Présentation de "Planet Comics"

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Planet Comics Little Story


Planet Comics Story Planet Comics was a science fiction comic-book title produced by Fiction House and issued from Jan. 1940 (issue 1) to Winter 1953 (issue 73). Like many of Fiction House's early comics titles, Planet Comics was a spinoff of a pulp magazine, in this case Planet Stories, which featured space operatic tales of muscular, heroic space adventurers who were quick with their 'ray pistols' and always running into gorgeous females who needed rescue from bugeyed space aliens or fiendish interstellar bad guys. Planet Comics #1 (January 1940)

Planet Comics was considered by noted fan Raymond Miller to be "perhaps the best of the Fiction House group," as well as "most collected and most valued." In Miller's opinion, it "wasn't really featuring good art or stories... in the first dozen or so issues," not gaining most of "its better known characters" until "about the 10th issue." "Only 3 of its long running strips started with the first issue... Flint Baker, Auro - Lord of Jupiter, and the Red Comet."

Release schedule Planet Comics #1 was released with a cover-date of January 1940, and ran for 73 issues until Winter, 1953.Initially produced on a monthly schedule, issue #8 (Sep 1940) saw it slip to a bimonthly title, which it held until the end of 1949] From issue #26 (Sep, 1943), "Planet Comics was cut to 60 pages," resulting in the merging of two strips: Flint Baker and Reef Ryan.[1] Issue #63 (Winter, 1949) began a quarterly release schedule, but #64, #65 and #66 were ultimately released annually, dated Spring 1950, '51 and '52 respectively. Issue #67 (Summer, 1952) got the comic back on its quarterly release schedule, but the title only lasted a further seven issues, with its last (#73) again delayed for over a year, following Fall, 1952's issue #72 in Winter, 1953.

Style # 1 - Une aventure de Flint Baker contre les cyclopes verts martiens.

As a comic book, Planet Comics was the foremost purveyor of good girl art in the comics, and is considered highly collectible by modern fans of comics' Golden Age. Each page of each story featured at least one large image of a very lovely female, attired in very little in the way of costume, and in particular displaying long, bare legs. However, as with many other Fiction House comics, a number of the series developed by Planet Comics upped the ante by providing female heroines who handily defeated the space aliens and interplanetary bad guys, while needing no or little assistance from males. Cynics might have noted that this proto-feminist strategy in effect simply multiplied the number of lovely girls shown per panel, and insured that each and every panel featured at least one smashing spacegirl.

# 2 - Une nouvelle aventure martienne pour Flint Baker dans la grotte au dĂŠmon.

Writers The Flint Baker/Space Ranger stories, according to Raymond Miller, "featured such writers as Al Schmidt and Huxley Haldane."Jerry Bails and Hames Ware's Who's Who of American Comic Books mentions Herman Bolstein and Dick Briefer. Bails and Ware also list writers including The Shadow writer Walter Gibson and Frank Belknap Long, as working on 'various features' for Planet Comics throughout the 1940s.

Artists The strong female heroines of Planet Comics were complimented by Fiction House's employing several female artists to work on such tales, particularly Lily RenĂŠe, Marcia Snyder, Ruth Atkinson and Fran(ces) Hopper (nĂŠe Dietrick), whose art for "Mysta of the Moon" was often stunning. In addition, many artists who would become well-known names worked on Planet Comics stories over its 13-year history. These included the likes of Murphy Anderson, Matt Baker, Nick Cardy, Joe Doolin, Graham Ingels, George Evans, Ruben Moreira, John Cullen Murphy, George Tuska and Maurice Whitman. The early covers were drawn by industry legend Will Eisner.[6] [edit] Covers

# 6 - Une aventure de Flint Baker contre les cyclopes verts martiens.

The eye-catching Planet Comics covers were predominantly the work of two men - Dan Zolnerowich (later Dan Zolne) and Joe Doolin. Zolne(rowich) is believed to have produced covers for issues #10 #25 (Jan 1941 - Jul 1943), and Doolin is thought to have illustrated all-bar-three of #26 - #65 (Sep 1943 - Spring 1951)

# 7 - Flint Baker vs the Invasion of the Cyclop-Men of Mars! Flint et Mimi sont revenus sur Terre.

Character listing Flint Baker – One of the longest-running strips, Flint Baker was another athletic space hero, who became part of the Space Rangers. Baker's debut story "The One-Eyed Monster Men From Mars" was also the first story in Planet Comics #1, illustrated by Dick Briefer. Flint Baker was the "main hero" and "cover feature" of most of the first 13 issues, and after twenty-five issues he "team[ed] up with Reef Ryan to form the Space Rangers" when Planet Comics dropped its page count. Appearances between issues #2 and #60 (initially as "Flint Baker," later as "Space Rangers") were illustrated by a full range of artists, including Nick Viscardi, Joe Doolin and Artie Saff[1]; Arthur Peddy, Lee Elias, Frank Doyle, Joe Cavallo, etc. The Space Rangers "were drawn by Lee Elias, Bob Lubbers," and others.[1] # 8 - Un gigantesque vol de tout l'or martien a été perpetré par de petits hommes en costume vert, insensibles aux rayons laser

# 9 - Flint Baker (devenu explorateur planètaire) et Mimi se sont établis sur Mars

Auro, Lord of Jupiter – Two different characters of this name appeared in Planet Comics. The first incarnation was the son of Professor Hardwich, and appeared in most issues between #1-29 and was essentially an outer space version of Tarzan, where Auro was "befriended by a saber tooth tiger," stranded on Jupiter with "muscles... as strong as steel" thanks to the higher gravitational pull of the planet. The best artwork on the first series of Auro stories was, wrote Miller "by Raphael Astarita," whose name Jerry Bails and Hames Ware spell 'Rafael'. Auro's second incarnation started 11 issues after his first ended, in issue #41 when a young scientist named Chester Edson "crashes on Jupiter," and his "spirit is transferred into the body of [the original] Auro" who is thus resurrected as a Flash Gordonesque hero.[1] Miller names Dick Charles as the main writer of both series; Bails & Ware list only Richard Case and Herman Bolstein.[3] Auro was illustrated by a number of different artists, among them Doolin, Ingels and Rafael Astarita. Miller suggests that August Froelich drew the appearance in issue #41, and says that Ingels "was the last artist."

The Red Comet – A "costumed hero who fought crime all over the universe," the Comet sometimes "grew to giantsize, like the Spectre." The feature was written (according to Miller) by Cy Thatcher and appeared in issues #1, #320 and #37. Accompanied by a "girl, Dolores, and a boy, Rusty," his adventures were illustrated for odd adventures by Rudy Palais and a host of artists, with only Alex Blum (#6-10) and Saul Rosen (#17-19) thought to have drawn more than two episodes. The Lost World - The Red Comet was replaced by "The Lost World," which appeared in issues #21-69, as the lead feature (becoming one of the longestrunning strips) featuring Hunt Bowman. The first episode was drawn by Rudy Palais, with Viscardi taking over for #22. Set in the 33rd Century, Bowman was a guerrilla-fighter (alongside Lyssa, Queen of the Lost World) against the reptilian Voltamen, conquerors of earth. (Miller notes that "in #24 Hunt and Lyssa returned to Earth...[and never returned to the Lost World. In issue #36, the duo were joined by "3 more Earth people," named Bruce, Robin and Bonnie. Later episodes were drawn by Graham Ingels (c. #24-31), Lily Renee (#32-49) and George Evans (#50-64).

# 10 - Spurt Hammond combat des martiens afin de rapporter au professeur Aries du Nilium, un précieux métal à l'énergie phénoménale.

Reef Ryan – A heroic space captain, "[not] much different from... Flint Baker," Ryan also became part of the Space Rangers, after appearing solo in issues #13-25 Miller names the writer of Reef Ryan (and then Space Rangers) as 'Hugh Fitzhugh' Ryan was soon dropped from the newly-named strip, however, in favor of a boy named Hero (issue #42) Initially drawn by Al Gabriele, later issues featured inks by George Tuska. The Space Rangers – From issue #26, with Planet Comics' page count dropped, "instead of dropping any characters, the Ryan and Baker strips were combined to form the Space Rangers." The Space Rangers' uniforms were echoed by those seen on TV's Rocky Jones Space Ranger (1954).

# 10 - Gale Hallen se défend contre les forces martiennes de Gormonia qui attaquent son avant-poste vénusien.

Gale Allen – A voluptuous female space adventurer, who led her all girl "girl squadron" on wild outings, Gale appeared in almost every issue between #4 and #42. Written by Douglas McKee, Gale Arden and her Girl Squadron was illustrated by Bob Powell in issues #4-10 and Fran Deitrick/Hopper (#28-40). In or around issue #34, the squadron were dropped.

# 10 - La paisible ville martienne de Pacifa a été traiteusement ravagé par son adversaire Morog.

Futura – Gale Arden's replacement feature was, according to Miller "a good series with fine art," a smashingly lovely crusader for interplanetary justice, and she appeared in issues #43-64. The first six issues were drawn by Astarita in the style of Mac Raboy, while Joseph Cavallo is thought to have inked/drawn many of the later issues Futura began "with a scantily-clad girl... abducted by her invisible pursuer" and taken to "the city of Cymradia in space."] The strip was drawn in a manner similar to Prince Valiant, with "no word balloons in the panels." Star Pirate – The 'Robin Hood of the space lanes,' looked very much like the DC Comics hero Starman, and appeared between issues #12 and #64. Among several artists, George Appel produced a dozen early issues, while the bulk of issues #33-51 were drawn by Murphy Anderson, whose additions transformed the Pirate into "an almost completely new strip."[1] Three late issues (#59-61) are credited to newspaper comic strip artist Leonard Starr. Mars, God of War – Named by Miller as "one of the most famous" strips, the adventures of the ancient Roman God, causing violent mischief on other planets appeared between issues #15 and #35. [1][2] They were credited to writer Ross Gallen, and all drawn by Joe Doolin.The embodiment of evil, the spirit of Mars would "single out a man or woman who had evil in them," possess them and run rampage until "the end of each story [when] good always triumphed."

# 10 - Le Capitaine Nelson Cole de la force spatiale solaire est en poste sur Jupiter dans la cité de New Washington quand on annonce que Mars a déclaré la guerre

Mysta of the Moon – In the "Mars" feature in Planet Comics #35, the god discovers "a young boy and girl" taken to the moon by one Dr. Kort, who has "placed all the culture and knowledge known to man into their brains." In the events that follow, Mars possesses the boy's robot, and is ultimately defeated by the girl, although the boy and his robot are killed The girl was Mysta, a gorgeous female version of Captain Future with a robot sidekick, and she took over from "Mars" in title as well as spirit in issue #36. Appearing in issues #36-52 and #55-62, after Doolin the strip was most notably illustrated by Fran Hooper (#3742; #48-49). Norge Benson - Between issues #1232, comedy relief was provided by Norge Benson, written by 'Olaf Benson,' whom Miller identifies as Kip Beales. Benson was accompanied by a girl (Jolie), a white bear (Frosting) and a reindeer (Hatrack). Al Walker drew issues #12-22, with Lily Renee, Jim Mooney and Fran Dietrich/Hopper drawing later episodes.

# 10 - Cosmic Corrigan, un turbulent diplomate terrien a été envoyé sur Pluton.

Other extra features included Spurt Hammond, human defender of the Planet Venus, who appeared c. issues #1-12 (or #8-13), created and drawn by Henry Kiefer, Captain Nelson Cole, later an officer in the Space Patrol appeared in solo adventures c. issues #1-14 (or #814) and was originated by Alex Blum. Crash Barker (Also Parker) was one of several space heroes, drawn - and possibly written - by Charles Quinlan for issue #6, (or #8) running until #16 by other artists. Another space hero, Buzz Crandall also had adventures around this time, drawn by artists including Gene Fawcette. Cosmo Corrigan and Don Granval also appeared in three-four issues around #8/9-11. Other less notable short-lived strips included, Quorak, Super Pirate, Amazona the Mighty Woman, Tiger Hart (whose one adventure was drawn by Fletcher Hanks, Space Admiral Curry and Planet Payson.

# 36 -Mysta rencontre et s'oppose auCerveau qui veut conquérir l'univers grâçe à un champignon corrosif et ses assistants zombies.

Planet Comics Magazine de BD SF produit par Fiction House publié de janvier 1940 (n° 1) à l'hiver 1953 (n°73). Comme d'autres titres de comics, il était un dérivé du pulp Planet Stories avec comme celui-ci des histoires de space-opera avec aventuriers musclés et héroïques, rapides à dégainer leur pistolaser et belles demoiselles en détresse aux prises avec de monstrueux aliens ou des malfrats interstellaires, # 73 - (La Peste martienne). Dernier numéro paru..

figurants sur chaque couverture.

La Terre meurt de sécheresse.

Assez curieusement pour un comic au public presque exclusivement masculin, on y suit les aventures de différentes héroïnes qui se débrouillent trés bien sans l'aide ou si peu des hommes. Peutêtre un prétexte à des planches avec de belles





également employé un certain nombre d'artistes femmes pour dessiner de telles séries, en particulier Lily Renée, Marcia Snyder, Ruth Atkinson et enfin Fran Hopper pour "Mysta de la Lune".

# 17 - Trois planches sur les possibilités d'un voyage spatial (avec les connaissances de 1940) script de Starr Gayza.

Beaucoup d'artistes bien connus ont travaillé pour Planet Comics durant les 13 ans de parution dont Murphy Anderson, Matt Baker, Nick Cardy, Joe Doolin, Graham Ingels, George Evans, John Cullen





Maurice Whitman.

Séries de Planet Comics: Flint Baker – Savant et inventeur d'abord puis explorateur de la planète Mars enfin héro spatial qui deviendra plus tard un des Space Rangers avec Reef Ryan.

Spurt Hammond – Pilote spatial intrépide.

# 17 - Trois planches sur les possibilités d'un voyage

Captain Nelson Cole – Officier dans la

spatial (avec les connaissances de 1940) script de Starr Gayza.

patrouille de l'espace.

Gale Allen – Une voluptueuse capitaine de l'espace qui emmène son escadron féminin tout d'abord dans des aventures vénusiennes puis dans le système solaire.

Auro, Lord of Jupiter


personnages différents sous le même nom apparaissent dans les pages du comic. Le premier est une sorte de Tarzan jupitérien et le second un héros Flash Gordon-esque dont le corps est habité par l'âme d'un terrien.

Mysta of the Moon – Une ravissante version féminine du Capitaine Futur, assistée comme lui d'un robot. # 17 - Trois planches sur les possibilités d'un voyage spatial (avec les connaissances de 1940) script de Starr Gayza.

Crash Parker – Pilote spatial, a conduit la première expédition terrienne vers Uranus et dirige

la colonie qu'il y a


Buzz Crandall – Un patrouilleur spatial fait équipe avec la belle Sandra.

Mars, God of War – L'antique dieu romain de la guerre revient semer le désordre et le chaos dans le système solaire.

The Space Rangers – dont les uniformes




ceux vus dans la série TV:Rocky Jones # 33 - La vie sur Mars vue par Planet Comics, du Gernsback actualisé année 45: Martien au long nez (pour sentir les faibles odeurs dans l'atmosphére raréfiée), grandes oreilles pour recevoir les ondes télépathiques!, quatre bras (un emprunt à Burrough)

Space Ranger (1954).

Planet Payson – Enquêteur spatial travaillant




commerciale de transport.

Futura – Une autre belle justicière du cosmos.

Reef Ryan – Un héroïque capitaine qui fera partie des Space Rangers.

Hunt Bowman – Un archer membre de la résistance terrienne contre de cruels envahisseurs, les hommes reptiles de Volta.

Star Pirate – Un Robin des Bois de l'espace,





Starman. Série humoristique. # 33 - de grande taille et longues jambes (dues à la faible gravité) et des pieds larges et plats (pour marcher dans le désert). Peuple pacifique et sage car plus ancien que nous, les Terriens.

The Red Comet – Un explorateur de l'espace avec des pouvoirs de superhéros

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