Newsletter no. 7

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Newsletter Dldp aims through this newsletter to share to the readers the main achievements of each quarter as well as the main activities planned for the next quarter. This format further enriches the ways of transmitting information through our website CONTENT 1

The Swiss programme - dldp supports 5 partner municipalities for designing the General Local Plans

1 Dldp contribution in building successful samples

2 Fruitful visit of dldp and local governance teams in Switzerland

2 Partners Day: dldp shared the experience in urban waste management sector

3 Centre of Competence

as an active platform in issuing recommendations on well-functioning of local laws

Consultation table on the 3 draft-law “On the Prefect”

3 Discussions in working groups of the Centres of Competences

4 Evaluation of the meeting

from members of the Centre of Competence

VII-th edition JULY - SEPTEMBER 2016

The Swiss programme - dldp supports 5 partner municipalities for designing the General Local Plans In order to ensure the socialeconomic cohesion of the reconstituted municipalities immediately after the Territorial Administrative Reform (TAR), Albanian Government initiated in 2015 a large process of developing General Local Plans (GLP) for these new territorial entities. Dldp through the Swiss Embassy support (namely SDC) has prepared a coherent methodology and related tools for the preparation of the Strategic Development Plans linked with the Medium Term Budget Program for (SDPeMTBP) the Local Government Units in the country. DLDP has been strongly involved in working with the new municipalities through the Functional Area research (end of 2013); preparation of Functional Area Programs (FAPs) in nine municipalities as well as preparation of the territorial strategies as a first step of the GLP. The major objectives coping with the sustainability of the program itself are: • Assure that the investments in the preparation of the FAPs and Territorial Strategies in a broad territory covered by the program are converted into full General Local Plans. Within the existing policy frame, the GLPs are the main hierarchical documents guiding the developments in the territory of a LGU. • Assure the linkages of SDPeMTBP

methodology with the territorial development, thus contributing to the sustainability of developed know-how on SDPeMTBP and improving the policy frame work by linking especially the finances with strategies and territories. • Enhance social inclusion as well as poverty and disparity reduction through capacity building and development models relevant for the areas without a great development pressure (second generation of GLP expected to be funded from Al government in cooperation with development actors). Dldp has approved to finance and support 5 municipalities (Malësi e Madhe, Vau i Dejës, Tropojë, Mat and Klos) that have prepared a FAP prepared or an urban plan through

Swiss Development and Cooperation support in the previous phases of programme These municipalities do represent a moderated or low development potential, with direct social implications: high migration rate, still young population, high number of families treated with social aid etc. From the comparison of the key data, clearly Malësi e Madhe and Vau i Dejës are the most populated areas. They have the highest urban pressure (larger urbanized areas) and an agricultural development potential. Tropojë, Mat and Klos are mostly hilly/mountainous areas with moderate agricultural potential. Both Malësi e Madhe and Tropojë due to a considerable part of their territory in the Alps area have significant opportunities of tourism development and demonstrate sustainable linkages with the diaspora mainly on USA.

Dldp contribution in building successful samples T h e wo r k s h o p o n “ L o c a l governance, Democratization and Decentralization” organised by the Swiss Embassy on the 23th of September, made possible that dldp together with other similar Swiss programs funded by SDC in Albania such as, STAR, MOVE, Council of Europe, The Academy of Politics, etc. to introduced their working progress, challenges and top priorities for the future. A special emphasis was on the necessary and real synergy that the programs should and have to create based on their strong

points. Dldp activities were appreciated significantly from other programs invited in this meeting. Therefor Erion Tase (head of the Academy of Politics) stated that “The quality of the members from “Women in Politics Network” that have attended these studies in this academy has increased from year to year. Today, they are not only participating but they also contributing to the understanding of the policymaking dynamics for other students”. Following dldp committed to

exhibit the technical level of the programme to others, especially to STAR in areas such as local finance management and to MOVE Albania for the process of decision-making participatory.

Fruitful visit of dldp and local governance teams in Switzerland Dldp, in the course of preparing work plans and intervention methodology in two strategic lines, namely territorial planning and urban waste management, organized in Switzerland in cooperation with international experts from CSD, UrbaPlan and the University of Lucerne, during August 29th – September 2nd, a week packed with methodological seminars and strategic workshops. The visit was set up with two parallel expert groups in the line of urban waste management, with the presence of Shkodra Municipality experts, headed by its chairman Mrs. Voltana Ademi, as well as local experts and representatives of partner organizations and programs. The other group in the line of territorial planning was composed by technical experts of regional and national level. Being on the eve of the process of setting up the integrated waste management plan in Shkodra Municipality, this study visit was of a special importance. Challenges involved in the waste management not only in Shkodra Municipality, especially in the conditions when the quality of data is much questionable, dictate the need of

preparing a new methodology on how to proceed ahead. This was the aim of the three-day workshop in the CSD offices in Lausanne. The development of a methodology for field gathering of missing data, application of GIS for processing and presenting results, exchange of knowledge also to other partners and organizations, and the preparation of an activities plan for all the process of integrated management of waste management in Shkodra Municipality, were some of the first results of this workshop. On the other hand, the field trips in some local units in the vicinity of Lausanne, and discussions and exchanges with local and international experts, helped increase the knowledge of Shkodra Municipality experts for the urban waste management system in Switzerland, the planning instruments set up from dldp or other alternative systems for waste processing. The other group of experts participating in this visit was mainly concentrated in discussing best Swiss practices for territorial planning, finding methodological solutions for transferring the SDPeMTBP into GLPeMTBP as well as

developing the next generation of the curricula on GLPeMTBP. Developing recommendations for preparing general local plan in poor and marginalized areas as well as preparation of action plans in support of the planning processes in the municipalities where dldp is supporting the preparation of general local plans, were some of the results of the joint work with experts of UrbanPlan and the University of Lucerne.

Partners Day: dldp shared the experience in urban waste management sector The dldp experience in urban waste management sector was introduced to programs and donors that operate in the field of urban infrastructure and energy during the meeting that Swiss Embassy organised on the 28th of September. This meeting was a good opportunity for dldp to get familiar and exchange experiences mainly with Swiss funded programs operating in the public services sector. Projects in areas of capacity development in field of infrastructure for gas distribution in Albania, as part of TAP project (Trans Adriatic Pipeline), the increase the security of hydro dams and improvement of water supply infrastructure and sewage water treatment have been active since long ago in our country. The importance and high funded investments has ranked Switzerland among the leading donors in the sector.

Regarding urban waste management, session in which dldp was invited; the Swiss government is preparing to launch a project in the Qark of Berat where in addition to technical assistance the project will enable the realization of a big investment for the construction of a new landfill. In this session, dldp shared the experiences built during the cooperation with the municipalities in the North of Albania. The fact that the next project to be funded by the Swiss G o ve r n m e n t i n B e r a t , o n wa s t e management, will be based on dldp experiences and models, shows a great appreciation that not only local communities, but also donors have expressed to dldp program.

Centre of Competence as an active platform in issuing recommendations on well-functioning of local laws During July 7th and 8th, 2016, in Durrës it was held the joint meeting of the 5 Centres of Competences, the successful platform which is supported by dldp and is active in the thematic lines of the Urban Waste Management, Public Finances Management in local level, and Strategic Planning, Funds Access and recently

also with the Women in Politics Network, and which aimed at exchanging best practices and experiences of experts from partner municipalities in projects developed in cooperation and with the support of dldp. Each of the work groups according to the Centre of Competence had the possibility to discuss tangible issues and to get to know firsthand with different practices and experiences, as well as to increase the level of knowledge through joint informative sessions. For partner municipalities which have benefited from the dldp grant fund this meeting also served for the training of coordinators of the project that are being implemented on the monitoring scheme of project indicators that are being financed by dldp. Also, local units that have the possibility to benefit from IPA/CBC funds had a chance to get directly assisted by representatives of the Ministry of Integration on possibilities, fields and procedures of application to be followed in order to benefit

from this application scheme. As a result, all members of the Centres of Competences had the possibility that during a joint session to get to know the draft-law “On the Prefect” and the implications this law would have in their work and in the decision-making process. This session also served as a platform for changing ideas and recommendations, which will be part of dldp recommendations.

Consultation table on the draft-law “On the Prefect” The draft-law “On the Prefect” is being prepared by the Ministry of Interior, which has expressed interests for dldp comments and recommendations in relation with it, being an act impacting local level. For this reason dldp put forth for discussion this draft. In this discussion there were local experts of municipalities and city councillors. Dldp presented the draft-law dispositions,

analysing possible implications for local governance. Later there were discussions by the participants, who pondered on changes and shortcomings of this draft-law.

Discussions in working groups of the Centres of Competences The groups of Management of Public Finances & Strategic Planning The meeting of the Centre of Competence for Strategic Planning and Financial Management was held in the context of territorial draft-analyses and the draft-law on Local Finances. The draft-law on Local Finances is an initiative of the Ministry of Finances, which is supported by PLGP/USAID program and dldp. The prepared document (in two parts: incomes and expenditures) is up for discussion in the Ministry of Finances and soon will pass on for public discussion before it is approved by the Council of Ministers and then by the Parliament. In the session of presenting the draft of the law on Public Finances from experts of the Ministry of

Finances participated also the group of women councillors' members of the Women in Politics Network. The participants in this group were representatives of municipalities of Shkodër, Lezhë, Malësi e Madhe, Pukë, Shijak, Dibër, Klos, Tropojë, Mat, Kukës, Vau i Dejës. Also, there were representatives of partner organizations in each of the dldp support packages. During the presentation of the draft-law on Local Finances, the main discussions of participants focused on spaces the law must create in order to increase the municipalities' income, as well as on how to avoid the

problem of recent debt accumulated by municipalities, by establishing control mechanisms that prevent this from happening.

The Group of Urban Waste Management The meeting of the Centre of Competence of urban waste management took place immediately after the dldp-organized national conference on June 15. This was the reason why the profile of this meeting was established mostly in comparing experiences of municipal staffs and dldp partner organizations that are supporting these municipalities in the process of identification of priority investments, realization of these

investments, and progress of preparation of such documents such as the organizational scheme of the service, for the organization of the service or technical specifications for investments in improving the service's infrastructure. The participants in this activity were representatives of municipalities of Shkodër, Lezhë, Malësi e Madhe, Pukë, Shijak, Dibër (that are direct beneficiaries of dldp assistance) and those of Vau i Dejës

and Durrës, members of the Centre of Competence. Also, there were representatives of partner organizations in each of dldp support packages for each municipality. Discussions were concentrated in two groups, according to main issues discussed: Procurement of service and goods and landfill rehabilitation.

was the presentation for the first time of the t r a i n i n g c u r r i c u l u m fo r o f f e r i n g administrative services from local units, taking in to consideration the instrument of the One Stop Shop, but not necessarily dependent on the application of the informatics system.

Participants in the group highlighted as highly important the continuous exchange of experiences between municipalities that are part of the implementation of this project, but also for other municipalities that are interested to implement it, so that we learn from practices or mistakes of each-other.

Group of E-Governance The activity of the Centre of Competence for electronic governance is focused in this period in the implementation of the Integrated OSSH model in dldp partner municipalities, as well as in the exchange of this practice with other municipalities and partners. The main objective of this meeting

Group of Women in Politics Network The meeting of the Centre of Competence of the Women in Politics Network focused in exchanging experiences related with initiatives taken and implemented from women councillors of dldp partner municipalities. In the focus of this meeting was

the exchange of experiences of women councillors of Shkodër municipality with women councillors of other municipalities. The participants in this activity were women councillors of municipalities of Shkodër, Mirditë, Shijak, Dibër, Klos and Durrës.

The main discussions in the group had to do with procedures and ways followed by women councillors of Shkodra to implement two initiatives undertaken: gender budgeting and establishment of the women councillors' alliance.

programs. As for the management of the dldp grant fund, the meeting of the Centre of Competence for funds access was organized in a moment when partner municipalities have undertaken several steps in the process of projects' implementation.

The discussions of the participants in this group focused in a presentation of municipal representatives in relation with the smooth functioning of the process of implementation of the agreement/project since the moment of putting signatures on paper.

Group of Fund Access Albania is developing the regulatory framework referring to EU-supported programs that is IPA 2 programs. In this context, dldp will review possibilities to support raising municipal capacities to establish partnerships, to prepare and manage project in the framework of IPA CBC

Evaluation of the meeting from members of the Centre of Competence In general, the group meetings and the joint one were deemed useful and the aim for which it was requested the meeting of the Centre of Competence was considered fulfilled. Local experts appreciate the fact that dldp continuously assists them in updating information and initiatives for legal changes that have an impact in local governance, because no institution or other actor does not develop platforms based in

informing local administrations. Being that the Centre of Competence is deemed a very necessary structure to increase the professionalism of local experts, their interest as members of this centre was that this platform has to be as sustainable as p o s s i b l e, a n d fo r t h i s r e a s o n recommendations were given for the improvement of the functioning of the Centre of Competence.

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