Poster analysis Text: The title reading “the big dream!” uses text font and sizes extremely effectively, the bold large font is very engaging to the audience as it links to the main title “big”, giving the saying for emphasis for an audience member to read, the white font adheres further to normal film poster conventions by standing out heavily from the full bleed image, being white in a dark monotone image is effective to make it look eye catching to the audience. The poster also adheres to other short film posters as it uses the same font and colour in different variaties, some bold, some larger and smaller, this is effective as the poster looks to be in uniform and not all over the place. Other effective engaging techniques are used with text to make it more conventional as a short film poster, showing reviews and a small cast and crew as a byline, these coupled with pull quotes make Simon’s poster look extremely conventional. Image: The image is similarly effective in being conventionally adhering to common short film posters, being very dramatic, and give a real sense of what the short film make be about, without use of text in the poster, and from the blue football boots I can instantly tell what the short film may be about, being football, Simon also used lighting to great effect, using a dark black set with one single light, which signifies the flashing lights of cameras, which further connotes a underlying journey the character is going to take in the short film. This is extremely engaging to audiences as the underlying journey shows a sense of uncertainty, which audiences would be more entriged by for sure. In general, the poster is very conventional and effective to produce a message and demonstrate what the short film is about, following extremely conventional techniques to produce a similar product audiences would recognize with, making it more audience friendly.