1 minute read
Zofia Fijalkowska
What remains:
Clinging to the treasures did nothing to stop the inevitable as they sank, and with them her body was pulled down. Amidst the chaos, the girl’s descent had gone unnoticed, and below the waves emerged a silent sanctuary. As one chest drifted deeper into the dark abyss, the pressure of the water began to mount, and the lid creaked open. Treasure dusted the sea floor and left nothing but a trail of ghostly fabric in its wake. Her body lay entombed on a frozen throne of gold and silks, hand still gripping a string of pearls.
Email: zofiafij@icloud.com
Instagram: zofja_design Web: zofiafij.wixsite.com/portfolio
The Way of Voyage:
To me, this means the long journey of my 3 years of work. My project is based on the Avatar films and the concept of tribal community. I am visualising my ideas through macrame and hand crafted construction. Using my research I am integrating cut deadstock fabrics, wooden beads and cowrie shells. I am further complimenting this by incorporating geometric patterns inspired by tribal decoration.
Email: tejaswani1998@icloud.com
Instagram: 1998_tjmahesh