Domination July 2013

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JULY 2013


Contents Faculty Advisor



Dr. R.L. Dhar Team DoMination Abhay Kumar Arun George


Nilaya Shankar Priyank Singhal


Green Olympic

Rohan Krishnan Saurabh Paul Sharad Srivastava Designing Team

11 11

Dreams In My Dream

Ritesh Kumar Sabhariswaran P Saurabh Patel




Roorkee - 247 667, India Tel: +91-1332-285014, 285617 Fax: +91-1332-285565 Email:



15 18 15


DoMS-Da-Evince Success Story

……………………………………………………… 02 | DOMINATION, JULY 2013


Editorial ……………………………………………………… Dear readers, As it is the month of July, the rain God has finally

Perspective section. The idea is





captured in the “Green Olym-

vantage. He also visited our de-

pics” by Rohan Krishnan.

partment as a guest speaker.

started showing mercy amidst

The third world is no

These will be helpful to provide

the blistering heat. With the

longer a third world. There is a

a firsthand account of the in-

new wave of excitement and

new wave of nations that are


euphoria in the new session,

coming up and making their

Domination has a full

we present you with another

marks. Sharad Srivastava dis-

share of its fun quotient as

edition of DoMination.

cusses such a club, the group of

well. It has another round of

This edition has several

Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and

quiz for those who love brain

thought provoking articles from

Turkey, also known as MINT


a diverse range of topics. The

countries in Economic section.

“Dream in My Dreams” by San-

cover story is on the China un-

Their relative positioning vis-a-

dip Das is like icing on the cake.

der the new leadership. It is a

vis BRIC countries are also ex-

We hope that the cur-

nicely written article jointly





rent edition is liked by you. As

written by Nilaya Shankar and

Apart from these stimu-

we are constantly trying to im-

Kshitij Vohra which talks about

lating articles, DoMination also

prove the magazine, you guid-

the major challenges and fu-

has an interview of Anup

ance and support are most wel-

ture roadmap. We also have an

Shukla, a 2010 alumnus of

come. Please feel free to write

interesting piece on how the

DoMS and currently working as

to us for any suggestions and

concept of sustainability is ap-

a brand manager at HCL. It also

comments. Happy Reading....

plied to a sport event in the

has success story of Paresh

rds - Rega ation oMin D m a e T

……………………………………………………… 03 | DOMINATION, JULY 2013


Cover Story ………………………………………………………

China Under New Leadership Almost all countries around the

nese people. In this complicat-

cond to America, however it

world are perturbed because of

ed situation it is very tricky to

needs to radically overhaul its

one issue, which is slowing the

combine political stability with

economic model to once again

growth rate and so is China.

economic growth. In coping

embark on the path of rapid

With the recent change of

with the problem, Mr Xi can

growth, which in recent times

power at the helm in China, the

give more political freedom,

has slowed down. Chinese have

whole world hears one slogan

clamp down on disgruntlement

pegged currency value due to

loud and clear- Voice of the

and discover the new Chinese

which it is unable to access the

Chinese dream!!

dream. The response to these

actual state of its currency vis-à

Let’s first discuss what

problems will determine the

-vis dollar. Thus, China needs

the challenges of the new lead-

valour of the new Chinese lead-

economic reforms like currency

ership are. China is undergoing

ership. Issues which require im-

pegged to the market and open

tumultuous changes viz. social

mediate attention of new lead-

market economy to sustain the

problems, corruption, slowing

ership and its solution are:

current level of development.

economy, environmental ruins,

Change the Economic Model:

Demographics and rising ex-

land grab etc. These are caus-

China has moved way ahead on

pectation: Chinese fertility rate

ing tempestuous uncertainty

development, reduced poverty

has gone down mainly because

and annoyance amongst Chi-

and is now considered only se-

of the one child policy. This is

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



China Under New Leadership ……………………………………………………… creating demographic imbal-

the inequality, due to the huge

Chinese Reform Agenda

ance and ultimately leading to

size of China and corruption,


more of the adult population

things are moving at a slow

dend to Talent Dividend: China

which will culminate into aged

pace. The inequality problem is

has a huge population from

population after some years.

so acute that it requires a 360

which it can reap population

So, what China requires is

degree solution to problems. In

dividend but with the changing

awareness and self control and

order to tackle it, China needs

global scenario and an aspira-

not coercive control. Currently,

to tackle corruption, do equita-

tion to reach to the top and

China has a huge young popu-

ble development, use of more

surpass USA, it needs much

lation. The Young population of

ICT etc.

more. China like the USA is

China has access to the inter-

Environment: The toughest job

now concentrating on talent

net, foreign education etc. The-

for a developing nation is to

management which it can uti-

se facts are leading to more de-

maintain equilibrium between

lize in future to emerge as the

mand from the youth and thus

economic and environmental

number one economic power-

rising expectations. The expec-

considerations. Both need to


tation is not only economic but

be balanced for sustainable de-


also political in nature. In order

velopment otherwise every-

to “Created in China”: Till now

to accommodate the rising ex-

thing will go awry. Already, the

because of cheap labor China

pectations China needs to open



has been the world’s manufac-

window of opportunity for

sounded the alarm bell with 20

turing hub. This certainly gave

young population.

of the top 30 polluted cities of

a much needed boost to China

Inequality: Chinese have made

the world being in China. River

and helped it take millions out

rapid progress in the last dec-

water is also getting polluted at

of poverty. However if China

ade, which has been rightly

an alarming rate; number of

wants to take next stride and

dubbed as the miracle decade

vehicles on the road is increas-

wants to stay ahead in the race

for China. But the growth has



then it has to change the tag to

not been uniform. It is creating

source of energy is coal and it

“Created in China”. China is

more rural- urban divide, rich-

is one of the largest importers

now focusing more on R&D so

poor divide etc. Inequality has

of energy which is causing a lot

as to create more products in

risen to such alarming figure

of environmental damage. If


that politicians are worried that

China wants sustainable devel-


it may cause social disturbance.

opment then it needs to rapidly

cial Capital to Attracting Human

Though the government has


Capital: China is the number

taken steps like health care re-

sources of energy.

form and housing to obliterate







From Population Divi-

From “Made in China”

From Attracting Finan-

one destination in FDI. But, under Xi Jinping if China wants to

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



China Under New Leadership ……………………………………………………… realize what is touted as the

internet and now they have

my to Knowledge-Driven Econ-

“Chinese Dream” then it has to

their own internet search en-

omy: Resource is lasting but

start attracting Human Capital.

gine Baidu. All these have re-

knowledge is everlasting. So, if

This calls for a shift from In-

sulted into large expectation


vestment-Driven Economy to

on the part of Chinese people.


Talent-Driven Economy.

The people now want much

sources it is similar to going for


From Hardware to Soft-

more freedom, not only eco-

renewable sources of energy

ware: China is generally known

nomic but also political. So, in

vis-à-vis non-renewable. Like



order to adjust to these chang-


Achilles heel is its software. In

es and prevent and major so-

Knowledge driven economy

spite of being aware that it lags

cial upheavals in future China

will be unending as it will put

in software, the country is not

has started focusing on Social

the economy in an autopilot

able to do much with it. As

Innovation so as to meet the

mode. USA is able to sustain its

software is one area which re-

rising expectation of the mass-

economic powers only because

quire comparatively very less

es along with maintaining the

of the knowledge economy.

infrastructure in terms of land

fabric of the Chinese system.

and can reap good returns. So


From relying on domestic

The challenges are many but

it can be a fantastic proposition

talents to relying on both do-

so are the opportunities. If Chi-

from the Chinese point of view.

mestic and international tal-

na is able to cope up with


From emphasis on Sci-

ents: Till now China has been

them and maintain its pace, it

ence & Technology Innovation

majorly a closed economy. It

can very well achieve its de-

to both S&T and Social Innova-

has primarily relied on the do-

served place. The future is un-

tion: Last few decades have

mestic talent to support eco-

certain but not uncontrollable.

seen a major revolution on sci-

nomic growth. But if China

All eyes are on the dragon. Will

ence & technology Innovation

wants to emerge as a world’s

it awaken?

grant. Chinese universities are

R&D center and go for what is

churning out graduates in huge

called as “Created in China” it

numbers and many Chinese

has to open up to international

are getting education overseas.

talent like USA.

They also have access to the

- From Resources Driven Econo-







on re-


ByKshitij Vohra Nilaya Shanker

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Perspective ………………………………………………………

Green Olympic A carbon

footprint has

"direct" sources of the consum-

It is very evident that in

historically been defined as

er's carbon footprint. The miti-

the present day and age, terms

"the total set of Green House

gation of carbon footprints

like Lower Carbon Footprint,

Gas (GHG) Emissions caused by

through the development of

Sustainable Development and

an organization, event, product

alternative approaches, such

Renewable Energy have gained

or person.” It is frequently ex-

as the use of solar or wind en-

considerable importance. The

pressed in terms of the amount

ergy represents one way of re-

question is, why? Have you ev-

of carbon dioxide, or its equiva-

ducing a carbon footprint and

er wondered why every busi-

lent of other GHGs, emitted.

is often known as Carbon Off-

ness and every innovation, no

Most of the carbon emissions


matter what field it emerges

for the average US household

Scholars suggest

from, has a “Green” aspect as-

come from "indirect" sources,

the most effective way to de-

sociated with it? With increas-

i.e. fuel burned to produce

crease a carbon footprint is to

ing levels of pollution, increas-

goods separate from the end

either decrease the amount of

ing Green House Gas Emis-

user. These are differentiated

energy needed for productio or

sions, a cause for concern has

from emissions which arise

to decrease the dependence on

emerged for the future genera-


carbon emitting fuels. With or


from burning fuel directly,

to decrease the dependence on

What is a carbon footprint?


carbon emitting fuels. With




……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Green Olympic ……………………………………………………… the above information it is ob-

tively put to use at one of the

the needs of our planet. With

vious that in order to reduce

biggest sporting events the

77,000 athletes, plus all the

the emission of carbon we

world has ever seen. If this

coaches, support teams, fami-

need to adopt the use of ener-

turns out to be a success which

lies, judges, organizers and

gy sources which are sustaina-

it will, it could be a huge step

hosts, one can only imagine the

ble and reduce the emission of

towards a greener planet that

nightmare of trying to do any-


we seek.

thing new. Wisely, they set up

So what is sustainable

There is always excitement

an independent commission to

energy? What are the alternate

when the Olympic Games turn

watch over and guide all things

sources of sustainable energy?

up once every four years. There

sustainable, which had been

are many great sports to watch

working since the Games were

that we do not usually get to

awarded to London in 2004.


They addressed five are-

countries and athletes that we

as of sustainable life with the

would not otherwise hear and


fascinating characters and dra-

Climate change, includ-

mas that unfold over the three

ing the goal to reduce the car-


bon footprint of the Games —


Last year there was

a huge challenge when you


more excitement to watch as

consider all the construction

of energy that meets the needs

the London Olympics become

and all the travel involved. The

of the present without compro-

the most sustainable, “green”

carbon footprint was being

mising the ability of future gen-

Olympic Games to date, and a

measured, from the green con-

erations to meet their needs.

model for sustainability long

struction phase through energy

Technologies that encourage

after the Olympics have gone.

use during the Games. The Ve-



This was experienced when the

lodrome track, for instance,


Seattle World’s Fair was de-

was built from sustainable FSC


signed to be a permanent im-

certified wood and was a 100

as hydroelectricity, wind ener-

provement for the city — a


gy, solar energy, geothermal

new community center for the

building. Also Olympic Delivery

energy, tidal power, wave pow-

new century — and it was very

Authority (ODA) achieved a 47

er and technologies designed

successful. But the London

% reduction in carbon emission

to improve energy efficiency.

Olympics had the advantage of

if Olympic was built traditional-

Many of the sources men-



ly. When they couldn’t fit in a

tioned above have been effec-

knowledge of sustainability and

wind turbine on the site to



see, lots of information about











……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Green Olympic ……………………………………………………… produce their power, they de- actions at home. This would community would not simply cided to offset some power us- have worldwide implications.

have many usable, sustainably


energy- Biodiversity is a key element of

built arenas or community

efficient solutions in homes and sustainability. Their goal was to

gathering areas. It has thou-

schools in the community, a so- conserve the biodiversity pre-

sands of affordable apartment

lution that will have great conse- sent, both in the natural world

homes, also sustainably built

quences in the future. For the and in the human presence.

and energy-efficient. The rivers

first time, no cars were per- But they went beyond that by

had been cleaned up. New

mitted on the Olympic grounds; creating


parks and green areas had

people had to leave their cars spaces and making it possible

been established. Small busi-

outside the city and use public for the diverse humanity to

nesses were also revitalized.

transportation. The transporta- spend time in nature during

They wanted to create a better

tion infrastructure of London their stay.


was upgraded, which will im- Inclusion of all was not auto-

neighborhoods, but did not al-

prove their public transport for matic at the Olympic Games.

low developers to drive out the

decades to come, as well.

Their goal was to assure access

working-class people who live

Waste for the landfill was for all and to celebrate diversi-

there. Their goal was not to

drastically reduced. The goal ty. This reaches out to the fu-

create a gentrified district for

was for zero-waste Games, an ture life of the location of the

the privileged, but to improve

amazing goal, to be achieved Games in East London.

the infrastructure of the com-


munity for the people who






management Prior to the Olympics, the loca-

practices and by promoting long tion was a particular industrial -term changes. It was a mix of area that was very poor econo-



were already living there. Healthy Living is the fifth

composting, recycling and re- my. The rivers running through sustainability theme. That seems duced packaging on the site, and the area were polluted and a a given for any Olympic Games, garbage was processed to look lot of the land was contaminat- since the focus is on athletics for recyclables, compostable, ed. There was even a huge and active lifestyles. Many of us and other items that can be kept stack of refrigerators there, get inspired to take those runout of the landfill. There was ones that no one knew what to ning shoes or tennis rackets out also a huge educational oppor- do with them. We had some of the closet and put them to tunity there; think of all the bad Superfund sites there, but use again. But their goal is to Olympic participants who learnt this contamination of the Earth make that a sustainable part of about




of goes back to the industrial days the U.K. life. and of Victorian England.

would hopefully re-think their

A healthy lifestyle in-

After the Games, this cludes living within the limited

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Green Olympic ……………………………………………………… resources of our planet. Eating

the world. The Olympic Games

creative cause and try to apply

well, being physically active in

were inspiring on so many lev-

this wherever we can in our

the outdoors, and improving

els; this year we can also look

daily lives. A little contribution

our physical environment will

forward to being inspired to be

from each of us could go a long

improve our own quality of life,

sustainable citizens of Earth.

way in saving our planet. So let

our well-being, and our happi-

The Future of this planet lies in

us “Wake Up and Drive”.

ness. This, too, is something I

the hands of its present gener-

hope will spread throughout

ation. Let us learn about this

ByRohan Krishnan DoMS, IIT Roorkee (2012-2014)

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie




……………………………………………………… Its wise to learn, its GOD like to create

Dreams in my Dreams

One day I heard a melody from a long distance May be it should be a known tune, It may tune of mourning or must mourning I guess the distanced tune… Hold it on my ear And kept it in my heart One night I threw all my dreams High above the sky All went into oblivion, excepting one. It came unstuck I did not allow it fall To the earth. Took it on my palm And kept it in my heart Years after I opened my heart And saw it again in my heart... I still have that Dream In my Dreams.......... And don't ask me why, Just don't ask me why...

BySandip Das DoMS, IIT Roorkee (2012-2014)

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Qutopia ………………………………………………………

It’s Exquizite, Kills your Quriosity and adds to your Quizdom. Need we say more? ‘Qutopia’ – A Utopia of the best Biz Quiz Tidbits to wreck your brains! Rush in your answers to before 10th August, 2013. The winner will have their names published in the next issue. Also, person getting the highest score in every quarter of the year will get a gift voucher. Answers in the next issue of DoMination.

Section A (1 Point for each correct answer)

1) This school has produced one PM, 9 cabinet ministers, 3 chief ministers and a host of other CEOs and chairmen of various Indian and international companies. Which school is this? 2) What is the name of the first cold drink in India, started in 1949? 3) A market which has only one buyer and a number of sellers is known as ………………………. 4) X is a financial institution started in 1911 and was one of the first of its kind to be wholly owned and managed by Indians. 5) Combining Biometric, Anthropology and Information technology together, the first human DNA bank of Asia is set up in this state capital. Name the city. 6) This company was started with 14 jets and 389 employees. It is also famous for bringing a Hollywood flick to life by helping a 13 foot shark reach the studio. Identify the company. 7) In 2004, Forbes named her as the first person to become a US dollar billionaire by writing books, second richest female entertainer and 1062nd richest person on earth. Who is she?

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Qutopia ……………………………………………………… Section B (2 Point for each correct answer)

1) Identify the logo

2) Identify the movie by below picture.

3) Identify this famous festival of Spain, held on last Wednesday of August.

4) Identify the person. This man is one of the most popular singers of 20th century and also referred as “King of Rock and Roll”.

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Qutopia ……………………………………………………… Answers for Apr’13 edition

Section A 1. 2. 3. 4.

Maruti Omni A. R. Rahman, Sivamani Durand Cup, India Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC) 5. Google

Section B 1. Ang Lee, Academy Award for best director for the movie “Life of Pie” 2. Cyrillic Alphabet Day 3. Volkswagen 4. Harry Potter

Winner of April Edition Mayank Srivastava Basawa Technologies

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



DoMS-da-Evince ……………………………………………………… Anup Shukla is a 2010 batch pass out of DoMS and recently joined HCL as a Brand Manager. Earlier he was working as Senior Associate Consultant in Infosys. Q: Please let us know about find myself a good one in Thom- Apart from that I also engaged your journey prior to joining IIT son Press which is one of the myself in Pre-sales activities reRoorkee.

largest presses in Asia. I got to lated to SAP practice and re-

Ans: Before Joining IIT Roorkee, know and study their Business sponded to many RFPs, since I I used to be an over ambitious model closely and performed had already the experience of youth who was aiming at con- various ratio analysis to gauge working on RFPs from the client quering the whole world, quite their operational efficiency and side in CRIS and were considliterally



com- scope of improvements for the ered an SME (Subject Matter Ex-

pleting my B.Tech. in Computer entire business model. All in all pert), out of which many were Science & Engg, I tried my hands it was a good study from the able to win new business of at starting my own company and perspective of finance and oper- Infy. website for a while, but when ations and business found it use- Later on I got opportunity to things didn’t go my way, I pre- ful too. pared for various PSUs and ap- Q:


work with the marketing team are


roles of CS&I (Consulting System and

peared in the interviews of and responsibilities at Infosys?

Integration) and I worked for

many of them including HAL, Ans: Ever since I entered In- SAP marketing. The roles and IOCL, MTNL, SAIL and CRIS. Since fosys, I made it a point to learn responsibilities from marketing CRIS was the first one to offer a something new each day of my side were event management job and working for the IT wing life in the entire journey that is support, Internal and external of world’s largest employer was coming to an end on 30th April branding, too much to resist, I served 15 2013.



and market research related ac-

months in an SAP profile with I started with consulting in SAP tivities. CRIS before joining IIT Roorkee.

Sales and Distribution module Q: How your experience at In-

Q: How was your summer in- and worked for prestigious cli- fosys is different from CRIS? ternship at Thomson Press?

ents like Baker Hughes and Ap- Ans: Very different indeed, and

Ans: During 2009 when financial ple. The Business processes of not just because one belongs to crisis had hit the job market re- these organizations were some- public sector while the other beally bad, the internships were a thing that can enrich one's un- longs to private. I worked in SAP rarity. But I was fortunate to derstanding of business for life. related profiles in both the orga-

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



DoMS-da-Evince ……………………………………………………… -nizations but I was working marginalized and even the most tions and interpretations of data from the business or client’s side loyal customers are threatening can be quite useful since the dain CRIS and was doing vendor to move over to other options ta that is getting generated from management and preparation since the perception of Busi- any form of business has been and evaluation of RFPs, whereas nesses about IT is that of a cost increasing in leaps and bounds in Infosys I was working on the that they must bear in order to and it is quite impossible to anavendor side and trying to re- keep the show running. The low- lyze it all for a decision maker. spond to the needs of clients, er the cost the better the busi- But analytics can’t provide you both existing and prospective. ness feels. But still, the truthful- the insight of the data that is So one can say that I had a 360 ness and commitment of the IT represented to aide a decision degree experience of IT in ERP service provider holds the key to maker; neither can it make a desolutions.

customer’s trust. Since IT is cision on behalf of a leader who

Apart from that I also used to be more intangible in nature than has to rely on his or her instincts a part of a decision making team any other industry and can’t be to make a key decision for busiand process in CRIS, which use defined in terms of expertise ness. So analytics can be only as to make decisions on behalf of alone. But also the ability of a good as decision maker himself. Business


organiza- sector to innovate and attract Since I was not in a decision

tions), but in Infosys I learned and retain talent plays a major maker role with Infosys, anahow to influence the decision role in satisfying the customer lytics were of no use to me in makers and how to market them as well as prosperity of overall IT particular, but I did played with the solutions. Both the experi- sector.

excel a little as and when re-

ences are complimentary to Q: Recently there has been a lot quired . each other.

of talk about analytics. How do Q: What has been the most

Q: What changes do you see in you see the function of ana- challenging role so far? Would customer expectation, particu- lytics in your job? larly in IT industry?

you like to share any interesting

Ans: Analytics does play a key incident with us?

Ans: The customer has become role in any business since inter- Ans: The most challenging role very demanding indeed in the pretation of data in an intelli- of my life so far is the next one past few years. IT is no longer gent form can be a key asset to that I am about to join. I am the goose that lay golden eggs any decision maker. That is the joining HCL Technologies as a or the IT of late 90s or early reason why SAP HANA, SAP BI, Brand Manager and have been 2000’s. It has become some- Oracle BI tools are so much in assigned the profile of Cothing much more throat cutting demand in the market.

branding and partner branding.

and competitive. The profit mar- For any business the dashboards It will be quite a challenge ingins for IT majors have been that provide varied representa- deed since HCL does not have a

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



DoMS-da-Evince ……………………………………………………… precedence of partner branding co-convener of the event and


and is a very fast growing com- in a bid to inspire my batch ma- Q: Any message for the readers, pany. So in a way, I will be glob- tes to write a paper on finan- especially for the current batch ally responsible for not just cial crisis, I started writing a of DoMS? Brand HCL, but also prestigious number of jokes and other arti- Ans: Chase your dreams to the partners like Microsoft, Oracle, cles to get their attention. It last corner of the universe and Cisco, SAP etc. Since Branding was a form of social media ad- don’t you give up no matter was my dream profile, this is a vertising and interaction. My what. challenge that I am going to en- efforts yielded results and our Always believe in yourself and joy a lot.

batch won the first and third constantly keep moving in a pos-

An interesting incident that

prize in the competition. That itive direction.

comes to my mind was that of

was the most satisfying experi- I know you can do it, because

Jigyasa in 2009, when I was the

ence of my life in a leadership after all, I am one of you .

Anybody can come up with new ideas. Innovators make them happen.

“Michael Leboeuf “

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Success Story ……………………………………………………… Mr. Paresh Seth runs an investment bank “indus1advantage” and specializes in cross border joint ventures and alliances. He is also an advisor to several companies including UB Engineering Ltd. and P Mac Pvt. Ltd. He was a faculty for strategy at a leading management institute in Mumbai for 3 years and now works with a leading management institute as the Dean & Director. Mr. Paresh Seth joined us for

have gone into an IIT or IIM.

or a research report you have

'Vipanan', the annual meet or-

Now your luck was with you

prepared. You have to reach

ganised by the finance club. He

and you landed up here. A man

out to the industry. Why do

made an invigorating speech

should have an inner level per-

you wait for the college infra to

outlining his philosophy and

spective on two things. One is

organise an event and meet

the way the world of invest-

about what is that you want?

the people?

ment banking works.

When you think what is that

If you do research on

In an interview given to team

you want, you forget about all

things like analytics, broking

Domination he gave elaborate

government regulations, big

etc and you reach out to audi-

answers to our questions. Fol-

businessmen etc. Leave that all

ence based on this then you

lowing are the excerpts of the

for the moment. I am interest-

have better prospects. Reach


ed in engineering let me join

out to people. Prepare a ques-

In your speech you said 'be

that, or I want to join a big in-

tionnaire and circulate it to 100

like Arjuna' and 'you have to

vestment company let me do

people in the top management.

apply the knowledge'. In a


At-least 30 people would reply

business environment can a

The second thing is what

person be really like Arjuna

is it that you have. That is inner

and focus on one eye alone.

perspective. That includes your

What about the bigger envi-

inner confidence, personality,

platform and you need to use

ronment and multiple stake

MBA etc. Now you need to

it. Every broking company out-



sources research. 5000-6000 Rs

The trick is execution. Execu-



is the going rate for research

tion determines where you

knowledge base etc. I am say-

report in the market. Making a

reach in your career. Execution

ing if you have average presen-

research report is not rocket



tation skills average networking

science. In 2 years time make

When you are setting out on a

skills you can still log on to

20 research reports after con-

journey to do your MBA you

linked-in and you can ask peo-

sulting five or six CEOs. Do it

could have gone to any C or D

ple regarding their opinion on

for mid sized and small sized

grade institutes or you could

projects you have ventured out

companies. Organisation norm






back and that is enough for you. You




……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Success Story ……………………………………………………… is not stopping from doing it.

we advice people on that. We

sues then so be it.

This is something I have discov-

are the people because we

Sir, can you comment on the

ered and this works. There are

bring lot of foreign companies

investment capping of 26% for

no organisation norms; there

for joint ventures. We are in

promoters in the new banking

are only mental blocks from

touch with Indian and foreign

law? How will the raising of

preventing you doing things

promoters. We know the feasi-

capping affect the business

Can you comment something

bility and business models. The

from the promoter’s point of

on family office business? How

High Net worth Individuals also

view? Does it change anything

large is it in India?

believe us. This is a natural pro-

on the ground?

When you become rich

cess which has evolved. Many

If you are the promoter

you buy gold, property more

family offices want to get into

you will keep the 26%; the 74

stocks. Beyond that what will

education. We also help them

percentage won't go to IPO.

happen? Beyond that you will

to do so.

Only around 30-50 percentage

put your money in a separate

From the investment bankers

will be IPO. So who will get the

ear-marked company and ask a

point of view how you deal

rest of the shares? It depends

professional to manage it. You

with uncertainties? For exam-

on promoter. The promoter

have a business somewhere

ple there were sudden regula-

will place the fund with some-

and this is the extra money.

tions for mining activities in

body close to them. If company

This is called as family business.

Goa? How such situations are

'T..' comes up with a bank then

You are appointing someone to

dealt with?

they won't allow the 74% to fall

make money for you. You may

As an investment banker

put it in a trust or a private lim-

issues are there in all cross bor-

'B...' which is its competitor. 26

ited equity company. Emami


percentage of shares is more

has family office, Narayana

heavy engineering or defence.

than needed.


That is part of the job. I am re-

How good is it for society that

ally not worried about it. My

MBAs are to do jobs and not

We help family business-

company is competing with

businesses? Isn't it true that

es invest in new businesses. It

companies like KPMG, Ernest

more often B-schools teach to

may be engineering company

and Young etc. which are in-

get into existing businesses

or education. If you have 100

volved in cross border dealings.

not to create new ones?

crore Rs how much money you

It is the risk of being in busi-

It's a very bad thing that

will put it in stocks? Maximum

ness. Zero risk means zero

MBAs are taught to do jobs.

30 %. The rest you invest in

business. If three or four deals

You should be taught both. You

businesses. Our speciality is,

are stuck due to regulatory is-

should teach a young mind a




Mukesh Ambani has it.




into the hands of


……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Success Story ……………………………………………………… lot of things but let the young

ers are deal makers. There are

specialisation; HR, marketing

mind decide for him on what

very few deal makers in any

etc. The other is industry skill

he should do. The best of the

company. Many are there who

set. (At this point he draws a

brains are doing an MBA. So



set of parallel lines on the pa-

the best are taught not to do

backend job, do middle level

per and marks it as HR, mar-

business. But if you ask me

jobs but not deal making. Your

keting etc. Then a set of per-

whether you should do service

actions are only limited by your

pendicular lines are drawn

or business, I will tell service, at

thoughts. Your thoughts are

across it and marked as bank-

least for first 4 or 5 years. The

limited or framed by people

ing, heavy engineering etc.).

skill-set is forced to develop in

you meet or the book s you

The intersection is the sweet

such a direction that you are

read. If you read only financial

spot, say for example HR job in

forced to do a job the rest of

modelling then your actions

engineering company may be

your life. Very high importance

will be based on that but if you

the sweet spot for me. Most

is there for financial modelling

meet CEOs and talk with them

people are experts in HR, IT

skills but zero importance for

then your ambition changes.

etc. Ninety nine percentage of

negotiation skills. That is why

People you meet and books

MBA students do not have

you should do service for at

you read are in your hands.

knowledge about the industry.

least four to five years. You get

This will percolate into actions.

Study French language, study

a salary to network. Your skills

Anyway, this has to percolate


will develop at somebody else's

into actions.


expense. Really all B-schools

Are radical changes needed in

From a person who brings in

are tuned to create salaried

MBA curriculum?

business to an organisation to






employees. 'Innovation' is a

There are lot of changes

a person who starts up his

lecture (for you) but that is

needed, but it's not a subject

own ventures what are the

what it is. Innovation will hap-

for you or me to comment. You

factors that motivates. What

pen due to brainstorming but

can do many things in the ex-

will be the day I will decide

you will be never doing that.

isting system like meeting peo-

that I will sell this particular

You are not tuned to innovate

ple and networking. Network-

product in particular region.

but you are tuned to recognize

ing is the key; nobody prevents

The right opportunity or the


you from doing that.

right support? What was that

There are two types of skill sets

in your case?






you need. 99% do not develop

In my case or in any

Yes it can be definitely

it because they have not

case, I will repeat it again, your

taught. That is why deal mak-

thought about it. One is your

actions are limited by your

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Success Story ……………………………………………………… thoughts and your thoughts are

en you thoughts. Then you de-

vated by that. To each his own.

limited by the people you meet

cided that engineering is the

But you should read. At least

and the books you read. At

job for you. One of such things

read ET; start blogging, go to

some point of time somebody

will be the motivating factor.

sites, read about people.

may have told you that engi-

Any suggested reads for us?

(Later he tells that 'Barbarians

neering is the best job; may be

You read what you like

at the Gate: The fall of RJR

in childhood, you may be not

to read. I don't read manage-

Nabisco' is one of the books

remembering that. These are

ment books. I don't read self

that he enjoyed.)

the factors that have con-

help books.

sciously or subconsciously giv-

thing. Some people get moti-

It's a personal

ByArun George DoMS, IIT Roorkee (2012-2014)

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



Regardez I’economie ………………………………………………………

MINT - The New BRIC In this globalized world, the

four nations – Mexico, Indone-

provides investors a second

economy plays a crucial role.

sia, Nigeria and Turkey.

layer or an alternative choice.

Today nations are not recog-

MINT countries are also emerg-

nized for their military or politi-

The nomenclature seems to be

ing and give a good hope for

cal power but on their econom-

derived from BRICS. The term

business. Let’s have a look at

ic might. Every country tries to

was first coined by Fidelity. A

the individual MINT nation.

leverage the maximum from its

statement said “Finding the

Mexico: It is becoming a wor-

competencies. They also form

next group of countries that

thy option for business. The

alliances with other nations to

can compare with BRICs in

GDP has grown at a healthy

optimize benefits in accord-

terms of scale is a virtually im-

3.9% (per World Bank) in 2012.

ance to their relative ad-

possible task but MINTs may

It is one of the largest oil pro-

vantages. We already have a

just have the potential to be as

ducers and has an established

number of such unions and alli-

rewarding for investors over

manufacturing industry. It also

ances such as the G8, BRIC

the next ten years as BRICs

has a number of trade agree-

(now BRICS due to inclusion of

have been in the past ten”. For

ments including NAFTA. It has a

South Africa) and SCO. Recently

the last decades, BRICS has

strong potential to be a leader

a new partnership has emerged

been the preferred destina-

in the automobile industry. In

up with the acronym of MINT

tions for investors and giving

spite of these credentials, the

countries. MINT is a group of

high returns. MINT however

country suffers from violence,

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



MINT - The New BRIC …………………………………………………. drug culture and immigration

ing story on the economic

Construction is another area in

issues. Further most of its ex-

front. It exhibits a very good

which large amount of invest-

ports are directed to USA.

GDP growth rate of 7-8% (per

ment is possible.

Indonesia: From the Asian Fi-

World Bank). However, inves-

While MINT indeed pro-

nancial crisis in 1997, Indonesia

tors are still not confident of

vides a fresh opportunity to in-

has come a long way. Currently

the future, mainly due to mas-

vestors still it carries a greater

its GDP growth rate is over 6%

sive corruption and poor pov-

risk. Comparing it to BRICS na-

(per World Bank) and it is the

erty image. Petroleum is the

tions, MINT still has to prove

third fastest growing economy

key industry in this nation. Tel-

their mettle in financial robust-

in G20 after China and India.

ecommunication is also a major

ness and infrastructure. Each of

However it does poor on

area which is growing at a fast

the BRICS nations already has

attracting FDIs. It also suffers


some sort of leadership posi-

from corruption. For investors,

Turkey: Turkey GDP growth has

tion whereas the same is not

oil & gas sector could be the

been 8.5% in 2011 (per World

true for MINT nations. MINT

focus. This sector is dominated

Bank). It has a robust banking

may do well in some sectors

Source: IMF, Trading Economics & Investment-One Research by government and privatiza-

system which survived the eco-

however for being a market

tion could lead to a new wave

nomic crisis. The reforms are

leader there is still much to be

of growth or even turn its sta-

playing their part and private

accomplished. However, there

tus from net oil importer to a

sector is developing rapidly.

are supporters of MINT too.

net oil exporter.

Tourism and agriculture are the

KPMG for example, believes

Nigeria: Nigeria too has a shin-

major sectors of the economy.

that various factors such as

……………………………………………………… Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



MINT - The New BRIC ……………………………………………………… poor regulatory environment,

days of BRICS are over and it is

structure. Further BRICS na-

slower GDP growth rate etc.

the time for MINT. Many such

tions have a much diversified

put MINT in a favorable loca-

as KPMG have come out and

portfolio with China being the

tion. Though for BRICS as well,

have spoken in favor of MINT

leader in the manufacturing

the return has been disap-

nations. However the conclu-

sector and India in services.

pointing. A comparison of GDP

sion can be flawed. While it is

They also have sufficient natu-

growth is given for BRICS and

clear that MINT offer a possible

ral resources and also techno-

MINT countries.

prospect for investment they

logically competent. All these

We can easily see that MINT

still have some loopholes.

things are lagging in MINT na-

countries have been better in

MINT countries as of

tions. Therefore any invest-

term of growth rate. They also

now; do not possess an estab-

ment in MINT should be done

score well in other parameters

lished system which BRICS na-

with additional caution and risk

such as GDP per capita. By see-

tions have. BRICS nations have


ing above statistics one may

well established and tested

have an impression that the

banking and financial infra-

BySharad Srivastava DoMS, IIT Roorkee (2012-2014)

……………………………………………………… . Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie



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