Kickstarter is a 2011”. Kickstarter global crowdfunding reportedly raised platform based in $10 million funding the United States. from backers inThe company’s cluding NYC-based stated mission is to help bring creative venture firm Union Square Ventures and projects to life. Kickstarter has report- angel investors such as Jack Dorsey, edly received over $1 billion in pledges Zach Klein and Caterina Fake. The comfrom 5.7 million donors to fund 135,000 pany is based in the Greenpoint secprojects, which include films, music, tion of Brooklyn. stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, and food-related projects. Andy Baio served as the site’s CTO until November 2010, when he joined People who back Kickstarter projects Expert Labs. Lance Ivy has been Lead are offered tangible rewards and spe- Developer since the website launched. cial experiences in exchange for their On February 14, 2013, Kickstarter repledges. This model traces its roots to leased an iOS app called Kickstarter for subscription model of arts patronage, the iPhone. The app is aimed at users where artists would go directly to theirwho create and back projects and is audiences to fund their work. the first time Kickstarter has had an official mobile presence. Bron: Kickstarter launched on April 28, 2009, starter by Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler, and Charles Adler. The New York Times called Kickstarter “the people’s NEA”. Time named it one of the “Best Inventions of 2010” and “Best Websites of
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“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”
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The possibilities are endless
Fotografie Logo design: 60 protips Logo design is all around us. To the general public, logos serve as an instant reminder of a company or a product; to the client they’re the point of recognition on which their branding hangs; and to us designers they represent the challenge of incorporating our clients’ ideologies into one single graphic.
More examples of logo design are out there than ever before, and with that comes the challenge of being different. How do you create something original that stands out in a sea of identities? And how do we create something quickly while retaining quality?
An effective logo is distincNo wonder, then, that logo tive, appropriate, practical, design features so promigraphic, simple in form and nently in our lives. In an age conveys an intended meswhere everyone must have sage. In its simplest form, a a website to support their logo is there to identify but product, service or the com- to do this effectively it must pany behind it, the demand follow the basic principles of for a top-class logo has never logo design: ..... been higher. Bron:
Inspiratie Creativiteit, innovativiteit, kwaliteit, muzikaliteit, vriendelijkheid, flexibiliteit, rust, oneindig, mogelijkheden,
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