Geography The Municipality of Kukës (MK), with the town of Kukës as its center, is located in the north-east of the Republic of Albania and accounts for 2% of the total area of the country. The relief of the territory of the Municipality of Kukës is mostly mountainous. The mountains of Gjallica and of Koritnik, which are part of the mountain range of Korab, lie in this area. Whereas Drin valley is well known for the rough terrain and many bottlenecks, on which large hydropower dams were built. The fact, that a part of the mountain range of Korab lies in this area, highlights its characteristics as a mountainous area, where settlements reach about 1400 m altitude. Kukës area lies in a part of the lake Fierza, which is the largest artificial lake in Albania. Morini gorge, through which the road to Prizren passes, makes this area a connecting place with Kosovo. The city of Kukës is the main center of the Municipality of Kukes, and the most important one from the economic, administrative and social viewpoint. Other economic centers include Bicaj, Shtiqen, Shishtavec and Shëmri (Malzi). Despite these economic centers, Kukës is the place where the main commercial activity happens.
Population The population of Kukës Municipality, according to the civil registry office at the municipality, is 60800 residents. Kukës city population constitutes 34% of the total population of the Municipality of Kukës. The average population per local government unit in this region is 4053 inhabitants/AU, or 50.6% lower than the national average of 8016 inhabitants/AU. The Units with the smallest number of residents are Arrën and Kalis. The average density is 66 inhabitants / km2. Kukës city, as an urban center has a population density of 1597 inhabitants/km2, while in other areas, the density does not exceed 100 inhabitants/km2, except the AU of Shtiqen, the density of which is about 112 inhabitants/km2. There are units where the density reaches the minimum figures such as in Arrën (approximately 9 inhabitants/km2). AUs that are far from the center, are sparsely populated and with very weak interactions, being distanced from Kukes as the municipal center. Recent analyses reveal two important trends in terms of population: (i) general depopulation (ii) and depopulation followed by inter-regional migration from rural to urban centers. In recent years, the city of Kukës population grew by 3.8%, while in other administrative units, it has fallen by 2.5%. The administrative units that have experienced the largest decline are: Kalis (42.8%), 30.6% Kolsh, and Topojan (12.8%). The lowest density figures were observed in the administrative units of Arren (9 inhabitants / km2). At qark level, Kukës presents a net migration rate of -9.6 in 2014. While the ratio between arriving people and leaving people from the area presents a deep negative balance of internal migration, experiencing a much higher influx of population outflow compared to inflows (32% to 68%). The population of Kukës Municipality consists of a relatively new population, a characteristic distinctive even at country level. Since 2006, the trend with three age groups has been more or less stable. 49% of the population are at working age and the rest of 14% consist of children (young age) and 37% is the age group of 65 years old and above. The coverage ratio for young people is 76% in total, and it is also higher than the average coefficient for all Kukës qark (46.3%). Likewise, the rate of coverage for the elderly appears to be high, when compared to the average for Kukës (12.4%), or at country level. This implies a considerable burden of dependents in the family economic units and economies of the area in general. This degree of dependence is the result of the high birth rate that continues to be the highest in the republic.
Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality Facilitated by Decentralisation and Local Development Programme (dldp) with the support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania
Population and density Administrative Units and the Municipality of Kukes Kukës Shtiqen Malzi Tërthorë Zapod Surroj Bicaj Shishtavec Arren GrykëCajë Bushtricë Kolsh Kalis Topojan Ujmisht TOTAL
Density Inhabitant s/km2
20698 3365 3853 3698 3141 1810 6536 5075 568 1910 1936 2340 934 2495 2441 60800
1597 112 25 55 83 23 76 79 9 21 53 59 28 35 50 66
Source: Municipality of Kukës, Directorate of Civil Registry
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Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
Economic Profile The history of the economic development of Kukës region shows a gradual development in services with a focus on agriculture and livestock. Despite being a region rich in many natural resources, Kukës area, as well as the whole region of Kukës, is one of the poorest areas in the entire country. The contribution of this region to domestic production continues to be the lowest in recent years, nationwide, only 2.2%. Likewise, the level of GDP per capita is the lowest, being at a level about 30% lower than the national average and 12% lower than the average of the northern area. The low level of economic development of the area is related to the fact that revenues in this area are primarily generated from low productivity sectors. The economy of this area is based on agriculture & livestock sector, which takes on average 33% of all gross added value for the region, while the industry contribution is only at the average level of about 11%. The contribution of this sector has been declining in recent years, but it has had a slight increase in the past two years. The economy is dominated by individual or family business and it is mainly based on small enterprises. Most businesses are concentrated in the city of Kukës (79%), while the other
administrative units have a low number of their total enterprises. Business proportion to residents is too low, about 46 businesses per 1000 inhabitants in Kukës, to 1 business per 1000 inhabitants in Ujmisht and Grykë Çajë. The structure of the economy is reflected in the structure of export and import. Most of the products imported in the past five years were "vegetable products" (29.8%), followed by "base metals and their sub-products" (15.8%), and "Mineral products" (15.5%). Specific weight of the last two products has been relatively high in 2013, respectively 36% and 44.8%. The export of mineral products has been increasing since 2008, with very high growth rates in recent years (by 4.9 times in 2009 to 15.2 times in 2013). The export of minerals to Kosovo, for their further processing, has played a major role. As regards public investments, their distribution in the past was not in equal proportions, creating distribution inequality. The focus of investment was mainly on local infrastructure, while investments in local economic development were almost absent.
Graph 3: Employment according to Economic sectors 2014
Graph 4: Employment Status 2014
Source: INSTAT
The Territorial Strategy of the Local Government Unit of the Municipality of Kukës, as an integrated part of the National General Plan, is designed with a comprehensive orientation, based on the guidelines and provisions arising from this plan. The Development Strategy and the Local Development Plan of the Municipality of Kukës are essential in terms of the next 15 years of territorial management, ensuring the development of a more functional territory that enables and facilitates at the most the economic development and quality of life community.
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territorial strategy
Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
Development vision of the local unit territory The Development Strategy of the Municipality of Kukës is guided by a common vision for change and further development that has in its core the improvement of the welfare, life of local inhabitants and sustainable development. This vision is:
Kukës, the first attractive frontline point in the East-Northern border that provides welfare and opportunity to its citizens on transformation of rich natural, cultural and social potential into economic and social values.
Vision Scheme Kukës, the first attractive frontline point in the East-Northern border that provides welfare and opportunity to its citizens on transformation of rich natural, cultural and social potential into economic and social values.
Competitive based on development and promotion of organic products and balanced use of natural riches
Eco-alternative that promotes the natural potential, that the attractive and unused lake and mountainous relief offer and historical and cultural values
Mine and Energy Industry That is based on controlled use of mineral and hydro resources and value added
Human capacities and built capacities in labour market
Systems of developed urban infrastructure
Protection and conservation of environment as the main asset at the service of the community and sustainable economic development" This vision is based on three main pillars that contribute to the economic development: Agriculture development, Tourism and Mine Development. The development of these sectors can be carried out if they will be further developed and strengthened through development and modernization of Developed Infrastructure Systems, Capacity Building and Quality Market Labour and Human Capacities. All this development should take into account and it shall be carried out by ensuring “The Protection and conservation of environment as the main asset at the service of the community and sustainable economic development", contributing as such in the balanced and harmonised development. The above-mentioned pillars that support the vision achievement, define as well the main priorities of strategic development policies that are envisaged to be implemented during the next years. These policies will ensure the increased role of the Municipality of Kukës in the national systems of development and specifically in local development, seen in all its social, economic and environmental dimensions. The vision can be carried out through strategic objectives and implementation of a harmonized development plan, which will be implemented through the application of various financial instruments as well as the optimal and efficient use of financial and human resources.
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Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
MAIN DEVELOMENT PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS Projects in Infrastructure and Urban Development Project Title
Project Type Project Location Total Budget Project Title
Program on Development of Road Infrastructure and Urban Transport/Map of Road network according to classification into three categories Infrastructure Kukës Municipality 67,000 Euro (first phase) / 50,000 Euro
Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Building of the Touristic Road Topojan-Kroi i KuqTërshenë-Bicaj Infrastructural-Touristic Administrative Units Topojan dhe Bicaj 200.000 Euro
Project Title Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Development of Urban Waste Management System Infrastructural - Environmental Municipality of Kukës 67,000 Euro (first phase)
Projects in Environment Protection Project Title Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Cleaning of Fierza Lake and its surrounding areas Environmental - Touristic Municipality of Kukës 200.000
Project Title Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Systematization of Lake shores and its adaptation into a touristic point Environmental - Touristic Municipality of Kukës 150.000 Euro
Project Title Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Afforestation of Gryka e Vanave Environmental-Touristic Area Kukës – Shishtavec 150.000 Euro
Project Title Project Type Project Location Total Budget
Identification and rehabilitation of sterile waste and careers as a result of mine use Environmental Bicaj 200.000 Euro
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Projects in Tourism and Local Economic Development
Social Projects
Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
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Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
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4 4.1 4.1.1
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Priority 4: Infrastructure Infrastructure Development Program for Road and Urban Transport System Road Network Map according to the classification into three categories
Construction of the touristic road, Topojan-Kroi i KuqTërshenë-Bicaj
The project for development of the road network for bicycles (or and pedestrians) that accesses the natural areas of historical and cultural heritage
Construction of Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal
Construction of Intermodal Station in Kukës
Construction of the airport road - Highway Kukës
Construction of 2-3 overpasses in the highway to connect Kukës city with Fierza Lake
Roundabouts and the entrances and exits of villages of the Administrative unit, Shtiqen and Tërthorë, and into the highway
Building of the Industrial Market, Kukës
4.10 4.11 5
Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
Civil works
Investments of the Government
Study/ Investment
55,000 / 850,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Study/ Investment
3,000 / 60,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Study/ Investment
50,000 / 1.000,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Rehabilitation, systematization and asphalting of roads in Kukës
Study/ Investment
100,000 / 2,400,000
Rehabilitation, systematization and asphalting of roads in all Administration Units of the Municipality of Kukës
Study/ Investment
1,000,000 / 20,000,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Short-term / Mid-term
Priority 5: Education and Health
Establishment of Tourism and Culinary Branch in the Vocational High School
Sports facilities, recreation
Short-term / Mid-term
Building of the 9-year school in Lagje e Re, Kukës (Building + expropriation)
Study/ Investment
52,000 / 1,600,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Construction of the heating system in schools, kindergartens and Kukës municipality building
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6 6.1
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Territorial Development Strategy of Kukës Municipality
Priority 6: Environment Development of Urban Waste Management System
Building of Kukës Landfill
Study /
Study/ Investment
67,000 /
90,000 / 1,800,000
Short-term/ Mid-term
Development of the Network of the Water Supply and Sewerage System
Project on land erosion intervention (phase I)
Forestation of Gryka e Vanave
Improvement of green infrastructure of Kukës city
Cleaning of Fierza Lake and the surrounding areas
Capacity building of the Administration of Protected Areas of Kukës related to management, administration and monitoring of the Protected Areas Magisterial of KUZ of Kukës city
Study/ Investment
43,000 / 900,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Rehabilitation of KUZ and building of KUZ Lagje e Re Kukës
Study/ Investment
53,000 / 1,100,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Building of KUZ in the Administrative Unit of Shtiqen (villages of Shtiqen,Kodër-Lume, Muje, Gjalicë dhe Krenxë)
Study/ Investment
75,000 / 1,500,000
Short-term / Mid-term
Purification sewage plant (in 3 gorge-spills areas) Kukës
Study/ Investment
200,000 / 4,000,000
Short-term / Mid-term