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Editor & Publisher
Dolores Barciela
Executive Editor
Laura Failoni
Managing Editor
Maria Iriondo
Editor at Large
Nancy Bloom
Agustín Mrongowius Barciela
Art & Design
Pablo De Palma
Benjamin-Émile Le Hay, Jerry King, Ryan Alexander, Across South America.
Associate Publisher
Lisa Besalel
Phone +1-786-237-7830 info@yachtingtimesmagazine.com www.yachtingtimesmagazine.com
P.O. Box 491196, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 - USA
45 – SUMMER 2023 | VERANO 2023
For Subscriptions, please visit www.yachtingtimesmagazine.com
YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE (ISSN 2153-0831; ISSN 2153-084X) is published three times a year by YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE LLC., P.O. Box 491196, Key Biscayne, FL 33149, Phone +1-786237-7830 Copyright 2023 by YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE. All rights reserved. YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE is fully protected by copyright law and nothing that appears in it may be reproduced, wholly OR in part, without written permission. Great care has been taken throughout the magazine to be accurate, but we cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions which might occur. We cannot be responsible, either, for the claims of manufacturers in any of the items, nor for products here advertised. Both editorial and submitted manuscripts and photos will be handled with care but no liability is assumed for them. Signed articles don´t necessarily reflect the publisher´s opinion or view. Their consigned statements are, thus, exclusively up to the author.
YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE se publica tres veces al año por YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE LLC., P.O. Box 491196, Key Biscayne, FL 33149, Tel/Fax: +1-786-237-7830 Copyright 2023 por YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE. Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproduccion total o parcial de los articulos, fotos y anuncios aparecidos en YACHTING TIMES MAGAZINE sin el consentimiento por escrito del editor. Se ha intentado ser preciso a lo largo de toda la revista, pero no podemos responsabilizarnos por errores u omisiones que puedan ocurrir. Tampoco asumimos responsabilidad alguna por los servicios o productos anunciados en nuestras páginas. Tanto las notas y fotos editoriales como las enviadas serán tratadas con cuidado, pero no nos responsabilizamos por pérdida o daño de las mismas. Las notas firmadas no necesariamente reflejan la opinión o el parecer del editor de la revista. Las afirmaciones en ellas consignadas, por lo tanto, corren por exclusiva cuenta del autor.