Dog Sports
WHAT IS BARN HUNT? The ANKC National Committee is investigating and researching opportunities to bring Barn Hunt, a new dog sport, to Australia. Regular training days are already being held at Dog Queensland, Durack. If introduced, Barn Hunt will lie within the discipline of Earth Dog. Only specified small breeds, including Terriers and Dachshunds, can compete in Earth Dog whereas in Barn Hunt any dog can compete. The activity remains the same as in Earth Dog, where a dog’s natural instinct is tested to locate and quarry vermin or similar in a simulated environment. Open to all breeds and abilities Barn Hunt welcomes canines of all sizes and impairments. It is particularly suited to earth dog breeds who do not meet the size criteria, other terriers and breeds who display the required instincts, including older dogs who are not agile enough for the more active form of the sport. To register your interest or would like additional information, contact Kim Dawson at
DOG WORLD March 2021