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The Campus Ministry program at De La Salle is the specialized and focused means by which students, faculty, staff, and parents establish and develop programs in faith formation Based on our Christian heritage, Catholic identity, and Lasallian charism of the school, the Campus Ministry program is responsible for building a faith community and can be found in every aspect of school life



Throughout the year, Campus Ministry provides a variety of liturgical experiences that reflect the cycle of the liturgical calendar, such as a school-wide Reconciliation Service during Lent and Masses throughout the year Class and family liturgies are sponsored in conjunction with Class Councils/Moderators and the Parent Association. Campus Ministry also coordinates sports liturgies upon request.


Retreat experiences are key opportunities for students to develop responsibility for their Christian lives

De La Salle promotes and encourages retreats in various forms for all its students, so time is made available during school days for retreat experiences All staff, administrators, teachers, and coaches support students by extending the appropriate considerations to students desiring a retreat experience. For assignments missed due to participation in retreat activities, the student is given an additional day for each retreat day to make up the assignment. Students are still responsible for long-term projects and tests assigned before the retreat should be negotiated with their instructor for a timely completion

Class Retreats:

The Freshman Retreat is a one-day, community-building retreat that is required of all Freshmen, typically held on the De La Salle campus in the fall This retreat welcomes the student into the Lasallian family and introduces him to the Brotherhood at De La Salle.

Sophomores are required to participate in the Men of Christ Retreat as their retreat experience. This is a one-day retreat that is centered around the Integral Student Outcome (Section 2.1) of having our students become Men of Integrity. The retreat is informed by the work of Mentors in Violence Prevention (M.V.P.) as well as the earthly ministry of Jesus as a model to challenge students to stand up in the face of violence to stand for those who are marginalized

Juniors have two retreat opportunities The first is an optional one-day experience held in the fall The retreat focuses on the journey to becoming a Man of Faith, an Integral Student Outcome (Section 2 1). The second is a mandatory immersion 2023-24 De La Salle High School Student-Parent Handbook experience, Faith, Service, and Community (F.S.C.), that involves direct service, reflection, prayer, and advocacy Participation is a graduation requirement and a “service learning” component of the Religious Studies 3 Living the Gospel curriculum. The F.S.C. immersion experience takes place in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco and is co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Saint Anthony’s Foundation Justice Education Department.

The Senior Kairos retreat brings the entire De La Salle experience into focus. This is an optional, three-day and two-night experience where students are challenged to examine their faith and the difference their De La Salle experience has made in their lives, and how it has impacted their relationship with themselves, others, and God

In addition to class retreats, two weekends are set aside each year for parents and sons to go on retreat All retreats are staffed by the Campus Ministry team as well as faculty and staff members

10.3 VEN A VER

Spanish for “Come and See,” Ven A Ver is a special immersion program for Juniors and Seniors who meet the qualifications and application procedures for this specialized program. Ven A Ver engages students in a five-day and four-night experience in service, simplicity, community, and prayer Students join in the life and work of particular communities Ven A Ver takes place in the fall and spring with sites in the Salinas Valley and San Diego


All students are welcome to be a part of this group that seeks to study and live out the principles important to the identity of a Lasallian school. Activities of service include not only preparing Campus Ministry events for the campus community but also networking with other Lasallian schools in various service projects. A week-long summer service conference is sponsored by the District of San Francisco New Orleans for all Lasallian schools in the District as well as service projects in our local community


Campus Ministry sponsors a number of on-campus charity drives throughout the year to benefit Lasallian mission schools as well as other pressing needs within the community These drives take place throughout the school year to give our students numerous opportunities to live out our core principle of “Concern for the Poor and Social Justice”

2023-24 De La Salle High School Student-Parent Handbook Page 40 of 57

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