Good Hooks For Essays

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Analysis Of Hook's Essay By

Hook's essay is a compelling literary piece that explored how the poor are represented. She wrote about how she herself grew up poor and explored how our culture portrays the poor as lazy, worthless, and dishonest. Hook also explained how in television and film the rich are seen as those who are hard–working, honest, and eager to share.

In this essay Hook structures the essay so that whenever she talks about something she gives a real world example or personal experience to back up her thoughts. This is a genius writing technique. She is showing that she has reason to write about this topic and that she's not just making assumptions.

In paragraphs 6 through 8 hook speaks about the relationship between poverty and personal integrity. I notice

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World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages. It is a problem that should be able to be solved easily, yet there are still 1.02 billion undernourished people worldwide. With the world population being 6.7 billion people, and the Earth producing more than enough food for this amount of people, why is it that there are hungry, malnourished people all around the globe?

Hunger is caused by many events, including the poverty trap, natural disasters, war, poor agricultural infrastructure, and over–exploitation of the environment. The poverty trap is the cycle of poverty that can begin from a limited diet and progress to birthing a baby that is malnourished. This causes the baby to have slower development and more content...

They do this by destroying local markets and seizing or destroying crops and animals, while contaminating wells and mining fields. This forces farmers to leave their lands and usually begins their cycle in the poverty trap. Poor agricultural infrastructure causes hunger because the lack of roads, warehouses, and irrigation causes higher transportation costs, a deficiency of storage facilities, and unreliable water supplies. To improve the agricultural infrastructure, however, it would cost a profuse amount of money, which would put the country in greater debt and result in less funding for essential systems, such as health care, which already has too little funding. Over–exploitation of the environment is caused by deforestation, over–cropping, poor farming practices, and overgrazing. When over–exploitation occurs, salination, erosion, and desertification results, causing less fertility and more hunger across the globe. Salination is caused by erosion that strips the earth of its nutrients, leaving behind salty, unfertile land. This causes plants to have less of a chance of growing properly, or not grow at all. When less plants grow, less people are fed, and more go hungry.

From 1970 to 1997, humanity was solving the starvation problem worldwide. The amount of hungry people had dropped from 959 million to 791 million, which is a total decrease of 168 million people. This decrease is

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World Hunger Essay

Reactions to Hooks' Feminism is for Everybody

I am not a feminist simply because I was raised in a feminist household. I am not a feminist because I am an independent, educated woman. I am not a feminist because I am a bitter female, nor because I am a "woman scorned." I am not a feminist because I hate men, nor because I am a lesbian nor because I like to listen to the Indigo Girls. To the contrary I love men and I am not a lesbian. While I agree withhooks that "feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression" (viii), I believe that her definition of "feminism" states the goals of the movement rather than actually defining the term itself. In my mind, feminism is a synonym for equality. I am a more content... While sexism is no longer as overt a practice as in the past, it is arguably just as pervasive. bell hooks' life as an academic has been spent trying to breakdown the existent sexist barriers, which have prohibited women from achieving equality with men.

In Feminism is for Everybody, hooks introduces a popular theory of feminism rooted in common sense and the wisdom of her own personal experience. In my opinion, hooks' book is perfectly poised to become THE OFFICIAL "handbook" or "cliff notes" to feminism. Although it's short, Feminism is for Everybody is powerful. It addresses all of the most prevalent issues facing the contemporary feminist movement, everything from where feminism stands, reproductive choice, beauty, violence, race, class, work, all the way to where feminism will go in the future. She uses simple, direct language to express complex issues. However, that is not to say that she "dumbs–down" such topics. Rather, she makes them more comprehensible to those not as familiar with feminism as a discipline. This book offers everyone (man or woman) a chance to explore feminism. It serves as an eye–opener to all those "would be" feminists who are afraid to label themselves as such for fear of being called a man hater or worse, a lesbian! She dispels these myths and others, forcing her audience

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It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.

"It isn't where you come from; it's where your going that counts," stated a very wise woman by the name of Ella Fitzgerald. This may be hard to believe but even people with great success more content...

At an early age, Fantasia was a victim of rape and divorce. She pursued a music career in her small town of North Carolina but found that she just did not stand out from among the other teens. With low self–esteem, it was not long before Fantasia fell into the wrong crowd and found herself a seventeen–year–old, pregnant, illiterate, high school drop out. Fantasia faced a lot of criticism when she was considered for America's idol, but she did not let that bother her and continued on to become an idol for those who like her have come from a hard background. Like Helen Keller once said, "No Pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an unchartered land." Fantasia Barrino has proven that "life is not a Fairy Tale" but you can sure make it one.

It is not just celebrities that can overcome a troubled past and live up to their potential it is also people just like us. Who knows, the big shot lawyer next door could have been the one bullied in school and told time and time again that he was not good enough. It is all about strength and perseverance, believe despite the odds and what others say. To find success in the outside world you must first find it in yourself. In Ella Fitzgerald's own words, "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go


Essay on Never Giving
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Is Mary a good liar? Mary is careless, clever and a devoted housewife. Although, she killed her husband, she truly loved him and would have done anything to stay by his side. At first, the reader might think Mary is a clingy and loving wife, but as the story progresses, the readers learn things aren't always as they seem. Throughout the story Dahl reveals examples that helps the reader understand more about Mary's character. Mary has three distinct personalities throughout the story. In the beginning of theshort story, "Lamb to the Slaughter" she seems like a devoted wife to her husband, Patrick. For instance, "The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn, the two table lamps alight–hers and the one by the empty chair opposite. On more content...

The doc says his skull was smashed all to pieces just like from a sledgehammer. That 's why it ought to be easy to find... Whoever done it, they 're not going to be carrying a thing like that around with them longer than they need...Personally, I think it 's right here on the premises. Probably right under our very noses...And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle." This is careless of her for not owning up to what she did and instead laughing at it.

Mary has one motive for murdering her husband. The motive is that she couldn't accept the fact that her husband was leaving her. He says, " 'This is going to be a bit of a shock to you, I 'm afraid,' he said. 'But I 've thought about it a good deal and I 've decided the only thing to do is tell you right away. I hope you won 't blame me too much...So there it is,' he added. 'And I know it 's kind of a bad time to be telling you, bet there simply wasn 't any other way. Of course I 'll give you money and see you 're looked after. But there needn 't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn 't be very good for my job.' " Although he didn't say the exact words the reader can infer this when he states "... i'll give you money and see you 're looked after. But there needn 't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn 't be very good for my job..." Some readers might disagree with her for killing her husband because he was leaving her, but she was truly in love with him

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Lamb To The Slaughter Essay

Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people's habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society. In the business market, the main more content...

The problem of such purchasing is that the natural satisfaction of needs is replaced by the artificial. A good example is the marketing of milk products in the Third World. In the 1970s the multinational food company Nestle advertised powdered milk for babies as an alternative to breast feeding in countries such as Kenya. The attractiveness of the product was enhanced by the positive image of development, modernity and technology that businessman projected to mothers. In this case, however, the results were tragic, because the product required sanitary conditions that were not available in those times. Therefore, many infants who were fed in this way faced illness and even death. Far from offering a diversity of choices for the satisfaction of needs, advertisement offers only one message: "purchase a commodity." Since advertising must create new demand, it must also continually produce unsatisfied costumers. Those customers are more likely to look for products to fulfill their happiness, even though they do not reach that point. Mander writes that "the goal of all advertising is discontent, internal scarcity of contentment." Advertising plays on our fears, insecurities, and anxieties, always reminding us that our lives could be better only if we buy this or that. The purpose is to make us slaves of commercials, and as slaves, do as they please. This is the reason for its existences,

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Essay about The Power of Advertising

This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content...

The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly" (Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park. There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better. Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I ducked and

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To many students standardized testing has become another part of schooling that is dreaded. Standardized testing has been a part of school since the nineteen–thirties; in those days it was used as a way to measure students that had special needs. Since the time that standardized test have been in American schools there has been many programs that have placed an importance on the idea of standardized testing such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Evans 1). Over the years the importance of standardized testing has increased tremendously and so has the stakes, not only for teachers but also students. All states in the United States of America have state test in order to measure how much students learn, and help tell how well more content...

Most standardized test do not measure emotional or mechanical intelligence, actually a lot of educators argue that standardized test do not measure comprehension or actual intelligence but rather memorization. While others may believe that standardized testing just needs a few improvements, others believe that it is impossible to have a test that measures accurately the capability of a diverse student population. Today's schooling depends heavily on the test scores from standardized test. Standardized testing should not have so much weight put on them because they have a negative impact on effective education, students' self–concept, and learning styles. Although standardized testing has been a major part of schooling it has also had a negative impact on effective education. Standardized has made a huge impact on public schooling so much that not only does it affect the students but also the teachers. With the teachers now beginning to get raises or having their jobs on the line if their students fail the test, many students have not been getting the fullest education process that they could get. Students may not realize the impact that it has had on the type of teaching style that they receive because they are so used to it. With so many teachers not having a lot of time to teach what is on the test and the other things that they feel are important to students to know, a lot of

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Essay about Arguing Against Standardized Testing

Jay Gatsby Wealth

The character I found to be most interesting is Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is a man in his mid–thirty's who grew up on a poor farm in North Dakota. Before leaving to fight World War 1 he met a girl who went by the name Daisy and immediately fell in love with her. But their love was not to be, while Gatsby was gone Daisy married Tom Buchanan and as a result Gatsby dedicated himself to getting her back. Gatsby's attempts to win her back included completely reinventing himself and becoming fabulously wealthy. Even though Gatsby always wanted to be rich Daisy was his main motivation. He acquired this wealth by participating in organized crime. By doing this he stakes everything on this dream without realizing that he is unworthy. Unfortunately, in

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This essay is regarding the most famous soft drink in the world Coca Cola. Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton on May 1886. Pemberton mixed the combination of lime, cinnamon, coca leaves, and the seeds of a Brazilian shrub to make the beverage. As time goes by, Coca Cola company has already become the world's largest company and the leader of soft drink producers. Why the company did so successful over one hundred years? Besides the reason that the product is very tasty, another important reason is the company's marketing strategy. The 4 'P's (i.e. product, price, place, promotion) will be talked about as following.


The Coca Cola Company has almost 400 brands of beverage. It markets four of more content... The well–know Coke promotion is "Coca Cola Christmas", Coca Cola has a great "reprehensive" and considerable amount of Coke will be sold during that period.


Coca Cola Company manufactures beverage syrup and concentrates which then sell to a network of independently operated bottlers. For example, there is a bottler in Prince Alberta which is located in Saskatchewan.

Some of the bottler independently owned, some of them are owned by The Coca Cola Company. Bottlers are responsible for producing, packaging and distributing the products to their territories. The method of the transportation usually is trucks. Trucks deliver products to intermediaries like retailer and restaurant. They also fill up the vending machine regularly which can be found all over the city.

Coca Cola Essay examples
Coca Cola

We can easily notice that some other soft drinks compete with coke classic. Although Coke classic takes big amount of market, other soft drinks also has big market share, such as Pepsi Cola, Mt.Dew, and so on. I like to drink Coke classic, because it is not as sweet as Pepsi product. Coke classic also is famous and reliable brand with a reasonable price. It is easy for customer to get in everywhere in the world.

2. The target market I am going to choose, who are young adults (20–29 years old). Some of people are in the baby boom echo group (20–24), and the other in buster (20–24). The Coke classic is suitable for my market

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What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.

We arehigh school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have more content... There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is the essence of persevering finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted out.

Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required self–motivation and determination.

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Perseverance Essay
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People want power because it gives them control and dominance over others. Power gives the person who has it the ability to do whatever they want, say whatever they want and make people do what they want. In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller the whole plot revolves around the theme of power. There is a never ending conflict of characters to keep, assert and acquire power. The most prominent characters that ultimately hurt the community the most due to their greed and lust for power are Deputy Governor Danforth, Reverend Parris and Abigail Williams. Although their relationship with power is different from one another they all have one thing in common. Parris, Danforth and Abigail all contribute to the demise of Salem because of more content...

If Parris had told Danforth that when he first arrived to Salem, Danforth would have a good reason to doubt Abigail and what she said. Countless lives could have been saved. Instead Parris tried to cover this fact up because he would lose respect from Danforth and the community at large. If he lost respect he would also lose power. Parris's concern to keep his name clean and his respect intact leads him to create the beginning of the witchcraft hysteria. Parris doesn't want Abigail to do something crazy or something that is frowned upon because if they do something bad then his good reputation would be lost and all of his respect and power would be too. Parris is overly strict with Abigail and Betty for this reason, leading them to fear him. One example of how Abigail feared Parris is shown when they were discussing what happened in the woods. Abigail says, "But we never conjured spirits." Parris furiously replies, "Then why can she not move herself since midnight? This child is desperate! It must come out– my enemies will bring it out. Let me know what you done, Abigail do you know I have many enemies?" (Act I pg. 10). Abigail and Betty know that if Parris finds out they did something to damage his reputation they would also be damaging his power. Parris would be absolutely furious if that happened. When Parris inquired about dancing in the woods Abigail made up a story because she fears Parris so much and she didn't want to get in trouble.

Power Corrupts Essay
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The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is a story about a boy named Jonas. Jonas is Picked to be the one person who bears the memories of the past. In the short story "The Lottery", by Shirley Jackson, a modest town with no more than 300 citizens, takes part in a lottery that none of the inhabitants enjoy. There is a common theme betweenThe Giver and, "The Lottery". The theme is, that superstition and tradition are not always in the right. As well as sometimes tradition needs to be fought against. Through the use of word choice and, character actions. This theme was proven.

The Giver, byLois Lowry, is a dystopian narrative about a boy who lives in a "utopia" where there is order and, everything is controlled. He alone must contain memories of the past. Unfortunately, many of these memories are traumatic and disturbing. Jonas can do nothing beyond withstanding the pain. Because that is how it had always been in the community. As often paraphrased by the Giver, who is the one giving Jonas the memories, "And back and back and back."(62) This quote shows how there is nothing that The Giver or Jonas can do apart from accept more content...

None of the townsfolk want to participate in the lottery. This is revealed through the use in word choice made by the Author and, the action of characters in the novel. but the members of the town are scared that they will upset tradition. "'Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools.'" as established by old man warner when, he was confronted with giving up the lottery. Additionally, "years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse."(7) What is being demonstrated in this quote is that the people of the town cooperate with the lottery because of tradition, not willingness. This is also made appernet in, "that over in the north village they're talking of giving up the

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Comparing The Giver And The Lottery

Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes.

The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women, bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships

Hook Feminism
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Hooks's Struggle For Equality

The most important point that I learn through this quarter is the definition of feminism. Before the class, I thought that feminism means equal right, which means that women should have the same rights in politics, employment, education and many others aspects as men have. However, through learning, especially through reading about hooks's essay, I then realize that this definition, which limitedfeminism to "equal rights", is not complete and inclusive enough to describe goals of all women, no matter the race, age, and class, around the world. hooks tells me that "Women in lower class and poor groups" "would not have defined women's liberation as women gaining social equality with men" since lower–class women do not share equal rights as

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Informative Essay Hook

Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth–grade English teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your essay, no one will ever read it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your essay because it will help grab the audience's attention so that they will continue to be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook could be a question or a quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to do a controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook because I did my essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction begins to take form and show the audience what your essay is about. The introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the audience what the essay is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial hook and keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and should contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay where you will state the topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were taught that the thesis should contain the three points that you will elaborate upon in your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the middle point, and the strongest point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest way to get the overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all three points,

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A Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the responsibility for many peoples lives. What's interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a Registered Nurse they need to be able to deal with blood, snot, vomit etc. The main thing a Registered Nurse has to be good at is being able, and wanting to help people in need. A Registered Nurse typically tends to work in a clean and healthy work environment (" more content... para. 1). Registered Nurses should be emotionally stable, so they can help the families through rough times ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 47). An RN also needs to be organized, and to make sure the patient gets what they need when needed ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 48). All RN's will need to have the patients medical issues, and problems handy and to give the patients, and their medicines when the patients need it ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). An RN will usually records what the patient is doing, sometimes work with medical machinery, talk to doctors about the patient, and help the patient and the patient's family on how to deal with their medical problems ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). Another important thing that an RN will need is to have the physical stamina and to be ready to lift or transfer patients ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 49). An RN will have to be able to lift at least 10 pounds, maybe even 20 pounds ("Registered Nurse" para. 4). A person in this career should have an energy level that is somewhat high, has a skill that is interpersonal, and a knowledge that is a little scientific ("Career" para. 6). If you happen to be an RN in a nursing home, an RN will watch over the LPN's and CNA's, may start fluids for the patient, make plans for treatments, and manage the patients health

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A Career as a Registered Nurse Essay

The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis thought that the "inferior" Jews were a threat to the "racially superior" German racial community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people's lives, and how it came to and end are all topics that make this historic event worth learning about. Hatred towards the Jews didn't start with the Holocaust. There is evidence that hostility towards the Jews as far more content...

While in prison, he wrote "Mein Kamf" (Which means "My Struggle"). "Mein Kamf" was a memoir and propaganda tract in which he predicted "the extermination of the Jewish Race in Germany" after a general European war. About ten years after he was released from prison, Hitler arose from obscurity to power after taking advantage of the weaknesses of his enemies. On January 20 of 1933, he was named chancellor of Germany. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934, Adolf appointed himself as Germany's ruler. At first, the Nazis were only killing political opponents like Communists and/or Social Democrats, for which their harshest persecution was used. Many of the first prisoners sent to Dachau (The first official concentration camp opened near Munich in March of 1933) were communists. By July, the concentration camps run by the Germans held around 27,000 people in what they called "protective custody." The Nazis had huge rallies and acts of symbolism such as burning of books by Jews. During the years of 1933 to 1939, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were able to leave Germany got out quickly, but many were left behind, and they lived their lives in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. During the fall of 1939, Hitler started the so–called Euthanasia Program. The Euthanasia Program allowed Nazi officials to select around 70,000 German citizens institutionalized for mental illnesses or disabilities. These Germans were to be gassed to death. After prominent German

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Essay about The

Rats are various medium sized rodents. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, R. norvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called rats and share many characteristics with true rats. Arat has an average life span of 2–3 years[1].

Rats are distinguished from mice by their size; rats generally have bodies longer than 12 cm (5 in).

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* 1 Species and description * 2 As pets * 3 As subjects of scientific research * 4 Laughter in rats * 5 As food * 6 In culture o 6.1 In Eastern cultures o 6.2 In Western cultures o 6.3 In more content... [edit] As subjects of scientific research

Main Article: Brown rats in science

A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans.

A laboratory rat strain known as a Zucker rat. These rats are bred to be genetically prone to diabetes, the same metabolic disorder found among humans.

In 1895, Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts (United States) established a population of domestic white brown rats to study the effects of diet and for other physiological studies. Over the years, rats have been used in many experimental studies, which have added to our understanding of genetics, diseases, the effects of drugs, and other topics that have provided a great benefit for the health and wellbeing of humankind. Laboratory rats have also proved valuable in psychological studies of learning and other mental processes (Barnett 2002). A 2007 study found rats to possess metacognition, a mental ability previously only found in humans and some primates.[1][2]

Rats Essay

On January, 2008, Doris Taylor, director, Center for Cardiovascular Repair, University of Minnesota used the core procedure of decellularisation to let hearts from animal cadavers beat by infusing live cells. The research

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The main character's name is Stanley Yelnats. At first, you see stanley as an alright kid who has made a bad decision stealing. " I stole some sneakers" (pg 22). Throughout the rest of the story you find that stanley is nice and always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. "He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time all thanks to his no–good–dirty–rotten–pig–stealing–great–great–grandfather" (Pg 7). At school before camp Green Lake he was bullied and treated bad. "he didn't have any friends at home, he was overweight" (pg 7). At camp Green Lake

Stanley made a new friend, his best friend "Zero". He get's along great with Zero and teaches him how to read. "I'll more content... Connotative – Hard work, difficult. The kids have to dig 5 by 5 holes every day. Shovel ( pg 116) Denotative– A tool used to remove parts of the earth. Connotative – How the kids dig their holes, the kids best friend. The shovel in this text is how the kids do what they have to do. Teach (pg 117) Denotative– Explain to someone how to do something. Connotative – Zero's big smile, kindness of Stanley. Stanley is nice and teaches zero how to read. Dirt (pg 117) Denotative– A substance such as mud or dust. Connotative– What causes the kids so much pain and hard work. These kids have to dig the dirt. Heat (pg 131) Denotative – High temperature. Connotative – Hotness causing the boys destruction. The boys all get hot in the high heat temperatures. Looking (pg 71) Denotative – searching. Connotative – The warden is practically having "slaves" search for something. The kids at the camp are all looking for treasure. Crime (pg 7) Denotative – an action that creates an offense. Connotative – Horrible matter that relates to the boys. Crime is why the kids are there. Point of view

The author has written the book Holes in third person omniscient. "Stanley yelnats was the only one on the bus" (pg 6). The author's feelings direct more for the kids at the camp then for the warden and mr.sir. The way the author is telling the feeling's of stanley states that he is for stanley and the other kids.

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Holes by Louis Sachar Essay

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.