Churches of the Lakes 2013
Published by Detroit Lakes Newspapers
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Churches of the Lakes
cALLAWAY..................................................... 4
Augustana Lutheran Church
Detroit Lakes............................................... 5
Bakke & richwood Lutheran Churches
Lakes Area................................................... 6
CALLAWAY..................................................... 7
Berean Baptist Church
Detroit Lakes............................................... 8
Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
Frazee........................................................... 9
Christian Fellowship Church
Detroit Lakes............................................. 10
WAUBUN...................................................... 11
Lund Lutheran Church Lakes Area................................................. 24
most holy redeemer catholic comm. ogema........................................................ 25
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Detroit Lakes............................................. 26
northern lights FREEDOM AND LIGHT richwood.................................................. 27
sACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH fRAZEE......................................................... 28
seventh-day adventist church DETROIT LAKES............................................. 29
Shepherd of the lake lutheran church Detroit Lakes............................................. 30
shoreham chapel
community alliance church
Lakes melissa & sallie.............................. 31
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 12
st. benedict’s catholic church
congregational church
white earth............................................... 32
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 13
st. john’s lutheran church
frazee......................................................... 33
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 14
faith lutheran church
DETROIT LAKEs............................................. 15
first lutheran church
Audubon.................................................... 16
first lutheran church
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 17
grace lutheran church
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 18
hawley alliance church
hawley....................................................... 19
st. luke’s episcopal church DETROIT LAKES............................................. 34
St. Mary of the lakes catholic church Detroit Lakes............................................. 35
st. peter’s lutheran church audubon.................................................... 36
strawberry lake christian retreat OGEMA........................................................ 37
trinity lutheran church detroit lakes............................................. 38
Holy Rosary Church
trinity lutheran church
Detroit Lakes............................................. 20
pelican rapids........................................... 39
immanuel lutheran church
uniteD methodist church
audubon.................................................... 21
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 40
lake eunice evangelical free church
zion lutheran church
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 22
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 41
Lakes Area vineyard church
zion lutheran church
DETROIT LAKES............................................. 23
Pelican Rapids........................................... 42
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Assumption Catholic Church Callaway grew. In 1907, the Catholics in the village of Callaway were served by Fr. Otto Weisser, OSB, the pastor at Sacred Heart, Frazee. Mass was celebrated first in a private home and then in the village hall. Because of the distance between the two towns, services were irregular, and in 1908, the Callaway mission was attached to St. Michael’s parish in Mahnomen. Bishop McGolrich, Bishop of Duluth, the diocese to which Callaway belonged at that time, granted permission to build a church in Callaway. Construction began in 1908. Assumption has been a solid parish ever since. The parish has been served by numerous pastors, missionary priests and religious over the decades. It was again made a mission parish to Sacred Heart, Frazee, in 2003, with Fr. Joe DeCrans as pastor. Fr. Xavier Ilango, also pastor of Sacred Heart, currently serves the Assumption parish.
Assumption Catholic Church
206 Dakota Street PO Box 67 Callaway, MN 56521 Parish Office: 218.375.3571 Office Hours: 8:30 – 11:30 am Monday
Weekly Schedule Sunday Mass: 10:30 am Thursday Mass: 7:00 pm As railroading and lumbering gradually brought population to Callaway in the early 1900’s, the need for a Catholic Church in
The church has been renovated and added to over the years. From the horse-drawn sluchiers that dug a basement under the original building to a total refurbishing of the church during the winter of 2013, parish members have repeatedly worked as a group to keep their church a beautiful place to worship and celebrate their unity as a Catholic parish.
detroit lakes
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Augustana Lutheran Church OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION We are a community of people created by God in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and called to give witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in the world. LOCATION 21896 Co. Rd. 22, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
(218) 439-3249
Located in the heart of the lakes between Lake Melissa and Lake Eunice.(9 1/2 miles S.W. of Detroit Lakes on Co. Rd. 22 overlooking Loon Lake in Becker County)
SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Children’s Sunday School.. 9:15 a.m. Worship Service.............10:30 a.m. Coffee & Desserts..........11:30 a.m. Holy Communion is offered on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Sunday School classes begin in September and end in May. Special Events planned throughout the year.
YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT AUGUSTANA! Watch the church sign and newsletter for upcoming events.
Augustana Lutheran Church “The Country Church on the Hill”
Carl and Bersy Malvick 922 Washington Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 847-3303
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Bakke & Richwood Lutheran Churches, ELCA
Bakke Lutheran Church
Richwood Lutheran Church
Bakke Church is located 6 miles north of Detroit Lakes on County Highway 21. Our mission statement says: “Bakke Lutheran, is a friendly country church, striving to share, serve, and inspire through the love of God’s word.” We welcome all guests to join our friends & neighbors for worship and fellowship. Handicap Accessible Entrance. Worship and Sunday School times for the next year are as follows:
Richwood Church is located 8 miles north of Detroit Lakes on Highway 59 and 1/2 mile east on 250th Street. This beautiful “old white country church” was organized in 1872. Our mission is to provide: 1) A gathering place for the entire congregation. 2) A meaningful worship experience. 3) A place of learning. 4) An evangelizing community. Our worship invitation is especially extended to those who would find a small faith community in a very traditional setting to be what they are looking for.
June - August Worship 8:30 a.m.
June - August Worship 10:00 a.m.
The Bakke & Richwood Lutheran Parish is served by Pastor Ann Newgard-Larson (844-7270). The parish office is located at the Bakke Church, 27492 County Highway 32, Detroit Lakes, MN. Phone & Fax Number is (218) 847-7073. Parish E-mail address is Our church times will change in the fall. Please check our website at for the worship and Sunday School schedule.
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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church 23115 Co. Hwy 14 Callaway, MN 56521 (Intersection on Hwy 59 & Co. Hwy 14)
(218) 375-2786 Pastor Del Stohs Phone: 701-367-7832
Worship 9:30 a.m.
Summer Worship
(June, July, and August): 7 p.m. every Wednesday.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (September - May) 10:30 a.m.
Welcome to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church of Callaway, Minnesota. Our church is a part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod; a “synod” means to walk together. We walk together under a theme of “Touching Lives forever with the love of Jesus” through Word and sacrament ministry. You are invited to come and grow with us as we reach out in love to the lost with a message of hope through our Lord Jesus Christ. “As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience… And over all these things put on love, which binds them all together… Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Colossians 3:12-16
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Even before the establishment of the Immanuel Endowment Fund in 2002, the congregations of Immanuel Lutheran, Callaway and Trinity Lutheran, Ogema began discussing the possibility of coming together. After much study and prayer, in July of 2009 ground was broken for the construction of a new church building. At the April 2010, Joint Council meeting the congregations officially became known as Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. You are welcome to visit us for worship at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday or 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. We look forward to sharing the love and hope of Jesus to all. On Tuesday, August 14, 2012, we are hosting our 2nd annual Military Appreciation gathering at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
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Berean Baptist Church
Berean Baptist Church Salvation is in faith in Christ alone, not the church and/or it’s ordinances. There is a coming return of Christ and judgement of the world. “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is not other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
24995 County Hwy 6 (Junction of Hwy 59 S. & County Hwy 6) Sunday School - 9:45 Sunday A.M. Worship: - 11:00 Sunday P.M. Worship: - 6:00 Wed. Adult Payer/Bible Study - 7:00pm Wed. Kings Kids - 7:00 pm 218-847-8914 Welcome to the Lakes Area! We trust that your time here, whether just visiting, vacationing or a life long resident, is an enjoyable one. Berean Baptist is a local, independent, congregation of likeminded Bible believers.
Scriptural Position The Word of God is the only inspired revelation from the Lord to man. Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died an atoning death for the sins of all men, ascended to heaven, and will come again for His own. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life.
Worship Our worship services follow the direction given in I Timothy 4 to be diligent to the reading of Gods Word, exhortation in God’s Word and teaching of the doctrines of God’s Word.
Sunday School Berean keeps a year round schedule of Bible classes for all ages from adults to pre-school and also a staffed nursery. Each class is geared toward learning more of Christ and His Word.
Sunday Evening Berean has a Sunday evening service year round. The last Sunday evening of the month is “fellowship” night with a “kettle blessing” following the evening service. You are encouraged to come?
Kings Kids Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm is a time for children ages 3 to 15 to learn more of the Lord and His Word including crafts, music and games.
Set Free! A Christ-centered, Bible based discipleship for those struggling with addictions of any kind.
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Bethlehem Lutheran Church 210 East Maple Ave. Frazee, MN ~334-2866~ Pastor William Aufdenkamp WORSHIP SERVICES: Lent through Advent Wednesday Evening 7:30 PM Year Around Worship Service Sunday Morning 8:00 & 10:30 AM Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday of Month & 1st Wednesday
September- July Sunday School & Bible Classes at 9:15 AM LIVE RADIO BROADCASTS ON SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 8:00 AM on KDLM 104.1 FM Bethlehem Lutheran Church has been a part of the community since 1883 and is committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We invite you to worship with us. The purpose of our church is the Christ-given command, “Go and Make Disciples of all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Triune God, Teaching them to Obey all I have Commanded.�
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
We have established a variety of important ministries within our church. Among them are our radio ministry which reaches out to thousands of people (including the sick and homebound) in the surrounding area. We have been a very vital part in the release time ministry on Wednesdays, during the school year and have had a Christian PreSchool since 1992. We also provide child daycare and after school care.
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Detroit Lakes
Christian Fellowship Church Interdenominational 28048 Meadow Drive (Off Highland Drive) Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
(218) 847-3482
Pastor: Tim Rice
Church Schedule:
Sunday Morning Worship Services - 10:30 a.m. (Coffee, Donuts, Fruit & Fellowship before each service, 9:30-10:20 a.m.) Children’s Church & Nursery is also provided. Everyone is Welcome! View the LIVE webcast, every Sunday at 10:30 at or on ACS Cable TV Channel 14.
Christian Fellowship Church
4. Regeneration and conversion through faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful humanity. 5. The gospel includes holiness of heart and life, healing of the body, and a personal experience with the Holy Spirit, whereby the gifts of the For other meeting and event times, or to view our video/audio archives or become a Facebook friend, Spirit become active in the life of the believer. 6. A life awareness of the presence of God’s please visit us online at kingdom here on earth today, and faith in the Christian Fellowship Church was founded in complete restoration of the kingdom of God 1968 as a place where Christians from all upon the earth. 7. In the bodily resurrection of believers at the denominational backgrounds could join together in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ in a family end of time: the just unto eternal life, and the atmosphere. Meetings tend to be informal, using unjust into eternal damnation. 8. In the spiritual unity of all believers in our a blend of contemporary and traditional music, and teaching focusing on the full Word of God Lord Jesus Christ. Visitors are welcome at all meetings. Even if and its application to life. you are not currently involved with another local We Believe: 1. The Bible to be the inspired and infallible congregation, please come, and enjoy some Christian Fellowship! authoritative Word of God. 2. There is one God, eternally manifested in the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His vicarious and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and in His personal return in power and glory upon earth. Sunday Night Youth Group - 6:00 p.m. (For all youth, grades 6-12. Contact: John & Eunice Fegely 218-234-9342 or 218-234-8795)
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Circles of Faith United Church of Christ
Circles of Faith United Church of Christ
Highway 59 Waubun, MN (just north of the intersection of US 59 & MN 113)
- We believe the church’s mission is to change lives – individually, globally, systemically. To do this, churches need to be places of vitality in worship, learning, and advocacy. We work to make transformation possible, yet trust in God’s grace. We’re not a perfect church, but we do try to live faithfully. We cannot do it all, so God’s work is done in cooperation and collaboration with folks of other faiths.
Rev. Kristy L. May
One place of vitality at Circles of Faith UCC is worship together at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. During the school year, children begin in worship and then leave for learning in Sunday school while adults sing, pray, and learn in the service. On many Sundays, there is hearty fellowship for all following worship!
218-473-3111 Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 10:15 a.m. - September thru May “Come and see what God is doing!” Circles of Faith is a congregation of the United Church of Christ, a Protestant denomination formed in 1957 through the merger of the Congregational Christian Church and Evangelical & Reformed denominations. The UCC is a welcoming, justiceminded Christian community: - We are a people of the continuing testament. God is continually revealed: in the Bible, in stories throughout the ages, and in our stories and our faith-in-action. - We are a people of extravagant welcome, extending hospitality as a sign of God’s inclusive love. We are the ones who affirm, No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Another place of vitality at Circles of Faith is special opportunities of study throughout the church year for folks of all ages. And we reach out around the globe and locally to embody God’s transformational love, both locally and around the globe. We do this in deed and indeed through our offerings and through special service projects. “Come and see what God is doing at Circles of Faith UCC!” Come back again! And if you don’t have a faith home, we hope you’ll consider Circles of Faith UCC, where God is still speaking,
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Detroit Lakes
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The Congregational United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Congregation
900 Lake Avenue P.O. Box 642 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 (218) 847-4609 Reverend Mark Kuether Please join us Sunday mornings... 10:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Christian Education for ages 3 through 8th grade (Sept.-May) 11:00 AM Friendship Time And
for these other activities: Wednesday Bible Study Youth Activities Confirmation Various Interest Groups Women’s Groups Men’s Club Mission Emphasis Service Opportunities
We believe we are called by God to worship, to educate and to serve. As we live out our mission, we seek to unite individuals in worship, to nurture the development of individual and community faith, and to encourage service to others. In these and many other ways, we seek God’s vision for our future while attempting to honor our heritage of more than 130 years of faithful ministry. This congregation is a diverse gathering of people. We strive to adhere to the essential truths of the historic Christian faith while at
The Congregational United Church of Christ the same time recognizing that God is still speaking. We also recognize that faith is personal in nature, thus we endeavor to remain open to God’s moving, growing Spirit in our midst. Therefore, we respect individuals as they faithfully raise questions and grow spiritually. For this reason, people of various religious, social and personal backgrounds are welcome in the life of this congregation. We celebrate being part of the United Church of Christ, and the local church autonomy that is ours. We elect our leaders and call our own minister. All decision making processes rest in the membership of this congregation. We believe this enables us to be acutely responsive to the moving of God’s Spirit around us and within us. We believe that, by God’s Grace, we have lived this faithfully since 1872, and by God’s enduring Grace, we continue to do so. For this we are truly grateful.
Our Mission: Inspire the World with the Inclusive Love of Jesus.
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Detroit Lakes
eXperience church Located at the Historic Holmes Theater 826 Summit Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 visit our website at: Contact Us Mailing address: eXperience church, 103 E Holmes St STE. 117, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 Email: Phone: 218.234.7959
Sundays 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. THE EXPERIENCE … our beliefs
# We believe that God wants us to love Him more than anything else... # We believe that God wants us to love others more than we love ourselves... # We believe that God sent his only son, Jesus, to die for our sins so we might have the opportunity to live in freedom and be with Him in heaven... # And one of our personal favorites... We believe that God
accepting place imperfect people awesome coffee 0 :0 1 1 0 9:3 real talk sundays LOUD music fun kids stuff! D
eXperience church gives second chances… But we don’t just believe it… We’ve experienced it... And because of that….. we want others to experience it too... eXperience is a perfect place for imperfect people! That’s right... we want you to walk through our doors exactly how you are at this very moment in your life... whatever the stage... no matter how that looks... you don’t even have to like God. NO PRESSURE here. What are ya waitin’ for? Come check it out! Bring your questions, your doubts, your fears... and even your negative feelings about church.
Detroit Lakes
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Faith Lutheran Church “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…” Psalm 18:2 24688 Becker Co. 6 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
(218) 847-1040 Pastor: Paul Larson Office Hours: 8:30-11:30 AM Monday-Friday FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (218) 847-7375 e-mail:
Sundays: 7:25 AM Faith Radio Ministry (KDLM 1340 AM) 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM Sunday School (3 years through adult) 7:00 PM Discipleship Groups
Wednesdays: 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study, Faith Lutheran Youth and Kid’s 4 Truth (3 years through 6th grade)
Thursday 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study
Last Saturday of the month 8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study
Office Hours: 8:30 to11:30AM Monday -Friday
WHAT WE BELIEVE We are an Independent Lutheran Church, Evangelical in practice and conservative in doctrine… I Corinthians 14:40 We believe the Bible to be God’s inspired, inerrant Word… 2 Timothy 3:16-17 We believe Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation… John 14:6 & Acts 4:12 Emphasizes the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord of our life… John 3:16 & Romans 10:13 13 We are a church that prays and not only believes God answers, but continue to see His many answers MISSIONS: Faith Christian School, Glory of Christ Ministries in Kenya and EKE in Hungary. We give to the Becker County Food Pantry, Gideons International, and various other ministries. HAPPENINGS: Bible Studies for all ages, Confirmation Classes, Discipleship Groups, Evangelistic Meetings,
Faith Lutheran Church Guest Speakers, Concerts, Bible camps, Women’s retreats, Picnics, Fellowship Dinners, A Taste of Christmas and a New Year’s eve game night are some of the activities of Faith. Singspiration Fellowships, Easter & Thanksgiving services are held jointly with other churches. We also participate in The National Day of Prayer and The Life Chain SUNDAY SCHOOL: Learn lessons from the Bible Sunday mornings. Vacation Bible School is held every summer. KID’S 4 TRUTH: Meet Wednesday evenings for Bible study and fellowship. There are many other activities for them to participate in, including picnics, retreats and an October Kid’s Fest held every fall as an alternative to Halloween. YOUTH GROUP: The Youth meet weekly for Bible Study Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. They go to Bible Camp in the Summer and also enjoy a variety of retreats and other outings during the year. They provide a Valentines Banquet for the enjoyment of the members of the church. They have the opportunity to participate in mission trips to Hungary. FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL began in 1997 to provide a source of Christian education in our community and is currently offering K4 through 6th grade. For more information call 218-847-7375 How blessed we are to know that Jesus is alive and He never fails! We welcome you to visit and join us in worship and to learn more about Jesus. Please check our web site or call the church office if you have any questions about services or other events at Faith Lutheran Church.
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First Lutheran Church of Audubon elca 373 3rd St. Audubon, MN 56511
Office 218-439-6500
9:00 a.m. - Worship Service 10:00 a.m. - Coffee & Fellowship 10:15 a.m. - Sept.-May Sunday School (Age 3 - Adult)
3:15 p.m. - Sept.-May “WINGS” K-6th Grade 6:30 p.m. “Jam Session with a Punch” Followed by “Jacob’s Well” coffee shop - open until 10:00 p.m. * Communion is the 1st and 2nd Sundays of the month Welcome to worship and share God’s Word with us as we “Make Christ Known” at First Lutheran Church in Audubon! If you are just visiting the area or have lived here for a while, you will be warmly welcomed to join us for our Sunday worship, send your child to our after school program called “WINGS,” or have some fun at our exciting Wednesday evening “Jam Sessions with a Punch!”
First Lutheran Church of Audubon ELCA leave you thinking about your own “God story.”
Following each “Jam Session…” the public is welcome to a special coffee shop called “Jacob’s Well,” to meet your friends, have some refreshments, play games, cards or just socialize with friends. We would like the church to be a community room where people can just drop in to visit or hang-out. These Jam Sessions with a Punch” “… and so, Jesus, wearied as He was with highlight several local musicians including His journey, sat down beside the well.” John Lewy Ronken, Barry Reierson, Kim Softing 4:6 and more. They will be playing both some We are excited to see what God is doing of your favorite Christian and secular music. in our midst as we reach out and share with The “Punch” will be the greatest story that others the Greatest Story ever told! has ever been told! We are located in town, one block Come and hear our pastor talk about east of City Hall, at 373 3rd St. For further issues relating to your everyday life. The information, please call (218) 439-6500 or Pastor’s insights are guaranteed to inspire email us at and challenge you in many ways. They will
Detroit Lakes
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First Lutheran Church
“We are God’s children, opening doors to life in Christ, Inviting all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ Equipping them through growth in faith, and Sending them out to serve all of God’s creation”
912 Lake Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN Phone: 847-5656 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am– 4:00 pm PASTORS: Dave Peterson, Wade Dutton
Contemporary Summer Outdoor Worship
Summer Worship Schedule: 8:30 am Sunday Traditional Worship 9:00 - 10:00 am Fellowship and Coffee 10:15 am Sunday Contemporary Outdoor Worship If the temperature is below 50 or it is raining, worship will be held indoors. Remember to bring a lawn chair!
Fall Worship Schedule: Beginning September 8th Sunday 9:00 Traditional Worship 10:45 Praise Worship 9:30 – 10:30 Christian Education for all ages Wednesday 6:15-7:00 Worship 6:45-7:45 Wednesday School
changing needs of God’s people. Among the offerings are: • • • • • • •
Traditional and Contemporary styles of worship on Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday and Wednesday learning times for children and youth Bible and Christian living studies for adults Opportunities for Musical expression through vocal and bell choirs, contemporary worship team, and vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles Learning and fellowship events for those with special needs Bible Camping ministry Opportunities for service through the local Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, the Refuge Homeless Shelter, the First Lutheran Annual Christmas Dinner, the Helping Hands ministry, and others…
Come and find a place in the body of Christ that gathers as First Lutheran Church! You are welcome here!!
First Lutheran is a vibrant gathering of Christ followers that has been a part of the Lakes Community for nearly 100 years! Thankful for the faithful witness of the generations that have gone before us, we believe that the Holy Spirit is always making us new and stirring us to new ways of serving our Lord Jesus Christ and his world! Come and join in lively traditional and contemporary worship centered on God’s Word and the Holy Sacraments; come and grow in faith through Church school or small group study; come and share your gifts in worship or service; come and find a home among a gathering of Jesus followers supporting one another and encouraging one another in faithful living! First Lutheran offers a variety of opportunities to worship, grow, and serve – at various times which meet the
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Grace Lutheran Church
“A Church with a Neighborhood Feel”
213 Roosevelt Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 (N of DL Middle School & Roosevelt Elementary) (218) 847-4568 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 9:30 AM HOLY COMMUNION - 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN: Sept – May at 10:30 AM VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL each summer: Call for dates. FRIENDS, FUN & FAITH after school program for children: Every Wednesday during the school year CONFIRMATION Sept – May, Wednesdays at 6 PM
OUR MISSION: “Grace by Grace, Seeking to be God’s Faithful People”
Grace Lutheran Church ELCA
A WELCOME TO OUR FAITH COMMUNITY: Grace Lutheran is a warm, growing congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. We are a welcoming, friendly congregation with a heart for reaching out to our community and the world with the love of Christ. Led by the Holy Spirit and living in God’s grace, Grace Lutheran Church is a community proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love, learning, worship, and service. We’d love to have you visit us at our church on the hill! You matter to God and us. Come grow with us!
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Hawley Alliance Church We invite you to be our guest this Sunday! Discover a difference at Hawley Alliance Church. For more information, please call 483-3426, or check out our website: We hope to see your family this Sunday!
Hawley Alliance Church is a church that desires to meet your needs where you will find… Hawley Alliance Church
404 Peters St., Hawley, MN 56549 To Know Jesus - To Be Disciples of Jesus - To Make Jesus Known to Others Hello Neighbor! I’d like to invite your family to join us this Sunday for worship. Let me share with you a little bit about our church… Hawley Alliance Church is a contemporary ChristCentered family church that is located on the north edge of Hawley at 404 Peters St. Our goal is to proclaim Christ in a relevant way to the families in our area. We believe that it is important that we as a church speak not just to the adults, but to the children as well. We strive to be a place where the children, when grown, will be excited to come and continue to be involved. I hope you will join us this Sunday for worship! Steve Chamberlain – Senior Pastor
Weekly Schedule
3 3 3 3
friendly practical church concerned about you. A Practical, positive messages you will understand. A place where you can meet friends, get to know neighbors, and worship God. Upbeat Praise & Worship
Upcoming Events: July 8-15: Youth LIFE Conference July 16-21: Men’s Cycle Trip July 28-Aug. 1: Vacation Bible School Aug. 16-18: Canoe/Kayak Trip Sept. 27-29: HAC Family Getaway
Dog Daze Youth Event
6:30-8:00pm AWANA (Sept – May) (Meets @ Church) 6:30-8:00pm Jr. High (Sept – May) (Meets @ Church) 8:00-9:30pm Sr. High (Sept – May) (Meets @ Church)
Sundays: 9:00am Morning Worship (June-August) 9:45am Sunday School - all ages (Sept-May) 8:30-11:00am Morning Worship (Sept-May) Children’s Church (for ages 3-6)
Hawley Alliance Church Family Getaway
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detroit lakes
Holy Rosary Catholic Church Holy Rosary Catholic Church 1043 Lake Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
218-847-1393 e-mail: Memorial Day through Labor Day Mass Times Saturday Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday Mass: 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Liturgy of the Word for Children during the Sunday, 10:00 am Mass Winter Mass Times Saturday Mass: 5:00 pm Sunday Mass: 9:00 am and 11:00 am Litrugy of the Word for Children during the Sunday, 9:00 am Mass Under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Parish strives to live the “mysteries” and this keeps the focus on Christ, on a life centered on the Eucharist, and the mission to reach beyond itself to bring about the Kingdom.
Our Parish Mission Statement Holy Rosary is a Catholic Community whose mission is to continue the ministry of Jesus to bring forth the Kingdom of God. We do this by yearning to be and striving to become a nurturing, evangelizing, celebrating, and serving community that is committed to hospitality and sacrificial giving, vibrant liturgies, quality Catholic education, holistic faith formation, the working for justice, and compassionate outreach.
Creamy Creations
cheesecakes & more
18633 Cty Hwy 14 • Callaway, MN 56521
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Immanuel Lutheran Church ELS/WELS Located along Highway #10, Audubon, MN (6 miles West of Detroit Lakes) (218) 439-6259 Pastor David Thompson
Summer Worship 10:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER THROUGH MAY SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE STUDY - 9:00 a.m. Worship - 10:00 a.m. What We Believe Regarding the Bible & Salvation We confess that the books of the Old and New Testaments, as written by the prophets, apostles, and evangelists, were given by inspiration of God. The Holy Scriptures are without error in everything they teach, including matters of geography, science, and history, and they are the only infallible rule and norm of Christian doctrine and practice. The Scriptures not only contain the Word of God (as if to say, some of their teachings are the authoritative Word of God and others are not), but they are the very Word of God in their entirety. The Scriptures are true and reliable in all that they report, including their accounts of Old Testament and New Testament miracles. We, therefore, regard the denial of these miracles as blasphemous and as setting up man’s reason as a judge over God’s Word. Since the term “inspired” is often used in a loose sense, we frequently use the expressions “verbally inspired” and “inerrant” in describing the authority and reliability of these sacred documents which God caused His servants to write. (John 10:35, 1 Cor. 2:13, 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet 1:20-21, 2 Pet. 3:15-17, 1 Thes. 1:5, 2:13) Although there are many in the world who claim to follow and worship a “supreme being,” only those who believe in the Triune God —
Immanuel Lutheran Church Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — can be saved. (Deut. 6:4, John 10:30, Matt. 28:19, Acts 20:28, Rom. 8:9, 2 Cor. 13:14, I Pet. 1:2, Col. 2:8-9, John 5:23) We confess that the true way of salvation is revealed only through God’s Word, and any claims for revelation of the way of salvation through other means must be rejected. The main purpose of Holy Scripture is to reveal to us that Jesus Christ is our only Savior. (Rom. 15:4 and 16:25-26, 2 Tim. 3:15, Luke 24:25-27, John 20:31, Rom. 10:14-17, Jer. 23:25-29, John 14:6, Acts 4:12)
Serving the Community for over 80 Years – 24 HOuR TELE-BANKiNg – Lake Park Office: 238-5955 1-888-228-1381 Hitterdal Office: 962-3246
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Detroit Lakes
Lake Eunice Evangelical Free Church 12986 County Highway #15 Website:
The sanctuary is air conditioned and the building is now fully handicap accessible.
Church Office 439-3255 Pastor’s Residence 847-2946 Pastor Dale Robins Assoc. Pastor Dan Ottoson SUNDAYS: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - All Ages - School year
10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Services Mondays: 9:00 a.m. Ladies Bible Study - All year WEDNESDAYS: 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study - Summer 2:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study - Winter FRIdays: 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study vacation bible school (Ages 4-13) Group Kindgom Rock August 4-8th 6:00-8:30 p.m.
The women’s ministries have always been active in the church and continues to be so. In the past, the WMS has made bandages and sent supplies to Tandala Hospital in the Congo, encouraged and supported the wives of the missionaries that we support as a Church, and they have been making walker bags and lap blankets for the residents of our local nursing homes. They meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. During its 119 years of existence, Lake Eunice Evangelical Free Church, the Bible has been faithfully taught in all its truth and fullness to the
Lake Eunice Evangelical Free Church glory of God. The purpose of this church is to spread the gospel both here and overseas and to instruct young and old alike in the truth of the word of God. Our goal is to raise up mature and faithful believers in Jesus Christ.
What We Believe We believe the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired word of God and the only true and infallible guide for faith, doctrine, and life. We are members of the Evangelical Free Church of America. For a complete statement of faith, you can go to our website at
What Can You Expect When You Come to Visit Us at Lake Eunice? You will find the people at Lake Eunice to be warm and friendly and very welcoming of visitors. You are only a stranger until you walk in the door at Lake Eunice! You will find Lake Eunice to be a growing and active congregation with lots of opportunities to become involved.
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Lakes Area Vineyard Church
Lakes Area Vineyard Church
We invite you to join us at one of our Sunday morning services! Services are at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. held at 950 Longview Drive, Detroit Lakes, MN and at 10:00 a.m. held at 17765 State Highway 34, Park Rapids, MN. Children’s Ministry Age 0-12 is offered every service. Join us and experience the truth and power of God in a relevant and genuine way. Our upbeat and passionate music encourages people to worship and our practical teaching from the Bible trains, refreshes and generates hope. Lakes Area Vineyard Church is a multigenerational community associated with the “Community of Vineyard Churches” represented by over 1500 churches worldwide. As we gather together, we commit to live out Biblical faith within our families, church, community and world.
We believe the message of the Bible is constant, unchanging and needs to be presented in a relevant way. We want to know God, experience His power in our lives and grow in our love for Him and other people and we look for ways to give God’s love away and be used to bring spiritual, physical and emotional wholeness to others. For more about who we are and what we do, visit our website: For more information about Vineyard Churches visit 950 Longview Drive, Detroit Lakes (218) 846-1199 and 17765 State Hwy 34, Park Rapids (218) 237-8463
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Lund Lutheran Church Lund Church is located just a dozen minutes (9 miles) north of Detroit Lakes on County Highway 21 (Richwood Road). Our building is air-conditioned and wheel chair accessible. Come to the country and be refreshed by the fellowship of a friendly congregation with a big heart. Our worship style is traditional. Our emphasis is simple: reading, preaching, teaching and living what the Bible says. Our mission is “To joyfully share God’s Love through worship, fellowship, and service while living in God’s grace.” The congregation has a rich heritage celebrating our 128th year of ministry. We honor God’s will for us revealed through the Scriptures. In our desire to remain faithful to the redemptive power and transformational truth of God’s word, the congregation joined with the vibrant association of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), committed to the core belief that the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God and the sole authoritative source and norm of our proclamation, faith and life. Please check out our website: and also: Worship services 9:45 a.m. Communion celebrated 1st and 3rd Sundays. Fellowship hour 10:45 a.m. Sunday School (Sept.-May) 8:30 a.m. Summer Hours: Memorial Day through Labor Day - Worship 9:00 a.m. Lund Lutheran congregation is served by Pastor Jim Osvold. Secretary: Pam Ross Organist: Jennifer Turnwall Childrens Ministry: Cindy Sauer Office phone: 218-847-9662 Pastor’s phone: 701-238-8172 Location & Mailing address: 25213 County Highway 21 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Lund Lutheran Church
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Most Holy Redeemer Church 1/4 Mile East of State Hwy. 59 on County Hwy. 34 P.O. Box 57 Ogema, MN 56569 218-983-3261- Parish Office Office Hours: 9:00am – 1:00pm, Monday - Thursday Most Holy Redeemer
Weekday Mass: 8:30 am Tuesday, through Friday WeekEND Mass: 9:00 am Sunday
We try to follow faithfully God’s
Commandments and the Church’s teaching in our worship and in our daily lives. Most Holy Redeemer Church was built in Ogema in 1914 with Father Hugo Fell, O.S.B. as the pastor. Stones for the foundation were hauled gratis by farmers coming to town. Several other Benedictine priests followed. In 1973, during the pastorship of Father Blaise Berres, O.S.B. a new church was built. The church hall with classrooms and an office were added in 1993. Since 1994 the parish has been faithfully served by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate with Father Walter
Butor, O.M.I. currently serving as pastor. We are a welcoming community and encourage people to visit.
Best Breakfast in Town! Sunday Specials • Two eggs, hash browns, ham, toast and coffee • Eggs Benedict • Everything Omelet
Main Street Restaurant Open Mon-Fri 7 am-4:45 pm Sat 7 am- 3:45 pm • Sun 8 am-1:45 pm
900 Washington Ave. Detroit Lakes, MN • 847-3344
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Detroit Lakes
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church,
615 Rossman Ave., Detroit Lakes, MN (Just South of Main Street)
(218) 847-2080 (218) 234-3536
Cell Phone
Pastor John M. Johannes Summer Schedule: Sunday Worship School Year: Sunday School Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church was first organized in Detroit Lakes in 1954 as a group of concerned Lutherans dedicated to maintaining the truth of God’s Word in doctrine and life. As a congregation we are dedicated to the proclamation of the pure gospel. Knowing the Bible to be the verbally inspired Word of God it is seen as the only source of true doctrine, the divine standard for faith and life. As a congregation we strive to bring Christ’s gospel to this fallen world, speaking the truth in love, reaching out to the community and beyond with the gospel, building up the body of Christ through instruction in God’s Word. Along with the Sunday School, we also give opportunity to study God’s Word in our Bible Class. This is held during the school year on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the parsonage (Pastor’s residence). It is located 7 miles east of Detroit Lakes, 17923 Co. Hwy. 29. Come and hear this gospel of Christ. It is the Truth that sets you free from sin and guilt. Mt. Olive is affiliated with the Church of the Lutheran Confession.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, CLC
Over 50 Years in the Lakes Area LE CONSTRUCTIO S D N NO EstablishEd 1955
New Construction & Remodeling
Perry Nodsle
• Residential •Commercial • Cottages • Cabinets
1473 Legion Road • Detroit Lakes • Res. 218-847-8347 • Lic. #1834
Sales and Custom Installation of Ceramic Tile, Porcelain Tile and Natural Stones
Tim Schons
(218) 847-4722 • (218) 849-5560
14833 East Fox Lake Rd. • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
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Northern Lights Freedom and Life 28372 North Buffalo Lake Road P.O. Box 83 Richwood, MN 56577 Directions: 1/2 mile East of Richwood, MN on County Hwy. 34
218-847-1900 or 218-849-4544 We are an nondenominational church dedicated to preparing a place where people can come just as they are, and enter the presence of God; where they can be free to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit drawing them to a closer relationship to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here at Northern Lights Freedom and Life you can find Life in Christ and Freedom in His Spirit.
Sunday Services Main worship service at 10:00 a.m. (following the praise and worship part of the main service, children go to children’s church, with classes from teens to pre-school).
A Generation United For Jesus: This is a ministry of Northern Lights Freedom and Life dedicated to working in unity with other groups and churches in the Body of Christ to bring the presence of God outside the church to a hurting generation. We help others plan an event where God can reach out with His love and His presence and change this generation. We plan an event where the Holy Spirit is free to touch people, young and old, and give them strength and power to overcome in this world.
Northern Lights Freedom and Life
For ministry times and events go to or
trust experience reputation Chuck Standal Funeral Director/Owner
Mitch Baumgartner Funeral Director
900 Summit Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-7279
A locally owned Funeral Home
Marjorie Berg Administrative Assistant
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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
202 West Maple Avenue Frazee, MN 56544 Parish Office: 218.334.4221 Parish Office Hours: 8:00 am – Noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays Mass Schedule: • Sunday: 8:30 am • Monday: 5:30 pm • Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00 am • Friday: 7:30 am at the Frazee Care Center • Saturday: 5:30 pm
Brief History of Sacred Heart Church The parish of Sacred Heart Church of Frazee, Becker County, Minnesota was incorporated in 1892. The cornerstone of the current 12th Century Gothic structure was laid on May 10, 1908. The church has been renovated a number of times; the latest renovation/addition was completed in 2012 and dedicated on September 23, 2012 by Bishop Michael Hoeppner, Diocese of Crookston. In addition to maintaining the church building itself, the parish throughout its existence has maintained a cemetery and replaced the original rectory with the current one built in 2007. Our current Pastor is Father Xavier Ilango. Father Ilango and the parishioners sincerely welcome each of you to our liturgy and our other faith-based activities.
detroit lakes
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Seventh-day Adventist Church 404 Richwood Road Detroit Lakes
(218) 847-8961
Church Office
Email: Website: Adventist Community Services: 847-0067 9:00 a.m. - 7 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Friday Adventist Christian School: 846-9764 Saturday Morning: 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School & Bible Study classes 10:55 a.m. Worship Service Wednesday Evening: 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Service Seventh-day Adventist church is a Protestant Christian church that believes very strongly in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus lived, died and rose again that we might have eternal life if we accept that sacrifice that He has made for us. God loved us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son that we might have eternal life. Because of that great love for us, we as Seventhday Adventists have a desire to take the gospel to the whole world and let others know how they too can experience that love and have eternal life. The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel in the context of the three Angels’ messages found in Revelation 14:6-12. Seventh-day Adventist churches literally circle the globe. Of the 232 recognized countries by the United Nations we have a presence in 209 of those countries. We have a network around the world of churches, hospitals, clinics, universities, colleges, and schools from pre-k through high school. The Seventh-day Adventist church was officially organized in 1863 and is recognized as the fastest growing Protestant church in the world today. Having grown from 5 million members in 1985 we now exceed 17 million members (on average about 3,176
Seventh-day Adventist Church people join the church each day or more than one million people annually). As a local church we belong to the ministerial alliance and work closely with other churches and organizations in helping our community. We have a Community Service Center with a Thrift store next to the church at 404 Richwood Road. The thrift center funds are used to provide life style seminars such as our Coronary Health Improvement Project, Stress relief, total lifestyle management in our “CREATION� Seminar, Money Management, etc. This center works through the Department of Human Services and other agencies in the area to provide assistance to those in need with clothing and household items. Another ministry that we have locally is the Adventist Christian School that provides Christian education for students from kindergarten through eighth grade. The school has been operating since 1915 and is open to anyone that would like to send their children. The school engages the students in various classroom and outdoor activities, which function as an integral part of the overall preparation of the student for a life of service for God and their community. We want to invite each of you to come and experience for yourself our Church, School, and Community Service Center. We are open for all people and would love to have you come and worship with us. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us through the different media outlets listed above. Pastor Fred Crowell
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Detroit Lakes
Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church Adventist Church Building 404 Richwood Road Detroit Lakes, MN Please check out our website: and also: Shepherd of the Lakes is served by Pastor Jim Osvold Pastor’s phone: 701-238-8172 Coffee Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays
We are a new LCMC congregation in Detroit Lakes. At the present time we gather together to worship at Adventist Church Building, 404 Richwood Rd., Detroit Lakes, MN. We encourage you to join us.
Adventist Church Building 404 Richwood Road, Detroit Lakes
Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church
Shepherd of the Lakes officially organized January 2012. Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) is an association of congregations and individuals who are: • Free In Christ; • Accountable to one another; • Rooted and grounded in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions… Working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. We believe, teach, and accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the sole authoritative source and norm of our proclamation, faith and life. God’s Unchanging Word Changing Lives Our mission statement is “Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church is a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ called together by the Holy Spirit and sustained by Gods unchanging word so that lives may be transformed by grace, to Love and serve God and our neighbor.”
lakes melissa and sallie
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Shoreham Chapel Please join us each Sunday this summer to hear The Lord’s Word, to listen to wonderful music from talented people and to enjoy some refreshments.
Gary and Ruby Danielson Gathering Place Dedicated in 2007
24263 North Melissa Drive Lake Melissa & Sallie, MN Rev. Tim Cook Dan Danielson Worship: Sundays at 10:45 A.M. The Hattie Goodman Chapel, known as “Shoreham Chapel,” located in Shoreham Village, at the intersection of County Road 22 and North Melissa Drive, between Lakes Melissa and Sallie, began their services June 9, 2013, and will continue through September 1, 2013. Sunday Service begins at 10:45 AM. The Shoreham Chapel is non-denominational and open to all. This Chapel has occupied a special place in the hearts of Minnesota lake country vacationers and residents since the turn of the century. In 1902 the chapel was built by Fredrick Goodman in memory of his wife Hattie. In those
Shoreham Chapel years pastoral duties were shared by several ministers until Rev. Gary Danielson started officiating in 1960, and then retired in 2006. On October 14, 2008, Pastor Gary Danielson went on to see His Lord. A memorial service was given on June 14, 2009 in appreciation of Mr. Danielson. The pulpit will be shared this summer once again: Dan Danielson, son of Gary and Ruby Danielson and director of the New Life Center in Fargo, and Rev. Tim Cook, Chaplain of Essentia Health in Detroit Lakes. The chapel has indoor plumbing along with an area for gathering which includes the following: a handicap ramp for entering the chapel, a complete kitchen and a bathroom. The chapel is also available to rent for weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc... For more information, please visit us online at, or call Bill Schuett at 612-396-3021 or Jean Rolle at 218-847-7138 If you are in the area on the Lord’s Day, we invite you to come and worship with us!
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white earth
St. Benedict’s Catholic Church 1 Block North of the intersection of County Highways 21 & 34. Next to Circle of Life School P.O. Box 417 White Earth, MN 56591 218-983-3519 - Parish Office Office Hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Monday – Thursday Weekend Mass: 11:00 am Sunday We try to faithfully follow God’s Commandments and the Church’s teaching in our worship and in our daily lives. St. Benedict’s Church was built in White Earth in 1939, replacing the church that was at the Mission site built in 1881. Father Justin Luetmer, O.S.B. was the pastor at that time and the church was built with the help of a donation from his mother who was a widow. The objective was to provide a more convenient location for the Indian parishioners to worship. The
St. Benedict’s Catholic Church
same church is still being used today. St. Benedict was served by Benedictine priests until 1983. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate currently serve the parish today with Father Walter Butor, O.M.I. as the current pastor. We are a welcoming community and encourage people to visit.
Lisa L. Piche Cell: 218.841.9242 Fax: 218-844-5558
Special Long Distance Rates • MA Approved 24 Hour Service • 7 Days A Week State Certified • I.C.C. Authority FOR SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-0976 MN OR 847-1729 P.O. Box 1053 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 EQUAL HOUSING
P.O. Box 375 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
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St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church
(11.2 miles East on Hwy 34)
St. John’s Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 37425 Co. Hwy. 56 Frazee, MN 56544-8836
218-847-5064 Rev. Scott Muehlberg 218-731-5654 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 9:30 a.m.
ADULT Bible Class & Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.
St. John’s church was first officially organized and incorporated on March 24, 1891. The first church, like most of the homesteads, was a hewn log construction. The present day church building was started in the spring of 1925. St. John’s Lutheran Church is a Spirit led Fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ, whose purpose is to gather around God’s word and Sacraments in praise of God and to strengthen one another as we reach out to all people sharing love of Jesus our Savior.
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Episcopal Church Summer Services Sundays
10:00 am Holy Communion Followed by coffee hour and fellowship Wednesdays 6:00 pm Light Supper 6:30 pm (Who is my neighbor?) Discussion and Evening Prayer
School Year Services
9:15 am Choir Rehersal 9:30 am Sunday school 10:00 am Holy Communion Followed by coffee hour and fellowship
St. Luke’s is a Total Ministry Church The Total Ministry Team The Rev. Georgia Hecock, Priest The Rev. Loxley Koshnick, Deacon The Rev. Jane Besse, Deacon Eilert Helm, Minister of Music Catherine (Taffy) Peters, Pastoral Care Amy Fish, Minister of Youth The Rev. Dana Emery, Priest The Rev. Coke Smith, Priest The Rev. Don Homme, Mentor
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
1400 Corbett Road, Detroit Lakes From US 10 turn South at Holland (Best Western) Motel. Go one long block on Corbett to Granger. The church with the Red Door.
218-847-5858 Mission Statement We at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church are a caring, accepting community. We strive to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ and accept the responsibility of our Baptismal covenant: to seek and serve Christ in all persons.
Pastoral Care Pastoral Care is the ministry of caring at the heart of the church’s life. It may include hospital visitation, counseling and ministries of shared presence, listening and support. It also includes parish ministries of clergy and laity who respond to human need. The Rev. Georgia Hecock 218 847-6052 The Rev. Dana Emery 218 847-6338
Check us out on facebook for our fun family activities!
Detroit lakes
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St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church
St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church LOCATION 20996 County Highway 20 On Becker Cty. Hwy. 20, 2 miles West of Hwy. 59 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
218-439-3938 Call for pre-recorded message and current updates.
Sunday 8:30 am Winter Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:30 am starting Oct. 1 Weekday Mass Schedule: Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 am Website: Email:
Office Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & Fri. 2pm-5pm Handicap accessible Summer Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am and 10:30 am
• Saturday, July 20 (5pm) & Sunday, July 21 (7am-12pm) Bazaar at the Church
Fall Mass Schedule: Labor Day through Oct 1 Saturday 5:00 pm
St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church is a place to worship and to enter into a deeper and more intimate union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church
A place of Grace, a people of Faith
...Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me and I will make you fish for people,” Mark 1:17
Rev. John Lee 218-439-6553 or 218-234-7992 email: 19747 County Highway #6, Audubon, MN 56511 (5 miles south of Audubon on County Hwy #11 and 1/2 mile east on County Hwy #6)
Summer Worship Schedule Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Family Worship
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
(Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday)
Luther’s Crest
10:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship
Winter Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship (Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month)
10:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School I put a cross of black inside The heart that stands for me, I put it there because I know Christ died to make me free.
(for ages 3 years through 6th grade)
Other Fellowship Confirmation Classes (grades 7-9) Sept.-May Bible Study for Everyone (Wednesday at 9am) Hope Circle (4th Wednesday at 9am) Fish Dinner (April) Annual Rummage Sale (April) Quilting on Wednesdays at 9am (Sept.-May) Vacation Bible School Family Game Night (4th Sunday of the month) Welcome to the Detroit Lakes area. We here at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church invite you to come and be strengthened and renewed with us. God has blessed us all with so many good things, the very best of which is His Son Jesus, through whom we receive freedom from sin, death and the devil. Come to St. Peter’s and worship with us, learn with us, lunch with us and laugh with us. The Lord is our Rock and our Redeemer; let us serve him with joy!
A rose of white holds up my heart Just like my pillow soft. God keeps me happy and so safe, I never will feel lost. Behind the rose the sky is blue Like heaven’s sky may be. I plan to live with Jesus there, But first the world I’ll see. Around this all I drew a ring Of gold that has no end. It’s like a promise God will keep To always be my friend.
We the family of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, strive to be Christ’s faithful disciples and ambassadors, reaching out to our neighbors with the good news of God’s love.
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Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Family Camp with a Purpose Be Refreshed in 2013
We welcome you to Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Family Camp and Conference Center for our 48th year of anointed ministry. Strawberry Lake is known for its freedom of worship and sharing the Word of God. The joy of the Lord is here to refresh you in 2013. We offer something for every member of the family. If you have not experienced our retreat for yourself, we invite you to join us for a life changing visit. Gerald and Beulah Derstine 33991 Victory Way Dr. Ogema, MN 56569 21 miles N of Detroit Lakes on Beautiful Strawberry Lake
1-888-593-2882 or 1-218-983-3217
Daily Summer Schedule
2013 Speaker Schedule JULY
12:00 - 1 :00PM
Bible Teaching
Lakefront Celebration Picnic: Food, concert, fireworks! Phil Derstine (FL) All American Fishing Derby Russell Smith Roberts Lairdon Joan Pearce Maurice Skiar
Evening Meal
5:00 - 6:00PM
Snack Bar/Coffee
Flo Ellers Bea Smith Frank Baio Rob Garrett Jr. Mike Shreve
Prayer Time
7:30 - 8:30AM
Bible Teaching
8:30 & 10:30AM
July July July July July July July
4th 1-5 1-5 7-10 10-12 14-19 22-29
July 28-Aug 2 Aug 4-9 Aug 11-16 Aug 8-23 Aug 27-30
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detroit lakes
Trinity Lutheran Church 1401 Madison Ave. • Detroit Lakes 847-7211 • Fax 847-3763 email: Pastor: Jillene Gallatin Youth & Family Ministry: Suzie Porter Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Laurie Albertson
TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH is a congregation committed to
“Mission and Ministry” We invite you to join our family at Trinity in our “Mission and Ministry” as we respond to the great commission of Jesus who is the Christ: “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...” Matthew 28:19. You are invited to join us for Worship every Sunday at 8:30 am or 10:30 am. During the summer months, weather permitting, the 10:30 a.m. service is held outside. Holy Communion is offered at all services. A nursery is available at both services and coffee and fellowship is offered between services. Our “Mission and Ministry” provides Educational Ministry through Sunday School for our children, K-12th grade, from 9:35 to 10:25 am from September to May. We offer Vacation Bible School in the summer. Our Youth and Family Ministry Program seeks to bring families together to live out their baptismal promises to grow, serve, and connect. Our after school program is open to all K-5th graders on Wednesdays, during the school year. Confirmation is a key component beginning in the 7th grade. We also provide Adult Education opportunities year
Trinity Lutheran Church round. Trinity has a dedicated Music Program, which includes a Senior Choir and a Handbell/Chime Choir. Our choirs meet from September through May. Trinity offers a weekly Men’s Bible Study and has an active Women’s group. They both meet throughout the year. Trinity has dedicated and active quilting, knitting, and painting groups who meet on a regular basis. Their labors of love are shared with many people and organizations. Our “Mission and Ministry” in the community and world involves our participation in the Becker County Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, the Lakes Area Crisis Center, Lutheran World Relief, World Hunger Appeal, Global Missions, Relay for Life, TeacHaiti, as well as other causes. We support a missionary through the ELCA.
“We are God’s people, called to grow in faith and action.”
Pelican Rapids
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Trinity Lutheran Church Highway 108 East 315 East Mill Street Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 (Handicapped Accessible)
Phone: (218) 863-2424 FAX (218) 863-2264 Pastor Laurie Skow-Anderson Lay Pastor Al Grothe
Trinity Lutheran Church
Intern Pastor Lucas Ladnier
Summer Worship Schedule: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Holy Communion served on 1st & 4th Sundays of month
Coffee Fellowship Following Both Services
“PASS IT ON” MINISTRIES 24 West Mill Street Pelican Rapids, MN
Open: Tuesday 10 a.m.-Noon Thursday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - Noon
“The Welcome Place” 26 West Mill Street Pelican Rapids, MN Open: Tuesday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
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detroit lakes
United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church Corner of Corbett & Pembina Trail Three blocks south of the Best Western Holland House Detroit Lakes
(218) 847-4818 email:
“Blessed to be a Blessing” Rev. Brenda North
Lisa Braun, Ministry Coordinator Nikki Larsen, Director of Children & Youth Ellen Kensinger, Secretary Jane Ballard, Organist Diane Jordan, Choral Director Ted and Marvel Sims, Custodians
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Th 8am-2:30pm & Fri 8-Noon Worship: 8:15 am “Casual” service in our Fellowship Hall • 10:30 am Traditional Service Summer Worship: 8:15 am & 10:00 am (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Small Blessings Childcare/Preschool Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Director: LeAnn Graham (218) 844-4817 Our mission: We are a missionary force of Christians offering the care and compassion of Christ to all, meeting you wherever you are on life’s journey.
WHO WE ARE: While a congregation simply cannot have a single theology (owing to the diversity of each member), we do experience common ground in describing our faith. Each community takes on its own particular theological personality; important phrases, images, themes, words, assumptions, discernments and habits of the heart tend to emerge and govern the whole body’s theology. Our theological personality as a congregation tends to reflect the following: • God is the “Ground of Being” itself, “in which we live and move and have our being.” • Incarnation: God’s self is embedded in all creation. • A faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ. • We find our true lives in the mystery of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. • An understanding of ourselves as God’s “beloved” daughters and sons. • Commitment to cooperating in, recognizing and building God’s Reign in our midst by: our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. • God’s Kingdom is not in some distant future, but in our midst, “has come near.” • God’s self revelation is multi-dimensional, and is found at least in these authorities; Scripture, Church Tradition/Teaching, Reason, Our Experience, Creation. • Faith is defined as a “relationship with” rather than “belief in” God. • Tolerance/Acceptance of those who differ. • Diverse images/names of God (not only male names/images). • Appreciation of John Wesley’s “Plan of Salvation”; Prevenient Grace ¯ Justifying Grace ¯ Sanctifying Grace • Transformation or Sanctification (the process of becoming more whole/ holy) is our life-long privilege as God’s beloved children. • Salvation is a community experience as well as individual. • Emphasis on hospitality, openness - rather than purity & separation. • Belief that God is a God of abundance, and that we are “Blessed, to be a blessing.” • Full assent to the early Wesleyan phrase; “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”
Come, join us in transformation & ministry!
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Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS P.O. Box 926-1100 Lake Ave. Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 Tel: 218-847-7630 Fax: 218-847-2952 Email: Website: Pastor: Gary Rehborg (Interim) Sundays Services: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Thursday Service: Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS 7 p.m. Worship Sunday School/Youth Forum: 9:15 a.m. • Musical Ministries: Choirs, Vocal Groups, (Sept. thru May) Children’s singing groups, and Praise Leaders • Outreach: Visitation, Hospitality, Prayer, Adult Bible Class: Publicity, and Faith Friends Sunday 9:15 a.m. • Womens Groups: Womens’ Missionary League, Wednesday 10:00 a.m. For 126 years Zion Lutheran has based its beliefs on three basic principles: Scripture, faith and grace. The scripture is the only source of knowledge about God and His will for us. Grace tells us that as human beings, we cannot earn God’s love, forgiveness, or everlasting life. IT IS A GIFT OF HIS LOVE. Only by faith in Jesus Christ do we receive forgiveness. Through faith in Him we come into a relationship of peace with God. Word and sacrament are the means of grace for our forgiveness and salvation.
MINISTRIES Our worship service consists of confession, hymns of praise and thanksgiving, scripture readings, prayer, and fellowship. Other everyday ministries designed to help us grow in faith and reach a personal relationship with God are available. • Education: Bible study for all ages, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Classes, Midweek Children’s programs, and Library resources
Guilds, Bible Study, Altar Guild, Quilters, Office Helpers • Social Needs: Various groups such as Elders, Stewardship, Men’s groups, Youth, Music, offer opportunities to serve others or to be served in time of need. Many opportunities and spiritual blessings await you at Zion! We welcome all who wish to participate in our worship services and other ministries.
WE BELIEVE IN: • STUDYING God’s Word as the source of direction for issues of the day • SPEAKING the truth of God in love toward one another • SERVING our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Word and deed
“The mission of Zion Lutheran Church is to equip all people through God’s Word and Sacraments to be disciples (believers, learners, followers, and sharers of Christ).”
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Zion Lutheran Church
On Franklin Lake 24876 Franklin Lake Road Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 (218) 863-4830 Pastor Dale Pepelnjak Handicapped Acessible SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays Fellowship between Services To all who mourn and need comfort; to all who are lonely and want companionship; to all who pray and to all who love to sing God’s praises; to all who sin and need a Savior; This Church opens wide its doors and in the Name of Jesus bids you Welcome! Welcome to Zion Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church. Zion serves the Lakes Country on the north shore of Franklin Lake. Established in 1905 we have been welcoming God’s people for over one hundred years. Please join us for worship or for one of our many congregational events. You can find out what’s happening by visiting our website at: We
Zion Lutheran Church, ELCA
look forward to meeting you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ!
May God’s Blessings be with you...
Self Service Digital Photo Station Washington Square Mall • 808 Washington Ave. • Detroit Lakes, MN
218-847-9248 • 1-800-510-7497
Store HourS: PHArMAcy HourS: Monday-Friday: 9am-8pm Monday-Friday: 9am-7pm Sat: 9am-5:30pm • Sun: 12pm-5pm Sat: 9am-5pm • Sun: 12pm-4pm
Larson Funeral Home
304 3rd St SE – PO Box 327 Pelican Rapids MN 56572 218-863-2441 Assisting families with traditional and cremation services. Also helping families with their pre-planning needs.
Jade Petznick Funeral Director
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This booklet has been published by Detroit Lakes Newspapers. This is to offer you supplemental information about the churches throughout our lakes area. These churches have provided information pertaining to their Parish history, schedules, etc. to help enable you in your search for a church that will fit your individual needs. We thank the individuals responsible for contributing this information to us.
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churches of the lakes Information provided by Detroit Lakes Newspapers
DONATIONS Cash is the much preferred “donated” item, as they’re able to buy food products from the USDA, at much reduced prices. Food donations are happily accepted as well, primarily non-perishable items, including soups, canned vegetables/fruits, pastas, etc. Personal items are also welcome, shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, toilet paper, diapers, etc. DONATIONS CAN BE MAILED TO: 1308 Rossman Avenue, Detroit Lakes MN 56501 ITEMS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT: 1308 Rossman Avenue or most area churches accept donations to the food pantry, they then pass them on to the local agency. For further information contact the Food Pantry at 846-0142
THE BECKER COUNTY FOOD PANTRY 1308 Rossman Avenue • Detroit Lakes
For a complete list of recyclable items visit or contact MinnKota Recycling 512 Highway 59 N Detroit Lakes Tel: 218.847.4790 HOURS: MON-FRI 9am-5pm Sat 8am-noon Information provided by
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