HT 42d deliversprecise nutritio heatto42 days gestation.St specific nutritionfor the firs gestationfrom42 days, birth andgrowthupto2 months
*OnlyavailabletoRoyalCaninBreedersClubmembersviatheWebshopfrom1st December2022–31stJanuary2023.IncludesProfessionalorLargestavailablebag sizeonly.Excludeswetdiets.MinimumorderattheWebshop15kg.Whilestockslast.
“It is with great pleasure that I fill in for Ulla Greenwood as she is currently overseas.
As we enter the last month of the year, we still have a number major events to enjoy. Last weekend we had the Ipswich Kennel Club Shows, followed by the DQ Fundraising Show on 17 December 2022 and finishing the year with the Festive Fiesta from 29 December 2022 to 1st January 2023.
Membership Renewals are also now in full swing with approximately a quarter of the Membership having renewed already. Just a reminder that the discounted 2023 Membership Rate will be available to Members until midnight on 12 December 2022, after which the prices will revert to the normal rate.
The Board met on Monday evening, 28 November, for the final time in 2022. It is sometimes very easy to forget that the 12 Directors are volunteers. Having worked with them all collectively and individually for the last 12-15 months (some for a considerably longer length of time), they all work extremely hard for the Dog World.
One of the major items that the Board approved was the Budget for 2023. As Members would be aware Memberships, Prefix Renewals and Judges Licence Fees remained unchanged once again. At this latest Meeting the Board also agreed that Club Affiliation Fees would remain at the current level –all Clubs will be invoiced shortly.
The Board looked at the fees charged by the other Member Bodies and also the current Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Brisbane until the end of the September, the previous 12 months saw a rise of 7.9%.
It is important for the ongoing viability of the business that the Board budgets realistically but with an awareness to keep increases to a minimum where possible.
Bearing both these factors in mind, it was agreed that the following fees would be increased by 5%, rounded up or down as per below. It was agreed however that Titles would be increased by the CPI Rate of around 8%.
2022 Fee 2023 Fee
Prefix Application $150 $155 (This includes the yearly maintenance fee that remains at the current level)
Registration Per Pup
Under 4 months $51 $54 Over 4 and under 6 months $81 $85 Over 6 and under 12 months $102 $107 Over 12 and under 18 months $113 $119
$37 $39
Imported Dogs/Semen $114 $120 Imported Dogs/Semen – NZ only $76 $80 Other Reregistrations $76 $80 (Tenterfield Terriers, Greyhounds, Murray River Retrievers, Australasian Bosdogs)
Sporting Register $36 $38 Associate Register $20 $21
Lease Agreements
$60 $63
Replacements Certificates $25 $26 Export Pedigree $72 $76 Extended Pedigree (5 generations) $36 $38
Champ Titles
$40 $43 Other Awards $30 $33
On behalf of the Dogs Queensland Office, I wish all Members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The following rules and regulations are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules and regulations to take effect from 1 July 2024.
All submissions for changes to these Rules and Regulations should be submitted to Barb Murfet, at cbmurfet@bigpond.com no later than Monday 30 January 2023.
For those members wishing to submit changes, the procedure for reviewing existing rules and documents is as follows:
To assist with what at times is a complex process, the following procedure is to be followed for all Rule and Document reviews.
Step 1. ANKC Ltd sends to all Directors the rules for review in, MS Word format (not PDF) along with the procedure that must be followed.
Step 2. A closing date is set for each state to submit their proposed changes and no late submissions will be accepted.
Step 3. The proposed changes must be in the format as described below.
Step 4. On or before the closing date the state sends their submission back the ANKC Ltd in both MS Word and PDF format.
Step 5. Changes shall be recorded as follows;
Black – Current Rules
Blue – Repeat existing rule (Qld – place your state at the beginning)
Blue Unlined – proposed additions
Blue Strikethrough – proposed deletions
Red – Rationale
Blue – and shaded in yellow State has accepted the proposal
Step 6. When the ANKC Ltd has received the proposed changes from each state they combine these into one document. Check that each change begins with the state making the submission eg. (Vic) or (WA). Wherever the word ‘dog” is used in these Regulations it includes both sexes.
Below is an Example: Section 1. Purpose.
1.1.1 The purpose of non competitive Herding Tests is to offer herding breed owners a standardised gauge by which a dog’s basic instinct and trainability are measured.
(WA) Proposed Changes 1.1.1
1.1.1 The purpose of non competitive Herding Tests is to offer ANKC Ltd herding breed owners a standardised gauge by which a dog’s basic instinct and trainability are measured.
(WA) Rationale 1.1.1
To further substantiate the Introduction’s explanation of the Programs Purpose
For more information, click on the following links:
*Procedure for Reviewing Existing Rules and Documents
* Rules For The Conduct Of Scent Work Trials
* Regulations Part 3N For The Conduct Of Scent Work Trials Judges Training Scheme
Dogs Australia wish to advise the approval of the application received from the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Queensland Inc to conduct the 2024 National Show on the 13 and 14 August 2024 at the Dogs Queensland Showgrounds, Durack, Queensland. The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA) has confirmed these dates will not clash with the breed judging at the 2024 Brisbane Royal Show (EKKA).
In the first twenty years of elections, Dogs Australia has received nominations for 57 dogs and 43 people to be considered for induction into the Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame. From the nominations received 35 outstanding dogs and 26 exceptional people have been inducted.
The criteria for the two categories for selection are the following:
1. Outstanding Gundogs (must be permanently retired from further competition and have not competed for the past 12 months, or be deceased)
(a) Their record as a winning dog i.e., CLUB – STAKE – DATE – JUDGE PLACE and/or
(b) Their production record.
(c) The eligibility for a dog should be based on its entire competitive career and previous record as a producer, not merely for a particular win or for a heroic deed within the field and retrieving trial sphere.
(d) Subject to the receipt of a formal application, dogs that have been awarded the title of Grand Champion and have gained a total number of points equal to, or greater than, twice the total number required for that award, shall automatically be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Such applications must include full particulars and a brief resume of the dog's career.
(e) Subject to the receipt of a formal application, dogs winning at least two National Championships in the same discipline shall automatically be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Such applications must include full particulars and a brief resume of the dog's career.
Their record of a broad combination of accomplishments as:
(a) Club official
(b) Judge (c) Owner (d) Handler
The distinction of nomination should be accorded to those who have made outstanding contributions to the field or retrieving game. Nominees should be givers to the sport and not takers
Nominations are now being called for the current year In addition to applications submitted in relation to Outstanding Gundogs 1 (d) and 1(e), a maximum of two other outstanding gundogs and two prominent persons may be elected each year.
1. Clubs or Members may nominate DOGS and PEOPLE considered worthy of awards, including full details of accomplishments within the above categories and with verification. In the case of dogs, nominations should include the full name, title, owner and date of birth.
[Please note it is a condition of nomination that the nominator/s provides accurate written material supporting the nomination. In the absence of such accurate supporting material, or should the supporting material later prove to be inaccurate in areas of significance, the Selection Panel for the Dogs Australia Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame reserves the right to reconsider its decision and if appropriate, delete the name of the Prominent Person or Outstanding Dog from the list of inductees.]
2. Nominations shall close on the 31 May 2023 at respective Member Body offices for forwarding to Dogs Australia
3 Please use the proforma nomination forms that are available from all Member Body offices and the Dogs Australia website at
At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held in Sydney:
• Ms Pam Campbell was elected unopposed as Vice President for a one-year term from 15 October 2022.
• Mr David Sales was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for a one-year term from 15 October 2022.
• Mrs Ulla Greenwood was elected as a member of the Executive Committee for a one-year term from 15 October 2022.
At the October 2022 Dogs Australia Board meeting, Directors resolved/considered the following:
Earlier this year Dogs Australia requested feedback from members as to the suitability of a proposed ramp breed listing as a proposed definitive list of breeds which may or may not be ramped or tabled.
The Board has made no final decision at this time in relation a Ramp Use Policy and has referred the matter to the National Breed Standards Coordination Group to review the submissions received from members and the Board will consider the matter again next year.
It was agreed for the following Infectious Diseases or Viruses regulation endorsed at the February 2022 Special Board meeting to be added to Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows as Clause 2.3.7 and will be effective from 1 January 2023.
a) If a dog has been in a kennel or premises affected with distemper, canine hepatitis, parvovirus or any other virulent contagious disease (except Kennel Cough), it shall not be permitted to attend any State Member Body event or grounds for a period of 12 weeks from the date of the first diagnosis or onset of symptoms
b) If a dog has been in a kennel or premises affected with or diagnosed with Canine Cough (also referred to as Kennel Cough or Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex) it shall not be permitted to attend any State Member Body event or grounds for a period of three weeks after the date of the first diagnosis or onset of symptoms.
c) An event organiser or affiliate official may ask for a dog to be immediately removed from any State Member Body event or grounds if that dog is visibly unwell or showing symptoms of the contagious diseases listed in (a) or (b). This shall be recorded in the Representative’s report.
3. Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: Amendment to Section 4.1
December 2022/January 2023
It was resolved that Regulations Part 5 – Section 1 – Definitions and Classes Regulation 1.1.7 that
Five of Australia’s peak dog breeding organisations have banded together to provide $40,000 for Ukrainian dog breeders and their dogs, who have been massively impacted by the war and are in serious need of help.
The money has been donated to the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) – the World Canine Organisation – which has opened a special bank account to help the Ukrainian Kennel Union and breeders badly affected by the war.
“This horrific war has placed breeders and their dogs at great risk, directly threatening their welfare and their lives. We wanted to help our Ukrainian friends who have been affected,” says Hugh Gent OAM, President of Dogs Australia. “There are many wonderful dog people in Ukraine, and we wanted to show our solidarity. Ukraine is well known as a professional organiser of dog shows and was due to hold the FCI World Dog Show in 2023.”
In a thank you letter to Dogs Australia, Mr Yves De Clercq, Executive Director of FCI, said the money “will be used professionally, transparently and efficiently to help Ukrainian breeders and their dogs, either in their home country or in their rehoming country. They and their dogs all badly need the international help, and your attitude shows your solidarity, empathy and concern for our Ukrainian friends.”
Donations were made by Dogs Australia’s member bodies: Dogs NSW, Dogs Queensland, Dogs Victoria, Dogs West and Dogs Tasmania, and Dogs Australia
matched the contribution dollar for dollar.
“The international dog breeding community is very close-knit, and we have all been devastated to hear that many breeders and their dogs are living in terrible conditions, many of them in hiding, or they’ve had to flee to other countries to save their own lives and those of their beloved dogs,” says Hugh. “But they have not abandoned their dogs, and they need as much help as possible.”
For anyone wanting to donate to help Ukrainian breeders and their dogs, head to: https://www. fci.be/en/Solidarity-with-Ukraine-3666.html. Any amount or donation is welcome and will be used entirely and solely to help breeders and their dogs.
Dogs Australia is a not-for-profit organisation, promoting responsible dog ownership. It is the consumer face of the Australian National Kennel Council, which was established in 1958. www.dogsaustralia.org.au
Aussie dog breeders pull together to raise much-needed funds for their war-impacted peers in Ukraine
The history of the Jack Russell Terrier in England is fairly well documented from its origins as a white bodied terrier bred to bolt the fox without damaging it, from its den during the hunt, by Parson John Russell – the curate of several parishes in Devon and an avid follower of Foxhounds.
In Australia, dogs were brought in from the UK by immigrants, and during the 1960s by the wellknown Roycroft show jumping family. Many of today’s Jacks have those Roycroft dogs in their pedigrees.
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Australia was formed in those 1960s, and a registration system was started. The club held breed shows, and had several discussions with the ANKC regarding accepting the Jack Russell as a pure breed. This eventually happened, and from 1 January 1991 dogs who were registered with the JRTCA could be transferred onto the ANKC Registers.
The Breed standard calls for a marginally longer than tall dog standing between 25 and 30cms at the withers, and comes in three coat types –smooth, rough and broken, which is in between. It is said that the broken coat was John Russell’s favourite “The best breed are wire haired. The peculiar texture does not interfere with the profile of the body, though there is a shaggy eyebrow and a pronounced moustache. The eyebrow is the
great mark, giving the dog the look of a Bristol merchant.......” and “White is the useful as well as the fashionable colour but a coloured ear or head is not objectionable...” (Thomas Henry Pearce “Idstone” who owned the Parson’s Terriers). Hence the requirement in the Breed Standard is for a predominantly white dog.
The Jack Russell is generally happy and an outgoing little dog, willing to please, but sometimes with a naughty streak! Remembering that they were bred to bolt the fox from its den by barking, they can be noisy when excited, or greeting someone at the gate.
Natural hunters, they will go for lizards, snakes and anything else that moves quickly, and will be totally focussed on that job.
They are trainable, as witnessed by the number that can be seen on TV commercials, and are successful in dog sports such as Agility, Lure Coursing and Earthdog.
The breed is generally healthy and has a long life span of 14-15 years. Occasionally an eye condition PLL (Primary Lens Luxation) may occur, and also Canine Hyperuricosuria (elevated levels of uric acid in the urine, which may form stones in the urinary tract.) DNA tests are available for these conditions, and many breeders are now having these tests done on their breeding stock.
There also were a very few cases of Legge Calve Perthes several years ago but nothing recently. Perthes is a lameness in, usually one hip caused by an inadequate blood supply to the femoral head, resulting in an improper fit of the hip ball and socket, causing arthritis if not surgically fixed.
Jack Russell Terriers are great family dogs, but because they can be enthusiastic, children over three are best suited. Training should begin early, so that your dog becomes well-mannered and easy to live with.
Jacks do not like to be left alone, so having someone at home most of the time is recommended. Being left on their own in the yard could cause boredom, and being Terriers could also cause them to dig holes!! An absolute MUST
is a well-fenced secure yard, and they do like to be a part of the family, living with you.
For their size, they are very active, so consideration should be given as to your lifestyle. They do like to travel with you, and there are plenty of caravan parks that will allow a wellbehaved dog on their grounds.
Regular grooming is essential for all types of coat, as they do moult! For those owners who enjoy some activity, the Jack Russell Terrier Club of NSW conducts regular Race Days, including a Members’ Point Score, an ideal opportunity for owners and their families to get together and swap Jack Russell stories!
So for an all-round good fun dog, who can go past a Jack Russell Terrier? It might be small, (maximum 6kgs in weight) but it really is a big personality in a little package.
The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 (ACPA) has been the principal legislative framework for animal welfare in Queensland for the past 21 years. Despite significant advances over that time in the science of animal welfare and increased community awareness of, and concerns about, animal welfare no review of the Act had been undertaken.
A discussion paper, Review of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 Discussion Paper (the Discussion Paper) was released in April 2021 and submissions for responses to the paper closed in May 2021. Dogs Queensland not only made written submissions but also, led by Ulla Greenwood and Elisa McCutcheon, appeared before the Parliamentary Committee.
Now finally a series of amendments to that Act have passed through the Queensland Parliament.
There are a few changes that either affect our members or are, at least, of interest to them and they are:
• Banning of prong collars.
• Tightening the provisions around tail docking.
• Greater powers for RSPCA inspectors to intervene where there is an immediate threat to an animal’s welfare.
• Greater potential for scrutiny of the performance of RSPCA inspectors via increased disclosure obligations.
The legislation provides that;
(1) a person must not possess any of the following devices (each a prohibited device) – unless the person has a reasonable excuse): a. a prong collar b. another restraint device prescribed by regulation.
(2) A person must not use a prohibited device on an animal unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
The maximum penalty for this is 100 penalty units.
Dogs Queensland has banned the use of such devices by its members way back in 2008 so the prohibition with respect to prong collars should not have any impact on members.
There was concern about the nature of the restraint devices to be prohibited under the proposed legislation as this was unclear, particularly as the examples provided refer to collars, leads, harnesses, muzzles, halters (being restraint devices in common use). In relation to “another restraint device prescribed by regulation”, Dogs Queensland did argue for a tightening of the wording that originally stated, “and other devices” to “similar devices”. Theoretically under the legislation even a conventional collar or
– David Margan Removing exercise mandates for confined dogs.harness may have may have fallen within the scope of the prohibition. Despite representations by Dogs Queensland that the nature of the prohibited restraint devices should be clearly specified, this has been left to be prescribed in the regulations.
The new amendments also now prohibit the supply (or on-supply) of a dog which has been debarked or other regulated procedure performed on it such as ear cropping and tail docking.
The story of tail docking is much the same with its prohibition and related fines tightened and toughened as the legislation explanatory notes states: “Section 24 no longer allows a lay person to dock a dog’s tail in a prescribed way. A dog’s tail is only permitted to be docked in the interests of the dog’s welfare, and only by a veterinary surgeon. This aligns with community expectations, and similar restrictions have been introduced on tail docking in other Australian jurisdictions.” In addition, the legislation now also prohibits cropping a dog’s ear.
In addition to existing offences with respect to
animal cruelty, the government has toughened the punishment for serious breaches of duty of care with respect to animal welfare that cause death, serious deformity, serious disability or prolonged suffering of an animal by creating a new offence of ‘aggravated’ breach of duty of care; “This new offence is a reflection of the community’s expectation that offences that subject animals to gross neglect should be subject to higher penalties.” Consequently, the penalty for this is now a maximum 2,000 penalty units or 3 years imprisonment which is comparable with prison sentences for aggravated cruelty in other Australian jurisdictions and in New Zealand, which range from 2 years to 5 years.
In July 2020, the then Natural Resources, Agricultural Industry Development and Environment Committee requested the Queensland Auditor-General to undertake an audit of the effectiveness of the department’s oversight of the RSPCA to perform animal welfare investigations on behalf of the State. Consequently, the Animal Welfare legislation has been amended clarifying some of the responsibilities of the RSPCA and strengthening the department’s role in overseeing the RSPCA’s regulatory functions and
Written by distinguished veterinarian Karen Hedberg, the Dog Owner’s Manual takes you through the process of choosing and raising a puppy. It also includes breeding, geriatric care, lists canine ailments and summarises various treatments.
Clearly written and easy to comprehend, this book provides an up-to-date one-stop reference for both breeders and all those who really care for their dogs.
To purchase your copy, visit Dogs Queensland, phone the office on 3252 2661 or email pina@dogsqueensland.org.au. The Dog Owner’s Manual is priced at only $50.00 plus postage.
managing the performance of RSPCA inspectors.
One of the new amendments has removed the specific obligation to exercise closely confined dogs which had particular application with respect to the transport of dogs over distances. As well as this being very difficult to enforce the government has decided that the issue is adequately covered under Section 18 (Animal cruelty prohibited) of the ACPA. Section 18 provides that a person is cruel to an animal if they confine it in such a way that is inappropriate for the animal’s welfare.
Further, in relation to canine transport new amendments have increased the fines for the inadequate transport of dogs. RSPCA statistics have reported that nationwide 5,000 dogs each year are either injured or killed as a result of jumping, falling, or protruding from a moving vehicle. Dogs must be secured to prevent them falling from escaping from or protruding from a vehicle.
Finally, dog knowledge and expertise is getting a nod with an amendment relating to the making of codes of practice that sees after the use of the word ‘welfare” the addition of the phrase, “based on good practice and scientific knowledge.”
Despite representations by Dogs Queensland, the amended welfare legislation may be more notable for what it doesn’t include, namely provisions to either outlaw ‘puppy farms’ or at least seriously constrain their activities and no change to the Queensland government’s failed Breeder Identification Number (BIN) system.
In fact, it would seem that the government and its departmental officers still have a completely misguided view of the efficacy of the BIN system.
This may be explained by the government’s concern that an acknowledgement of the failure of the BIN system would necessarily involve a properly run system requiring proof of competency and strict enforcement, all of which would require an adequate budget.
The Queensland government has already saved itself millions by largely farming out the management of animal welfare in the state to the RSPCA at the bargain price of $640,000 a year.
Animal welfare should be a moral and ethical issue not an accounting squib.
Situated at Springwood, QLD on a beautiful 15 acre property 22km from Brisbane GPO
• Fully licenced and permitted Kennel for 25 dogs.
• Great working Kennel – large off-leash area.
• Reception area. Entry – Automated gates.
• Newly renovated 3 Bedroom, 11/2 Bathroom Brick house.
• Has been run as a successful Boarding Kennel since 1973 – Owners wish to retire.
• Suitable for established Trainer, Breeder Show Dogs, Groomers, Vets, Not Boarding. Contact Tracey on 0447 384 080
On Sunday 13 November 2022, the Dogs Queensland Showgrounds at Durack turned into a sea of gold and cream.
The Golden Retriever Club of Queensland Inc held its ‘Goldens on the Grass’ funday.
Hundreds of Golden Retrievers of every age and colour were brought along by their doting owners. The club spent months in the planning and preparation to ensure everyone had a fantastic day out.
Displays included dog Obedience, Dances With
Dogs, scurry, best dressed dog and much more.
Stalls, competitions, displays and raffles added to the enjoyment. So many dogs enjoyed a dip in the wading pools!!!
Our MC, Murray Shoring, himself a Golden Retriever enthusiast, kept everyone updated with the timetable of events and announced the winners of the progressive raffle draws throughout the day.
An absolute favourite was our Santa photos. Life Member Shayne Careless did a great job as Santa. A huge thank you to Patrik Berger for his time and patience with the photos. Patrik also kindly supplied a lovely photo of our club volunteers who
were present on the day.
Thank you to all who attended and contributed in making the day a success. Hopefully these Golden Retriever owners will have a greater insight into the abilities of this beautiful breed and the activities they can enjoy together.
It is always heartwarming when so many members come together to promote pedigree dogs and our spectacular Durack grounds and super cafe.
The Club was established in 1974 to promote the general improvement of the quality, breeding, exhibiting and working of Golden Retrievers in Queensland. We hold the highest standards, ethics and practices and together with a number of resources on hand our aim is to help ‘Golden’ owners enjoy the best life possible with their dog.
Next eventChampionship and Open Shows at Durack: 29 April 2023
For more informationEmail Karen Vowell at https://grcq.org.au/
From left back row: Shayne Careless (Life Member), Cheree Pattison, Carolyn Ryan (Life Member), Sheryl McCarthy, Jess Careless with Harvey (our next generation Golden lover) Front row:- Rachael Ritter, Tam Young, Teagan Pattison, Neisha Gredden Patrik Berger PhotographyThe Dachshund Club of Queensland has hosted a number of fun events this past year in conjunction with Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue – a charity group that the club supports. D2DR raise funds to assist with the fostering, care and rehoming of older dachshunds.
The latest fund-raising event was a Christmas Twilight event, held on Saturday 19 November 2022 at the Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds.
Various stall holders were invited to attend, all selling a wonderful array of Dachshund related items, ideal for Christmas gifts.
The biggest drawcard on the day was the ‘Dachie Dash’ with the fancy dress competition coming a close second. Santa made an appearance too! It’s wonderful to see families enjoying timeout with their dogs and to be able to offer pet owners some fun activities to do with their Dachshunds, all whilst supporting our club and hopefully attracting new members. A great afternoon was had by all who attended.
– Words and Images: Lisa Marsh-FurnessUlla Greenwood spent much of her young life in inner city Brisbane in the early 70’s roaming George Street, the Botanic Gardens and the front verandah and long corridors of the Kingsley Hotel where she lived with her German father, Alfred Zeller, sole parent, and restaurateur.
Next door was the Queensland Club and across the road, the legendary Bellevue Hotel, demolished in the dead of night in 1979 by the Bjelke Peterson government.
At age 12, and a student at All Hallows, her father asked her, would she like to have a dog and if so, what breed?
Ulla would have preferred a horse so she chose the one closest to a horse, a Great Dane.
Alfred’s response was, “What’s your second choice?”
And so, Ulla ended up with a black masked gold Afghan she called ‘Tullo’ fittingly named after an Australian designer that a family friend suggested. (Tullo’s official title was Ch. Hanrovia Kusan Columbia.)
I asked why her dad selected an outstanding purebred Afghan?
“My father was very discerning.”
‘Tullo’ would bound up and down the hotel verandah, chase the ducks in the Botanic Gardens and escape. “That end of Brisbane was like a small country town at the time, and everyone knew him so we might get a call from Parliament House, or the Park Royal especially in
Spring saying Tullo was out on manoeuvres again. I got to know a lot of people in the neighborhood because of that hound. He was a great companion and won many hearts.”
She did her first conformation show at the Rocklea Agricultural Show that same year but was not immediately smitten. And a few years later they moved into an apartment in St Lucia and Tullo had to go back to the breeder where he went on to be an Australian championship winner, sired a number of litters and lived to a grand old age.
It would be ten more years after her University studies before she returned to the dog world.
Given her previous experience it wasn’t surprising that when Ulla finally decided to get some more dogs into her life she chose Afghans, two brothers.
Ulla went on to have a number of top winning Afghans.
“In time I realized that to keep these doyens of the dog world in show condition took lots of time and this applied just as much to “B” grade Afghans as “A” grade Afghans.”
In the late 1980’s and looking for a second breed that was low maintenance she found what she was looking for at the Brisbane Ekka, Whippets!
“They just tick so many boxes. They’re fabulous to live with, they very clean, don’t shed much, don’t smell doggy, very chilled, very quiet and they have this amazing facility to sense your mood. They are probably the most cat like of all canines and pound for pound they’re the fastest dogs on earth.”
Funny, I saw no sign of speed when I saw them, lying around languid on their dog beds, smiling.
Ulla now has more than a few, many of them winners in both the breeding and conformation
stakes and has imported top Swedish and American lines.
In the past eleven years Ulla has had an effect on the fortunes of Dogs Queensland. For nine of those years, she has been a Director, and for five of them, President.
Those years have been full of enormous challenges and battles but two in particular spring to mind.
Firstly, Dogs Queensland was the last state body to sever connections with its local RNA and that process involved an exhaustive statewide consultation process and the arduous task of preparing a new constitution.
With Ulla’s input and guidance, Dogs Queensland decided that the new constitution should go down the path of incorporation as a company limited by guarantee and not incorporation as an association with lesser powers. Corporations Law provides a company with wider commercial flexibility and important checks and balances.
All that was done in less than a year and Dogs Queensland hasn’t looked back.
Secondly, it was revealed there was a proposal to sell the Durack Showgrounds. Of this Ulla said;
“Any such sale of Durack and purchase of the former Masters site at Parkinson needed to be supported by a watertight business case and a vote of members both for the sale of Durack and for the purchase of the Parkinson property.”
So, committed to the cause of saving Durack Ulla and husband instructed their own lawyers and drove the signing by members of a petition to bring on a Special General Meeting where motions to the effect that any sale of Durack and the purchase of the Masters property could only proceed with a majority vote of members.
These were passed by an absolute majority.
“The job of President is pretty demanding, it’s really a full-time unpaid job that is often thankless but on balance the rewards have outweighed the difficulties and I really enjoyed engaging with our membership and getting our message out there. And even if progress and improvement appear to at times to move forward at snail’s pace we are in a good place and there is much more to do.”
It’s worth noting that each year, for the past two,
the accounts of Dogs Queensland have recorded surpluses of around half a million dollars.
Regardless, there’s always divisive and negative distractions that interfere with progress of initiatives for our dog world. But looking at the positive what would Ulla Greenwood like to achieve if she is re-elected?
“Well, there are several things. Given our climate and the increasing frequency of rain events establishing a fund-raising committee to build a new undercover structure holding seven show rings, formalizing a relationship with Brisbane City Council and the State government to provide dog education programs, put in place a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the RSPCA and establishing a position of Education and Welfare officer within our administration.”
Ulla has just been re-appointed to the executive of Dogs Australia and she would also like to see them, in co-operation with our state bodies, develop a benevolent fund like, ‘Take the Lead’ an initiative of the American Kennel Club, where our dog world can help members who have fallen on hard times or are suffering a serious illness.
“I hope to continue growing our brand as the go to organisation on all canine matters, do my best to strengthen our governance protocols, transparency and member communication in the hope Dogs Queensland can be the country’s best and a happier, more positive place.”
A close friend of mine, Ben Hawke, is an inveterate traveller who was recently in London and while there he went along to the UK Kennel Club’s headquarters in the plush environment of Mayfair and to their Art Gallery and Library.
The UK Kennel Club was founded in 1873 and it’s art gallery contains canine related artefacts that date from the first century up to the present day with special focus on works from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Their oldest item is a Celtic coin dating from AD 8 – AD 41, which is decorated with the image of a Hound while one painting dated 1855, shows the very early beginnings of dog showing. Ben’s reasons for his Mayfair excursion were simple. While there is a family mixed breed dog somewhere whose name is ‘Essie’, Ben is not part
of the pure bred dog world but comes from a long line of his family who were – George Earl being one of the very first members of the UK Kennel Club.
Hanging on the walls of the Club’s Art Gallery and Library are paintings by six artists from four generations of the Earl family. I asked Ben why almost all these generations of the Earls painted dogs, his reply was simple, “Because they just loved them!”
The gallery’s current exhibition, ‘The Art of the Earl Family’ features the work of George Earl and Maud Earl, together with Thomas William Earl, Thomas Percy Earl, Jack Earl and Maris Earl Tomaszewski.
It’s a celebration of dogs, art and history. This exhibition is the largest compilation of works from the family displayed together in history and provides an immersive glimpse into this worldrenowned dynasty of canine artists.
The UK Kennel Club Exhibition includes works loaned by the Royal family and the exhibition catalogue describes the Earls thus, “The Earls were the first family of the dog in art during the 19th and early 20th Century. Considerably talented, they were synonymous with portraits of dogs during the sentimental age of the Victorian and Edwardian eras.”
As described in the exhibition catalogue: “Throughout art history dogs were depicted mainly in hunting scenes, as illustrating the social status of members of the aristocracy, as a lap dog, or sometimes as a personal friend. However, George blazed a trail by making an important contribution to the dog in art at a time when there was increasing interest in developing breeds and breeding pedigree dogs. His rise to artistic prominence paralleled the increasing popularity of dog shows and organised field trials.”
His paintings were regularly hung in the Royal Academy and one painting sold for 75,000 pounds. That would be over $19.5 million Australia dollars in today’s money!
And, as is what appears to be another family tradition, George loved travel and adventure. He joined the yacht, ‘Pandora’, for a four month Artic voyage during which George made many paintings and watercolour sketches, recording seascapes at various locations along the route.
George Earl is probably the most significant, in that he not only painted wonderful dog portraits but was engaged in the burgeoning world of pure breds. Below: The Field Trial Meeting – George Earl
George had a daughter Alice Maud Earl who defied the tenants of a male dominated Victorian society that considered women as no more than adornments and went on to become a talented and famous artist.
Her Dad was her first teacher and insisted that Maud not waste the oil paint till she’d mastered drawing and animal anatomy, “It is for this reason that I have been able to hold my own place among the best of dog painters— no one has ever touched me in my knowledge of anatomy.” *
The exhibition catalogue notes; “This early training stood Maud in good stead, for she was unsurpassed among her peers in the depiction of the canine anatomy and quickly gained a reputation as a Lady Landseer or Rosa Bonheur of the canine world. She rapidly developed a select clientele of very important dog fanciers both in the United Kingdom and overseas.”
George had a disciplined work ethic painting daily from 10 till 4 that he also passed on to Maud. It’s no coincidence that Earl’s rise in popularity corresponded with Queen Victoria’s patronage of canine companionship. Victoria kept 70 to 100 mostly purebred but not always perfect pet dogs and also commissioned Maud to produce a number of paintings of her brood.
As the exhibition catalogue states, “Keeping purebred dogs became an obligatory social distinction of the upper crust. Dog fancying gave rise to competitive show trials, such as, “Best looking and best matched brace of Pointers and Setters,” and conformance shows such as Crufts, started in 1886 by Charles Cruft, a former dog biscuit salesman and the son of a London jeweller.”
In Maud’s first one woman show, in 1897 at London’s Graves Galleries, her 70 dog portraits represented an astounding 48 varieties of canines. Asked if she’d painted every kind of dog, she confessed, “I have never painted a Mexican hairless
dog or an African dog.”**
Her collection,‘ Terriers and Toys’ included a portrait of ‘Jack’ the late Irish Terrier of King Edward VII, five hundred people turned up for the private viewing.
Sadly ‘Jack’ came to an untimely end; reputedly by choking to death on some food, it was the second royal pooch to die suddenly after being painted by Maud. But if it was good enough for a Queen, “soon, every breeder and owner of a champion dog wanted to immortalize their winner with an Earl portrait.”** Her fame grew and in 1908, Earl moved
Below: ‘Jack’ King Edward’s VII Irish Terrier
her studio to Paris, where she had further success painting portraits of packs of French hunting hounds.
Maud also stepped into the world of advertising producing illustrations for James Buchanan’s Black & White whisky advertisements***, using a Retriever carrying a white ptarmigan, a medium-sized game bird in the grouse family. Her work also helped sell Messrs Noble’s Explosive cartridges and Talbot car Radiators.
Above: Maud painting ‘Nissa’ the Leopard in 1937.
her hand at interior design and painting all sorts of animals.
In 1937 Maud was photographed in Los Angeles sketching, ‘Nissa’, the leopard which appeared with Katharine Hepburn in the film ‘Bringing Up Baby.’
Her career spanned sixty years and she left behind what many would believe to be an unsurpassed contribution to the world of canine art. Her work also hangs in the American Kennel Club Museum in New York and the David Roche Foundation in Adelaide also have paintings by both George and Maud.
Maud Earl died in New York in 1943.
Ben’s most immediate connection to this legendary generations of artists was his grandfather, Jack Earl, who had the most extraordinary life.
Maud, herself, was described as “a slim gentlewoman of determination who wore a monocle and who worked for and signed the 1899 Declaration in favour of Women’s Suffrage.”**
Then Maud went off to America where she lived out her days. She rapidly set to work painting a number of the American canine aristocracy, became a member of high society and very successfully tried
In the early 1900’s a contingent of the Earls emigrated to Australia looking for adventure, on the way Jack Earl was born in South Africa. They ended up in the Torres Strait where Jack’s dad, Frank, became the administrator of the tiny Strait’s island, Darnley Island.
There, Jack spent time on the pearl luggers of the waters of the Torres and discovered a passion for sailing that in 1947 saw him set off in his 44 foot wooden yacht, ‘Kathleen Gillett’ to become only the
second Australian to circumnavigate the globe.
In the family tradition Jack had gone to art school in Sydney, became a commercial artist and went on to be one of the 20th Century’s most distinguished marine artists.
In 1994 Jack was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his services to sailing and art.
share it with a descendant of this illustrious artistic family.”
Describing six generations of achievement would take pages but there’s one more Earl to mention.
Maris Earl was Jack Earl’s daughter who also studied art and became both a painter and sculptor. In the 1960’s Maris became Head of Design at Festival Records, designing covers for world-wide hits such as Johnny O’Keefe’s ,‘Shout’, and many of her original cover designs are now in collection of the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.
What a world.
Here’s a link to the ‘The Art of the Earl Family’. https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/about-us/ facilities/the-kennel-club-art-gallery-andlibrary/the-kennel-club-art-gallery/
*All excerpts from ‘The Art of The Earl Family‘ Catalogue © The Kennel Club, with thanks to Gallery Curator, Catherine Owen.
** From ‘Every painting a dog’s tale’, by Brooke Chilvers published in Gray’s Sporting Journal August 28, 2014
*** Advertisement for James Buchanan’s Black and White whisky by Maud Earl © Private Collection
**** Photograph of Maud Earl painting the Leopard, Nissa by Acme News Pictures 1937.
The logbook of his global passage, now held in Sydney’s Mitchell Library, is an extraordinarily beautiful manuscript both in its calligraphy and illustration. Though he never painted dogs, some of his maritime paintings are also part of the ‘The Art of the Earl Family’ exhibition.
It’s a heritage Ben Hawke is extremely proud of even if the family’s artistic genes skipped Ben’s hands, “I’d have trouble drawing a stick figure!”, he told me.
Marianne Walker Art Collection Curator Kennel Club Art Gallery said; “I was fortunate to meet Ben Hawke when he visited the exhibition with his family and friends and it was a great pleasure to
The Kennel Club Art Gallery © Heidi Hudson / The Kennel Club
The Field Trial, an engraving from the original painting by George Earl, c.1882 The Kennel Club
Champion Dogs of England, oil on canvas by George Earl, c. 1860 The Kennel Club
Lonely II and Ch Reader, oil on canvas by Maud Earl, 1895 The Kennel Club
Ch Longmynd Myfanwy and Ch Longmynd Megan, oil on canvas by Maud Earl, 1906 The Kennel Club
Dogs Queensland has become increasingly aware of Puppy Scam Websites using legitimate Dogs Queensland Registration and Queensland Breeder Identification (BIN) Numbers to sell puppies. Dogs Queensland Registration Numbers are obtained from legitimate websites such as Dogs Queensland or DogzOnline, where they are displayed as required by the Queensland Government.
Please see the Queensland Dog Breeder Fact Sheets for regulations and guidelines for Queensland Dog Breeders.
An example of a typical scam is:
• A Dogs Queensland Membership number is lifted from current advertising on the internet.
• The scammer researches and obtains personal details of the breeder including name, suburb, prefix.
• A domain name similar to the Kennel prefix is registered on an offshore registry.
• Once the breeder has ceased advertising the litter of puppies a new website is published.
• No physical address or phone numbers are advertised on the website.
• The seller avoids permitting you to physically see the cyber puppy and only sends non genuine pictures.
• The seller insists on only accepting payment by a crypto currency or a funds transfer.
As a breeder what can you do to avoid being an unknowing victim of a Puppy Scam:
• Regularly Google search the internet for websites using a similar Domain Name as your Prefix.
• Put a warning notification in your online advertising to alert buyers to check any website they are looking at is legitimate.
• Encourage puppy buyers to verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland and make direct in-person contact with you.
• Ensure puppy buyers check communications are made with verified contact details.
• Encourage puppy buyers to meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments.
EMAIL: marellen@marellenshowribbons.com
ADDRESS: 109 Silverdale Rd Silverdale N.S.W. 2752 WEB: www.marellenshowribbons.com “
Our dog world needs the fresh blood of youth. We need to pass on our love, our passion of pure-bred competition, the thrill of the ring, of achievement and the fellowship of like-minded people. But there are distractions and fashions galore that can attract and distract our young from following in certain family footsteps.
Our advantage is that kids love pets which is a leg up to the task of participation and competition.
A shining example of just such a kid, who may one day be a state or national champion, a judge of renown or tireless organiser, is Chloe Wiseman.
Chloe, at age 12, may be our youngest participant in the dog sport of Agility and she is fiercely focused on climbing the ranks and getting those qualifications.
By her side is a red and white Border Collie known around the home as Leeroy, or more properly, “Kolorko MacAsti Star Leeroy.” He was bred by a long-time family friend, Deirdree Klatt.
“He’s often naughty, like just about every day!
Recently he didn’t just dig his way into the vegetable garden but pushed part of the fence over wrecking plants as he went so he could dig holes in the soft black earth and then one night he made this giant racket by running around with a sixmetre irrigation pipe in his mouth,” said Chloe.
But their bond is very strong.
Almost every day Chloe is in the backyard of their acreage property training Leeroy and once a week she goes to the Jimboomba Obedience Club to learn from her peers the art of Agility.
“She’s one of those children who loves to do things with animals. She tried all the usual things, swimming, gymnastics, and other sports but it was working with horses and dogs that really got her interest.”
Chloe was just 8 when she asked her parents if she could get a dog of her own but the family departed on a one-year holiday road trip around Australia so that had to wait. When she returned, she started doing Obedience as her Mum, Donna, has specialized in the field for more than 20 years.
But a problem soon arose.
Chloe got bored and wanted to do something more active, more intense so along came Agility, Donna told me, “She absolutely loves it and is absolutely determined that she and Leeroy do well and so almost every other day she is out there working with Leeroy.”
Chloe has already mastered the routines of ‘Gamblers’ which doesn’t involve teaching Leeroy how to play poker but is a set sequence of tasks pre-determined by the judge. It usually involves between 3-5 obstacles and when the buzzer sounds you have a set amount of time to handle your dog through this sequence while you stay behind a line anywhere from 15 – 40 feet away.
This is the real challenge for Chloe, “Working Leeroy at a distance while staying behind the line. Improving every time, he competes.”
She is keen to master the same challenge with the Jumpers and Agility aspects of the sport and has already finished first twice, has run second and has had multiple placings in nonqualifying events but according to Mum that is not important, “For Chloe it’s not about winning ribbons it’s about getting those qualifying scores.”
Barbara Murfet, our indefatigable promoter of the wonderful world of Dog Sports said this, “We believe it is more about the bond with our dogs and the dog community rather than looking for the ribbons.”
Of Chloe’s passion her parents have been totally supportive. Dad, Steve, takes her to every trial and keeps a keen eye on the backyard training.
Chloe has a mission and its not the fluttering ribbons of success but those qualifying scores that drive her.
When I rang to talk to her, she had to interrupt her household chores and hop off the ride on mower to talk to me.
“It’s so much fun and Leeroy and I just love to run.”
And as Donna said, “The great thing about Chloe working with dogs is that it has taught her patience, concentration, and emotional resilience. She is quite amazing for her age; she rarely gets flustered but stays calm and focused. It’s just great to watch. And let’s face it, it keeps her out of trouble!”
Barbara Murfet; “The wonderful aspect of our dog world is that Chloe has the support of a village of
mentors who are very caring. They not only share their experiences and knowledge with her but give emotional support and guidance, being positive and just being there.
I asked Chloe what it was about Leeroy she especially liked? “I like everything about him but especially when he gets sookie and wants some affection and he comes and puts his head in my lap.”
They are clearly a team even if the disobedient and naughty Leeroy sometimes frustrates her, as Mum, Donna, explains, “This whole process teaches Chloe discipline, patience, concentration and how to control your emotions when things don’t go according to plan. I have to take my hat off to her, to be at such a young age, so persistent and patient. We’re very proud of her.”
“Dog owners recognise that our dogs are much happier if they have a purpose and dog sports provide many ways, they can lead happy busy lives in our community,” said Barbara Murfet.
And what’s next for Chloe? “I’d like to keep having fun and get to an ‘Elite’ title in Agility and Jumpers, After that, I don’t know, I am only 12 and I don’t look that far ahead.”
But in November Chloe killed it in her Trialling and received her first Qualifier in Novice Agility. Well done, Chloe and, of course, Leeroy!
Sunday 19th January 2023 –
11.00am at Dogs Queensland
Champion Trophies
Obedience / Rally / Tracking / Lure Coursing / Track & Search / Agility / Herding / Dances with Dogs Freestyle / Heelwork to Music
Grand Champion Trophies Track & Search / Tracking / Obedience
Highest Scoring Dogs of the Year
Obedience / Lure Coursing / Rally / Trick Dog
Highest Scoring Club of the Year
Obedience & Tracking / Rally Event is catered by Wags Cafe Buffet two course meal
Cost: TBA Payment made via Show Manager
Drinks are additional
Please note this is a licensed venue – no BYO Raffle – National & State Trials Committee Prize for Best Dressed club table
Our last event was booked out! Please indicate the club table you wish to be seated at or ask your club secretary to confirm table numbers.
theyoungs4@bigpond.com or 0419653076
additional stocks of Show Bags for
Dogs Queensland have
or alternatively email Pina at pina@dogsqueensland.org.au.
This offer is available to in-office purchases (8am to 5pm Monday to Friday) and phone orders. Only while stocks last.
Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine.
All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘pawfriendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few.
37 DOG WORLD December 2022/January 2023
On the weekend of 22-23 October 2022, teams assembled from throughout Queensland and interstate to participate in the Inaugural Scent Work State Titles competition. Under sometimes very adverse weather including torrential downpour, Judges officiated over 340 searches across the two days of competition.
For the first time in Queensland, the Masters competition class was offered, where teams must find an unknown number of hides and target odours; ignoring food distractions in challenging search configurations including “blank” searches, where the handler must successfully indicate that the area contains nothing the dog is trained to identify. It was amazing to observe the Master class teams in action, showcasing a high level of skill and teamwork.
Congratulations to all those who won, placed, qualified, and competed at the State Titles. Everyone took the best dogs home at the end of the day!
Novice Class – Judge: Debbie Schmidt (QLD)
1st – Wameika Quite Brown NShort (Brittany) and Trish Salisbury
2nd – Teddy (Associate) and Narelle Whitman
3rd – Habanero Reach For The Stars (Hungarian Vizsla) and Kim Murdoch
Advanced Class – Judge: Teresa Kernahan (NSW)
1st – WYSIWYG It’s a Brew Tiful Day (Golden Retriever) and Stephanie Yoon
2nd – Louie (Papillon Associate) and Sharon Fraser
3rd – Hejocsabai Tunde (Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla) and Margaret Hobbs
Excellent Class – Judge: Sharon Gahan (SA)
1st – Gulliver (Australian Kelpie Associate) and Jeanette Durante
2nd – Merlynn Ment2B (Border Collie) and Natalie Kirkwood
3rd – Freya (Associate) and Sofia Roytblat
Master Class – Judge: Mike Jeavons (QLD)
1st – Macdolly Every Game You Play (Cocker Spaniel) and Jo Lewohl
2nd – Silvaspring Rufus (English Springer Spaniel) and Sharon Wee
Novice Class – Judge: Debbie Schmidt (QLD)
1st – Wameika Quite Brown NShort (Brittany) and Trish Salisbury
2nd – Habanero Reach For The Stars (Hungarian Vizsla) and Kim Murdoch
3rd – Maisilva Aolani Golden Torc (Australian Shepherd) and Amanda Lally
Advanced Class – Sharon Gahan (SA)
1st – Quinnaki Alaska (Border Collie) and Jo Lewohl
2nd – WYSIWYG It’s a Brew Tiful Day (Golden Retriever) and Stephanie Yoon
3rd – Morekos Lucian (German Shepherd Dog) and Emily Brunning
Excellent Class – Judge: Teresa Kernahan (NSW)
1st – Ruredyfor Torch (Sporting Register) and Natalie Kirkwood
2nd – Aberlee All Fun (Welsh Corgi Pembroke) and Amber Owen
3rd – Lidlriva Blaze on Fire (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) and Sue Ward
Master Class – Judge: Kim Dawson (QLD)
1st – Silvaspring Rufus (English Springer Spaniel) and Sharon Wee
2nd – Freya (Associate) and Sofia Roytblat
3rd – Macdolly Every Game You Play (Cocker Spaniel) and Jo Lewohl
Novice Class – Judge: Debbie Schmidt (QLD)
1st – Ruredyfor Ren (Sporting Register) and Wendy Blakeston
2nd – Timatosha Hazeyshade of Winter (Border Collie) and Lindsay Connell
3rd – Dreamchasin Ordinary Demiguy (Australian Shepherd) and Lisa Stefyn
Advanced Class – Judge: Teresa Kernahan (NSW)
1st – WYSIWYG It’s a Brew Tiful Day (Golden Retriever) and Stephanie Yoon
2nd – Quinnaki Alaska (Border Collie) and Jo Lewohl
3rd – Asalei Golden Essence (Beagle) and Vicki Hogan
Excellent Class – Judge: Sharon Gahan (SA)
1st – Callicoma Morning Delight (Australian Kelpie) and Gay Westmore
2nd – Ruredyfor Torch (Sporting Register) and Natalie Kirkwood
3rd – Lidlriva Blaze on Fire (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) and Sue Ward
Master Class – Judge: Kim Dawson (QLD)
1st – Merlynn Ment2B (Border Collie)and Natalie Kirkwood
2nd – Maisilva Aolani Caprica Six (Australian Shepherd) and Donna Puttock
3rd – Frankie (Dachshund Miniature Associate) and Emma Oswald
Novice Class – Judge: Debbie Schmidt (QLD)
1st – Albyc Flyinwithoutinstruments (Flat Coated Retriever) and Kimmie Brett
2nd – Dreamchasin Ordinary Demiguy (Australian Shepherd) and Lisa Stefyn
3rd – Winston (Labrador Associate) and Sonia Austin
Advanced Class – Judge: Sharon Gahan (SA)
1st – Elletars Choir Girl (Hungarian Vizsla) and Kim Murdoch
2nd – Winola Little Boots (German Shepherd Dog) and Donna Williams
3rd – Jedda (Labrador Associate) and Sonia Austin
Excellent Class – Judge: Teresa Kernahan (NSW)
1st – Ruredyfor Torch (Sporting Register) and Lindsay Connell
2nd – Maisilva Aolani Sonic Resonant (Australian Shepherd) and Donna Puttock
3rd – Frankie (Dachshund Miniature Associate) and Emma Oswald
Master Class – Judge: Mike Jeavons (NSW)
1st – Macdolly Every Game You Play (Cocker Spaniel) and Jo Lewohl
2nd – Freya (Associate) and Sofia Roytblat
3rd – Aolani Maisilva Firefly (Australian Shepherd) and Donna Puttock
margin over the small but fiercely competitive team hailing from NSW, the “Scent Troopers”. A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Team Challenge and made the trial such an incredibly fun experience!
The State Trials also hosted the light-hearted “Scent Work Subcommittee Team Challenge”, in which competitors were encouraged to form groups with themed Team names, costumes and food tables. Team scores were calculated on performance at a class and placement level, team spirit, inclusiveness, inventiveness, and good old-fashioned bribery of the moderators (food, naturally!). It was wonderful to see the community spirit and the way that seasoned competitors ensured newcomers to the sport were included. The very first Scent Work Subcommittee Team Challenge was won by the “Purple Odour Eaters” (Team Captain Natalie Kirkwood), by a narrow
About Scent Work Scent Work is a sport that is based on the task of working detection dogs to locate an odour and communicate to the handler that the odour has been found. Detection is done in a variety of environments and often during changing weather or environmental conditions. Scent Work is a positive, challenging activity that allows dogs the opportunity to use their strongest natural sense in a way that is fun, engaging, and builds and strengthens a foundation of trust between the handler and dog. Dogs are trained to recognise specific odours, and to alert their handlers when the odours are detected. The dog and handler must work together as a team, using body language and verbal encouragement to ensure all sections of the search area are covered, directing the dog’s search only when necessary and indicating to the Judge when the dog has found the odour. Communication with and praise of the dog during the search are encouraged.
If you wish to learn more about the sport of Scent Work, please contact Rob Harrison at Dogs Queensland: (rob@dogsqueensland.org.au).
With our President and spokesperson going overseas on a well-deserved holiday we have been on more of a watching brief.
I have though, contacted our friends in the media with some suggestions for canine stories over the forthcoming holiday period.
Finally, I have completed the article, ‘The Earl of Dogs’ which is about the famous generations of canine artists and their connection to Australia.
Sourcing correct photos of the artworks and providing correct attributions and fact checking has taken some time going backward and forward to the UK Kennel Club’s Art Gallery team.
They have been terrifically helpful and cooperative.
On 2 December 2022, the Queensland Parliament passed a series of amendments to the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 (ACPA) Animal Welfare, some of which are of interest to our members. An article about those changes and their implications can be found in this edition of Dog World.
I have also stayed in touch with the Scenic Rim Council re the application for a ‘puppy farm’ that is before them, however, they are still to make a decision on the matter but they sure know we are watching developments.
We have had some technical issues in the past month which have now been resolved.
Meanwhile our social media remained steady this month.
There were around 20 posts and stories shared on Facebook and Instagram during the month according to SPROUT.
Our two Dog World magazine tips certainly got people’s attention: Pepper the Border Collie X and Loretta Rabbit.
Plus, the stand alone post on this month’s Australian Terrier were the top posts.
Heatwave post shared 95 times reaching over 12,346 people with 575 engagements and 26 likes.
Facebook followers reached 9900 only 100 to go to meet the magic 10,000 followers which should be achieved by 31 December 2022. While our Instagram followers now number 1478.
Overall Facebook and Instagram Impressions
171,821 which, up against previous two month period, increased by 54.9%
Dogs Queensland congratulates all the winners and Members who took to the Show Rings to exhibit their dogs in the Maree Kennel Club Inc Melbourne Cup Championship Show held at Durack On Tuesday 1 November 2022.
Thank you to all those who made the Shows a success including exhibitors, workers and volunteers alike.
While every endeavour is taken to include all the winners on the following pages, some dogs did not have their pictures taken. All images showcased on this and the following pages can be purchased by visiting https://takphotography.com.au/dogshows/
Entries Close: Saturday 28 January 2023
Venue: Maryborough Showgrounds, Bruce Hwy, Maryborough Qld
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: $15.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues (per show) – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Entries to: Maryborough Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Pam Ph: 0421076655
Ring 1 Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Group 3
Ring 2 Mr J Daidone (QLD) Groups 1 and 4
Ring 3 Mr E Pickering (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 7
Ring 4 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 2
General Specials Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW)
Sunday 18 February 2023 – Judging starts at 8:00AM
Junior Handlers including Tiny Tots to be judged in the lunch break
Ring 1 Mr E Pickering (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Group 3
Ring 2 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 4
Ring 3 Mr J Daidone (QLD) Groups 6 and 7
Ring 4 Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Groups 5 and 2
General Specials Mr E Pickering (NSW) NO ROPED OFF AREAS, they will be removed without warning. NO GAZEBOS/TENTS/VANS ETC set up prior to 2:00PM of the day before the first show. Camping booked and paid for through http://nominate.com.au/stables/venueintroduction.aspx?=74
Show Date: Saturday 18 February 2023
Close: Monday 6
Enquiries: Pam Ph: 0417600885 Judging commences at 9:00AM
Ring 1 Mrs S Tassan (QLD) Groups 1 and 5
Ring 2 Mr S Tassan (QLD) Groups 3 and 6
Ring 3 Mrs A Holman (QLD) Groups 2,4 and 7
General Specials Mrs S Tassan (QLD)
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Sunday 5 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Sweepstakes: Veteran (7 years and over)
Property Classes: Best Gaited, Best Headed Dog, Best Headed Bitch
Entry Fees: $8.00, Baby Puppy, Sweepstakes and Property classes $5.00 Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Tara Ph: 0422158879
Judging starts at 6:00PM With Veteran Sweepstakes
Mr S Yiannou (QLD)
Veteran Sweepstakes, Breed classes, General Specials and Property Classes
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 4 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack Qld
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), (9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: Champ: $13.00, Open $3.00 Catalogue $2.50 includes both shows, to be ordered and paid for with entries
Entries to: Mrs S Lee, PO Box 3373, Mt Ommaney Post Office, QLD 4074
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Jennifer Ph: 0418153115
No calls after 9.00PM
Judging starts at 9.00AM with Long Coats
Mrs M Morphet (QLD)
Chihuahua Long Coat, Chihuahua Smooth Coat and General Specials
Judging starts at the completion of the Open Show not before 10.30AM
Mrs R Barden (NSW)
Chihuahua Long Coat, Chihuahua Smooth Coat and General Specials
Proudly Sponsored by
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 4 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Sweepstakes: Brace and Veteran 7 years and under 10 years, Veteran 10 years and over.
Entry Fees: $6.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Julie Ph: 0414605513
Judging starts at 3:00PM with Brace
Mrs J Anderson (QLD)
followed by Mrs S Watherston (QLD) followed by Mrs J Anderson (QLD)
Brace Sweepstakes, Veteran 7 years and under 10 years, Veteran 10 years and over
Italian Greyhound
Whippet, Azawakh, Borzoi, Deerhound, Greyhound, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Pharaoh Hound, Saluki, Sloughi, Afghan Hound, General Specials
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 4 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack Qld
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Property Classes: Best Coat, Best Gait, Best Head, Best Tail
Entry Fees: $8.00, Property Classes $3.00, Catalogues $3.00 (covers both shows)
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Jan Ph: 0428800410
Judging starts at 5.00PM
Miss F Paton (QLD) Breed Classes, General Specials followed by Property Classes
Judging starts at the completion of Show 1 not before 6.00PM
Miss K Maguire (QLD) Breed Classes, General Specials followed by Property Classes
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Monday 13 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 494a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a)
Entry Fees: $10.00, Online Catalogues $3.00 (covers both shows)
Online Entries Only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Heidi Ph: 0422285255
Open Show 1
Judging starts at 5:30PM with Baby Puppy Dog
Mrs M Hickey (QLD) Breed Classes and General Specials
Open Show 2
Judging starts at the completion of Open Show 1 not before 6:30PM with Baby Puppy Dog
Mrs A McGinn (QLD) Breed Classes and General Specials
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Friday 3 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD CHAMPIONSHIP AND OPEN SHOW
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: $18.00, Members subsequent entries $15.00
Open Show $5.00 Catalogue (covers both shows) Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Online Entries Only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Sue Ph: 0422721486
Championship Show judging starts at 5:00PM
Ms D Cuthbert (SA) All Terriers and General Specials
Open Show judging starts at 5:30PM
Ms J McKay (QLD) All Terriers and General Specials
ROM points available for Bull Terriers and Bull Terrier (Minatures) at Championship show
Proudly Sponsored by
Show Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Friday 10 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack Qld 2 OPEN SHOWS
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes Veteran Property Classes: Best Headed Dog, Best Headed Bitch, Best Gaited
Entry Fees: $6.00, Property Classes and Sweepstakes $2.00, Catalogue $3.00 (covers both shows)
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquires: Narelle Ph: 0438689352
Judging starts at 4.00PM with Veteran Sweepstakes
Miss K Maguire (QLD)
Sweepstakes, Breed Classes, General Specials, Property Classes
Wonderfulest Whuppets and Whoppets Competition. Enter on the day, gold coin donation.
Judging starts not before 7.00PM with Veteran Sweepstakes
Ms K Wishart (QLD)
Show Date: Saturday 4 March 2023
Entries Close: Monday 20 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: Champ $15.00, Automatic entry to Open Show if entered in Championship show, if entered in Open Show only $3.00 Catalogue – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Entries to: Gundog and Heavy Breeds Club of QLD, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Ainslie Ph: 0409892248
Judging starts at 5:30PM with Junior Handlers followed by Championship Show Not before 6:00PM
Mrs J Wilshier (QLD) Group 1
Mrs S Jewell (QLD) Group 2
Mrs R Green (QLD) Group 3
Mrs J Watt (QLD) Group 4
Mr G Wilshier (QLD) Group 5
Mr J Mitchell (QLD) Group 6
Mrs K Haddon (QLD) Group 7
General Specials Mrs K Haddon (QLD) Open Show
Judging starts at 6:30PM
There will be no General Specials
Mrs M Morphet (QLD) Group 1
Mrs M Starkey (QLD) Group 2
Mrs C Walker (QLD) Group 3
Ms K Wishart (QLD) Group 4
Mr T Ray (QLD) Group 5
Sweepstakes, Breed Classes, General Specials, Property Classes
Proudly Sponsored by
Mr N McGreevy (QLD) Group 6
Ms M Lee (QLD) Group 7
Show Date: Sunday 12 March 2023
Entries Close: Monday 27 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Show Date: Sunday 12 March 2023
Entries Close: Sunday 26 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)
Property Classes: Best Head, Best Feet, Best Gait, Best Coat, Best Eyes
Entry Fees: Members $10.00, Non-Members $12.00
Baby Puppy $5.00 Property Classes $5.00 Catalogues $4.00 (Includes both shows)
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au Enquiries: Lynda Ph: 0401485141
Judging starts at 9.30AM
Entry Fees: $6.00, Property Classes $4.00 Catalogues $3.00 (covers both shows)
Entries to: Dachshund Club of Qld, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Ainslie Ph: 0409892248
Show 1 – Breed judging starts at 9:00AM followed by Property Classes
Mr S Yiannou (QLD)
Dachshund Long, Miniature Long, Smooth, Miniature Smooth, Wire, Miniature Wire, Rabbit - Long, Smooth, Wire and General Specials followed by Property Classes.
Show 2 – Breed judging starts at completion of Show 1 not before 11:30AM followed by Property Classes
Mrs C Walker (QLD)
Dachshund Long, Miniature Long, Smooth, Miniature Smooth, Wire, Miniature Wire, Rabbit - Long, Smooth, Wire and General Specials followed by Property Classes.
Mrs M Hobson (QLD)
Ms L Horne (QLD)
Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, Standard Poodles, General Specials and Property Classes Pet Parade in the Lunch Break
OPEN SHOW 2 Judging starts at 1.00PM
Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, Standard Poodles, General Specials and Property Classes
Proudly Sponsored by
Show Date: Saturday 18 March 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 17 February 2023
Venue: Oakey Showgrounds, Showgrounds Rd, Oakey QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a)
Property Classes: Baby Puppy, Puppy and Veteran Entry Fees: $12.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues $3.00
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Silvana Ph: 0407033560 Before 7:00PM
Judging starts at 9.00AM with Sweepstakes
Ring 1 Mr W Smith (QLD)
Baby Puppy and Veteran SS followed by Groups 5 and 3
Ring 2 Mrs D Smith (QLD) Puppy SS followed by Groups 2 and 4
Ring 3 Mrs M Starkey (QLD) Groups 1, 6 and 7
General Specials Mrs D Smith (QLD)
Show Date: Saturday 18 March 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 4 March 2023
Venue: Murgon Showgrounds, MacAlister St, Murgon QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: $15.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Entries to: Murgon Show Society, PO Box 78, Waterford West, QLD 4133
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Margaret Ph: 07 41563385 or 0438155505
Ring 1 Mr W Burton (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1,2 and 3
Ring 2 Mrs J Hocking (VIC) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6,7 and 5
Ring 3 Mrs L Adams (VIC) Group 4
General Specials Mr W Burton (NSW)
Show Dates: Saturday 18 March and Sunday 19 March 2023
Entries Close: Monday 28 February 2022
Venue: Wondai Showgrounds, Baynes Street, Wondai QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW
Classes: Champ: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Open: 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a)
Entry Fees: Champ: $15.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Open: $3.00, Online catalogue $1.00
Entries to: Burnett Kennel Club, PO Box 78, Waterford West, QLD 4133
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Open Show
Judging starts one hour after the completion of the Murgon Show Society show at Wondai Showgrounds
Ring 1 Miss S Wheatley (QLD)
J 7
Enquiries: Wayne Ph: 0438155505 or Ceri Ph: 0434975249
Sunday 19 March 2023
Championship Show
Judging starts at 8:30AM with Sweepstakes
Groups 1 and 2 Ring 1
Ring 2 Mrs C Walker (QLD) Groups 3,4 and 5 Ring 2
Mrs J Hocking (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 2
Mr W Burton (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6,7 and 4
Ring 3 Mrs M Morphet (QLD)
Groups 6 and 7 Ring 3
General Specials Mrs M Morphet (QLD)
Mrs L Adams (VIC) Groups 5 and 3
General Specials Mrs J Hocking (VIC) Unpowered Camping $15.00 per night. No entry prior to midday Friday. No camping Sunday night. No roping off any areas.
Show Dates: Friday 24 March to Sunday 26 March 2023
Entries Close: Friday 3 March 2023
Venue: Beerwah Sportsground, 32 Sportsground Drive, Beerwah QLD
Classes: Champ Fri Open Sat Champ Sat and Sun
1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Puppy
Entry Fees: $15.00, Baby Puppy $10.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues $3.00 Automatic entry for the Open Show if entered in Saturday Champ Show, otherwise $3.00 per entry. Catalogue for Saturday includes the Open Show
Entries to: SCKC, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Sonia Ph: 0400 018 877
Friday 22 April 2022 Championship show judging starts at 6.00PM In Group and In Show will be judged with the 1 -4 placement system.
Ring 1 Mrs N Abela (NSW) Group 1
Ring 2 Mr G Winch (VIC) Groups 2 and 3
Ring 3 Mrs S Rickard (VIC) Groups 5 and 4
Ring 4 Mr B Corbitt (NSW) Groups 6 and 7
General Specials Mr B Corbitt (NSW)
Saturday 23 April 2022 - Championship Show - Judging starts at 8.30AM with Sweepstakes
Junior Handlers to be judged at the completion of the Championship Show
Ring 1 Mrs S Rickard (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Group 1
Ring 2 Mr B Corbitt (NSW) Groups 3 and 2
Ring 3 Mrs N Abela (NSW) Groups 4 and 5
Ring 4 Mr G Winch (VIC) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7 and 6
General Specials Mrs N Abela (NSW)
Saturday 23 April 2022 – Open Show - Judging starts 30 mins after Junior Handlers
Ring 1 Mrs V Yates (QLD) Group 1 Ring 5 Ms S Smith (QLD) Group 5
Ring 2 Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Group 2 Ring 6 Ms L Horne (QLD) Group 6
Ring 3 Ms H Yeates (QLD) Group 3 Ring 7 Mrs S Watherston (QLD) Group 7
Ring 4 Miss K Maguire (QLD) Group 4 No General Specials
Sunday 24 April 2022 – Championship Show judging starts at 8:30AM with Sweepstakes
Ring 1 Mr B Corbitt (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Group 1
Ring 2 Mrs S Rickard (VIC) Groups 2 and 3
Ring 3 Mr G Winch (VIC) Groups 5 and 4
Ring 4 Mrs N Abela (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 7
General Specials
Mrs S Rickard (VIC)
Camping available on the grounds with payment to the Caretaker.
Exhibitors must not use metal tent pegs, star pickets or any other ground piercing device on Council controlled land at any time due to underground power, water supply and irrigation services. Proudly Sponsored by
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: $12.00, Catalogues $3.00
Entries to: Goomeri Show Society, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Valley Ph: 0427831205
Judging starts at 8:30AM
Ring 1 Mrs L Roebig (QLD) Groups 2,1 and 5
Ring 2 Mrs J Croad (QLD) Groups 3,4,6 and 7
General Specials Mrs J Croad (QLD)
Proudly sponsored by
Show Dates: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 11 March 2023
Venue: Gladstone Showgrounds, Cnr Tank and Scenery St’s, Gladstone QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Puppy
Entry Fees: $15.00 Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues, Printed $6.00 (covers all 3 shows), Online $1.00 per show
Entries to: Gladstone Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 78, Waterford West Qld 4133
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Jody Ph: 0400256198
Saturday 25 March 2023 - Show 1
Judging starts 8.30AM with Sweepstakes
Ring 1 Mr M Curk (NSW) Groups 1,2 and 4
Ring 2 Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 3
Ring 3 TBA Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7 and 5
General Specials TBA
Junior Handlers will be judged at the completion of Show 1
Saturday 25 March 2023 Show 2
Judging starts 1 hour after the completion of Show 1
Ring 1 TBA Groups 1,2 and 4
L J 7
Ring 2 Mr M Curk (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 3
Ring 3 Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7 and 5
General Specials Mr M Curk (NSW)
Sunday 26 March 2023
Judging starts at 9.00AM
Ring 1 Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Groups 1,2 and 4
Ring 2 TBA Groups 6 and 3
Ring 3 Mr M Curk (NSW) Groups 7 and 5
General Specials Mrs S Brackman (NSW)
Powered Camping $25.00 per night to be paid via Show Manager. No setting up before 1:00PM Friday. No roping off areas. The club reserves the right to appoint an additional judge if any judge draws more than 250 entries on one day
Show Dates: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023
Entries Close: Monday 13 March 2023
Venue: CCKC Grounds, Quigley St Cairns QLD
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Puppy
Entry Fees: $15.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00
Entries to: Mareeba & Dist K C, PO Box 2295, Cairns QLD 4870
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Linda Ph: 0407160670
Saturday 25 March 2023
Show 1
Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes
Bling Bling Bling Rosettes for all Best of Breed winners
Ring 1
Mr R Lucas (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,6 and 7
Ring 2 Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3 and 4
1st available ring Mrs H Jones (WA) Groups 1 and 2
General Specials Mr R Lucas (NSW)
Junior Handlers to be judged after General Specials for Show 1 Sponsored by Moorholme Pet Transport. Rosettes for all participants
Saturday 25 March 2023 Show 2
Judging starts 1 hour after the finish of Show 1 with Sweepstakes
Ring 1 Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,6 and 7
Ring 2 Mrs H Jones (WA) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3 and 4
1st available ring Mr R Lucas (NSW) Groups 1 and 2
General Specials Mrs M Hammond (QLD)
Sunday 26 March 2023
Judging starts at 8:30AM
Ring 1 Mrs H Jones (WA) Groups 5,6 and 7
Ring 2 Mr R Lucas (NSW) Groups 3 and 4
1st available ring Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Groups 1 and 2
General Specials Mrs H Jones (WA)
Camping $25.00 per night booked via Cairns Show Society tab on ShowManager. Proudly Sponsored by
Mrs. Heather Macdonald (UK) SC Dogs, LSC Dogs & Bitches
Mr. Malcolm Griffiths (UK) – SC Bitches
Mrs. Heather Macdonald (UK) SC Dogs, LSC Dogs & Bitches
Mr. Malcolm Griffiths (UK) – SC Bitches
Mrs. Kim Houlden (VIC) UDX & Novice, Rally Excellent
Ms. Laura Schimke (QLD) – CCD, Rally Novice
Mrs. Kim Houlden (VIC) UDX & Novice, Rally Excellent
Mr. Charlie Giles (ACT) – Open, Rally Master
Ms. Laura Schimke (QLD) – CCD, Rally Novice
Ms. Elaine Temby (ACT) – UD, Rally Advanced
Mr. Charlie Giles (ACT) – Open, Rally Master
Junior Showmanship
Ms. Elaine Temby (ACT) – UD, Rally Advanced
Ms. Chelsea Bird (NSW)
Junior Showmanship
Ms. Chelsea Bird (NSW)
Full Schedule available from the Show Secretary, Mrs. Cristine Begbie Ph: 0409 138748, show@gsdcv.org.au or on www.gsdcv.org.au or www.showmanager.com.au
Full Schedule available from the Show Secretary, Mrs. Cristine Begbie Ph: 0409 138748, show@gsdcv.org.au or on www.gsdcv.org.au or www.showmanager.com.au No calls after 9.00 pm please.
No calls after 9.00 pm please.
Trial Date: Tuesday 7 February 2023
Entries Close: Friday 27 January 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Entry Fees: $15.00
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Kim Ph: 0400671029
Judging starts at 7:00PM with vetting at 6:30PM
Mrs M Anderson (QLD) TBA
Miss K Dawson (QLD) TBA
No late entries.
Ring Size 12m x 12m grass.
Trial Date: Saturday 11 February 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 25 January 2023
Venue: Gould Adams Park, Kingston Rd, Kingston QLD OBEDIENCE/AGILITY/JUMPERS TRIAL
Entry Fees: $10.00, Catalogues $1.00
Entries to: Trial Secretary, PO Box 23, Kingston QLD 4114
Online Entries Preferred: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Enquiries: Roslyn Ph: 0400659257
Agility and Jumpers Trial starts at 4:00PM with vetting between 3:00PM and 3:45PM
Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Jumpers– All classes
Mr R Wittkamp (QLD) Jumpers – All classes
Obedience Trial starts at 6:00PM with vetting between 5:00PM and 5:45PM
Miss L-M Price (QLD) CCD
Mrs S Bamford (QLD) CD
Mrs J Christensen (QLD) CDX
Mrs V Mannion (QLD UD
Mr B Nobbs (QLD) UDX
Trial Date: Saturday 18 February 2023
Entries Close: Friday 3 February 2023
Venue: St Benedicts College, Mango Hill QLD
Entries to: Ann Shannon annswitch@palmlake.net.au
Enquiries: Ann Ph: 07 34897946
Mrs M Field (QLD) All Classes
Mr L Blumel (QLD) All Classes
Mrs V Mannion (QLD) All Classes Sponsored by Ann and Indianajones
Trial Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Entries Close: Saturday 11 February 2023
Venue: 176 Ballinger Rd, Buderim QLD
Entry Fees: $8.00
Online Entries only: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Enquiries: Michelle Ph: 0407066886 or trials@sunshinecoastdogclub.org.au
Judging starts 4:00PM with vetting at 3:00PM
Mrs T Young (QLD) UDX, CDX
Mrs C Pethers (QLD) UD
Mrs N Leyden (QLD) CD, CCD
Mr R Wittkamp (QLD) RN, RA, RE, RM
Mrs L Affleck (QLD) RM, RE, RA, RN
Trial Date: Saturday 4 March 2023
Entries Close: Friday 17 February 2023
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack Qld RATG TRIAL
Entries to: www.easydogs.com.au
Enquiries: Greg Ph: 0418169606
Entry Fees: $15.00
Judging starts at 8.30AM with vetting at 8:00AM
Miss L Price (QLD) Novice and Open
Trial Date: Sunday 5 March 2023
Venue: Caboolture Sports Dog Club, Devine Court, Morayfield QLD DOUBLE TRICK DOG TEST
Entry Fees: $10.00 Entries to: pethers@claremontresort.net.au Online Entries: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Enquiries: Coral Ph: 0429862405
Mr K McGinn (QLD)
Mrs L Affleck (QLD
Mrs L Schimke (QLD)
Mrs S Bamford (QLD)
Mrs A Tamblyn (QLD)
Mrs C Fisher (QLD)
Mrs T Young (QLD)
Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Novice
Mrs M Rablin (QLD) Novice
Trial Date: Saturday 25 March 2023
Entries Close: Sunday 12 March 2023
Venue: Brisbane Dig Training Club, 15 Englefield Rd, Oxley QLD
Entry Fees: $8.50
Online Entries only: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Enquiries: Tara Ph: 0409157400 bdtctrialsec@gmail.com
Judging starts at 3:00PM with vetting at 2:00PM
Entries and entries available at www.k9entries.com/ankc only
The club reserves the right to alter rings and judges as required. Trial will be judged in separate height classes. Please keep dogs as quite as possible to avoid complaints to council.
Trial Dates: Sat 25 March and Sun 26 March 2023
Entries Close: Wednesday 8 March 2023
Entry Fees: $20.00
Entries to: tracking.coct@gmail.com
Enquiries: Debbie Email: tracking.coct@gmail.com
Saturday 25 March 2023
Judging starts at 6:00AM with vetting at 5:30AM
Mr R Wittkamp (QLD) T & S – All levels
Miss J Cussons (QLD) (If required) T & S – All levels
Sunday 26 March 2023
Judging starts at 6:00AM with vetting at 5:30AM
Mr R Wittkamp (QLD) T & S – All levels
Miss J Cussons (QLD) (If required) T & S – All levels
Entries must be on NQ Supplementary entry form. No late entries will be accepted.
Trial Date: Saturday 25 March 2023
Trial Dates: Fri 31 March to Sun 2 April 2023
Entries Close: Friday 10 March 2023
Entries Close: Friday 11 March 2022
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD DOUBLE OBEDIENCE TRIAL
Venue: Ivanhoes Rugby League Club, Leisure Park Rd, Smithfield QLD
Entry Fees: $15.00
Online Entries only: www.showmanager.com.au
Kim Ph: 0400671029
Trial 1
Entries to: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Judging starts at 3:00PM with vetting at 2:00PM
Entry fees: $7.00
Mr W Patterson (QLD) UDX
Mrs V Mannion (Qld) UD
Enquiries: Sharon Ph: 0408183038
Mr B Nobbs (QLD) CDX
Mr L Knauth (QLD) CD Mr K McGinn (QLD) CCD
Friday 31 March 2023
Judging commences at 7.00PM with vetting at 6.30PM
Trial 2
Judging starts 30 mins after Trial 1
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Obedience all levels
Mr W Doyle (QLD) UDX
Mr L Knauth (QLD) UD
Mr M Cowman (QLD) Agility/Jumping all levels (Except Elite)
Mrs V Mannion (Qld) CDX Mr K McGinn (QLD) CD Mrs K O’Brien (QLD) CCD
Saturday 1 April 2023 Judging commences 9:00AM with vetting at 8:30AM
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Obedience all levels
Mr M Cowman (QLD) Games
Saturday 1 April 2023 Judging commences at 3:00PM with vetting at 2:30PM
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Agility/ Jumping all levels (Except Elite)
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
In keeping with the Dog Queensland Rules and Regulations (42.4 – page 43), clubs are advised schedules are to be submitted to the DQ office at least 3 calendar months prior to the month of publication of the Show Schedule. Please note that schedule advertising must appear in the Dog World magazine 2 months prior to the event (a total of 5 months).
Saturday 1 April 2023
Judging commences at 7.00PM with vetting at 6.30PM
Mrs J Doig (QLD) Rally all levels
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
Sunday 2 April 2023
Judging starts at 9:00AM with vetting at 8:30AM
Late schedules will appear in the following edition of DQ’s Dog World magazine. For example, the schedule for a show to be held on 7 October 2023 would need to be submitted to the office by 7 May 2023. This allows for the 3 months prior to the schedule being published in the August 2022 Dog World magazine, which is the required 2 months prior to the date of the show.
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
Mrs J Doig (QLD) Rally all levels
To submit Schedules or for more information contact Ian at ian@dogsqueensland.org.au
Trial Dates: Fri 31 March to Sun 2 April 2023
Entries Close: Friday 11 March 2022
Venue: Ivanhoes Rugby League Club, Leisure Park Rd, Smithfield QLD
Entries to: www.k9entries.com/ankc
Entry fees: $7.00
ADM, JDM, classes.
Enquiries: Sharon Ph: 0408183038
Friday 31 March 2023
Judging commences at 7.00PM with vetting at 6.30PM
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Obedience all levels
Mr M Cowman (QLD) Agility/Jumping all levels (Except Elite)
Saturday 1 April 2023
Judging commences 9:00AM with vetting at 8:30AM
INC tracking.coct@gmail.com
5:30AM 5:30AM form.
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Obedience all levels
Mr M Cowman (QLD) Games
Saturday 1 April 2023
Judging commences at 3:00PM with vetting at 2:30PM
Mr T Griffin (NSW) Agility/ Jumping all levels (Except Elite)
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
Saturday 1 April 2023
Judging commences at 7.00PM with vetting at 6.30PM
Mrs J Doig (QLD) Rally all levels
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
Sunday 2 April 2023
Judging starts at 9:00AM with vetting at 8:30AM
Ms M Oswald (QLD) Tricks all levels
Mrs J Doig (QLD) Rally all levels
Imported dogs are not to be entered in any events until all the required paperwork is lodged with Dogs Queensland and the re-registration has been certified complete.
When applying for both Championship and Non Championship Titles members are notified they must post the original pedigree certificate to Dogs Queensland.
We regret to advise emails are not acceptable.
Baby Puppies must not be entered in any Show or Trial Event until the dog is registered and allocated a number from Dogs Queensland.
American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Qld Inc
Mrs M Gordon
PO Box 908 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0403 742 555 secretary@astcq.com
Australian Shepherd Club of Qld Ms A Lally 0419 597 661 amanda.lally@icloud.com
Australian Terrier Club of Qld Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464 ringyspaniel@hotmail.com
Basenji Breed Network Qld
Ms E Blair
PO Box 1060 Spring Hill QLD 4004 (07) 3217 5943 basenjinetworkqld@gmail.com
Basset Hound Club of Qld
Ms M McGinn
PO Box 14 Samford QLD 4520 (07) 3289 4033 / 0416 213 253 michelle.mcginn@gmail.com
Beagle Club of Qld
Mrs T McNicol
PO Box 3107 West Ipswich QLD 4305 0422 158 879 secretary@beagleclubqld.org
Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc
Miss C Lowther
PO Box 185, Burpengary, Qld, 4505 0497 628 960 secretary@bsdcq.com
Border Collie Club of Qld Inc Mrs J McCann 0499 433 089 jopearl@powerup.com.au
Borzoi Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Davis (07) 3372 4657 russkimir@dodo.com.au
Bullmastiff Club of Qld Mrs B Bell 0404 702 423 bmcsecqld1@hotmail.com
Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs L Moeser PO Box 595 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0423 707 380 qldbullterrierclub@gmail.com
Cattle Dog & Kelpie Club of Qld Inc Miss K Williamson 0428 195 933 cattledogkelpie.clubqld@gmail.com
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (Qld) Ms E McCutcheon
PO Box 1101 Wynnum QLD 4178 (07) 3893 0847 / 0448 810 847 elisa_mccutcheon@bigpond.com
Central Qld Toy Dog Club Mrs J Sweeney (07) 4933 3399 / 0407 138 860 tracjobea@hotmail.com
Chihuahua Club of Qld Mrs J Watt (07) 3372 3654 / 0418 153 115 wachowa@ozemail.com.au
Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Hutt 0402 119 013 cscqldinc@gmail.com
Collie Rough and Smooth Club of Qld Inc Miss C Lewty 0407 017 598 secretary.collie.rns.club.qld@gmail.com
Dachshund Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 ainsliecarius@icloud.com
Dalmatian Association of Qld Inc Mrs K Murray 0405 988 130 daqsec@outlook.com
Dobermann Club of Qld Inc Mr Kevin Zimmerle 0439 799 944 secretary@dobeclubqld.com.au
English Springer Spaniel Assoc of Qld Inc Miss C Williams 0403 240 296 cathatina63@outlook.com
Fox Terrier Club of Qld Mrs J Cantlon (07) 4129 7166 waitapu11@gmail.com
French Bulldog Club of Qld Ms M McFadzen PO Box 165 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 secretaryfbcqld@gmail.com
German Shepherd Dog Club Qld Inc Mr G Williams 0434 048 084 secretary@gsdcqld.org.au
German Shorthaired Pointer Club Of Qld Mrs K Wishart 0402 214 253 kathwishart@iinet.net.au
Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 karen.vowell@bigpond.com
The Great Dane Society of Qld Inc Mrs V Landsbury PO Box 304 Rosewood 4340 0400 620 190 gdsqinc@gmail.com
Griffon Club of Qld
Ms N Lawrence PO Box 32 Samford QLD 4520 0458 116 833 griffonclubofqld@gmail.com
Hound Club of Qld Mrs T McNicol PO Box 3107 West Ipswich 4305 0422 158 879 houndclubqld@hotmail.com
Irish Wolfhound Club of Qld
Mr C Gorman 0400 144 524 iwcqld@gmail.com
Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs C Wardle 0412 191 005 lrcqinc@gmail.com
Old English Sheepdog Club of Qld Mr R Schnaars (07) 3201 0952 / 0408 730 485 ottaba@bigpond.net.au
Original Australian Dog Breeds Club of Qld (The) Mrs J Hafey 0419 114 394 jodyhafey@gmail.com
Poodle Club of Queensland Inc Ms P Morgan PO Box 171 Aspley QLD 4034 0414 501 707 qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au
Qld Afghan Hound Association Ms J Anderson 0428 800 410 ohsoposh8@gmail.com
Qld Boston Terrier Club Mrs K McConnell 0411 955 501 bostonmac@bigpond.com
Qld Boxer Club
Ms S Davies PO Box 878 Archerfield QLD 4108 0408 197 250 secretary@qldboxerclub.org
Qld Bulldog Club Mrs J Dinh 0434 142 386 qldbulldogclub@gmail.com
Queensland Gundog Association Mr A Adams (07) 3278 8001 qldgundog@gmail.com
Queensland Japanese Spitz Club Ms K Jones-Watson 0407 444 070.
Qld Sighthound Association Mrs J David 0414 605 513 qsa.enquiry@hotmail.com
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld Inc Ms R Oberholzer 0418 984 605 enquiry@rrcq.com.au
Rottweiler Club of Qld Inc Mrs A Heinemann PO Box 872 Beenleigh QLD 4207 0427 545 726 rcqld@yahoo.com.au
Saint Bernard Club of Qld Inc Mr R Whittet PO Box 7747 Toowoomba Sth Qld 4350 0438 360 191 (Emma Forsyth) stbernardclubqld@gmail.com
Setter Club of Qld
Mrs C Gorey
PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0438 598 597 setterclubqld@bigpond.com
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Qld Inc Miss A McGarry 0423 467 385 nurserygirl31@hotmail.com
Sporting Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs J Stoneley (07) 3206 2618 estoneley@bigpond.com
Sporting Terrier Club of Qld
Mrs D Major PO Box 5264 Daisy Hill 4127 0412 430 358 secretary.stcq@gmail.com
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld
Mrs A Bainbridge
PO Box 60 Marburg QLD 4346 0437 109 162 clubsecretary@sbtcq.net
Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld Inc
Mrs M Holt PO Box 43 Beerwah QLD 4519 (07) 5494 9993 dimah@bigpond.com
Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com
Toy Dog Club of Qld Ms D Davies (07) 5464 6206 / 0466 962 061 lizbiz@internode.on.net
Welsh Corgi Club of Qld Ms S Kilby 0433 363 640 sheree.kilby@yahoo.com.au
West Highland White Terrier Club of Qld Mrs M Cunningham (07) 5548 6744 / 0418 572 579 westhighlandqld@gmail.com
Whippet Club of Queensland Mrs S Townsend 0402 602 888 whippetclubqld@gmail.com
Working Dog Club of Queensland Mrs B Wheatley 07 3208 7190/ 0419 782 492 bev.lyn.wheatley@gmail.com
Allora Kennel Club
Ms K Lewis (07) 4667 1590 octaviaepugs@gmail.com
Beaudesert Kennel Club Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com
Beenleigh & District Kennel Club Miss J Young 0401 889 999 ebt2013@outlook.com
Brisbane Valley Kennel Club Mrs C Holman 0430 940 063 borolo1@bigpond.com
Burnett Kennel Club Mrs A Morgan 0427 686 121 burnettkennelclubwondai@gmail.com
Caboolture Kennel Club Miss V Wyness 0404 037 095 vickiwvness@bigpond.com
Darling Downs Kennel Club Miss R Green (07) 4696 6216 / 0410 651 756 ridgebacks@chilolo.net.au
Gold Coast Canine Club Mrs A Proudfoot 0405 060 550 icanhazdogs@gmail.com
Gundog & Heavy Breeds Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 ainsliecarius@icloud.com
Gympie & District Kennel Club Miss K Wilson PO Box 574 Gympie Qld 4570 0417 729 803 boshellie@activ8.net.au
Ipswich Kennel Club Inc Mrs D McLean (07) 5426 1261 / 0408 261 659 ebonhaus@dodo.com.au
Junior Kennel Club of Qld Mr M Watt (07) 3372 3654 michael.watt13@gmail.com
Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Wilshier (07) 3279 7339 / 0417 799 115 cavlamour@bigpond.com
Ladies Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Lanham PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882 lanham.1@bigpond.com
Lockyer Valley Kennel Club Mrs K Knight PO Box 50 Lowood QLD 4311 0407 621 726 sibes2@hotmail.com
Maree Kennel Club Mrs J Ireland (07) 3814 3069 graedon33@hotmail.com
Nanango Kennel Club Mrs V Mannion PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 nanangokennelclub@gmail.com
Northern Classic Kennel Club
Mr B Burrows 0416 450 186 aussilky@gmail.com
Pine Rivers Kennel Club
Mrs J Glover PO Box 453 Caboolture QLD 4510 0419 663 942 judy@fjweis.com
Qld Kennel Council Mrs S Watherston 0424 708 889 shanspitz@gmail.com
Redcliffe Peninsula Kennel Club Ms L Horne (07) 3285 5503 / 0418 783 823 liane@lowenhart.net
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club
Ms S Smith PO Box 151 Landsborough 4550 0400 018 877 info@celticheartbc.com.au
Waterloo Bay Kennel Club Mrs R Fazey 0402 944 650 waterloobaykennelclub@gmail.com
Western Suburbs Kennel Club Mrs G Hovey-Jacobs (07) 3409 4705 / 040 826 333 dandydogs3@gmail.com
Yuggera Canine Club Mrs P Johansen 0406 538 003 pjjomeja@gmail.com
Bundaberg Canine Club Inc
Mrs M Norton
PO Box 7370 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 (07) 4157 8338 / 0437 578 338 bundabergcanineclub@outlook.com
Callide Valley Obedience & Kennel Club Mrs S Cook 0417 628 400 glenlion@glenlion.com
Capricorn Coast Kennel Club Mrs K Schroeder PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 (07) 4939 7329 oomachuk@hotmail.com
Gladstone Kennel Club Inc
Ms M McFadzen PO Box 7245 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 gkc@live.com.au
Hervey Bay Kennel Club
Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 herveybaykennelclub@gmail.com
Isis & District Canine Club Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 isis.dist.cci@gmail.com
Mackay Kennel Club
Mrs M Volker
P O Box 7156, Mackay MC QLD 4741 0419 760 385 mackaykennelclub@gmail.com
Maryborough Kennel Club Inc Mrs L McLaughlin PO Box 402 Maryborough QLD 4650 0408 896 260 lizamcl.31@gmail.com
Mount Morgan & Bouldercombe Kennel Club
Mr J Whitehead PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 407 620 971 j.n.whitehead@bigpond.com
The Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Miss L McCrindle (07) 4959 1353 aslanwhippets@hotmail.com
Rockhampton Kennel Club Inc
Mrs J Scott
PO Box 553 Yeppoon QLD 4703 (07) 4939 7698 calstonia2@bigpond.com.au
Sarina Kennel Club
Mrs C Donaldson
PO Box 742 Sarina QLD 4737 0407 150 815 candrdonaldson@bigpond.com
Atherton Tableland Kennel Club
Mr C Coggan 0410 505 810 / 4775 8808 (Wk) athertontkc@gmail.com
Bowen Kennel Club
Mrs L Bryson
PO Box 915 Bowen QLD 4805 0400 938 524 design@dognewsaustralia.com
Cairns City Kennel Club Inc Mrs K Frame PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 6720 kell55@bigpond.com
Charters Towers Kennel Club Mrs T Hill PO Box 1980 Charters Towers QLD 4820 0466 245 758 darchaltan@yahoo.com.au
Cloncurry & District Canine Club
Ms F Rae 0427 958 426 cdcclub@outlook.com.au
Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club Inc
Mrs R Horton PO Box 776 Ingham QLD 4850 0417 611 085 rhonmor@hotmail.com
Innisfail Kennel Club
Mrs M Adkins (07) 4093 5304 dimbulahpostshop@bigpond.com
Mareeba & District Kennel Club
Mrs B Houston PO Box 2295 Cairns QLD 4870 0400 440 186 MareebaKennelClub@hotmail.com
Proserpine Kennel Club Inc
Mrs J Connolly PO Box 232 Koumala QLD 4738 0458 010 838 proserpinekc@gmail.com
Thuringowa City Kennel Club
Ms E Ryan PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0412 604 340 erin.ryan47@gmail.com
Townsville Kennel Association Inc
Mrs L Marsden PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0429 896 558 lcl72711@bigpond.net.au
Tully & District Kennel Club Mrs F Vecchio PO Box 1290 Tully QLD 4854 0418 197 093 info@tullykennelclub.com.au
All Breeds Tracking Club Incorporated Ms S Bull PO Box 368 Ormeau QLD 4208 0499 022 490 twvisions@hotmail.com
Brisbane Dog Training Club Inc
Mrs M Calvert PO Box 1288 Oxley QLD 4075 0422 921 861 info@bdtc.org.au
Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club
Ms S Gibson PO Box 491 Morayfield QLD 4506 0404 052 519 / 0450 902 520 secretary@caboolturedogobedience. com.au
Cairns City Kennel Club Inc (Obedience Section)
Mrs J Wilkinson PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 4040 jeanw22@bigpond.com
Canine Obedience Club of Townsville
Miss T Eley PO Box 991 Aitkenvale QLD 4814 0427 725 982 secretary.coct@gmail.com
Continental Herding Club Inc Mr J Mitchell 0406 301 390 countrybouv@gmail.com
Dances with Dogs Club Qld Miss G Westmore 0488 999 683 dwdcq@live.com.au
DogzCairns Inc
Ms S Daniels
PO Box 644 Smithfield QLD 4878 0408 183 038 dogzcairnsinc@gmail.com
Evergreen Tracking Dog Club Inc Mrs A Cunningham 0438 719 551
Gladstone Dog Obedience Club (Obedience/ Agility/Tracking Club)
Miss J Chivers P O Box 948, Gladstone QLD 4680. 0448 449 699 gladstoneobedience@gmail.com
Gold Coast Dog Obedience Training Club Inc
Ms V Miles-Owen PO Box 143 Southport QLD 4215 0450 721 189 gcdotc@yahoo.com.au
Gympie Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms M Abrey PO Box 404 Gympie QLD 4570 0408 544 259
gympiedogobedienceclubinc@gmail. com
Hervey Bay Dog Obedience & Agility Club Inc
Ms K Richardson PO Box 365 Hervey Bay QLD 4655 0459 843 820 kkgonemad@gmail.com
Ipswich Dog Obedience Club
Tina McKenzie PO Box 2007, Nth Ipswich QLD 4305 0411 433 866 tinamckenzie1947@bigpond.com
Jimboomba Dog Training Club
Ms S Chandler (07) 5546 3355 suzanne.chandler12@gmail.com
Lockyer Valley Dog Training Club Inc Mrs A Williams PO Box 321 Laidley QLD 4341 (07) 5465 7450 / 0417 799 281 amalie_w@westnet.com.au
Logan All Breeds Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms N Mann PO Box 23 Kingston QLD 4114 0405 069 335 labdocsecretary@bigpond.com
Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club
Ms K Nilson
PO Box 1185 Mackay QLD 4740 0437 849 184
Maryborough Dog Obedience Club
Ms P Ray PO Box 3050 Maryborough QLD 4650 0432 794 035 pamelaray111@gmail.com
Metropolitan Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs W Waller
PO Box 337 Zillmere QLD 4034 0413 911 511 wendywaller59@bigpond.com
Nanango Kennel Club
Mrs V Mannion
PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 garvyman@internode.on.net
Obedience Dog Club of Bundaberg
Mrs A Nisbet
PO Box 5417 Bundaberg West QLD 4670 0449 128 451 Obediencedogclub.bundaberg@gmail. com
Pine Rivers Dog Training Club Inc
Mrs D Lamprecht
PO Box 272 Strathpine QLD 4500 0409 472 198 admin@pineriversdogtraining.org
Qld Herding Association
Ms S Purbrick-Illek 0488 097 879 purbie@hotmail.com
Redcliffe Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs T Pronk
PO Box 493 Redcliffe QLD 4020 0458 519 099 secretary@rdoc.com.au
Redlands Dog Obedience Club Miss N Wright 0421 843 451 president@redlandsdoc.com.au
Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms S Bassett
PO Box 5064 Red Hill QLD 4702 (07) 4939 6085 / 0419 717 619 sheena.bassett@bigpond.com
Southside Dog Obedience Club Inc
Miss L Forster PO Box 2273 Runcorn QLD 4113 0405 325 766 enquiries@southsidedogobedience.org
Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms H Smith PO Box 701 Buderim QLD 4556 0438 196 858 secretary@sunshinecoastdogclub.org.au
Tableland Dog Obedience Club
Ms J Crerar (07) 4093 7848 tablelanddogobedience@gmail.com
Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs S McIntyre
PO Box 6251 Clifford Gardens QLD 4350 (07) 4633 2241 enquiries@dogstoowoomba.org.au
Field & Retrieving Association for Gundogs Inc
Mr G Dawson (07) 3886 6367 geoff.jan.dawson@bigpond.com.au
Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc
Mr Greg Mitchel Mob 0418169606 tenarda55@gmail.com
Wide Bay Working Gundog Club Mrs W Michalk (07) 4152 2362 jagacey@hotmail.com
Alaskan Malamute & Siberian Husky Social Club (Qld) Inc
Miss T Goodwin
PO Box 774 Redbank Plains QLD 4301 (07) 3271 4465 (5pm-7pm only) secretary.amscq@gmail.com
Bernese Mountain Dog Social Club of Qld Mrs A Gribbon (07) 3843 1407 / 0421 042 788 anne@raceengineering.com.au
Burdekin Canine Club Mr C Coggan PO Box 457 Home Hill QLD 4806 0410 505 810 burdekincanineclub@gmail.com
White Swiss Dog Club of Qld Social Club Mrs C Keen PO Box 228 Ormeau QLD 4208 0438 621 663 wssdcqld@gmail.com
Warwick Dog Obedience Club Ms B McGregor PO Box 851 Warwick QLD 4370 (07) 4664 8050 warwickdogobedience@gmail.com
Brisbane Lure Coursing Club Inc Mr S Uebel 0418 199 419 brislurecoursing@gmail.com
AFGHAN HOUND Mrs V Harris (07) 3216 2905
AUSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 rachnut@hotmail.com
BASENJI Ms C Qualischefski 0429 979 326 / 0422 184 755 channieq@gmail.com
BASENJI Ms C Benson 0468 364 031
BASENJI Ms E Blair (07) 3217 5943 ethel.blair@gmail.com
BEAGLE Mrs D Souter 0418 742 941 rehome@beagleclubqld.org
Ms J Glenn 0417 464 573 rescue@bsdcq.com
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs J Hazell (07) 3843 1407 teresajackie@optusnet.com.au
BORZOI Ms V Dawson (07) 3857 3682
BORZOI Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078
BULLDOG Mr L Perrett 0452 210 184 qldbulldogclub@gmail.com
BULLMASTIFF Mrs R Armstrong (07) 5546 8427 / 0401 145 129
CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL rescue@cavalierclubqld.org.au
COLLIE ROUGH AND SMOOTH Mrs J Armatys (07) 4157 2758 / 0428 121 726 keamaree@bigpond.com
DACHSHUND Mrs V Lingard (07) 3800 1127
DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs V McArthur 0417 767 357 info@amedange.com
DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs J Bloomfield 0412 119 688 ddbrescue@hotmail.com
ENGLISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG Mrs J Hansford (07) 3289 7282 jehansford@techsus.com.au
GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078
GOLDEN RETRIEVER Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 grcqld@gmail.com
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597
goreymky@bigpond.com GREAT DANE
Ms C Bowden 0411 571 050 adoptadaneqld@outlook.com.au
Mrs K Eory (07) 3265 1621
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Mrs C Wardle 91 Ciesiolka Rd Aubigny 4401 0412 191 005 lrcqinc@gmail.com
Mrs P Wyllie (07) 4163 7288 / 0400 903 303 trish@lagottoqld.com
Ms J Woodward (07) 5428 6201 / 0413 788 775 jane@lhasaapso.com.au
Ms H Brennan (07) 5426 0413
Mrs A Cassidy (07) 3201 0952 ottaba@bigpond.net.au
Mrs R Glegg (07) 5547 7689 / 0439 830 495 robyneg6@iinet.net.au
Ms P Morgan 0414 501 707 qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au
Mrs S Graham 0417 470 542
PUG Ms H Jordan 0415 370 526
PUG Carol-Ann (07) 3814 1382 / 0438 515 895 pugrescueqld@optusnet.com.au
Mrs A Everson (07) 3200 0321
Mrs R Smith (07) 5529 9903 rescue@rrcq.com.au
Mrs A Inmon 0400 142 267
Ms A Goodwin 0405 421 897 schnauzerrescueqld@gmail.com
Mrs H MacGregor 0429 999 053 / 0428 947 110
STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER Miss M Nielsen 0419 631 221 lynn_n@bigpond.com
TIBETAN SPANIEL CLUB OF QLD Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 qtsrr@optusnet.com.au
Mrs J Glover 0419 663 942
WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER Mrs A Cloughley (07) 3206 6460 redinbrin1@bigpond.com
WHIPPET Secretary whippetclubqld@gmail.com
Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 rachnut@hotmail.com
Casual and permanent sites are available at competitive prices. For more information call the Dogs Queensland office on 3252 2661 or email info@dogsqueensland.org.au
Puddleby Art
Contact: Toshi Ueno Ph: 0410 595 202 Email: info@puddlebyart.com.au
Lockyer Valley Sharpening
Contact: Keith Ph: 0458 920 088 Email: kjrau@bigpond.com
Lead On Animal Leads
Contact: Bev and Ian Ph: 0417 076 402 Email: Bev.r.priestley@gmail.com
Lilcracka Pet Supplies
Contact: Kay Ph: 0413 543 835 Email: kay@lilcracka.com
TAK Photography
Contact: Tracy: 0451 912 022 Email: admin@takphotography.com.au
Wagz Cafe
Contact: Mark Ph: 0407 212 974 Email: wagzcafe@gmail.com
Opinions and information published in the Dog World magazine are solely those of the individual authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the advice or opinions of Dogs Queensland.
The organisation assumes no responsibility or liability for any statements made, and suggests that individuals make their own enquiries and seek their own specialist and/or independent veterinary or other advice.
Social Clubs (regardless of location) $175.00
All Judges (except Handler Judges) $65.00
Training Fees for Aspiring Judges $36.00 Handler Judges No Fee
($1.10 per puppy donated to Canine Research)
$67.00 $51.00*
Drafting Trials (A5) $4.75
Sled Sports (A5) $4.75
Under 3 months $48.00
$109.00 $81.00*
Over 3 and under 6 months $77.00
$138.00 $102.00*
Over 6 and under 12 months $97.00
$151.00 $113.00*
* Price for limited register pup with DNA Parentage Verification
Over 12 and under 18 months $108.00
REGISTRATIONS PER PUP LIMITED REGISTER ($1.10 per puppy donated to Canine Research)
Under 3
(Qld) including postage $10.00
Obedience Trials (A5) $6.00
Rally Trials (A5) $4.75
Agility Trials (A5) $4.75
Games Trials (A5) $4.75
Tracking Trials (A5) $4.75
Track & Search Trials (A5) $4.75
Retrieving Trials (A5) $4.75
RATG Trials (A5) $4.75
Field Trials Pointers & Setters Trials (A5) $4.75
Utility Trials (A5) $4.75
Spaniel & Retriever Trials (A5) $4.75
Endurance Trials (A5) $4.75
Herding Trials (A5) $4.75
Dances With Dogs (A5) $4.75
Lure Coursing (A5) $4.75
Scent Work (A5) $4.75 Trick Dogs (A5) $4.75
Full set of 8 (7 x Groups + 1 glossary of terms) $57.00
Postage per full set POA
Single group $7.00
Breed extensions $4.75
Loose leaf breeds $0.66
Postage per group $2.50
Challenge $0.50
Reserve Challenge $0.50
Best Of Breed $0.50
Group Awards (2 In Show, 14 In Group) $6.00
Neuter Challenge $0.50
Neuter in Group Award $0.50
Neuter in Show Award $0.50
Best Neuter Of Breed $0.50
Obedience Qual. $0.50
Agility Qual. $0.50
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs $0.50
Tracking Qual. $0.50
Track & Search Qual. $0.50
Field & Ret Qual. $0.50
Dances with Dogs $0.50
Rally $0.50
Lure Course $0.50
Lure Course Open Stake $0.50
Earthdog Test $0.50
Herding $0.50
Sled Sport Event $0.50
A 0.75% fee applys to payments made by Visa Credit, Visa Debit/Prepaid, Mastercard Credit and Mastercard Debit/ Prepaid. There will be no charge if Members come to the counter and pay by EFTPOS.
Postage For Bulk Stationery Orders Will Be Invoiced. All prices include GST. Prices are subject to change.
The publishers accept no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser.
Social Clubs (regardless of location) $175.00
for all applications received
All Judges (except Handler Judges) $65.00 Training Fees for Aspiring Judges $36.00 Handler Judges No Fee
Under 3 months $48.00
Over 3 and under 6 months $77.00
Over 6 and under 12 months $97.00
Over 12 and under 18 months $108.00
Under 3 months $52.00
Over 3 and under 6 months $85.00
Over 6 and under 12 months $107.00 Over 12 and under 18 months $118.00
Imported dogs/semen $114.00
Imported dogs/semen – NZ only $76.00 Tenterfield Terriers/Greyhounds $76.00
Sporting Register $36.00 Associate Register $20.00
Amendment To Neuter Certificate $25.00
Official Show Entry Forms (Bookf of 50) incl. postage $7.50
Rule Book CCC (Qld) including postage $10.00
Obedience Trials (A5) $6.00
Rally Trials (A5) $4.75
Agility Trials (A5) $4.75
Games Trials (A5) $4.75
Tracking Trials (A5) $4.75
Lease Agreements $60.00 Replacement certificates $25.00 Export pedigree $72.00 Extended pedigree (5 generations) $36.00
Track & Search Trials (A5) $4.75
Retrieving Trials (A5) $4.75
Official Show Entry Forms (Bookf of 50) incl. postage $7.50
RATG Trials (A5) $4.75
Rule Books CCC (Qld) including postage $10.00
Field Trials Pointers & Setters Trials (A5) $4.75
Utility Trials (A5) $4.75
Obedience Trials (A5) $4.75
Spaniel & Retriever Trials (A5) $4.75
Rally-O Trials (A5) $4.75
Endurance Trials (A5) $4.75
Agility Trials (A5) $4.75
Herding Trials (A5) $4.75
Games Trials (A5) $4.75
Dances With Dogs (A5) $4.75
Tracking Trials (A5) $4.75
Lure Coursing (A5) $4.75
Track & Search Trials (A5) $4.75
Drafting Trials (A5) $4.75
Retrieving Trials (A5) $4.75
Sled Sports (A5) $4.75
Scent Work (A5) $4.75
Full set of 8 (7 x Groups + 1 glossary of terms) $57.00
Postage per full set POA
Single group $7.00
Breed extensions $4.75
Loose leaf breeds $0.66
Postage per group $2.50
Challenge $0.50
Reserve Challenge $0.50
Best Of Breed $0.50
Group Awards (2 In Show, 14 In Group) $6.00
Neuter Challenge $0.50
Neuter in Group Award $0.50
Neuter in Show Award $0.50
Best Neuter Of Breed $0.50
Obedience Qual. $0.50 Agility Qual. $0.50
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs $0.50
Tracking Qual. $0.50
Track & Search Qual. $0.50
Field & Ret Qual. $0.50
Dances with Dogs $0.50
Rally $0.50
Lure Course $0.50
Lure Course Open Stake $0.50
Earthdog Test $0.50
Herding $0.50
Sled Sport Event $0.50
A 0.75% fee applys to payments made by Visa Credit, Visa Debit/Prepaid, Mastercard Credit and Mastercard Debit/ Prepaid. There will be no charge if Members come to the counter and pay by EFTPOS.
Postage For Bulk Stationery Orders Will Be Invoiced. All prices include GST. Prices are subject to change.
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Webreedtointroduceworldwidestunninglinestobetterthebreed hereinAustraliaandweareachievingamazingsuccessinandoutofthe showringwithbothoursmoothandroughcoats.