ISSUE #108
here come
the grates!
Win an iPhone for your Christmas Stocking.
Massive night at The Greenhouse aBBey Doggett la vista the overvieW hannah Jonno Coleman prairie & lanCe DJ Kashishi niKKi Cols + FrienDs Wednesday November 25 Coming up...
Darlington linC le Fevre n’ Joe nuttall Kasper Ben Wells BanD gretel anD the teramaChi
Sambo trol Damage Con D Joel everar S r the SmaShe ol classics. All the old scho e waterfront. th Every Friday on
nnett miCheal Cle erS h Wolfe brot Katie & aDo SeleCta nes.
Have a white Christmas by winning a hot new white 3GS iPhone on Christmas Eve. Simply purchase a pint of Boag’s Draught or a Smirnoff Vodka during December to enter the draw. Winning entrant must be present on December 24 to claim the prize.
e g u hBIrthday Y t r a p t e e r st rIstmas EVE on ch
Millar, n a d r o J g in r u t a Fe y More. n a M + S n o x a S new and in. e id S t u o g in y a l BandS p For More inFo. Stay tuned
tu Your favourite The best bands. the waterfront. on Every Saturday
HOBART | 21 Salamanca Place
6223 1119 |
NEWS WIN TICKETS TO SOUNDSCAPE! Soundscape tickets are selling fast and if you CONTACT: wait till Christmas to get one you will miss out. However, Sauce magazine and The Soundscape Hobart: festival are giving you the chance to win one PO BOX 4542 4 Contents / News / Off The Shelfof 5 tickets by simply answering the following question: Bathurst St PO
5 Josh Pyke Hobart 7000 6 Nick Galea Editor - General 7 Gillie Manager Advertising: 8 Greenfingers David 10 Williams The Lazys Email: 12 Peter Whish-Wilson Phone: 0400 940 699 13 The Jezabels 14 The Scandal Launceston: 15 Entertainment Guide Sub-Editor: : Meegan May 17 Ajax Email: 18 The Dirty Love 19 Paul Greene Opinions expressed in Sauce are not 20 Zzapped necessarily those of the Editor or staff. Sauce accepts no liability for 21 Publishing ROFLMAO the of advertisements. 22 accuracyCD Reviews 23 GIG Reviews Contributors: 24 Hot Mods Carl Fidler, Glenn Moorehouse, Dane 25 Cinecism Hunnerup, Nick Hay, Tabitha Fletcher, Mike 26 Mick Fashion Wilcox, Lowenstein, Rebecca Taylor, Dave Elliston, Toni M, Bec Nichols, Clint Morris, Amy Flower.
Next Edition Dates:
Sauce #109, 9/12/09 to 22/12/09 Deadline: 16/12/09 @ 4pm
In the Green Room Find out what musical refreshments are being prepared for you in The Green Room Studio. It’s time for a little R & R at The Green Room…That’s Rearranging and Renovation! Having just recently finished off some ongoing projects including EPs by Hayley Couper and Gretel Templeton I’ve decided to swap a few things around. By moving the control room I will be able to make the main recording room double the size of what it is currently. This is going to make things a lot more comfortable for recording bands as well as providing the option for tracking drums, and other instruments with a more “live “ and “airy “ sound. The second recording room will be “dulled” down significantly in order to provide a much flatter and less coloured sound for recording vocals. So we now have the best of both worlds! All three of my rooms are separated by heavily insulated walls and triple glassed windows, which is great for separating band members whilst still providing a good line of sight. So if you happen to be passing by over the next couple of weeks feel free to drop in for a look! Don’t forget, if you are a solo artist I would love to hear from you too. I’m well set up to add production and backing to any number of styles and genres, ranging from some simple layering to a full band. See you all soon! sMICHAEL SHELLEY If you’re green with envy about all these bands getting their tracks recorded, simply head to the website to arrange your studio time! 0
- What is the name of The Grates track that can be listened to on The Soundscape Festival website? You can have a chance to walk on a dream with thousands of other festival goers on January 9th at the 2010 Soundscape Festival. Alongside headline act Empire of the Sun, you’ll catch Roots Manuva(UK), The Grates, The Panics, Ugly Duckling(US), Children Collide, 28 Days, Ash Grunwald, Grafton Primary, Bonjah(NZ), and LaVista. To enter, send your name, age and the answer to
psychoSonic Our music production company has recently relocated to Hobart
Buy any Tama Superstar and get a FREE valued at $899!! 103 Elizabeth St Hobart 03 6231 5578
P.S. We are also looking for music engineers to train/work on the Neve console
Brookfield Vineyard. 1640 Channel Highway Margate. 7054. Ph 6267 2880 Licensed cafe open 7 days & late for all events
With a ton of ARIA nominations in the major categories, they and their team also already picked up some of the ARIA Artisan & Fine Arts Awards, including: Best Cover Art, Best Video and Producer of the Year. Many are predicting a similar trend when the general awards are announced on November 26.
Friday Nov 27th Aussie Bush Show @ 7.30pm Saturday Nov 28th New Holland Honeyeaters @ 7.30pm Sunday Nov 29th Overture Ornaments @ Noon
Recording studio Professional Music production Ph: 0418175791 EP and Album package deals for bands 5 songs for $1000, 10 for $ 2000
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Iron Cobra double-kick pedal
EARLY AWARDS FOR EMPIRE It seems Empire of the Sun can do no wrong these days. Not only have their live performances been going down a treat with festival goers, but now they’ve managed to pick up a few ARIAs before the official ceremony!
Win or lose, Tasmanian fans will soon be able to catch Empire of the Sun headlining the upcoming Soundscape Festival!
We are looking to develop and record new talent in our Neve equipped studio
Level 2, 141 Elizabeth St. Hobart
Friday Dec 4th Open Mic feat. Mangus Sunday Dec 6th Steve Young Trio @ Noon Friday Dec 11th Amy Kendall & The Kitchenhands + Dominic Francis
All shows have meals available -
So asks His Holiness, the 14th the Dalai Lama during his 2009 Australian visit – calling for greater personal and universal responsibility. It’s not often a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1989) or a religious leader makes their way to Tasmania, so his upcoming visit to the Derwent Entertainment Centre will surely be a one off experience. In Hobart, the Dalai Lama will be conduction an expansion of his teachings surrounding the topic of ‘Who Is Responsible?’ with a focus on ‘Our Earth’ and the central topic of responsibility. To find out more about this unique event, and to purchase tickets, please visit 08 December @ The Entertainment Centre, Hobart
POTENTIAL FALCON Melbourne band (with a few Tassie roots) Potential Falcon want you to know that they’re coming to town, happily bringing along their debut album Wings On Fire, which they’ve just released through their own label Lost Rider. Managing to keep the band going despite one fifth being in a different state, Potential Falcon love each other and the music so much that they make it work. So come share the love! 028 November @ The Brisbane Hotel, Hobart (afternoon show) 028 November @ The Alley Cat, Hobart (evening show)
392 - 394 Elizabeth St. North Hobart Ph: 03 6234 5975
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
“…People have said it’s a whirlwind year for us, but for me, it’s been anything but. It’s all just felt really natural...”
Winning Hearts
Yep, even the odd foetus is getting down to the tunes of The Grates. At aThe soldGrates out show in New York a have a lot to City, be grateful for. Since the release of last year’s Teeth Lost, Hearts Won, the band have barely been able to spare pregnant fan felt her baby kick for a moment, as they hopped onto the festival circuit, an Australian tour, and plenty of overseas commitments. Still in New York at the the first time ever. In time with the moment, where the album’s recently been released, the band are impressing everyone from big-name managers to unborn babies. beat. residency at New York City’s Piano’s. One of those people is Danny Goldberg, “There is a really big difference now So now the album will be getting a former Nirvana manager and President But for Patience, all the success has between gigs we play in Australia and repeat performance in the delivery of Gold Village Entertainment (GVE). seemed to grow out of itself completely gigs that we play in America, in that room, as it has on the charts – “It actually happened through Ben naturally. “Every time we try something, gigs we play in Australia are bigger peaking at number six in Australia, it just seems to work, so next time, we and it’s just so different playing to a Lee…He’s always been really, really with the singles ‘Burn Bridges’, supportive and it’s his management try something bigger, and that works bigger crowd. When you’re playing to ‘Aw Yeah’ and ‘Two Kinds of Right’ actually. I mentioned to him once that… too. The first run of shows, we sold out smaller crowds in the States it’s just making it on to the chart and the we’re looking for overseas management, some smaller venues, so the second tour, so much more intimate and I feel like Triple J Hottest 100. and he was like ‘I’ll tell my manager! I’ve we booked some bigger venues, and sold you get a really instant rapport with got this great manager in New York’.” them out too. And people are starting your audience. It’s just so much more After the success of their debut to come along to our overseas shows, conversational…it’s blowing my mind Gravity Won’t Get You High with hits Singer Patience then tells us that “In who actually know who we are, so that’s actually, just how conversational these like ’19 20 20’, the new album has the beginning Danny Goldberg wasn’t pretty exciting. Some people have said gigs have been. really helped them begin to crack the very interested at all…I don’t know it’s a whirlwind year for us, but for me, overseas market“I feel we’re lucky to exactly what changed his mind in the it’s been anything but. It’s all just felt “It’s definitely not the same in Australia have a slowly-building group of really – in Australia we have really kick-arse end, but I know that he’s onboard now really natural.” supportive, friendly people helping and we’re really pumped to be working audiences who know our music and get us grow in all the different territories with someone of his credibility and Clawing there way around places like really pumped and they sing and they we’re attempting to cover” eplains experience.” Little Rock, Albuquerque, and Eugene in dance.” Alana, the band’s drummer. Oregon may not have exactly matched a With someone like Danny behind them, New York residency, and they sure aren’t the band have been touring non-stop in going to measure up to when the party Get ready to sing and dance when The the US since finishing their ‘Biggest and band hops back on the plane and heads Grates head down to Soundscape! Longest Adventure Tour’ of Australia home for another festival tour. Patience 0 9 January @ The Hobart Regatta earlier in the year, which has included a again explains, Grounds, Hobart
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
“…At the risk of sounding like a major hippie, there is a spiritualness out there that you don’t get anywhere else...”
Back to Basics Taking pop rock back to basics, The Basics are back with their new album Keep Your Friends Close. Tim Heath, on guitar and vocals, answered a few basic questions about the record, and their current Australian tour. You wrote Keep Your Friends Close while on tour in the outback. How does a setting like that change the way you write? The spaces and distances out there are vast, so it gives you a lot of time to think. To think about home, the people you left behind, events that occurred that you start processing. Sometimes all you can do is sit around, waiting for the heat of the day to dissipate. And at the risk of sounding like a major hippy, there is a spiritualness out there that you don’t get anywhere else. What’s the one thing about it that makes it so different, or so much better, than your previous releases?
There is a lot of variety on the record, but it is often darker than our previous material. A lot more range in terms of sounds and instrumentation. Other than linking with the title, there anything deep and meaningful about the album art? How did you decide on it? Wally and I were record shopping in Collingwood and I came across a book called English Naïve Painting 1700-1910 and saw the picture. I asked Wally what he thought of it as a potential album cover and he said “Absolutely”. We all liked the style and subject matter and it obviously linked well to the name, so that was that. It also features Liger cubs (half Tiger, half Lion) and that was the icing on the cake. Keep Your Friends Close was mixed by Peter Cobbin, what was more impressive about him to you – that he’s mixed artists like The Beatles and Björk or was it the fact that he’s also done soundtracks like Harry Potter & Lord of The Rings? It’s a tough one. Probably the Beatles and Bjork, but his soundtrack work is pretty amazing too.
Peter’s an ex-pat who’s been in London a very long time now, but he’s great. He’s very humble and quiet, but very funny as well.
touring suitcase? Books, clean socks, camera, iPod, whiskey, pens and paper, small servants and soap.
Did you manage to get to Abbey Road during the mixing? No, but Kris (bass/vocals) flew over and sat through the whole process. When we toured to London recently we went there and Peter took two hours out of his busy day to show Wally and I the studio. It was amazing. We went into Studio 2 where the Beatles recorded most of their output and I got to play on the Lady Madonna piano and the Hey Jude piano. It was one of the best things I’ve done in my life. Is that sad?
Give us the basics of a Basics’ show… Lots of variety, unique sounds and a rollicking good time.
How do you manage to keep your friends close while on tour? Taking time to be alone and to keep telling ourselves that “we’ll be home soon”. Who are The Basics’ enemies, which you’re presumably keeping closer? Ah, now that would be telling, wouldn’t it? What are the basic items always in your
What are the basic plans over summer? We’re having a bit of a rest; the only thing we’ve got to do is the Tamworth Country Music Festival, which will be fun. Apart from that, we will have time to ourselves, find “real work”, spend time with our gals, get into some gardening, play our own music, write films and plays and generally behave in an outlandish and salacious manner. sMEEGAN MAY Get shown the basics: 0 11 December @ Hotel New York, Launceston 0 12 December @ Republic Bar, Hobart
Keep Dancing, Tasmania! MIX’N’DORPHIN is one of Tassie’s newest events, aimed at showcasing local DJ talent to northern TAS and giving new uprising artists a chance to be heard by friends, fans and industry sharks alike. All styles and tastes are welcome – as long as it gets the crowd dancing! We caught up with another two of the event’s local talents, DJs SheBouNce and Bitternasty. DJ Name: Bitternasty How did you get started as a DJ? I started out playing because I loved the music, and getting people up and dancing really appealed to me. Growing up in the Cairns psy trance scene was really good, my friends and I would get together regularly for mix sessions and put on parties. I’ve only recently come to Launceston, and Mix’N’Dorphin is a perfect place to get out there and play my style. What’s your signature style? I play a mixture of breaks, electro, progressive and sometimes drum and bass. I love music with intensity, flavour, groove and interesting beats. How do you keep your sound fresh? I experiment a lot with different styles, and I’m always looking for new music. I’m a sucker for a good remix! There is so much out there if you try to find it, I’m constantly being surprised by new sounds. DJ Name: SheBouNce How did you get started as a DJ? The friendship group that I was in then had a couple of DJs in it, and I wanted to give it a go. When I told one of their friends that I was going to do it he said “Yeah right! Heard that before!” I went out the next day and bought my first records! What’s your signature style? It’s happy, fun, phat bass tunes, UK inspired. Electro/Fidget/House/Dub. How do you keep your sound fresh? Zip-Lock bags! Always looking for artists to follow, new tunes and sounds. Magazines, hearing other DJs, research, internet, internet, internet… Best time you’ve ever had while wearing headphones? Oh... Sooo many good times! It would have to be this awesome house party in Hobart I went to recently with my cuz, Synjon. Do you have a dream gig? Absolutely! Playing a flawless set at a huge outdoor festival in the UK, while the sun breaks, to thousands of people overloading on the enjoyment of every second! What’s the weirdest thing or request anyone’s ever asked of you in your capacity as a DJ?
I was asked by a chick if I was a lesbian, I had to let her down on that request. Second to that would be if I had ‘Love Shack’ while I was playing at HNY. What do you think about Tasmania’s dance scene? Growing! New and exciting things are happening here. It seems the dance scene lags greatly behind the mainland but when you take into account the size Tas is, the number of bars/ clubs that play electronic music, the culture and genre of music that most punters enjoy, Tas is really great and holds a lot of opportunity for those that want it. There are some great acts and really experienced DJs coming down here, also the festivals are getting bigger and better. Who or what do you think is going to be big this year? For ’09 I think Fredde Le Grand @ Syrup and Mix’N’Dorphin @ the Pav are. The coming year I think, as far as festivals go, MSFest, Sensation White & Future Music. Trance and Harder music sounds and DJ Patty Duke will be making big moves this year. What can punters expect from your set? Sore feet! So bring your dancing shoes! Cos I F@#KING LOVE TO DANCE!
Best time you’ve ever had while wearing headphones? It’s hard to pick, but playing back to back with my best friend at a two-day party in North Queensland, the location had a river running beside the DJ tent, which was lucky because it was really hot. Do you have a dream gig? It’s always great to be playing whether it’s for a lot of people or just a few, I get the same feeling every time I can make people dance and feel good. What’s the weirdest thing or request anyone’s ever asked of you in your capacity as a DJ? Somebody told me that they were psychic and a vampire, and if they willed it hard enough I would be seriously hurt on the way home. So I asked them to, but nothing happened. What do you think about Tasmania’s dance scene? I’ve only had a short exposure only having been back here a few months, but it seems that Launceston is getting more interstate and international acts to play, I find that most weekends there’s something to go and see. Not only that but the MIX’N’DORPHIN crew are very supportive of aspiring local DJs and present a great opportunity for exposure playing our own style.
this year? I think that the Clubber’s Guide tent at MSFest is what I’m looking forward to most, I’m a big fan of our local producers and firmly believe that Aussie electro and breaks more than holds its own on the world stage. sMEEGAN MAY 0 27 November @ The Pav, Launceston
Who or what do you think is going to be big
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Catch Phrase
“…I think every collaboration was really different, and everyone I worked with pushed themselves to do something different...”
Currently on his first nationwide headlining tour, Phrase is finally able to share his second album, Clockwork, with the country after having it sit on the shelf for a while. Now that it’s finally hit the airwaves, Phrase is hoping it’s an album to bridge the gap between Australian hip-hop and the rest of the music industry. Why the name Clockwork? Clockwork is a song on the record, and I thought this track really summed up the main theme that seems to reoccur: which is the fact that we all get caught in a cycle of life that can become mundane and repetitive sometimes, which I feels ultimately leads to people forgetting about what it is they really set out to do in life. In a lot of ways the album is a reminder for me to break free of that 9 to 5 grind and free my self of the systems shackles. Chase the dream... It’s been almost four years since your debut, so what’s different this time around? There are heaps of things I have done differently; from not using as many samples, more live instrumentation, better mix engineers, stronger concepts and all sorts of other changes. I guess a lot of that is natural progression, but I suppose the biggest change is from within myself. I feel like I have really grown up since I wrote my first album six years ago. The aggression I had back then was really full on, I think that’s because I was an angry young dude who was used to painting trains and getting in fights or selling drugs to rebut the system. These days I’m a fair bit more chilled out and comfortable in myself, which comes across in my writing. Why has it been so long between albums? Because, I don’t know…Na, the truth is I had a rough patch for a while where my record label rep got the arse and my album was kinda forgotten about for a year. I took some tracks to triple j myself, and its been full steam since then. It really taught me to pull my head out of my arse and take control of my music and what happened with it. No lost love for Universal, they have done a great job ever since I created a buzz for them to work with. You’ve got quite a few varied guest artists on Clockwork including Harry Angus, Bliss N Eso and Wendy Matthews. What did each of the guest performances bring to the album? I think they all brought something different to Clockwork, but the common link was all the collaborations being outside the box, and also they are all Australian artists. I think every collaboration was really different, and every one I worked with pushed themselves to do something different.
Make dope music, smoke ciggies on tour, drink Jameson before every show, love my fiancée, train in the mornings, and feed my pet dinosaur every day… How have your live performances changed now you’re using a band instead of a DJ? What made you decide to do this? I hate my DJ…Na, not true my, DJ is in the band, I just felt like there was so much live instrumentation on the album that I should try to replicate that on stage. I was also really bored of doing a two person show, I love having the boys on stage with me it really brings the show to a whole new level energy wise. What have you got in store for your shows in Tassie? Huge show, a short film I have made which will screen at different intervals throughout the show, Flagrant does a DJ set linked up to visuals, my whole band and Jade MacRae with me, plus a ball tearing performance!
What’s one thing you do like clockwork?
sMEEGAN MAY Check out Phrase’s phrasing: 0 27 November @ Republic Bar, Hobart 0 28 November @ Hotel New York, Launceston
Check List
Monday Industry Night
Wednesday Uni Night
Where else would you want to be?
Sunday Recovery Night
J u g A r ou nd The
J u g A r ou n d T h e
J u g A r ou n d T h e
C l oc k F r o m 5pm
C l oc k F r o m 5 p m
C l oc k F r o m 5 p m
T w o 4 O n e On Drinks From
C h i c k e n P a r m i a r ou n d th e C l oc k F r o m 5 p m
C h i c k e n P a r m i a r ou n d th e
9 p m W i t h Societies Card L i v e M u s i c From 10pm
Two 4 One On Bubbles F r om 7 p m A l l B a s i c S p i r i ts $ 3
C l oc k F r o m 5 p m O p e n M i c F r om 9 p m
F r om 8 p m
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Lucky Bastards
With an interview manner that would make us believe that they’re anything but, Bastard Squad have been rocking the hardcore punk scene since the 1987. With a slew of line up changes and evolution over the years, their current state is just a wisened and experienced version still producing fast-paced heavy punk rock. Taking on tours at full-force at the moment, the band are hoping to record a new album in 2010. In the meantime, vocalist Jason Cardwell schools us about what it really means to be a Bastard. After over 20 years since the band formed, how does a punk crowd now compare to a punk crowd then? It’s hard to say. The crowds were bigger in the early days, but we still get nice surprises these days as well. The scene always fluctuates and can also be unpredictable. I remember playing a show in Adelaide back in 2005 and it was better than anything that ever happened in the 80s. In general though the crowds have always been great. That’s why the punk movement will never die. There’s always a new generation discovering it. We’ve always encouraged diversity at the shows as well though. We’ve always tried to emphasise that it’s not all about the clothes you wear.
How do you think the values or lifestyle of the scene has changed? I was kind of hoping that I wouldn’t get asked this question because I have got a lot to say about it and its difficult to summarise. But I think it can be acknowledged that in this particular era, subculture is more of a ‘packaged deal’ or far more ‘commoditised’, compared with how it was a couple of decades ago. In the early days, getting involved in the punk movement etc seemed more evolutionary, rather than plucking a lifestyle out of a hat or whatever. But this is by no means a reflection on self-discovery in general, or a suggestion of a lack of creativity or anything like that.
With so many line up changes, how does the band stay true to its core? Well, I think anyone who has ever been involved in the band has always had an understanding of its basic influences / standpoint etc. That’s not to say we don’t want to, or haven’t progressed. Some members have contributed some great ideas to the band. Hence, each album does vary somewhat - which is great. You’ve been tagged as controversial. Is this uncalled for? What would be one thing you guys have said or done that might give people that idea? There has been some misunderstandings in the past relating to politics. But this is a legacy from the late 80s when certain people in the crowd at the gigs did get violent at times. No gigs have been anything like that for a long time now though. But as for any controversy that’s band related, people only need to read the lyrics. Then it should be clear. If anyone wants to label us anything I suppose they could call us
anarchists in a very general sense. But I think this would be too simplistic. The band has never subscribed to any particular political label or whatever, but we are certainly not apolitical. Anyway, we are not or never have been Nazis if that’s what the controversy is all about. That notion is ridiculous. What’s one thing people might be shocked to know about you guys? That it’s a prerequisite to know the entire history of Neighbours, including every cast member if you want to join the band. That’s why we’re having so much trouble finding members these days. People just don’t appreciate good Aussie soap operas anymore. Another thing is that we have never drunk real beer on stage. It’s always been fake. Just like an old guitarists Mohawk, but we won’t go into that. sMEEGAN MAY Be a bastard: 0 3 December @ The Brisbane Hotel, Hobart
@ The Pav
Friday November 27 DJ Skip Saturday November 28 Hard Drive Friday December 4 DJ Skip Saturday December 5 Hard Drive
Biggest & Best Pub Meals Dining & Function Room Real Beer Garden Alfresco Dining THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL DINING HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK
Lunch 12 noon - 2.30pm | Dinner 5.30pm - 8.30pm (9pm Fri & Sat) 27 George St Launceston, 03 6331 3868
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Green Fingers All the freshest produce from The Greenhouse, Irish Murphy’s, Hobart.
The New Saxons - On Tour
“Igor, come out of your squalid hole, you wretched, nasty creature.” “Hhmm he hehe, yes boss.” “Igor we are nearing completion, the planets are aligned, the subjects are approaching readiness and I believe we can begin the process anon. Now get your shrivelled arse out here and help me with the machinery.” “Hhmm he hehe, yes boss.” “Can’t you say anything else you filthy monstrosity!” “Hhmm he hehe, yes boss.” “Damn it you snivelling troglodyte, your presence will not spoil my greatest triumph, the epic singularity as the spheres and the machinery combine to animate this creation of titanic proportions. To your station Igor, flick the switch!” “ mwa mmm hi h hi hi, he he flick the switch, ahm ahm, hi hi hi.” KRAKA BOOOMMMM “It’s aliiive! It’s aliiive, ah ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!, it’s the . . .” GREENHOUSE CHRISTMAS EVE STREET PARTY! Featuring . . . . Sam Page Jordan Millar Ben Wells & the Middle Names Hayley Couper (with band) Ejecter Little Cubas The Overview New Saxons HANNAH From 4pm – 10pm out the front of Irish Murphy’s on Thursday December 24. Entry is free! sFERT Get seedy in The Greenhouse: 0 Every Sunday - Thursday night @ Irish Murphy’s, Hobart . ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Well it’s the festive season again in Tasmania. The tacky christmas decorations are up, the glossy catalogues are full of shit to buy, and that those damned christmas carols are being blasted throughout our city streets via council public address systems, which seem to be hidden from view so as not to be destroyed by people like my self who abhor such tragic attempts at cashing in on a pagan holiday. But I digress, my point here was to let you know of an oasis amongst the tinsel wasteland, a place where your ears are treated to new and exciting sounds every week, not the rehashed crap that you’re subjected to every other day. This place is called Top Shelf.... it runs every wednesday night at Irish Murphy’s Launceston from 9:30pm.... and tonight we have one of the states finest... Nathan Wheldon and his band, The Two Timers, have been making head roads into being household names for the last few years now, playing the majority of venues/stages/ festivals this state has to offer. With their own brand of folk pop, NW+TTT bring an energetic live show that has captured a legion of fans around the country. Whether you’re into the atmosphere a band like this can take you or just a fan of a good old fashioned beat these guys have the ability to impress. And it’s not just Nathan’s song writing and voice that should be highlighted here, as the band is full of talented musicians who are making their mark on the Tasmanian scene.
Irish Murphy’s 211 Brisbane Street, Launceston
Nathan Wheldon and The Two Timers play Wednesday November 25th supported by Hobart act, The Save. Shoe are back on Wed December 2 with support by touring artist, Daniel Brennan. Hailing from the coastal regions of D-rock, this three piece pop/punk outfit have one of the best debut records that has ever come out of this state. Singer/guitarist/songwriter Bart Thomas knows how to hook onto a good thing, combining catchy melodies with clever (and at times, comedic) lyrics that pass the old grey whistle test every time. Shoe’s live show is still developing and it should be remembered that they are still quite young but there is something about seeing a band before it’s all polished up by the record companies, something that isn’t tainted by a competitive market. Shoe are a must see band that promises to have an exciting future. A few weeks ago Top Shelf celebrated it’s first birthday with a performance from Launceston hard rock outfit, The Dog Line. Playing a relatively short set by their standards they stuck to their hits such as ‘I’m Like The Wind’ and ‘Stefanos’ choosing to keep it tight and punchy.
· Live music 7 days a week· · Great meals in our family restaurant· · Shamrocks restaurant open 7 nights a week· · Wood fired pizza oven· · 3 bars including roof beer garden· · Outdoors in summer & cosy fires in winter· · Accommodation for genuine backpackers·
The addition of new bass player, Jason Howard, has rounded out the band into a truly darker heavier sound, one that was appreciated by the crowd. Lee Mallinson has found himself as one of the premier rock guitarists going round and with those boyishly good looks may just find himself in some of your bedrooms! The Dog Line are recording their debut album summer and I have a feeling it’s going to big. Massive thanks to Dean Mizzi for sound. Big ups to all the crew who help us out. sCARL FIDLER & GLENN MOOREHOUSE Photography by Toni M Reach for the Top Shelf! 0 Every Wednesday night @ Irish Murphy’s, Launceston PAGE 12
Wednesday, 25th November
Nathan Wheldon & The Two Timers + Zac Slater Wednesday, 2nd December Shoe + Daniel Brennan (VIC) Coming Soon Mayfield . ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
THE BIGGEST IMPACT With Jason Midro With classical training in both the piano and the flute, Jason Midro isn’t your average DJ. Hitting the dance scene in the 80s, it’s been a long and influential career, which has seen the creation of his Bass Station club nights. Including a few tours around the globe, no doubt Jason has made his impact on the scene, so we decided to find out all about the biggest impacts on his career. What album has had the biggest impact on you, both personally and as a musician, and why? How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb by U2. Actually all the U2 albums. I have followed then since I was 12 years old! Over the years their music has moved me and influenced me in so many ways. I loved the way they began to use the synthesiser so many years ago in their music, which back in the early days was more punk based than anything. But also how they have evolved over time. They have always been true to themselves. They are truly my main inspiration! Which gig has had the biggest impact on you, as a punter and that you’ve played, and why? As a punter, it would have to be the 1st two tribes at Melbourne Park. To see the whole complex, all arenas full with dancing clubber/ravers was something I dreamed of for at least 10 years. I always said those venues were built for the “warehouse party’ set up but never imagined it actually eventuating. As far as biggest impact of gigs I have played, I would have to say all those main stage sets at Melbourne Park, which is about 15 in total. Plus main stage Summadayze, Adventjah, and of course the ‘Every Picture Tells a Story’ raves in the 90s! What personal event has had the biggest impact on you or your music? Maybe my tour of Europe in 1999. Starting in London, a night at escape from Samsara at the Fridge in Brixton, followed by The Love Parade in Berlin and ending in Ibiza. Then coming home and playing all my brand new music to the every picture morning crowd and the next day, playing to 250,000 at the Brunswick St festival! A time that opened my ears, eyes and heart to the amazing future ahead! What impact do you hope your music will have on people? It’s always been about communicating. Using music as the medium. Talking without words, and expressing emotion with sound. Also evolving the consciousness of humanity and promoting unity and peace. This is it, honestly. What’s an example of the impact you’ve made on people through your music? The most noticeable is when I have witnessed the effect it has had on big crowds of people and the way their energy changes. From body movement to screams! I don’t want to sound conceited but it is what I have spent so many years trying to do and when it happens it is rewarding. I have also had so many people come up to me over the years expressing their gratitude for many different ways in which my music has helped. From the early hours of the morning on a the dance floor where much anger and pain has been danced out to lonely times where the music has been something to take you away from the darkness and into the light! I am especially grateful that my efforts have not gone to waste.
Make an impact! 0 27 November @ Syrup, Hobart
Tix Available Online Saturday 28th November
299 Elizabeth St North Hobart Ph. 6234 6954
Tuesday 1st December
jeff martin & the armada
$40 pre/$50 door
Saturday 5th December
british india
+ all fires the fire
$20 pre/$25 door
Thurs 3rd/Fri 4th December
+ la vista
Passenger + Jess Chalker $12
Angie Hart $12 pre/$15 door
Phrase + Illy + Snob Scrilla
Wagons $12pre/$15door
Thursday Friday Saturday
3rd 4th 5th
9pm 10pm 10pm
Daniel Brennan
Quiz night
Sunday Monday Tuesday
6th 7th 8th
8.30pm 8.30pm 9pm
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Jeff Martin & The Armada $40pre/$50door Epicentre Recordings & mixtape launch Local Hip Hop British India supp Lavista $25 British India supp Lavista $25 Whitley supp All Fires the Fire $20pre/$25door Mick Ahearne plus Rex Watts Soul Fish plus Abbey Doggett G B Balding
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Wednesday, 25 November
GIG GUIDE 25/11/09 TO 8/12/09
sHobart The Brisbane Hotel Buzz Deluxe + The Sin & Tonics
Irish Murphy’s Victor Charlie Charlie
Republic Bar Passenger + Jess Chalker
Saturday, 28 November
Irish Murphy’s The Greenhouse: Big Birthday Bash feat. Abbey Doggett, La Vista & heaps more sLaunceston The Pav Open Mic The Royal Oak Open Mic Night Irish Murphy’s Top Shelf: Thursday, 26 November sHobart Syrup Mash Up Da Town: DJ Boucher Republic Bar Angie Hart Irish Murphy’s The Greenhouse: Prairie Nischler + Darlington + Ejecter The Alley Cat Alley Cat Comedy Night sLaunceston Lonnies Pure Glam The Royal Oak Lonnie Tunes: Frankie + Nikki Colls + The Churchill Diaries Irish Murphy’s Ben and Witty
Brookfield Vineyard New Holland Honeyeaters The Brisbane Hotel All Ages: Potential Falcon + SpiderkickS + Humberella + Burning Ernie Czech Music On The Road: Uz Jsme Doma + Ty Sycaci + Boo Brand New Second Hand + DJ BTC + The Old Sailor + DJ JSB + DJ Rusby Syrup Call It…: Discotouch+ Gillie + Guests Republic Bar Wagons Irish Murphy’s Covered: Sambo + Damamge Control The Alley Cat Ned Collette + Teeth & Tongue + Potential Falcon
Irish Murphy’s Covered: Michael Clennett + Wolfe Brothers The Alley Cat Ride the Tiger + The Trolls
Syrup Call It…: Gillie
Republic Bar Local Hip Hop
Republic Bar Whitley + All Fires the Fire
The Alley Cat Dub Side of Simmer
The Pav Open Mic
sLaunceston Lonnies Mark Dynamix (MDX)
Lonnies DJ Helena
Irish Murphy’s Top Shelf:
The Commercial Hotel Hard Drive
Hotel New York Phrase
Thursday, 3 November
The Royal Oak Live Music
The Commercial Hotel Hard Drive The Royal Oak The Titz Irish Murphy’s Cheeky Monkey
sHobart The Brisbane Hotel Playground Stand Up Comedy Syrup Mash Up Da Town: DJ Boucher
Brookfield Vineyard Overture Ornaments Republic Bar Daniel Brennan Irish Murphy’s The Greenhouse: Linc Le Fevre n’ Joe Nuttall
Sunday, 6 December sHobart Raincheck Live Acoustic Music
The Alley Cat Alley Cat Rock Quiz
Brookfield Vineyard Steve Young Trio
The Brisbane Hotel Circus Horificus & Friends “Dinner & Show”
Sunday, 29 November
Raincheck Live Acoustic Music
Irish Murphy’s Strap Daddy
Republic Bar British India supp Lavista
Lonnies Pure Glam The Royal Oak Mick Ahearn Irish Murphy’s Brief Illusion Friday, 4 December sHobart
Republic Bar Mick Ahearne + Rex Watts The Alley Cat Deb Manskey sLaunceston Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles + Carl Fidler + Glen and Jade + Velvet Lounge
sLaunceston Irish Murphy’s Carl Fidler + Geal Brothers + Kristy and Gina + Long Way Home
Proller Northie Brookfield Vineyard Open Mic featuring Mangus
The Pav Ciaran & friends. Mix’N’Dorphin II: Loco + SheBouNce + Anthony James + Boaz + Patty Duke + Bassey & Olley + Matty J + Norm + Bitternasty + Warwick + Neesh + Matty C + Luke J Warren
sHobart Republic Bar Quiz Night
Syrup Fedde Le Grand + Matt B + Gillie +Corney
The Alley Cat Cult Movie Night: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Republic Bar British India supp Lavista
The Brisbane Hotel James Parry Band + Linc Le Fevre
The Brisbane Hotel Bastard Squad + BumTuck + Stay Down + Woof Woof
The Royal Oak North/South Music Showcase: NoFoTo + Kasper + Guthrie
Saturday, 5 December
Wednesday, 2 December
Monday, 30 November
The Commercial Hotel DJ Skip
Irish Murphy’s Long Way Home
The Brisbane Hotel All Ages: 3pm till 7pm: Lord (NSW) + Taberah + Solar Thorn + Backlash Lord + Taberah + Hammerhead + The Ritz Late Night Krackieoke: DJ Lolly Gobble Bliss Bomb
Hotel New York Angie Hart
The Royal Oak Live Music
The Royal Oak Samuel Bester
The Bay Hotel Jamie Lloyd
Republic Bar Phrase + Illy + Snob Scrilla
Irish Murphy’s Tash and Caz
The Commercial Hotel DJ Skip
Syrup Pickle Vs Pitch Black: Jason Midro + Shad + Gorak + Corney
Republic Bar Jeff Martin & The Armada sLaunceston
The Brisbane Hotel All Ages: Silverback + Ending Atrophy + Silent Majority + Save The Clock Tower
The Brisbane Hotel Art @ The Brisbane
Friday, 27 November
Brookfield Vineyard Aussie Bush Show
Tuesday, 1 December
Hotel New York John Course + The Aston Shuffle
sLaunceston Irish Murphy’s Nathan Wheldon
Monday, 7 December sHobart Republic Bar Soul Fish + Abbey Doggett sLaunceston Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles Tuesday, 8 December8/12/09 sHobart
The Alley Cat Dub Side of Simmer + The Moon Dogs
Republic Bar G B Balding
The Alley Cat Sue Larsen
The Pav Little Cubas + Psychadelic Green Jello-Bubs + Loags + Kireesh + First Psyt + Tomfoolery + Cara + Soul Custardry + The deMotivators
sLaunceston Irish Murphy’s Geale Brothers
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
DEEP INSIDE… With Corrina Steel
Alley Cat The Alley Cat Bar 381 Elizabeth Street North Hobart 03 6231 2299
With ten years as a country singer/songwriter, Corrina Steel has reached blues royalty with her latest offering A Fling With The King.Having travelled to the deep South of America, the birthplace of roots music, Steel brought back a richer soulful sound and a new aptitude for the slide guitar. A Fling With The King was a hands on project for Steel from start to finish, and considers it one of her most “pure, honest sounding” albums yet. What was the last, deepest conversation you ever had - who was it with and what was it about? The other morning at 3am, a chat with my friends Rachael Lucas (the film maker) and Tina Harrod (the singer) about how we are able to manifest our creative visions ... we went way deep into conversation about the laws of attraction and the vibrational frequency we transmit and how it attracts similar people and experiences that are on the same page. What do you think it is about country and blues music that seems to really connect with people? Because it’s all about emotion. I’m not into really complicated music be honest certain jazz music makes me feel physically queezy. That ‘complicated for the sake of being complicated’ stuff, too much going on. But with country and blues in the traditional sense most of the time your dealing with just three cords and a feeling. It’s primal stuff.
Describe to me the most profound insight or meaning you have ever gained from a piece of music in this genre. The George Jones song ‘He Stopped Loving Her Today’. I have a DVD of a live concert dedicated to George Jones with all these amazing singers like Aron Neville singing his songs. George comes on at the end and sings ‘He Stopped Loving Her Today’ and the power in the emotion of this performance is from another planet. The song is about a man dying from a broken heart. I can’t hear it without tearing up. It’s a universal theme and scientist are now discovering that it is actually true that you can die of a broken heart. Having written and recorded A Fling With The King in a rural setting, how much influence does a physical location have on your creative work? Heaps ! Sometimes I live in the country, sometimes I live in the inner city. I really love having that contrast. But I dont seem to write much in the city. I think it’s got something to
do with feeling restricted in a tiny flat. A very old man in the building would bring me gifts whenever I would start singing... knock knock mid song. Bless his heart. So you can get a bit self consious. Where as in the bush you can belt it out until the cows come home. It gives you total freedom to make the mistakes you need to make to find the way the songs are supposed to go... or sometimes you find the mistakes very interesting. What have you learned about yourself since the production of A Fling With The King? That it’s really cool to take risks and trust my creative higher self. You can’t please all people all the time, but you can ammuse yourself with a rich creative life. Corrina Steel will be getting deep with Tasmanian audiences this summer 0 4 December @ Queens Head Bar & Café, Hobart 05 December @ Wynyard Theatre, Wharf Hotel, Wynyard
Are you ever tempted just to keep things light in your music? No, because then you fall into the easy listening category. That’s not my cup of tea!
Sat 28th of Nov Ned Colette Teeth & Tongue and \Potential Falcon 9.30pm Mon 30th of November Cult Movie Night 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' (Terry Gilliam) 8pm , $5 PIZZAS and $4 for the film Thurs 3rd of December Alley Cat Rock Quiz 8pm
and The Moon Dogs
Heading into Tassie to light up the town with his second album Beware of the Light, Jamie Lloyd will also be bringing his interesting take on dance music, full of found sounds, influences from computer games and disco, and a whole lot of techno energy.
Who or what is the light in your life? Music, my partner Sui, my friends and my two guinea pigs all bring the light for me.
Fri 27th of Nov 'Ride the Tiger' and 'The Trolls'
Dub Side of Simmer
Turn Off The Light
Should we perhaps beware of the light beer? I think that stuff is dangerous and can really take the shine off your night. I recommend steering well clear of light beer in general.
Thurs 26th of Nov 'Alley Cat Comedy Night' 8pm $7
Fri 4th of Dec
Why should we Beware of the Light? Light can be very dangerous to you in large amounts. I think everybody knows if you don’t slip slop slap there can be some serious complications later in life with skin cancer and what not. It’s real scary stuff.
Dub Side of Simmer is a stripped-back side project of Melbourne Afro-Dub band Simmer. This band features 'Soup' (Miso) bringing his unique live Dubscape/manipulation to the group as well as violin, bass, drums, guitar and local guest vocalists. The band consists of members from Morph, Gypsy Hot Club, Unified Gecko and Sine.
still a sense of fun. So I try not get too dark or light. Just a bit of both. What exactly is the appeal of the dark side? Hatred, betrayal, greed... all these things lead to the dark side. If this appeals to you then the dark side is exactly where you’re going to be. Do you have more fun with the lights off? I usually run into things and hurt my little toes. I don’t like that much! I try and keep my lights on low. We have one of those dimmers you see. What’s your favourite way to spend the night? A good old-fashioned sleep. Then in the morning you’re ready to take on the light again.
How dark can your music get? I think it has it’s dark moments but there’s
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Sat 5th of Dec
“…I try not get too dark or light. Just a bit of both...”
Dub side of Simmer Sun 6th of Dec 'Deb Manskey' Tues 8th of Dec Stu Larsen
sMEEGAN MAY Light up! 0 29 November @ The Bay Hotel, Hobart
HITTIN’ DA CLUB @ Hotel New York
@ Lonnies
For lovers of Disco, Funky and Vocal House
Pet Radio
Album Available December 2009
on iTunes and at PAGE 18 . ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Bag of Bonez
From his early days in high school in the late 80s, DJ Bonez began to create intricate four track mix tapes and CDs for the underground hip-hop scene. At the age of 17 he expanded his skills as a club and scratch DJ by performing in venues all around Australia. Throughout his career, Bonez has witnessed the evolution of many musical styles and is now regarded as one of the top DJs specialising in mixing and scratching in Australia. However, it wasn’t until 1995 that he made the transition to a producer, performing turntable trick routines and producing quality battle records catering to DJs around the globe. Back in 1999 he started making beats with a group named the ‘Dominion Crew’ an in 2000 he produced his first full length release for Hyjak ‘n’ Torcha with the album Drastik Measures which promptly became Triple J album of the week. Bonez then went on to produce remixes for various international artists and for major labels such as Universal Records and Warner In 2007 Bonez produced two brand new albums, one being a remix record of Californian based MCOmni, which features various artists such as Motion man, Blade, Speaque Ezie and MC Mell ‘O’. His solo compilation album- Roll Call featuring artists such as Funkoars, Lo-Tek, Sandpeople, Rainman, Grand Agent, Pegz, Low Budget, Tommy I’ll Figga and Muph, debuted at 35 on the ARIA Charts. The video for ‘Certified’ featuring Funkoars also peaked at number 5 on MTV video charts, including Best Video in 2007 and Best Compilation on the awards. Other accolades include JB HiFi Album of the week plus the video ‘Roll Call’ featuring Sandpeople earnt them a feature in Appart from his own releases Bonez has appeared on various compilations and scratched on albums such as Muph & Plutonics Silence the Sirense, &Then Tomorrow Came, The Calling / Left Foot Right Foot (Hilltop Hoods), and many more. He is Currently the live DJ for Muph & Plutonic and has toured extensively in 2008 to venues in major cities, regional towns, plus festivals such as Big Day Out, Homebake, Trackside, Sounds of Spring and Pyramid Rock. The future looks promising for now Melbourne based Bonez, with a US tour in the works for early 2010 and a highly anticipated new album set to be released around the same time, most recently he was in the studio with good friend Hau from Koolism, so keep your ears out! Bonez brings his bag of tricks to Tassie very soon. 0 5 December @ Mobius, Hobart
ART AT THE BRISBANE The Brisbane Hotel is proud to announce the grand opening of its latest community based project- ART AT THE BRISBANE. As the name suggests, it is a program of art exhibitions in the front bar of the hotel showcasing the talents of local art practitioners. The first exhibition will open on Tuesday the 1st of December at 6.00pm. This show will feature the work of around 20 Tasmanian artists and include video, prints, photography, painting, sculpture and more. On the first Tuesday of every month a new exhibition will open. Over 2010 there will be a variety of solo and group shows with an emphasis on imagery and conceptual concerns relating to the culture of the Brisbane Hotel and it’s patrons. ART AT THE BRISBANE strongly encourages local artists to get involved and apply for future shows. There are no costs involved for the artists and happy hour prices will be charged at the bar during the openings. The ethos of ART AT THE BRISBANE is simple - they want to offer a space to exhibit local art for all members of the community, no previous arts experience or qualifications are at all necessary, just enthusiasm and the desire to see your art on the walls of your local pub. 0 All enquiries can be directed to or in person at the front bar of the Brisbane Hotel, 3 Brisbane Street Hobart.
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
DJ Profile: Northie Vacation Records’ newest young talent is Northie: the 19 year old from Coastal NSW with a penchant for house music and a reputation for getting the party started!
Wednesday 25th November IN THE BAR (FROM 9PM) Open Mic Night in the bar from 9pm, $10 jugs of Boags
Thursday 26th November
How did you get started as a DJ? I was playing in a few bands in high school. Eventually found it hard to move forward in a group, while I was growing a likeness towards dance music, hip-hop and dabbling in computer music making software. The time approached where I found myself ridiculously influenced by a turntablist doco, and compelled to buy decks! I had a close friend who taught me the ropes and introduced me to breaks and house.
Lonnie Tunes feat. Frankie, Nikki Colls, The Churchill Diaries and more
Friday 27th November
North/South Music Showcase 2 feat NoFoto (Hbt), Kasper (L'ton) and Guthrie (L'ton) $5 cover
Saturday 28th November
What’s your signature style? FUN, EPIC, PARTY TIMES!
The Titz in the bar
What advantage does a younger DJ have over someone more ‘seasoned’? Haha, much respect to the more ‘seasoned’! I would say a younger DJ generally has a bigger network of friends who are also young. This scene being driven by young people’s tastes and trends – the more you know what’s going on, what’s fresh, what’s hot…the easier it is to accommodate to that demographic with what you play Best time you’ve ever had while wearing headphones? Most of my high school years, or my first show in New Zealand. But let’s see what my first show in Hobart has to offer! Most outrageous thing you’ve ever done on stage? Caused a fight, attended to a nosebleed and played Darude – ‘Sandstorm’. What’s the weirdest thing or request anyone’s ever asked of you in your capacity
WHAT’S THE STORY? With Katch. With decades of experience, the Resin Dogs’ DJ Katch no doubt has a few interesting tales to tell. So we asked him: What’s the story…
Wednesday 2nd December Samuel Bester in the bar
Thursday 3rd December Mick Ahearn (VIC) in the bar
Friday 4th December Live Music
Saturday 5th December Live Music
as a DJ? If they can plug in their iPod and play something their friends like.
dance music? Warp 1.9, Leather jackets, drug abuse and overuse of the word ‘jack’.
Who or what do you think is going to be big this year? The Australian dollar, Dave Winnel, Brain Matters and hopefully me!
What have you got in store for Tassie? Too much for Tassie to handle!
What do you hope is on its way out of
Behind your DJ name? I use to write the graffiti as catch 22, I got the name from the Josef Heller novel of the same name and of the meaning “a no win situation” so that’s the story I changed it to spell with a K as its my middle name. About how you got into hip-hop and DJing? In 1982 I got into break dancing after a while I was collecting music to break to, I was also writing graff, so I’ve pretty much been into hip hop for about 26 years. I’ve seen the hip-hop culture evolve from being something that a few kids were into to dominating fashion - art – music; hip hop has a history and a culture behind it all and is now taught at Universities and workshops across the globe. Of the first gig you ever played? I just happened to be in the right place at the right time really. They use to do a Saturday arvo for kids and I just happen to say to one of the DJs I had some records can I bring them in next
sMEEGAN MAY Get out your compass and head Northie! 0 4 December @ Proller, Hobart
week he was like sure why not I was 14 or 15 at the time. Of the last time you were completely pissed off? Well I did get a parking ticket today, which really pissed me off as I’m in Melbourne at present and they have the most ridiculous signage! Of the last time you were in trouble with the law? The reason why I stopped graffiti and started making beats and DJing. Of the last famous person you met? I was DJing at the Nas Gig in Brisbane so I got to meet him. Behind your most prized non-music related possession? Well that’s an easy one, it’s my health and my family. Behind your most prized music-related possession? Well that would have to be my records I’ve been collecting for 25+ years now, so I have quite a few shelves at the studio, all mostly original pressings from funk, soul, latin, but definitely a huge bulk of it is hip-hop especially from early 80s to say 2003. Then it gets to be not so indulgent, its what I make beats out of and DJ to make money so they are pretty important musical Item. Apart from that I would have to say my MPC collection. We’ll be writing about you in five years? That I am true in what I do and a pioneer and ambassador of hip hop for Australia, didn’t have to conform to the mainstream market just to get noticed, inspiring to the younger generation and still doesn’t take sh*t from nobody. What’s the Katch? 0 12 December @ Proller, Hobart
Open Folk Group every Sunday from 5PM
14 Brisbane Street, Launceston 6331 5346
Little Miss Music Tasmania presents
"Another Saturday Night" Saturday 28th November, 7:00pm doors open, 7:30pm start, free entry
Andrew Marshall Frankie Andrew Rod Fritz Gretel Templeton Prairie Nischler
@ Lark Distillery 14 Davey St, Hobart Ph: 6231 9088 . ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
SOUNSCAPE PLAYOFFS @ Republic Bar, 7 November
LA VISTA The Inaugural Soundscape play-offs saw Tasmania’s finest in rock battle it out for crowning glory and a slot next to world class acts at the Soundscape festivals. The first thing that struck me was the caliber of acts. Every band was polished, shiny and ready for competition. The crowd was pumped, and it was clear most bands had bought a few mates along. The Republic was packed, with a crowd eager to show its support for local and some not so local music. Ben Wells and The Middle Names were favorites, and although their brand of folk/rock isn’t really my cup of tea, their harmonies were spot on and they had a playful, youthful energy. I like this band more every time I see them. Chi-roh, back with new band members presented quite a funky set. Matt Burns is a quite charismatic front person. I enjoyed watching them.
CASIOTONE I was overjoyed to get the chance to see this artist live. All the way from the USA, Owen Ashworth, or the artist known as Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, performed at Hobart’s own The Venue – in Celebration of the opening night of Hobart’s annual Fringe festival The Southern Belles kicked the night off, with a crazy sexy dance set. Before the sword swallowing contortionist, antics of Circus Horrificus, blasted our minds with what can only be described as death defying tricks climaxing with the hot chick swimming in a bed of broken glass. Loca indie two-piece Paint your Golden Face put on an intense and exciting set, using vocal loops and backing tracks to create a huge sound for a two-piece. I found the stripped back drums and harmonic chats mesmerizing. Songs about things like how one of their mates was a dealer and they hated him, were kooky and odd. Mikey Valentine’s soft and mournful acoustic guitar set, was heart warming, melodic and sweet. Although the artist did not like the comparison with him and Jeff Buckley I presented, there was something about the melodic content that I really dug.
Milduran two-piece Jackson Firebird took a break from touring with Kram to fly in especially for the play-offs. I was overjoyed to catch them live. Blues driven rock anthems got me dancing, and their act was exciting - starting with their drummer beating up a storm on a recycling bin before progressing to the kit. For a two-piece these guys have a huge sound. I was surprised to catch them at the Soundscape play-offs. Five-piece La Vista were the second last band on and the winners of the competition, playing with a girl in the line-up. They seemed at home on stage, their short set blending pop and rock. Their ambient guitar riffs and edgy vocals, worked well with their solid harmonic grooves and soulful lyrics. Well dressed and softly spoken off stage, onstage their brand of pop n’ roll really did get the crowd pumping. They played their instruments well and hard. Their songs were well crafted. Although the winners were not announced on the night I wasn’t surprised that they won, they put on a seriously good show.
Casiotone’s support US touring artist Concern let rip with his atmospheric ambient experimental soundscape set. This was an intense and relaxing performance. Concern eventually picked up the guitar, incorporating layers of distorted feedback amongst other instrument and non-instrument generated sounds.
All in all a good night was had by all, money was raised for the save the devil cause and a lot of free Soundscape tickets were given away. I am not the only person looking forward to this festival, see you there!
CONCERN Casiotone for the Painfully Alone presented as I had imagined – one man, one desk, one microphone and a very big indie electro pop sound. Quirky and dancy, yet sometimes mournful and sad, Casiotone’s performance was a crowd-pleaser that’s for sure. Although half the crowd remained seated and half danced, everyone seemed to be bopping along. Standout tracks for me were ‘Scattered Pearls’ and ‘White Corolla’, which were both integrity soaked and beautiful. As was the rest of the act if not somewhat sweaty, like all good live music should be.
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
BUZZ! QUIZ WORLD Sony Computer Entertainment PS3 (also on PSP)
The oddly proportioned Muppet-wannabe that sounds suspiciously like Jase Donovan (‘cos it is) returns – and this time he’s brought his ‘A’ game. The third incarnation of the trivia franchise to hit Sony’s PS3 could be described as a reboot. Whilst Quiz TV and Brain of Oz were fun, they were limited options-wise, and just getting around was kinda clunky. They were pretty much ports of the original PS2 game, and it showed. Not so with Quiz World, where we get what we should have all along – a really solid, really-fun-for- anybody-with-a-pulse trivia game that takes advantage of the PS3. If you’re not Buzz!-aware, it’s a quiz presented as a TV show that’s kind of a melange of Sale of the Century and Eddie McChins’ thang. Up to eight players ( just part of the new additions) compete through various rounds, some dependent upon speed, others smarts and some on sheer flukiness. Faves like ‘Pie Fight’ and ‘Beat the Bomb’ return, along with several new rounds and a more varied array of categories. It’s even been localised, so don’t be surprised if a question on AFL pops up.
Neat touches include personalisation – so Buzz says your name (if it’s included) – and customisation, so you can choose which rounds to play. Online is improved, with seamless access to quizzes you’ve created, or those that others – many seemingly illiterate – have cobbled together.
Warner Interactive/MTV Games PS3 (also on XBOX 360, WII, NDS)
The LEGO juggernaut has crashed headlong into the music game genre, and it actually works – plus there’s no mess of blocks to have to pick up afterwards! Perfectly self-explanatory from title alone, LRB (not THAT one, thank rock god) takes the classic Rock Band interface and LEGOfies it. It’s aimed at a younger and broader audience than the main game, with all its inherent prog rock silliness and guttural metal that might alarm those of more delicate sensibilities.
Single player is virtually nonexistent, but that’s not what Buzz! is about. Get some mates around, knock a few back and enjoy – not just competing, but abusing that smart-arse bloody puppet! 9/10 AMY FLOWER
So, we get a disproportionately large selection of emo rockers bumping uglies with a few tracks to satiate the oldies from the likes of Elton and Queen, plus some pleasing choices including Blur (Alex James has the cutest LEGO ‘minifig’ we’ve ever seen!), Kaiser Chiefs and even ace Swedes The Hives, whose ‘Tick Tick Boom’ is used in a challenge where you must demolish a building using the ‘power of rock’. Nice! There are only 45 songs, although if you have existing Rock Band DLC it will meld itself to the game – assuming that it’s kid friendly. Keeping with this aim of universal niceness, nobody can fail in LRB – you just lose currency in the form of ‘studs’. There are also concessions such as a super-easy mode where you could survive when comatose, plus an auto-kick function for those who have trouble coordinating their feet and hands when in the vicinity of drums. LEGO Rock Band really is great fun, although the repetitiveness of the limited set list really made us do our block… (Dad joke – yeah!) 8/10 AMY FLOWER ___________________________________________________________________________
Picked up Borderlands on release last month and can’t get enough? Well, 2K has some DLC for you! One word people, one word that elicits joy from most every gamer we’ve every encountered – ‘zombies’. Yes, the shambling undead have moseyed into Pandora in this first of several planned expansion packs for the engaging first-person shooter with more than a touch of RPG about it, and man if it isn’t a blast giving those brain-craving bastiches healthy doses of splatteration with our levelled-up weaponry! That’s right, you can’t kill the undead – duh – but you can blow their limbs off hither and thither. So, render them legless and they’ll still scrape after you. They’re persistent buggers these zombies, yes indeedy. For the most part they’re not armed, which adds to the creepiness as they just tend to appear all around through the heap of new quests spread over five new dungeons. The back story, if you need one, is that the titular Dr Ned was charged with looking after the denizens of Jakobs Cove. Quite frankly he did a crapulent job of it, however, and somehow transmogrified the lot into abominations. These aren’t just your everyday zombies; there are spitters, lemming-like suicide zombies, psychos that go apespitcrazybonkers if provoked and even ‘tankensteins’, which wield explosive barrels and other nasty surprises. What the hell, the Doc’s screw up is something we can capitalise on, as there’s something disturbingly joyous about blowing away things that are already dead. It’s not bad, as we’re doing the world a favour. Right? Right?! 8.5/10 AMY FLOWER ___________________________________________________________________________
e ! nc od ha iP C n ur A Yo Win To
Toni Bird
MAN2MAN’s New Web Site HIV & Tassie Youth Ecstasy & It’s Risks Coming Out in Tassie
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
CINECISM: Adventureland (REVIEW) summer will now be populated by belligerent dads, stuffed pandas, and screaming kids high on cotton candy. Lucky for James, what should have been his worst summer ever turns into quite an adventure as he discovers love in the most unlikely place with his captivating co-worker Em (Kristen Stewart, the awkward doll at the centre of teeny hit Twilight), and learns to loosen up. With an amazing soundtrack of 80s faves (It plays on loop in my car!), and a terrific ensemble support cast (Bill Hader & Kristen Wiig are both adorable and amusing as the park owners, Ryan Reynolds is as charming as ever as the park playboy & resident handyman, Martin Starr is the pushed-around, usually by women, park vet, and Wendie Malick and Jack Gilpin are perfect as James’ hoity parents). There is also a heartwarming, emotion-drenched screenplay by Mottola; Adventureland is a real winner.
DVD: ADVENTURELAND Greg Mottola Film: Nobody will ever replace John Hughes. He was a legend. Apparently he wouldn’t go to bed at night until he’d come up with 100 new jokes (I assume for whatever project, or projects, he was working on at the time). And his hard work always paid off – there’s not a bad film in his bunch. I doubt we’ll ever see teen dramedy’s as good as The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful again. But if there’s room for someone to come close to being this generation’s ‘Hughes’, let it be Greg Mottola, a fresh face in the DGA, that’s seemingly already hit his stride as a terrific ‘teen movie’ director after only two (major) efforts. Mottola’s first, the Judd Knocked Up Apatow-
produced Superbad (2007) was a hysterically funny, and also rather poignant look into the terrific but turbulent life of the modern-day teenager. For all intents and purposes, it was Mottola’s Sixteen Candles (Hughes’ big breakthrough)… and Adventureland, Mottola’s latest, is his Breakfast Club. A much deeper, and more profound piece of work, the comedy/drama/romance/biopic (the film is loosely based on the writer/director’s own youth) set in the summer of 1987, about an uptight recent college grad (the always impressive Jesse Eisenberg, The Hunting Party) who is forced to take a job at a local amusement park when he realizes he can’t afford his dream European vacation. Forget about German beer, world-famous museums and cute French girls - James’
It’s not often you find a film (especially one that only made about ten bucks at the box office – what is it with you people?!) that can make you laugh, make you cry, make you cringe, make you go all gooey inside within the space of two hours… but this does it effortlessly. If only it’d made money, we might’ve seen a sequel. Extras: Among the extras, a 17-minute featurette on how Mottola transferred his real-life yarn into cinematic form, a very funny commentary by the director and Eisenberg, and an option to jump forward to your favourite songs in the movie. Yeah, would’ve been nice to have had more… but as I mentioned earlier, the film made nextto-nothing at the box office, so a commentary and a featurette isn’t that shabby an offering considering. sCLINT MORRIS
Kristen Stewart at the LA premiere of Adventureland
! t i t a e w s sundays + its weird in here presents. . .
metz on t to you by forge sundays ta mondabyout
sweat it out records plus support
ner AdamTuarla M kai JackVinyey Park
December 13
Tickets $10 on the door * Guaranteed entry with presale - Available @ Billie Jo Fashion - 22 Criterion St, Hobart & The Metz METZ * CAFE * RESTURANT * BAR 217 SANDY BAY RD \ PH. 6222 4444
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
$40 Fashionista
It’s not often a performance comes to town which encompasses so many fascets of the arts, that all tastes are catered for – from fans of Aussie hip-hop or the TV show So You Think You Can Dance, to those who appreciate the best in theatre and dance Australia has to offer. When a production is described as “Karaoke night, Broome style, where country meets hiphop meets Japanese love song,” you’ve got to imagine it’s something a little different. With added ingredients from the worlds of film, dance, theatre and music, Burning Daylight is an original production by Marrugeku, which has been touring the country, beginning from it’s origins in Broome, since the end of October. Burning Daylight’s Director, Rachael Swain, was inspired by the depiction of Broome at the turn of the 19th to 20th century as an “Asian Wild West”. The production features “karaoke noodle western videos” by Warwick Thornton, the award winning Director of Samson and Delilah, performances by actor Trevor Jamieson of Ngapartji Ngapartji, Sermsah Bin Saad or Suri, a recent finalist in So You Think You Can Dance, and music by MC Dazastah of Perth based hiphop crew Downsyde.
MC DAZASTAH Dazastah (D. Reutens) is one of the high-profile members of the Australian hip-hop community lending his talents to Burning Daylight, and has worked with Aussie hip-hop pioneers Koolism, and as mentioned – his crew Downsyde. Downsyde had their origins in the late 1990s, with their debut album gaining a September 2000 release, which scored them an Australian Dance Music Award nomination, and their follow up, 2003’s Land of the Giants, saw them pick up their first WAMi award, a ceremony that they would then dominate in the Urban category for the next five years. Now after their most recent album promotion and tour wrapped up, it’s given MC Dazastah the chance to work on the Broome based project. Though despite its WA setting, the project hasn’t just attracted local talent like MC Dazastah. With contemporary indigenous meeting intercultural dance theatre, Burning Daylight was suitably co-choreographed by Belgian based West African Serge Aime Coulibalay (former member of Les Ballets C de la B) and indigenous choreographer Dalisa Pigram from Broome. Marraugeku’s previous works, Mimi (Perth Festival 1996, Dreaming Festival 1997) and Crying Baby (Perth, Sydney and Darwin Festivals 2000-02) were acclaimed by audiences around the country and internationally, and it seems that Burning Daylight will be no different when the Salamanca Arts Centre & Mobile States bring it to Princes Wharf this November. For more information, head to www.marrugeku., and for bookings, Theatre Royal:
0 26-8 November @ Princes Wharf 1, Hobart
ONBA I recently met a fabulous fashionista who commented that she never leaves the house looking what she called ‘vanilla’. For most of us, that translates to plain and boring. It is a great and easy philosophy to adopt. It takes hardly any time or effort to add a little something special to an outfit. A super hot look right now is well cut blazers. Look for big shoulders (believe it or not, shoulder pads are back!) and funky finish waists. Pair with a brightly coloured skirt or pair of pants, throw on a pair of killer heels, and you are well on your way to looking seriously rock chic! And far from boring! So don’t settle for vanilla…add some crunch and spice, frock up, twirl around and head out! 0 PIECES USED IN SHOT Blazer (Thai Silk) – $6.50, Vinnies Tank Top (Miss Shop) – $4, City Mission Skirt (Wild Oats Australia) – $9, Salvo’s Shoes (Cotton On) – $20, sREBECCA TAYLOR Model: Emily Cappelletti
MONDAYS / TUESDAYS Industry Night • $25 Beer Buckets – Any 5 stubbies from our fridge for $25
WEDNESDAY - UNI NIGHT Gonna have a big night? We will fill you up! • Paella $25/hd • $15 Sangria Jugs •10pm – 12pm $10 Cocktails • Schooners @ 10oz prices
THURSDAY Ladies Night! Girls leave the boys at home and come in for a stiff one! • Cosmos $10
FRIDAY • Free Tapas between 5pm and 6pm with every drink
SATURDAY / SUNDAY Lazy Afternoons • Schooners @ 10oz prices 3pm – 6pm RELAX in our couches upstairs or the sunny courtyard. Got a FUNCTION? We can cater for any budget.
Corner of Burnett & Elizabeth St, North Hobart Opposite The Republic Bar 6231 5931 •
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Saucy Sparkle Tales of tease and all things sparkling from Hobart and beyond! Brought to you by Hobart’s own Diamonds of Burlesque.
Stranger than Micktion Mick’s one sharp cookie! We use a lot of odd sayings in the English language don’t we? Rhetorical questions also feature heavily as well. We all find ourselves saying things like “That’s the pot calling the kettle black” and gone “oh no, I sound like my mother!” The pot calling the kettle black is a weird saying in itself. Is it suggesting that all cookware is racist? Is it a thinly veiled drug reference? Is it just a misunderstood phone message? “The Kettle rang. Pot? Can you call the kettle back?” Why they have to phone each other when they’re just on the other side of the kitchen is beyond me, but hey, it’s the 90’s. Oh wait…
Blue diamonds, green diamonds, yellow diamonds and my sparkling favourite ... pink diamonds! Diamonds come in a variety of colours, cuts, carats, and in many shapes and sizes. If you have ever been so lucky to shop for that special engagement ring, you will know exactly what I’m talking about! So hard to choose, they’re all so beautiful and before you know it you are prancing around like a giddy burlesque star with a twinkle in your eye and a gemstone that will turn heads!
So the one that struck me, was when I overheard a conversation I was eavesdropping on, and someone said “Yeah, he’s a sharp cookie.” The other person nodded in agreement. Isn’t it smart cookie? Or at least a cookie that has smarties in it? At worst M&M’s. But a sharp cookie? How you get a sharp cookie? What sort of sadistic bakery is churning out biscuits that can slice your head off? I’ve heard of cookie cutters, perhaps these are things that are sold at seedy back alley bakeries, by pastry chefs wearing black aprons. Imagine going around to visit your gran and she offers you a biscuit
and then when you reach into the jar, sching! 3 fingers. You’d have no choice but to take up bowling or become a Simpson. How would your gran be? You writhing on the floor of the nursing home, trying to stem the flow of blood with a crocheted shawl. “Gran?! What the hell were those biscuits?” And your gran simply answering “Mint slice.” I’m not sure how they would even be packaged, as surely cellophane would be shredded as soon as the came in contact with the blade-like, yet delicious edges. God forbid you actually get one into your mouth! There’s another one: God forbid insert banal
occurrence of choice. Would God really forbid putting a razor sharp bickie in your mouth? It hasn’t really worked that well so far. I’m pretty sure he forbade most of the things we regularly do for pleasure, like fornication, eating and talking. Forbidding something is just like a paper bag full of water. Pointless, limp and no real fun. If the saying was more like God outlaw under the Mann Act of 1910, punishable by 17 years hard labour, then you’ve got a point to make. Forbidden, not forgotten. A pun. Based on an anecdote that was derived from an adaptation of a true story.
When creating the name ‘The Diamonds of Burlesque’ for my gorgeous group of burlesque ladies, variety and turning heads was certainly what I had in mind. Each girl is unique, with her own style that just can’t help but sparkle through. It was perfect! Although the ‘Diamonds’ are better known for our more contemporary style of burlesque, we are all about variety having performed styles such as vintage, colourful and girly, dark and mysterious, funny, circus and more! On Sunday the 15th November the burlesque event L’Antre Opium took place as part of the Fringe Festival, presented by ‘The Southern Belles’. This was a sell out show as people came from far and wide to see Hobart’s collection of Burlesque performers with one exception, the sensual Kerry X from Melbourne. Each performance was satisfyingly different in style from the next. The Southern Belles vivacious vintage acts, Mischka La Tickle and Tia Du Raunch’s cheeky performance, Miss Kitty’s Meow’s high kicking whirl, The Turkish Delight’s infectious and joyous belly dance, Kerry X’s dark and captivating fan dance, Decadence’s creative mix of music and artistry, Zara La Mor’s sexy and oh so saucy pole dance and then The Diamonds of Burlesque featuring a vintage styled fan dance and sultry pole act followed by a contemporary twist on Alice in Wonderland with our ‘Alice and the Diamond Queens Elixir of Dreams’. The show was emceed by the one and only Madam Goulash who always thrills her audience with her domineering and slightly scary style of her own. All performances incorporated a different element of tease leaving the audience wanting more… more and well, more. It was a tasty twist of styles and gave a great preview of what makes burlesque so intriguing … After all ... variety is the ‘Sparkle’ of life! sMISS BB SPARKLE
Come see The Corset, Cocktail and Cabaret Masquerade 0 16 December @ Soak Bar, Hobart . ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009
Name: Amy Age: 24 Favourite Music: Gangsta Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? Wonder Woman Batman or Superman? Spiderman
Name: Hawkeye Age: 32 Favourite Music: Primus Chocolate or Vanilla? Beer Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? Wonder Woman Batman or Superman? Batman
Name: Jackson Age: 24 Favourite Music: Black Sabbath Chocolate or Vanilla? Bacon Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? Wonder Woman Batman or Superman? Batman
Name: Nikki Age: 24 Favourite Music: R & B, Dance Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? Cat Woman Batman or Superman? Batman
. ISSUE 108 . NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 8 2009