Dog World - February 2022

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Hungarian Vizsla p10 Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla p14


In Review p25


Summer Hazards p20


Dances With Dogs, Trick Dogs p30

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Contents 4 | President’s Message 6 | Board Notes 10 | Breed Feature – Hungarian Vizsla


14 | Breed Feature – Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla 18 | How A Rescue Pet Inspired A Business 19 | Dogs Australia – Hugh Gent, President 20 | First Aid – Summer Hazards 25 | DQ Grounds Committee Shows – In Review


28 | Life Memberships – Ainslie Carius, Peter Mayne 29 | More Puppy Farms 30 | Dances With Dogs And Trick Dogs 33 | Media Update 34 | Vale Wendy Craven 36 | Show And Trial Gazette 59 | Affiliated Clubs And Services


63 | Durack Vendors 64 | Rates Guide

Office Address


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247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland 4077 (07) 3252 2661 PO Box 1136, Mt Ommaney, Queensland 4074

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


President’s Message


hen it comes to Dogs Queensland, 2022 is a bit of a watershed or milestone year for me. It was in 2012 that I was put in the President role by the RNA with a council of 16 people and worked towards incorporation of the CCCQ as a corporate body separate from the RNA. And we achieved that at the end of that year after many consultation sessions across the State and a number of draft constitutions, first as an incorporated association and later as a company limited by guarantee. Many people contributed to that good outcome and democratic elections of directors on our governing board have followed. With the exception of 2 years I have been a director over this pretty dynamic 10 years. And during my 2 year absence from the Board, I was actively involved with members in bringing on a Special General Meeting that passed resolutions ensuring that any sale of the Durack grounds and purchase of the former Masters site at Parkinson could only occur with a vote of members. For after all, we are a member organisation and all of us as members have an important responsibility to take a real interest in our governance. Whether we show our dogs or engage in one or more of our many dog sports it is so important that we value our right to have a say as a member of Dogs Queensland. And 2022 is an important year for each member to give some thought about our governance and to have their input. First of all, we have a Special General Meeting coming up on 9 February with an important question to be resolved about the directorship of Mr Woodrow. The motion to be voted on is “Mr Christopher Woodrow is removed as a director of Canine Control Council (Queensland) Ltd”. If you think that Mr Woodrow should remain a director, you will vote “Against” the motion. If you think that Mr Woodrow should not remain a director, you will vote “For” the motion. For members who are unable to make the meeting here is information about lodging a proxy form in the office by 7pm on Monday 7 February 2022. Whichever way you choose to vote, if you would like to put your vote in before the meeting you can do that by nominating the Secretary, Mr Harrison,


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

as your proxy and completing the proxy form. Here is a link to the form. Once completed with your membership number you can then scan and email it to Mr Harrison on email au or you can deliver it to the office. This needs to happen before 7pm on Monday 7 February 2022. Alternatively, you can appoint, by proxy, a member to cast your vote as you direct. A member is limited to exercising a total of five (5) proxies for other members. This proxy form must also be lodged in the office by 7pm on Monday 7 February 2022. The Secretary can hold an unlimited number of proxies and, of course, the proxies must be voted as you direct in the proxy form. When using the proxy form, if you wish to vote in favour of the motion, you put a cross in the “For” column. If you wish to vote against the motion, you put a cross in the “Against” column. Secondly, the 4 year term of six of our directors will expire at the end of March 2023. Nominations for these director positions will open in November this year for about a month with the election being held in January 2023. Being a director can be rewarding and it is a way to give back something

to our dog world. I know that we have diverse skills and experience in our membership ranks and it would be great to continue to tap into that. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about our wide range of activities and look after member interests. Being a director is a completely voluntary role with no financial remuneration. I encourage you to start thinking about this and to talk to other members who you think could make a good contribution.

Budget, being $202,368.30 compared to a budget of $127,900. Shop sales and the sale of stationery showed marked increases.

And on the subject of elections, we have had a pretty low percentage turn out for voting at director elections. At our last election, we had just 1570 members vote and that was just 25% of members. Let’s see if we can see that increase substantially at the next election. Again, let’s raise awareness about how important voting is in our member body.

This is a very positive result. It has been a priority of our General Manager and the Board to manage DQ finances carefully. My thanks go to Mr Rob Harrison, our Accountant, Ms Pina Mangion and the rest of our office for this good stewardship this last year. I will provide an update to members when the audit result is received. All going well, the Board will be looking at providing a flow on benefit to Clubs this year. Zoom meetings with Zone 2 and Zone 3 Clubs will be continuing this year with the next meeting scheduled for Monday 7 March 2022.

And on that subject, we have called for expressions of interest for a casual director vacancy in Zone 3 due to the recent resignation of Mrs Sharron Taylor. So, if you are a member, live in Zone 3, and would be interested in being a director till March 2023 do send an email to Mr Rob Harrison by 16 February 2022. The Board will then consider those expressions of interest and decide on the filling of this vacancy. Zoom meetings have been a great option for directors unable to attend every meeting. If you would like any more information about being a director feel free to contact Rob or myself. It’s a good opportunity to have an involvement for this shorter duration.

OUR FINANCIAL POSITION Members will know that I am always keen to keep you informed about our financial situation. The auditors are currently in the office finalising our audit for the calendar year of 2021. The figures provided to the Board last week are subject to this audit so may alter somewhat. The final audited Financial Statements will of course form part of the Annual Report that will go to the AGM at the end of March. Subject to this audit, the DQ profit figure at the end of December for the 2021 calendar year sits around the $600,000 mark. The comparative figures for 2020, 2019 and 2018 were $623,915.59 (including $387,306.36 from the Covid Jobkeeper Subsidy), $-108,131.00 and $-259,671.25 respectively. During 2021 Administration Income was well ahead of

Membership Income (5.5%), Prefix Income (15.3%) and Registration Income (38.5%) are all showing income well above Budget. Litter Registration Income has brought in $1,004,179.890 in 2021 compared to $688,919.96 in 2018

GCCC SHOW WEEKEND AND ADSS AUSTRALIA DAY SHOW Hopefully this latest outbreak of Omicron will settle soon. The decision to not proceed with the Gold Coast Canine Club Shows on the weekend of 21 and 22 January 2022 and the ADSS Australia Day Show on 25 January was not made lightly and made just a day or so beforehand. This was at a time when the peak of the Omicron wave was not expected for a few weeks, many of our DQ staff were affected by Omicron and there was concern about the welfare of our members and concern about marshalling sufficient volunteers and employees to manage Covid requirements on the grounds. The 8 directors who responded on the Thursday were all in favour of not proceeding with the shows and a 9th director responded this way too just after the decision was made. I would like to thank the GCCC committee members for their cooperation and look forward to the rescheduling of this popular show weekend. I understand that some exhibitors had committed to the drive to Brisbane for that show weekend and incurred fuel expenses. Those members are welcome to submit claims to the office for consideration.

Wishing you and your families all the best in the forthcoming month.

Ulla Greenwood, President Dogs Queensland 31 January 2022

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Board Notes – February 2022 FCI PODCAST: THE FCI COMMISSION FOR DOG DANCING In this episode, Gopi Krishnan speaks with Emmy Simonsen, the President of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission, who pioneers this fairly new FCI sport that seems to be gaining much global popularity and support. There has always been a fair amount of assumptions made about the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs, so this series of the FCI Podcast Channel titled “Inside the FCI” aims to shed light and dispel assumptions about this international organisation that stands For Pedigree Dogs Worldwide! Comprising of ninety-eight member countries globally, the FCI is the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs covering almost every area of interest with dogs from conformation dog shows to dog sports and hunting trials. But to keep such a large organisation working effectively will take a mountain of people to be involved in each area of specialist interest. In the FCI, these committees or groups are known as FCI Commissions. They comprise of volunteers from that particular area or expertise or field who dedicate their time and efforts to ensuring that their respective areas of interest are served with the sole aim being for the benefit of pedigree dogs.

Labrador Retriever Club of Queensland. Members are advised this show will now be held on the 8 and 9 August 2022 at Dogs Queensland Showgrounds, 247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland. The Club has provided written confirmation from the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA) in accordance with Regulations Part 13 Section 4.

DOGS QUEENSLAND OFFICE BREAK IN The Dogs Queensland Office and Function Room were broken into sometime on Wednesday night with persons getting away with a few items. If any members saw anything or anyone suspicious or have any information relating to this incident, please advise Rob Harrison by email to rob@dogsqueensland. We will continue to work with Queensland Police Services in regards to the incident and have provided video footage to assist them. We will advise members with any further of developments and will of course be reviewing our current security measures.

ZONE 3 CASUAL VACANCY As mentioned in the President’s Message sent via Paw Prints on 23rd November 2021, Director Sharron Taylor resigned as a Dogs Queensland Director on the 23rd November 2021. Sharron was in the block of Directors that were elected by Members until March 2023, her resignation and the consequential casual vacancy is dealt with under Clause 32 of the CCC(Q) Ltd Constitution that is reproduced below, as Sharron was elected as the Zone 3 Director, this casual vacancy is dealt with specifically under Clause 32.2. For more information and how to apply, click on the following link: https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.


It is believed that some our clubs/members have sustained serious property damage as a result of floods in the Maryborough area.


Whilst insurance cover may eventually go some way towards replacing the essential items, we also realise that the need for immediate access to funds to ensure that our members’ dogs are kept safe and in good order

Dogs Australia’s previous email of 28 July 2021 advised the postponement of the 2021 National Show by the


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

becomes absolutely critical. The cost of temporary boarding, feeding, replacement of secure fencing / kennel runs, Veterinary care and transport are all very real expenses confronting our members across the State. We invite our clubs/members who have been directly affected by this tragic event to apply for immediate financial assistance using the previously established Dogs Queensland Disaster Fund. Please use the attached Dogs Queensland application form to submit your request for assistance and it will be processed as a priority. At this worrying time, please accept the warmest wishes from your fellow dog world members right across Australia, Interstate and Overseas. To apply, click here: APPLICATION FORM

GROUNDS COMMITTEE – LIGHTING UPDATE The following message appeared in Paw Prints on 28 October 2021; ‘Ring Lighting’ A project will be embarked upon to convert all the Floodlights to LED Lights on Field 1 (Rings 1-10) and Field 2 (Rings 11-16). The work on Field 1 will be undertaken first and will be scheduled shortly. The project to complete both fields will cost in the region of $100,000.’ There have been delays with the parts arriving which is beyond anyone’s control. We will keep you updated on the progress. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused but is out of the hands of Dogs Queensland and the Grounds Committee.

2022 PRICE INCREASES In planning Fees for 2022, Dogs Queensland has endeavoured to keep increases to a minimum, all other fees will remain the same. Effective from 1st January, Registrations Per Pup Main Register and Limited Register with DNA Parentage Verification will be increased as per below; $50 to $51 $80 to $81 $101 to $102 $112 to $113 Registrations Per Pup Limited Register; $65 to $67 $106 to $109 $134 to $138 $147 to $151 Transfers; $35 to $37

CURRENT VACCINATION PROCEDURE FOR EVENTS AT DOGS QUEENSLAND All Members, Exhibitors and Guests are asked to note the updated Dogs Queensland Vaccination Policy below;

DOGS QUEENSLAND VACCINATION POLICY Please note that in line with Queensland’s Public Health and Social Measures, from 17 December 2021 only fully COVID-19 vaccinated staff and patrons will be permitted to enter or attend any Dogs Queensland event. For the purposes of Queensland’s Public Health Measures linked to vaccination status – a plan for 80% and beyond, a person is considered fully vaccinated when they have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine recognised by the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA). A person is not required to give their contact information, proof of vaccination or evidence of exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds if they are under the age of 16 years. • I agree to check-in via the State Government ‘Check In Qld’ App every time I enter or re-enter any Dogs Queensland Events. • I note the provisions above in regards to being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter any Dogs Queensland Events and confirm that I am fully vaccinated or I have an exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds. • I note the provisions above in regards to being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter any Dogs Queensland Events and confirm that anyone that accompanies me to any Dogs Queensland event is fully vaccinated or has exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds and will also check-in via the State Government ‘Check In Qld’ App every time they enter or re-enter any Dogs Queensland Events. • I note that by entering any Dogs Queensland Event, I accept checks may be conducted throughout the Event to verify my COVID-19 vaccination status. Vaccinated members, guests and staff are required to accept the Terms and Conditions as noted above.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022





Tracey Barry


19 January 2022


R e v i e w o f t he R u l e s f o r t h e C o n d u c t o f D a n c e s w i t h D o g s C o m p e t i t i o n s & T r i c k D o g T e s ts

The following are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules and regulations to take effect from 1 January 2024. • • • •

Rules for the Conduct of Dances with Dogs Competitions; Rules for the Conduct of Trick Dog Tests. Regulations Part 3H – Dances with Dogs Competition Judges Training Scheme Regulations Part 3Hb – Trick Dog Judges Training Scheme

I t i s t h e r e f o r e r e q u e s t e d t h a t a n y p r o p o s a l s f o r c h a n g e s t o t he s e R u l e s and Regulations be submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator by n o l a t er t h a n 3 1 J u l y 2 0 2 2 . As these submissions will form part of the agenda of the next meeting of the National Committee, we ask that you ensure they comply with Clause 9.1 (g) of the Dogs Australia Internal Policy as noted below: g) Rationale No items are to be accepted by the Dogs Australia Administrator for inclusion on any Dogs Australia Board, Committee, or Subcommittee agenda unless a detailed explanation concerning the reason/rationale for submitting the item is provided in agenda format electronically in MS Word or similar by the Member Body proposing the agenda item. (Amended 11/03)

Submissions should include the following detail: A) B) C) D)

the current rule/regulation number and rule/regulation detail; the proposed amendment; a full rationale for the proposed amendment. list any current rules/regulations which could be affected as a result of a consequential change/s from a proposed new rule/regulation or an amended rule/regulation.

/Page 2

Providing the submission in this way allows other Member Bodies to easily assess only those rules/regulations to be amended instead of the time-consuming task of checking the entire rulebook/regulations. The following timetable as listed below will be used: Providing the submission in this way allows other Member Bodies to 2022 assess only those rules/regulations to be amended instead of the easily January Request Dogs the Australia for time-consuming task offrom checking entire Administrator rulebook/regulations. rule/regulation change proposals to be submitted. The following timetable as listed below will be used: 31 July Drafting completed by State/Territory Dances with Dogs and submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator. 2 0 22 January Request from Dogs Australia Administrator for October All submissions change distributed to Canine Controls by Dogs rule/regulation proposals to be submitted. Australia Administrator. 31 July Drafting completed by State/Territory Dances with Dogs 2023 and submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator. March October July 2023 March July


National Committee meeting All submissions distributed to Canine Controls by Dogs Australia Administrator. Final draft completed and submitted to Dogs Australia Administrator. Minutes of the March 2023 National Committee meeting National Committee meeting receives Dogs Australia ratification (via the electronic approval process). Final draft completed and submitted to Dogs Australia Whilst the minutes are in circulation with the Dogs Administrator. Australia Directors being approved, a volunteer from the Minutes the March will 2023 National NationalofCommittee finalise the Committee amended meeting receives Dogs Australia ratification (via electronic rules/regulations in accordance with thethe minutes and approval process). forward a copy to the Dogs Australia Administrator. Whilst theminutes minutesreceive are in circulation with the Dogs a Once the Dogs Australia ratification, Australia Directors being approved, a volunteer the copy of the new amended rules/regulations will from be made National finalise the amended availableCommittee (in additionwill to the existing rules/regulations) on rules/regulations in accordance with the minutes and as the ANKC Ltd website. They will be clearly identified forward copy1 to the Dogs Australia Administrator. effectiveafrom January 2024.

November 2 0 24 1 January

Once the minutes receive Dogs Australia ratification, a copy of the new amended rules/regulations will be made Effective date of new to rules/regulations. available (in addition the existing rules/regulations) on the ANKC Ltd website. They will be clearly identified as [P LEASE NOTeffective E: The afrom bove1mJanuary e nt i o ne d timetable is subject to change 2024. a n d i s o n l y ac h i e v a b l e w i t h t h e c o o p e r a t i o n o f a l l p a r t i e s i n v o l v e d . ] 2 0 24 The links to the current Rules and Regulations are:rules and regulations. find a date Word of the current 1Attached January please Effective ofversion new rules/regulations.

Rules For The Conduct Of Dances With Dogs Competitions

[P LEASE NOTE: The abovementioned timetable is subject to change Regulations For The Conduct Of Dances With Dogs Competition aYours nd is faithfully o n l y ac h i e v a b l e w i t h t h e c o o p e r a t i o n o f a l l p a r t i e s i n v o l v e d . ]

Rules For The Conduct Of Trick Dog Tests Regulations For aThe Conduct Dog Test Attached please find Word versionOf of Trick the current rules and regulations. Tracey Barry

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions are due no later than close of business 31 July 2022. Administrator | Dogs Australia Yours faithfully att. K:\13. CORRESPONDENCE\2022\01. Jan\0119l01.docx

Tracey Barry Administrator | Dogs Australia att.

Breed Feature


An excellent companion and family dog, the Vizsla requires daily exercise, both mental and physical ... their love for people and need to be with the family mean they must be part of the daily routine. 10

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022



Vizslas are enthusiastic, energetic, graceful, athletic, exuberant, intelligent, people-focused, capable and can be slow to mature. They have a great sense of humour, affectionate and are very loyal. They are adaptable to most living conditions, enjoy company and love being the center of attention.

The Hungarian Vizsla’s origins are hazy and it’s hard to pinpoint the exact place where they came from. The common belief is that the Magyar tribes from Asia Minor introduced the breed to Hungary in battle as far back as the ninth century. These tribes settled in the Carpathian Basin, now considered Eastern Europe.

EXERCISE High. People should be aware that this breed needs to be exercised daily and only recommended to active families. They can be an easy breed to train but training needs to be implemented as early as possible.

In some history books, these hunting tribes were depicted as being accompanied by their “yellow dogs”. Its colour was a particularly good asset as it was an effective camouflage when hunting and retrieving game birds amongst fields of golden grain.

The Hungarian Vizsla has a long and sometimes romantic history and is the ‘national dog’ of Hungary. Wars in 20th century Europe led to significant reduction in numbers and loss of valuable breeding records. Those Vizslas that remained spread through a wider area of Europe and eventually arrived to other continents, gaining recognition in the UK in 1953, the USA in 1960, and coming to Australia in 1973.

Other names for the Hungarian Vizsla include Hungarian Pointer and Magyar Vizsla. Its Asian roots may be evident as the word Vizsla originally meant “to seek” in Turkish. Thousand-year-old stone carvings show Magyar hunters with a falcon and Vizsla as his hunting companions. The Vizsla was considered a valuable asset by aristocrats and was bred as companions for centuries. The breed flourished through the Turkish occupations

A medium sized, smooth coated, ‘hunt/point/ retrieve’ breed, they come in various shades of ‘one colour suits all’ – a striking rich golden-red traditionally recognised and described by the Breed Standard as ‘Russet Gold’. Smallest of the smooth coated HPR’s, and a moderate dog in physical aspects such as size and angulation, they are described as elegant and should never be coarse in appearance. Developed as an all-purpose hunting companion, Vizslas proved to be valuable assistants to hunters in the pursuit of both fur and feather, on land or from water. They maintain these instinctive breed traits to this day, and in Australia accompany ‘rough shooters’, as well as those interested in the more ‘formal’ pursuits of Field and Retrieving Trials. In Europe and areas of North America where the more traditional method of hunting is permitted, some Vizslas work with falconers, whilst in Europe they are also used in the pursuit of larger game such as boar and deer and will use their strong scenting ability to trail injured animals through thick forest.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


in the 16th and 17th century. Several civil wars didn’t stop the popularity of this breed. The popularity of the Vizsla continued during the two first World Wars. However, some authorities claim that the breed did start its decline in the late 19th century. Many people are attracted to the Hungarian Vizsla’s size and stunning appearance, and Vizslas are the breed of choice for many with an interest in competitive dog sports. Its compact size makes it a good all rounder in the pointer-retriever breed and as a companion. The Hungarian Vizsla is an extremely intelligent breed and relatively easy to train. The breed is developed to work as a team with their owners. Vizslas mostly retain these original breed traits, and combined with their compliant and intelligent character, their athleticism and willingness to be trained and to work can make them a great choice for competitive Obedience, Agility or Flyball. With their excellent scenting ability they also frequently excel at Tracking. The Vizsla is probably one of the few breeds where a need for sensitive training and avoidance of harsh treatment is actually referred to in the breed standard. Training is essential as an aid to communication, and to assist development of good manners, and Vizslas tend to become confused by harsh training methods. However, when rewarded for correct behaviour and gently prevented from practicing unwanted behaviour, they enjoy learning. Vizslas can be wonderful family companions and can be tolerant with children, though they may be too boisterous with very young children. As with all dogs, supervision is required and both children and puppies need to be carefully shown how to behave calmly when together. Vizsla puppies are very busy and can have short attention spans for early training. They remain active and energetic for most of their lives. Its’ sound loyalty and temperament makes them a perfect candidate as a long-term family companion. An excellent companion and family dog, the Vizsla requires daily exercise – both mental and


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

physical. Most Vizslas like to swim, and that is an excellent alternative or addition to the daily walk. They cannot achieve their full potential when isolated from the family and need more than a game in the backyard to satisfy them. Their love for people and need to be with the family mean they must be part of the daily routine. For some owners, the initial energy levels of a busy Vizsla puppy can be overwhelming and it seems that no amount of caution can prepare for the whirling puppy that comes home. But in the words of the late Gay Gottlieb, UK Hungarian Vizsla doyenne, in her first book ‘The Hungarian Vizsla’ published in 1985, ‘Bred right, treated right, worked right, he can hold his own in any company.’ Though exercise and training needs can be significant, grooming is generally in the ‘low maintenance’ category – the usual removal of dead coat with a brush or grooming mitt when there are seasonal changes, and an occasional bath or wipe over with a wet towel is about all that is generally needed, other than regular pedicures! The Vizsla on the whole is a healthy and active dog. That said, Vizslas suffer most of the diseases that affect other breeds and cross breeds. Cancer, epilepsy, immune mediated disease and hip dysplasia are all recorded in the breed. As the breed becomes more popular so do people’s misconceptions and expectations. The biggest mistake many people make is they underestimate the commitment the Vizsla needs for human companionship, acceptance and interaction within a family and their vigorous exercise needs. Some people in these circumstances find that they have chosen a dog that doesn’t suit their lifestyle. Families interested in owning a Vizsla need to ensure they already have an active lifestyle and don’t mind exercising for the Vizsla is an active and athletic dog.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Breed Feature


“Whilst the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla has all the characteristics of the Shorthaired Vizsla, it is a more placid dog willing to sit of its own accord at the owner’s feet. The energy, enthusiasm and keenness to work is still there along with the desire to be involved in everything the owner is doing.” They are fun-loving and energetic and very much “people” dogs. 14

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

– Annette Dobson

HISTORY AND PURPOSE The Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla was created in the 1930s by three breeder-hunters in Hungary and Slovakia. They crossed smooth-coated Vizslas with German Wirehaired Pointers (though it is believed that several other breeds have been occasionally introduced). Their purpose was to develop a more robust, strong-boned Vizsla better able to cope with cold and harsh hunting conditions in Central Europe, while retaining the excellent searching, pointing, tracking and retrieving abilities of the Vizsla.

HUNGARIAN WIREHAIRED VIZSLAS IN AUSTRALIA The first Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla came to Australia in 2004 and the breed was recognized by the Australian National Kennel Council from 2007 thanks to the work of breed specialist Mrs Fay Harris who also developed the Extended Breed Standard. Since then, there have been imports from Hungary and elsewhere in Europe, the UK and New Zealand. Some kennels have bred several generations of Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas, notably Habanero (Queensland), Rugalmas (NSW) and Lasair (Tasmania) – but not all of these are still breeding Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas and several new kennels are starting. Nevertheless, the breed remains rare throughout Australia.

COMPARISON BETWEEN HUNGARIAN WIREHAIRED VIZSLAS (HWV) AND HUNGARIAN VIZSLAS (HV) These are two separate breeds. They are shown as different breeds in the Gundog group. They should not be interbred, and any off-spring would be crossbreds. The standards for the two breeds are almost identical except for the coat, temperament and the word ROBUST. The general description in the HWV starts with the sentence “A lively, russet gold hunting dog of dry and lean but more robust construction compared to the Hungarian ShortHaired Vizsla” (emphasis added). The height limits are the same but an HWV may look more solid because of its stronger thicker bones. The HWV also has slightly shorter thicker ears and a thicker root to its tail.

TEMPERAMENT The extended standard states “Whilst the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla has all the characteristics of the Shorthaired Vizsla, it is a more placid dog willing to sit of its own accord at the owner’s feet. The energy, enthusiasm and keenness to work is still there along with the desire to be involved in everything the owner is doing.” They are fun-loving and energetic and very much “people” dogs. They like their home

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


comforts; it is part of being with you. Neither HWVs nor HVs are suited to living and sleeping outdoors. This is a high-drive breed, though, of course, there is variation between individuals. To become excellent family members they need fair, gentle and consistent training. Crate training and car travel from an early age are a good start. HWVs are excellent with children provided both the children and dogs are carefully trained to keep calm and respect one another.

COAT The ideal HWV coat is harsh with a smooth-lying outer layer of hair about 2-3 cms on the neck and back but shorter on the legs. There should be a close water-resistant undercoat. The eyebrows, moustache and beard are not as pronounced as other wirehaired breeds. Like other wirehaired breeds there is variation in coat textures with some being too soft or too smooth. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Amanda Williamson (Ashbolt Weimaraners), Maree McCabe (Vizwyre HWV), Lara Sedgmen and others for the photographs. Breed information from material produced by Fay Harris and Karen Orzeszko has also been used. References and sources of additional materials: The extended standard is at HungarianWirehairedVizsla_BSE.pdf Here are some books and articles that describe the work HWVs are bred to do, including hunting with falcons:


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

A mating of two HWVs can produce offspring that appear to be smooth, i.e., they never grow wirehair and do not have wire eyebrows, moustaches or beards. They are HWV but do not meet the standards. The gene for a wire coat is dominant to the gene for smooth coat so as long as the dog has one gene for wire coat it will have a wire coat, but if it also has a gene for a smooth coat it can produce progeny without wire coats.

HUNGARIAN WIREHAIRED VIZSLAS AT WORK IN AUSTRALIA HWV are versatile workers valued by hunters and dog sports enthusiasts. They make excellent deer stalkers and bird dogs. Despite the small numbers in Australia, HWVs have already gained championships in Retrieving, Tracking, Track and Search and Rally, including Dual and Triple Championships, meaning they are also champions in the show ring. Several also have titles for Obedience (up to UD), Scent Work, Endurance and Retrieving ability for gundogs.

Hungarian Vizsla

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“The Wirehaired Vizsla: a dog for all reasons”, by Roy Bebbington, 2010, UK “Pointing Dogs Volume One: the Continentals” by Craig Koshyk, 2011, Dog Willing Publications, Canada. A description of coat inheritance is at australianvizsla healthregistry/home/short-wirehaired-and-long-of-vizsla-coat Details of all registered HWV and HV (main register for Australia) can be seen at


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DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


How a rescue pet inspired a business idea

– Bettina Harlos Looking for comfort during a phase of depression I adopted my very first cat Kitty. I was 50 years old at the time and had actually been afraid of dogs and suspicious of cats all my life. That changed on that very day. I realised that loving animals connects humans and makes them feel good. I also observed that animal lovers tend to surround themselves with animal themed items: ceramics, jewellery, clothes and more. Stuck in a career dead end suddenly a business idea was born: Animales online – a shop "run" by animals for animal lovers. Depicted in our branding is the Management Team – Prettytatz the cat: CEO, Paolo the dog: Customer Care, Kooks the Kookaburra: Communications and Paolo the sheep: Kids stuff. All our animal themed products are sourced from SMEs with strong ethical and sustainable values. They support fair working conditions, re-purpose recycled materials and support charitable causes with parts of their net profits. All of them share

our excellent customer service philosophy. Working with like minded business partners from around the world allows us to bring unique and high-quality products to Australia. Currently we stock beautiful dog breed jewellery from Dazzling Paws Jewelry, Wisconsin, designed by my friend Myra Westphal and hand manufactured from recycled Sterling Silver. Another exclusive brand is Californian based Chala Handbags, supplying us with high quality vegan bags and accessories. Our Mila ceramics are designed in Nuremberg, Germany and hand-painted in a small family run business in Thailand and one of our Australian suppliers is Queensland based family run company Bocchetta Plush Toys with their wonderful plush animals. Purchase online or meet us at markets and events around Australia ‘Because we love our animals!’

Junior Handler Reminder A reminder to all Junior Handlers and Parents that to compete in the Junior Handler State Final in October 2022, the Junior Handler must be a Junior Member. Membership is free to become a Junior Member – simply download the Membership form (link below) and return to Dogs Queensland. https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws. com/59095/9cX6XluHDI5ENZLqUjrN0Jjxdzlbge5YM5PH56zu458/2664645.pdf


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

GO HUGH! – David Margan

President, Hugh Gent, has made it into the August columns of the Sydney Morning Herald talking about his 52 year romance with the world of dogs and drawing attention to the designer dog disaster, puppy farms and the dumping of dogs purchased in the isolation of the COVID pandemic. Here’s a taste: “It started 52 years ago with Woody, the first Labrador bought by Elizabeth and Hugh Gent when the couple got off the boat from England with barely two pennies to rub together. Today Mr Gent, the President of Dogs Australia, can detail the subsequent 15 generations of dogs bred from Woody with the ease that comes from a lifetime of presiding over best in show contests across the world.”

“Mr Gent said the new website Dogs Australia will encourage potential dog owners to consider the three Rs: “The right time, the right breed and the right breeder.” We’re lucky to have a person like Hugh at the head of our national body given his love of dogs and his decades of service to the community.

It was a great advertisement for Dogs Australia and focused pandemic puppy purchases being sent to the nation’s dog pounds, here is a little more of what Hugh Gent had to say:

To read the full article just go to: https://www. or

“Dogs Australia will launch a campaign in February to help consumers with videos, guides to different breeds, and a quiz to help select the best dog. The new consumer website, a non-profit site, is run by the Australian National Kennel Council, which Mr Gent has headed for 20 years.”


Dogs Queensland is offering all breeders the opportunity to advertise in the Dog World magazine Breed Features at the discounted rate of $100 for 1/4 page.

The following dog breeds are planned for the coming months: March 2022: April 2022: May 2022:

Keeshond Bernese Mountain Dog Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

For more information or to book an advertisement, email

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022



Joanne Bibby – Fursafe®

When I think about Summer, I think about the Queensland heat, the hot sticky days and my personal love of the air conditioner and I bet my dog feels exactly the same way! The thing is though, we cannot spend the entire summer inside – we have to get out and live, and most of all have fun. As a Silky Terrier, Izzy loves to dig and explore, lie in the morning sun and check out anything that wriggles along. In the Summer even these activities can place her at risk of illness or injury. I don’t want to be anxious about Izzy’s safety (that wouldn’t be good) however, like with anything, if we are aware of the potential risks, we can reduce exposure or be prepared to respond to a crisis! This article will not go deep in to each hazard, rather touch on them and recommend how to reduce any risk your dog is, or could potentially be, exposed to.

HAZARDS It is important to note, that the following dangers may also impact your own health and wellbeing if the danger is still present. First, assess the danger, before removing or responding to your dog. Remember that, if your dog is injured, you may be faced with aggression and be exposed to a potential bite injury, however do not muzzle a dog who has an injury to the face, is vomiting or has breathing difficulties.


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

BITES AND STINGS Oh joy! Only today I saw a warning notice on the side of the road asking residents to report sightings of fire ants. This ant is aggressive and the last thing we want is for fire ant nests to be disturbed in our own backyards. These ants are known as our most dangerous ant. Bites produce intense pain and itching. A single sting can produce symptoms of anaphylaxis in just a few minutes – of which can be life-threatening to those allergic to the venom. Please stay clear. If injury occurs, wash bite area/s with soap and water. Place wrapped ice pack on wound and seek Veterinary help. Report sightings of fire ants immediately to Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) on 13 25 23. The next ant on our most dangerous list is the yellow crazy ant. This ant doesn’t bite, oh no, it sprays formic acid! This acid may burn or irritate skin and eyes of animals and people. If sprayed with the acid, wash the area thoroughly. If in the eyes, flush with saline and seek medical / veterinary care. Stop your dog from licking the burn if at all possible. Please stay clear. If injury occurs, wash sprayed formic acid area/s with cool, clean water. Seek Veterinary help. There is a current management trial on Council Land in the Stafford Heights area to determine if Yellow Crazy


First Aid:

Ants are present. Report sightings of Yellow Crazy Ants to Brisbane City Council on 07 3403 8888.

dog from playing with them.

Other ants which you may see around your home or in your community are green head ants, meat ants, sugar ants and funnel ants. ‘Barbies’ are an Australian pastime and summer is a high time for family get-togethers – playing in the backyard having a barbie, what could be better? The thing about the barbeque is, in order to cook you use flames, and flames generate heat, some of course can be electric or heat rocks or ga. Either way the grill top or plate becomes very hot, ranging between 120C° to 260°C and for dogs it spells disaster!

Who does not love to take their dog to the beach or play in the swimming pool in summer, letting them run and jump and play with their friends in the water? So, if it is so common in Australia why would drowning be an issue? All dog’s can swim, can’t they? No, not all dogs can swim. For example, a golden retriever is usually a good swimmer but a bulldog has trouble staying afloat. Dogs with big long legs with webbed feet are better than dogs with small legs (like a dachshund), despite having webbed feet and so on. My Silky Terrier is vary wary of going into ‘deep’ water – she likes to keep her feet on solid ground.

If you are not watching, your dog may reach up, place paws onto the plate or tongue for that matter to reach the food and receive severe burns. Even the hot food can burn the dog’s mouth and tongue. Your dog may endure intensive pain, expose themselves to infection, expensive treatment with long term recuperation and potential permanent disability.

Consider this also: If a dog is been unable to get out of a dam or pool and they eventually lose the strength to keep kicking, they may well drown. A dog who falls into the pool and sustains an injury may well drown and then what if they are in a fast-moving current during a flood, they could hit or be hit by debris and lose consciousness.

If your dog is burnt run water over the injured area for 10-15 minutes to stop the burning process, cover the dog with the emergency blanket and get them to the Vet.

When a dog swallows too much water from any of the above examples they may drown even after they are removed from the water – this is called Submersion Syndrome.


The backyard ‘Barbie’ is a no-go area for dogs.

CANE TOADS I do not like Cane Toads and this summer I am seeing Cane Toads everywhere and that is not surprising given the number of tadpoles a female can produce! The toxin that a Cane Toad excretes is vile and it is dangerous to dogs and humans. Dog’s love playing with them, rolling them around in their mouth and even biting down on them, because it’s fun. What our dog’s don’t realise is, that the toxin is BAD for them; their mouth becomes coated in the toxin and it is quite thick and very pink. If ingested dogs can become seriously ill – if this happens you must get to the Vet. Generally speaking, if you act quickly enough and before the dog begins eating any part of the Toad get a cloth and running water and first wipe out the toxin from the tongue and gums, rinsing the cloth at each wipe. Grab the hose or a jug and run the water from one side of the mouth to the other – just make sure you run the water out of the mouth and not down the throat. Continue this process until the mouth is clear and clean of all toxin. Monitor your dog in one room and if you notice any changes in your dog get them to the Vet. At night when the Toads are out and about put your dog on a leash for their toileting or stay by ready to stop your


If in doubt get your dog a quality life vest and if you want to ensure they can exit the water attach a rope so you can pull them back in. If your dog drowns and there is no response commence CPR and do not stop until you reach the Vet or the dog starts breathing again. It is imperative that you get to the Vet urgently. Always make sure you supervise your dog whenever they are near water.

FALL FROM HEIGHTS A fall for a dog could be many things – falling off the lounge awkwardly, out of a home window, off a ledge and so forth. However in summer the most common fall from height is when a dog falls out the window of a moving vehicle or even a stationary one. If your dog is allowed to move around the vehicle and the window is open enough to fit through then you can see that the likelihood of your dog falling from a height is very high. You may have your dog anchored off and yet the strap is too long or like Izzy she sits in a booster seat so she can look out the windscreen and passenger window. When she first used the booster the belt / strap was too long and she fell out of the seat with the passenger door open! (Fortunately we were parked) Thank goodness

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she wears a harness otherwise she may have been strangled!! Make sure you tie off your dog to an anchor point. Use a travel harness and not a collar to tie in. Also make sure the strap is long enough for the dog to sit and lie down but not long enough that they can lean out the window. If your dog does fall from heights, they could experience multiple traumas including spinal injury, brain injury, broken bones or death. If they fall and run loose on the road they may be run over, be thrown a long distance and experience multiple traumas. If your dog is injured administer emergency dog first aid and get to the Vet the moment your dog is stabilised.

FIRE WORKS / THUNDER STORMS Most people love going to the fireworks at New Years Eve, Australia Day and any other day of celebration but dogs in general hate them! The sound of fireworks causes a lot of dogs to experience severe anxiety. This anxiety can cause a dog to run around frantically, into furniture, windows or out onto the road. Consider purchasing a Thunder Shirt® to give them the feeling of security consider doing things with them or

Est 1977



DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

treating them during the noise. Talk to your Vet if the anxiety is severe and see if they can suggest alternative ways to calm your pup. Think about staying home with your dogs during fireworks; if you have to go out, leave them with someone or get someone in to look after them.

HEAT STRESS Heat Stress is a life-threatening condition and must be avoided at all costs. Hot weather, especially humid environments can be devastating for dogs if not managed. Heat stress can be brought on by many environmental or biological conditions such as: leaving your dog in a hot car, dog left outside without shade or water, excessive exercise / activity on hot days, walking on hot roads, inside rooms without cooling systems and lack of acclimatisation to hot environments. Along with the above examples heat stress can be exacerbated by: Obesity (larger breeds greater than 15kg body weight, e.g. Labradors, Retrievers, Bull dogs), Poor physical fitness, Exaggerated physical features, Brachycephalic breeds (flat faced – Bull dogs, Pugs), short limbs and excessive skin wrinkling.

the signs of heat stress begin the cooling process immediately. The Fursafe Emergency Dog Heat Relief Kit has been designed to assist in reducing or stabilizing your dog’s increased temperature. Once stabilised get to the Vet.


Priority for all dog owners is to be aware of what causes heat illness and take all the necessary precautions to reduce its effects as soon as possible so as to ensure your dog’s condition does not progress into lifethreatening heat stroke.

Do not allow your dog to walk across the road, gravel or on a footpath without first testing the temperature of the surface. If you place the back of your hand on the ground or better still put your bare feet on it and see if it is safe for your dog to walk on.

Prevention is paramount. However if your dog shows

If you have a small dog, carry them across the road. And


Medical conditions which can increase the risk of heat stress include: respiratory; general illness, seizures, dehydration and Puppies / Elderly Dogs.

Ever walked on the road or footpath without your thongs on in summer? Notice how it is near impossible because it is so hot that you last 1 second and then you run to the grass! You actually would be left with serious blisters on the soles of your feet if you didn’t make a dash off it. Well it’s the same for your dogs. Dog’s paws are not made of rubber or leather for that matter – they don’t wear thongs, joggers or sandals as a rule unless you have a tendency to put shoes on your dogs. If you have them walking on the road or footpaths during the summer months you are putting their little feet at risk of serious pain, 3rd degree burns and serious infection.

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DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


yes, consider a set of shoes if walking on the road or footpath is your only option to get from A to B. If you do go walking in summer, walk early morning or in the evening. If your dog’s paws are burnt, flush with water for 15 minutes or saline, and get to the Vet as soon as all four paws have been bandaged to protect against infection. Snakes are out and about during the summer months and this means you should be ever vigilant to make sure they are not sunning themselves where your dog loves to play! South East Queensland has some seriously venomous snakes – they ar the Eastern Brown, Red Bellied Black, Coastal Taipan and the common Death Adder. Not only do they give a nasty and painful bite, they can be life threatening. Dogs are known for disturbing peacefully sleeping snakes. If a dog is bitten by one of the above snakes, then their only hope is to receive antivenom from the Vet. Although the above four snakes are highly venomous, consider all snakes as potentially venomous unless you have a reliable identification. Keep your dogs away from snakes!

SUN Did you know that dogs can actually get sunburnt? Well, yes they can and it can be nasty! Your dog may exhibit blisters, cracked crusty nose, dry and cracked ear tips and a sore red tummy which can be sensitive to touch and then there are skin cancers. What you will notice from this description is that this is what happens when people are sunburnt. We are taught to use sunscreen, wear a hat and a lot of us wear a rashie to protect us from the harsh UV rays. This is exactly what you ought to do for your dog. Just make sure that the sunscreen is specifically for dogs with a minimum of SPF 30+. You can get it from all pet shop outlets. If your dog does end up with sunburn flush with water and speak to your Vet to ensure you manage the burn appropriately for your dog.

SURF / OCEAN There is little better than taking the dog to the beach. Sea water is great for their skin and coat. Don’t dogs have fun darting around on the sand, running into the


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SNAKES water and playing with the other dogs? An obvious hazard are the waves. If your dog is dunked by a wave, they may swallow a lot of sea water which is very bad in itself. Then there are hazards which are not so obvious including hidden fishing hooks, stings from bluebottles, jelly fish and stone fish – all which are very painful; injuries which can lead to an increased risk of bacterial infection. If your dog is injured seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

TICKS Paralysis tick season generally runs from Spring into late Autumn, however, in Queensland our warm temperatures and humidity can mean that tick season is pretty much all year round. We must never be complacent when it comes to implementing paralysis tick safety measures. If possible, avoid potential tick areas / habitats such as bushlands and long grass when walking your dog. Do tick checks every day if you cannot avoid tick habitats, apply and maintain tick prevention control products as prescribed and be aware of the signs and symptoms of tick paralysis disease and act immediately. When looking for ticks on your dog, start at the nose and work your way to the tail. If you need to see inside the ears, nose, mouth or in between toes or thick fur use a torch. If you find a tick remove it and then continue looking for more ticks. If your dog is showing signs of illness, take them to the Vet as soon as possible for treatment.

CONCLUSION There are certainly a lot of hazards in Summer and I am sure there are many more than in this article. What is important is that you are aware of them and do what you can to reduce the risk of injury or illness. Reference: Fursafe® Emergency Dog First Aid Guide

DOGS QUEENSLAND GROUNDS COMMITTEE SHOWS Dogs Queensland congratulates the winners and thanks all those who made the Championship Shows on Friday 31 December 2021 and Saturday 1 January 2022 a success including exhibitiors, workers and volunteers alike. The following pages showcase the winners. While every endeavour is made to include all the winners on the following pages some dogs did not have their pictures taken. All images showcased on these and the following pages can be purchased by visiting







Runner Up In Show: Foxhound FOXHUNT LAYLA

Runner Up In Show: Flat Coated Retriever AUS CH ALUBYC THE ARTFUL DODGER

Baby Puppy In Show: Griffon Bruxellois ARMORGRIF SMOOTH OPERATOR Minor Puppy In Show: Staffordshire Bull Terrier SWANKY GLORIOUS PURPOSE (AI) Puppy In Show: French Bulldog THE GOLDEN CHILD Junior In Show: Pug KABOVA BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE Intermediate In Show: Foxhound FOXHUNT LAYLA Australian Bred In Show: Shar Pei AYZSA QUEENS ROCK STAR (AI) Open In Show: Papillon SUP CH BIRIKINO VICTORY DANCE Best Neuter In Show: Samoyed DEEJAE PRINCESS ODETTE Runner Up Neuter In Show: Brittany AUS SUP & NEUT CH WAMEIKA KAZS SHORT SPIRIT

Baby Puppy In Show: Chow Chow MAJESTUEUX SHAOLIN ZEN EMEI Minor Puppy In Show: Shih Tzu CH TZUAVE CAREFUL WAT U WITCH FOR Puppy In Show: Labrador Retriever KIRKDELL LEAD ROLE ATDRIFTWAY (AI) Junior In Show: Irish Water Spaniel WATERBOYS IT’S THE WAY WE ROLL Intermediate In Show: Briard CH CACHERAL READY TO RUMBLE Australian Bred In Show: Dachshund (Wire-haired) CH DACHDOTCOM WIRY RUMOUR HAS IT (AI) Open In Show: Fox Terrier (Smooth) SUP CH FIREZAN SNOW N STEEL Best Neuter In Show: Brittany AUS SUP & NEUT CH WAMEIKA KAZS SHORT SPIRIT Runner Up Neuter In Show: Samoyed DEEJAE PRINCESS ODETTE

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31 December 2021

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1 January 2022



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Life Memberships

- Ainslie Carius and Peter Mayne AINSLIE CARIUS

PETER MAYNE Peter has been a member of the Canine Control Council (Dogs Queensland) since 1984 and held the positions of President and Vice President with the Border Collie Club of Qld since its’ inception in 1992. He was granted Life Membership of the Club in 2007.

TAK Photography

Peter volunteered for several roles with Dogs Queensland including the Dogs Queensland Breaches and Inquiries Sub-Committee. His interests gravitated towards the sport of Herding – he was appointed a Member of the Queensland Herding Sub Committee and enjoyed an involvement as a Herding Test Judge.

Ainslie is pictured receiving her award from Ulla Greenwood (DQ President). Ainslie is a past President and Vice President of Dogs Queensland. Her tenure on the Board of Directors has spanned in excess of 20 years and during this time she has represented Dogs Queensland on the ANKC and various National Committees. In addition, Ainslie has also served as the Chairperson for: •

The Rules and Constitution Committee

The Health Committee

The Dog Of The Year Committee

The Special Events Committee and

The Junior Handling Committee.

Her Club involvement has been extensive in both the ‘All Breeds’ and ‘Specialty’ arena, beginning at an early age in the Junior Kennel Club. Ainslie’s passion has since extended to many other clubs including the Gundogs and Heave Breeds Clubs, The Dachshund and Bassett Hound Clubs and the Hound Club of Queensland.

Peter assisted with the building of the Herding area at Durack. He is a member of the Queensland Herding Association and has previously held the position of Treasurer. Taking on the task of conducting Herding Judges Training, Peter has been responsible for implementing guidelines for the recording of learning processes and outcomes for assessment processes. Most importantly Peter remains very active in training, mentoring, conducting examinations and assessments for the Herding Judges. In 2016 Peter represented Dogs Queensland on the ANKC National Herding Committee and offered to oversee the task of reviewing the ANKC Rules for Herding. He represented DQ at the National Meeting and then conducted rule review meetings for Judges and members alike. In 2021 Peter once again assisted the ANKC National Rule Review. Peter’s dedication to Dog Sports is unmeasurable and his shared knowledge with the Herding paternity has assisted many Dogs Queensland members.

Ainslie’s continuing dedication and unwavering devotion to Dogs Queensland extends from the purchasing of trophies, setting up shows, buying canteen supplies, mediating Breed Club disputes to organising fundraising events and helping at dog training occassions. Her contribution to the canine community is outstanding and is now duly recognised.


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Peter is pictured receiving his award from Barb Murfet.

MORE PUPPY FARMS – David Margan Greed is a universal human failing and drives everything from a failing environment to the scourge of puppy farms. Despite the rising tide of protest and opposition to these dog factories applications for development approval for these canine stalags grows apace. The latest sits before the Scenic Rim Council seeking approval to expand an existing designer dog breeding site to accommodate upwards of 100 dogs. Council officers are likely to recommend its approval, as they did at the Sunshine Coast Council in the case of the Diamond Valley Development Application. Fortunately in the latter case, after an intense lobbying campaign that saw and Australian record of 450,000 submissions, the Sunshine Coast Councillors voted the application down, 8-1. The problem here is that the planning legislation Queensland Local Government authorities have to follow contains not a single clause regarding the welfare of animals at the heart of such applications. The puppy farm application before the Scenic Rim Council is a classic example.

For example the Animal Keeping Code’s only concern, much like the breeding of designer dogs, is only about the looks and aesthetics of the gaol. Its only reference to the inmates is the need for the building to be constructed in such a way; “… that dogs are unable to escape;” As for noise that may disturb the neighbours the Scenic Rim applicants say they will use antibarking collars that use electrical shocks and a noxious spray. These are a cruel devices, never to be used long term or at all if you care about the dog. There is no requirement for more than one hour in 24 for socialisation and exercise and even that is not monitored or enforced.

The codes contain concerns about the environment, the rural amenity, the amenity of neighbours, the rural landscape, koala habitat, the gaol shed that will house the breeders, requirements to prevent their escape, noise prevention but not a word regarding the welfare of the inmates.

The legislation needs urgent amendment so that local government authorities can decline to engage in puppy farming and its dishonest trade. It’s the only solution short of banning puppy farms. It’s time the Queensland government paid more than lip service to animal welfare.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


DANCES WITH DOGS AND TRICK DOGS – Gay Westmore, President, Dances with Dogs Club Queensland First published in Republished with permission INTRODUCTION

Dances with Dogs or DWD (as we call it in Australia) grew out of a Crufts pre-best-in-show demonstration by Mary Ray in about 19901; basically she did a ‘regular’ heelwork demonstration, but in time to music. It was so well received that over time it became recognised as an official discipline by the UK Kennel Club, with Rugby Dog Club (of which Mary was a member) holding the first show in 19961. Subsequently the sport spread to other European countries, the USA and ultimately worldwide, where it has a variety of names, including Heelwork to Music (which includes Freestyle) and Canine Freestyle (which includes HTM). Mary continued to perform a pre-best-in-show demonstration at Crufts through to 2018. In Australia, Dances with Dogs was recognised by the ANKC as a titling dog sport from January 2009. Since then there have been 5-yearly rule reviews, and in the rule review cycle which commenced in 2017, Dogs West put forward a proposal for introduction of Trick Dog as an ANKC discipline. This concept was adopted and Trick Dog became a titling sport from January 2020. It had a somewhat bumpy inauguration, with only a few competitions being held in 2020 due to most dog sports being cancelled as a result of Covid-19 restrictions. In both DWD and Trick Dog, dogs work off lead, so a level of engagement and connection between the dog and handler are essential prerequisites for competing in both these sports; on the other hand, training our dog in a fun and positive manner helps develop a strong bond and relationship between the dog and handler which benefits both parties in everyday life as well as in competition. DANCES WITH DOGS

There are two separate divisions in DWD: (a)


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Freestyle and (b) Heelwork to Music. In both divisions, the handler and their dog work as a team, presenting choreographed movements executed to music. DWD allows freedom for the handler to choose their music, the moves they include and the associated costume and props used in their routine. The moves, costume and props should all relate to and/or be compatible with the selected music and its theme. A key principle of the sport is that the dog should be treated with respect and not be put in harm’s way, so we do not dress our dog in costumes (they can wear a decorative collar only) or include moves which could put the dog at risk of injury. There are 4 class levels in each division of DWD – Starter, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. The level of difficulty of moves should increase with each higher level, as does the duration of the routine. At Starter level, the routine must be at least 1 minute long while at Advanced level it can be a maximum of 4 minutes long. Championship titles are gained subsequent to the Advanced title, and require a very high level of performance – 7 qualifying scores of at least 160 (out of 180) after completion of the Advanced title for the relevant division. Heelwork to Music requires that, for at least 70% of the routine, the dog must be close to the handler’s leg and (a)

move parallel to the handler in one of the 8 nominated heelwork positions;

(b) (c)

keep the same distance in relation to the handler in all positions; move in the same direction as the handler;


move at the same pace as the handler.

‘Heelwork’ position in HTM, goes far beyond the left heel position with which we are familiar in Obedience and Rally. There are 8 HTM positions available and in each of these 8 positions there are 4 potential directions of movement by the

dog – forwards, backwards, laterally to the left and laterally to the right; that means 32 positions/ directions of movement are available, though of course Starter routines are quite simple with about 3 positions and just 1 or 2 directions of movement normally being included.

The following diagram from the UK Kennel Club rules illustrates the 8 positions (see also heelworkpositions.html {Canine Freestyle Great Britain – heelwork positions}.



Dog on left of handler facing forwards. Dog’s right shoulder in close proximity to handler’s left leg

Dog on right of handler facing forwards. Dog’s left shoulder in close proximity to handler’s right leg

Dog on left of handler facing backwards. Dog’s left shoulder in close proximity to handler’s left leg




Dog across front of handler facing handler’s right. Dog’s right shoulder in close proximity to handler’s right leg 5

Dog across front of handler facing handler’s left. Dog’s left shoulder in close proximity to handler’s left leg.

Dog across back of handler facing handler’s left. Dog’s right shoulder in close proximity to handler’s left leg.



Dog on right of handler facing backwards. Dog’s right shoulder in close proximity to handler’s right leg 4

Dog across back of handler facing handler’s right. Dog’s left shoulder in close proximity to handler’s right leg. 8

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As the name suggests, Freestyle is less structured and can include any safe moves that the team can perform and that reflect the theme of the music. Many of the behaviours found in Trick Dog training and competition also appear in Freestyle routines, but Freestyle goes even further and can include many other moves not represented within the Trick Dog discipline. Behaviours that are often used in Freestyle routines include: circling a prop, circling the handler, leg weaves (and their many variations), targeting a hand-held prop, paw work (from paw lifts to leg wraps, to cross-paws, to sustained paw lifts moving in time with the handler), walk back, reversing around the handler or a prop, roll over, and crawl; and poses such as a bow, sit pretty, paws up on handler’s arm, paw over face, head/chin resting on a prop; and many more. This short list itself illustrates the level of cross-over between Freestyle and Trick Dog behaviours. CHOREOGRAPHY

A DWD routine is not simply an unrelated series of tricks performed one after the other. It can build on behaviours from the Trick Dog sport, or indeed other sports including Agility as well as Obedience and Rally. The difference is that DWD also requires you to select a piece of music and develop a sequence which flows and interprets that music – ie to choreograph the routine. You have the freedom, challenge and enjoyment of selecting music that best suits you and your dog, of creating a theme to your music and selecting a costume which complements the theme and your dog. Although the handler’s actions (and attire) add to

the routine, it is the dog who is the star, and it is important that the handler (no matter how skilful they may be at dance or how super their costume is) not overshadow the dog’s performance. Do you need to be a ‘dancer’ to participate in DWD?

No, dance skills are not required. It is great if you can hear the beat of a piece of music and have a sense of rhythm, but even those skills can be developed. TRICK DOG

The Trick Dog rules list a number of tricks for each level of competition – Starter, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. One innovative feature of Trick Dog, designed to assist newcomers and their dogs to become comfortable in a competition ring environment, is that in the Starter and Novice classes handlers can not only praise but also reward their dog after each completed trick. Although not the same level of flexibility and creativity that DWD offers, there is nevertheless the opportunity to select tricks which best suit your dog and to choose the order in which they are performed. The requirements of each class are – Class

Number of tricks Number of to be selected available options













Some of the behaviours are included in multiple levels, increasing in difficulty/duration at each higher level. For example, Go Round an object at Starter level is once around from at least 0.5 m distance. At Novice level it is 1 ½ circles from 2 metres, and at Intermediate it is 2 ½ circles from 3 metres. This is a logical and sequential development of the dog’s skills in a foundation behaviour, and one which is also used in many DWD routines. BALACE AND FLEXIBILITY

While Obedience and Rally require the dog to work


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

on the handler’s left side (with minor exceptions in Advanced Rally stations), in DWD and Trick Dog, when beside the handler, the dog can be on the handler’s left or right side. This has the benefit of enabling us to have regard to the effect of the dog’s position on the dog’s skeletal and muscular development. In canine conditioning, we deliberately work in both directions, to even out the dog’s movement and flexibility. DWD and Trick Dog enable us to take those same issues into consideration in selecting how we perform various moves and tricks.

MEDIA UPDATE – David Margan and Marylu Lloyd

Our Social Media profile continues to grow. During 15 December till 21 January. Instagram Happy New Year and Facebook Dachshund Dog World Cover were the best posts during the season, followed closely by ‘Be careful before buying a dog this Christmas’.

Tina Dial – Pawsnap

There were 30 posts uploaded over the holiday season.


Training our dog in any dog sport provides both mental stimulation and physical activity for the dog, and enables us to improve communication between the dog and handler and to channel the dog’s energy into activities which are mutually enjoyable and beneficial. As owners of working dog breeds, we know how important that is.

Our Facebook and Instagram overall stats: Impressions 52,697 - 28.2% increase – Engagements 5,204 -18.5% increase Post Link Clicks 729, 20.2% increase.

Both DWD and Trick Dog allow flexibility and provide the opportunity to draw on and develop the skills and loves of both the dog and handler and most of all to have fun together. DWD in particular allows freedom and creativity to an extent unique to this sport. The flexibility and creativity that these two sports offer makes them suitable for all dogs and all breeds – large or small, fast or slow – and indeed for handlers with varying physical abilities. Many dogs who have been retired from other sports because of age or injury are now enjoying doing tricks, and hopefully some of them will venture into the world of Dances with Dogs as well. 1


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Vale Wendy Craven 06/04/1958 - 07/01/2022

The story of Wendy and AG. Ch. Holly ADM, ADO, JDM, JDO, SPDM, GDM, SDM, Queensland and Australia’s First Agility Champion.

Wendy started dog training in the 1980’s with a Shetland Sheepdog and competed in Obedience gaining her first obedience titles. This was Wendy’s introduction to all things dog. It wasn’t until some time later that she moved to Ingham and joined the WENDY AND HOLLY Ingham Dog Obedience Club with a new “red dog” Kelpie pup, Holly. Holly Not long after starting with the club Wendy was was from a working bloodline but didn’t have introduced to Agility. Wendy had never heard of “papers”. Unfortunately, this meant that Holly Agility and the instructors were only able to tell the couldn’t compete with the purebred dogs under participants about the end result but were unable the Canine Control Council (CCCQ) rules of the to tell them how to achieve it. So, Wendy was time. self-taught through a dog training magazine called Holly was a very intelligent dog and was full of Clean Run and videos that she had borrowed. energy but if there ever was a difficult and chaotic Eventually she entered her first trial. Holly barked dog with attitude, it was Holly. Wendy started her way around the course missing half of the Obedience training with Holly at a very early age obstacles, then played tug with the rope exclusion and struggled with the training. Holly would often zone and decided that contacts were not her thing. bite Wendy when she tried to put her in the drop position and Wendy had to crash tackle the lead as By the end of 2003 Holly had gained her nonHolly zoomed past on her recalls. pedigree Masters Agility and Jumping Titles as well as her Companion Dog and Endurance Trial titles with at least another 10 or so qualifiers. On the 1st July 2005 ANKC / CCCQ introduced the Associate Dog Register for crossbreeds and purebred non-papered dogs. This was the introduction of the officially recognised achievements in the ring.



DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

However, this now meant that the new Associate Registered dogs had to start the process again from scratch. Holly had gained her Novice, Excellent and Masters Agility and Jumping titles by the end of 2005.

In 2006, ANKC / CCCQ introduced the new title of Agility Champion. The scoring system for Ag. Champ. was different to what it is now. For Holly to gain the title of Agility Champion starting again from scratch from Novice, Excellent through to Masters in Agility and Jumping, in total she had to achieve some 70 qualifying scores. This was a remarkable achievement in less than 2 years and thousands of kilometres travelled. At the end of her career Holly had also gained her Open Agility (ADO) and Jumpers (JDO) and Masters Snooker (SDM), Masters Gamblers (GDM) and Masters Strategic Pairs (SPDM) titles. Holly was also successful in achieving her Australian Agility Champion (AAC) with another Australia Agility governing body thus making her a dual Agility Champion as well as the International Agility Dog (IAD) status. Wendy continued competing with another two of her working Kelpies, Codie and Marla, until they retired. Sadly some 4 years ago Wendy suffered ill-health which took its toll, but she fought it with the tenacity that she was renowned for, and she survived, happily ringing the bell at the end of her chemo treatment. After moving from Townsville to Innisfail some years ago Wendy started a dog training business called Tropical Outdoor Performance Dog Sports (TOP DogS) where she taught positive reward-based puppy classes, pet dog training and more recently Scentwork. Her most recent accomplishment she was so proud of, was the completion of her Nationally Recognised Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training. She also reconnected with other club members with the newly introduced competitive sport of Scentwork gaining her Novice Scentwork Title and additional qualifying scores in Advanced Scentwork with her working kelpie, Gidgee. Wendy was also an avid nature lover and could rattle off the names of many flora and fauna species in the Far North Region and in more recent times became a beekeeper selling honey at the local markets. Wendy will be sadly missed by her family, friends and doggy acquaintances.

DOGS QUEENSLAND LOVES DOG TALES Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘paw-friendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few. Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s story to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through to barbara@








To make a purchase call 3252 2661 or email

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


SHOW GAZETTE APRIL 2022 DOG OWNER’S MANUAL ON SALE NOW! Show Schedules Written by distinguished veterinarian Karen Hedberg, the Dog Owner’s Manual takes you through the process of choosing and raising a puppy. It also includes breeding, geriatric care, lists canine ailments and summarises various treatments. Clearly written and easy to comprehend, this book provides an up-to-date one-stop reference for both breeders and all those who really care for their dogs. To purchase your copy, visit Dogs Queensland, phone the office on 3252 2661 or email The Dog Owner’s Manual is priced at only $50.00 plus postage.


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Show Date: Saturday 5 March 2022

Entries Close: Saturday 12 February 2022

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF QLD INC Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave Durack QLD



1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a) Property Best Coat, Best Footed, Best Gaited, Classes: Best Head Entry $8.00, Property Classes $3.00 Fees: Catalogues $3.00 (Covers both shows) Online Entries only: Enquiries:

Belinda: Ph 0438932850 OPEN SHOW 1 Judging starts at 4:00PM with Groenendael Mrs M Hickey Breed classes, General Specials (QLD) and Property classes. OPEN SHOW 2 Judging starts 30 mins after the completion of Show one not before 5.00PM with Groenendael Mr N McGreevy Breed classes, General Specials (QLD) and Property classes. Double Handling allowed as per Dogs Queensland approval Raffle tickets available on Show Manager 10 tickets for $10.00, 4 tickets for $5.00 Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Show Dates: Friday 11 March 2022 and Sunday 13 March 2022 Entries Close: Monday 28 February 2022


Venue: Wondai Showgrounds, Baynes Street, Wondai QLD Classes:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

$15.00, Baby Puppy and Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00

Entries to:

Burnett KC, PO Box 78, Waterford West Qld 4133

Online Entries:


Ceri Ph: 0434975249 or Geoff 0421630051

Show Day Contact:

Ceri Ph: 0434975249

Friday 11 March 2022 Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Ring 2

Ring 3

Mrs N Hammond (NSW) Ms K Tosi (QLD)

Mr K Hammond AFSM (NSW)

General Specials

Sunday 13 March 2022 Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes

Groups 3 and 1

Mr K Hammond AFSM (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes Mrs N followed by Groups 2, 4 Hammond and 7 (NSW) Baby Puppy SweepstakesL Ms K Tosi (QLD) followed by Groups 5 and 6 Mrs N Hammond (NSW) General Specials

Groups 3 and 1 Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 2, 4 and 7 Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 6 Mr K Hammond AFSM (NSW)

Unpowered Camping $15.00 per night - Dog Area only. Canteen available.

Show Date: Saturday 12 March 2022 Entries Close: Monday 28 February 2022


Entries to:

Venue: Murgon Showgrounds, Murgon QLD 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) $15.00, Baby Puppy and Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues - Printed $10.00, Online $1.00 Murgon Show Society, PO Box 78, Waterford West Qld 4133

Online Entries:


Margaret Ph: 07 41563385 or 0428563386

Show Day Contact:

Ph: Margaret Ph: 0428563386

Classes: Entry Fees:

Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Ms K Tosi (QLD) Groups 3 and 1 Ring 2 Mr K Hammond AFSM (NSW) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 2, 4 and 7 Ring 3 Mrs N Hammond (NSW) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 6 General Specials: Ms K Tosi (QLD) Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022



Show Date: Sunday 20 March 2022

Applications close on the 28 February 2022 for First Time applicants to enter the Conformation Judges Training scheme.

Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD

Criteria for Eligibility for acceptance as an Aspirant a. Have held financial membership of Dogs Queensland or another ANKC Affiliate for a minimum of 8 consecutive years or be the son / daughter of a financial member, who has been a financial member for not less than 8 consecutive years. b. Have been active in canine affairs (see Regulation 3). c. Be a minimum of 18 years of age. d. Have bred at least three litters under their own or shared prefix. e. Have bred or exhibited to their title at least two champions. f. Have become an Accredited Conformation Ring Steward by attending the training provided by the Event Managers & Stewards Committee. Complete all the relevant requirements within the twelve months prior to submitting the application to join the Conformation Judges Training Program. A copy of the applicant’s official completed and signed Steward’s Card must accompany the Application Form. Judges Application – Inclusion in Conformation Judges Training Programme members/committees/conformationjudges/ Please forward this form along with a copy of your Stewards Accreditation Certificate, stewarding card and club participation form to cjc@ or by post.


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Entries Close: Sunday 27 February 2022



1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

Championship Show $15.00 Baby Puppies $12.00, Automatic entry to the Open Show if entered in the Champ Show, If entered in Open Show only $3.00 Catalogues, Printed $3.00, Online $1.50 (Covers both shows)

Entries to:

Caboolture Kennel Club, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133

Online Entries:


Nadia Ph: 0407591165

Championship Show Judging starts at 8.30AM Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials

Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Mr D Kill (QLD) Mrs J McCann (QLD) Mr J Burgess (QLD) Mrs H Weil (QLD) Mrs B Dickson (QLD) Miss C Ryan (QLD) Mrs H Weil (QLD)

Open Show Judging starts at 9.00AM Group 1 Mrs F Vecchio (QLD) Group 2 Mrs D Major (QLD) Group 3 Mrs W Pleydell-Fry (QLD) Group 4 Mrs J Watt (QLD) Group 5 Mr A Ziebell (QLD) Group 6 Miss K Maguire (QLD) Group 7 Miss M Attridge(QLD) General Specials TBA Junior Handlers to be judged in the lunch break Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Show Date: Saturday 2 April 2022 Entries Close: Monday 21 March 2022

Show Date: Sunday 3 April 2022 Entries Close: Monday 21 March 2022

DOGS QUEENSLAND Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD

JUNIOR KENNEL CLUB OF QLD Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD




1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),

10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

$15.00, Catalogues $3.50 to be ordered and paid for with entry

Entry Fees: $15.00, Catalogues $3.50 to be ordered and paid for with entry

Entries to:

Dogs Qld Show, PO Box 78,

Entries to:

Online Entries:

Waterford West QLD 4133

Enquiries: Jennifer Ph: 0418153115

JKC, 9 Clifton Cres, Durack QLD 4077

Online Entries:


Jennifer Ph: 0418153115

No calls after 9:00PM

No calls after 9:00PM

Judging starts at 5:30PM

Judging starts at 9:30AM

Junior Handlers to be judged in the lunch break

Group 1

Mrs P Bockman-Chato (NSW)

Group 1

Mrs S Bownds (NSW)

Group 2

Mrs C Doherty (NSW)

Group 2

Mrs J Mayne (NSW)

Group 3

Mrs N Abela (NSW)

Group 3

Mrs D Fenton (NSW)

Group 4

Mrs S Bownds (NSW)

Group 4

Mrs P Bockman-Chato (NSW)

Group 5

Mrs D Fenton (NSW)

Group 5

Mrs A Bowe (NSW)

Group 6

Mrs J Mayne (NSW)

Group 6

Mrs N Abela (NSW)

Group 7

Mrs A Bowe (NSW)

Group 7

Mrs C Doherty (NSW)

General Specials

Mrs N Abela (NSW)

General Specials

Mrs D Fenton (NSW)

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Held in conjunction with

Held in conjunction with

Junior Kennel Club of QLD Show Sunday

Dogs Qld Show Saturday

Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022



7 Show Date: Fri 8 April and Sat 9 April 2022 Show Date: Fri 8 April and Sat 9 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 18 March 2022 Entries Close: Friday 18 March 2022 NANANGO KENNEL CLUB NANANGO KENNEL CLUB

Venue: Nanango Showgrounds, Cairns Street, Nanango QLD Venue: Nanango Showgrounds, Cairns Street, Nanango QLD

Classes: Champ Classes: Champ Open Open Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes: Entry Fees: Champ Entry Fees: Champ Open Open Online Entries only: Online Entries only:


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a) 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a) Baby Puppy, Puppy and Veteran Baby Puppy, Puppy and Veteran $13.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 $13.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 $3.00, Online Catalogue $1.00 $3.00, Online Catalogue $1.00 Enquiries: Trish Ph: 0400903303 Enquiries: Trish Ph: 0400903303

Championship Show - Friday 8 April 2022 - Judging starts at 8.30AM with Sweepstakes Championship - Friday 8 April 2022 - Judging at18.30AM Ring 1 Mrs D Norman (QLD) ShowPuppy Sweepstakes followed bystarts Groups and 6 with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Mrs D Norman (QLD) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 6 5 Ring 2 Mrs R Seare (QLD) Veteran Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3 and Ring (QLD)(QLD) Veteran Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3 and2,54 and 7 Ring23 Mrs MrsRVSeare Schneider Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups Ring 3 Mrs V Schneider (QLD) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 2, 4 and 7 General Specials Mrs R Seare (QLD) General Specials Mrs R Seare (QLD) Open Show - Saturday 9 April 2022 - Judging starts at 10.30AM (Judging order decided on the day) Open Show - Saturday 9 April 2022 - Judging starts at 10.30AM (Judging order decided on the day) Group 1 Mrs M Darragh (QLD) Ring 4 Group 5 Mr A Ziebell (QLD) Ring 4 Group 1 Mrs M Darragh (QLD) Ring 4 Group 5 Mr A Ziebell (QLD) Ring 4 Group 2 Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Ring 4 Group 6 Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Ring 4 Group 2 Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Ring 4 Group 6 Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Ring 4 Group 3 Ms H Yeates (QLD) Ring 4 Group 7 Mrs S Watherston (QLD) Ring 4 Group 3 Ms H Yeates (QLD) Ring 4 Group 7 Mrs S Watherston (QLD) Ring 4 Group 4 Mrs B Dickson (QLD) General Specials Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Ring 4 Group 4 Mrs B Dickson (QLD) General Specials Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Ring 4 Camping available - Powered $15.00 – Non-Powered $12.00 available - Powered $15.00 Non-Powered No generators withinCamping 15 metres of the piped ring area. No– dogs permitted$12.00 in the toilet/ shower blocks No generators within 15 metres of the piped ring area. No dogs permitted in the toilet/ blocks Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years ofshower age attending Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events L Dogs Queensland events L

Show Date: Saturday 9 April 2022 Show Date: Saturday 9 April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 19 March 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 19 March 2022 NANANGO A P & M SOCIETY NANANGO A P & M SOCIETY Venue: Nanango Showgrounds, Venue: Nanango Showgrounds, Cairns St, Nanango QLD Cairns St, Nanango QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a) 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a) Entry Fees: Entry Fees: $13.00, Catalogues, Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 $13.00, Catalogues, Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Merle Ph: 0429431822 Enquiries: Merle Ph: 0429431822 Judging starts at 8.30AM Judging starts at 8.30AM Ring 1 Mrs V Schneider (QLD) Groups 1 and 6 Ring 1 Mrs V Schneider (QLD) Groups 1 and 6 Ring 2 Ms D Norman (QLD) Groups 3 and 5 Ring 2 Ms D Norman (QLD) Groups 3 and 5 Ring 3 Mrs R Seare (QLD) Groups 2,4 and 7 Ring 3 Mrs R Seare (QLD) Groups 2,4 and 7 General Specials Ms D Norman (QLD) General Specials Ms D Norman (QLD)

Camping available Camping available Powered $15.00 – Non-Powered $12.00 Poweredwithin $15.00 Non-Powered $12.00 No generators 15–metres of the piped ring area. No generators within 15 in metres of theshower piped ring area. No dogs permitted the toilet/ blocks No dogs permitted in the toilet/ shower blocks


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

CAMPING BOOKINGS AT THE DOGS QUEENSLAND SPORTS GROUNDS All bookings to camp at the Sports Grounds must be made using the SHOW MANAGER available through 1/4website, page filler filler 1/4 page the Dogs Queensland website.

All Breeds and Affiliated Clubs hosting Shows, Dog Sports and The Anzac Day Dusk Service Of Events throughout Queensland Remembrance was held at Dogs are welcome send through Queensland Sportsto Grounds. anservice article and hightoresolution The paid homage the images to lives lost of the animals who didn’t return from active duty. for possible inclusion in the Images are kindly reproduced Dog World magazine. courtesy of David Margan.

Show Date: Saturday 9 April 2022 Entries Close: Thursday 24 March 2022 GAYNDAH SHOW SOCIETY Venue: Gayndah Showgrounds, Cnr Spencer & Arthur St’s, Gayndah QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), Classes: 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a) Sweepstakes Baby Puppy and Puppy Entry Fees: Entries to: Online Entries:

$15.00, Catalogues $3.00 Gayndah S S, 110 Cummins Rd, Branyan QLD 4670


Amanda Ph: 0427316398

Judging starts at 8:30AM with Baby Puppy Sweepstakes Ring 1: Mrs P Brown Baby Puppy and Puppy (QLD) Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 General Specials: Mrs P Brown (QLD) No cars through the gate, but room to set up inside dog area.

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement to enter the grounds.

Show Date: Thursday 14 April 2022 Entries Close: Thursday 31 March 2022 MT PERRY SHOW SOCIETY INC Venue: Mount Perry Showgrounds, Monto Rd, Mount Perry QLD


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a)

MT PERRY SHOW SOCIETY INC CALLIDE VALLEY CANINE CLUB Venue: Mount Perry Showgrounds, Venue: Mount Perry Showgrounds, Monto Rd, Mount Perry QLD Monto Rd, Mount Perry QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW5(5a), 9(9a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 10(10a), 11(11a) 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), $15.00, 11(11a) Baby Puppy & Sweepstakes $10.00, 10(10a), Catalogues $3.00 Entry Fees: $15.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Entries to: Mt Perry Show Society Inc, Catalogues Printed $5.00, $2.00 PO Box 78,-Waterford WestOnline QLD 4133 (Covers both shows) Online Entries: Entries to: Callide Valley Canine Club, Enquiries: Margaret Ph: 0428563386 26 Alita Crt, Woodford QLD 4514 Judging starts at 8:30AM with Sweepstakes Online Entries: Ring 1 Mrs J Armatys Baby Puppy and Puppy Enquiries: Sue Ph: 0417628400 (QLD) Sweepstakes followed Sunday 17 April 2022 by Groups 5,7,1,6,3,2,4 Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes General Specials Mrs J Armatys (QLD) Ring 1 Mrs J Ireland Puppy Sweepstakes followed An additional judge will be appointed if maximum by Groups 2,1 and 5 (QLD) numbers are exceeded. Classes: Entry Fees:

Ring 2

Mrs S Hewinson (QLD)

General Specials

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7,6,3,4

Mrs J Ireland Monday 18 April 2022 Judging starts at 8:30AM

Ring 1

Mrs S Hewinson

Groups 2,1 and 5

(QLD) Ring 2

Mrs J Ireland

Groups 7,6,3,4


Entry Fees:

$15.00, Baby Puppy & Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues $3.00

Entries to:

Mt Perry Show Society Inc, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133

The club reserves the right to appoint/add/amend

Non-Powered camping $12.00 per night payable with



Entries March 2022 EntriesClose: Close:Thursday Monday 31 1 April 2022




Thursday 14 April 20222022 Show Show Date:Date: Sun 17 and Mon 18 April

Online Entries: Enquiries:

Margaret Ph: 0428563386

Judging starts at 8:30AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1

Mrs J Armatys (QLD)

General Specials

General Specials

Mrs S Hewinson (QLD) rings or judges.

entries to CVCC via Show Manager Held in conjunction with Mount Perry Show Society

Baby Puppy and Puppy

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a

Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,7,1,6,3,2,4

requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Mrs J Armatys (QLD)

An additional judge will be appointed if maximum numbers are exceeded.

Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Show Dates: Friday 15 April to Sunday 17 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 25 March 2022

CLONCURRY & DISTRICT CANINE CLUB Venue: Ingham Showgrounds, Cooper St, Ingham QLD




1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)


Baby Puppy and Puppy

Entry Fees: Entries to:

$13.00, Sweepstakes $6.00, Catalogues – Printed $5.00, Online $1.50 (covers all shows) Camping to be paid to Ingham Kennel Club Show Secretary, PO 505, Cloncurry QLD 4824

Online Entries: Enquiries:

Fiona Ph: 0427958426

Friday 15 April 2022

Judging starts at 10:00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1

Mr A Jones (TAS)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7, 6 and 2

Ring 2

Ms M Schelbach (QLD)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4 and 3

Ring 3

Ms M Clegg (VIC)

Groups 5 and 1

General Specials

Ms M Clegg (VIC) Junior Handlers will be judged after General Specials

Saturday 16 April 2022

Judging starts 45 mins after the completion of the Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club show with Sweepstakes Ring 1

Mr A Jones (TAS)

Groups 4 and 3

Ring 2

Ms M Schelbach (QLD)

Baby Puppy sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,1 and 7

Ring 3

Ms M Clegg (VIC)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 2

General Specials

Mr A Jones (TAS)

Sunday 17 April 2022

Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1

Mr A Jones (TAS)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 1

Ring 2

Ms M Schelbach (QLD)

Groups 6 and 2

Ring 3

Ms M Clegg (VIC)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7, 3 and 4

General Specials

Ms M Schelbach (QLD)

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events. Canteen available all weekend

Proudly Sponsored by


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Show Dates: Friday 15 April to Sunday 7 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 25 March 2022

INGHAM KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB INC Venue: Ingham Showgrounds, Cooper St, Ingham QLD




Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy, Puppy and Veteran Entry Fees: $13.00, Sweepstakes $6.00, Catalogues - Printed $5.00, Online $1.50 (covers all 3 shows), Camping $15.00 per night to be paid for with entries. Entries to: Show Secretary, PO Box 776, Ingham QLD 4850 Online Entries: Enquiries: Fiona Ph: 0418197093

Friday 15 April 2022

Judging starts 45 mins after the completion of CDCC show with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Mr T Horchner (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3,6 and 2 Ring 2 Mrs L Harwood (VIC) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4 and 7 Ring 3 Mr D McAllister (QLD) Veteran Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 1 General Specials Mr D McAllister (QLD)

Saturday 16 April 2022

Judging starts 9:00AM with Sweepstakes Junior Handlers to be judged at the completion of General Specials Ring 1 Mr T Horchner (VIC) Veteran Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4 and 7 Ring 2 Mrs L Harwood (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,1 and 3 Ring 3 Mr D McAllister (QLD) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 2 General Specials Mr T Horchner (VIC)

Sunday 4 April 2021 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW

Judging starts 45 mins after the completion of CDCC show with Sweepstakes

Helen Meier Memorial Show Ring 1 Mr T Horchner (VIC) Ring 2 Mrs L Harwood (VIC) Ring 3 Mr D McAllister (QLD) General Specials Mrs L Harwood (VIC)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 1 Veteran Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 2 Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 7, 3 and 4

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events. Canteen operating throughout the weekend

Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022



Using Dogs Queensland for all your DNA requirements is a simple, straightforward process for all members (regardless of computer skills). Members can easily place an order for DNA Profiling and Parentage and it is entirely managed by Dogs Queensland from posting DNA swab kits to final DNA results. • DNA Profiling and parentage • Prompt turnaround Other testing available: • Breed specific DNA testing • Specific Single Breed testing

Baby Puppies must not be entered in any Show or Trial Event until the dog is registered and allocated a number from Dogs Queensland.



Contact Julana at or by phone on 3252 2661 for all your DNA enquiries

Show Date: Saturday 23 April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 2 April 2022

MONTO & DISTRICT SHOW SOCIETY Venue: Monto Showgrounds, Oxley St, Monto Qld

All schedules up to and including July 2022 Shows and Trials should be submitted as soon as possible to the Dogs Queensland office. Please ensure all information is completed including Handlers, Sweepstakes, Nominated Classes etc. Submissions by are preferred or email

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Classes: Entry Fees: Entries to:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a) $13.00, Catalogues – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 Monto & District Show Society, PO Box 78, Waterford West Qld 4133

Online Entries:

Enquiries: Peter Ph: 0409260417 Judging starts at 9:30AM Ring 1

Mr P Tjerkstra Groups 1 to 7 and (QLD) General Specials Unpowered camping $15.00 per night paid to Monto and District Show Society via Show Manager or on the day

Proudly Sponsored by


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Show Dates: Friday 22 April to Sunday 24 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 1 April 2022


Venue: Beerwah Sportsground, 32 Sportsground Drive, Beerwah QLD


Classes: Champ Fri and Sat 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Open Sat 1(1a),2(2a) 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Champ Sun 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Puppy Entry $13.00, Baby Puppy $9.00, Sweepstakes $9.00, Catalogues $3.00 Fees: Free entry for the Open Show if entered in Saturday Champ Show, otherwise $3.00 per entry. Catalogue for Saturday includes the Open Show Entries to: SCKC, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 Online Entries: Enquiries: Sonia Ph: 0400 018 877 Friday and Saturday Championship Shows will be run under the 1 - 4 Group Placement system Friday 22 April 2022 Championship show judging starts at 5.00PM Ring 1 Mr D Bowe (WA) Group 1 Ring 2 Mrs J Sach (WA) Groups 2 and 4 Ring 3 Ms M Roberts (WA) Groups 3 and 5 Ring 4 Mrs S Baxter (WA) Groups 6 and 7 General Specials Ms M Roberts (WA) Saturday 23 April 2022 - Championship Show - Judging starts at 8.30AM with Sweepstakes Junior Handlers to be judged at the completion of the Championship Show Ring 1 Mrs S Baxter (WA) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Group 1 Ring 2 Mr D Bowe (WA) Groups 2 and 4 Ring 3 Mrs J Sach (WA) Groups 3 and 5 Ring 4 Ms M Roberts (WA) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 6 and 7 General Specials Mrs S Baxter (WA) Saturday 23 April 2022 – Open Show - Judging starts 30 mins after Junior Handlers Ring 1 Ms M Lee (QLD) Group 1 Ring 5 Miss A Carius (QLD) Group 5 Ring 2 Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Group 2 Ring 6 Mr M Eslick (QLD) Group 6 Ring 3 TBA Group 3 Ring 7 Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Group 7 Ring 4 Mrs T Dennis (QLD) Group 4 General Specials Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Sunday 24 April 2022 – Championship Show judging starts at 8:30AM Ring 1 Mrs J Sach (WA) Group 1 Ring 2 Ms M Roberts (WA) Groups 2 and 4 Ring 3 Mrs S Baxter (WA) Groups 3 and 5 Ring 4 Mr D Bowe (WA) Groups 6 and 7 General Specials Mrs J Sach (WA) Camping available on the grounds with payment to the Caretaker. Exhibitors must not use metal tent pegs, star pickets or any other ground piercing device on Council controlled land at any time due to underground power, water supply and irrigation services. Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Show Dates: Friday 29 April 2022 to Monday 2 May 2022 Entries Close: Friday 15 April 2022 WESTERN SUBURBS KENNEL CLUB AND DOGS QUEENSLAND AUTUMN CLUSTER Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD 4 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS and 1 OPEN SHOW Classes: Entry Fees: Entries to:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) $15.00, Automatic entry to the Open Show, Open Show only $5.00 Multi Show Catalogues - Printed $8.00, Online $4.00 Western Suburbs Kennel Club, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208

Online Entries:


Gwen Ph: 0400826333 Friday 29 April 2022 Championship Show Judging starts at 5:00PM Mrs S Gray (TAS) Group 1 Mr E Pickering (NSW)

Bull Mastiffs followed by Group 2 Mr G Winch (VIC) Group 3 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Group 4 Mrs P Cutler (NSW) Group 5 Ms T Sloan (TAS) Group 6 less Bull Mastiffs Mrs L Thomas – Van Der Weide (NSW) Group 7 General Specials Mr G Winch (VIC) Sunday 1 May 2022 Championship Show - Judging starts at 9:00AM Junior Handlers will be judged in the Lunch Break Mrs L Thomas – Van Der Weide (NSW) Group 1 Ms T Sloan (TAS) Group 2 Mrs P Cutler (NSW) Group 3 Mr G Winch (VIC) Group 4 Mr E Pickering (NSW) Group 5 Mrs S Gray (TAS) Group 6 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Group 7 General Specials Mrs S Gray (TAS) Monday 2 May 2022 Championship Show Judging starts at 8:30AM Mr G Winch (VIC) Group 1 Mrs S Gray (TAS) Group 2 Mrs L Thomas – Van Der Weide (NSW) Group 3 Mr E Pickering (NSW) Group 4 Ms T Sloan (TAS) Group 5 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Group 6 Mrs P Cutler (NSW) Group 7 General Specials Mr E Pickering (NSW)


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Saturday 30 April 2022 Championship Show Judging starts at 5:00PM Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Tenterfield Terriers followed by Group 1 Mr G Winch (VIC) Group 2 less Tenterfield Terriers Mr E Pickering (NSW) Group 3 Mrs L Thomas – Van Der Weide (NSW) Group 4 Mrs S Gray (TAS) Group 5 L Mrs P Cutler (NSW) Group 6 Ms T Sloan (TAS) Group 7 General Specials Ms T Sloan (TAS) Sunday 1 May 2022 Open Show Judging starts at 9:30AM Mrs V Yates (QLD) Group 1 Mr M Eslick (QLD) Group 2 Mrs W Pleydell-Fry (QLD) Group 3 Miss B West (QLD) Group 4 Mrs C Walker (QLD) Group 5 Mrs M Hickey (QLD) Group 6 Miss F Paton (QLD) Group 7 General Specials Miss S Wheatley (QLD)

Proudly Sponsored by

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.


1/2 page filler DOGS QUEENSLAND SHOP We now stock Royal Canin products specific for breeding bitches, puppies and adult dogs. Also available is a range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and grooming products from Plush Puppy.

When applying for both Championship and Non Championship Titles members are notified they must post the original pedigree certificate to Dogs Queensland. We regret to advise emails are not acceptable.

Shop hours are: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

All members and guests are reminded to check in via the QR code when entering the Dogs Queensland grounds and / or visiting the office. Double vaccination proof is also required when submitting paperwork or purchasing dog food. Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 9 April 2022


Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD Classes: Champ Open Property Classes Champ Show


Entry Fees: Champ Open Entries to:

1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 8(8a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a) 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a) Best Dog Head, Best Bitch Head, Best Tail and Tail Set, Best Interstate Bred, Best Gait, Best Black & White Coat and Colour, Best Red & White Coat and Colour, Best Brindle Coat & Colour, Best Tri-Colour Coat and Colour, Dam and Progeny, Sire and Progeny. $16.00, Baby Puppy $11.00, Property Classes $7.00, Catalogue $3.00 (Covers both shows) Open Show $6.00, Raffle Tickets $2.00 BBNQ, PO Box 1060, Spring Hill QLD 4004

Online Entries:


Ethel Ph: 0402580898 Championship Show Judging starts at 9.00AM

Mrs U Greenwood (QLD)

Open Show Judging starts 1 hour after the completion of the Champ Show and Handlers not before 11:00AM Mrs L Trotter (QLD) Breed classes and General Specials

Breed classes and General Specials followed by Mrs A Everson (QLD) Property Classes Junior Handlers, Lady and Gent Handlers will be judged at the completion of the Championship Show

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 22 April 2022

QLD BULLDOG CLUB Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD

Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Entries Close: Wednesday 30 March 2022 SPORTING SPANIEL CLUB OF QUEENSLAND Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD


The Lyn Durrington Memorial Show

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 14(14a) 11(11a), 18(18a)


1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 14(14a), 11(11a), 18(18a)


Veteran (Both shows)


Champ Show only Best Head,


Best Front, Best Movement Entry Fees

Champ: $20.00 First entry, $15.00 Subsequent entries,


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)


$15.00, Baby Puppies $10.00


Catalogues $3.00 (covers both shows)

Entries Sporting Spaniel Club of Qld, to: PO Box 78, Waterford West, Qld 4133

Sweepstakes: Champ $15.00, Open $5.00

Online Entries to:

Property Classes: $5.00

Enquiries: Jeanette Ph: 0414273186

Open: $5.00, Catalogue $5.00 (Covers both shows)

Championship Show Judging starts at 10:00AM

Online Entries Only: Enquiries: Lucas Ph: 0452210184 Julie Ph: 0434142386

Ms M Joyce Cocker Spaniels (American), (VIC) English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Irish Water Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels,

Open Show judging starts at 8:30AM

Clumber Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels,

Mrs S Watherston

Sweepstakes, Breed classes and

General Specials


General Specials

Open Show Judging starts at 9:00AM

Junior Handlers and Fancy Dress between the 2 shows Championship Show judging starts 30 minutes after the Open Show not before 11:00AM Mr K Winters

Sweepstakes, Breed classes,


General Specials, Property classes

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Proudly Sponsored by


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Ms H Yeates (QLD)

Sporting Spaniel Breeds C – W, General Specials Trophy and Medallion for Best Rarer Gundog. Raffle Tickets available on Show Manager - 3 for $5.00 Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Proudly Sponsored by

ShowDate: Date:Saturday Saturday30 30April April2022 2022 Show Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 EntriesClose: Close:Friday Friday15 15April April2022 2022 Entries


TH 16Dogs ANNIVERSARY CHAMPIONSHIP AND OPEN Venue: Dogs QueenslandSports SportsGround, Ground,247 247 King Ave,SHOW DurackQLD QLD Venue: Queensland King Ave, Durack Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Ground, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD Classes: 1(1a),2(2a), 2(2a),3(3a), 3(3a),4(4a), 4(4a),5(5a), 5(5a),10(10a), 10(10a),11(11a), 11(11a),18(18a) 18(18a) Classes: 1(1a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes: BabyPuppy Puppyand andNovice Novice(Non-Champion (Non-Champion66months monthsand andover) over) Sweepstakes: Baby Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Novice (Non-Champion 6 months and over) Property BestHead HeadDog, Dog,Best BestHead HeadBitch, Bitch,Best BestMovement, Movement,Best BestBrindle BrindleCoat, Coat,Best BestFawn FawnCoat, Coat,Best BestRed RedCoat, Coat, Property Best Property Best Head Dog, Best Head Bitch, Best Movement, Best(2 Coat, Best Fawn Coat, Best Red Coat, Classes: BestOwned, Owned, Bred Handled, Best Parent Progeny (2Brindle progeny over months) Classes: Best Bred &&Handled, Best Parent &&Progeny progeny over 66months) st Classes: Best Owned, Bred & Handled, Bestentries Parent$15.00 & Progeny (2 progeny over 6 months) entry $20.00 subsequent entries $15.00 Property Classes $8.00 Entry Members: Members: $20.00 subsequent Property Classes $8.00 Entry 11st entry st st st Entry Members: 1 entry $20.00 subsequent entries $15.00 Property Classes $8.00$8.00 Non-Members: Fees: Non-Members: entry $25.00 subsequent entries $18.00, Property Classes $8.00 11 entry Fees: $25.00 subsequent entries $18.00, Property Classes st Fees: Non-Members: 1 entry $25.00 subsequent entries $18.00, Property Classes $8.00 Open Show: Automatic entry if entered in the Champ Show, $5.00 (if not entered ChampionshipShow) Show) Open Show: Automatic entry if entered in the Champ Show, $5.00 (if not entered ininChampionship st st Open Show: Automatic entry if entered in the Champ Show, $5.00 (if not entered in Championship Show) entry Catalogues$5.00 $5.00includes includesboth bothshows. shows.Subsequent Subsequententries entriesmust mustbe beininthe thesame samename nameas as11 entry Catalogues st entry Catalogues $5.00 includes both shows. Subsequent entries must be in the same name as 1 Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Melissa Melissa Ph:0407893464 0407893464––No Nocalls callsafter after8.30PM 8.30PM Email: Enquiries: Ph: Enquiries: Melissa Ph: 0407893464 – No calls after 8.30PM Email: Enquiries: 9.00AMVeterans VeteransParade Parade ChampionshipShow Show 9.00AM Championship 9.00AM Veterans Championship Show followed byOpen OpenParade Show Judgingstarts startsat at thecompletion completion ofthe theOpen OpenShow Show followed by Show Judging the of followed by Open Show Judging starts at the completion of the Open Show Ms T Sloan (TAS) Breed Classes and General Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Breed Classes and General Specials Breed Classes and General Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Breed Classes and General Specials Ms T Sloan (TAS) Ms T Sloan (TAS) Breed Classes and General Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Breed summary Classes and General Specials Specials Specials EmailVeteran Veterandetails, details, summary and phototo to Email and photo Specials MsBBDickson Dickson(QLD) (QLD) Sweepstakesand andProperty Property Email Veteran details, summary and photo to Ms Sweepstakes Ms B Dickson (QLD) Sweepstakes and Property Classes Classes Entry free and all entrants receive a sash donated by the Entry free and all entrants receive a sash donated by the Classes Entry free and allBullmastiff entrants receive aQld sash Bullmastiff Clubof of Qld donated by the Club Bullmastiff of Qld Registered NeutersClub entered classes18 18or or18a 18acan cancompete competeininProperty PropertyClasses Classesbut butnot notSweepstakes Sweepstakes Registered Neuters entered ininclasses

Both18 Shows are Point Scoreevents Registered Neuters entered in classes or 18a can compete inevents Property Classes but not Sweepstakes Both Shows are Point Score Both Shows are Point Score events Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement forall allover over16 16years yearsof ofage ageattending attending Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending DogsQueensland Queensland events. Dogs events. LL Dogs Queensland events. L

ShowDate: Date:Saturday Saturday30 30April April2022 2022 Show Show Date: Saturday April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday30 April2022 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 99April

Entries Close: Saturday 9 April 2022 TENTERFIELD TERRIER CLUB OFQLD QLD INC TENTERFIELD TERRIER CLUB OF INC Venue: DogsQueensland Queensland Sports Grounds, TENTERFIELD TERRIER CLUB OFGrounds, QLD INC Venue: Dogs Sports Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247King King Ave,Durack Durack QLD 247 Ave, QLD 247 King Ave, Durack QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a),18(18a) 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a) ,12(12a), 18(18a) 11(11a) ,12(12a), 11(11a) ,12(12a), 18(18a) PropertyClasses Classes BestGait, Gait, BestHead, Head, Property Best Best ChampShow Show only: Parent and Progeny Property Classes Best Gait, Best Head, Champ only: Parent and Progeny Champ only: ParentBaby and Progeny Entry Show Champ Show:$15.00, $15.00, Baby Puppies$10.00, $10.00, Entry Champ Show: Puppies Entry Champ Show: $15.00, Fees: Property Property Classes $6.00Baby Puppies $10.00, Fees: Classes $6.00 Fees: Open Property Classes OpenShow: Show: Free$6.00 entryififentered enteredininChamp ChampShow, Show, Free entry otherwise $3.00 per entry Open Show: Freeper entry if entered in Champ Show, otherwise $3.00 entry otherwise $3.00 per entryboth Catalogues: $3.00 covers bothshows shows Catalogues: $3.00 covers Catalogues: $3.00 covers both shows Entries to: Tenterfield Terrier Club ofQld, Qld,PO POBox Box Entries to: Tenterfield Terrier Club of Entries to: Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld, PO Box 78 Waterford West Qld 4133 78 Waterford West Qld 4133 78 Waterford West Qld 4133 OnlineEntries: Entries: Online Online Entries: Enquiries: MaryPh: Ph:07 0754949993 54949993or or0416127337 0416127337 Enquiries: Mary Enquiries: Open Maryjudging Ph: 07 starts 54949993 or 0416127337 OpenShow Show judging startsat at9:00AM 9:00AM Open ShowBreed judging startsand at 9:00AM MrJJDaidone Daidone (QLD) Breed Classes and GeneralSpecials Specials Mr (QLD) Classes General Mr J Daidone (QLD) Breed Classes and General Specials Championship Show judging starts at the completion of Championship Show judging starts at the completion of Championship Show judging starts at the completion of the Open Show not before 11:30AM the Open Show not before 11:30AM the Open Show before 11:30AM MrM MWinch Winch (VIC) Breednot Classes, General Specialsand and Mr (VIC) Breed Classes, General Specials Property Classes Mr M Winch (VIC) Breed Classes, General Specials and Property Classes Property Classes compliance Proofof ofCOVID COVIDdouble double vaccination complianceisisaa Proof vaccination requirement fordouble allover over 16years yearsof of ageattending attending Proof of COVID vaccination compliance is a requirement for all 16 age Dogs Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Queensland events Dogs ProudlySponsored Sponsored by Queensland events Proudly by Proudly Sponsored by

ShowDate: Date:Saturday Saturday30 30April April2022 2022 Show Show Date: Saturday April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday30 April2022 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 99April Entries Close: Saturday April 2022 WORKING DOGCLUB CLUBOF OF9QUEENSLAND QUEENSLAND WORKING DOG WORKING DOG CLUB OFSports QUEENSLAND Venue:Dogs Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, Venue: Queensland Grounds,

Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247King King Ave,Durack Durack QLD 247 Ave, QLD 247 King Ave, Durack QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW


CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW Classes: 1(1a),2(2a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), Classes: 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a),18(18a) 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 10(10a), 11(11a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) EntryFees: Fees: Champ$15.00, $15.00, Open $5.00 Entry Champ Open $5.00 Entry Fees: Champ $15.00, Open $5.00 Catalogue $3.00 (covers bothshows) shows) Catalogue $3.00 (covers both Catalogue $3.00 (covers both shows) Entries to: Working Dog Club of Queensland, Entries to: Working Dog Club of Queensland, Entries to: Working DogOrmeau Club of QLD Queensland, POBox Box356, 356, Ormeau QLD4208 4208 PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 OnlineEntries: Entries: PO Online Online Entries: Enquiries: Sheree ShereePh: Ph:0435524371 0435524371//Joy Joy Ph: Ph:0409730882 0409730882 Enquiries: Enquiries: Sheree Ph: 0435524371 / Joy Ph: 0409730882 OpenShow Show Open Judging starts at8:30AM 8:30AM Open Show Judging starts at Judging starts at 8:30AM MsSSWheatley Wheatley(QLD) (QLD) AllBreeds Breeds andGeneral GeneralSpecials Specials Ms All and Ms S Wheatley (QLD) All Breeds and General Specials Championship Show Championship Show Championship Show Judgingstarts startsat at thecompletion completion ofthe theOpen OpenShow Show Judging the of Judging starts at the completion of the Open Show not before 10:00AM not before 10:00AM notWeide before 10:00AM MrsLLThomas-Van Thomas-VanDer Der Weide AllBreeds Breedsand and Mrs All (NSW) General Specials Mrs L Thomas-Van Der Weide All Breeds and (NSW) General Specials (NSW) General Specialsisisaa Proofof ofCOVID COVIDdouble doublevaccination vaccination compliance Proof compliance Proof of COVID double vaccination is a requirement for allover over 16years yearsof ofcompliance ageattending attending requirement for all 16 age requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events Queensland events Dogs Queensland events Proudly Sponsored by Proudly Sponsored by Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Show Date: Sunday 1 May 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 9 April 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 10 April 2022 SOUTH BURNETT NATIONAL EIDSVOLD SHOW SOCIETY Venue: Kingaroy Showgrounds, Bunya Highway, Venue: Eidsvold Showgrounds, Kingaroy Eidsvold QLD Burnett Highway, QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Classes: Classes:

1(1a), 1(1a), 2(2a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 18(18a)

Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy Puppy and and Sweepstakes Puppy Entry $15.00, Baby $10.00 Fees: Catalogues $3.00 Entry $15.00, Baby Puppy and Sweepstakes $10.00, Fees: Entries to: Catalogues South $3.00 Burnett National, PO Box 78, Waterford Entries to: Eidsvold Show Society,West QLD 4133 Online Entries:

PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133

Online Entries: Enquiries: Netta Ph: 0437109162 after 5:00PM

Enquiries: Ring 1 Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 2

Margaret Ph: 07 41563385 Judging starts at 8:30AM Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes Mrs J Mannell Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Mrs J Mannell Baby Puppy and5Puppy (QLD) Groups 1,6 and Sweepstakes followed by (QLD) TBA Baby Puppy Sweepstakes Groups 3,6 and 7 followed by Groups Mrs L Roebig Groups 1,2,4 and 5 3,7,2, and 4

(QLD) General Specials General Specials

Mrs J Mannell (QLD) Mrs J Mannell (QLD)

Show Date: Sunday 1 May 2022 Show EntriesDate: Close:Saturday Sunday 30 10 April April 2022 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 9 April 2022 EIDSVOLD SHOW SOCIETY SOUTH BURNETT NATIONAL Venue: Eidsvold Showgrounds, Venue: Kingaroy Showgrounds, Bunya Burnett Highway, Eidsvold QLDHighway, Kingaroy QLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW

Classes: Classes:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes: Baby Puppy and Puppy Entry $15.00, Baby Puppy and Sweepstakes $10.00 Entry $15.00, Baby Fees: Catalogues $3.00Puppy and Sweepstakes $10.00, Fees: Catalogues $3.00 Entries to: South Burnett National, Entries to: Eidsvold Show Society,West QLD 4133 PO Box 78, Waterford PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133 Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Netta Ph: 0437109162 after 5:00PM Enquiries:

Margaret Ph:at 078:30AM 41563385 Judging starts

with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Judging Mrs Sstarts Brunoat 9:00AM Baby Puppy and Puppy (QLD) Sweepstakes followed by Ring 1 TBA Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1,6 1,6 and and 55 Groups Ring 2 Mrs L Roebig Group 3 followed by Ring 2 Mrs J Mannell Baby Puppy Sweepstakes (QLD) followed by Groups 3,7 2 and 4 (QLD) Mrs A Holman Groups 2,6 and 7 (QLD) General Specials TBA Mrs S Bruno (QLD) General Specials

Show Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Entries Close: Wednesday 20 April 2022 MAREEBA & DISTRICT KENNEL CLUB INC

Venue: CCKC Grounds, Quigley St Cairns QLD


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)


Baby Puppy and Puppy

Entry Fees:

$15.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogue - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00

Entries to:

Mareeba & Dist K C, PO Box 2295, Cairns QLD 4870

Online Entries:


Linda Ph: 0407160670

Saturday 30 April 2022 - Show 1 - Judging starts at 10:00AM with Sweepstakes

Ring 1 Mrs P Johansen (QLD) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4,5,6 and 7 Ring 2 Mrs D Jovanovic (QLD) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1,2 and 3 General Specials Mrs P Johansen (QLD)

Saturday 30 April 2022 – Show 2 - Judging starts 45 mins after the finish of Show 1 with Sweepstakes Ring 1

Mrs D Jovanovic (QLD)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4,5,6 and 7

Ring 2

Mrs P Johansen (QLD)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1,2 and 3

General Specials

Mrs D Jovanovic (QLD)

Camping or show time parking access in camping area to be booked using the Activity tab on Show Manager Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Show Dates: Sunday 1 May 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 10 April 2022 CAIRNS CITY KENNEL CLUB INC Venue: CCKC Grounds, Quigley St Cairns QLD Classes:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)


Baby Puppy and Puppy Sweepstakes

Entry Fees:

$15.00, Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues - Printed $3.00, Online $1.00

Entries to:

Cairns City Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 252, Cairns QLD 4870

Online Entries: Enquiries:

Lesley Ph: 0438601705 Sunday 1 May 2022 Judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes


Mr J Comerford (NSW) Mrs T Comerford (NSW)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 2 followed by Group 3

Ring 2

Mrs T Comerford (NSW) Mrs J Fynmore (NSW) Mr C Fynmore (NSW)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by L Group 4 and 5 followed by Groups 6 and 7

General Specials

Mrs J Fynmore (NSW) Sunday 1 May 2022 Judging starts 1 hour after the completion of the 70th Anniversary Show

Ring 1

Mrs J Fynmore (NSW) Mr C Fynmore (NSW)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 2 followed by Group 5

Ring 2

Mr J Comerford (NSW) Mrs T Comerford (NSW)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 3 and 4 followed by Groups 6 and 7

General Specials

Mrs T Comerford (NSW) Monday 2 May 2022 judging starts at 9:00AM with Sweepstakes

Ring 1

Mrs T Comerford (NSW) Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)

Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 4 followed by Group 7

Ring 2

Mrs J Fynmore (NSW) Mr C Fynmore (NSW) Mr J Comerford (NSW)

Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 2 and 3 followed by Groups 5 and 6

General Specials

Mr J Comerford (NSW)

Camping or show time parking access in camping area to be booked using the Activity tab on Show Manager

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Trial Date: Sat 12 and Sun 13 March 2022 Entries Close: Friday 18 February 2022

YUGGERA CANINE CLUB Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD

1/4 trial schedule and 1/2 page filler or other way around. Whichever you SEARCH TRIAL TRACK AND prefer TSD-1 only

TRIAL GAZETTE APRIL 2022 Trial Dates: Fri 11 March and Sat 12 March 2022 Entries Close: Friday 25 February 2022

Entry Fees:


Online Entries only:


Kim Ph: 0400671029

Judging starts at 6:00AM with vetting at 5:30AM Dr A Dobson (QLD)


No Late Entries. The club reserves the right to add or substitute judges based on entry numbers. Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events. Trial Dates Fri 1 April to Sun 3 April 2022


Entries Close: Wednesday 16 March 2022



Venue: Quigley St, Cairns Showgrounds, Cairns QLD

Entry Fees: $12.00 Online Entries only: Enquiries: Jean Ph: 07 40554040 (After Hours) Friday 11 March 2022 Judging starts at 6:00PM with vetting at 5:30PM Ms S Weyland (QLD) Elements Vehicle and Container Novice Class: Odour – Birch Advanced Class: Odour – Birch and Cypress Excellent Class: Odour – Birch, Cypress and Clove Saturday 12 March 2022 Judging starts at 5:00PM with vetting at 4:30PM Ms S Weyland (QLD) Elements Exterior and Interior Novice Class: Odour – Birch Advanced Class: Odour – Birch and Cypress Excellent Class: Odour – Birch, Cypress and Clove Off lead options available No Target Odours allowed at trial venue Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Venue: St Pauls School, Strathpine Rd, Bald Hills QLD


Coral Pethers, 354/431 Park Ridge Road, Park Ridge QLD 4125 Email:


Coral Ph: 0429862405/ 07 34893354

Entry Fees:

$25.00 per class

Ms K Dawson (QLD)

Tracks 1 - 10

Mr B Berry (QLD)

Tracks 1 - 10

Judging starts at 6.00AM with vetting at 5.30AM Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Trial Dates: Friday 1 April and Saturday 2 April 2022 Entries Close: Monday 14 March 2022 CANINE OBEDIENCE CLUB OF TOWNSVILLE INC Venue: Heatley Park, Fulham Rd, Townsville QLD

Trial Date: Saturday 2 April 2022 Entries Close: Tuesday 22 March 2022




Online Entries Only:


Judy Ph 0427725982 Friday 1 April 2022 Judging starts at 7:00PM with vetting at 6:00PM

Mrs M Anderson (QLD)

Tricks – All classes

Mrs P Williams (QLD)




Mr R Wittkamp (QLD)

Rally – All classes

Saturday 2 April 2022 - Trial 1 Judging starts at 4:00PM with vetting at 2:00PM Mrs M Anderson (QLD)


Mr R Wittkamp (QLD)


Saturday 2 April 2022 - Trial 2 Judging starts at 6:00PM with vetting at 4:00PM Mrs M Anderson (QLD)

Tricks – All classes



Mrs P Williams (QLD)


Mrs J Doig (QLD)

Rally – All classes

Mr R Wittkamp (QLD)


Mrs M Anderson (QLD)


Maximum of 40 competitors per day. No late entries Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events



Entries to:

GCDOTC, 104 Wagonwheel Rd, Boyland Qld 4275

Online Entries: Enquiries:

Lisa Ph: 0403827728 Judging starts at 9:00AM

with vetting between 8:00AM and 8:45AM Mr M Sharman (QLD) Ms F Aston (NSW)

AD1, ADX1, ADM1, ADE1, AD3, ADE3 AD2, ADX2, ADM2, ADE2, ADX3, ADM3

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Trial Date: Saturday 2 April 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 20 March 2022


Venue: Ron Short Park, Alicia St, Southport QLD



Entries to:

Gold Coast DOTC Inc, 4 Timbertop Mead, Burleigh Heads Qld 4220

Online Entries:


Cyn D Ph: 0417615289

Judging starts at 9:00AM with vetting between 8:15AM and 8:45AM Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Advanced Mrs M Rablin (QLD)


Mrs D Sellwood (QLD)


Mrs M Rablin (QLD)


Ms S Eller (QLD) Reserve The club reserves the right to add or reassign judges as needed

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Trial Dates: Sat 2 April and Sun 3 April 2022 Trial Entries Dates: Close: Sat 2 April and 3 April Sunday 20Sun March 20222022 Entries Close: Sunday 20 March 2022


Trial Date: Wednesday 6 April 2022 Trial Date: Wednesday April 2022 Entries Close: Tuesday 226March 2022 Entries Close: Tuesday 22 March 2022 PINE RIVERS DOG TRAINING CLUB INC PINE RIVERS TRAINING CLUB INC Venue:DOG Rob Akers Reserve, Venue: Rob Akers Reserve, Bells Pocket Rd, Strathpine QLD Bells Pocket Rd, Strathpine QLD OBEDIENCE TRIAL

Venue: Dallarnil Area QLD

Entry Fees: Entry Fees: Entries to: Entries to: Enquiries: Enquiries:


Novice $18.00, Restricted $20.00, Novice All Age $18.00, $25.00 Restricted $20.00,

All Age $25.00 Mrs W Michalk, Mrs W Michalk, 232 Barolin St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 232 Barolin St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Email: Email: Ph 0447522362

Wendy Ph 0447522362 Saturday 2 April 2022 2 April Judging startsSaturday at 8:00AM with 2022 vetting at 7:15AM Judging starts at 8:00AM with vetting at 7:15AM

DOM CLOLASIMONE MEMORIAL TRIAL DOM CLOLASIMONE MEMORIAL TRIAL Mr P Towning (QLD) All age Mr (QLD) All age Mr P R Towning Jackson (QLD) Restricted and Novice Mr R Jackson (QLD) Sunday Restricted and Novice 3 April 2022

3 April Judging starts Sunday at 8:00AM with2022 vetting at 7:15AM Judging starts at 8:00AM with Ms M Sullivan (QLD) All Age vetting at 7:15AM

Ms M (QLD) All Age Mrs H Sullivan Cattermole (QLD) Restricted and Novice Mrs Proof H Cattermole (QLD) Restricted Novice is a of COVID double vaccinationand compliance requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a events requirementDogs for allQueensland over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events Trial Dates: Fri 8 Apr and Sat 9 Apr 2022 Trial Dates: Fri 8Friday Apr and 9 Apr 2022 Entries Close: 25Sat March 2022 Entries Close: Friday 25 March 2022 CAIRNS CITY KENNEL CLUB - OBEDIENCE SECTION Venue: St, Cairns Showgrounds, QLD CAIRNSQuigley CITY KENNEL CLUB - OBEDIENCECairns SECTION Venue: Quigley SCENT St, Cairns Showgrounds, Cairns QLD WORK TRIAL SCENT WORK TRIAL Entry Fees: $12.00 Entry Fees: $12.00 Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Enquiries: Jean Ph: 07 40554040 (After Hours) Enquiries: Jean Friday Ph: 07 840554040 (After Hours) April 2022 Judging starts at 6:00PM with2022 vetting at 5:30PM Friday 8 April Judging starts Ms at 6:00PM with(QLD) vetting at 5:30PM S Weyland Elements(QLD) Ms S Weyland VehicleElements and Container Novice Class: – Anise Vehicle andOdour Container Advanced Class: Odour – Anise and Clove Novice Class: Odour – Anise Excellent Class:Class: Odour – Anise, Clove and Cypress Advanced Odour – Anise and Clove Excellent Class: Odour –9Anise, Clove and Cypress Saturday April 2022 Judging startsSaturday at 5:00PM with 2022 vetting at 4:30PM 9 April Judging starts Ms at 5:00PM with(QLD) vetting at 4:30PM S Weyland Elements(QLD) Ms S Weyland Exterior and Interior Elements Novice Class:and Odour – Anise Exterior Interior Advanced Class: Odour – Anise and Clove Novice Class: Odour – Anise Excellent Class:Class: Odour – Anise, Clove and Cypress Advanced Odour – Anise and Clove Off Odour lead options available Excellent Class: – Anise, Clove and Cypress No Target allowed at trial venue OffOdours lead options available ProofNo of Target COVID Odours double vaccination compliance allowed at trial venue is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a events requirementDogs for allQueensland over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events 54

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Entry Fees: Entry EntriesFees: to:

OBEDIENCE TRIAL $7.00 $7.00 Trial Secretary, Pine Rivers Dog Training

Club Inc, PO BoxPine 272,Rivers Strathpine QLD 4500 Trial Secretary, Dog Training Club Inc, PO Box 272, Strathpine Online Entries: QLD 4500 Entries to:

Online Entries: Ph:0418719180 Enquiries: Enquiries: Ph:0418719180 Judging starts at 6.00PM with vetting between and 5.45PM Judging starts5.15PM at 6.00PM with vetting between 5.15PM and 5.45PM Mrs L Affleck (QLD) CCD Mrs LJ Christensen Affleck (QLD)(QLD) CCD Mrs CD Mrs J Christensen (QLD) CD Mrs B Murfet (QLD) CDX Mrs V B Murfet (QLD) CDX Mrs Mannion (QLD) UD Mrs Mannion (QLD) UD Mr LVKnauth (QLD) UDX Mr L Knauth (QLD) UDX Competitors who gain two (2) non-qualifying scores in CCD, Novice or Open, three or Competitors whoor gain two(3) (2)non-qualifying non-qualifyingscores scoresininUD CCD, UDX willorbeOpen, excused from (3) thenon-qualifying ring for both the remainder of Novice or three scores in UD or the individual and the group exercises. UDX will be excused from the ring for both the remainder of The club the reserves the right and classes individual and to thechange group judges exercises. regard to number of entries Thehaving club reserves thethe right to change judgesreceived. and classes Proof ofregard COVIDto double vaccination compliance is a having the number of entries received. requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a events requirementDogs for allQueensland over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Trial Dates: Friday 8 and Saturday 9 April 2022 Trial Dates: Friday and Saturday April 2022 Entries Close:8Friday 25 March92022 Entries Close: Friday 25 March 2022

MARYBOROUGH DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB MARYBOROUGH DOG OBEDIENCE Venue: Wests Football Fields, CLUB Venue: Football Fields, Sydney Wests St, Maryborough QLD Sydney St, Maryborough QLD

TRICKS/DOUBLE RALLY/DOUBLE OBEDIENCE TRIALS TRICKS/DOUBLE RALLY/DOUBLE OBEDIENCE TRIALS Entry Fees: $8.00 Entry Fees: $8.00 Entries to: MDOC, c/- Mrs C Waerner, Entries to: MDOC, c/-St,Mrs C Waerner, QLD 4650 394 Alice Maryborough 394 Alice St, Maryborough QLD 4650 Online Entries to: Online Entries to: Enquiries: Christine Ph: 07 41210187 Enquiries: Christine Ph: 07 41210187 Friday 8 April 2022 8 April Judging startsFriday at 5:PM with 2022 vetting at 4:30PM Judging starts at 5:PM with vetting at 4:30PM Mrs C Fisher (QLD) Tricks – all classes Mrs C Fisher (QLD) Tricks – all classes Saturday 9 April 2022 9 April Judging startsSaturday at 8:00AM with 2022 vetting at 7:30AM Judging starts at 8:00AM with vetting at 7:30AM Mrs C Fisher (QLD) Double Rally – all classes Mrs C Patterson Fisher (QLD) Double – all classes Mr W (QLD) Double Rally Obedience – all classes

Mr W Patterson (QLD) Obedience – all isclasses Proof of COVID double Double vaccination compliance a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Queensland events. requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Trial TrialDate: Date:Saturday Saturday99April April2022 2022 Entries Close: Friday 25 March Entries Close: Friday 25 2022 Trial Date: Saturday 9 March April 2022 2022 DOGS QLD AGILITY SUB DOGS QLD AGILITY SUB COMMITTEE Entries Close: Friday 25 COMMITTEE March 2022 Venue: Sports Grounds, Venue:Dogs DogsQueensland Queensland Sports Grounds, DOGS QLD AGILITY SUB COMMITTEE

Ave, QLD 247King King Ave,Durack Durack QLD Venue: 247 Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, AGILITY AND JUMPERS TRIALS AGILITY AND JUMPERS TRIALS 247 King Ave, Durack QLD Entry $12.50 First entry AND JUMPERS TRIALS EntryFees: Fees: AGILITY $12.50 First entryper perdog dog $7.50 for each subsequent $7.50 for each subsequent entryper perdog dog Entry Fees: $12.50 First entry per dog entry Online Entries only: Online Entries only: $7.50 for each subsequent entry per dog Online Entries only: Enquiries: Gaille Enquiries: GaillePh: Ph:0429915871 0429915871 Judging Enquiries: Gaille Ph: 0429915871 Judgingstarts startsat at4:00PM 4:00PM with vetting between 3:00PM and with vetting between and3:45PM 3:45PM Judging starts3:00PM at 4:00PM TBA ADO, ADE, TBA ADO,3:00PM ADE,ADM, ADM, ADX,AD AD with vetting between andADX, 3:45PM TBA ADO, ADE,JDM, ADM, ADX, TBA JDO, JDX, JD TBA JDO,JDE, JDE, JDM, JDX, JDAD TBA

JDO, JDE, JDM, JDX, JD No Nolate lateentries. entries. Late payments will not Late payments will notbe beaccepted. accepted. No late entries. Entries to be paid when entering trials Entries to be paid when entering trials Late payments will not be accepted. IfIfnot by date entries will withdrawn. notpaid paid byclosing closing datewhen entries willbe betrials withdrawn. Entries to be paid entering by Direct Deposit Payment by Direct Deposit only. If not paidPayment by closing date entries willonly. be withdrawn. BSB Number 763301979. BSB084435 084435Account Account Number 763301979. Payment by Direct Deposit only. Payment reference Surname AGY 9/4 Payment reference Surname AGY 9/4 BSB 084435 Account Number 763301979. All must be checked in with Trial Secretary. Alldogs dogs must be checked in with Trial Secretary. Payment reference Surname AGY 9/4 dogs not be withdrawn. Any dogs not checked will beTrial withdrawn. AllAny dogs must bechecked checkedinin inwill with Secretary. Dogs Covid protocols current DogsQld/ANKC/Govt Qld/ANKC/Govt Covid protocols currentatattime timeofof Any dogs not checked in will be withdrawn. trial will be enforced trial will be enforced Dogs Qld/ANKC/Govt Covid protocols current at time of Proof double ProofofofCOVID COVIDtrial double vaccination complianceisisaa willvaccination be enforcedcompliance requirement for all over 16 years of age requirement for all over 16 years of ageattending attending Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a Dogs Queensland events Dogs Queensland events requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

1/8 1/8page pagefiller filler 1/8 page filler

DOGS QUEENSLAND SHOP We now stock Royal Canin products specific for breeding bitches, puppies and adult dogs. Also available is a range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and grooming products from Plush Puppy. Shop hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm Trial TrialDates: Dates:Friday Friday15 15April ApriltotoSunday Sunday17 17April April2022 2022 Entries Close: 25 March Entries Close: Friday 25 March2022 2022 Trial Dates: Friday 15 Friday April to Sunday 17 April 2022 ALL TRACKING CLUB ALLBREEDS BREEDS TRACKING CLUB Entries Close: Friday 25 March 2022 Venue: Hwy, Grove Venue:5532 5532 MtLindesay Lindesay Hwy,Cedar Cedar GroveQLD QLD ALLMt BREEDS TRACKING CLUB TRIAL TRACKING TRIAL Venue: 5532 MtTRACKING Lindesay Hwy, Cedar Grove QLD Email EmailEntries EntriesPreferred: Preferred: TRACKING TRIAL Entries to: All Club, Email Entries Entries to: Preferred: AllBreeds BreedsTracking Tracking Club, 8 Carinya Crt, Pimpama 8 Carinya Crt, Pimpama Qld4209 4209 Entries to: All Breeds Tracking Club,Qld Entry $25.00 EntryFees: Fees: 8 Carinya $25.00 Crt, Pimpama Qld 4209 Enquiries: Julie Enquiries: JuliePh: Ph:0428467527 0428467527 Entry Fees: $25.00 Judging starts at 6.00AM with Judging starts at 6.00AM withvetting vettingatat5.30AM 5.30AM Enquiries: Julie Ph: 0428467527 Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance isisaa Proof of starts COVIDatdouble vaccination compliance Judging 6.00AM with vetting at 5.30AM requirement for all over 16 years of age attending requirement all over 16 years of age attending Proof of COVIDfordouble vaccination compliance is a Queensland events Dogs Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Trial TrialDates: Dates:Saturday Saturday99and andSunday Sunday10 10April April2022 2022 Trial Dates: Saturday 9 and 18 Sunday 10 April 2022 Entries March EntriesClose: Close:Friday Friday18 March2022 2022 Entries Close: Friday 18 March 2022

CANINE CANINEOBEDIENCE OBEDIENCECLUB CLUBOF OFTOWNSVILLE TOWNSVILLEINC INC CANINE OBEDIENCE CLUBRiver OF QLD TOWNSVILLE INC Venue: Venue:Alice AliceRiver QLD Venue: Alice River QLD Entry EntryFees: Fees: Entry Fees: Entries Entriesto: to: Entries to: Enquiries: Enquiries: Enquiries:


$20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Debbie Debbieemail Debbie email Judging Judgingstarts startsatat6:00AM 6:00AM Judging starts at 6:00AM with withvetting vettingatat5:30AM 5:30AMboth bothdays days

with vetting at 5:30AM both days Mr Tracking MrRRWittkamp Wittkamp(QLD) (QLD) Trackingall alllevels levels Mr R Wittkamp (QLD) Tracking all levels Entries Entriesmust mustbe beon onNQ NQSupplementary Supplementaryentry entryform form Entries must be on NQ Supplementary entry form No entries will Nolate late entries willbe beaccepted accepted No late entries will be accepted

Proof ProofofofCOVID COVIDdouble doublevaccination vaccinationcompliance complianceisisaa Proof of COVID vaccination compliance is a requirement for all 16 age requirement fordouble allover over 16years yearsofof ageattending attending requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Queensland events Dogs Queensland events Dogs Queensland events

Trial TrialDates: Dates:Sat Sat16 16April Apriland andSun Sun17 17April April2022 2022 Trial Dates: Sat 16 April and22Sun 17 April 2022 Entries Close: Sunday April 2022 Entries Close: Sunday April 2022



Entry EntryFees: Fees: Novice Novice$18.00, $18.00,Restricted Restricted$20.00, $20.00, Entry Fees: All Novice $18.00, AllAge Age$25.00 $25.00 Restricted $20.00, All Age $25.00 Entries Entriesto: to: Entries to: Enquiries: Enquiries: Tina TinaPh Ph0428739031 Enquiries: Tina Ph 0428739031 Saturday Saturday16 16April April2022 2022 Judging atat8:00AM Saturday 16with April 2022 Judgingstarts starts 8:00AM withvetting vettingatat7:30AM 7:30AM Judging starts at 8:00AM withand vetting at 7:30AM Miss MMAuld (NSW) Novice Restricted Miss Auld (NSW) Novice and Restricted Miss M Auld(QLD) (NSW) Novice Mr All MrTTLodder Lodder (QLD) AllAge Ageand Restricted Mr T Lodder (QLD) AllApril Age 2022 Sunday Sunday17 17 April 2022

Judging atat8:00AM with vetting 17 April Judgingstarts startsSunday 8:00AM with2022 vettingatat7:30AM 7:30AM starts at 8:00AM with vetting at 7:30AM Mr GGMitchell (QLD) Novice MrJudging Mitchell (QLD) Novice Mr GMMitchell (QLD) Novice Ms Sullivan Restricted MsM Sullivan(QLD) (QLD) Restricted Ms Sullivan (QLD) Restricted Mr MrAM ADonovan Donovan (QLD) All AllAge Age Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance of COVID doubleAll vaccination complianceisisaa Mr AProof Donovan (QLD) Age requirement for all 16 age requirement for allover over 16years yearsofofcompliance ageattending attending Proof of COVID double vaccination is a Queensland events Dogs Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Trial Date: Saturday 16 April 2022 Entries Close:Saturday Wednesday April2022 2022 Trial Date: 166April

IPSWICH DOGWednesday OBEDIENCE6CLUB Entries Close: AprilINC 2022 Venue: Ipswich Dog Obedience Club, IPSWICH DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC MtIpswich Crosby Dog Rd, Tivoli QLD Club, Venue: Obedience Mt Crosby Tivoli QLD DOUBLE RALLY TRIAL Rd, AND OBEDIENCE TRIAL

DOUBLE TRIAL AND OBEDIENCE TRIAL Entry Fees: RALLY $8.00 Entry Fees: Online Entries Only: $ Online Entries Only: Enquiries: Ph: 0409273526

Double RallySharon Trial Judging starts at 3:00PM Enquiries: Ph: 0409273526 with vetting 2:00PM andat2:45PM Double Rallybetween Trial Judging starts 3:00PM Mr C Painwith (QLD) Novice and Advanced – Trial 1 vetting between 2:00PM and 2:45PM Mr D Strong (QLD) Excellent and Masters Mr C Pain (QLD) Novice and Advanced –– Trial Trial 11 Mrs D Strong Sellwood (QLD) Novice andand Advanced Mr D (QLD) Excellent Masters––Trial Trial21 Mr (QLD) Excellent andAdvanced Masters –– Trial MrsO DMoller Sellwood (QLD) Novice and Trial 22 Obedience starts atMasters 6:00PM – Trial 2 Mr O Moller (QLD) Trial Judging Excellent and with vetting between 5:00PM 5:45PM Obedience Trial Judging startsand at 6:00PM Mr K McGinn CCD5:00PM and 5:45PM with(QLD) vetting between Mrs (QLD) CD Mr KJ Christensen McGinn (QLD) CCD Ms (QLD) MrsA JTamblyn Christensen (QLD) CDX CD Mrs B Tamblyn Murfet (QLD) UD Ms A (QLD) CDX TBA UDX Mrs B Murfet (QLD) UD IDOC reserve the right toUDX make alterations to judges TBA

asreserve deemedthe necessary on entries. IDOC right to depending make alterations to judges Proof of COVIDnecessary double vaccination compliance is a as deemed depending on entries. requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Trial Date: Saturday 23 April 2022 Trial Date: Saturday April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 823 April 2022 Entries Close: Friday 8 April 2022

REDLANDS DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC REDLANDS DOGHolt OBEDIENCE CLUB INC Venue: Judy Sportsground, Venue: Judy Holt Sportsground, Randall Rd, Birkdale QLD Randall Rd, Birkdale OBEDIENCE TRIALQLD Entry Fees: Entry Fees: Online Entries


Online Entries Jennie Enquiries: Ph: 0431842892 Enquiries: Jennie Ph: 0431842892 Judging starts at 6.30PM with vetting between 5.00PM and 6.15PM Judging starts at 6.30PM with(QLD) vetting between CCD 5.00PM and 6.15PM Mr K McGinn Mr K McGinn (QLD) CCD TBA CD TBA CD TBA CDX TBA CDX TBA UD TBA UD Mrs B Murfet (QLD) UDX Mrs B Murfet (QLD) UDX Rights reserved to substitute or appoint additional judges as necessary Rights reserved to substitute Proofor of appoint COVID double vaccination compliance additional judges as necessary is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events 56

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Trial Dates: Fri 22 April and Sat 23 April 2022 Trial Dates: 22 April and8 Sat April 2022 EntriesFri Close: Friday April232022

Entries Close: Friday 8 April 2022 CAIRNS CITY KENNEL CLUB – OBEDIENCE SECTION CAIRNS CITY KENNEL CLUB OBEDIENCE Venue: Quigley St,–Cairns QLD SECTION Venue: Quigley Cairns QLD OBEDIENCE AND St, RALLY TRIALS Entry Fees: Entry Fees: Entries to:

OBEDIENCE AND RALLY TRIALS $7.00 $7.00 Trial Secretary, PO Box 252,

Entries to: Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Enquiries:

Trial Secretary, Cairns QLD 4870PO Box 252, Cairns QLD 4870 Jean Ph: 0740554040 (after hours) Jean Ph: 0740554040 Friday 22 April 2022 (after hours)

Friday 22 April Judging starts at 7:00PM with 2022 vetting at 6:30PM Judging vetting at 6:30PM Ms J Doig (QLD)starts at 7:00PM Rally –with All classes MsGJ Best Doig (QLD) (QLD) RallyUD – All classes Mr UDX, MrPGWilliams Best (QLD) UDX,CD, UDCCD Ms (QLD) CDX, Ms P Williams (QLD) CD, CCD SaturdayCDX, 23 April 2022

Judging starts at 7:00PM Saturday 23with Aprilvetting 2022 at 6:30PM Judging starts at 7:00PM vetting at 6:30PM Ms J Doig (QLD) Rally –with All classes MsGJ Best Doig (QLD) (QLD) RallyUD – All classes Mr UDX, MrPGWilliams Best (QLD) UDX,CD, UDCCD Ms (QLD) CDX, of COVID vaccination Ms Proof P Williams (QLD)doubleCDX, CD, CCDcompliance is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Dogs Queensland events. requirement for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events.

Trial Date: Saturday 23 April 2022 Trial Date: Saturday 23 April April2022 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 17 Entries Close: Sunday 17 April 2022

QUEENSLAND SIGHTHOUND ASSOCIATION INC QUEENSLAND SIGHTHOUND ASSOCIATION INC Venue: Gatton Showgrounds, Venue: Gatton Showgrounds, Spencer St, Gatton QLD Spencer St, Gatton QLD


Entry Fees: Members $15.00 Non-Members $20.00 Entry Fees: Members $15.00 Non-Members $20.00 Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Enquiries: Nic Ph: 0408146144 Enquiries: Nic Ph: 0408146144 Judging starts not before 4:00PM. Judging starts beforetrial 4:00PM. Check in 1 not hr before

Check in 1 hr before trial N Mather (QLD) All Breeds/ Stakes/ Classes N Mather (QLD) All Breeds/ Stakes/ Classes

Novice Runs available (9 mths min age), $5.00 per dog. Must beRuns a minimum of (9 15mths months age $5.00 on theper daydog. to Novice available minofage), Must be a minimum of 15 in months of age on the day to compete the trial compete in the trial Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a Proof of COVID is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Queensland events Dogs Queensland events

Trial Date: Sunday 24 April 2022 Trial Date: 249April Entries Close:Sunday Saturday April 2022 2022

Trial Dates: Friday 29 April to Sunday 1 May 2022 Trial Entries Dates: Friday 29 April to Sunday May 2022 Close: Wednesday 13 April1 2022



Entries Close: Saturday 9 April 2022

Entries Close: Wednesday 13 April 2022

Venue: Gympie Showgrounds, Exhibition Rd, Southside QLD Exhibition Rd, Southside QLD

Venue: Tansey QLD


Entry Fees: $8.00 Entry Fees: $8.00 Online Entries Only: Online Entries Only: Enquiries: Samantha Ph: 0415568871 Enquiries: Samantha Ph: 0415568871 Trials start at 8:30AM with vetting at 8:15AM Trials start at 8:30AM with vetting at 8:15AM Trial 1 Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Agility – All classes Trial 1 Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Agility – All classes Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Trial 2 Ms J Joyce (QLD) Agility – All classes Trial 2 Ms J Joyce (QLD) Agility – All classes Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Entry to showgrounds first left after lights Entry to showgrounds first leftcompliance after lights Proof of COVID double vaccination is a

Entry Fees: Entry Fees:


GDOC members $20.00 GDOC members$30.00 $20.00 Non-Members

Non-Members $30.00 Helen Ph: 0417712699 Helen Ph: 0417712699 Judging starts at 6:30AM each day Judging starts at 6:30AM each day with vetting at 6:00AM

Entries to: Entries to: Enquiries: Enquiries:

with vetting at 6:00AM Mrs K Griffiths (QLD) All classes Mrs K Griffiths (QLD) All classes Ms E Buchanan (QLD) All classes Ms E Buchanan (QLD) All classes

A link will be sent after close of entries A link for willadditional be sent after close of entries information for additional information Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a

requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Proof of COVID is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Queensland events Dogs Queensland events

Trial Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Trial Date: Saturday 30 April 2022

Trial Date: Saturday 30 April 2022 Trial Date: Saturday 30 April 2022

Entries Close: Saturday 16 April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 16 April 2022


Venue: Judy Holt Park, Venue: Judy Holt Park, Cnr Randall and Bailey Rd East, Birkdale QLD Cnr Randall and Bailey Rd East, Birkdale QLD


$8.00 $8.00

Online Entries Only: Online Entries Only:

Enquiries: Enquiries:

Karen Ph: 0417862860 Karen Ph: 0417862860 Judging starts at 4:00PM Judging startsatat3:30PM 4:00PM with vetting with vetting at 3:30PM Miss M Bruce (QLD) ADM, ADO ADE, AD Miss M Bruce (QLD) ADM, ADO ADE, AD Ms J Joyce (QLD) JD, JDE, JDM, JDO Ms J Joyce (QLD) JD, JDE, JDM, JDO

Proof of COVID double vaccination compliance is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Proof of COVID is a Queensland events requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events

Entries Close: Saturday 16 April 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 16 April 2022

DWD CLUB QLD INC DWD CLUB QLD Mango INC Hill Qld Venue: St Benedicts College,

Venue: St Benedicts College, Mango Hill Qld


Ann Shannon Entries to: Ann Shannon Entries to: Enquiries: Ann Ph: 07 34897946 Enquiries: Ann Ph: 07 34897946 Entry Fees: $15.00 Entry Fees: $15.00 Judging starts at 2:00PM with vetting at 1:00PM Judging starts at 2:00PM with vetting at 1:00PM Mrs V Mannion (QLD) All Classes Mrs V Mannion (QLD) All Classes Ms A Shannon (QLD) All Classes Ms A Shannon (QLD) All Classes Mrs M Field (QLD) All Classes Mrs M Field (QLD) All Classes Sponsored by Ann and Indianajones by Ann and Indianajones Proof Sponsored of COVID double vaccination compliance is a Proof of COVID is a requirement fordouble all overvaccination 16 years ofcompliance age attending Queensland events. requirementDogs for all over 16 years of age attending Dogs Queensland events. DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Dogs Queensland has become increasingly aware of Puppy Scam Websites using legitimate Dogs Queensland Registration and Queensland Breeder Identification (BIN) Numbers to sell puppies. Dogs Queensland Registration Numbers are obtained from legitimate websites such as Dogs Queensland or DogzOnline, where they are displayed as required by the Queensland Government.


Breeder Alert – Puppy Scam Websites

Please see the Queensland Dog Breeder Fact Sheets for regulations and guidelines for Queensland Dog Breeders.

An example of a typical scam is: • A Dogs Queensland Membership number is lifted from current advertising on the internet. • The scammer researches and obtains personal details of the breeder including name, suburb, prefix. • A domain name similar to the Kennel prefix is registered on an offshore registry. • Once the breeder has ceased advertising the litter of puppies a new website is published. • No physical address or phone numbers are advertised on the website. • The seller avoids permitting you to physically see the cyber puppy and only sends non genuine pictures. • The seller insists on only accepting payment by a crypto currency or a funds transfer.

As a breeder what can you do to avoid being an unknowing victim of a Puppy Scam: •

Regularly Google search the internet for websites using a similar Domain Name as your Prefix.

• Put a warning notification in your online advertising to alert buyers to check any website they are looking at is legitimate. • Encourage puppy buyers to verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland and make direct in person contact with you. •

Ensure puppy buyers check communications are made with verified contact details.

Encourage puppy buyers to meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments.

As a buyer what can you do to avoid being a victim of a Puppy Scam: •

Verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland.

Ensure communications are made to verified contact details.

Meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments.

If paying online, use a credit card or PayPal where you have a degree of buyer protection.

Check website is an established site with a website security certificate.

Avoid websites without physical address or phone numbers.

Ask for proof, including ANKC registration papers and veterinary health records for any puppy.

Importantly you should report any suspect sites or advertising to the ACCC ScamWatch website. Please let us know about any suspect websites too by contacting Dogs Queensland on 3252 2661 or by email at


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Affiliated Clubs and Services BREED & GROUP CLUBS

American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Gordon PO Box 908 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0403 742 555 Australian Shepherd Club of Qld Ms A Lally 0419 597 661 Australian Terrier Club of Qld Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464 Basenji Breed Network Qld Ms E Blair PO Box 1060 Spring Hill QLD 4004 (07) 3217 5943 Basset Hound Club of Qld Ms M McGinn PO Box 14 Samford QLD 4520 (07) 3289 4033 / 0416 213 253 Beagle Club of Qld Mrs T McNicol PO Box 3107 West Ipswich QLD 4305 0422 158 879 Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc Miss C Lowther PO Box 185, Burpengary, Qld, 4505 0497 628 960 Border Collie Club of Qld Inc Mrs N Attridge 0407 591 165 Borzoi Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Davis (07) 3372 4657 Bullmastiff Club of Qld Mrs B Bell 0404 702 423 Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs L Moeser PO Box 595 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0423 707 380 Cattle Dog & Kelpie Club of Qld Inc Miss M Normoyle PO Box 578 Dalby QLD 4405 0429 065 912 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (Qld) Ms E McCutcheon PO Box 1101 Wynnum QLD 4178 (07) 3893 0847 / 0448 810 847 Central Qld Toy Dog Club Mrs J Sweeney (07) 4933 3399 / 0407 138 860

Chihuahua Club of Qld Mrs J Watt (07) 3372 3654 / 0418 153 115

Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs C Wardle 0412 191 005

Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Hutt 0402 119 013

Old English Sheepdog Club of Qld Mr R Schnaars (07) 3201 0952 / 0408 730 485

Collie Rough and Smooth Club of Qld Inc Ms N Christen 0432 539 594

Original Australian Dog Breeds Club of Qld (The) Mrs J Hafey 0419 114 394

Dachshund Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 Dalmatian Association of Qld Inc Mrs K Murray 0405 988 130 Dobermann Club of Qld Inc Mr Kevin Zimmerle 0439 799 944 English Springer Spaniel Assoc of Qld Inc Miss C Williams 0403 240 296 Fox Terrier Club of Qld Mrs J Cantlon (07) 4129 7166 French Bulldog Club of Qld Mrs K McClelland PO Box 729 Oxenford QLD 4210 0411 032 517 German Shepherd Dog Club Qld Inc Mr G Williams 0434 048 084 Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 The Great Dane Society of Qld Inc Mrs M Hickey 0423 588 062 Griffon Club of Qld Ms N Lawrence PO Box 32 Samford QLD 4520 0458 116 833 Hound Club of Qld Miss A Carius 0409 892 248 Irish Wolfhound Club of Qld Mr C Gorman 0400 144 524

Poodle Club of Queensland Inc Ms P Morgan PO Box 171 Aspley QLD 4034 0414 501 707 Qld Afghan Hound Association Ms J Anderson 0428 800 410 Qld Boston Terrier Club Mrs K McConnell 0411 955 501 Qld Boxer Club Ms S Davies PO Box 878 Archerfield QLD 4108 0408 197 250 Qld Bulldog Club Mrs J Dinh 0434 142 386 Queensland Gundog Association Mr A Adams (07) 3278 8001 Qld Sighthound Association Mrs J David 0414 605 513 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld Inc Ms R Oberholzer 0417 490 417 Rottweiler Club of Qld Inc Mrs A Heinemann PO Box 872 Beenleigh QLD 4207 0427 545 726 Saint Bernard Club of Qld Inc Mr R Whittet PO Box 7747 Toowoomba South Qld 4350 0438 360 191 (Emma Forsyth) Setter Club of Qld Mrs C Gorey PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0438 598 597

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Affiliated Clubs and Services Shetland Sheepdog Club of Qld Inc Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464

Brisbane Valley Kennel Club Mrs C Holman 0430 940 063

Sporting Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs J Stoneley (07) 3206 2618

Burnett Kennel Club Mrs A Morgan 0427 686 121

Sporting Terrier Club of Qld Mrs D Major PO Box 5264 Daisy Hill 4127 0412 430 358

Caboolture Kennel Club Miss V Wyness 0404 037 095

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld Mrs A Bainbridge PO Box 60 Marburg QLD 4346 0437 109 162 Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Holt PO Box 43 Beerwah QLD 4519 (07) 5494 9993 Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 Toy Dog Club of Qld Ms D Davies (07) 5464 6206 / 0466 962 061 Welsh Corgi Club of Qld Ms S Kilby 0433 363 640 West Highland White Terrier Club of Qld Mrs M Cunningham (07) 5548 6744 / 0418 572 579 Whippet Club of Queensland Mrs S Townsend 0402 602 888 Working Dog Club of Queensland Mrs B Wheatley 07 3208 7190/ 0419 782 492


Allora Kennel Club Ms K Lewis (07) 4667 1590 Beaudesert Kennel Club Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 Beenleigh & District Kennel Club Miss J Young 0401 889 999


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Darling Downs Kennel Club Miss R Green (07) 4696 6216 / 0410 651 756 Gold Coast Canine Club Mrs A Proudfoot 0405 060 550 Gundog & Heavy Breeds Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 Gympie & District Kennel Club Miss K Wilson PO Box 574 Gympie Qld 4570 0417 729 803 Ipswich Kennel Club Inc Mrs D McLean (07) 5426 1261 / 0408 261 659 Junior Kennel Club of Qld Mr M Watt (07) 3372 3654 Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Wilshier (07) 3279 7339 / 0417 799 115 Ladies Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Lanham PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882 Lockyer Valley Kennel Club Mrs K Knight PO Box 50 Lowood QLD 4311 0407 621 726 Maree Kennel Club Mrs J Ireland (07) 3814 3069 Nanango Kennel Club Mrs V Mannion PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 Northern Classic Kennel Club Mrs J Lanham PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882

Pine Rivers Kennel Club Mrs J Glover PO Box 453 Caboolture QLD 4510 0419 663 942 Qld Kennel Council Mrs S Watherston 0424 708 889 Redcliffe Peninsula Kennel Club Ms L Horne (07) 3285 5503 / 0418 783 823 Sunshine Coast Kennel Club Ms S Smith PO Box 151 Landsborough 4550 0400 018 877 Waterloo Bay Kennel Club Mr D McAllister PO Box 2443 Keperra QLD 4054 0439 397 884 Western Suburbs Kennel Club Mrs G Hovey-Jacobs (07) 3409 4705 / 040 826 333 Yuggera Canine Club Mrs P Johansen 0406 538 003


Bundaberg Canine Club Inc Mrs M Norton PO Box 7370 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 (07) 4157 8338 / 0437 578 338 Callide Valley Obedience & Kennel Club Mrs S Cook 0417 628 400 Capricorn Coast Kennel Club Mrs K Schroeder PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 (07) 4939 7329 Gladstone Kennel Club Inc Ms M McFadzen PO Box 7245 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 Hervey Bay Kennel Club Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 Isis & District Canine Club Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 Mackay Kennel Club Mrs M Volker P O Box 7156, Mackay MC QLD 4741 0419 760 385

Affiliated Clubs and Services Maryborough Kennel Club Inc Mrs L McLaughlin PO Box 402 Maryborough QLD 4650 0408 896 260

Proserpine Kennel Club Inc Mrs D Appleby PO Box 232 Koumala QLD 4738 0417 523 504

Mount Morgan & Bouldercombe Kennel Club Mr J Whitehead PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 407 620 971

Thuringowa City Kennel Club Ms E Ryan PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0412 604 340

Gladstone Dog Obedience Club (Obedience/ Agility/Tracking Club) Miss Jessica Chivers P O Box 948, Gladstone QLD 4680. 0448 449 699

The Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Miss L McCrindle (07) 4959 1353

Townsville Kennel Association Inc Mrs L Marsden PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0429 896 558

Gold Coast Dog Obedience Training Club Inc Mrs C Fisher PO Box 143 Southport QLD 4215 0450 721 189

Tully & District Kennel Club Mrs F Vecchio PO Box 1290 Tully QLD 4854 0418 197 093

Gympie Dog Obedience Club Inc Ms M Abrey PO Box 404 Gympie QLD 4570 0408 544 259 gympiedogobedienceclubinc@gmail. com

Rockhampton Kennel Club Inc Mrs J Scott PO Box 553 Yeppoon QLD 4703 (07) 4939 7698 Sarina Kennel Club Mrs C Donaldson PO Box 742 Sarina QLD 4737 0407 150 815


Atherton Tableland Kennel Club Mr C Coggan 0410 505 810 / 4775 8808 (Wk) Bowen Kennel Club Mrs L Bryson PO Box 915 Bowen QLD 4805 0400 938 524 Cairns City Kennel Club Inc Mrs K Frame PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 6720 Charters Towers Kennel Club Mrs T Hill PO Box 1980 Charters Towers QLD 4820 0466 245 758 Cloncurry & District Canine Club Ms F Rae 0427 958 426 Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club Inc Mrs R Horton PO Box 776 Ingham QLD 4850 0417 611 085 Innisfail Kennel Club Mrs M Adkins (07) 4093 5304 Mareeba & District Kennel Club Mrs L Halliwell PO Box 2295 Cairns QLD 4870 0407 160 670

OBEDIENCE / AGILITY / TRACKING All Breeds Tracking Club Incorporated Ms S Bull PO Box 368 Ormeau QLD 4208 0499 022 490 Brisbane Dog Training Club Inc Mrs M Calvert PO Box 1288 Oxley QLD 4075 0422 921 861 Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club Ms S Gibson PO Box 491 Morayfield QLD 4506 0404 052 519 / 0450 902 520 secretary@caboolturedogobedience. Cairns City Kennel Club Inc (Obedience Section) Mrs J Wilkinson PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 4040 Canine Obedience Club of Townsville Ms J Forbes-Faulkner PO Box 991 Aitkenvale QLD 4814 0427 725 982 Continental Herding Club Inc Mr J Mitchell 0406 301 390 Dances with Dogs Club Qld Miss G Westmore 0488 999 683 DogzCairns Inc Ms S Daniels PO Box 644 Smithfield QLD 4878 0408 183 038

Evergreen Tracking Dog Club Inc Mrs A Cunningham 0438 719 551

Hervey Bay Dog Obedience & Agility Club Inc Ms K Richardson PO Box 365 Hervey Bay QLD 4655 0459 843 820 Ipswich Dog Obedience Club The Secretary PO Box 2007, Nth Ipswich QLD 4305 0411 433 866 ipswichdogobedienceclub@outlook. com Jimboomba Dog Training Club Ms S Chandler (07) 5546 3355 Lockyer Valley Dog Training Club Inc Mrs A Williams PO Box 321 Laidley QLD 4341 (07) 5465 7450 / 0417 799 281 Logan All Breeds Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs E Rowan PO Box 23 Kingston QLD 4114 0405 069 335 Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club Ms M Vannucci PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0412 075 170 Maryborough Dog Obedience Club Ms P Ray PO Box 3050 Maryborough QLD 4650 0432 794 035 Metropolitan Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs W Waller PO Box 337 Zillmere QLD 4034 0413 911 511 Nanango Kennel Club Mrs V Mannion PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


Affiliated Clubs and Services Obedience Dog Club of Bundaberg Mrs A Nisbet PO Box 5417 Bundaberg West QLD 4670 0449 128 451 Obediencedogclub.bundaberg@gmail. com Pine Rivers Dog Training Club Inc Mrs D Lamprecht PO Box 272 Strathpine QLD 4500 0409 472 198 Qld Herding Association Mrs A Ross 0417 625 951 Redcliffe Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs T Pronk PO Box 493 Redcliffe QLD 4020 0458 519 099


Alaskan Malamute & Siberian Husky Social Club (Qld) Inc Miss T Goodwin PO Box 774 Redbank Plains QLD 4301 (07) 3271 4465 (5pm-7pm only) Bernese Mountain Dog Social Club of Qld Mrs A Gribbon (07) 3843 1407 / 0421 042 788 White Swiss Dog Club of Qld Social Club Mrs C Keen PO Box 228 Ormeau QLD 4208 0438 621 663


Redlands Dog Obedience Club Ms R Harrison PO Box 16 Capalaba QLD 4157 0400 149 787

Warwick Dog Obedience Club Ms B McGregor PO Box 851 Warwick QLD 4370 (07) 4664 8050

Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc Ms S Bassett PO Box 5064 Red Hill QLD 4702 (07) 4939 6085 / 0419 717 619


Southside Dog Obedience Club Inc Miss L Forster PO Box 2273 Runcorn QLD 4113 0405 325 766 Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club Inc Miss J Rigby PO Box 701 Buderim QLD 4556 0403 156 599 Tableland Dog Obedience Club Ms J Crerar (07) 4093 7848 Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs S McIntyre PO Box 3606 Toowoomba QLD 4350 (07) 4633 2241


Field & Retrieving Association for Gundogs Inc Mr G Dawson (07) 3886 6367 Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mr Greg Mitchel Mob 0418169606 Wide Bay Working Gundog Club Mrs W Michalk (07) 4152 2362


DOG WORLD Febuary 2022

Brisbane Lure Coursing Club Inc Mr S Uebel 0418 199 419


ANIMAL AMBULANCE/CRUELTY REPORTS 1300 852 188 AUSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 BASENJI Ms C Qualischefski 0429 979 326 / 0422 184 755 BASENJI Ms C Benson 0468 364 031 BASENJI Ms E Blair (07) 3217 5943 BEAGLE Mrs D Souter 0418 742 941 BELGIAN SHEPHERDS Ms J Glenn 0417 464 573

BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs J Hazell (07) 3843 1407 BORZOI Ms V Dawson (07) 3857 3682 BORZOI Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078 BULLDOG Mr L Perrett 0452 210 184 BULLMASTIFF Mrs R Armstrong (07) 5546 8427 / 0401 145 129 BULL TERRIER Mrs M Reynolds (07) 5546 3003 CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL Ms L MacMillan 0419 339 150 COLLIE ROUGH AND SMOOTH Mrs J Armatys (07) 4157 2758 / 0428 121 726 DACHSHUND Mrs V Lingard (07) 3800 1127 DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs V McArthur 0417 767 357 DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs J Bloomfield 0412 119 688 ENGLISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG Mrs J Hansford (07) 3289 7282 GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 GORDON SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 GREAT DANE Ms C Bowden 0411 571 050

Affiliated Clubs and Services HUNGARIAN VIZSLA Mrs K Eory (07) 3265 1621

SKYE TERRIER Mrs H MacGregor 0429 999 053 / 0428 947 110

IRISH RED & WHITE SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597

STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER Miss M Nielsen 0419 631 221

IRISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597

TIBETAN SPANIEL Miss A Caer (07) 3351 7257 / 0402 555 508

LABRADOR RETRIEVER Mrs C Wardle 91 Ciesiolka Rd Aubigny 4401 0412 191 005

WEIMARANER Mrs J Glover 0419 663 942

LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO Mrs P Wyllie (07) 4163 7288 / 0400 903 303 LHASA APSO Ms J Woodward (07) 5428 6201 / 0413 788 775 MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Ms H Brennan (07) 5426 0413


Casual and permanent sites are available at competitive prices.

For more information call the Dogs Queensland office on 3252 2661 or email J.J. Donuts

Contact: Gaylene Ph: 0434 405 375 Email:

WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER Mrs A Cloughley (07) 3206 6460

Puddleby Art

WHIPPET Secretary

Lockyer Valley Sharpening

YORKSHIRE TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987

Contact: Toshi Ueno Ph: 0410 595 202 Email: Contact: Keith Ph: 0458 920 088 Email:

Lead On Animal Leads

Contact: Bev and Ian Ph: 0417 076 402 Email:

OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Mrs A Cassidy (07) 3201 0952

Lilcracka Pet Supplies

POINTER Mrs R Glegg (07) 5547 7689 / 0439 830 495

TAK Photography

POODLE MINIATURE & TOY Ms P Morgan 0414 501 707

Wagz Cafe

Contact: Kay Ph: 0413 543 835 Email: Contact: Tracy: 0451 912 022 Email: Contact: Mark Ph: 0407 212 974 Email:

POODLE STANDARD Mrs S Graham 0417 470 542 PUG Ms H Jordan 0415 370 526 PUG Carol-Ann (07) 3814 1382 / 0438 515 895 PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs A Everson (07) 3200 0321 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Mrs R Smith (07) 5529 9903 SAINT BERNARD Mrs A Inmon 0400 142 267 SCHNAUZER Ms A Goodwin 0405 421 897

DISCLAIMER Opinions and information published in the Dog World magazine are solely those of the individual authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the advice or opinions of Dogs Queensland. The organisation assumes no responsibility or liability for any statements made, and suggests that individuals make their own enquiries and seek their own specialist and/or independent veterinary or other advice.

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022




Non Durack Club Per Entry


Ag Society Per Entry


Durack Rates

JUDGES LICENCE FEES Social Clubs (regardless Conformation Judges of location) Dog Sports Judges All JudgesFee(except Handler Judges) Training for Aspiring Dog Sports Judges

RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF (CONT) $175.00 $100.00 $80.00 $65.00 $50.00

TrainingHandler Fees forJudges Aspiring Judges $36.00 Junior No Fee Handler Judges No Fee REGISTRATIONS PER PUP MAIN REGISTER ($1.10REGISTRATIONS per puppy donated toPER Canine Research) PUP



Field Hire Starting From


For enquiries please email: or call (07) 3252 2661. MEMBERSHIP FEES Joining Fee





$120.00 No fee

Junior (no joining fee) PREFIX Application (includes maintenance for year applied)






CLUB AFFILIATION FEES (South of the 26th Parallel) All Breeds and Multiple Groups

$574.00 $424.50

Obedience Clubs Single Group and Multi Breeds Clubs


Specialty Breed Club


Agricultural Societies


Tracking and Field Trials Clubs


CLUB AFFILIATION FEES (North of the 26 Parallel) th

All Breeds and Multiple Groups


Obedience Clubs


Single Group and Multi Breeds Clubs


Specialty Breed Clubs

$263.00 $262.00

Agricultural Societies Tracking and Field Trial Clubs


SOCIAL CLUBS Social Clubs (regardless of location)


A 0.75% fee applys to payments made by Visa Credit, Visa Debit/Prepaid, Mastercard Credit and Mastercard Debit/ Prepaid. There will be no charge if Members come to the counter and pay by EFTPOS. Postage For Bulk Stationery Orders Will Be Invoiced. All prices include GST. Prices are subject to change.

Under 3 ($1.10 monthsper puppy donated to Canine Research) $51.00 Under 3 months $48.00 Over 3 and under 6 months $81.00 $77.00 $102.00 $97.00 $113.00

Over 36 and under 612months months Over 612and andunder under1218months months

Over 12 and under 18 months $108.00 REGISTRATIONS PER PUP LIMITED REGISTER ($1.10 per puppy donated Canine Research) REGISTRATIONS PER PUPtoLIMITED REGISTER Canine Research) Under 3 ($1.10 monthper puppy donated to$67.00 $51.00* Under months $52.00 $109.00 $81.00* Over 3 3and under 6 months Over 36 and under 612months months Over 612and andunder under1218months months

$138.00 $151.00

$85.00 * $102.00 $107.00 $113.00*

Over 12for andlimited underregister 18 months $118.00 * Price pup with DNA Parentage Verification TRANSFERS (If received 14 days SENDwithin BACK FEEfrom the date of transfer) Members $29.00 Per Litter Registration $10.00 Non-Members $37.00 TRANSFERS (If received after 14 days from the date of$37.00 transfer) AllTRANSFERS Transfers Members



Non-Members $57.00 Massey University Of New Zealand $49.50 RE-REGISTRATION OF DOGS /SEMEN Imported dogs/semen Imported dogs/semen – NZ only

$114.00 $76.00

Tenterfield Terriers/Greyhounds Sporting Register

$76.00 $36.00

Associate Register


TITLES All Championship Titles (incl. breeders cert) All other awards (Plus breeders cert)

$37.00 $40.00 $27.00 $30.00 $12.00 $6.00

Laminating OTHER Lease Agreements Replacement certificates Certificates

$60.00 $25.00

Export pedigree Pedigree Extended pedigree Pedigree (5 generations)

$72.00 $36.00

STATIONERY Official Show Entry Forms (Bookf of 50) incl. postage


Rule Books CCC(Qld) (Qld) Book CCC $10.00 including postage RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF Obedience Trials (A5) Rally-O Trials (A5) Rally Trials (A5)

$4.75 $6.00 $4.75

Agility Trials (A5) Games Trials (A5)

$4.75 $4.75

Tracking Trials (A5) Track & Search Trials (A5)

$4.75 $4.75

Retrieving Trials (A5)


RATG Trials (A5)


Field Trials Pointers & Setters Trials (A5)


Utility Trials (A5)


Spaniel and Retriever Trials (A5)


Endurance Trials (A5)


Herding Trials (A5)


Dances With Dogs Trials (A5)


Lure Coursing Trials (A5)


Drafting Trials (A5)


Sled Sports (A5)


Scent Work

$4.75 $4.75

Trick Dogs BREED STANDARDS Full set of 8 (7 x Groups + 1 glossary of terms)


Single group


Breed extensions


Loose leaf breeds

$0.66 $2.50

Postage per group CERTIFICATES Challenge


Reserve Challenge


Best Of Breed


Group Awards (2 In Show, 14 In Group)


Neuter Challenge


Neuter in Group Award


Neuter in Show Award


Best Neuter Of Breed


Obedience Qual.


Agility Qual.


Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs


Tracking Qual.


Track & Search Qual.


Field & Ret Qual.


Dances with Dogs




Lure Course


Lure Course Open Stake


Earthdog Test




Sled Sport Event

DOG WORLD Febuary 2022


SET STEWARDS GRAPHS (10 + 2 General Specials sheet(s)


OBEDIENCE JUDGING CHARTS Novice, Open, Utility and or Agility (25 sheets per set)

Advertising Disclaimer


The publishers accept no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser.

Durack Office: 07 3252 2661 | P O Box 1136 MT OMMANEY QLD 4074 |



Postage per full set


Fuel their growth and their play Eukanuba™ puppy diets contain concentrated energy and optimized fat and carbohydrate levels to help fuel growth and play. At weaning energy required for growth is at 50%, however when this growth plateaus energy required for growth drops down to 8-10%. Our goal with puppies is not to maximise their growth and weight gain but to ensure they grow at the right pace. Different size puppies have different metabolic growth rates, for example, a smaller breed puppy has a quicker metabolic growth rate and so this must be represented in their diets. As fat supplies more energy per gram than protein and carbohydrate, Eukanuba™ puppy diets have a high calorie density and are a great source of: • Essential fatty acids • A concentrated form of energy • Carrier for fat soluble vitamins



Enjoy this and other exclusive promotions when you join the Eukanuba™ Professional Club. To sign up visit our website: *Only available at the Eukanuba ProShop (, 1st February – 31st March 2022. Offer includes Puppy Dry and Wet Diets. 15kg order minimum. TEAM 8315 DogsWorldQld

Join our Breeder Partner Program and earn rewards 6 Weeks Free Introductory Insurance Cover offer for puppies aged 8-36 weeks

3 day waiting period for accident/injury, 7 day waiting period for illness

$150 excess per claim, per unrelated condition

Vet fees for accident/ injury/illness including hospitalisation and referral up to $3,000

Death from accident/injury/ illness cover up to $1,500


E E R F INSURANCE To find out more and register call 1300 731 324 or visit *6 Weeks Free Introductory Insurance Cover can only be issued to puppies aged from 8 weeks to 36 weeks, from approved partners. Terms, conditions and waiting periods apply. Policy limits and exclusions may apply. Excludes pre-existing conditions.

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