DESIGNED FOR THE FASHION FORWARD HOMEOWNER “Organization the key to everything, because it changes people’s lives” said Liza Wolff, owner of Inspired Closets. For more than 30 year s, Liza Wolff has been designing, plannig, and creating inspired spaces in people’s homes, offices, and gar ages. Opening her fir st business in Souther n Califor nia in the early 90’s and then expanding her company to Las Vegas in 1998. “»fter we rebr anded to Inspired Closet s V, L designer Dominc Marcolongo joined our team. Dominc and I actually go way back. He star ted as my assistant while he was at tending colege. I knew he had exactly what it o k to be ver y successful in this field” she said about Marcolongo,whoisnow eofthemostsough-tafterdesigner sinthe industry. “When I’m designing a space as personal and intimate as a closet, I focus on the client more than the space. I wor k best with client s who want to walk in their closet and feel the magic. It ’s liek shopping in your favorite boutiq e because it ’s filled with all of the things you’ve colectedandhandpickedoverliyofet ur ime”saidDomincMarcolongo, lead designer, Inspired Closets Las Vegas. For Marcolongo, his most recent client, a stay-at-home mother and estateownerwhoisintohelatestinfashion. “Ilovedifferentpiecesandamnotafr aidtowearjustaboutany thing!I needed an amazi ng, o r ganized cl o set w i t h l ot s of dr awer s, w her e I can seeallmywonder fulfinds,”saidCelineMamula.
Dominic Marcolongo Inspired Closets LV was the only company who had the imagination and creationtmakeithappen. “I wanted to make sure that when she walks in her space, she k nows exactly where to lo k for inspir ation for her out fit s. From her custom jewelry trays to her illuminated shoe-shrine, to the 7’ chandelier dripping in the let ter “C’s”; ever y detail is catered to Celine,”says Marcolongo. “Mydesignk nowsnoboundariesandIloveto estthelimt sofwhata spacecanbecome”hesaidabout r ni gCeline’ssparebedro minto a mega-closet. “They read my mind; it came out so beautiful. It was magical, I love lo kingatit”saysMamula. Inspired closet s, has a 250 0 square foot showr m in the hear t of L as Vegas which showcases design, art and organization.
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Call for an appointment (702) 259-9569 Inspired Closets Las Vegas
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