5 minute read

Intertwined with The Past, Set for The Future




“We look back to the humble beginning of John B. Lacson Maritime University.”

A phrase from the university’s hymn, often sung by the students during the flag ceremony. Through the eyes of a new student, the words may not resonate well with him for he thought these are just a set of flowery words to glorify the school and the founder, and carried on with his day.

While attending his class in Physical Education, they are required to memorize, sing, and recite the school hymn, mission and vision as part of their requirements. Throughout the weekend, he read and memorized. A spark of eureka came to him, realizing that the hymn carries the ambition and dream of the founder, Capt. Juan Bautista Lacson. The song starts to enter his heart, filling him with passion. Seeing his path is already paved, all he has to do is take a step and walk.

photos from: JBLFMU SYSTEM

“My grandfather has always been a myth in my mind’s eye.”

Dr. Ronald Raymond Lacson Sebastian, the current Chief Executive Officers of the university, says as he honors his dear grandfather. Capt. John B. Lacson is a notable teacher, master mariner and port pilot whose name is eternally echoing through the halls of our esteemed institution. Reaching its platinum milestone, JBLFMU is ever-progressing, proving its worth to the international stage as a provider of outstanding masters, officers, and engineers, along with its pristine reputation to the maritime community.

JBLFMU, though a venerable institution, lacked documentation of its humble beginnings. Knowing this, it drove Dr. Sebastian to beg his mother, Dr. Mary Lou Lacson-Arcelo, to scribble down the school’s memoirs and after several attempts of convincing her, she gave in. JBLFMU archived its memories back into existence, a monumental step in the revival of Lacsonian history.

“To be completely honest, I credit my mother for being the ultimate torchbearer of that legacy. JBLFMU started its unstoppable climb when she stepped into the role of school president many decades ago. It was she who insisted that the name of the school be changed from Iloilo Maritime Academy to John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation, eventually working tirelessly into making it a university. She saw JBLFMU through countless trials by fire and seemingly insurmountable challenges. She was tenacious and driven, and for good reason.”

Dr. Arcelo wrote a book called MLA, which provided a narrative of how JBLCF institutions came to be. It gave more insight about the challenges faced by the institution, the story of the founder’s life from her point of view and his departure from America to a more destined Panay, Philippines where the greatest maritime universities settle.

“I have always thought that the school was an ode of love by my mother to my grandfather. In giving the school his name, she lovingly ensured that he was immortalized for life.”

Dr. Arcelo, a woman with a mission, displayed her prowess in raising the flag of JBLFMU and made it known to the world that a proud institution exists as if it were her love letter to her late father. She created the school values known as IPLEDGE, which stands for Integrity, Perseverance, Loyalty, Excellence, Discipline, Godliness, and Equality. These are the core values every student strives to embody, as being a seafarer is both an honorable sacrifice and a challenge to one’s character. The values will offer a path of fortitude, these torches that Dr. Arcelo wish to pass on, so that when the students look back, they will find themselves at the center of prominence.

A woman with a mission, displayed her prowess in raising the flag of JBLFMU [...]

The Revived History of JBLFMU-A

In the past, students went to Muelle Loney where Iloilo Maritime Academy was located. But, looking forward, young Dr. Arcelo was interested in the plot of 2 1/2 hectares of coconut plantation in Arevalo, which costs Php 75,000.00 and roughly the same amount of money IMA is left in their bank account. However, Capt. Lacson and

othermembers of the board resisted, as it was too far from the city. She stood her ground and argued: “If the students from Mindanao would come to Iloilo, why would they not go to Arevalo?”

The Board eventually gave in and the purchase of the Arevalo property was consummated. Starting the construction of the school, they had to cut down the coconut trees and excavate the roots. Coconut lumber was not popular in 1972, often they would just cut the trunk into manageable pieces and move it out of the way. After the construction, the nautical students were transferred to Arevalo and enjoyed a peaceful and conducive hub for learning.

Problems arose. Public transport was not available in the area and students had to walk 2 kilometers as no jeepney will take them unless they commute in groups and willing to pay extra. Electricity was not available either. They even paid PHP40,000.00 for a generator. Students who lived out of town boarded houses in the vicinity of the school, extending boarding houses to accommodate students.

The problems plaguing the school threatened its future, however, the councilor lobbied for regular jeepney transportation to the Arevalo site and the installation of electricity. All came to pass and Arevalo’s problems were settled, creating another legacy. Come 2022 marks a year nearing the 75th Foundation Anniversary of the institution.

These events happened in a not-so-distant past; history defines the present and provides a future. The institution is dedicated to share its knowledge with its students to enable progress as reflected in JBLFMU’s tagline of being the “MARITIME VANGUARD” where “We LEAD, We EXCEL. The Lacsonian Legacy”.

A Diamond Milestone

75th Foundation Day January 09, 2022

Grandeur is a word fit to describe the incoming 75th Foundation Day, an event looked forward to by most Lacsonians. A platform to exhibit the core values of the institution through activities and events. The whole system prepares for it, to celebrate, honor, and experience a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. January 9, 2022 is the day when it all starts and an enriching competition between Arevalo, Molo and Bacolod campuses will unfold. A diamond milestone filled with a rich history, students and staff alike will undoubtedly dedicate themselves to bringing glory to the institution and themselves.


November 2022 Volume 62 Number 1


The Official Student Publication of John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (Arevalo), Inc.

Two years have passed since the pandemic suppressed our efforts, but the rise of truth hastens our revival.

editorial staff

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