Architectural SSL - June 2012

Page 1

For the Record: There is no question solid-state lighting is creating action in an otherwise stale market. But the million dollar question to posit is whether SSL is good for lighting?


SSL PRojectS

A look at LED’s incorporation in Europe and the prevailing attitudes among some of the top lighting designers toward the technology.

Olympic Heights: Not only was LED prominent in the London Olympics, but projects in Poland and Azerbaijan bring wow factor.

Lighting is taken to a new level in the W Hotel Paris-Opera as SSL weaves itself through the hotel marrying historic and modern.


the lighting


Is Solid-State Good for Lighting?

ArchitecturAl SSl • 519 BriArcliff roAd, BolingBrook, il 60440

ARCHITECTURAL SSL • Chronicling the Advancement of LEDs in the Built Environment

The STa TaT Ta aTe of Solid-STa STaT STa aTe

at the FRont

43 46

SSL Profile: The Art of Faux Daylighting: Jasper Art Galleries SSL Profile: Recasting the Facade of a Chicago Classic White Pages: Understanding What Testing Acronyms Mean

Circle 02

S§Pt. 12


13 In Brief: Custom Optics Manufacturing 39 Project Profile: Jasper Galleries, Jasper, Alberta, Canada 43 Project Profile: The Rookery, Chicago




07 CALiPER Round 15

05 LED Insights

DOE looks at LED floodlights and decides a first step is better product categorization.

Disciplined use of RGB on building facades can add a touch of brilliance; Inappropriate use can be disastrous. Is there a need for style police? By Jim Crockett

08 Europe at Glance A look at a couple of spectacular European projects employing RGB at a new level.

11 At Bat for LED Chicago's White Sox give LED a try in the concessions area.

02 • 09.12 • Architectural SSL

48 SSL Observed While he'll never pull out the pom-poms, our somewhat cantankerous lighting expert, sometimes can't refrain from rooting for SSL. By Kevin Willmorth


“What’s currently missing is an active lighting design community directly engaged in guiding manufacturers into new lighting techniques that couple the unique new capacities of solid-state with forward thinking lighting design."




14 Market Setting Feature: Is SSL Good for Lighting

46 White Pages

The emergence of solid-state is creating action in a market that has been stale. While the infusion of electronics will result in greater intrusion of imported products and components, the resulting overall gains will produce needed improvements elsewhere. by Kevin Willmorth

Key acronyms; the argument for SSL in high-bay applications.

22 At The Front: Europe's Take on SSL When it comes to more ambient, general lighting, the trend in Europe is for LED to serve as the “bed” of the meal, allowing halogen and other, somewhat energy-intensive lighting sources to spice up the main course. by Ellen Lampert-Gréaux

50 Advances DMX controls, LED video panels, downlights, area lighting, decorative pendants and sconces, retrofit and replacement sources and fixtures.

Architectural SSL, Vol. 6, No. 4 (ISSN# 1941-8388) is published five times per year by Construction Business Media. Publication Office: Construction Business Media, 579 First Bank Drive, Suite 220, Palatine, IL 60067; 847 359 6493; (Copyright © 2012 by Construction Business Media) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Architectural SSL Magazine, 519 East Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook, IL 60440.

30 Featured Project: The W Hotel Paris-Opera The City of Lights is the nickname of Paris in reference to it being the seat of the Enlightenment. In modernizing the lighting of the hotel, its designers sought to combine the energy of New York with Parisian sophistication. by Ellen Lampert-Gréaux

Architectural SSL • 09.12 • 03

Introducing Acrich2 With No AC/DC Driver

• Increased Lifespan • Increased lamp efficiency ( power factor > 0.95 ) • Design Flexibility • Cost reducation in designing and manufacturing light bulbs • Speed time to market

Circle 03



NUMbER 24 • SEPT 2012

Gary Redmond

Managing Partner Director Publishing Operations

Tim Shea

Managing Partner Director Business Development

Dave Pape

EDITORIAL Jim Crockett 847 359 6493 Kevin Willmorth Megan Mazzocco 847 359 6493

Vice President Director, Art & Production Editorial Director Editor Associate Editor

Contributing Editors Vilma Barr Barbara Horwitz-Bennett Ellen Lampert-Greaux Chuck Ross

Mavis Linnemann

Copy Editor

Calling it Like I See It highlights the ugliest fixtures being introduced

In the after glow of the Olympics, I must confess I was more intrigued by cutaway shots of London than most of the competitions. But for dignity and decorum to prevail in the world of SSL, RGB overkill has got to go.

does illustrate the issue—in the hype following the phase-out deadline of T12s this past July, one manufacturer promoted a way to easily retrofit the much more efficient T5 into a T12 troffer without any of the hassle of a new troffer or even a new ballast. That’s right you simply slot the T5 into an adapter and voila, you’re good to

pics captured my attention. But I must admit that

go. Unquestionably, this is an easy fix. But does

much of it was to point out to my kids that “I was

it remotely address the spirit of the T12 phase

there.” That said, a couple of things bothered me:

out mandate? Not only do you lose a lot of light

some significantly outclassed competitions and

because the T5 is covered by most of the adapter,

some ugly LED.

but the old magnetic ballast it still uses is not

Let me set the stage: The fine folks at GE,

efficient in any manner, nor capable of dimming,

prior to the games, notified us that the company

etc. Someone I showed it to likened it to putting a

supplied a number of their LED products for

new TV on top of an old TV.

various Olympic venues, including field hockey

Lauren Lenkowski


in point—and this was not an LED fixture, but

I’m an Anglophile, and I love London, so the Olym-

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Dave Pape Art Director Associate Art Director

into the market, because there are so many. Case

Not to belittle the role retrofit sources have

and the general campus lighting for the Olympic

to play, as there’s a lot of wattage to be wrangled,

Park. They were also involved in relighting Tower

but it’s hard to get excited by them. I guess it’s a

Bridge, a frequent TV cutaway icon. Being a geek,

question of economics. Manufacturers who have

I kept my eyes peeled. As seen in Buzz, the light-

gone down the LED path have sunk a lot of money

ing of the historic Thames-spanning bridge is SSL

into it and need to get some revenue to keep

at its best, and its worst. The good: the elegant,

going. At the same time, LED fixtures are expen-

Gary Redmond 847 359 6493

Tim Shea 847 359 6493

clean, white-blue lighting scheme of program “A”

sive, and something not everyone can afford or

really highlights the structure’s architecture. The

are even willing to consider given cheaper and

bad: alternate program “B” tarts it up with RGB.

more budget-friendly alternatives. So where does

Trey Higgens 847 577 8980

Jim Oestmann 847 838 0500

Ugghh. Someone did the same thing to the Eiffel

that leave things? Good question. In speaking

Tower in Paris last year... But speaking of the City

recently to Philips Lighting’s new CEO, he noted

of Light, there are good things to report when it

LED is now 20% of their business and the com-

David Haggett Ted Rzempoluch 847 934 9123 609 361 1733

comes to SSL: Designers of the renovated W Paris

pany was involved in an interesting, LED-heavy

managed a subtle, even sublime application of the

retrofit of a major New York-based professional

technology to the historic hotel, as can be seen

services firm that has the potential to be a model

Jim Führer 503 679 5409

in this month’s featured project. I’m not saying

for many corporate entities with sustainability

the French have the English when it comes to

initiatives (You’ll have to wait for next issue for

panache and savoir faire, but somewhere a line

the story--how’s that for a teaser!).

Bob Fox 203 356 9694

SUbSCRIPTION INqUIRIES There is no charge for subscriptions to qualified requestors in the U.S. All other annual subscriptions will be charged $39 for standard delivery or $55 for air mail delivery. For subscriptions, inquiries or address changes, call 630 739 0900 ext. 201. A Publication of Construction Business Media


must be drawn denoting an absolute violation of

a final destination, but with enjoyable stops, such

Dressed list for LED projects.

as the Paris W, this observer suggests we just

And it’s not just for projects. I feel the same

Circular blend under globe = PMS 3025

Continents, shadow, base = Black

keep on truckin.’

about a lot of products. So many, especially on the retrofit side, are so poor or so badly conceived that they also make me cringe. It’s kind of funny, one of the friends of the magazine who regularly helps judge our PIA program, jokingly noted we should run another contest that

Type and globe=PMS 485

As always, the road ahead reveals no signs of

style. Perhaps we need a Mr. Blackwell’s Worst

Jim Crockett, editorial director

ArchItEcturAL SSL • 09.12 • 05


SHIFT PERCEPTIONS. For years, Peerless has developed the finest quality Lighting for People in the form of comfortable, glare-free indirect luminaires. Now we're applying this same kind-to-the-eyes philosophy to direct ambient lighting. Behold Peerless Mino. A suite of three 2' x 2' LED luminaires — Recessed, Surface and Pendant — Peerless Mino emits soft, controlled illumination from a frameless, floating lens. An optical illusion creates geometric gradients on the lens perimeter that subtly shift as one's vantage point changes. Sophisticated and smart, Peerless Mino delivers all the advantages of digital technology including an impressive 93 lumens per watt, energy–saving lumen management and controls connectivity. Shift your perceptions with Peerless Mino.


Watch video and learn more at

Circle 01


cAliPer testing, round 15 CALiPER Round 15: LED fL fLooDLight f Loo ooDL DLight DL ight TesTing TesT Tes Ting Reveals n need eed for cAtegoriz cA cAtegorizAtion tegorizA Ation tion

Efficacy vs.Lumen Output of LED Floodlights Compared to Conventional Product Performance

Luminous Efficacy (lm/W)

100 90 Typical HID Range

80 70 60 50 40

30 Series 15 LED Floodlight (2011)


Typical CFL Range


Metal Halide Benchmark

0 0







Source: DOE SSL CALiPER results, May 2012

ABoVE: the leD floodlights tested in Series 15 performed well in terms of efficacy, but did not match the lumen output of floodlights using higher wattage metal halide lamps. the approximate ranges represent luminaire performance.

cAliPer round 15 Downlight Data CBCP [ CD]

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H. B§±µ ±∑gL§

v. B§±µ ±∑gL§

H. Fi§lD ±∑gL§

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BK 11-69

































































































ABoVE: luminous intensity distribution characteristics of the series 15 led floodlights and the conventional benchmark. The values listed for the benchmark product are for the specific configuration that was tested. The benchmark is not included in the summary statistics.

ABoVE: Four of the 10 products had a wide distribution, and 8/10 products had a symmetric distribution. This is not typical of the bulk of conventional floodlights, and may indicate an area where led floodlights need to offer added capability.

Round 15 of the dOe’s CalipeR testing program took its first look at led floodlights, evaluating the performance of 10 current offerings. While several led models offered color-quality and dimmability— advantages over conventional high-intensity discharge (Hid) fixtures—the study found that led offerings face some challenges in lumen-output range and available light-distribution patterns. The report’s authors note that their first challenge lay in simply defining the category “floodlight” for the purposes of this round of research, because the term can be used to describe everything from residential security lighting to skyscraper-façade luminaires. The final definition incorporates fixtures designed to illuminate exterior surfaces, with an adjustable aiming angle. This description still includes a range of products, with distribution ranges that vary from narrow to wide in an asymmetric fashion. Conventional offerings generally feature Hid (meaning high-pressure sodium or metal halide) or compact fluorescent lamps. Often, the same housing can be configured with a variety of lamps at different wattages, based on application requirements. and interchangeable optics might be used to vary light distribution for the same base unit, with other accessories available to prevent glare and light trespass. in fact, the ability of current-technology models to meet application needs may be one of the reasons the floodlight market hasn’t received much attention from led manufacturers, report authors note. But they also see potential advantage for led products because of their hardiness, dimmability, lack of restrike delay and consistent output regardless of lamp orientation. Measured output for the series 15 floodlights ranged from 773 lumens (lm) to 8,044 lm – comparable at the high end with a 100W or 150W Hid lamp. The leds can’t yet match the output of the 400W or higher conventional floodlights, and Z

ContinuED on page 08

ArchitecturAl SSL • 09.12 • 07


ContinuED fRoM ContinuED f RoM page 07


the large number of leds leds required to meet higher wattage goals could mean a larger form factor and the need to run at life-limiting high-drive currents. While color quality isn’t always a primary concern for floodlight applications, researchers still did some benchmarking of led products against conventional offerings, with mixed results. Correlated color temperature (CCT) of the leds leds ranged from 3646K to 6099K, with several products extending above typical findings for standard-technol(CRi) ogy products. The color rendering index (CRi (CR i) of tested led products ranged from 66 and 83, with a mean of 71. iin n summary, researchers found several key advantages for led products, vs. conventional floodlight offerings, including led efficacies that were equal to or better than those of traditional metal halide or CFll fixtures and power factors considerably CF better than those of conventional products. iin n addition, though tests didn’t specifically evaluate actual lifespans, the rated lifetimes of led floodlights are typically as long as or longer than conventional models. Balancing these pluses, however, were a number of findings indicating areas led makers need to address: •• Lumen output: few LED floodlights Lumen output: few LED floodlights can match the 20,000 lm output available with conventional technologies, especially without driving the leds leds at higher operating currents, which can shorten lifespans. •• Light distribution: the wide, symmetLight distribution: the wide, symmet symmetric distribution of most tested fixtures is not appropriate for many floodlight applications. and, a nd, because led luminaires require an array of numerous, individual led leds, s, rather than a single point source, narrow spot distributions can be difficult to produce for these fixtures. •• Customizability: Standard products Customizability: Standard products are often designed with modularity in mind, so that a single housing can be configured in different ways, with various lamping and accessory options available to meet specific needs throughout an installation.•

08 • 09.12 • ArchitecturAl SSL

Photos: tridonic


lighting Warsaw’s uefA championship Stadium AS ThE finAL MATChES of the european soccer cup (UeFa eURO) came to fruition, the event’s new host—national stadium in Warsaw—was well prepared. Boasting more than 55,000 seats and 69 vip boxes, this facility is not just the biggest of the four stadiums which poland has built for the european Football Championship, it is also an architectural masterpiece. To ensure that fans find their way to the stadium, the facility’s operator naRva polska chose austrian manufacturer Tridonic and its particular led technology as the lighting solution for the routes around the stadium. For safe operation even under difficult environmental conditions, an led-lit and highly robust handrail system guides fans throughout the stadium. The handrails are fitted with more than 8,700 Tridonic’s TaleXXmodules. The product’s optical design offers maximum homogeneity of light distribution. a companion device, the TaleXXconverter constant current converters—over 850 of them—are installed up to 100 meters away in air-conditioned

the leD Solution guArAnteeS energy-SAvingS for yeArS to come. control cabinets. Therefore constant environmental conditions and central access for maintenance and repair is guaranteed. The led solution is expected to deliver energy-saving operations for years to come.•

ABoVE: home of this year’s european soccer championship, Warsaw Stadium turned to leD as an energy-efficient and functional lighting source to help with navigation through the facility.


Photos: florian licht


rocking in Baku The city of Baku in Azerbaijan recently hosted the eurovision song Contest, a europe-wide music competition, and wanted to create an image of modernity amidst an otherwise ancient skyline. Two significant led installations add some 21st century “bling” to the city’s historic appeal. The first, the Baku Flame Towers (right), is a high-rise residential complex topping a hill overlooking the Caspian sea, with a design inspired by the country’s long-ago history of fire worship. Manufacturer Traxon created a special fixture installed behind the buildings’ windows to give the illusion of ribbons of light. Traxon also played a role in the new Crystal Hall (above), which hosted the eurovision event. The structure’s jagged architecture is highlighted by 72 of the manufacturer’s shield aC extend fixtures that can be programed to react to events occurring within the building. The result is a facade that comes to life in jewel-like fashion to brighten even the darkest winter nights.•

the Structure’S jAggeD Architecture iS highlighteD By fixtureS thAt cAn Be ProgrAmeD to reAct to eventS occurring Within the BuilDing. the reSult iS A fAcADe thAt comeS to life in jeWellike fAShion.

ABoVE: the crystal hall (top) and the Baku flame towers (right) each add a touch of excitement and modernity to the ancient city on the shores of the caspian Sea.

Circle 04

Celebrating 30 years of design, innovation and success. For 30 years, Philips Ledalite has been committed to market driven innovation. Steadily building a reputation as a leader in high performance, award-winning lighting systems and technologies, Philips Ledalite has completed thousands of projects around the world. Happy 30th Anniversary Philips Ledalite!

Circle 05

R§t±iL: U.S. C§LLUL±R Fi§LD

Lighting Up The Sout’ Side The nation’s oldest pastime is getting a 21st century makeover at U.S. Cellular Field, home of Chicago’s South Side sluggers, the White Sox. Concession areas at the stadium, which opened in 1991, had been illuminated by aging T12 U-bend fluorescent features, drawing 78-watt per fixture. Now 50-watt LED fixtures have been installed in a replacement project that’s drawing cheers from stadium managers. Cool White Borealis 2 × 2 LED Flat Panels from PolyBrite International now highlight the park’s concourses—visited by up to 2.9 million baseball fans annually—while Warm White fixtures brighten backrooms and workstations. The standard-sized drop-ceiling and surfacemount fixtures are designed as easy replacements for fluorescent luminaires, and feature an extended lifespan that can help reduce maintenance costs.•

The STandard-Sized dropceiLing and SUrface-moUnT fixTUreS are deSigned aS eaSy repLacemenTS for fLUoreScenT LUminaireS, and feaTUre an exTended LifeSpan ThaT can heLp redUce mainTenance coSTS.

Right: The switch to Led, according to don esposito, senior director of purchasing/construction for the White Sox, expects that the lighting will enhance both concession sales and employee productivity.

Circle 04



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Circle 06

8/16/2012 8:20:08 AM

When Queen elizabeth ii (or, at least her stunt double) choppered through the spans of London’s iconic Tower Bridge during the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics, the path was lit by a new LED lighting scheme recently installed by GE and its UK partner, EDF Energy. More than 2 km of GE’s Tetra Contour architectural LED lighting now follow the superstructure’s curving lines on either side of the towers and across the bridge’s walkway. Additionally, 90-watt LED floodlights, along with other lamps and fixtures, will highlight the structure’s Victorian gothic architecture. Sophisticated controls will allow London officials to transform the bridge into a city centerpiece for a range of celebrations going forward. Additionally, the new system will provide savings to the city for years to come. It’s anticipated to reduce energy demands for lighting the bridge by 40%, compared to the 25-year-old system it replaces.•

ABOVE: ge, which also supplied the 25,000 Led lighting modules illuminating the olympic park, worked with Britain-based edf to relight the iconic bridge.

PUBLiC: TR±∑Sit Lighti∑g

SSLBuzz: product developments:

custom lighting optics FASTEr AND ChEAPEr

transportation: oled

on-Time arrival managers at tokyo’s busy Jiyugaoka Station have just completed an extensive lighting renovation intended to both cut energy costs and improve the experience of travelers passing through the space. Included were 29 new organic LED (OLED) fixtures and almost 1,200 LED fixtures, all from Panasonic. The OLED fixtures—available in the United States through Universal Lighting Technologies—are installed in ticketing areas. The standard LED fixtures have been installed throughout the rest of the station, and are designed to change color temperature throughout the day to both save energy and improve visual comfort. Photocells and infrared occupancy sensors help ensure ideal color temperature levels based on existing natural light and the number of station occupants. The new installation will contribute to a 40% reduction in lighting energy at the station.•

A new manufacturing process promises to speed optics fabrication by working directly from 3D CAD models, without need for intermediate mold and tooling development. The new service creates lighting optics using a 3D printing process at prices competitive with injection molding, according to developer LUXeXceL. The process is based on software called Photopia, published by LTI Optics, a Dutch company which developed the program to allow it to study alternative lighting-optics designs prior to tooling. That company has paired with LUXeXceL, which provides printing-based Printoptical manufacturing services. On-demand fabrication reduces the need for manufacturers to maintain inventory stock. And eliminating the need for molds and tooling can mean getting new LED products to market more quickly. Instead, optics makers can go directly from prototype to finished product with just about any type of lens, including Fresnel, parabolic and spherical.•

direct approach: new software and fabrication methods mean Led luminaire manufacturers can go to market more quickly as optics can be made without the need for molds and tooling.

Circle 06

Circle 04


the lighting

FORECAST The emergence of solid-state is creating action in a market that has been stale. While the infusion of electronics will result in greater intrusion of imported products and components, the resulting overall gains realized from this advancement in technology will produce needed improvements elsewhere, creating opportunities for new businesses to thrive. By Kevin Willmorth, editor

14 • 09.12 • architectural SSL



here is no doubt that solid-state lighting

1) Is Solid-State Good for Saving Energy?

is here to stay. Lightfair 2012 was a physi-

SSL delivers a combination of high electrical-

cal presentation of the explosion in LED

to-photometric energy conversion (efficacy),

and OLED products, while Light+Build in

optical efficiency, and ease in the application

Frankfurt edged even closer to becoming

of controls. For these reasons, it has rapidly

more of an LED showcase than ever. The shows

become the technology of choice in the fastest

presented a plethora of new manufacturers.

growing nations around the world. Conversely,

Familiar players showed that they too were in the

slow progress in the United States is related to

game. Once newbie manufacturers to this market

the slow pace of the economy, frustrated by the

like Cree and Philips, now appear as seasoned

availability of cheap energy and a general lack

veterans. Those who once believed that SSL would

of significant interest to engage the inevitable.

reduce the number of lighting manufacturers in

Compared to progress made elsewhere, the U.S.

the market were left scratching their heads, as this

is behind the curve in deployment, yet leads in

has just not been the case.

many areas in semi-conductor core technologies.

Outlook: Mostly Sunny

clear sailing for implementation of ssl without any major issues.

Outlook: Partly Cloudy

While it is obvious that change is happening, questions persist as to whether there is good being accomplished. Purists are as skeptical as ever—

Today's assessment: Even though potential for

evident in the critical tone of presentations and

energy savings over incandescent, halogen, CFL,

Is Solid-State Good for Lighting?

continued pressure for standards to control the

and many HID systems is proven, market penetra-

technology. Is this consternation rational, or is this

tion remains low. However, changes in design

just a case of laggards demanding proofs positive

approach, expansion of available solid-state

before accepting the inevitable?

products, improvements in product reliability

Compared to other industries, the lighting market has been stagnant. The push for energy

laziness that followed is out of pace with global energy conditions. SSL is a defibrillator—shocking to life the erratic heart of lighting. That said, it begs the question, is SSL good for the lighting

Outlook: Chance of Rain

and trust, coupled with rapidly declining product prices will change the pace of adoption rapidly.

efficiency in the 1980s stalled from lack of interest, leaving advancements fallow. The market

mostly good conditions for ssl implementation, but a few issues must be ironed out.


major issues still exist that hamper significant implementation of ssl.

unseasonably cool and cloudy with a chance for clearing.

industry as a whole? While there are hundreds of questions to be

Looking out to 2017: Assuming the economy

answered when it comes to specific project appli-

improves, that the building market recovers,

cation, the core issues in evaluation of whether

energy prices increase, interest grows in retrofit-

solid-state is bringing good to lighting is far sim-

ting existing facilities, and prices for LED products

pler. Following is both a current assessment and a

continue to decline, there is no doubt that solid-

forecast of things to come.

state will have a significant impact. In its report

architectural SSL • 09.12 • 15


‘Energy Savings Potential of Solid-State Lighting in General Illumination Applications’ (Jan 2012), DOE projects long term energy savings of 19% by 2020 and 46% by 2030 for all U.S. lighting energy consumed.

extended forecast: Partly cloudy and warm with bright sunshine on the horizon. 2) Is SSL Environmentally Sustainable? The concern for environmental impact of energy efficient lighting has been raised in regard to the widespread distribution of compact fluorescent lamps. All of these contain mercury, with a large portion also containing lead. Recycling products that are composites of lead-bearing electronics and mercury contained within glass envelopes is problematic, requiring operational processes that are not economically viable. Further, consumers are guilty of ignoring the potential harm, choosing the convenience of regular waste disposal, where these lamps end up in landfills. Beyond disposal are issues of manufacturing

fixture replacement, the efficacy of LED sources

and distribution, which is compounded by short

increases, and the efficiency of LED luminaires

product life. The shorter the life of a product, the

improves, SSL will improve even further.

more damaging it is from repeated contribution of replacements. Energy consumption also fac-

Today's assessment: SSL presents the most

tors into the equation, as electricity production

significant improvement in sustainable lighting

is often more damaging over a products life than

technology to date. Through long life, significant

the initial product manufacturing processes.

energy saving, and minimal end of life waste

In specific studies completed by Philips, DOE, and the University of Pittsburgh, various

products, properly designed solid-state products are good for the environment.

aspects of solid-state production were compared to fluorescent, induction and HID sources. In each case it was revealed that the production of SSL


generates slightly greater amount of compounds considered harmful to the environment. Further, the additional material mass of heat sinks in LED

Sort out the good, the bad and the ugLy in time, as the market and manufacturers mature, the growth in approaches to delivering efficient, quality lighting is advancing. there are great products already available they're just mixed in a sea of mediocre or poor designs. Perhaps what's missing is an active lighting design community directly engaged in guiding manufacturers into new lighting techniques that couple the unique new capacities of solid state with forward-thinking lighting design. Pictured above is the symphony Orchestra of montreal, designed by Diamond schmitt architects, and featuring lumenpulse's lumenfacade luminaire for unobtrusively grazing the wood walls. image courtesy of snc-lavalin Group

Warm but partly cloudy with spots of light showers.

products can result in a higher initial impact per luminaire. However, the impact of production is

Looking out to 2017: As the efficacy of LEDs

a small portion of total impact over the lifetime

increases, the number of devices required declines

of a lighting product. In the balance between

proportionally, which means smaller heat sinks

energy use, service lifetime and manufacturing

and skinnier products. This will improve sustain-

impact, LED products produce less total negative

ability two fold: First, less energy use, with smaller

impact, with less toxicity in post-consumer waste

impact per lumen delivered; and second, over the

than all other light sources. As the deployment of

next 60 months, gains of between 35% and 50%

modular components reduces the need for total

are conservatively attainable.

16 • 09.12 • architectural SSL

CREE® LMH2 LED MODULE Versatile: 58 mm aperture; 850, 1250, 2000 & 3000 lumens No Compromise: >90 CRI @ 2700K, 3000K, 3500K & 4000K; lens: flat & dome Power Input: 120V, 277V & 230V, dimmable to 5% Lighting-Class: 5 year warranty; UL certified, CE, IEC

“Cree modules deliver beautiful light and fast time to marKet.” LED REVOLUTIONARY Mark McClear Vice President, Applications Engineering at Cree Cree LED modules enable you to get your LED luminaires to market quickly, delivering industry-leading performance and unparalleled manufacturing flexibility. Whether you are developing downlights, sconces, pendants or something else, the LMH2 provides the efficacy, color quality, longevity and unit-to-unit consistency your customers demand. Powered by barrier-breaking Cree TrueWhite® Technology, a revolutionary way to generate white light with LEDs, Cree LED modules match high efficiency with beautiful light quality, color accuracy and consistency. Cree LED modules deliver. Find a Cree Solutions Provider or authorized distributor at or call 1.866.924.3645.

Circle 07


extended forecast:

Today's assessment: On its current trajectory, the transformation to solid-state lighting has not

Mostly sunny and warm with skies clearing rapidly.

been good as a significant source of net lighting industry job creation in the United States. However, employment to deliver peripheral applica-

3) Will SSL Lead to U.S. Job Creation?

tion demands for design, integration, controls

While there are jobs being created in solid-state

commissioning, and technical product develop-

production and development, they are offset

ment is emerging as an area of new opportunity.

by losses in other segments. The trend toward U.S. corporations moving manufacturing to Asia, coupled with aggressive government-


backed contractors offering attractive, low-cost SSL component solutions, is creating pressure against domestic SSL job growth. While some

Cooler than expected with mixed clouds, and patches of rain and sun.

portion of luminaire manufacturing will remain in the domestic market, the electronics, LEDs,

Looking out to 2017: The balance of employ-

and many of the supporting components inside,

ment in the lighting market will shift from

will more than likely be imported.

rudimentary fab shops toward more sophisti-

For example, in 2012 Taiwan is invest-

cated electronics integration. For some, this will

ing $1B in LED manufacturing as part of its

be an expansion of a trend already in motion,

economic recovery, while China subsidizes U.S.

where ballast, castings, extrusions and other

companies to open plants there, unchallenged

components are blended with domestic fabrica-

by the federal government. The establishment

tion and assembly. For others, the availability of

of UL and ETL in Asia has further increased

complete products ready for import will create

the availability of approved imported products,

new opportunities to deliver product unavail-

often offered to at such low cost that creation

able to them previously. In all, as the growth of

environmenally speaking

of a competing domestic alternative is impracti-

solid-state expands, there will be a modest gain

cal. Further, many Asian sources offer complete

in total lighting market employment, even as

product contract manufacturing, from design

imported electronics play a greater role than in

engineering to finished goods. This vertical

prior technologies.

The grounds about Los Angeles' iconic city hall and its adjacent park (above) were recently renovated, including new LED lighting to replace existing 130-watt highpressure sodium lamp posts with 27-watt LED replacement sources from LEDtronics designed for the classic acorn fixture. Beyond disposals issues, the switch from less efficient sources has an environmental impact, in that the shorter the life of a product, the more damaging it is from repeated contribution of replacements. Energy consumption also factors into the equation, as electricity production is often more damaging over a product's life than the initial product manufacturing process. image courtesy of leDtronics

integration is an advantage that few domestic manufactures possess—the result of decades of manufacturing theory favoring outsourcing over integration. In balance, changes in the lighting market will likely result in reduced total employment for production and delivery of lighting products here in the United States. To reverse this trend

extended forecast: Warm with a mix of clouds and sunny patches as far as the eye. 4) Will SSL Improve Lighting Quality?

significant work in redressing integration of

A significant concern over SSL has been product

manufacturing, as well as growth in individual

quality. Much of the effort of standards devel-

manufacturing capacity for producing elec-

opment addresses the diverse range of quality

tronic products must be addressed. This is not

in products and early failures to deliver on prom-

to say there will be no new jobs created in SSL.

ises made. As it is with conventional products,

However, gains will be small, diluted by greater

there will always be solid-state products of poor

reliance on imports and inevitable losses in the

quality. Further, the quality of light emitted by

sale of conventional products. Further, most

products is as diverse as it is with conventional

gains in SSL will be higher-level tech jobs, while

products. Several manufacturers sacrifice visual

the larger population in the production ranks is

quality for efficiency, delivering glary light

likely to shrink.

sources from arrays of brilliant dots to harsh,

18 • 09.12 • architectural ssl

Pure in Form, Pure in Function, Dening Performance

Elevate area lighting to a new level PureForm Specication Grade LED Luminaires

Circle 08


overly bright diffusers. Others are just inad-

cost of SSL products and bring to bear issues

equate to the task of creating efficient products

of ROI evaluations to prove them good or bad.

of good lighting quality. Conversely, there are a

However, overly simplistic comparisons fail to

growing number of providers deploying high-

capture the true costs of incumbent sources,

performance products of high visual quality.

the escalation of energy costs we will face in the

The opportunity certainly exists to produce

very near future, the implications of waste, and

improvements in visual lighting performance.

the reality that most existing lighting systems

The question is whether as the technology

are not performing as assumed. Further, using

matures, will applied lighting quality be pursued

money paid for energy as the core qualifier in

as a priority? Recent product introductions indi-

evaluating alternatives ignores intrinsic values

cate there is movement toward addressing the

gained from updating lighting systems overall.

qualitative values of light with the same vigor as

Further, adding controls integration, reducing

quantitative, which is good news.

maintenance demand, and reducing toxic waste

Perhaps what’s currently missing is an active lighting design community directly

are important benefits too often overlooked. The residential market has proven itself

engaged in guiding manufacturers into new

stubbornly committed to a light source that

lighting techniques that couple the unique new

stands on one core value over all others. The

capacities of solid-state with forward thinking

incandescent lamp is cheap. While the commer-

lighting design.

cial market is somewhat better, far too many decisions are made on first cost. Just as quality

Today's assessment: The focus on energy

lighting design produces benefits of lower

savings and commodities has left the needs of

energy use, quality decision making in product

lighting design and lighting quality somewhat

selection will produce long-term benefits.

neglected. Intrusion of hastily launched products

lighting quality

The opportunity exists to produce improvements in visual lighting performance. The question is whether, as the technology matures, will applied lighting be pursued as a priority? Recent product introductions indicate there is movement toward addressing the qualitative values of light with the same vigor as quantitative, which is good news. Pictured is North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health Systems, a LEED-certified facility and an IES-awardwinning project by Ewing Cole, which incorporated a lot of LED including a combination of slot and accent lights in the lobby. Photo Courtesy: ewing Cole

For those unwilling to properly evalu-

has flooded the market with both good and bad

ate and select products based on more than


simple first cost, perhaps the best solution is to

next 60 months. The compounding of energy

continue to utilize proven conventional product

prices going up while LED product prices drop,

technologies. At this stage of solid-state deploy-

coupled with greater performance per invested

ment, there are too many temptations to choose

dollar will create an environment that will chal-

low-cost offerings of unscrupulous marketers,

lenge all conventional lighting technologies.

Currently: Cool and foggy, with a few small sunny patches visible

resulting in disappointing results. That said, the number of solid-state products available today of quality and substantial value is growing rapidly.

Looking out to 2017: As the goals of energy

extended forecast: Sunny and warm with only a few clouds remaining

efficiency are met, and the market becomes satu-

Today's assessment: Just as it is with any

rated with core commodity product, manufactur-

other technology, solid-state includes a mix of

ers will begin to deliver greater innovation in

products from very high value to very low qual-

In sum, the emergence of solid-state lighting is

design to maintain growth. This will accelerate

ity. When appropriate effort is applied to qualify

creating action in a market that has been stale.

over the next 60 months, creating even greater

products beyond initial price, there are a great

With opportunities in retrofitting, controls com-

improvements in applied lighting quality.

many solid-state products that can be consid-

missioning, and creation of all new lighting prod-

ered of high economic value.

uct manufacturing to bring fresh new ideas to

extended forecast: Warming trend with clearing fog giving way to partly sunny conditions likely 5) Are Current Products Economically Viable?

the party, there will be gains made on all fronts.


While there are many new lighting products using LEDs that are unattractive or useless, the same can be said for many conventional prod-

Warm, but high winds and spotty clouds

Of all the qualifications applied to product selec-

ucts on the market today. Setting aside these issues, the underlying technology is obviously good for lighting as a whole, and over the next

tion, this is perhaps the most loaded. On the

Looking out to 2017: The economic viability of

five years will expand its reach and influence

surface, one can point to the generally higher

solid-state products is going to explode over the


20 • 09.12 • arChiteCtural SSl









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Circle 09

tOPicS At the FrONt

across the euro zone In Europe, when it comes to more ambient, general lighting, the trend is for LED to serve as the “bed” of the meal, allowing halogen and other, somewhat energy-intensive lighting sources to spice up the main course.

By Ellen Lampert-Gréaux, contributing writer

European legislation calling for

provide visual comfort. From its

white-light LED to be too much of

are very tight; and I don’t think

the phase out of incandescent

wide range of saturated colors to

a risk and not good enough value

we’re finished with cold cathode

lamps has put LED directly in the

dimmable whites in various color

for most of our clients. “In the last

yet either. But I’m amazed at how

spotlight. A 2011 Green Paper

temperatures, the LED is the prime

two or three years, however, the

quickly LED is pushing out compact

issued by the European Commis-

light source in many facilities rang-

technology has matured beyond

fluorescent—the other “low-energy

sion calls for “Accelerating the

ing from museums to restaurants,

our expectations—this was clear at

light source”—and I can’t remem-

deployment of innovative light-

such as Barbecoa (pictured on

Light and Building in Frankfurt this

ber offhand the last time I specified

ing technologies” mentions that

the opposite page), designed by

year, where convincing technical

a low-voltage tungsten halogen

“The wide-scale uptake of SSL

Speirs+Major in London.

lighting tools using white light LED

lamp,” says Ruxton.

could contribute substantially to

According to Iain Ruxton, asso-

were presented with confidence

One of the advantages of LED,

the objectives of the Europe 2020

ciate designer with Speirs + Major’s

and maturity by every significant

says the designer, is surely the ease

strategy for smart, sustainable,

Edinburgh, Scotland office, the

manufacturer,” says Ruxton.

of control, at least in theory. “It’s all

and inclusive growth, in particular

lighting design firm has been using

to its energy efficiency improve-

LEDs to some extent since 1996,

in technology, the innovation from

rather than being about big chunks

ment target.”

starting with very simple marker

the luminaire manufacturers,

of copper and chopping up line

lights. “For many years we used LED

the radical drop in cost and the

voltage waveforms,” says Ruxton.

2020 is to increase Europe’s overall

for mostly dynamic color-changing

increasing pressure of energy leg-

energy efficiency by 20%, com-

applications, but it was clear that

islation and incandescent phase-

warns “it can be a bit of a mine-

pared to 1990 levels.

LED as a general white-light source

outs around the world, LED has

field,” as we’re in a transitional

just wasn’t ready,” he says.

now become the firm’s first choice

period where old-style dimming

for many white light applications.

and newer kinds of data based

In other words, the goal by

This is not so far fetched, as LED technology has not only

Issues included color consis-

Between the improvements

electronics talking to electronics,

At the same time, the designer

matured to a point where it is

tency, color-point maintenance,

“We are still using other

robust, stable, and bright enough

efficiency and so-on, as well as

sources—metal halide for higher-

for use in almost all lighting

“frankly ridiculous price premium

power requirements; linear

tems is especially thorny, according

applications, it also now has an

which often prevailed,” which

fluorescent for some applica-

to Ruxton. DMX-based systems

acceptable quality of light to

he says made the firm consider

tions, especially where budgets

still rule the roost for kinetic

22 22 •• 09.12 05.12 •• ArchitecturAl ArchitecturAlSSL SSL

control exist side-by-side. Retrofitting LED into old sys-

 Switched vS. dimmed

During the day, in trying to react to sunlight, the designers found it was more practical to simply switch some of the lights off vs. dimming the leDs as the sources could only dim to about 12.5% image courtesy Speirs + Major

A SwiSS cASe for LeD Manor, the largest Swiss department store chain, with 69 shops, decided three years ago to further its focus on sustainable governance and reduce operating costs. Specifically, the goal was to: replace installed traditional lighting with leDs in over 25 stores, covering over 670,000 sq. ft. of retail interior space.  Dramatically reduce the energy consumption without compromising the light levels.  Provide an inviting and comfortable shopping atmosphere. A total of 24,000 rD leuchten fixtures using leD array technology provided by Bridgelux (rS leD arrays) were used to replace the traditional lighting technology. For area lighting, rD leuchten carda leD Spot fixtures were used to replace a mixture of fluorescent lamps while the company’s Micro leD Spot track lighting was used to replace hiD spot lights. 

 gLaRing iSSueS

Because the restaurant features a significant amount of glass, the designers had to deal with street light spilling into the space, so some scenes were created with downlights over some tables switched off. image courtesy of Speirs + Major

applications, although the channel

aforementioned Barbecoa restau-

counts for RGB pixels, he says, get

rant near St. Paul’s Cathedral in

high very quickly and Ethernet-

London. In fact, it became a case

based data distribution becomes

study on how to use LED to offset

necessary. As white-light LED for

the power consumption of decora-

all-round lighting applications

tive lighting.

becomes the norm, however, Rux-

 uv in the SpotLight

the restaurant has its own butcher shop so research was done on the deterioration effect of light on meat and poultry.

The theme of Barbecoa is dis-

ton says DMX is overkill for what

tinctly carnivore. Grills, barbeques

are essentially scene-set systems,

and smokers allow renowned

and phase-dimming is an inef-

American BBQ chef Adam Perry

ficient compromise which allows

Lang to cook up favorite cuts of

for retrofits, but doesn’t really

meat. But in designing this new

make sense as a best practice for

London eatery Speirs + Major

a new installation. “DALI [Digital

were faced with the challenge of a

Addressable Lighting Interface]

low energy allowance—only 20kVA

is the obvious solution to building

or 16 kilowatts—for the overall

cost-effective all-digital systems,

illumination. This energy allotment

and more and more people within

included the kitchen and all of the

various parts of the industry are

restaurant’s decorative lighting—

getting up to speed with design-

most of the latter created by Tom

ing, installing, and commissioning

Dixon’s interior and architectural

DALI-based systems,” says Ruxton.

design studio, the architectural designer of the project.


Dixon designed over 200 deco-

White LED was Speirs +

rative pendants used in clusters

Major’s choice for much of the

throughout Barbecoa to light the

ReSuLt ReSuLtS: L S: Lt A reduction of 2.5 million KWh in energy consumed for lighting and air conditioning has been measured and reported, with an estimated annual savings of $500K  An annual cO2 reduction of 1,200 tons  the vivid and high-quality light, has proven to be noticed and appreciated by customers  the chain reports reduced maintenance costs and long service life with a lack of uV and ir radiation, which has eliminated damage to merchandise on display  customers and personnel report a more pleasant shopping and working environment due to the elimination of heat in the light beam. 

ArchitecturAl SSL • 09.12 • 23

Barbecoa, london

Led cRaftiLy Located

the AlphaleD fittings are aligned along the walls or along main circulation routes between the fixed seating, while in the open seating they are relatively evenly spaced to provide enough light whatever the seating arrangement. Other uses of leD fixtures comprise those behind the bar, where linear leD uplights make the shelves glow, and galvanized steel tubes on the ceiling with an leD source in the center of each one help light up the open seating areas. Photo: Speirs + Major

restaurant’s interesting textures

decorative pendants for the best

all tungsten and although that

and colors, the result of dark

light distribution, whereas they

gives the space a wonderful quality,

gray finishes, cracked-mud walls,

were designing them more like

it ate into our energy allowance,

exposed brickwork, and gleaming

pieces of furniture.”

which made it more important to

brass with warm halogen or tung-

According to Rodgers, the

have a low-energy source provid-

sten silver-crown lamps. “The Tom

lighting consultants specified

ing functional lighting around the

Dixon pendants were designed

lower wattage/higher-efficiency

decorative sources,” notes Rodgers.

as part of the interior fit-out,

lamps for all of the manufacturer’s

predominantly as sculptural forms

decorative pendants, and provided

fitting, the consultant either used

and material contrast, rather than

most of the light from the sur-

a higher-efficiency lamp or lower

providing much in the way of func-

rounding LED fittings in the design,

wattage source than the product

tional light,” says Clementine Rod-

in order to meet the low energy

stated. “Especially given that the

gers, lighting designer at Speirs +


restaurant was likely to dim the

Major in London. “We worked with

Yet the lamps in Dixon’s deco-

Design Research Studio to advise

rative lighting took their toll on the

them on the positioning of their

limited energy allowance: “They’re

24 • 09.12 • ArchitecturAl SSL

In fact, for every Tom Dixon

lighting anyway,” says Rodgers. Thus the lighting designers used LED downlighting and accent

 evoLution?

the lighting designers had to convince the client to rethink tungsten sources in the decorative fixtures as it would mean the need for a replacement scheme.

Low Bay and High Bay Luminaires

EnviroPro™ | High Vertical, Low Glare LED Technology TM

Kenall's EnviroPro is ideal where energy efficiency, long lamp life, vertical illuminance, uplighting, aesthetics, uniformity and reduced maintenance costs are significant considerations. Available in three sizes – 12", 16", and 22" and up to 216 watts – these high powered LED luminaires are a direct replacement to traditional compact fluorescent and metal halide sources. They feature: • Kenall's proprietary heat sink to dissipate heat and maximize LED life • Choice of reflectors and lens options • Tool-less access for easy maintenance TM • Compatibility with Kenall's dual-technology SmartSense Control System that combines infrared and ultrasonic technologies to maximize efficiencies • IP65 Classification and NSF2 Performance listings With redefined capabilities and enduring performance, Kenall’s new EnviroPro Low Bay and High Bay Series is the next generation of a highly revered industry classic.



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Circle 10



lighting, providing decorative washes to graze the wall textures and square columns in the twostory space, which also required a narrow beam angle. The LED fittings are all AlphaLED by Projection Lighting, notes Rodgers, that are rated at 22 watts at and incorporate remotesource Xicato light engines, which produce a good diffused light. “Having a diffused source felt less intrusive in a restaurant environment where we wanted to be efficient, but we didn’t want people to be looking at the downlights,” says Rodgers. At the same time, she says they didn’t think that the 2700k temperature of the fixture was warm enough, so they had a glass filter made to warm up the light further for the downlights over the seating areas to add the warmth that they would want for a

caught in time


The “assembly line” for FIAT entails very bright, crisp almost surreal light as in a factory. It culminates a time line reflected by a lighting plan that starts warmer with Turn of the Century vehicles and gets progressively colder, especially in the WWII era. The end result is a lively museum that serves as a good example of lighting intuitively integrated into the scenic concepts, and where illumination is called upon to tell a story, in this case, the history of the car and man’s love affair with the “machina.” Photo courtesy: Lightemotion

The AlphaLED fittings are aligned along the walls or along main circulation routes between the fixed seating, while in the open seating they are relatively evenly spaced to provide enough light whatever the seating arrangement. Other uses of LED fixtures comprise those behind the bar,

attachment especially for the Ital-

where linear LED uplights make

ians who are great car designers.

the shelves glow, and galvanized

This collection was lit by

“We used a base of halogen and metal halide, with LED for accent lights and showcase lights

steel tubes on the ceiling with an

François Roupinian of Lightemo-

in the theatrical decor, building

LED source in the centre of each

tion in Montréal, Canada, whose

fiber optics and LEDs into Confino’s

one help light up the open seating

challenges included the fact that

“sets” and LED strips behind the


the lighting in this permanent

décor for backlit elements and

architectural setting is always on,

focal points, as well as road signs

needs low maintenance, and must

on poles with LEDs at the bottom,”

look the same for years to come.

explains Roupinian. Control is pri-

Museo Nazionale Dell’automobile Di Torino Another notable European project

French exhibit designer Fran-

marily on or off, while custom DMX

craftily incorporating LED is

çois Confino created innovative

and dimmers control certain of the

the recently redesigned Museo

scenic installations with a range

exhibits with more dramatic light

Nationale dell’Automobile di

of vintage to futuristic look for the


Torino, located in the automobile

cars. This exhibit concept allowed

capital of Italy. The museum takes

much of the lighting to be inte-

museum was designed over five

visitors on a chronological story

grated directly into the 200,000-

years ago, so we specified it that

detailing the history of the car, how

plus sq.-ft. space with a mix of

way. If we were to do it today I

it is an essential part of our lives,

fiber-optic, halogen, metal-halide,

would probably use more LED,”

and how it holds great emotional

and LED sources.

admits Roupinian.

26 • 09.12 • ARCHITECTuRAL SSL

museo nazionale Dell’automobile Di torino, Torino, Italy

Why the mix of sources? “The






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He adds however, that there

is a very cinematographic feel to the museum, so metal halide gives a crisp, clear light, and good punch from a high angle to light the cars from 35- to 40-ft. above.

The lighting also lends itself to

the chronology of the automobile, from its introduction at the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries and through the 1920s, when Roupinian used more of a vintage look, with warmer color temperatures.

To convey the transition into

the world wars and the contemporary era, the light gets harsher with a colder white, and the assembly line of for FIAT entails bright, crisp almost surreal light as in a factory.

action! “There is a very cinematographic feel to the museum,” says lighting designer Fracois Roupinian. “We used a base of halogen and metal halide, with LED for accent lights and showcase lights in the theatrical decor, building fiber optics and LEDs into the ‘sets.’”

The end result is a lively

museum that serves as a good example of lighting intuitively integrated into the scenic concepts, and where illumination is called upon to

To help promote this agenda,

tell a story, in this case the history

Philips, in partnership with The Cli-

trials ranges from 50,000 to 100,000

high-value jobs across the world.

of the car and man’s love affair with

mate Group, as part of the launch

hours indicating a high return on

the “machina.”

of the “Clean Revolution” campaign


of LEDs are tangible: Gobind Saha,

announced at the Rio+20 UN Global

The lifespan of LED lighting

LED lighting was found to be

create a significant amount of For the residents, the benefits

61, owner of a roadside stall at


Compact Corporate Sustainability

a durable technology with the need

Rabindra Sarani India, says, “These

While Europe has produced many

Forums, produced a study of LED

for minimal repairs; the failure

white lights have changed the way

dramatic and exciting facades

street lighting in 12 international

rate of LED products over 6,000

my little business use to be under

using SSL, it’s also embracing

cities, including London. The

hours is around 1%, compared, for

the street lights every evening.

LED for more mundane exterior

report, entitled, Lighting the Clean

example, to around 10% for con-

Earlier anything and everything

applications. According to Harry

Revolution: “The Rise of LED Street

ventional lighting over a similar

would look yellow in color result-

Verhaar, Head of Global Public

Lighting and What it Means for

time period.

ing into a decreased purchasing

& Government Affairs at Philips

Cities,” involved a two-and-a-half-

Lighting, lighting is responsible for

year global pilot of LED lamps in

tipping point, with exterior white

that a buyer can clearly differenti-

19% of global electricity use and

15 separate trials across 12 cities.

light LEDs at the early stage of the

ate between a green and blue, my

around 6% of global greenhouse

The intent was to explore the

technology curve. Market penetra-

sales figures have gone higher.”

gas emissions. Doubling lighting

global market status and potential

tion is accelerating as the market is

efficiency globally, he says, would

for LED technology and provides

expected to expand by 60% by 2020.

Philips are calling for an interna-

have a climate impact equivalent

guidelines for policy-makers and

A recent ILO report concluded that

tional low carbon lighting standard

to eliminating half the emissions

city light managers who want to

the green economy could yield up

to be created and implemented

of all electricity and heat produc-

scale-up and finance large LED

to 60 million jobs.

ensuring that citizens worldwide

tion in the European Union. And

retrofits. Key findings:

have access to energy efficient

like many other energy-efficient

Surveys in Kolkata, London,

LEDs are now mature enough for

outdoor lighting.

technologies, efficient lighting

Sydney and Toronto indicated that

scale-up in most outdoor applica-

will boost global prosperity. In

citizens prefer LED lighting, with

tions, bring the economical and

Group says, “This report clearly

the United States alone, he says,

68% to 90% of respondents endors-

social benefits to the masses.

highlights that LEDs are ready to

cutting the energy used by lighting

ing city-wide rollout of the technol-

be scaled-up in towns and cities

by 40% would save $53 billion in

ogy. Amongst the benefits that

and partners are calling govern-

across the globe. LED technology

annual energy costs, and reduce

were highlighted in these surveys

ments to catalyze the scale-up of

is energy efficient, scalable and

energy demand equivalent to 198

were a greater sense of safety and

LEDs in cities and invest now in

positively impacts on the public; it

mid-size power stations.

improved visibility.

order to capitalise on this and

is the Clean Revolution in action.”•

28 • 09.12 • ARCHITECTuRAL SSL

The LED market is at a

The report concludes that

The Climate Group, Philips

interest among buyers but now

The Climate Group and

Mark Kenber, CEO, the Climate

Circle 12

F§±TUR§D PRoj§Ct

W Paris-Opéra Owners: Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Architects: Rockwell Group Lighting Designer: Frandsen Project Lighting LED/controls product manufacturers: Develtron, Denmark Text: Ellen Lampert-Gréaux Photos: Starwood Hotels & Resorts The Challenge: European cities have increasingly become a glittering canvas, where the latest in SSL technology is woven into visual landscapes. From London to Torino, recent projects reveal period buildings sparkling with LEDs as architectural features on classic facades juxtaposed against modern interiors. And in new construction, the latest in lighting technology is simply de rigueur. This was the challenge for the operators of the W Paris-Opéra, an elegant 1870s Haussmann-style building at 4 rue Meyerbeer, across the street from the famous Opéra Garnier, as it was transformed into a modern hotel. “Our goal was to harmonize its neo-classical elements with modern features, while still keeping the old distinct from the new,” explains Diego Gronda of Rockwell Group Europe, the project’s architect. “Historically, the ‘City of Lights’ nickname refers to Paris as a seat of the Enlightenment, so we considered light in this project to represent the energy of New York and then combined it with Parisian sophistication.”

The Solution: The piece de resistance of the renovation is a programmable wall of solid-state lighting that meanders through the entire main level, accenting the hotel’s public spaces. Called “The Spark,” the undulating backlit perforated metal sculpture is a beacon that beckons from the street as an invitation to enter the 86,200-sq.-ft. contempo-

30 • 09.12 • ArchitecturAl SSL

rary environment. “It creates a sense of fluidity,” says Gronda. The W Paris-Opéra actually comprises three buildings that come together as one triangular shape. The Rockwell Group decided to maximize the visual impact of the central space where the three buildings meet. As a result, design creates a dynamic dialogue between the

Old World, New lights

The mezzanine restaurant, led by Michelin star chef Sergi Arola, benefits from the visual impact of The Spark in its double-height entry, while the LEDs are programmed at a slow speed in the rest of the space to enhance a relaxing mood.

building’s historic facade and the energy emanating from The Spark, and its patterns of dots that form abstract pulsing clouds of light. “The lights twinkling at the core of the building are a counterbalance to the old facade.” The Spark carries throughout the interior, bringing color and

vibrancy to the Bar, Living Room, Welcome Area, part of the restaurant, secret corners of DJ booths, martini bars, and the dramatic doubleheight area—right at the prow of the flatiron-shaped building. Elevators and staircases are all upholstered or painted red, to give the idea that guests are walking inside the core of The Spark.

ArchitecturAl SSL • 09.12 • 31

The Story Behind the Wall Created in conjunction with Frandsen Project Lighting in Horsens, Denmark, the 3,000-sq.ft. expanse for The Spark wall stretches over six meters high at its tallest, and measures two-and-a-half to three meters elsewhere. The tallest section stretches from the ground floor to the mezzanine, with a largescale column that can be seen from the street. “It is visible from all angles,” says Thomas Hansen, principal at Frandsen Project Lighting, pointing out that there are more than 15,000 LED units in the hotel, including not only the Spark, but custom golden pendants, spheres, and chandeliers elsewhere in the hotel. The Spark features LEDs attached to each custom-made section of the wall, creating a single curved unit. “This curving effect was one of the biggest challenges as the plates had to be flexible enough so they could be curved on site,” says Gronda, noting that all of the LEDs have been installed mixing RGB and white LED to create the movement of The Spark. The lighting is covered with a black lacquered metal plate that is perforated to follow the design pattern and act as a diffuser for the lighting. “We used four different perforated plates that, when rotated, turn into 16 different patterns,” says Gronda. A special piece of hardware was designed in order to hide the places where the plates are attached to one another. By removing any single plate, Gronda notes, the area behind the Spark Wall can be accessed. The LEDs are the same throughout the installation but are programmed differently to achieve different colors and speeds depending on the area of the hotel. According to Hansen, there is also a white acrylic diffuser as one of the layers of The Spark— along with the perforated metal plates—so that the LEDs are not

32 • 09.12 • Architectural SSL

W Paris-Opera Lounge Bar A serpentine black resin countertop anchors the bar area. Its shape resembles a molten sculpture, as if in reaction to the energy emanated from The Spark, which continues through this space. This wall of light has also effected many of the elements in this space: furniture appears to be melted and transformed; custom ball-pendants echo the pattern of The Spark; wood molding on the ceilings is incomplete when closer to the wall; In other words. The Spark served as a catalyst for the other design elements.


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Circle 13

cozy room 

Contemporary touches in the guest rooms include a reading lamp on the wall with a compact fluorescent lamp, and an LED desk lamp that also have spark features. A bedside remote controls the lighting in the entire room, as part of the overall Lutron control system, notes Hansen. “We love the size of the LED as a light source. Amazing fixtures can be designed without considering a large, screw-in light bulb.”

visible when they are not lit. “The first version of the design had the acrylic on the outside but that didn’t work in the mock-up that we built, so it is behind the perforated metal,” he says. The LEDs themselves are IP67 rated and installed 20 to 50 cm apart, screwed directly into the plaster wall for an easy, lowcost solution. For control of the LEDs, Hansen turned to Lutron in London, shipping them a customdesigned control unit that could be adapted to the overall Lutron control panels for the hotel. As guests transition to the guest rooms, Rockwell Group maintain the light and energy of the LEDs that pervade all the public spaces, and infuse it into many unexpected elements in the guest rooms. It begins at the entrance where a black metal bridge wraps around the corridor, with an L-shaped backlit pattern of white sparks. “The effect is like flying over a city at nighttime,” says Hansen. Two to Tango “It was great working with the Rockwell Group,” confirms Hansen, noting that Frandsen Project Lighting collaborated on the project for three years as a 17th-century landmarked building was converted into a contemporary boutique hotel. “There were a lot of restraints in terms of the architecture and some of the designs

34 • 09.12 • ARCHITECTuRAL ssL

were adapted to meet these technical challenges,” he points out. The Right Touch In a clear case of historic charm meets hipster hotel, the design of the W Paris-Opéra has harnessed the LED as a major design element, using this low-energy light source to add a high-style sparkle to its interior, and spill out into the Parisian night, adding a “spark” of 21st-century illumination to the City of Lights.

Guest suites

In the guest rooms, Rockwell Group has taken the light and energy of the LEDs that pervade all the public spaces, and infused it into many unexpected elements in the guest rooms. It begins at the entrance where a black metal bridge wraps around the corridor, with an L-shaped backlit pattern of white sparks. “The effect is like flying over a city at nighttime,” says Hansen. This same motif of explosive energy affects every element of the rooms, from molding that breaks into different pieces, to sculptural faucets, to faceted headboards.

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Circle 14


The oversized undulating wall of light, according to architect Diego Gronda, can transform based on season, event, or time of day, creating a festive and celebratory atmosphere and bringing the historic building to life with sophistication and a glowing vibrancy. “The Spark is programmed at different speeds depending on the area,” says Gronda. “For example, a slow, welcoming motion in both the welcome area and the restaurant provides a relaxing mood.”

“There were a lot of restraints in terms of architecture, and some of the designs were adapted to meet these technical challenges,” notes Thomas Hansen, principal at Frandsem Project Lighting.

Arola, the hotel’s signature restaurant by Sergi Arola, a twostarred Michelin executive chef, also sparkles with LEDs. “The restaurant at the W needs to be operative throughout the day and part of the night,” says Rockwell Group designer Maria Brime. “This meant that we had to give several moods based on time of the day, and of course based on the occupancy. The Spark changes color and speed depending on the vibe of the place, as it needs to be very soft and slow at breakfast, and as the day goes on into the evening, more vibrant colors and higher speeds were selected.” As the building dates from the mid-19th century, one of the biggest challenges was to give the space a continuity, using The Spark to provide a visual feeling of one space instead of a series of different rooms. “The Spark gives a lot of flexibility to the restaurant in terms of lighting, transforming the space completely depending on the time and/or the event, but never losing the connection with the historical details of the building,” adds Brime.

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Circle 15

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Circle 16

Vela OLED The Chandelier is crafted of precision cut aluminum and defined by a sleek, contemporary profile. 12 OLED panels illuminate the surface below, with an additional 12 panels shining up, providing a soft ambient light. The Sconce presents a commanding impression with 6 OLED panels providing even illumination with no glare. Impressive for an exceptionally thin, 2 inch deep luminaire. Perfect as a decorative focal point.

Circle 17 800.526.2588

SSLprofile: The arT of faux Daylight: lEDs DELivER CREDiBLE Space For art Mountain gallEriEs Jasper, Alberta, Canada

It’s not because she exhibits art that is deemed radical or spurious, but when it came time for Canadian artist and gallery owner Wendy Waco to lease space at the renovated Fairmount Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park, Alberta, all that was available was a windowless, pieshaped section in the lower level retail arcade of the main building. Waco, who operates two other galleries in resort destinations, had hoped she could take advantage of daylight and the surrounding Canadian Rocky Mountain vistas. An art gallery in an underground space wouldn’t exactly fulfil her ambitions—or would it? Not long after she committed to the 2,250-sq.-ft. space, she attended a store design conference and attended a presentation by lighting designer Bernard V. Bauer of Integrated Lighting Concepts, Westlake Village, California. Impressed by his retail projects, she approached him after the session and asked him if he would he be willing to take on the challenge of creating the lighting for below-grade art gallery. Bauer recalls Waco’s main driver was to create a daylight ambience to show the art works to their best advantage. Such an effort, he says, would require a combination of pushing the technology of 2010 and the aesthetics of multi-media art. He accepted her invitation to visit the site. That initial visit wasn’t promising, as adding to the challenge were the physical restrictions of the space. “Overhead was a complex

above: Jasper Park Lodge, first established in 1915, is a full service resort hotel that can accommodate up to 446 guests in its main building. While the resort provides great views of the Canadian Rockies, owner Wendy Waco had to settle for windowless basement space. Lighting designer Bernard Bauer, however, came up with lighting scheme that use LEDs to replicate a daylight feel. images: Bernard v. Bauer, LC, iES

existing ceiling substructure of low beams and utility pipes,” Bauer says. Ceiling heights range from a maximum of 11 ft., 6 in. down to 7 ft., 8 in. His objective was a lighting scheme that would produce a smooth physical and visual transition for visitors from

ARChitECtuRAL SSL • 09.12 • 39


Mountain gallEriEs, Jasper, Alberta, Canada

The ChaLLenge: Create a daylight-like space in a windowless sub-level of a prominent Canadian resort lodge that would appear natural enough to illuminate not only works of art in a natural light, but also allow guest painters, themselves, to work in an environment close to natural conditions. The SoLuTion: Lighting Designer Bernard Bauer conceived an artificial daylighting system made possible by color-tunable flat LED panels made to resemble skylights, down to daylight’s cool color temperature. three “skylight” zones were implemented and augmented with track LED to illuminate the art work in the remainder of the gallery, delivering not only a well-lit space, but an extremely energy-efficient space as well. ProjeCT CrediTS:

Client: Mountain Galleries, Wendy Waco lighting Design: Bernard v. Bauer, LC, iES ProduCTS:

go lighting: White led panels create faux skylights lutron: Lighting controls Juno, lsi: track lighting and accessories Phoster industries: par 30 and par 38 led display lamps

PLanned iLLuSion For the underground space Bauer’s design called for faux skylights which simulate sunlight with flat tunable LED panels from Go Lighting. the latter are capable of producing a color temperature ranging from 6500K (daylight) to 2700K. the fixtures can also be dimmed 10% or even ramped up to provide up to 200 fc of light when artists come in to draw or paint.

ups for light fixtures and faux skylights.

In the Zone

Ringing the “skylights” are white LED

Bauer divided Mountain Gallery into a series of

panels in three different lengths. “At noon, the

three exhibit zones. For the ambient lighting in

luminaires respond to the programmed control

the low-ceiling gallery, fixed lighting is on dur-

system to produce illumination at the 75- to 100-

ing business hours. Museum-quality accent and

representation of daylight by creating faux

fc level. At dawn and dusk, the simulation level

display fixtures have on/off controls and are dim-

skylights that would mimic the daily movements

dips to 10 fc. During evening hours, the ambient

mable. Narrow flood lamps simulate incandescent

of natural exterior daylighting. He mapped out

lighting level is 15 fc to 20 fc in the gallery and

accent lights for hanging art and sculpture.

the existing paths of the piping and the location

faux skylight areas,” Bauer explains.

the out-of-doors into the below-grade art gallery. His solution was based on a technical

of the beams and then calculated the placement of the faux skylights and the exhibit spaces.

Art works in the central display area are

At the entry adjacent to the main stairs is zone 1. LED panels are synchronized to the adja-

illuminated at less than 50 fc level utilizing two

cent “daylight” to shift chromaticity and

types of tracks containing white LED PAR display

intensity: Light levels, from 50 fc to 100 fc; 4000K

graphed to simulate day, dusk and evening

luminaires. PAR 30 and PAR 38 lamp holders

to 6000K daylight simulation; when dimmed to 10

hours. Tunable LEDs were Bauer’s choice for the

have similar spread and shaping lenses and

percent, shifts to 2700K.

entire gallery’s public spaces. Citing their long

glare shields. When needed, additional display

life, energy efficiency, and dimming flexibility,

illumination can be beamed from 17-watt PAR

high ceiling and simulated daylight is produced at

he used LEDs, with a CRI of 85, beamed at 6,500K

38 narrow floods and 13-watt PAR 30 spots and

gallery display, programmed to be synchronized

to simulate daylight conditions. These fixtures

floods. Display vitrines are illuminated by LED

with zone 1 under normal conditions. Lighting

could be modulated to 2,700K and dimmed 10%.

puck lights. Wall-mounted shelving for small art

level is boosted when the space is used as a work-

pieces have LED strip channels placed under-

ing artist’s studio.

Color and intensity of light was choreo-

To create a smooth architectural surface, overhead, a finished gypsum board ceiling was

neath the shelves. Both are rated at 3000K and

installed with allowances to accommodate pop-

80+ CRI.

40 • 09.12 • architecturaL SSL

In zone 2, in the relative center of the space,

Zone 3, is similar to Zone 1 and is synchronized with outside daylight as in Zones 1 and 2.•

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Piper Jaffray 6/2/11 5:26:03 PM

SSLprofile: Re-LIGHTING the Facade oF a CHICAGO CLAssIC with LED the RookeRy R Ry Chicago, Illinois

The Great Fire of 1871 swept most of Chicago clean. In its wake, municipal officials quickly realized the city needed to change the way buildings were planned and built. One of the first structures to emerge in this more safety-conscious era, was the Rookery, designed by Burnham & Root to be the headquarters for the Central Safety Deposit Co. Radical at the time, the firm proposed to make the building economically viable by extending its height to 11 floors by utilizing steel frame construction for the interior, combined with masonry load-bearing walls. Natural lighting, due to issues with stillemerging electricity, also played a key role in the design, as its curtain wall features large expanses of windows. This allowed light to be captured even where surrounding buildings cast their shadows. Today, the Rookery’s neighbors tower over it, negating its nighttime presence, something current property manager John Buck, sought to amend. Buck engaged New York-based Office for Visual Interaction (OVI) to devise a plan sensitive to the color, carvings and architectural details of the structure. OVI, led by Jean Sundin and Enrique Peiniger, had previously served as consultants on the re-lighting of one of Canada’s most historic structures—the Parliament Building in Ottawa. But this time, the designers did not have the benefit of accurate as-built drawings. “Key to the success of the project was to achieve the desired lighting distribution while meeting the Chicago

above: LED lighting for the Rookery grazes its richly detailed dark red terra cotta masonry facade to create a nighttime icon in the financial district. “Key to the success of the project was to achieve the desired lighting distribution while meeting the Chicago Landmark Commission’s preservation regulations that lighting hardware not be visible by pedestrians and did no damage to the façade,” says lighting designer Enrique Peiniger. Images: Adam Daniels, OVI

Landmark Commission’s preservation regulations that lighting hardware not be visible by pedestrians and did no damage to the facade,” says OVI principal Enrique Peiniger. OVI’s plan was to position miniature luminaires at every third level so that the illumination

ARCHItECtuRAL SSL • 09.12 • 43


the RookeRy, Chicago

THe CHaLLeNGe: the Rookery ranks as one of the most famous historic office buildings in the United States. Located in the heart of Chicago’s financial district, its 11-story height defied convention at a time when all-masonry load-bearing structures topped out at eight stories. As the city grew up around it, and somewhat dwarfed the building, it’s current owner wished to push back with some nighttime grandeur of its own. t to meet preservation regulations, however, all lighting hardware had to be concealed from pedestrian view.

GRavITaS A custom 3,000K warm white, high-performance 14.4-watt luminaire developed in concert with Zumtobel—the newly named ROOK LED—was mounted on a custom telescoping mounting arm assembled and tested at the site. the fixtures were installed every three stories to graze the windows.

THe SoLuTIoN: Custom luminaires manufactured specially for the project accentuate the fine stonework. While the building appears visually symmetrical, nearly every window condition is unique. All ledges have different stepped profiles and terra cotta ribs at various stone joints are in no specific rhythm. the solution was the miniature ROOK LED fixture, designed by the Office for Visual Interaction, (OVI), New York, in collaboration with Zumtobel designers and production consultants. specially developed for this project, each fixture measures 1.5 in. high and is mounted on a telescoping arm onto the granite window sills. PRojeCT CRedITS:

would graze the facade and detailing around the

redrawing the site conditions. During the mock-

Project: the Rookery Location: Chicago, Illinois architect: Burnham & Root client: the John Buck Company Lighting design: Office for Visual Interaction, electrical Installation: Rex Electric & technologies t

window frames with a soft glow of light. Line-of-

up stage, the team tested special optics to maxi-

sight studies were conducted to guide place-

mize the amount of light on the façade, minimize

ment of fixtures that would not be seen from the

power consumption, and prevent spill light into

street. OVI collaborated with Zumtobel to create

the night sky. For the final version of the fixture,

an LED fixture that was small enough to fit the

Zumtobel specialists employed micro-optics to

tight mounting dimensions, 1.5-in. high, with

flatten the cone’s elliptical beam to extend to its


enough power to beam upward from its posi-

proposed three-story-high illumination thrust

tion on the granite window sills. A 3,000K warm

without light trespassing and prevention of

white, high-performance 14.4-watt luminaire,

glare reaching late-working tenants.

Zumtobel Rook LED (Elevo LED spotlight)

the newly named ROOK LED, was mounted on a

which are small enough to fit into the palm

bled and mock-ups were tested at the site. “The

of a person’s hand, produce a total of 2,304

telescoping design accommodates the different

watts for “gentle yet precise illumination of the

ledge conditions and is lockable for field adjust-

facade, while highlighting its fine stucco work.”

ment and aiming,” Peiniger indicates.

Zumtobel’s ROOK LED custom design has been

Attached to the mounting bracket are polyurethane feet that protect the ledges from direct contact with the bracket’s metal elements. Because of the variation in placement on

44 • 09.12 • ARChitECtURAL SSL

Peiniger points out that the luminaires,

custom telescoping mounting arm was assem-

incorporated into its standard product portfolio, available as Elevo LED Spotlight. The Rookery’s facade illumination won the first prize as the best lighting solution in

the differently dimensioned ledges, OVI’s field

the World Architecture News Awards 2012

surveys produced data needed for accurately


the White pages

By Kevin Willmorth, editor

Product Reliability: It’s All About Testing A handle on LED testing nomenclature goes a long way While a great deal of attention is paid to LED lumen depreciation, this

leaks for outdoor product) to produce greater confidence in delivered

is only one indicator of serviceable life. There are other failure modes

product reliability.

as important to survivability. The following outlines basic tests used for reliability projections worth knowing more about.

MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure MTBF is a statistically derived prediction (from other test data col-

DVT: Design Verification Test.

lected) of elapsed time between inherent failures determined by test-

Test of products within the prescribed design parameters, includ-

ing a population of samples over time.

ing input voltage, current, circuit protection, environmental conditions (heat, moisture, etc.) Establishes the product is performing as

MTBF = (number of products tested × operating hours)/number of

designed. This includes testing of products under all intended applica-

failures observed

tion condition extremes. This is generally applied to serviceable products that can be repaired

RDT or ALT: Reliability Demo Test or Accelerated Life Test

and is an indicator of reliability. MTBF cannot be assumed to indicate

Testing of product in such a way as to accelerate exposure to condi-

actual service life, as it represents a period of time when a certain

tions within the design parameters for the product, without exposing

number of products will have failed—regardless of whether that num-

it to stress outside intended design limitations (example: Salt spray

ber of failures is acceptable in application.

testing of paint finishes).

FMEA: Failure Mode Effects Analysis HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Testing

This is the analysis of any system in order to determine the impact of

Test the product in such a way as to over-stresses it to force failures

failures of individual components—to establish a realistic prediction of

and expose weak links and failure cascades of dependent components

useful service life. This requires inclusion of actual testing combined

to isolate and expose root cause failures (example: Testing a product

with statistical analysis. In addition, this will include acceptable failure

under higher and higher ambient temperatures until failure). This is

modes and periods, as well as failure tolerance factors. For example,

used to establish components and assembly or construction issues that

critical systems with zero failure tolerance will produce shorter FMEA

require corrective action to increase the toughness of a product.

service life results, than products used where a percentage of failures is acceptable.

HASS: Highly Accelerated Stress Screen

product itself. This is generally applied to small production runs and

LM-80 + TM-21: Measuring Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources + Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources

products where any failure could be considered critical (example: A

Test and lumen depreciation projection protocols for establishing

24-hour elevated temperature burn in of all products produced before

lumen depreciation of LED light sources. This does not result in mea-

shipping to customers).

suring actual product life, but does provide information that is used in

In-line testing based on results of HALT data, stress products to the point of exposing failures without reducing the service life of the

conjunction with other test results to establish expected lumen degra-

HASA: Highly Accelerated Stress Audit

dation of a product put in service.

This test is similar to HASS, but applied to a statistically significant sampling of production products. Generally used for large production

Product failures are frequently the result of short cutting reliability

runs to reduce the number of products actually tested.

testing, a lack of understanding of reliability testing, or not being fully aware of variables that stress a product. The hallmark of a high qual-

ESS: Environmental Stress Screening

ity manufacturer is their investment in testing and ongoing quality

Testing of all or a portion of products in production within prescribed

checks, so asking them about their procedures and results is a worth-

environmental application conditions. May or may not include stressed

while exercise. Testing does not require large facilities or expensive

testing outside design limitations. Purpose is to create a simple in-

labs, but does require a commitment to customers that includes insur-

process test to weed out product failures (example: Testing for water

ing that the product delivered will deliver promised results.•

46 • 09.12 • architectural SSL

October 3-4, 2012 Washington Convention Center

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Lucifer Lighting Company Lumax Lighting Nippo Electric Pathway Lighting Philips Color Kinetics Rig-A-Lite Rize Enterprises Tempo Industries Times Square Lighting

EXHIBITORS 3G Lighting Aamsco Lighting Advanced Lamp Coatings Aleddra LED Lighting American Lighting

Apogee Translite AXIS Lighting Bock Lighting Brownsburg Electronik Cathode Lighting Systems ColorStars Group Contrast Lighting Crescent/Stonco C.W. Cole Lighting Douglas Lighting Controls ETC Architectural Flos USA G Lighting GE Lighting Solutions Hi-Lite Mfg Co. Intense Lighting Jesco Lighting Group

JLC-TECH Lighting LEDtronics LEE Filters Lighting Science Group Ligman Lighting USA Inc. Mobern Lighting MOSO USA Nicolaudie America Nora Lighting Optolum, Inc. Pacific LED-Tech Inc. Performance In Lighting Philips Consumer Luminaires Precision Architectural Lighting Prolume Prudential Lighting

RAB Lighting Radionic Hi-Tech Inc. Satco Selux Corporation Signtex Lighting Solais Lighting Soraa Specialty Lighting Industries Tivoli Vantage Controls Vode Lighting LLC WAC Lighting Whitegoods Xicato Inc. ZY Lighting *Exhibitors as of 08/07/12

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the White pages

By Kevin Dahlen, Director, Design and Development Kenall Lighting

LED High Bay Luminaires – Ready for Prime Time Instant-on and reduced maintenance big sells for LED in Hi Bay High-bay lighting is the most common type of lighting used in com-

Since traditional lamps are high-intensity near-point sources, the

mercial facilities that have high ceilings and require high foot-candle

optical design for these luminaires causes the area directly below the

levels. They are ideally suited for large spaces with mounting heights

luminaire to have a much higher illuminance than areas farther away

between 15 and 40 ft., and ambient temperatures between -4°F and

from the luminaire. In contrast, the smaller, multiple point-source

131°F. While high-bay lights have traditionally used high intensity dis-

and directional characteristics of LEDs can allow better control of the

charge (HID), metal halide (MH) or fluorescent lamps, many specifiers

distribution, with a resulting visible improvement in uniformity.

and facility managers are changing to LED luminaires. Properly designed and engineered LED-based high-bay lumi-

LED luminaires use different optics than traditional lamps because each LED is an individual point source. Effective luminaire

naires can offer big advantages for commercial applications. However,

design exploiting the directional nature of LED light emission can

it’s important to consider LED luminaires that take a systems-level

translate to lower optical losses, and higher luminaire efficacy. Con-

approach that includes driver design and thermal management, rather

sider of a couple of spaces that could benefit from LED:

than just retrofitting LED “bulbs” into existing fixtures.

Warehouse Lighting LED Lamp Life

Here’s where LED luminaires’ dramatic energy efficiency really makes

Correctly designed LED will not fail catastrophically, but rather slowly

an impact. Typically, lighting is viewed as a fixed expense, but it

dim. LED luminaires are determined to have “failed” when light output

shouldn’t be; energy costs can be dramatically reduced – up to 75%–

reaches 70% of original output. In fact, well designed fixtures can last

and maintenance can be virtually eliminated through the installation

over 50,000 hours making non-scheduled equipment downtime due to

of LED luminaires. Additionally, paired with occupancy sensors and/or

lamp failure nonexistent.

dimmable components they provide even greater energy efficiency.

How long is 50,000 hours? Based on the length a fixture is illu-

Further power savings are achieved from turning off the fixtures

minated per day, here is what a 50,000 lifetime translates into on an

when not in use. Workers often leave the traditional lights on continu-

annual basis:

ously because they take so long to warm up to full brightness. LED

Hours of Operation: 50,000 hours is:

luminaires light immediately, eliminating the need to have them on all

24 hours a day

the time.

5.7 years

18 hours per day

7.6 years

12 hours per day

11.4 years

ment so the combination of using fewer fixtures for shorter periods

8 hours per day

17.1 years

of time provides a lower energy bill and significantly reduced mainte-

With LED luminaires, maintenance costs are minimized as relamp-

Many LED retrofit installations don’t require a one-to-one replace-

nance expense.

ing may not be required during usable lifetime of the product. Another important consideration given that high bays are ceiling-mounted and

Cold Storage

may need the use of a lift to change out the burned fixture.

Conventional lighting and refrigeration systems typically work against each other. Lighting systems generate heat, which the refrigeration

LED Illumination – Ready for Prime Time

system needs to remove. In addition, lower temperatures typically

Debate continues about whether LEDs have the output in lumens.

reduce the efficacy of lighting systems. Therefore, more power is

Through advancements in technology and manufacturing, bright white

required to generate the desired illumination, which in turn, increases

LED luminaires for commercial lighting applications are in the market.

the load on the refrigeration system.

Recent legislation in the United States has led to the phase-out of

Facilities can save tens of thousands of dollars in yearly electric

mercury vapor ballasts and lamps as well as 150 to 500 watt MH lumi-

costs, and cut harmful emissions by thousands of tons by implement-

naires. LED technology fills these needs, while far exceeding govern-

ing a handful of simple, cost-effective efficiency measures to reduce

ment mandated efficiency standards.

electrical consumption and have a payback period of three years or

An LED luminaire incorporates an array of point sources that direct light precisely where it’s needed, with very little scattering or

less such as installing LED luminaires. Only certain technologies, such as LED luminaires, are capable of

loss. Light distribution is controlled by the placement of LEDs, as well

functioning for cold storage needs at temperatures that range from

as by efficient use of optics.

zero degrees to -40°C. •

48 • 09.12 • architectural SSL

Circle 18

Circle 19


Product Introductions

Stylin’ Tile Tile Gen II luminaires are available in a range of standard square and rectangular sizes and feature a shallow housing allowing them to be installed into tight spaces. Winning a Best of NeoCon Gold award for manufacturer Cooper Lighting, the fixtures can be mounted on surfaces, pendants or recessed into walls and ceilings. Units are available in five white color temperatures, along with several hundred custom colors, to suit both functional and decorative applications. Visit www.cooperlighting. com or Circle 306.

“In the last two or three years LED technology has matured beyond our expectations—this was clear at Light and Building in Frankfurt this year, where convincing technical lighting tools using white light LED were presented with confidence and maturity by every significant manufacturer.”

1 New Video Solution A small solution could have a big impact on LED video installations: The VC-Grid 25 from Martin Professional is a 200mm-x-200mm video module that connects via a combined power and data cable allowing for easy daisy-chain arrangements Visit or Circle 305.

2 Expanding Fixture-Design Options MaxLite introduces “Pancake” (left), which features an innovative optical design producing ambient backlight to evenly illuminate decorative glass in pendants and torchiers. “Eclipse” (right), incorporates an en exposed heat sink to allow 10% cooler running temperatures. Visit www.maxlite. com or Circle 304.

3 Class Is In Session The schoolhouse-styled Milford pendant is anything but old-fashioned, once you get past its milk-glass shade. The W.A.C. Lighting fixture’s LED lamp delivers 370 lumens of 3000K illumination while drawing only 5.6W. It can be matched to a range of low- and line-voltage track and rail systems. Visit or Circle 303.

50 • 09.12 • Architectural SSL

Product Introductions


Turn up the Heat The Altena luminaire incorporates four LED “pucks” that each can be tuned to one of four different color temperatures, ranging from 2500K to 3150K, with a simple manual twist. The clean-lined Philips fixture is designed in acid-etched glass and produces illumination comparable to four 40W incandescent lamps while drawing a total of only 30W. Visit www. or Circle 302.

Even though potential for energy savings over incandescent and halogen, CFL, and many HID systems is proven, market penetration remains low. However, changes in design approach, expansion of available solid-state products, improvements in product reliability and trust, coupled with rapidly declining product prices, will change the pace of adoption rapidly.

4 A Less Dotty Approach GE Lighting’s new Visual Comfort Lens, designed, especially for retail applications, diffuses LED-produced illumination to eliminate the light “dots” or spots the technology can produce, at the same time providing a CRI as high as 92. Visit www.gelighting. com or Circle 301.

5 Hid Replacement The 45W DuroSite LED Low Bay fixture from Dialight is designed as a direct replacement for 70W to 100W HID luminaires at mounting heights under 15 ft. It’s crafted for use in cold-storage, parking garage and other extreme applications, with lumen packages ranging from 3,800 lumens to 17,000 lumens. Visit or Circle 300.

6 NARROWING THE BEAM The NanoLED NXT from USAI Lighting provides beam spreads ranging from 10 degrees to 50 degrees, with more than 1,000 delivered lumens, all within a 2.5-in. aperture. A plug-and-play design enables easy transition between downlight, adjustable and wall-wash functions. Visit or Circle 299.

Architectural SSL • 09.12 • 51


Product Introductions

Nighty-Night... The new Levo wall fixture does double duty as a dimmable wall sconce and bedside reading light. The walnut and aluminum luminaire from Cerno incorporates a rotatable swing-arm light source that turns on automatically when the arm is extended. Both sconce and swing-arm lamps operate independent of each other, offering a color temperature of 2700K and color rendering index of 85. Visit or Circle 298.

“The opportunity certainly exists to produce improvements in visual lighting performance. The question is whether as the technology matures, will applied lighting quality be pursued as a priority.”

HOW MUCH LIGHT DO YOU NEED? is modular. is scalable. is It’s common sense, heat fins fill with dirt and don't work when the product is mounted on the ground. Our fixture body IS the heat sink to ensure effective thermal management.



4K A

Choose from seven CCT’s: G B • 2700K, 3000K and 4000K white • Amber for turtle safe zones • Red, Green or Blue for theatrical effect

Integral 12VAC driver installs onto standard low voltage lighting circuits.

Quick Disconnects simplify changes.

With adjust-e-lume® technology, you set the lumen output at the right level for your project. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3..........4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

featuring TECHNOLOGY •

Circle 20 BK_Half_Pg_SSL_SEPT_2012_all.indd 1

Circle 21 8/24/2012 4:28:59 PM

Product Introductions


They Fit right In LED Troffers from LaMar Lighting pair the look of contemporary fluorescent fixtures with the efficiency and low maintenance of LED lamping. Designed for use in commercial applications, such as offices and schools, the fixtures output more than 3000 lumens, at a standard color temperature of 4000K. Visit www.lamarlighting. com. or Circle 297.

“Retrofitting LED into old systems is especially thorny. DMX-based systems still rule the roost for control of kinetic applications. But as white-light LED for all-round lighting applications becomes the norm, DMX is overkill for essentially scene-setting systems.”

Architecturally Styled Luminaire with Advanced Solid State Technology.

LED Lighting With Style Serrano® LED infuses the latest solid state technology into a high performance, architecturally elegant design. With efficacies up to 95 lumens per watt and a batwing distribution, Serrano® LED blends quality, uniformity, and energy savings.

Circle 22

Ad Index



alanod / miro amerlux B-K Lighting columbia lighting / hubbell cooper lighting Cree Inc. GE LIGHTING hunza IALD kenall Kim Lighting / hubbell ledtronics LIGHTSEARCH lightshow east metal coaters / nci buildings mp lighting Nora lighting peerless lighting philips gardco philips ledalite RAB lighting reed exhibitions / design lighting tokyo 2013 seesmart led Seoul semiconductor Sternberg Lighting terralux The continuing architect USGBC W.A.C. lighting zenaro lighting,

letters to the editor:

Finding Flicker Frustrating


NUD-77 Series

LED L INE AR L i g h t i n g

120 Volt · Dimmable

I read the latest [ Aug. 21st] issue [of the SSL Online Newsletter] and the story on ASSIST’s new flicker studies and recommendations and I must admit that I am a bit disappointed with their model. They fitted the linear model into data which is definitely not linear. Consequently, if one tries to predict thresholds for 100Hz the value comes up negative. Further on, it seems that they didn’t take into account the effect of duty cycle at all. Finally, the model is only valid for square waves. Having all these in mind, what’s the range of applications for such a model?


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Circle 17 Circle 09

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27 33 52 53 37 17 35 36 55 25 BC 29 55 47 09, 11, 13 IBC 54 06 19 10 IFC-01 41 49 04 12 49 42 45 38 21

Editorial Preview: IN THE NOVEMBER ISSUE: We’ll review 2012 and summarize positives and negatives in the continuing evolution of solid-state lighting. Elsewhere, we’ll take a look at the world of illuminating high-end retail and it’s use of the technology. On the project front, we’ll head to Manhattan to visit the offices of professional services firm Ernst + Young (below) for a closer examination of their lighting retrofit which included a substantial amount of LED. On the other side of the country, we’ll pop into the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, and take in it’s dazzling Chandelier Bar. Also, the latest round in CALiPER testing and other news developments.

With kind regards, GOSIA perz Editor’s Note: Flicker is a hot-button issue we will


NUD-44 Series

Bravo Plus NUD-48 Series

continue to address in the magazine and on SSL Interactive. If you’ve got any suggestions of points to explore, please fire them back to jimc@architecturalssl. com. In the interim look to SSL Interactive for the story above as well as more on this subject, including a presentation from ArchLED by DOE’s Naomi Miller.

Te l 8 0 0 . 6 8 6 . 6 6 7 2 | n o r a l i g h t i n g . c o m Circle 23 54 • 09.12 • Architectural SSL



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By Kevin Willmorth

I Don’t Do Jumping Jacks or Shake Pom Poms

Despite a general disposition toward skepticism, I find myself frequently cheering on the advancement of solid-state lighting. It’s a technology that’s by no means perfect, but I’d rather move forward than backward.


sion of electronics unpleasant when all I really

glare bomb products as lighting advancements is

want is a simple, easy-to-use finished product. It’s

a particular sticking point. Another is the explo-

hard not to romantically look back at the 12-volt

sion in non-lighting members of the solid-state

halogen-era as a simpler, more fun time. I lighted

community, expressing their neophyte views on

conference tables with automotive headlamps,

lighting topics, drawn from brief forays to the

and sold sculptures made from hardware store

touch stone of SSL engineers—the Home Depot.

copper wire, without a care to heat sinks or cur-

The technology is also over-sold, over-hyped, and

rent controls. At times, dealing with solid-state

filled with misleading marketing fictions, regard-

tech providers is like asking a parochial school

less of efforts to control it. It’s a light source, a

nun for a red crayon. By the time you get done

good one to be sure… but just a light source, not

with the inquisition over the use of said crayon

a cure for cancer, or savior of the universe as we

and how many inches are to be drawn with it, the

know it.

When writing about topics involving solid-state,

inspiration has passed. On the other hand, LEDs

Yet, when writing on this topic, I frequently

I attempt to be as objective as possible. While

are really neat-o little gadgets, and once you get

find myself cheering it on. It’s hard not to see the

some interpret objectivity as balancing nega-

used to their queer behavior, wreck a handful of

potential in it. I am normally not the cheerleader

tives and positives, I feel that objectivity does not

them, and burn your fingers on inadequate ther-

type, and certainly don’t own pom-poms. My

always work that way. There are many discus-

mal pathways, they can open new doors in design.

disposition is more suited to being skeptical and

sions where there is only one side. For example,

Over the last decade I have invested a

critical. Give me anything good and I can point to

there is no case for opposing the supposition

great deal of personal time and resources in

three things that realistically put it in its place.

that children should not be thrown from moving

understanding, experimenting and exploring the

Yet, for solid-state, I find the balance between

vehicles. While I am sure there are parents on

potential of SSL. I can say without doubt, it’s not

being critical and enthusiastic weighed toward

long road trips that might argue the point, the

a perfect technology, not even close. But, in com-

the positive. It’s just cool, even if the majority of

topic of airborne children has but a single dimen-

paring this new thing to the old things I have had

its uses today are a complete bore to me. So, when

sion. Of course, in the Twitter-verse, there will

to work with, I find no interest in going backward.

I feel my objectivity sliding too far to the flowery

be mention of baby birds thrown from nests, or

As a renaissance autodidact who frequently

meadow-frolicking side, I visit the websites of new

skydiving families tossing a reluctant child from

blends blacksmithing, lathe work on vintage

LED product marketers and read spec sheets, or

an airplane, and examples of how being thrown

machines, modern CNC machining and 3D plastic

open emails from importers who think I am their

from a car as a youth changed someone’s/uncle’s/

modeling processes with complete disregard for

friend. That works to break the cheery mood and

friends/neighbor’s/teacher’s life in some fantasti-

the traditional boundaries being stomped upon

cal way. This is not objectivity; it’s just the idiocy

in the doing of these things—objectivity is about

gives me a good chuckle every time.•

of the inter-web.

being open to any and all potential. This means

There are certainly components to solidstate lighting that have several dimensions worthy of consideration. I, for one, find the intru-

56 • 09.12 • ArchitecturAl SSL

thinking outside boxes. Of course there are times when aspects of solid-state are infuriating. The presentation of

about the author:

Kevin Willmorth, a lighting expert and fixture designer, has been instrumental in helping create a vision and mission statement for Architectural SSL.



Adjustable 14W LED Downlight


Scan for L144 product info

Circle 24

The NEW L144 features ø4-7/8” recessed trim, 70° vertical tilt, and 360° rotation. Light output comparable to a 50W MR16 recessed luminaire.

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This is the Next Revolution in LED Outdoor Lighting. This is Kim Lighting. Circle 25

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