P O MPONIO INJU RY L AW FURT HE R E XPAN D S PRESENC E IN N E VADA & CALIF ORNIA Pomponio Injury Law hasbecomeahouseholdname
in the legal field ervo the last few ear y s – representing hundreds of client s and growing as a fir.m In addition openingit ’snewofficeLias n Vegas,wich h isscheduledto open in early 2022, Pomponio Injury Law has also opened a second office in Newpor t Beach, Califoria, n to bet ter assistinmanagingit ’sCaliforia n clientele. »dding to that grow ,th seasoned trial law ery Mark isen E berghasjoined w PompoIjunrioLyawexto pand the fir’s m practice fur ther. With a comit ed presence in Califoria n and new offices in Orange C,ount y Pompoion Ijunr Lyawcontiuesit sexpansioan n dabiilt assi oy stthe ijunred wherever they may reside. The fir’s m Califoria n practice wli be led by isen E berg, who is recogned iz for ihs exper tise in civli trial work with nearly tirh y ear y s of cour tom experience. Pompoion Ijunr y Law’s Califoria n practice wli focus on personal ijunr y cases, including auto accident s, premises iabi l ,ilt y product s iabi l ,ilt y slip/ trip and falls, construction site accident s, and poilce misconduct. Under iEsenberg’s leader ship and longstanding relationship with the defense bar, Pompoion Ijunr y Law client s wli receiev maximu recoerv y for their injuries.
“With Eisenberg joining our team, we bring a significant amount of horsepower to the plaintiff ’s injury practice that is Pomponio Injury Law. Eisenberg is actively involved in every aspect of his cases from start to finishand treats every client as if they were his only client,” Pomponio explains. sen iE bergadmtis,“Memvlo niy enan hnit dlgni eachcase one- on- emaybemorework,butheresuislt bet terfor cl our ient s.I’miwlnggoto theex tralimefotrhem”. Both Pompoanion disen E berganticipateutilzngtheico r mon vigoan r dpassifoon seei r ngtheicl r ient ssucceed,leading to fur ther expansion of Pompoion Ijunr y Law in Nevada, Califoria, n andperhapsotherstatesinthefuture. —ByDanicaSerenaStockton
isen E bergbeganihscareerasadefenselaw ery defending the erv y t ype of cases he now prosecutes on behalf of ijunred par ties. With doenz s upon doenz s of jur y trials, bench trials, arbitrations, and mediations under ihs belt, isen E berg is able to quickly and confidently assess the viabiilt yandrelatiev valueofcasesandworkefficientlyo bringthosecasestoafavorableconclusio.n isen E berg explains: “For tirh een ear y s, I wored k o n t he defensesidetr yinglargelossicases j un r y fobi r ginsurance companies. I understand and know their processes and have used tihs experience to benefit ym client s when handlingtheirijun ycases.” With many of ihs cases garnering ex tensiev media coerv age,was it suno rpriselear to that n isen E bergihmself also served as a resident legal analyst and commentator fovar r ioustelevisioutnlet sandradisto ations.isen E berg hasalsoser ed v asbotan h arbitratoan r dmediatofo r tr h e Orange County Superior Court system.
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Nick Pompoion and Mark isen E berg have had a longstandingprofessionalrelationship.