Dear Team, The time has come for us to return to our respective offices. The implication of COVID-19 across the world has been profound and the path to business recovery will be fluid and multi-dimensional. At CBRE, the well-being of our people and clients is of utmost priority and we will leave no stone unturned to adapt to this new normal. With this context, CBRE India has prepared a detailed ‘Reopening the Workplace Playbook’ for employees. This exhaustive playbook is in-line with the guidelines issued by the various health organisations and the Government of India. The intended purpose is to put together a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which will not only ensure safety within our facilities but will also help boost the confidence of people around us. We request everyone to go through the details and carefully follow the instructions. We are in this together. Be Alert, Be Safe! Regards,
Anshuman Magazine
All the COVID-19 related material and documents published and printed by CBRE India have been prepared as per the standard guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), public health experts, industrial hygienists, and global subject matter experts across CBRE. All definitions of COVID-19 and its symptoms are as per the most updated WHO communications and are subject to change.
Š 2019 CBRE, Inc.
D O s a n d D O N ' Ts
hygiene Personal health and lth indicators and Keep a track of your hea m immediately upon the ort rep and ms sympto occurrence r Resume office only afte ATE MEDICAL Undergoing APPROPRI TREATMENT applicable Doctor’s • Communicating an authorities’ dic or Appropriate me al H ALT HE OF ATE FIC CERTI
• •
r respective
from you And after due approval manager
n. with soap and water (mi Wash Hands Frequently d sanitizers. han sed l-ba oho alc use 20 seconds) or s for safe handwashing Follow WHO guideline same posted online or the find can u practice (Yo office) the in ces at appropriate pla sanitizer at all times and Carry your own hand n public space or commo any use it after accessing s item or s dle han r doo ils, surfaces such as handra ery, etc. such as printers, station
nts (Living within the sam
If you or your co-reside premises) are • • •
VID -19 symptoms or Showing any of the CO -19 or Is diagnosed with COVID tment for trea al dic me g Is undergoin ilar symptoms sim er COVID -19 or any oth
d er the office and will nee He/she should NOT ent tive pec res ir the to e the sam to immediately report Manager
s such as watches,
Avoid personal wearable jewelry, etc.
m k. Keep only the minimu Avoid cluttering the des use r afte itize san and required items
se & Mouth at all times
ezing cover your mouth When coughing or sne or flexed elbow ue tiss a and nose with
Avoid Touching Eyes, No
e masks and other Discard used tissues, fac ated bins only ign des in personal items
Do not share PPE with
pulsory at all times. Wearing a mask is com and ines on handling, use del gui O Follow the WH ted pos e sam the find can disposal of masks (You ce) offi the places in online or at prominent sable PPE separately and Wash and sanitize reu duct specific lifespan pro the per only use as
Don'ts Social Distan cing and com mon utility Maintain 6 fe et di
at all times
stance betwee
n you and othe
Always cooper ate with the bu ilding facilities housekeeping and personnel, it is for your own safety
However tempt ing, avoid mov ing or assembl in groups
Do not enter any space such as lifts/elevator lobby/receptio s, n, cafeteria if social distanc 6feet may get ing of violated Do not share
or exchange an
y items with ot
Avoid touching personal item s of your colle such as laptop agues , phone, walle t, etc. Handshakes, hugs and othe r forms of phys contact should ical be avoided
Do's Travel and tr ansportation
Follow all appl icable local go vernment lock and quarantin down e measures re lated to travel Any travel outsi de applicable limits declare the govt. need d by s to be inform ed in advance the respective to Manager and th ro declaration fo ugh a travel rm Employees wh o are currently not based in th office location e district/state sh ould continue work from ho to me until govt. eases the restr or communica ictions ted by the resp ective Manag er/s
Do not try to ac cess restricted ar marked as co ntainment zone eas or areas s Avoid any do mestic and in ternational tra moment vel at
Do not resum e office if trave lled to a restrict zone or country ed within the last 14 days Do not use pu blic transporta tion without ta appropriate pr king all ecautions such as social dista and wearing ncing proper PPE
Š 2020 CBRE, Inc.
RESUMING CHECKLIST Once you have fulfilled all resumption requirements and declarations you will be intimated to resume office via a “FIT TO WORK” communication and will be allocated a team and schedule by your respective Managers.
Complete all travel and health declarations and communicate all relevant information with your manager
Make sure you have read the Resuming Office Playbook completely and qualify on all the required criteria – if not consult with your manager
Download the Aarogya Setu App on your phone – this is mandatory for all employees
Setup digital payments channels and applications to avoid cash transfers
Make sure you are carrying the following (Mandatory) items – Face mask (Worn from home) and 1 spare to change after 4-5hrs, alcohol-based sanitizer, handkerchief or tissue. Make sure your PPE are sanitized and good for use
Make sure you are wearing a freshly laundered pair of clothes – down to the socks
Minimal is more - Carry only the most required items. Sanitize all your personal and office items that you will be carrying such as phone, laptop, wallet, bag and all its contents.
Leave from home early to account for the expected wait times because of health screenings at entrances of building and office premises as well as maximum occupancies in the elevators
Check your temperature before leaving from home and monitor it periodically
Sanitize your hands once you reach the office building premises
H E A LT H S C R E E N I N G A N D ACCESS RESTRICTIONS All visitors/employees will be temperature screened with contactless apparatus at the entry points by professional/personnel wearing Protective Personal Equipment (PPE), including surgical mask and latex gloves.
38 degrees Celsius or higher. No Access.
Someone shows symptoms such as a fever, dry cough, repeated continuous sneezing or difficulty in breathing? Maintain distance and notify the concerned manager
Identity Card is a must. Personnel without IDs may either be asked to go home or arrange for it before they try to access the premises/ facility
All recreational areas will remain closed for use
Š 2020 CBRE, Inc.
OFFICE ACCESS HOW TO COMMUTE All govt. restrictions, rules, regulations related to the lockdown as well as road transportation rules will remain applicable and need to be strictly followed.
CBRE TEAMS AND EXCEPTIONS All teams to be split into two – Team A and B and work from office and their homes on an alternate week basis. You will soon hear from you managers regarding your respective allocations.
Serious underlying medical conditions
Senior citizens (Above 60 years)
Pregnant mother
Staying in a COVID-19 hotspot as notified by the local/ central govt.
Those who are responsible for childcare
Taking care of dependents
Taking care of a patient
© 2020 CBRE, Inc.
AT T H E O F F I C E SEATING ETIQUETTE We have simplified social distancing seating by instating a fixed desk policy as well as spacing rules. Keep to your desk as much as possible and don’t move around in groups • Do not change your seats or alter any of the arrangements • Ensure that no personal or official artifacts are left behind at the end of the day • Take your desk plants back home or hand them over to the facilities personnel
COMMON FACILITIES All common facilities will be sanitized regularly by facilities team in protective gear. It is very important to maintain social distancing and occupancy norms as communicated at all times. Please use the hand sanitizer if you have touched any common surfaces or appliances such as remote, table surface, door handle, stationery, etc.
ELEVATORS/ LIFTS Elevators/lifts have a high risk of infection transmission due to frequency of use and common touch points.
Follow the markings on the elevator/ lift doors/ floor indicating maximum occupancy and to maintain social distancing.
Taking the stairs is a good option; keeps you fit and saves on time. However, do maintain social distancing and avoid touching common points such as railings, door handles, etc.
LOBBY / RECEPTION AREAS: A reduced, and adjusted setup will be implemented to maintain social distancing
Digital attendance and temperature screening system
Limited and spaced-out seating
Restricted visitor access to earmarked areas. A declaration form will have to be filled by all authorized visitors
Š 2020 CBRE, Inc.
OFFICE MEETING ROOMS All internal and client meetings are to be held virtually through Zoom/Skype/ Microsoft teams except where in-person is necessary (This will be strictly monitored). Occupancy of meeting rooms has been changed indicated by the online booking system and digital boards (No exceptions) Room size
Max. Occupancy
4 seater
2 people
6-8 seater
3 people
10 seater
4 people
12 seater
5 people
10 people
Do not alter the seating arrangements
Ask housekeeping for sanitization of the meeting room before entering
Carry your own bottle of water into meeting rooms
WASHROOMS Washrooms are another place which have frequent contact points and therefore the following rules must be strictly followed: All washroom etiquette to be followed as always
Maximum occupancy measures will be indicated at the entrance
Sanitize your hands and face again after exiting the facility with a personal sanitizer
MAIL ROOM/COURIER OPERATIONS: As much as possible, avoid personal parcel deliveries to the office address.
All parcels received at the office may be subject to through inspection and disinfection
Parcels may be held for 24-48 hours depending on the situation.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE (CAFETERIA/PANTRY/FOOD COURT) Employees are requested to bring their own food as well as cutlery and tableware and will be allowed to eat at their respective work desks. Limited disposable tableware may be provided by F&B staff. Additionally, health/temperature screening of all visitors and F&B staff is mandatory. Also, proper PPE’s such as masks, gloves to be worn by F&B staff at all times
Staggered entry between 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Only packaged food items will be provided
Vending machines and dispensers with additional safety measures will be available
Employees will need to bring their own water bottle and coffee mugs. Sharing of food and utensils is not recommended at this time
Few tables may be equipped with screens to cater to higher footfall (where required)
Only two employees at serving area as per markings at all times
Contactless or digital transactions are recommended over cash
Š 2020 CBRE, Inc.
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ACTION PLAN FOR RE- OPENING OF WORKPLACES Offices will be ready for limited occupancy on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 Locations earmarked for opening the workplaces: Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad & Kochi
WEEK-WISE SCHEDULE WEEK -1: Wednesday, May 20th to Friday, May 22nd 2020 • Employees permitted only on need - to - go to office basis • Employees to inform HOD and GWS lead of respective office before visiting • Office Admin will communicate an allocated fixed desk to the employee • Employee to bring his own water bottle and food (No cutlery to be provided) • Pantry and Food Services not available during this week • Temperature Checks at entry as mandated by MHA
WEEK - 2: Starting 25th May 2020: • Employees to bring and wear their own masks | Arogya Setu & Temp Checks mandatory • Dedicated Desks and chairs tagged with names. • Employees earmarked to WFO to be allocated in Team A & Team B • Employees to occupy same desk and Chair as tagged with their names. • Weekly Rotation between Team A & Team B • Pantry / Café will be available. Limited options, Food vendor to provide packed meals (arrangements will vary between offices to best effort) • Employees encouraged to carry own food, water bottles & will be permitted to eat/drink at their desks. • Disposable cutlery & plates provided where needed.
Following are the offices leaders responsible supported by Admin SPOCs: LOCATION
Aneesh Kadyan
Vivek Suyal/Jaideep Dhand
Aneesh Kadyan
Vivek Suyal/Jaideep Dhand
Ashish Podar
Hasmukh C / Dhanshri R
Rajesh Vaidya
Aarthi Jeevan
Mohammed Faisal
Geetha Venkat
Karri Srinivas
Kavitha J
Pritam Khowala
Arpita Mukherjee
Sanjeev Sehgal
Saba Shaikh
Rajesh Singh
Nidhi Raval
Our other offices will begin to go live soon and will need to follow similar guidelines.
© 2020 CBRE, Inc.
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