Main image/focal point
Artist name
Body Copy
Action line
What is being advertised? In this magazine advert we can see that the product being sold is the album, we can see this as its been printed on the back of the page and shows the packshot telling the audience what it will look like. It also has the artist as a main image on the front page to allow people to see who he is
Who is the advert targeting? How do you know? The advert is targeting hip hop fans as it has the artist name and is being sold in the magazine XXL, which is a Hip hop magazine. The information on the front cover describes him as “bigger than hip hop� which suggests that he is mainstream and appeals to a lot of people.
How is the artist and there music being represented? Is stereotyping being used? In the main image the artist is seen towering over different buildings to show that he is quite powerful and a dominating artist in his genre of music. His clothes are smart which doesn't relate to the stereotype of rap artists and the album cover does not look conventional to the genre.
What message does the advert give to the audience about the album? It gives the audience the impression he’s a smart character and wants to be represented as powerful and he always wears dark clothing to make him look mysterious. Also the colours of the album which is red and white synergise the font cover of the magazine, the colours represent the alertness as the red stands out against the white and which catches the audiences attention