Rider Roundup April 2021

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ROUGHRIDER roundup April 2021

Earth Month 2021

The Rider Roundup The Roosevelt Roundup is published by the newspaper staff of Theodore Roosevelt High School and exists to serve as an open forum for the students, staff, administration, and community. All state and federal laws regarding the publication of student materials shall apply, and the rider roundup will not publish materials which also fall under the guidelines established by the Des Moines Public School system, and are deemed libelous, obscene, or a material and substantial disruption to normal classroom activities.

Class Advisor Nicole Crawford nicolecrawford@dmschools.org

Co-Editors-in-Chief Emmaline Scott Jordan Bohn-Wright

The views expressed are not those of the Des Moines Public School faculty, staff, or administration.

Assistant Editors

All articles are researched, written, edited and designed by the staff, and are the result of editorial decisions made by the entire staff.

Lily Anderson

Any student, faculty, staff or community member can contribute materials within the deadline restrictions; however, final publication is at the discretion of the staff and must be 255 words or lesser length and signed; letter may be edited for length, grammar, spelling etc. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of the auther, and no anonymous letters will be published. Advertising will be accepted for all products or services that are legal for minors to possess or unitize. Establishments wishing to reserve space should email advisor Nicole Crawford. ----------------------------------------------------*Cover art by Taha Saeed, Senior* ----------------------------------------------------Follow us on social media at.... Twitter: @RiderRoundup Instagram: @rider_roundup

Willem Lindstrom

Reporters/Staff Abigail Henry Grace Smith Guled Abdi Jack Harrington Zarai Hernandez-Hernandez Ziara James-Hayes Bao Nguyen Alex Noel

The Environment’s Biggest Problem By Alex Noel, staff

Each year, nine billion tons

of litter is added to the world’s oceans. Pollution and litter are huge problems in the environment today. Litter contributes to thousands of deaths of animals every year and pollutes the water that people rely on. The Earth is being polluted with billions of plastics and foams that take hundreds to thousands of years to break down from people who are too lazy to find a trash can. Roosevelt is a great example of the laziness of people. “People see litter on the street and feel like it is okay to throw their trash on the street as well,” says Alex Coats, junior at Roosevelt. Everyday, more and more litter is added to the environment that is pushed into the lakes, rivers, and oceans that will eventually be eaten by marine life which can debilitate them, and even kill them. Every day, more and more

Kennedy Pahl picking up trash at Roosevelt.

litter are added to the environment that is pushed into the lakes, rivers, and oceans that will eventually be eaten by marine life which can debilitate them, and even kill them. It is not just marine life, beloved pets are also eating the litter that people leave behind in our environment making them unhealthy and in some cases, killing them.

Hank Wasson, Jester Park conservationalist keeping the park litter-free.

Roosevelt itself, is not helping with our environment. For an establishment that uses so much paper, plastic, and cardboard, Roosevelt still does not recycle, which contributes to the pollution problem. Even though there are recycling bins in the classrooms, the trash in those get mixed in and thrown away with the non-recyclable trash which defeats the purpose of the recycling bins. “Litter and pollution damage our

“It’s a daily job at Jester Park with people constantly littering and can be incredibly harmful to the environment and the creatures that live there,” -Hank Wasson streets and puts trash in our local parks, lakes, rivers, and ponds,” says Kennedy Pahl, freshman at Roosevelt. The solution to the environment’s littering problem is simple: throw away trash. If everyone did their part and threw away their trash and picked up the trash that they saw, the environment would be more litter-free and less litter would run into the bodies of water that the environment holds. “It’s a daily job at Jester Park with people constantly littering and can be incredibly harmful to the environment and the creatures that live there,” says Hank Wasson, conservationist at Jester Park. The environment could be litter-free if everyone did their part. What you can do to help is: pick up anyone’s litter, throw away your own trash, and call out the people who you see littering. If you are interested in this cause, join the environmental club in Ms. Dunley’s room.

Soccer Written and Designed by Zarai Hernandez and staff

March 13... the last normal day

of 2020, the day everyone left thinking it was only for spring break but ended up being for the rest of the year. Not being able to come back to school stopped many things including spring sports one being boy's soccer. Leaving all the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors without a season. But this year the boy's soccer team is getting to play their season. “Really excited to see the seniors who didn’t get a chance to play their junior year finish up their careers,” head coach Matt Ream said. Ream also stated he is “excited to have a season with everything going on with the pandemic.” The soccer team has played two games so far and had a hard start on their first game against Waukee which is one of the best teams in the state and lost 3-0.

“We scheduled that on purpose we want to play teams that will challenge us and let us know where we're at.” said Ream. Senior Marcko Dalay, who plays on varsity, also stated that the first game was difficult, but it told them where they needed to be and what they needed to improve on. The second game they played was against Urbandale which they won 4-2 and the Jv and Jv 2 teams won as well. “We bounced back on the second game so that really boosted our confidence after losing 3-0 to Waukee.” stated Dalay. When talking to Ream he said he wants to get the team to be competitive in every game they play and demonstrate resiliency and effort in everything that they do. Something that Dalay feels that will be difficult is making it to state but thinks they’ll be able to make it this year.

Ream stated he enjoys coaching the boy’s soccer team because he likes getting to know the guys and says it is fun to see such a diverse group of student athletes coming together to achieve a common goal. “It is exciting to see how they develop their friendships and relationships.” said Ream. Dalay says he most enjoys making relationships, new friends and brothers on the team. Dalay also advices all freshmen to make as many friends as you can on the team because that’s the people, you’re going to be with for the rest of high school and to make relationships and bonds with them. Overall, the boy's soccer team has been doing well and hopes to keep it going and make it to state this year.

Season Upcoming Games: 4/16 Varsity - 7:30 Against Fort Dodge @ Dodger Stadium Number 23 senior Marcko Dalay getting an assist in at the game against Urbandale. In which they won 4 - 2.

4/20 Varsity - 7:30 JV - 6 :30 JV2 - 4:45 Against WDM Valley @ Valley Stadium

4/30 Varsity - 4:45 JV - 6:15 JV2 - 4:45 Against East @ James Cownie Soccer Stadium 5/04 Varsity - 4:45 JV - 6:15 JV2 - 4:45 Against Hoover @ James Cownie Soccer Stadium 5/07 Varsity - 7:30 JV - 6:00 JV2 - 4:45 Against Dowling Catholic @ Dowling Catholic High School

4/23 Varsity - 4:45 JV - 6:15 JV2 - 4:45 Against Ames @ James Cownie Soccer 5/11 Stadium Varsity - 7:30 JV - 6:00 4/27 JV2 - 4:45 Varsity - 4:45 Against North JV - 6:15 JV2 - 4:45 5/14 Against Lincoln @ James Cownie Soccer Varsity - 4:45 JV - 6:15 Stadium Against Ottumwa @ James Cownie Soccer Stadium Head coach Matt Ream watching the team as they play their game.

“I’m really excited to have the opportunity to work with these guys and excited to see how this season goes. Go Riders!” - Matt Ream.

Concussion Awareness and Prevention in Roosevelt Sports Written and Designed by Grace Smith and Staff


id you know that around 300,000 high school athletes sustain some level of concussion each year? Head injuries and concussions have become even more prevalent as the intensity of sports increase each year, and concussion education and prevention should be increasing along with it. The seriousness of head injuries is often overlooked whether it is due to lack of education and seriousness surrounding the topic or because people value the competition more than the possible risks and outcomes. Educating students, faculty, guardians, and coaches on the possible head injuries that high school sports sometimes result in is a big step in the right direction. Concussion education and prevention should be encouraged and taught more at Roosevelt High School.

is a mild sub concussive blow to the head or a major concussion that results in a three-month break, student athletes need more teaching and a better support system.

Contact sports at Roosevelt such as football, soccer, and rugby have the potential to cause many head injuries of different severities. Whether it

“It’s virtually impossible to tell if you have a concussion right after you are hit and, in my experience, a coach asks you and gives you about five seconds

Elizabeth Saunders, Roosevelt senior andvarsity soccer player charges and Ankeny High School player duing a night game. May concussions happen in soccer as well as other sports.

to decide if you want to stay in the game. Putting this decision on athletes in the middle of a game right after a head injury creates a no-win scenario where athletes put themselves at risk unnecessarily”, senior Elizabeth Saunders said. “There needs to be more education on how staying in a game or practice after a blow to the head makes recovery even longer.”

Saunders is a varsity soccer them. The typical education I player and team captain for give players (especially younger) Roosevelt as well as her club in technique on how to head the team. She personally ball, jump, and protect yourself, experienced a concussion that etc..,” Neary said. took her out of her sport for two months and causing her to miss “I would love to see more the entirety of her coaches (including myself) sophomore season. Because of making content readily her personal experience with accessible and sent to players head injuries she said she feels throughout the season on ways like “somewhat of an expert” to prevent concussions, ways to but admitted that she knew deal with them, and how nothing about concussions serious they are.” before it happened to her. With students better educated on post-head injury protocol and “There the symptoms they may is inherent risk in begin to experience, anything anyone does. That long-term cases like being said, some sports are more Saunders’ could be risky than others and sometimes prevented. “I have at least two to three players experience a concussion throughout a season,” said soccer coach Trevor Neary.

understand how minor blows to the head can accumulate over the years and cause life threatening diseases such as CTE. It is crucial that students are taught how to protect themselves and how to take care of themselves properly after a head injury.

“A concussion is a very serious injury and if an athlete returns to play before their brain is healed the consequences of that can be deadly,” said Roosevelt’s athletic trainer, Sam Pohlmeier. Pohlmeier is a certified athletic trainer and is very well-versed in the dangers concussions can have and how important concussion education is. Many medical professionathletes will display risky behavior in an als, including Pohlmeier, effort to win, get the ball, make the block, stress that the reward etc., but the reward is not worth the risk. may not always be worth Injuries happen, but please do not shirk the the risk.

rules willingly because you think that that will help the team best, those rules are for your own safety,”

Neary coaches the Roosevelt girl’s soccer team as well as at the select soccer club, Sporting Iowa. As a full-time coach and retired collegiate player, Neary has been surrounded by the physical sport almost his entire life. As a coach, he admitted his fault in not doing enough to educate his players and believes most coaches don’t do enough. “I definitely don’t do enough to educate players enough on the concussions and the severity of

Sam Pohlmeier, Trainer

Not only do players need more support from their coaches but coaches need support as well. They should be held accountable and encouraged to take time to teach their players about head injuries and the potential long term affects they can cause. Many student-athletes don’t

The downplay of brain injuries and concussions in high school sports is not only ignorant but it puts countless students at risk. Staff, coaches, parents, and students should all take initiative and educate themselves and others on the causes of head injuries as well as the proper protocol after sustaining a blow to the head. This way we can work together to enforce preventative measures and increase the health and safety of our student athletes at Roosevelt.

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremeism found that anti-Asian hate crimes reported to police rose 149% between 2019 and 2020. - Politifact.com Photocred: Oregonlive.com

AsianHate Crimes IN Written and designed by Abby Henry and staff In recent months, the amount of attacks directed towards people of Asian descent all over the country has skyrocketed. 3.22% of students and 2.5% of staff members at Theodore Roosevelt High School identify as being Asian; so, what is Roosevelt doing to support Asian people during this time?


school to provide awareness and show DMPS’ support that stands with Asian people during this time but what is behind the sign? At Roosevelt, PA announcements that voice where Roosevelt stands regarding the Asian Hate crimes can be heard. Roosevelt has also been more intentional when communicating with their stakeholders in the community about what they stand for and what they believe in.

In response to the atrocious attacks against Asian people, Des Moines Public School “As a society, we must take the signs have displayed the time to listen and learn about message “Stop Asian Hate”. each other’s differences, because This message is strategically placed in front of every DMPS it’s our differences that make

this world great. We must also think for ourselves, be our own people, and not allow crazy conspiracy theories to drive our actions. So much hate in this world is created by anonymous, evil people who sit behind their computer screen or cell phone and sell hate to the world and our youth. But logical, kind and moral people can and should see through that evil and know what is right and wrong, and then act in a way that is not criminal or hurtful to others. I’ve always said that the “kindest person in the room always wins.” said Kevin

racist remarks, or threats of Biggs, Roosevelt principal Loan Nguyen, teacher, and violence, Asian people often While Asian hate crimes are director of forensics at experience currently increasing in Roosevelt who also identifies microaggressions to overt acts numbers, they have always as being Vietnamese of racism because we look happened behind the shadAmerican, brings up a great and can sound different. It’s ows. Ellie Chungath, a ninth point. hard to speak to all Asian grader at Roosevelt who identifies as being South “Words have been said, but ac- experiences since there’s well Asian and White is “shocked tions mean more” said Nguyen over forty ethnicities and but not surprised” about the If looking to support the Asian cultures that can be lumped in under “Asian” but as a recent events. Between 2019 community, simply not being South East Vietnamese Asian and 2020, The Center for the prejudiced against Asians is I’ve definitely experienced Study of Hate and Extremism micro and macro aggressions! at California State UniversiI think what allies can do is ty found hate crimes against “There has been use their English-speaking Asian Americans spiked increasing support and privileges to help 149%. Many Americans are leeway for racism and hate in individuals in the very impressionable and America for many years, and it community where while not explicitly said in has been amplified in quarantine English is a barrier, and The Center for the Study of and with the pandemic. I also get a use other privileges to Hate and Extremism study, bit of déjà vu because Asian hate simply advocate and after the former president is not new, this cycle appears in support the Asian Donald Trump used the different forms throughout community in Des terms “China history”, Moines” said Nguyen Virus” and “Kung Flu” the -Chungath As with most things, there is study found that strength in numbers. Google searches with similar racist terms increased not enough. There are ways The more support Asians significantly. to be helpful and supportive have, the more likely changes while not overshadowing the will be made. For more “There has been increasing voices of victims. information about how to support and leeway for racism help, The Chinese Association and hate in America for many “There is a long history, of Iowa, the Korean Cultural years, and it has been often unknown or forgotten, Center of Iowa, and many amplified in quarantine and of anti-Asian violence that more organizations dedicated with the pandemic. I also get stems from imperialism, to supporting Asian people in a bit of déjà vu because Asian colonization, and white Iowa are always willing to hate is not new, this cycle supremacy. The attacks in educate and provide people appears in different forms response to COVID are just with opportunities that throughout history”, said adding to the pile of historbenefit the Asian population Chungath ical anti-Asian attacks that Words speak a great deal but stem from fear. Whether slurs, in Iowa.

Truth About Brands

Written and DESIGNED by Guled ABsi ANDSTAFF

This is a photo of a lot of brands that are popluar and a lot of these brands are talked about in this article. The types of brands you see in the photo are a lot of brands that are expensive, and some brands that are cheap.


V, Gucci, Nike, Adidas. These brands range from high end to everyday wear. Did you know that Nike is one of the most worn brands in the world and the second most worn brand is Gucci? Even though Gucci is an expensive brand it still the second most known brand that people wear. A lot of people like to wear all

kinds of brands that are not really known but they are comfortable and cheap. This article will talk about all the brands that are popular, why people love to wear the brand, and other facts about the brands. Keep reading to find out more about what are the most popular brands and some background information about how these brands are so popular.

The most popular brand in the world is Nike. Nike is an American multinational brand that is engaged with design, development manufacturing, and worldwide marketing. Nike sells all kinds of items from clothing, shoes, equipment, and accessories. The headquarters of Nike is stationed near Beaverton, Oregon, and is

owned by Phil Knight. The brand Nike was valued at 36.8 billion dollars (about $110 per person in the US (United States)) in 2020 but could have increased in over time. A poll done at Roosevelt High School showed that 43% of kids at the school like to wear Nike while the rest of the high school wears other kinds of brands. Nike is known for making good looking shoes that people love. They also have good technology and equipment to boost performances in their Nike shoes. “My favorite brand is Nike or Jordans, and the reason I like this brand is, the brand looks good, but it is also comfortable to wear and it’s good for sports. I like to wear lots of other brands like Champion, Vans, and many others. I started wearing these brands when I was third or fourth grade. Once I started shopping with these brands I just could not stop because they kept coming out with things that I liked, and the brands would have a lot of sales so I just could not stop buying them. My top five brands I like are, Nike, Jordan, Champion, Adidas, and Under Armor are my top five brands. One brand I don’t like is Fila,” sophomore Abdullahi Mohamed said. The second most popular brand in the world is Gucci. Gucci is a luxury fashion company based in Florence, Italy. Gucci sells many things like, handbags, clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, fragrances, and home furnishings. Gucci was founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci in Florence, Tuscany. Gucci started his company when he was 40 years old, he was also the main the person behind the

company he did not do business with any people. When Gucci was first started, they did not make many of the things that the brand makes now, but instead they made excellent quality leather luggage items. Gucci is popular Is because of the famous people who show off the expensive brand that they are wearing and how they are the only people who wear this expensive brand. Gucci’s brand sales have reached $14.6 billion (about $45 per person in the US) in the world in 2020 and could have gone up in 2021. The price tag makes it hard for Gucci to be in every closet. “My favorite brand is Jordan, and the reason I like this brand is, how authentic and good looking they are. I first started wearing this brand when I was in fourth or fifth grade. My top five brands I like to wear are, Jordan, Nike, Hollister, Forever 21, and American Eagle. I don’t have a brand that I don’t like because they most brands have different clothes that goes well with other people,” sophomore Anai Kurr said. The third most popular brand in the world is Adidas. Adidas is a German company that is owned by Adolf Dassler, and It was founded and stationed in Herzogenaurach, Germany. Adidas is a company that designs and manufactures shoes, clothing, and accessories. Adidas is not only popular in the United States, but it is the largest sportswear in Europe, and it is also the second largest sportswear company after Nike. The way that Adidas produced the company’s name is, the owner used his nickname which is Adi and used the first 3 letters of his last name which is Das and produced the

company’s name, Adidas. The first item that Adidas came out with is a tracksuit that was made in 1967 for Franz Beckenbauer. The founder of Adidas, Adolf Dassler, started the company with his brother, but they later went separate ways and Dassler sticked kept the name Adidas. Adidas has been so successful that their sales have reached $16.6 billion (about $51 per person in the US) dollars in 2020 but could have gone up in 2021. “My favorite brand is Addidas because I love their clothes and shoes and they are comfortable. I first started wearing this brand when I was in elementary school. I don’t dislike any other brands, my top five brands are, Nike, Adidas, Jordan, American Eagle, and Levis,” sophomore Warsame Warsame said. The fourth most known clothing brands is another expensive clothing brand called Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton is a French company and a luxury goods company. The company was founded in 1854 by a man named Louis Vuitton but the company is now currently owned my Michael Burke since 2012. The company makes handmade handbags and that is the only way that they make their handbags. Louis Vuitton makes bags that waterproof and fireproof which is the reason they are so expensive, and they also use superior quality materials to make them. If you ever travel to Europe and want to want to get something you should see if you can get a LV bag because they are a lot cheaper in Europe than they are in the United States and some other

countries. Louis Vuitton has reached sales of $16.4 million dollars in the year 2020. Students do not need to buy or wear expensive clothes to get excellent quality when you can buy something different that is cheaper and is has excellent quality. For example, look at Nike they are one of the largest design companies out there and are not the most expensive and they are still just as comfortable and has the multiple things that they sell in an expensive store. But it is also okay to buy something that is expensive when you have the money. Try thrift shopping because you might get lucky and find something that is vintage and expensive. You should never just stick to one brand because you might not know what other brands you are missing. Check your fit, Roosevelt.

“My favorite brand is Old Navy, it’s not too expensive, and their clothes are versatile for work and home. Old Navy isn’t the only brand I wear, but it is what I wear most often. I also like to thrift for clothes. I find some unique brands at thrift shops. I first started wearing Old Navy when I was five or six years old! As an adult, I choose to wear Old Navy because it is more affordable and versatile. I don’t think there are any brands I don’t like right now,” English teacher Lea Farho said.

Fun Facts!!! 1). Did you know that Nike

sells 900 million items every year.

2). Gucci is one of the

oldest brands still oprating today.

3). The Stan Smith’s that

are Adidas most iconic sneaker, were supposed to be named after famous French star, Robert Hailet and not Stanley Smith

This is a picture of teacher Jaidin Ross that teaches IJag and junior Chris Vleyee at Roosevelt High School, in the IJag classroom, wearing brands that are talked about in the Article.

Mark Your Calendar:



Written and Designed by Bao Nguyen and Staff

festivals feature mostly EDM with a small selection of hip-hop music. Back in 2017, the event attracted over 25,000 people. It is the largest such event in the state of Iowa. My reading! “Covid made the 2020 summer almost impossible to enjoy, opinion on is that is very cool and exciting, I saw a lot of rapper, like but with vaccines, 2021 is on!”. “I’m looking forward to Hinterland Wiz khalifa, Griz, Illenium, Charlie Music Festival, it’s going to include Puth, $uicideboy$, Playboicarti, The Avett Brothers, Tyler Childers, Hippie Sabotage. Asian Festivals are cool too, the cultures are something Leon Bridges, Khruangbin, Black else, it is very different from other Pumas, Old Crow Medicine Show, cultures. Tanya Tucker, Caamp, The Marcus King Band, Mt. Joy, Elle King, Yola, “I didn’t really go to any events or Shooter Jennings, Orviller Peck, festivals, I only hung out with my Hamilton Leithauser, Paul Caufriends at their house, and I played then, Charley Crockett, The Dip, a lot of basketball, I worked a lot Kelsey Waldon, Bendigo Fletcher, too, so I didn’t really have time to Lillie Mae, Vincent Neil Emerson, go to Events/Festivals. I also was Hex Girls, Croy and the Boys.” said Heidy Savage, Roosevelt’s staff working on my house because my house needed a renovation. “Played member a lot of video games with my friends, I didn’t really go out due to “I’ve gone to 515 Alive, it’s really Covid” said Fabian Chavez, Roosfun and there was a lot of peoevelt Senior. ple there,” said Franklin Deras. If re you interested on summer events and need suggestions, then you should keep

you don’t know what 515 Alive is, 515 Alive is a Music Festival. It’s a multi-day music and camping festival in Des Moines, Iowa. The

Iowa State Fair going to be opened this year on Thursday, August 12, through Sunday, August 22. The Iowa State Fair’s mission statement

is to celebrate Iowa’s agricultural heritage by providing a quality environment and facilities to further education and to offer entertainment and competition for all ages. Offer opportunities for individual growth for all involved. There’s also different type of events, Sam Hunt, August 14, Chris Stapletons All-American Roadshow, Aug 19, Tommy Emmanuel, Jul 31. Styx w/ Tesla Aug 18, Keith Urban Tickets Aug 15, Bumping Mics with Jeff Ross & Dave Attell Aug 7, The Doobie Brothers Aug 22, Boyz II Men, Aug 15. There’s also a Norwalk Music Festival on September 5, 2021. Norwalk Fest is a free event put on by the Norwalk Hometown Pride and is held annually, gathering local musicians. 1051 N. Avenue, Norwalk, IA 50211. Then there’s a Stratford BlueGrass Festivals, July 8 – July 11. Three fantastic days of the annual Bluegrass music Festival in Stratford Iowa! parade, eats and of course, Bluegrass music. The fun is held the Thursday before the Second full weekend in July.



n nearly 100 years of being a school, Roosevelt has seen a lot of big events as well as many changes to the school itself. Generations of students have attended this school along with hundreds of staff members, which can cause a ton of stories to be able to be told. Now, the history of this school is still being made by the people inside of it and the changes continue to be made to the building.

T s u t s and rn i s w T Of


and student council went all out, like the cheerleaders would like get a wooden box and the painted it like a casket and had like the teams name and the walked down the Since 2010, the school has pulled center isle with music. We used 23 permits for additions, alterations to do fun things like contests put or remodels. Some of the clearer a couple of football players or changes are areas like the science wing, which is getting older now but in comparison to the rest of the school, it’s pretty recent. There have also been changes to almost every part of the school. Mrs. Adcock Roosevelt’s administrative assistant mentioned that the only rooms that haven’t really been touched are the rooms in the upstairs middle hallway, like Silver Cord director, Thomason Lupe’s room. Adcock said they still have wooden lockers up there that at least used to -Mrs. Adcock use little skeleton keys. This has created a bit of a Frankenstein of a school with all the changes and coaches and teachers and they’d have a blindfold eating contest and renovations. then everyone else would take their “Thor was our previous mascot; he mask off and only one person would was the God of War and he showed be eating the food and everyone up in these big hairy, disgustingly was cheering and laughing,” said smelly suits and he had a helmet. Adcock. The pep rallies still have We were still the RoughRiders, but some fun activities and some similar Thor was the mascot instead of stuff but sounds like they used to Teddy.” Said Adcock, 1980 Rosevelt really get into school spirit.

By Jack Harrington and Staff

there.” Said Roosevelt staff member, Sophal Vann. This is just one of those crazy stories from Roosevelt that nobody knows if i t’s true.

“Pep assemblies back in the day were a freaking blast, it was awesome. Oh Roosevelt also has some really weird spots that most people have yeah, cheerleaders and hidden never been to. Some of those places student council went are the basement or some of the weird side areas in the basement, all out.” or the creepy theatre closet with

graduate. Thor being Roosevelt’s mascot just doesn’t seem right.

“I think one of the guys when they redid the building said he went “Pep assemblies back in the day downstairs to the basement and they were a freaking blast, it was saw a skeleton of a horse down there a long time ago. And I’m like, awesome. Oh yeah, cheerleaders really who the heck brought that

graffiti all over the walls, most people haven’t been to the little fallout shelter which was apparently made in the 50’s. Roosevelt has some really peculiar little spots that most people never see. “When you take a trip over to the commons you may stumble upon the pool area. Where do the coaches make the line-ups you ask? It might not appear this way at first glance, but coach Crispin’s office is under the pool! The tunnel that leads to his office is right under the pool so if you dive in you can wave to him!” Said Sophmore Shark Maddy Lohmeier. With clubs and sports and other events, it seems like there are almost always people in this

school. This story is kindof both a fun story from people inside Roosevelt and showing how weird this school can be. Roosevelt is a really old building that has been around for a long time. Over the almost 10 decades Roosevelt has existed, there have been many changes to the school itself. With it being this old there have also been a lot of stories and history with this school. Roosevelt has some crazy stories and odd little rooms and spots but it has created a lot of memories for students for the past century and will continue to make memories.

“I think one of the guys when they redid the building said he went down stairs to the basement and they saw a skeleton of a horse down there a long time ago. And I’m like really who the heck brought that there.” -Sophal Vann

r e h t a e W r e Warm = More Fun! T

friends, snacks and music! Just wrap your hammock up around some trees and swing with the breeze!

Adaline Akers and Hank Wasson fishing at Gray’s Lake!

be located along the Rivrees are budding, birds erwalk downtown and will are chirping and temperaoffer 88,000 square feet of tures are rising. While the fun! It will be one of the school year is coming to largest parks in the nation. an end, the outdoor adAbby Deeds, a sophomore Be sure to use all safety ventures are just beginat Roosevelt, said “When I precautions as you may ning. We still have to face go hammocking with my fall and hurt yourself. some April showers, but friends, I have the most hope of warmer weather is fun and its always very “Skateboarding is all about shown through the beauti- relaxing!” commitment and being ful flowers. Another very popular ac- brave and going for your tivity students have started goal. Sometimes to achieve A very popular activity to learn is skateboarding. your goal it’s going to hurt within the Roosevelt com- This activity takes some but there’s only one way to munity is Hammocking! skill and practice but if get to it and you just have This activity requires a you need something to do to keep pushing yourself hammock, strings to tie it and you want a new hob- to it.” Cain Samountry, a up with, and the carabin- by, skating might be for sophomore at Roosevelt ers to clip it all together. you! There are many skate stated. Stores like Walmart and parks in the area. The Scheels sell hammocks newest skate park, LauIf relaxing walks are more for affordable prices. It ridsen Skate Park, set to your style, Des Moines is most enjoyable with open May 22nd, 2021 will offers great trails. The

Photo of Ella Weakland and Addison Lust taken by Julia Moody while they were outside enjoying a fire!

Meredith Trail connects downtown Des Moines to Gray’s Lake and is around 5 miles long. It offers beautiful views of the city! Another great trail in the area of downtown is around Gray’s Lake. At roughly 2 miles long, it is beautiful at night with an illuminated bridge over the lake. A recently completed tunnel under Fleur Drive connects the trail to Water Works Park which has recently completed an outdoor amphitheater for summer concerts. Some more parks in the Des Moines area with good walking trails are Walnut Woods, Browns Woods and Maffitt Reservoir.

Last but not least, fishing! It may sound silly if you don’t fish often, but with good company and a comfortable chair, fishing can be very enjoyable! Knowing where the best spots are is key! Big Creek State Park in Polk City offers great fishing year-round. It is stocked with Crappie, Bluegill, Bass, Catfish and even Muskie! Big Creek is great if you like shore fishing because it is a no-wake lake. Saylorville Lake is another great place for Catfish! Located just North of Des Moines, it not only helps prevent flooding but provides a constant feed to the river. If you’re lucky enough, you may just spot an Eagle

Photo taken by Mrs. Sotelo of her son while on an afternoon walk!

or two fishing with you! “Fishing with Hank is one of my favorite warm weather activities!” Adaline Akers (pictured on first page) stated. So if you’re looking to change up your daily routine, Give some of this outdoor fun a try! The city of Des Moines has put a lot of care and funding into outdoor recreational activities. Be sure to appreciate all that our great city has to offer!

The Details on Prom

When: Saturday May 8th, 2021 Where: Lauridsen Amphitheater at Water Works Park.

What Time: 7PM-10PM Address: 2201 George Flagg Park$40 for 2 tickets, that gets one senior in, a guest and gets you into the senior banquet

Park South of Ampitheater

The Rules

1. NO middle schoolers 2. Guests must be at least in 9th grade 3. Nobody older than 20 4. Guest form for Guests required 5. Masks must be worn the whole time 6. Bring some water or a water bottle 7. Seniors must present ID, ticket and be with your guest 8. Be prepared for weather


Celebrate E Pollinator Parade April 7 – April 21

The Science Center of Iowa, and Blank Park Zoo they have created a pollinator-themed scavenger hunt located throughout Des Moines, Iowa. Locate the artwork and pollinator Q & A signs at each site, snap a photo, and share using any or all of the following hashtags on your favorite social media platform! There is even a chance to win prizes.

Roosevelt Earth Day Online Exhibition April 22nd from 8:15-9:15 AM

Agenda for the Exhibition: 1. Welcome! Introduction and Purpose 2. History of Environmentalism – What it is and who were the first environmentalists? 3. Breakout Rooms: 1. Environmental Racism and Climate Change 2. Plastic Crisis and Water Crisis 4. Now what? Youth Action 5. Competition – by school, submissions of pictures or videos to Anika by May 7th!

Free Admission – Greater Botanical Garden Saturday, April 17 10 a.m. t0 5 p.m. The Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden 909 Robert D Ray Drive Celebrate Earth Day with the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden. Learn about indoor plants that help create a healthy home. Practice plant propagation and take a cutting home with you! Groups work at their own pace and socially distance.

Earth Day Trash Bash Saturday, April 24 Warren County Conservation and Annett Nature Center Come out to Swamp White Oak, near Norwalk, to join in on a trash-bash clean-up. This is a great opportunity to get involved, get to know Warren County Park, and be a part of a bigger movement.

Earth Day!


oosevelt athletes and students are excited to finally be back and playing in sports this spring. There are many sports that go on in the spring such as tennis, golf, track and even more. In this article, student athletes from Roosevelt share what they are most excited for about their spring sports. Jude Gaster, a sophomore here at Roosevelt, is running track this spring. Gaster is looking forward to run in some big events, as he states, “I am mostly looking forward to the Drake Relays and the conference meet.” However, Gaster is currently injured, but hopes to be fully recovered and back on the track as soon as possible. He has big goals for the team, as he states, “My goal for the team us to win the conference meet and hopefully win state.” Gaster says to look out for Jaxson Plumb, as he is “the best runner I know”. He also says it is very nice having track now since their last season was completely robbed from them. Sophia Mordini, a junior at Roosevelt, is playing on the tennis team. She is new to the team this season but is already off to a good start. Mordini says Zoe Hettinger is a very good player on the team and is actually her teammate. The two started off their season very well, winning one of their first matches 8-0. On top of being great teammates, they also enjoy spending

time together, Mordini said,

“This season I am looking forward to play tennis with my best friend. I’m excited to finally be in a sport with her and have someone to share this experience with.” With it being Mordini’s first season playing tennis, she decided to make some individual goals. “My short-term goal is to simply learn as much as I can throughout the season. I would also like to use this time to improve my teamwork skills as I contribute to my athletic success and the success of other players.” Mordini says Megan Pack is another good player to watch for this season and because of the canceled season last year that it is very refreshing to finally get back to doing what they love. Charlie Craiger, another junior at Roosevelt, is very excited to be able to get out on the golf course this spring. Craiger says he does not have any individual goals as he is all for the team. “My main goal is to get us to state as a team” said Craiger. However, he still wants to improve himself, as he states, “I want to be able to hit my driver straight.” Craiger is also very excited to play this year because “We never got to finish what we started last year.” He was also asked who another good player was to watch for and his answer was, “Everyone on the team is really good.” Craiger has great team spirit which will get them very far this year.

Playing the Field

Written and Degined by Willem Lindstrom and Staff

All these three athletes as well as many others are very excited to get to play their sports this season. There are many other cool sports at Roosevelt to check out this spring such as sharks, rugby, softball and baseball. Student athletes have many goals for themselves as well as for the teams this season. Being outside to play or even just watching these sports can be very enjoyable. As a Roosevelt student, try to get to these events and cheer on the team!

All Smiles. Activities Director Charles Zanders shows support for Maria Mordini, freshman, before her hurdles race!

MAY EVENTS Drake University Athletics - 2021 DR Schedule (godrakebulldogs.com) May 1st- May Day May1st- Last day to order a yearbook (www.yearbookordercenter.com) May 4th- Girls tennis meet vs Ottumwa (Home at 4) May 7th-Girls soccer game vs Dowling (Home Varsity and JV2-4:45 & JV16:15) May 8th- Prom at Water Works Park May 11th- Boys soccer vs North (Away JV2-4:45, JV1-6 & Varsity-7:30) May 11th- Senior banquet at Forte’ Banquet and Conference Center starts at 6 May 13th-Boys District track meet at 4:00 (location TBD) May 14th- Boys Soccer vs Ottumwa (Home JV1-6 & Varsity-7) May 15th- Last day for baby ads email @nicole.crawford.dmschools.org May 18th- Girls soccer vs Urbandale (Away JV1-5:30 & Varsity-7:30) May 20-22- Boys State meet at Drake (time TBD) May 21st- Girls soccer vs Fort Dodge (Home at 6) May 22nd- Pennants in front yard for Seniors May 27th- Seniors last day May 29th - Graduation at Drake at 5

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