourish of his rag. If he thought a customer was watching, his brow would pucker with added concentration. He took pride in doing his job exactly right, and you had to love how hard he tried to please each and every person he met. Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. They lived on their Social Security benefits in public housing two miles from the truck stop. Their social worker, who stopped to check on him every so often, admitted they had fallen between the cracks. Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home. That's why the restaurant was a gloomy place that morning last August, the first morning in three years that Stevie missed work. He was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester getting a new valve or something put in his heart. His social worker said that people with Downs Syndrome often have heart problems at an early age so this wasn't unexpected, and there was a good chance he would come through the surgery in good shape and be back at work in a few months. A ripple of excitement ran through the staff later that morning when word came that he was out of surgery, in recovery, and doing fine. Frannie, the head waitress, let out a war hoop and did a little dance in the aisle when she heard the good news. Marvin Ringers, one of our regular trucker customers, stared at the sight of this 50-year-old grandmother of four doing a victory shimmy beside his table. Frannie blushed, smoothed her apron and shot Marvin a withering look. He grinned. "OK, Frannie, what was that all about?" he asked. "We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay." "I was wondering where he was. I had a new joke to tell him. What was the surgery about?" Frannie quickly told Marvin and the other two drivers sitting at his booth about Stevie's surgery, then sighed: " Yeah, I'm glad he is going to be OK," she said. "But I don't know how he and his Mom are going to handle all the bills. From what I hear, they're barely getting by as it is" Marvin nodded thoughtfully, and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables. Since I hadn't had time to round up a busboy to replace Stevie and really didn't want to replace him, the girls were busing their own tables that day until we decided what to do. After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins in her hand and a funny look on her face. "What's up?" I asked.
"I didn't get that table where Marvin and his friends were sitting cleared off after they left, and Pete and Tony were sitting there when I got back to clean it off," she said. "This was folded and tucked under a coffee cup." She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it. On the outside, in big, bold letters, was printed "Something For Stevie." "Pete asked me what that was all about," she said, "so I told him about Stevie and his Mom and everything, and Pete looked at Tony and Tony looked at Pete, and they ended up giving me this." She handed me another paper napkin that had "Something For Stevie" scrawled on its outside. Two $50 bills were tucked with in its folds. Frannie looked at me with wet, shiny eyes, shook her head and said simply: "truckers." That was three months ago. Today is Thanksgiving, the first day Stevie is supposed to be back to work. His placement worker said he's been counting the days until the doctor said he could work, and it didn't matter at all that it was a holiday. He called 10 times in the past week, making sure we knew he was coming, fearful that we had forgotten him or that his job was in jeopardy. I arranged to have his mother bring him to work. I then met them in the parking lot and invited them both to celebrate his day back. Stevie was thinner and paler, but couldn't stop grinning as he pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart were waiting. "Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast," I said. I took him and his mother by their arms. "Work can wait for a minute. To celebrate your coming back, breakfast for you and your mother is on me!" I led them toward a large corner booth at the rear of the room. I could feel and hear the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw booth after booth of grinning truckers empty and join the procession. We stopped in front of the big table its surface was covered with coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates, all sitting slightly crooked on dozens of folded paper napkins. "First thing you have to do, Stevie, is clean up this mess," I said. I tried to sound stern. Stevie looked at me, and then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins. It had "Something for Stevie" printed on the outside. As he picked it up, two $10 bills fell onto the table. Stevie stared at the money, then at all the napkins peeking from beneath the tableware, each with his name printed or scrawled on it. I turned to his mother. "There's more than $10,000 in cash and checks on that table, all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems. "Happy Thanksgiving." Well, it got real noisy about that time, with everybody hollering and shouting, and there were a few tears, as well. But you know what's funny? While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table.. Best worker I ever hired. Plant a seed and watch it grow.
By: Terry
Mason Barfield
As we get ready to start a brand new year, I think it's important to look back at the last 12 months, savor the good, see how we can adjust or change the bad… to make the coming year a good one. Life is an adventure; we never know what is around the next corner or down the road. 2017 was a great one for The Hot Rod Show. It is so much fun to travel to car shows and see all the folks that I maybe only get to see at a particular car show or event. I work hard at each car show raising money for charity via the Mega 50/50 jackpots. When you add up the yearly totals, it's an impressive number and I always wonder what good works are accomplished through these proceeds. I am constantly adding more elements to the Hot Rod Show. I'll be riding down the road and get an idea for an element for the show, an old commercial, a promo idea, a movie bit, a TV show bit, or a song that is missing from the show. It's really a labor of love. Once I come up with an idea, it may take three or four hours in the studio to make it come together. Some work out and some are discarded when after hours of work they don't match my vision. Besides the music, I have almost a thousand pieces I can use during the show. It really comes in handy when you have a two or three day car show. The Hot Rod Show is all about taking a cruiser on a trip down memory lane, to trigger those thoughts and memories we all connect with, whether it be through music, a movie we enjoyed, a TV show we loved, but mainly just the memories what our life was like back in the 50's, 60's and 70's when life was a little simpler. My hope and goal is that I can trigger those memories that take you back to the good ole days. We run across those triggers all the time. My hope is I can bunch them up in a short period of time and make you forget, at least for a while that we are in 2018. I'm already booking show dates for 2018, there are only so many show dates available and it seems everyone wants the same dates. Personally for me 2017 was a ride, four surgeries, put to sleep five times and everything worked out just fine, but it was an adventure and I've never taken so many pain pills and I were very grateful that I had them. A new job I started that started out like gangbusters and then fizzled toward the end. So 2018 will be a new adventure in the job market. But my part time jobs with Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine and The Hot Rod Show will continue. While I can never replace 34 years with my late wife Scotty… she can't be replaced, I look forward to finding that special soul mate. Maybe that will come in 2018, who knows, maybe, maybe not. At this point in my life I may be too set in my ways and I have gotten a little too happy with my independence. Scotty used to tell me if anything ever happened to me, there would be no one else, “I'm not training another man” she would say. In ways I'm the best I've ever been… in the best time of my life and in other ways giant holes exist. I guess that is what makes life so interesting, when you wake up in the morning you never know what the day will bring and I guess that is the only way it should be. Right now we are stuck in the middle of winter, the car show off season, a time to get stuff done as we prepare for the 2018 car show season and what lies ahead. And what will 2018 bring…that
Courtney Hannsen
is what makes us get up in the morning, make our beds and put one foot in front of another. Hope you enjoy my favorite photos from 2017… til next month… Terry terrymasonbarfield@gmail.com
Ken & Linda Barfield and their ‘34 Mercedes
Kenny “KW” Cook
Stock car racer Dave Mader III & car owner girlfriend Paris Wixon
“Chicken Willie” Jerry Cuevas, Donna Holland
Donna Tashik
Pop Langlois and the boss!
Actor Stan Shaw at the New Roads, LA. show
“Chicken Willie” & Jimbo Perkins
terrymasonbarfield@gmail.com Facebook: Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you're there or search for “Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” on YouTube.com for the show demo or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I want to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. The Emerald Coast Car Show has come and gone, but all I can tell you if you missed this show you missed a good time. I was in Hot Rod alley where I sat up, I hung my NSRA banner Come join the fun and got 3 new members.
3) Walker Branham and his wife Ruth were in their Corvette 78 pace car. They sold the car without any pictures of Ruth with the car, so I was glad to send he a couple I had taken. Till February (Wow time is just going by too Fast) Donna
1) Lawrence Boyd and his wife Debbie from Diamondhead were there in their 93 Chevy SS custom truck. This was their first time to this Emerald Coast but said they are making plans for next year.
MS Gulf Coast Area Jerry Cuevas 228 326-7489 2) Jimmy C. O'Brien and his wife Becki from Milledgeville,Ga. were in 39 Chevy Coupe. They had purchased 6 month before the show. They were retired and wanted to play. They have 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 21 Great Grandchildren and sometimes we just got to get away. I understand.
Little Rock MS Area Johnny Knochenmuss 601-938-3060
Brandon MS Area Thomas Yates 601 832-9646
Event Info: May 17-19 New Iberia, LA. Annual Cruisin Cajun Country Cruise around Cajun Country for 3 days visiting different venues all around Acadaina. There will be Food, Fun and Entertainment including bands and other surprises. More information visit cruisincajuncountry.com or email cruisincajuncountry@gmail.com
Host Hotel: Ramada Conference Center 337-367-1201
I am so proud to be a part of an organization, that has been blessed so that we can give back to those who need. God has blessed Cruisin Cajun Country with great members, sponsors and participants. A very big thank you to everyone for supporting Cruisin Cajun Country. Jimbo, The club is very busy finding great venues and great entertainment for all of our cruisers. We promise not to disappoint. So get ready for some good Cajun Hospitality and Come Pass a Good Time!! Wednesday The before party. Our early birds are invited to cruise over to one of our local restaurants where you will find authentic cajun food. We will sit and enjoy a meal together. Reserved seating has already been set and it's Dutch treat with a full menu of options. Thursday Registration opens at the Ramada Conference Center. We will leave in two groups. You can pick which cruise you'd like to go on. Both tours will include local points of interest. Thursday evening will be our opening ceremonies where everyone will be together for a kick off party. Friday Registration is open at the Ramada Conference Center. We will have a poker run through St Martin Parish ending at the beautiful Longfellow Park were we will be serving our registered guest lunch! Friday night will be our 10th Anniversary Celebration Event held at the Ramada Ballroom. All registered cruisers are invited for a great meal and entertainment. Saturday Registration is open until noon. All cruisers will drive over to Sugar Mill Pond in Youngsville. We will have our second poker run in and around Youngsville. There will be lots of activities during the day including shopping, crafts, local homemade goods and a Jam session. If you play and instrument or like to sing you are welcomed to join in. There is an 8 acre pond, boardwalk, gazebo, restaurants and retail stores within the development. Lots to do and see. Saturday Night we will have a car parade through downtown New Iberia ending at Bouligny Plaza where there will be food and entertainment for registered guest. For more information and registration please visit our website Cruisincajuncountry.com or email cruisincajuncounty@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook.
Phyllis and Fred Romero lead the cavalcade of vehicles along Main Street for the Cruisin’ Country Car Show. Corey Vaughn / The Daily Iberian
Cruisin Cajun Country is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation of Classic, Muscle, Antique and modern Sports Vehicles, and has donated to National Ataxia Foundation, Wounded Warrior, Fisher House, Iberia Pregnancy Center .
www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com
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Wow, where did 2017 go? Time flies whether I am having fun or not, so I have chosen to have fun. The car -show/car-cruising season is shorter in Indiana so I have a tendency to stuff a lot of events into a short period of time. I feel as if I am just running and merrily trying to fit 12 months of typical car guy fun into 7 or 8 months. It literally feels like a race sometimes. This year was no exception. Once the season is over, it is such a let-down. Now is the time when I work on my street rod for the upcoming spring. A highlight this season was traveling to Panama City Beach in November to the Emerald Coast Cruizin'. It is chilly in Indiana at that time of the year and we often have snow. It is much more pleasant in Florida. That is a great time for me to come south. It is so tempting every year to stay and not go home. Jimbo and Nancy Perkins always treat me like family as do the Coast Cruizers. It doesn't get much better than that. I find it beneficial to mingle among the crowd at the cruise in, meet new people, listen to what they are interested in and get new ideas from them. This year I presented two extremely deserving friends, Jimbo and Nancy Perkins, the coveted “Cubby� Awards. This award recognizes and celebrates the consummate car enthusiast. You will see the formal pageant captured with a photo in this article. The Emerald Coast Cruizin' being on Veteran's Day touched me deeply. Folks, we all know, or should know, that the Veterans of this great United States have protected, served, sacrificed, and in many cases made the Ultimate Sacrifice to maintain our way of life. We cannot take it for granted. I was proud to be among so many many veterans, past and present, and touched by their stories. I felt the tributes given at the show were well deserved. I could write on and on about what I enjoyed about my trip to Panama City Beach and the quality and types of vehicles I saw. Every single one of us has different tastes in cars and different opinions on what they particularly enjoy. All I need to say is it was a magnificent show from my standpoint, and if you have never been there, you need to go. Enjoy the photographs I have selected, and I hope to see and talk to you at a show or cruise near you.
Gotta Cruise! Cubby Anyone who wants to contact me directly may do so at this email address. trunktalesbycubby@yahoo.com (No capitals.)
A 4 car drag race ! No wait, a 4 in one drag race, No, wait a 5 person drag race???
By: Scott Strenzel aka “Scooter”
Anyway maybe I have your attention on this crazy one. Basically to clear up the title, Its about 4 people in my 58 and one in a 62 Poncho, drag race.
My buddy Jerry and I are cruising in Evart 12 mile to the east on a Saturday night. Let me tell you this cool town was one of the biggest supporters of drag racing there was back in the 60's. The local car guys had used a 100' tape measure and walked off 1320 feet about 200 feet east of the city limits, and painted a 6 inch wide start line and a 12 inch wide finish line all of the way across both lanes of Michigan US highway 10. On just about any Friday or Saturday night there would be any where from 6 to 15 cars out there waiting to drag race with more kids hanging around. They'd be in the yard of a house on the north side of the road with the owner not having a problem with the noise and rubber smoke in those days. Plus, GET THIS the city cop would set in his cruiser at the gas station on the edge of the city limits and watch us and even had been known to give a toot of the horn and a couple rotations of his red bubble gum machine to warn us if he had heard the state boys were heading this way. Jerry and I both had had lovers quarrels with our steady's so we were on the prowl to find a couple of gals that we could get to hang with us in the 58! Well to hurry up the non car stuff I got Marsha the gal that actually lived in the house at the starting line, and Jerry got her best friend, Jackie that her parents owned the local greenhouse to ride with us and have some fun. OK! Here's the seating arrangement of the 2 passenger 58 Vette set up. I'm driving or at-least ¾'s driving, Jerry is in the middle next to me on the U joint tunnel mostly, with Marsha sitting next to him squashed against the passenger door with the, a bit lighter Jackie on her lap. We head from the A&W out to the drag race happenings. Hell we even wrapped my dual 12” inch Cherry Bombs for the city cop and he just waved. Moving on, with some of the logistics of this set up. There was usually a flash light guy at the start (Just like Toad in American Graffiti) and a car load or at-least a couple of nerd Desoto or Rambler family car drivers we'd choose to be at the finish line to tell us which lane won. Generally all of us racers would chip in a dime or so, so the finish line kids could get some food later on. Most races were for the fun of it, but ever so often it might be for $2 to $5 bucks to the winner. Nancy, a gal in my class was going with and eventually married an older out of school guy we called Rocky. He has this super fine Honduras Maroon 62 Bonneville with a 389 4 barrel set up with a 4 speed, 8 lugs and lake dumps. He challenged me/ us to a race for a buck each. But because I was so much lighter than his Poncho he wanted the 4 of us for weight to stay in my Vette. I said OK but give us a half an hour to head the other way out of town and practice shifting with 4 in the car. He said OK, and we headed west on US-10 to practice. I'll hit the high spots on our set up. I had to come out of the hole at 4800 RPM's, instead of my usual 3800 RPM's due to the extra passengers. Plus Jerry had to be doing the shifting as fast as possible with me jamming in and out on the clutch. That took some time with a few ground gears to get it so I / we could do a cobbled power shift with it revving up to 6800 between the 2-3 shift and less with the 1-2 shift. I figured my best chance was at the line and before 3rd gear as Rocky would be coming on strong as he had more top end than I did with 3 something gears. We ripped him bad
out of the hole and won buy about a half a big car length. If it had been another 100 feet we'd of lost. We blew the $2 bucks and a bit more taking the gals to Big Rapids about 30 miles away to eat at that A&W and cruise till all hours of the night. Yup, you guessed it we did make a make out stop with Marsha and I in the 58 and Jerry and Jackie leaning against the passenger rear fender, with the both of us guy working on getting a free tonsil check or two. Life was good in the good old days big time. A quickie with Marsha from Evart?? NO! It is not what you think. A week or so after the above drag racing story from Evart when I was seeing Marsha and Jerry was still seeing Jackie, this unexpected attention gathering incident happened for me. I had some time off work and ripped the 12 miles to Evart to hopefully see Marsha and take her to Mischler's Drive in for a root beer. I pulled into her house which if you remember, was at the starting line of the local Drag race white painted line across US-10 highway. Her mom answered the door and told me Marsha was down Jackie's' family floral shop, about a half a block north of the business section of the 1800 population town. I cruised over there, racked the cherry bombs, Marsha, Jackie and Jackie's mom came out to say hell-o. After saying hi to the mom + 1st as always for brownie points, I asked if I could get her to go for a Root Beer with me at Mishler's Drive-In. Marsha was glad to see me, caught me by surprise with a quickie kiss and then caught me off guard by asking me in front of them if she could drive the Vette the 4 or 5 blocks to Mishlers? I figured what the hell, in 4 or 5 city, down town blocks she can't do too much wrong! Right? Wrong! I jumped over the passenger door and slide down into my black tuck N roll passenger seat. Marsha slid in the drivers side, fired it up, and impressively asked if I felt the engine had had enough time to be warmed up and that the oil had completely ran threw the whole engine? Golly I been teaching her good! Plus she's, good looking, built and car smart. What more could a guy want. There was a stop sign about 100 feet away at the corner. Where we'd have to turn right to head thru down town to the other end of the city to get our Root Beers. She had me almost “think a second” when she stopped about thirty or so feet short of the stop sign? Suddenly, she revved the dual quad, 283, solid lifter, dual point, engine to the proper 3800, hundred RPM's. Dumped the clutch, floor-ed it and burned posi rubber the 30' feet and then tossed it side ways ran the stop sign and slid sideways in to a the 90 degree turn to head the 80 or so feet into the angle parking downtown area of the Evart Wild Cats. I screamed HOLD IT DOWN HONEY! With a smile larger then her certain body parts, she let off of it to gain control as the smoke blew away. She knew I was a bit tense and even offered to buy her Root Beer. I said no, gave her a hug and a smile. But did tell her that no one ever will drive my Corvette again. She was happy and didn't care as the word had gotten out in about 3 to 5 minutes more than the usual number of local cars showed up, razed me and gave her the KOOL KORVETTE GIRL nick name. She was beaming and even I was secretly proud of her because by either luck or skill she had not lost control, wiped out some little old ladies Desoto, or the Mayors 10 year old kid or something not good back down town. FYI, no female EVER drove that Vette again, until I got married when I was 19. Crap! That reminds me of a couple female 60's hot rodding true stories I'll have to share with you in a later in my MotorSports column. Gals do IT DIFFERENTLY!! ??
Scooter scooter4422@comcast.net
The Last Church of Chop! Photos & Story by: Brian Barsema Thanksgiving has come and gone, and in Florida that means a couple of things Turkey Run, Belair Plaza, and Church of Chop. Many bikers can recognize The World-Famous Iron Horse Saloon from the bike week parties that place the bar on the map. Little known is the Church of Chop. Locals and Rat Rodders make this show Rat Rod Heaven. Bikes, Babes, Flame Throwers, A Classic Bar, and Rat Rods this show will be dearly missed. As the last year of Church of Chop, Rat Rodders and bikes filled up this Classic bar. People from everywhere loaded this show leaving no room for parking. During the awesome party that is Church, other Rodders, antiques, and car enthusiast continued to flow in and out replace departing cars. Eventually we ended up over flowing to the gas station next store and ended up becoming a pretty good show in itself. I must say the wild environment that was last years show had calmed with the knowledge of the end of Church approaching. Rodders knew this was Mark’s of Renegade Magazine’s final show. Bike burnouts, to cameramen rolling in the back of Rats going around the show, flame throwers, and burn outs there was constant action. One of the nicest touches of this show are the trophies. Made out of car parts Mark’s custom touch showed through. The trophies are true art that pictures just can’t relay. A little of everything made this show outstanding and party mecca for the kustom culture. Notable Rods included many magazine’s featured rods from Georgia to Florida to COEs that always impress the crowd. I think the two rods, I will not forget were at this show. One is a custom-built knight’s helmet built on a Corvette chassis with snakes for side pipes and secondly a Bruce and Butler Model-T and whatever rat that was truly unique. The sun may have faded on the Last Church of Chop at Iron Horse but memories of going since moving to Florida are priceless. My hopes are someone can take over and host another show here during future Turkey Runs at the Iron horse. Mark of Renegade magazine your last show was amazing and by far your best. Thank you and wish the best for whatever future endeavors bring your way. The most classy way to leave is to be the best!
Stefanie Lea
As our new year kicks off , I bring you a story that gave me hope and might of changed my out look on what the holiday season was really about. After going to my 3rd Christmas party in one day. With one after another benefiting our local community. Like the 10th Annual Ho Ho Hoedown, helping Jessie's Place a home for abused women and children. I'm honored and glad to help in anyway for any & all of these events. With only bringing a few toys or canned goods to each. It just never seemed like enough, mainly cause I understand what it takes to pull an event like this together. We only want them to all be successful for each outreach program we work with. As I was enjoying my time with my friends, live music and even Santa showed to approve of all we had done. I overheard that one of the main bands at the 'next event was broken down on the highway in their RV and the show was canceled. Knowing the last event was one a group of ladies that I know & LOVE personally from The Birmingham Pinups was hosting. Never seeing the band before, not knowing names or ANYTHING at this point. Only they are broken down 30 minutes from the venue, and they happen to be at my exit north of Birmingham. I know where they are No GPS needed! We unloaded my SUV for what equipment and people we could get in here. Then we took off to pick up these complete strangers, broken down in a 1983 RV in my hometown. Off I go to save the band and the out reach the Birmingham Pinups have worked on. As we pulled up 30 minutes later, in the dark the door to the camper opened and with the light behind him a man stepped out, Mr.. Randee McKnight, drums/vocals, driver, originally from Denver Colorado. The RV is one like my grandparents used to have tan and orange even, it was perfect!! As we loaded a upright bass and a few other things in to my SUV, I looked up, and see the door on the camper open. With the glow from the vintage lighting from inside the camper, mixed with the fog from the weather. This is only setting the stage for the one and only Symphonyy Tidwell, from Lakeland Florida. Upright bass player/ vocals for this 2 piece band called The Living Deads. As we drove towards the venue, we had everyone on social media letting everyone know the show must go on! We saved them from the dead RV now at a local garage for repair and part waiting game! And still after all that was gonna’ make it after all!! Plus this is to help our local homeless VA... we needed the turn out to be a good one, and after all these people had to deal with to get here.?!/ Like always we pulled it together and made it happen, even one fan DLB! He was 10 minutes from his home, had given up and was headed home, that's over an hour and half to get back to the venue!
He made a quick U-Turn and enjoyed the night after all, along with supporting The Birmingham Pinups effects! Now understand I love music, I write about music, I follow bands and I have no clue from what stage in what part of the country I'm going to hear next. I can read people and tell you what style they like, sometimes.. and others miss it by a mile. Like this one!! I just meet these two soft spoken, humbled, kind, sober, humans. Cleared eyed open as they are taken in by this venue as they only played here once before to no ONE during a football game. Lesson learned I told them, never play in Alabama on a football game day/night, yet its the best time to go shopping, but that's it! As the strangers' got ready to go on stage, using local bands equipment due to the RV breaking down, short on equipment. Help from everyone to make this happen is starting to pile up and it warms my heart! I was grateful the place is full of people and proud of all The Birmingham Pinups done for our community. Plus now I'm excited to see my new friends play on stage for the first time!! I'm ready to see her tiny little self play that huge upright bass, him on someone else's drums has to be strange. Along with everything else that has went on this evening, seeing it all go down in front of me, I had a moment that stopped my thoughts! About an hour before Symphonyy had said something that just made since to me..... "Everything's Broken but our LoVe!! " Just finding out it was a song they wrote! Ok now that's cool! This whole trip was against them way before the RV even broke down, & this is the out look they live by to keep going! STOP THE PRESS.. people that just love being happy, love doing what they enjoy, travel & enjoy life! They say it was all "Formed under the light of a full moon, then to a new life through the windshield of a RV" as they like to call it home now.
With a tank half empty and hearts full of rage.." You see them come alive on stage. Rock & Roll… One parking lot at a time." is a life style that works for them. "Home is where we are parked!" is one of my favorite sayings, and you can tell, they truly embrace this life style. Then the sound checks are over, and you hear them for the first time, after all the hours, miles, time and energy it took to pull this off. You would never know that was the first time Randee sat behind that set of drums and the bass was loud, front and center. Along with Symphonyys and Randee was a nice surprise for this evening. A local friend showed up and played with them, Mikey Clams was on guitar. But it was that voice coming across the microphone that had everyone in the whole place stop and look toward the stage! Symphonyys voice is like none I have heard. Rockabilly-Psychobilly-Punk-.. (Not everything needs a title, is the way I look at it!) either way this style of music has a sound that is filmier to me, but yet very unique in a way that is very fitting for them both. Watching this beautiful team play on that stage after hours of waiting, they took over the night with this show as all eyes where on them. After the 2nd - 3rd song, I could tell by watching them, as they played original music, from one song to the next, they each went deeper into a trance-like state. As they blocked out everyone in that bar and enjoyed what they really do love to do, & done it well!! I sat back and enjoyed the whole show, it was almost like a ballet. To have a skill that allows a outlet like they have, then to live this free minded life style they have embarked on. I have a respect for it, I'm intrigued by it, I'm a fan now. But if you walk away with anything from this rambling ol' story of mine. Know that helping a couple of strangers isn't something to be taken for granted. Be kind, take care of each other, & remember selfless acts due still happen! I went to help them and they ended up helping me more then you will ever know! Strange how things work that way! You can’t buy this feeling at any store!!! So if you run into my friends in a town near you, swing by and tell them I said Hello, enjoy the show. Take them out for a burger and buy them a rubber ducky … they will love you!
See them .. on Dixietv.tv www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com
I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd.
Gates Open 6 p.m. ∙ Time Trials Start 6 p.m. Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $25.00 ∙ Spectators: $8.00 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00
$50 plus Trophy for each Winner Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout! 2018 January 26-28 BTE King of the Coast. Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com
February 3 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast Winter Classic 1000' Race at Gulfport Dragway. Gates open at 10am. Time trials 10am, eliminations start at 1pm. Grudge Racing · Vendors · Swap Meet. Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. children $5 (10 years & under) Swap Meet Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 8634408) On site camping available. February 13 FAT TUESDAY 1/4 MILE CHALLENGE Gates open 11am Time trials 11am Hourly payouts 12 noon Monte Caldarelli 228 861-6071 February 16-17-18 KING OF THE COAST 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com March 3 Mulligan Mayhem 1/8 mile Monte Caldarelli 228 861-6071 March 9 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm March 10 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile Double Hitter Race 1 9am Race 2 4pm March 17 MOPAR SHOWDOWN Gates open 4pm Time trials 4pm Eliminations 7pm March 23-24-25 150 + 50 RACE 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com March 30-31 DSNPR Scottie 601 606-1158 or Chad 601507-9890 www.facebook.com/DirtySouthNoPrepSeries April 6 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm April 7 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile Double Hitter Race 1 9am Race 2 4pm April 14 DOWNSOUTH BURNERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB April 20-21 ATOMIC BLAST Rat rods Friday gates open 5pm Saturday gates open 9am www.atomicblastshow.com April 28 Beer Festival Kerry Thibodaux 228-223-0423 May 4-5-6 KING OF THE COAST 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com May 11 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm May 12 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile Double Hitter Race 1 9am Race 2 4pm May 25-26-27-28 BLOWOUT All Motorcycles www.facebook.com/memorialdayblowout June 1-2-3 KING OF THE COAST 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com June 8 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm June 9 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile One Race Gates open 4pm June 22 DIESEL TUGS & TRUCKS www.facebook.com/ MSDieselThunder Michael Cassaday 228 263-2550 June 23 STREET WARS & AFTERPARTY Gates open 3pm Hourly payouts 6pm Monte 228 861-6071 www.facebook.com/afterpartygulfportdragway July 13 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm July 14 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile One Race Gates open 4pm August 10 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm August 11 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile One Race Gates open 4pm September 7 TGIF 1000' Clayton Fucich 228 518-0510 Gates open 6pm Time trials 6pm Eliminations 9pm September 8 IHRA SUMMIT SUPERSERIES 1/8 mile Double Hitter Race 1 9am Race 2 4pm
We do appraisals for custom cars and hotrods.!!! Consider us the next time you need a cool or classy car for your special occasion!! We have cool and classy cars available for your next special event. Weddings/Proms/Anniversaries/Etc
1764 Denny Ave, Pascagoula, MS 726 Bienville Blvd., Ocean Springs, MS 10229 Central Ave, Diberville, MS 291 Beauvoir Rd, Biloxi, MS 2223 25th. Ave, Gulfport, MS 15248 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS 19097 Pineville Rd, Long Beach, MS. 1043 Frontage East, Wiggins, MS Auto Zone is built on customer service, spirit and pride. We have a rich history and culture that’s both friendly and casual. But our ULTIMATE goal is to EXCEED our customers’ expectations.
JANUARY 2018 January 6 Gulfport, MS The 2018 Gulf Coast Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Event Planning & Scheduling Meeting will be held at the Clarion Inn, (phone 228-868-3300) Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS. (Exit 34 I-10) meeting will start at 10am. . This is an open invitation to all car & motorcycle clubs, civic organizations and church groups to inform the public of their planed events taking place during the 2018 season. All car/truck & motorcycle event related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular event. Exchange club roster, and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on events and shows on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome... Out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. A master schedule will be combined and distributed to car clubs. If you have any questions, please call 228 596-0664 or e-mail jimbo@dixiepress.com January 6-7 Jackson, MS 2018 BankPlus Racing Vehicle Extravaganza, in the MS Trade Mart on the State Fairgrounds, Special 30th Anniversary Edition, featuring NHRA Top Fuel Driver Clay Millican, Live at the Show Sat 11:00-4;00, along with over 175 Radical Custom, RACE, Drag, Muscle, Classic, Hot Rod, Street Rod, and Performance Cars of all types competing for the largest and most awards of any indoor show in the South!!. Space is limited to the first 175 pre entries. Spaces are 10x20 and entry is $24.00..... Special arrangements must be made for 20x20 spots as only a limited number are available, call to confirm any exceptional needs or displays, NO Goofy Charges for electric or Parking!!.. RV hook-ups available with minimal charge from the fairgrounds. BE a part of history!! 30 Year Anniversary! Vendors Welcome, Space limited call for info. Entry information , or wsbissell@aol.com, or Bill Bissell 601-832-3020.
320 HWY 90, Waveland, MS 1590 South Main St, Poplarville, MS 802 Memorial Blvd, Picayune, MS
January 6 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. January 12 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 January 13 Gulfport, MS Second Saturday Cars and Coffee at The Busted Wrench Garage and Museum, located at 2311 29th Street, Gulfport, from 8am-10am. Join us for FREE coffee and conversations. All vehicles welcome!! Contact for more info: 228864-9082 January 13 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL January 13 Pearl, MS Annual Planning Meeting for all MS street rod clubs. Start at 10:am until 2:30 or 3:pm. The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park. 110 Bass Pro Drive, Pearl, MS 39208 take exit Pearson Road off I-20 East (47B) phone 601 -939-5238 All street rod related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your rod run or car show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular rod run, exchange club rosters and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on street rodding in MS. NSRA Rep. “CW” Smith will
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be on hand. Hopefully, some other guest will be there to make presentations. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome. Lunch will be in the meeting room. Plan to pick up your tab here, but there will be no other expense to attend. Street rod vendors are also welcome to come and make contacts with clubs for their appearances at the various events for 2018, out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. If you have any questions, call CW Smith (601) 833-4606. C-601-695-3890 January 13 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 4pm 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172 January 19-21 Covington, LA 26th Annual Winter Rod Run Clarion Inn & Suites, 501 US Hwy 190, Covington, LA Phone 985893-3580 Games, 50/50, silent auction, cake walk, and lots more. Southern Who Street Rod Association Call Allen 985-630-6315 or Kim 985-774-9535 January 20 Gulfport, MS This event is to celebrate, Arthur Overstreet's 85th birthday! We are trying to surprise him so hoping no one mentions this to him. I had a dream that all his friends started showing up with food for a surprise party so we are doing this like a family reunion where everyone brings a covered dish with your favorite recipe. We will provide the drinks and everything else. We plan to have an hour of good singing celebrating heritage, home and heaven while everyone eats followed by an hour of voting for car awards to be given out with numerous door prizes at 3:00 pm. If you are bringing a custom car please register it by emailing realdealjmo@aol.com with what you are bringing. The church has two parking lots so one will be blocked off for the custom cars with security for while we are eating. Please go to Precious Memories and let us know if you are coming, also like and share with racers, friends and family that know Art. Event will be at 1st Assembly of God Gulfport, 2600 22nd Ave., Gulfport, MS 39501. Information call 228 323-0607 February 3 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast Winter Classic 1000' Race at Gulfport Dragway. Gates open at 10am. Time trials 10am, eliminations start at 1pm. Grudge Racing · Vendors · Swap Meet. Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. children $5 ( 10 years & under) All Swap Meet Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) On site camping available. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over railroad tracks. go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. www.gulfportdragway.com February 3 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. February 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 February 10 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL
March 3 Brookhaven, MS Fielder's Pro Shop Goin' To Town Car Show in beautiful historic downtown Brookhaven, MS. this show is sponsored by Fielder's Pro Shop, Tourism council, and Advance Auto Parts. Mention show for special room rates at the Hampton Inn 601-823-3800 or Comfort Inn 601-835-0055. Pre Entry $10 or $15 day of show. for more information: T-Tommy - 601-833-8620 or Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 601-833-1411 March 3 Jacksonville, FL . 6th annual Kruisin’ 4 Kids Car Show We would like to invite everyone to this show, Lowered, lifted, classic, customs, motorcycles. All makes and models. 40+ awards, Handmade "best of" trophies, BURNOUT CONTEST with cash prize for the winner. Free 8x10 photo, BBQ dinners & Homemade desserts available. We have averaged 175 entries the last 4 years. Come be a part of this awesome event. Registration 9am-11am. $20 per vehicle day of show or http://dbcjax.com/recreation/krusin-4-kids -car-show/ Show 11-2 at Dinsmore Baptist Church, 10500 Old Kings Rd., Jacksonville, March 3 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. March 7-10 Panama City Beach, FL Hot Rods by the Beach Spring Fest Emerald Coast Cruizin' . Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this festival. The Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host hot rods, and cool classics. There will be top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a swap meet and Auto Car Corral. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. www.emeraldcoastcruizin.com (Continued from page 28)
February 10 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 4pm 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172 February 23-25 Baton Rouge, LA 40th Annual R.O.D.S. Run at Gerry Lane Cadillac / Hampton Inn in Baton Rouge, LA. Hosted by the Ramblin' Oldies of Denham Springs car club. Pre-49 only. Food & Drinks vendors, music, free swap meet. Benefits the Hospice Foundation of Baton Rouge. For more info call Lee 225-673-8562 February 24 Bay St. Louis, MS 5th. Annual VFW Auxiliary Post 3253 Open Car & Truck Show 208 third street Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520. Dash plaques to first 50 registered vehicles, top 20 cars, top 5 trucks, 5 specialty awards, best of show, Commanders choice award, John Parent memorial award. Registration 8amnoon. Awards 2:pm. Entry fee day of show $25.00. Silent Auction, Food, Drinks, and dessert available. For more information call bobby 228-493-2033 or Elaine 228-216-9571
March 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 March 10 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) March 10 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, (Continued on page 32)
March 3 Bay St. Louis, MS 20th annual GNAT Nationals Open Car Show. Saturday, March 3, 2018; 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Silent Auction, 50/50, Wipe-Out Board, Prizes Galore, Food, 50’s-60’s Music, Games, Coloring Contest, Dash Plaques, Sponsor Awards, Vendors. Top Prizes !! FUN FOR ALL AGES… Our Lady of the Gulf, 228 South Beach Blvd, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Charities CASA and Senior Citizens of Hancock County. Awards presented at 2:00 P.M. Pre-registration $20.00 by February 21, 2018 $25 day of show. Top 25 Awards, Furthest Driven, Sponsor Awards, Best of Show. Awards to be voted on by Registered Participants. “Our Chefs will be cooking all the good food!!!!” For information: Bobby 228-493-2033 or Donna 228-332-3006 Misfits Street Krewzers · P.O. Box 2101 · Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 Rain Out date March 10th at the Depot in Bay St. Louis
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Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL March 10 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 4pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172 March 16-18 Pearl, MS 40th Annual Dixie Rod Run Presented by: Mississippi Street Rod Association March 16, 17, 18, 2018 Trustmark Park, Pearl, MS. Pre--74 Show Pre-registration: $20.00 After March 1, 2018: $25.00 For more information; call, Mike Summerlin at 601-832-8771 Or e-mail: AAAScale@aol.com Top Ten; pre- 49 - Top Ten; Pre- 74. 50/50 drawing, Friday night BBQ for registered entries, dash plaques, NSRA inspections, swap meet, trophies, games, cash prizes, Grand Prize 350 engine, must be present and registered to win. Ladies Tea: theme; 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s attire. March 17 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast MOPAR Showdown at Gulfport Dragway. MOPAR’S ONLY Gates open at 4 pm for time trials & Eliminations start at 7 pm. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. 228 863-4408
APRIL 2018 April 6-7 Gulfport MS 6th Gulf Coast Auto Show Open Car/ Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at the Best Western (228864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Car show entry of $20. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 7 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This Cruise-in is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and Cruizin' WGCM 1240AM & 100.9 FM . Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 April 7 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. April 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 April 14 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) April 14 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL
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April 14 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172 April 20-21 Gulfport, MS ATOMIC BLAST 7 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/ bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS ( call the Comfort Inn 228-822-9600 - 9379 Canal Rd, Gulfport. Use the code "DRAGWAY" to obtain a Room Discount for Atomic Blast ) Vendor call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 April 21 Mandeville, LA 6th Annual Classic Car Show. Saturday April 21st. 720 Lafitte Street • Mandeville, LA 70448. 9am-3pm. Food • Drinks • Music • Door Prizes • 50/50 Raffle. Entry Fee for Cars & Trucks $20 Pre-Registration Fee $25 Registration Fee Day of Event. Registration Sponsor Plaque Awards, Best of Show, Top 3 Classic Cars, Top 3 Trucks, Top 3 Pre-1941, Vehicles Best Engine Best Interior: Car & Truck. Sale & Trade Booths inside air conditioned hall. Registration Fee • $20 Per 10'x10' Space, Tables Available Use registration form below. Benefits LA Lions Eye Foundation & LA Lions Children's Camp For more information Call 985-626-8862 or 985-626-8614 Rain Date April 22, 2018 April 28, Hattiesburg, MS 7th Annual Deanash Children's Village Open Car Show. 8 am til 1 pm, Pineview Baptist Church 19 Tower Road located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park) Live music featuring Damascus Road at 10:00. Cruise through the park at 11:15. Door prizes, T-shirts, Games, Food, 50/50. Vendors welcome information call Stan Anderson 601-4671138. Proceeds to support the Deanash Children's Village.
MAY 2018
May 3–6 Destin, FL Burning Up The Beaches the MOST partyin, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Car show central is located at Destin Commons, located in the heart of Destin Fl, with fantastic shops such as Bass Pro, Uncle Bucks Fish Bowl, H&M, World of Beer and many many more! At Burning Up the Beaches you get armbands for 2 people, to 3 parties with live music, 5 fantastic stops, dinner on Saturday night, prizes galore, event Decal, one event t-shirt, and car show all for $80 tax deductible dollars! All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast the local ARC Agency serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. Friday May 4, 2018: Destin Commons – Registration Opens 9:00am – 5:00pm Address: 4100 Legendary Dr, Destin, FL 32541 Cruise the stops from 9 to 5, locations TBA. THE Car Show!! 10:00am – 5:00pm Location: Destin Commons Take your spot for the SHOW! Thousands of locals are eagerly anticipating your arrival! Valve Cover Racing, Vendors, Destin Commons GREAT restaurants and shops, Mega 50/50. Burning Up The Beaches is known as “THE FUN ONE” Our awards include: 1. Public Choice 2. Sponsors Choice 3. Boardwalks Best 4. Horizons Clients Choice 5. The Wild Bill award, in memory of Burning up the Beaches supporter Wild Bill Tuttle, awarded by his family to the most fun car and crew. “The Street Party” – After the Car Show (5:30 pm-8:30 pm) – Tastings will be provided via the fabulous restaurants of Destin Commons along with the ever famous Draw
Down with Cash and Prizes!!! Car Corral and swap meet are open all weekend! Here is a great video to show what Burning Up the Beaches is all about! http://burningupthebeaches.com Contact Us Phone: 850-376-1037 or Email: dtashikhorizons@hotmail.com May 5 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 5 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. May 12 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) May 12 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL (Continued on page 36)
(Continued from page 35)
May 12 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172
Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday
10:30am - 10:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 11:00am - 10:00pm
May 17-19 New Iberia, LA. Annual Cruisin Cajun Country Cruise around Cajun Country for 3 days visiting different venues all around Acadaina. There will be Food, Fun and Entertainment including bands and other surprises. Wednesday The before party. Our early birds are invited to cruise over to one of our local restaurants where you will find authentic cajun food. We will sit and enjoy a meal together. Reserved seating has already been set and it's Dutch treat with a full menu of options. Thursday Registration opens at the Ramada Conference Center. We will leave in two groups. You can pick which cruise you'd like to go on. Both tours will include local points of interest. Thursday evening will be our opening ceremonies where everyone will be together for a kick off party. Friday Registration is open at the Ramada Conference Center. We will have a poker run through St Martin Parish ending at the beautiful Longfellow Park were we will be serving our registered guest lunch! Friday night will be our 10th Anniversary Celebration Event held at the Ramada Ballroom. All registered cruisers are invited for a great meal and entertainment. Saturday Registration is open until noon. All cruisers will drive over to Sugar Mill Pond in Youngsville. We will have our second poker run in and around Youngsville. There will be lots of activities during the day including shopping, crafts, local homemade goods and a Jam session. If you play and instrument or like to sing you are welcomed to join in. There is an 8 acre pond, boardwalk, gazebo, restaurants and retail stores within the development. Lots to do and see. Saturday Night we will have a car parade through downtown New Iberia ending at Bouligny Plaza where there will be food and entertainment for registered guest. Host Hotel: Ramada Conference Center 337-367-1201 More information visit cruisincajuncountry.com or email cruisincajuncountry@gmail.com
JUNE 2018
12275 Hwy 49 Gulfport, MS 39503
June 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Jimbo 228 596-0664
Call 228 832-9644
2595 Pass Rd Biloxi, MS 39531 Call 228 331-1749
June 2 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. June 9 Poplarville, MS 11th Annual Blueberry Jubilee Car/ Truck/Bike Show. Lots of good stuff to see at the Arts & Crafts booths and lots of fun stuff going on. Enjoy a fun day with the family & friends. All the usual top this and that awards plus some great extras. We want ya'll to go home happy! Auto related vendors welcome. June 9 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September)
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June 9 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL
(Continued on page 38)
(Continued from page 36)
June 9 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172
JULY 2018 July 7 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Info 228 596-0664 July 7 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. July 14 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) July 14 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL July 14 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172
August 4 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Info 228 596-0664 August 4 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. August 11 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) August 11 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL August 11 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172
SEPTEMBER 2018 September 1 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine Info 228 596-0664
July 27-28 Wiggins, MS 8th Annual Red Creek Classic Car Appreciation Picnic & Cruise-in at Flint Creek Water Park, Highway 29, Wiggins, MS. Friday July 27th - Local stamping stops for prizes. Friday night cruise-in. Saturday July 28th - 8am - 4pm 8th Car Club Appreciation Day Picnic & Cruise-in. NOT A SHOW & NO AWARDS. All Car Clubs and independents are invited to attend - there will be hamburgers, hot dogs & cold drinks. (contributions and donations accepted). There is a large air conditioned building (just in case you need to get out of the heat) and plenty of shade trees. No charge to attend. Places to stay: Best Western Woodstone - 535 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone: (601) 928-1616 / Hampton Inn & Suites Wiggins - 1121 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone:(601) 528-5255 / Flint Creek Water Park, - 1216 Parkway Drive, Wiggins, MS. 39577 Cabin, RV, Campground reservations (601) 928-3051 or (601) 9282753 This show is hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club.
September 1 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. September 7-8 Collinsville, MS Dixie Rodders Car Show & Swap Meet. 8am-2pm at Eddie Watkin’s Shop. 10519 Hwy 19 North, Collinsville, MS 39325. $25 per car—$25 per Swap Meet Spot. 50/50 drawings. $1000 prize purse. Come early Friday Sept 7 for a Cruise-in 5pm-10pm. Information call Johnny 601-938-3060 or Kenny 601-604-5501 or Mike 601-683-9184 September 8 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Cruise-In at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Enjoy local restaurants & 2nd Sat Shopping downtown. Open to all Car/Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. (March thru September) September 8 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL September 8 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Information call Charlie Farmer 601-528-1172
(Continued from page 39)
September 30-October 7 Mississippi Gulf Coast 22nd Annual Cruisin' The Coast - Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Sept. 30 -Oct. 7, 2018 for the 22nd Annual Cruisin’ The Coast featuring all your favorite activities like cruise-ins, headline bands & oldies entertainment, a swap meet, the CTC/Vicari Auto Auction and much more! Book your rooms through MS Gulf Coast Hotel Reservations at 1-888-388-1006 and receive a FREE Window Decal! www.cruisinthecoast.com
Who likes burnouts? Who likes raising money for kids? This church car show has it going on. The burnout contest is serious. I challenge all comers to try to beat last years crew. ……. Brian Barsema
OCTOBER 2018 October 6 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS 6pm - 9pm hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine . Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 October 6 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. October 13 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL October 13 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 5pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Info call Charlie 601-528-1172
NOVEMBER 2018 November 3 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. November 10 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666 advertising sponsor Transmission Magicians Inc. Mobile, AL November 10 Wiggins, MS 2nd Saturday Nite Cruise-in 4pm - 8pm at Wendy’s, 1051 East Frontage Rd., Wiggins, MS 39577 Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. Info call Charlie 601-528-1172
DECEMBER 2018 December 1 Gulfport, MS. 6th Annual North Pole Rod-Run Charity Christmas Cruise-in at the Best Western (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Vendors are welcome. Entry Fee... your donations of New unopened Toys and Non-perishable food items. Items collected will be distributed to Toys For Tots, & Feed my Sheep here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Info: Jimbo 228 596-0664 December 1 Mobile, AL 1st Saturday Po-Boy's Cruise-in at
Tillmans Corner 5pm - 8:30 pm. 5437 US-90, Mobile, AL 36619. (KFC at Tillmans Square) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in at KFC is for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 advertising sponsor Alston Refrigeration Co. Mobile, Al. December 8 Mobile, AL 2nd Saturday-Nite Cruise-in at Whataburger 5pm-8 pm, 9968 Airport Blvd, Mobil, Al. (Corner of Airport Blvd. & Snow Rd. ) the Po-Boy's Cruise-in At Whataburger is for all who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods And Rat Rods, 50/50 proceeds to benefit local charities. DJ Music & info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251-367-6666
TO POST YOUR EVENT EMAIL TO editor@dixiepress.com GO TO www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com
To list your event or Check for event updates JANUARY January 27 Nashville, TN Easyriders 2018 Bike Show The Biggest, Badest Bike Show in North America. The 2018 Easyriders Bike Show Tour is coming to Nashville area at the Nashville Music City Center, 201 5th Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37203. Halls C & D. Featuring the World's Top Bike Builders. And the Industries Top Manufacturing Reps Showing of all of the Industries Latest Products Live Music from your Favorite Bands. Enter Your Bike For Free! Show Hours: 10am-7pm Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Nashville Vanderbilt, 2613 West End Ave., Nashville, TN 37203. Phone (615) 327-4707 Ask for the Easyriders Bike Show Rate. Last day to get discount is January 10, 2018 www.easyridersevents.com/ FEBRUARY MARCH March 2-9 Daytona Thunder Run Motorcycle Run / Rally The route has been set, but we are currently working on the actual locations for each start and stop. We are in contact with Harley Davidson dealerships and other locations to organize as rally points. Keep checking the website (daytonathunderrun.com) for more information and updates. The Wounded Warrior Project is a worthy cause and Daytona Thunder Run stands behind it completely. With all causes it needs support, Daytona Thunder Run is looking for sponsors for the event. Even though we are in talks with some, we can use others, contact us for more information at daytonathunderrun@yahoo.com Daytona Thunder Run is not an organization, association, corporation, or club. Daytona Thunder run is nothing more than a name given to a motorcycle run starting in California and ending in Florida for the sole purpose of raising donations for Wounded Warrior Project. Remember the ride is free, but donations to Wounded Warrior Project is the goal, you decide what you want to donate or not. Even though registration is not a show stopper to ride along, please complete the form so that we can have accurate headcounts, and correct sizes for those who wish to purchase shirts. All riders (including passengers) will be required to turn in a waiver form. This ride is to be fun and cause worthy, some things that don't have to be said but we will anyhow, is BE SAFE! We as a rolling group of motorcycle riders are BIG and BAD‌.. but that semi-truck is bigger and badder. Always be courteous, share the road, this is not a race!! Ask yourself, CAN I DO THIS? Are your skills good enough? Am I in good enough health to participate? Does my bike get at least 200 miles per tank? If you have reservation as to any of these questions we encourage you to not participate in this ride. This is not a ride for the faint of heart, no frills, but hopefully a ton of thrills!!! GOOD NEWS, Daytona Thunder Run is proudly sponsored by
Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys, Founder Russ Brown, the original motorcycle lawyer who rides, started Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys in 1975. His lifelong passion for riding naturally led him to help fellow bikers who were being taken advantage of in personal injury cases. As his attention to bikers' rights and participation in political debates propelled him into the limelight, he quickly became known as the top motorcycle attorney in California, then the U.S. In 2013, Russ was honored to become the first lawyer ever to be inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame. Even More GOOD NEWS, Daytona Thunder Run is proudly sponsored by Viking Bags. Viking Bags was conceived the same way almost every great idea is conceived; out of frustration with the current state of things & out of a desire to change things for the better. Thus began the journey of a thousand miles. One pile of carefully chosen leather and one extensively thought-out saddlebag design at a time. Ever since then, They have not looked back. Daytona Thunder Run is going to be Raffling off a Brand new Kawasaki Z125, The Tickets will be $10.00 for 1 and 5 tickets for $40.00. The Drawing will take place at the final stop, Daytona Beach Fl. (you do not have to be present to win.) DTR is also in need of anyone that would like to volunteer, If you would like to be a Sponsor or a Volunteer at any Start or Stop point along the route, we appreciate anyone that wants to support DTR and the Wounded Warrior Project. March 9-18 Daytona Beach, FL. Daytona Bike Week - Taking place throughout Daytona Beach, Florida the Daytona Bike Week Motorcycle Rally is one of the biggest motorcycle events in the country with over 500,000 motorcycles rolling into Daytona in the spring for Bike Week. There is something for everyone including, old school biker parties, motorcycle races, concerts, bike games, people games and more. This is one Motorcycle Rally you don't want to miss. Check the Official 2018 Daytona Beach Bike Week website (below) for complete schedule and venues. www.daytonachamber.com/bikeweek/ce/ March 10 Mobile, AL Combat Vet's Motorcycle Association Poker Run Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Benefit Poker Run for a Cancer Victim , Daughter of a Combat Vet. Start at America Legion, 4395 St Stephens Rd, Eight Mile, AL 36613 Host CVMA 28-6 Contact 251 242-0219 - Richard Clark " Traveler " rlclark045@yahoo.com APRIL April 5-8 Cleveland, AL Boogie Bottoms - Rally by the River 2018 Spring Kick-Off Rally (8th Year of the Best Adult Only Party) Best "Adult Only" Bike Rally Party in the South. $30.00 per 21+person includes 3-day "armband" pass and Primitive Campsite. Hot Showers and Bathhouses. $75.00 Electrical Hookups for Thursday - Sunday. $10.00 for additional days. Limited Cabins and Bunkhouses available for rent. Bands preform Friday and Saturday nights. ATVs and Golf Carts welcomed but limited speed. Merchandise and Food Vendors available. Private "Gated" Venue
located on 100 acres nestled along side the Warrior River. Lots of shade and grassy camping sites. 310 Sherbet Road, Cleveland, AL 35049 Marty Boatright 205 680-2962 teamb_b2@bellsouth.net www.boogiebottoms.com April 12 – 14, Pigeon Forge, TN 36th Annual Tennessee District “Spring Fling” Sounds of the Sixties. Our host hotels this year are each part of SMOKY MOUNTAIN RESORTS Reservations for any one of them can be made by calling their reservation center at 1-800 -223-6707. Be sure to mention Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) when making your reservation. COUNTRY CASCADES 204 Sharon Drive. Rates starting at $79 / night. This is the Host Hotel and the location for the vendors and most activities. The exceptions are Talent Show and Closing. RAMADA INN PIGEON FORGE SOUTH. 4010 Parkway Rates starting at $60 / night. Convention Center, Location for the Talent Show and Closing. CREEKSTONE INN. 4034 River Road S. Rates starting at $58 / night. Spring http://gwrratn.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ Registration-Form-2018-2.pdf April 15 Dauphin Island, AL Dauphin Island Show April 26-29 Arcadia, LA Louisiana Rumble Adult Spring Break Thursday, April 26 thru Sunday, April 29, 2018. Round the clock ADULTS ONLY party with familiar fun and a few new twists. Enjoy great music, food & fun vendors, Louisiana's wildest bike, cart and people games, and gauntlet-style VIP parking on "Main Street" where the party never ends. Early birds welcome. Rodney will kick things off with his Famous Main Street Pre-Party on April 25th. 20550 Highway 9 Arcadia, LA 71001 phone Bunny at (318) 7098334 - Email info@louisianarumble.com louisianarumble.com Host Louisiana Rumble Productions LLC. Bike or not, everyone 21 AND OVER is welcome!
MAY May 4-6 Mobile, AL Battle In Bama - Hot Rod, Truck & Bike Show Battle In Bama is the Premiere Hot Rod, Car, Truck, and Bike Show on the Alabama Gulf Coast located at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, voted #1 attraction in Alabama! The Premiere Pre-Party will be hosted on the USS Alabama Battleship. Registered participants ONLY! This is a Pre-Party you will not want to miss! Registration: $40.00 - includes two (2) weekend passes. Golf carts must be registered! Spectators: $10.00 day pass - $15.00 weekend pass, Kids 12 and under are FREE! Location USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park, 2703 Battleship Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36602 Hosted by Metal Brothers Hot Rods May 25-27 Gulfport, MS Mississippi Gulf Coast Memorial Day Blowout 2018 Friday, May 25 - Sunday, May 27 Annual event offering a wide array of events such as three racing classes, street war racing, eight bike show classes, unique events to enjoy, and live music. Recommended for Adults only. No dogs. Food & beer available. Camping on 100+ cleared acres. Designated motor home camping (no hookups). Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503 Host Asgard MC www.asgardmc.com/blowout.htm
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Met Kim Peters of Springfield, Ohio at a Swapmeet & Car Show Circleville Ohio. www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com
51 51
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
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1941 Willis truck. 498 big block. Power glide. 9" Ford. Ladder bars. Real gasser from the 60's. Updated NHRA cage. Runs 947 at 1471/4. Runs 630's at 103-1/8. $36,000. Larry 251-510-9066 posted 1/18
For Sale or Trade. Double corner lot on Kuhn Street at Fowler St. & Shell St. Biloxi, MS. Just a few blocks North of the Biloxi Yacht Club and Kuhn Street boat ramp & pier. 15K or trade for car or truck. Call Jeff at 601-562-5680 posted 1/18
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1948 Chevy Sedan Delivery. All steel body, shaved and decked, frenched LED taillights, 3rd brake light, custom v-butt windshield, paint color viper red with silver and gold ghost flames. CHASSIS: Mustang front end with disc brakes, Chevy rear end with air shocks. 350 Chevy engine, PS/PB, aluminum radiator, Vintage Air AC / Heat / Defrost. Chrome: valve covers, a/c compressor, alternator and breather. Cut off switch under hood, battery in rear. Ron Francis wiring 24/7. TRANSMISSION: 700R4 overdrive. INTERIOR: Color: red door panels, side panels, console and bucket seats (both power), black carpet and head liner, walnut bed floor. Power windows and doors. Bitchin' dash red with black carbon fiber insert, Auto Meter gauges with LED lights. AM / FM / CD. Chrome Ididit tilt steering column with key. Newport 2 speed wipers. WHEELS: 17" Boyd Coddington. $34,900 OBO No Trades Call Ed 317-407-2460 posted 2/18
Fins for sale. selling parts or a vehicle? You can’t beat the deal in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and on our web site. www.gulfcoastmotorsports.com Two months with pictures for only $10. 60
1973 MGB Classic - Last year for the chrome bumper. Restoration done by Car Care Center of Macomb, IL approx. 6 or so years ago. Runs great, 85% tires, new stereo, paint is exceptional, top is 95% no holes and clear rear window, garage kept under a cover, driven only on dry days with top down, super cruiser and lots of fun. No smoke, excellent brakes, tight steering. Asking $15,000 or best offer. History of this automobile is available, clear title, 4 cyl, 4 speed trans, strong clutch. Must sell! 228-297-5963 posted 1/18
Brakes · Shocks · Tune Up ∙ Oil Change ∙ Minor Engine Repair Transmission Service · Front End Repairs Air Condition Service and Repairs ∙ Computer Engine Analysis www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com
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1957 T-Bird. This baby bird has been sitting in this nest to long. Wants to fly away… the car has been well taken care of and we hate to see “Baby-bird” go but sometimes you just have to give them their freedom..… asking $35,000. Jimbo 228-596-0664 Car is located at the Busted Wrench Garage Museum, 2311 29th St, Gulfport, MS 39501 228 617-6660
1941 Ford Super Deluxe. 27,583 original miles. Car is all original. $16,000 Contact Mike 228-369-1431 posted 12/17
14' Box truck with working lift. Good truck, Good Price… $3000 or best offer. Dog Houses $200 Call Donald at 228-263-1980 posted 1/18
1955 Chevy Belair 2 door Sedan over $25,000.00 invested asking 17,000.00. Many new Dan Chuck parts. Call Arthur 985-264-2180 cell 985-892-3772 home posted 1/18
1973 Corvette Number matching 350 L48 4speed $16,500.00 Call Gerald 228-282-3134 posted 12/17
1952 Dodge Truck, all original, great condition - $16,000. Contact Mike 228-369-1431 posted 12/17
1969 Mach 1 Mustang. 302, auto, factory air, Cragar wheels $35,000 OBO. Call Tim 228-216-6819 posted 10/17
1950 Chevrolet truck. 383 stroker motor has 250 miles on it. Overdrive transmission. 9" Ford. Ladder bars. New interior. New pain. $35,000. Larry 251-510-9066 posted 1/18
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63 63
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1966 Mustang convertible, black on black with US chrome rims, 4 brand new tires. Runs great, looks awesome, electric top works fine. $20,000 obo or trade. Mark 601-766-1066 posted 11/17
1979 Cadillac Seville Opera Coupe. I purchased this car 5 yrs ago and because of my age, I decided to sell it. I was told only 160 units were manufactured. It has two large heavy leather bucket seats. (2 passengers only) the odometer reads 26,009 miles. It has a 360 Oldsmobile engine with a 400 transmission. Price is $25,000 OBO. Call Dick at 228-332-0850 or 228-326-0316 posted 11/17
1934 Ford Coupe, Ford Racing Red, 289 miles, 350 crate motor, turbo 350, 9” Ford Rear -end, AC Heat, Beam Axle, Coil overs, Powder Coated Frame $32,000 contact Johnny Briley at 318-331-3992 or jbriley08550@live.com 11/17
1929 Model A Sedan complete minus drive train & missing gas tank. 1933/34 p/u cab / doors, both front fenders & hood…$5000 O.B.O. for both or trade. Mark 601-766-1066 posted 11/17
1956 Chevy Belair, 4dr post car, 265 with powerglide. $7,500 posted 10/17 Call Tim at 228-216-6819
1950 Mercury Coupe. California Rust-Free Car - 350 Crate Engine, 350 TH Transmission, Nova Clip, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Dakota Digital Gauges, New Paint Job, New Tires, AC/Heating, Cruise Control, New Radiator, GM Tilt Steering Column. $35,200. Call 601-795-0628 or 601-337-0628 posted 10/17
1956 Thunderbird, 312 with 2-4 barrel carbs, both tops in excellent condition, new brake booster, top rubber/headliner, new battery. Engine rebuilt by Holman/Moody motors. Less than 2000 miles on engine. Don Miller, President of Penske Racing, previous owner. $35,000 FIRM. Contact Mike at 228-369-1431. posted 12/17 1958 Ford Skyliner 390 cuin, auto, P/S, Top works, nice interior, runs and drives good. needs paint. $25,000 O.B.O. Tim at 228-216-6819 Posted 10/17
1979 Trans-Am. 6.6L original drivetrain, custom interior, custom wheels, runs and drives great. $12,000 O.B.O. Call Tim at 228-216-6819 posted 10/17
1965 AC Shelby Cobra factory built 1993 with 2,150 original miles. 351 W engine, Bourg Warner 4 speed transmission, hydraulic clutch. Racing suspension with Coilover shocks. 9 inch Ford posi rear end. Ceramic headers and side pipes. Racing harnesses. New upholstery and carpet. Clean fun car with classic muscle car sound. $29,500 Call Billy 985-397-2408 posted 11/17
1969 Chevelle Tribute in excellent condition and a dependable driver. The engine is a 454 and 425 HP with less than 8k miles ; also has headers. Automatic on the floor. In the last 2 years we have added new brakes, shocks, vinyl top, Bluetooth vintage stereo, new vintage air and new twin exhausts. Interior in great condition and bucket seats have been reppadded. SS rims and tires with good tread. Only taken to local shows. Selling due to physical disability You will not be disappointed with this price $22,000 ….much more money has been invested in this vehicle . Email greenp4@gmail.com posted 10/17
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1980 Firebird, Chevy 350 with small cam, 350 trans., headers, runs great. $6,500 Tim at 228-216-6819 posted 10/17
1978 Corvette T-Top 55,000 Miles Cold AC and Heat Original Interior Radio Color is Kandy Brandy Wine 383 Stroker Chevrolet Motor Asking $15,000.00 Contact Jim at 228-860-1138 posted 10/17
2002 Harley Heritage Softtail 12,000 original miles, new tires, garage kept old mans toy. Make a reasonable offer and you own it. Bike can be seen at Motorcycle Gear in Hattiesburg. Call 601-250-4808 posted 10/17
1931 Chevrolet. 56,000 miles. New paint and upholstery. No dents or rust. Drives like a 31...GM built $11,000 O.B.O. Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 10/17
1929 Model “A” all steal, Mustang front end, chromed Corvette rear, 3.8 Buick V-6 Turbo, 350 auto, elect seats, windows & sunroof, bullitt wheels, Teal & Tan paint. A REAL Streetrod… $28,000 negotiable (but not much) Call Pete 228-304-2191 posted 11/17
1928 Ford Tudor 350 Vortec, with Fast Burn 62cc aluminum heads, front disc brakes, rear drum brakes, overhead console, New Creger Street Pro Wheels, New Cooper Cobra tires. $24,500 228-297-2493 posted 10/17
1991 Corvette. 2nd owner. All original car. about 85K miles on it. Never had any damage to it. Need to sell only because of health and age problems. My misfortune is your good fortune. No text and no messages.. my phone might not be as smart as your phone. So just call me and we can talk about my love for this car..... call Adam... 228-229-5073 Car is located in Biloxi, MS posted 10/17
1928 Ford Truck 1949 Merc eng, 3/4 Isky race cam, 3-97 carbs, high compression heads, Vortex mag, elect fuel pump, duel exhaust, auto tranny (C-4), Winters quick change rear. $27,500 Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 10/17
1950 Mercury, all original, great condition $30,000 Contact Mike 228-369-1431 posted 12/17 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT
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