……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Dear Readers,
wonderfully covered the topic
Your thoughts and feedback
under perspective story. A gen-
are always welcomed and ap-
With the onset of spring and a
eral election will be held in nine
preciated. Feel free to write to
new financial year around the
phases, the longest election in
us for any input. Stepping into
corner, this issue of DoMina-
the country's history, from 7
the spring with a new zest, we
tion is all about past learning
April to 12 May 2014 to consti-
hope to deliver to you a fresh
and new beginnings. Cover sto-
tute the 16th Lok Sabha in In-
start with this new edition of
ry of the month is an in-depth
dia. Ms. Monica Singh has ana-
discussion of corporate govern-
lyzed its effect on Sensex and
ance, its need and challenges
Indian Economy.
ahead of Board of Directors by Mr. Abhilash Choudhary.
DoMination is never short of the fun quotient. This edition
Today organizations are
features the next round of quiz
streamlining sales and mar-
for them who love brain
keting by replacing high-touch,
twisting powered by “Buzzing
repetitive manual processes
Crowd” – Quizzing club of
with automated solutions and
DoMS and a thought provoking
Ms. Apurva and Ms. Shifia have
poem by Ms. Archana Singh.
ards - Reg ation in DoM m a Te
Contents 04
Faculty Adviser “Corporate Governance: The Role of Independent Directors”
Dr. R.L. Dhar
Team DoMination
09 16
Apurva Sood Gaurav Mittal Mehul Lala Sudeshna Naskar Vignesh B
Marketing Automation
10 Designing Team Ashish Kumar Jaiswal
Dhruv Kadian Rakesh Ranjan Kumar
Roorkee- 247 667, India Tel: +91-1332-285014, 285617 Fax: +91-1332-285565 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE
Email: domination.doms.iitr@gmail.com Website: www.iitr.ac.in/departments/DM/Pages/Index.html
DoMS da Evince
Success Story
16 Sensex ahead of elections
For private circulation only
Cover Story ………………………………………………………
“Corporate Governance: The Role of Independent Directors” Corporate Governance is the frame-
sonal and corporate funds while
attract investors whose support can
work of rules and practices by which
managing a company, particularly in
help to finance further growth.
a board of directors ensures account-
case of the family owned corpora-
Corporate governance helps in pro-
ability, fairness, and transparency in
tions in Asian countries.
tecting the basic rights of its stake-
a company's relationship with all its
Broad of Directors Consists of:
holders and provides stability to the
stakeholders which constitutes of
1. Executive Directors (EDs)
corporation for making decisions
financiers, customers, management,
2. Non-Executive Director’s (NEDs)
which follow the various legal frame-
employees, government and the
3. Independent Directors (IDs)
work, company laws and norms set
community. The board of directors is
Need for Corporate Governance
by regulatory bodies like MCA and
typically central to corporate govern-
With increased global com-
SEBI in India.
ance. Corporate governance is based
petitiveness, the growing market is
Corporate Governance Regulatory
on principles such as conducting the
faced with the challenge of attracting
business with all integrity and fair-
and retaining investment in order to
An effective regulatory and
ness, being transparent with regard
participate more fully in the global
legal framework is indispensable for
to all transactions, making all the
economy and address other con-
the proper and sustained growth of
necessary disclosures and decisions,
cerns. Poor corporate governance
the company. Over the years, the
complying with all the laws of the
weakens a company’s potential and
issue of corporate governance with
land, accountability and responsibil-
at worst can pave the way for finan-
many high profile case of poor gov-
ity towards the stakeholders and
cial difficulties and even fraud. If
ernance been exposed, it has re-
commitment to conducting business
companies are well governed, they
ceived a high level of attention
in an ethical manner. There has to be
will usually outperform other compa-
around the world. There are several
distinction between what are per-
nies in long term and will be able to
reports and recommendations of the
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 04 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
“Corporate Governance: The Role of Independent Directors”
……………………………………………………… International Committees/ Associa-
defined as a person who has no di-
tions, etc. on the development of
rect or indirect material relationship
The regulatory environment
with the Company, its subsidiaries, or
in India around corporate govern-
moting good corporate governance
its auditor, or as a partner, officer or
ance is changing rapidly and those
standards, codes and practices to be
significant shareholder of an entity
entrusted with governance i.e. the
followed globally. In India, the Minis-
that has a material relationship with
Board of Directors and the Audit
try of Corporate Affairs and Security
the Company.
Committee are being made responsi-
and Exchange Board of India imple-
The big change in recent decades has
ble for the prevention and detection
ment these frame works. Recently
been the mandatory appointment of
of fraud. The current legal frame-
SEBI has come out with clause 49
independent directors (IDs), but
work does not differentiate be-
along with existing Companies Act
there is very little power given in
hands of these IDs by the law and
(IDs) and executive directors (EDs) as
Around the world some principles
it fails to distinguish between their
have been introduced. These Princi-
which makes their role very limited
liabilities. The real question is, since
ples of Corporate Governance focus
and ineffective. Independent direc-
independent directors only play a
on publicly traded companies and
tors are expected to act inde-
supervisory role, should they be pe-
are intended to assist governments
nalized only in the event of a discrep-
in improving the legal, institutional
should be expected to ask tough
ancy that directly relates to their re-
and regulatory framework that un-
questions, take tough decisions, in-
derpins corporate governance. They
cluding the removal of the CEO
The role of IDs in fraud prevention
also provide practical guidance and
where necessary. In practice, very
and detection has come under the
suggestions for stock exchanges, in-
little of this happens, because the
direct scanner of regulators, mem-
vestors, corporations, and other par-
independent directors are beholden
bers and other stakeholders due to
ties that have a role in the process of
to management for their appoint-
the recent exposure of high-profile
developing good corporate govern-
ment. If corporate governance is still
instances of fraud in India and
Corporate governance ar-
unsatisfactory, it is because the
around the world. The IDs can play
rangements and institutions vary
mechanism and appointment of in-
the crucial role of bringing objectivity
from one country to another, and
dependent directors is not effective
to the decisions made by the board
experience in both developed and
of directors by playing a supervisory
emerging economies has shown that
The clause 49 is introduced by SEBI
there is no single framework that is
ensures companies have set of inde-
appropriate for all markets. So the
pendent directors on board. The IDs
Importance of Corporate Govern-
Principles are not prescriptive or
now have a limit of only two 5 years
binding, but rather take the form of
tenures at a company with a 3 year
recommendations that each country
cooling off period and a cap of maxi-
can respond to as best fits its own
mum 7 public companies at a given
Satyam, BP all are signs of emergen-
traditions and market conditions.
time. The board should be chaired by
cy and should ring alarm for the cor-
an independent director.
porates to think how they handle
Relevance of Independence of a Director in Corporate Governance Independence of a Director is
The big scandals of poor govof
and govern themselves. Questions Issues and Challenges for Independ-
are raised around the world and it
ent Directors in Corporate Govern-
have become very important for the
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 05 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
“Corporate Governance: The Role of Independent Directors”
……………………………………………………… corporations to understand the most basic reason of their existence.
porations of the future.
do not exercise governance rights,
It is true that the 'corporate
are highly concerned about getting
Today the corporations believe that
governance' has no unique structure
their main purpose is to maximise
or design and is largely considered
shareholders wealth, shareholders
ambiguous. There is still lack of
Creditors, especially banks, play a
are the ultimate owners of the cor-
awareness about its various issues,
key role in governance systems, and
poration and that ultimately they are
like, quality and frequency of finan-
serve as external monitors over cor-
to exercise their control if the board
cial and managerial disclosure, com-
porate performance. Employees and
and management is not able to do
pliance with the code of best prac-
other stakeholders also play an im-
what they are ought to do, then they
tice, roles and responsibilities of
portant role in contributing to the
have right to remove them. The
Board of Directories, shareholders
long term success and performance
problem particularly with public
rights, etc. There have been many
of the corporation. Thus, it is neces-
listed companies is that they want to
instances of failure and scams in the
sary to apply governance practices in
raise the share prices not in the long
corporate sector, like collusion be-
a right manner for better growth of a
run but rather in very short period.
tween companies and their ac-
This ideology allures the manage-
counting firms, presence of weak or
ments to cut security corners(like in
ineffective internal audits, lack of
BP) and adopt unethical means to
required skills by managers, lack of
enhance their stock performance.
proper disclosures, non-compliance
with standards, etc. As a result, both Future prospects and developments
management and auditors have
in corporate governance
come under greater scrutiny.
India has become one of the
It would not be sufficient to
fastest emerging nations to have
form corporate governance frame-
aligned itself with the international
work alone and take it as the solu-
trends in Corporate Governance. As a
tion to stop all the wrong doings
result, Indian companies have in-
practiced by the companies, it needs
creasingly been able to access newer
to be ensured in occurrence of any
and larger markets around the world;
wrong doings found there is proper
as well as able to acquire more busi-
judicial framework present to punish
nesses. The response of the Govern-
the convicts.
ment and regulators have also been
However, inapt application of corpo-
admirably quick to meet the chal-
rate governance requirements can
lenges of corporate delinquency. But,
adversely affect the relationship
as the global environment is chang-
amongst participants of the govern- By-
need of adopting and sustaining
ance system. Institutional investors Mr. Abhilash Choudhary are increasingly demanding a deci- DoMS, IIT Roorkee(2013-2015)
good corporate governance practices
sive role in corporate governance.
for value creation and building cor-
Individual shareholders, who usually
ing continuously, there is a greater
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 06 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Perspective ………………………………………………………
Marketing Automation Automation is a tech-
comprehensive marketing database,
nique, which uses various software
which includes the details of all the
Marketing Automation is a combina-
platforms and tools to automate the
customers, the customer behavior
tion of a number of platforms chiefly
tedious marketing activities. It pro-
and the interactions with them. This
Social Media Marketing, Email Mar-
vides automated solutions for repeti-
helps in choosing the target segment
keting, Phone Campaigns, CRM Inte-
tive, manual processes and removes
and customizing the message for
gration, Campaign Management and
the scope of human error involved in
each customer.
Relationship Marketing Engine: This
Users of Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation Software is
domain creates and automates the
Since Marketing Automation is cus-
used for lead generation, segmenta-
marketing processes and conversa-
tomer oriented and helps in reten-
tion, converting prospective custom-
tions across various channels.
tion of customers by building mean-
sales and marketing activities.
ingful relationships, the industries
ers to actual customers and in retaining customers by building strong and
Analytics Engine:
which use this range from B2B
long-lasting relationships. It also
ing an effective database and an en-
(Business to Business), such as soft-
plays a key role in cross-sell, up-sell
vironment for the management of
ware, business services, manufactur-
and Marketing ROI measurement.
the various processes comes the ana-
ing etc., to B2C such as media, enter-
lytics engine which tests, measures
tainment, healthcare etc. Even small
Key Components in Marketing Auto-
and optimizes marketing ROI. It also
and mid-sized businesses are widely
helps in the evaluation and improve-
adopting marketing automation to
ment of the marketing process.
automate their marketing processes.
Before starting the
Due to increasing competi-
automation process, one needs a Approach to Marketing
tion, fluctuating market conditions
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 07| DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Marketing Automation ……………………………………………………… and pressure to increase the reve-
a comprehensive plan it can lead to
nue, more and more B2B marketers
the following pitfalls:
the efforts. The success of the automa-
are opting for automation of their
tion process depends upon a firm’s
marketing process to manage their
strategy, its people and the content
complex ecosystem.
Sending emails to customers
on which the company works.
forms an integral part of Mar-
Though one gets a decent
How does it help in the growth of a
keting automation technique and
ROI from marketing automation, the
if not utilized properly it can
returns one reaps depends upon the
Besides increasing market efficiency
often be perceived as spam.
incremental work put into the strate-
It requires a constant updating of
gy and the automation process.
and improving ROI, marketing auto-
mation helps in the growth a busi-
the leads and customer data-
ness by performing following tasks:
base. If the organization is una-
Management of Marketing Cam-
ble to generate new leads and
paigns by maintaining the data-
expand its database and is in-
base, providing an environment
stead just trying to convert leads
for creation and management;
into customers, it is unable to
and an environment to analyze,
acquire the unexplored market
evaluate and improve the cur-
rent marketing campaign.
Confinement to email as the only
Generation of quality leads
Converting leads to customers
Aligning sales and marketing
Keys to successful Marketing Auto-
channel for marketing campaigns
Marketing Automation minimizes the Pitfalls of Marketing Automation
human element in mundane tasks,
For marketing automation to work
but it does not generate leads or do
properly it must be in conjunction
marketing for a firm. It can only help
with the marketing strategy. Without
in the management and scaling of
ByMs. Apurva Sood DoMS, IIT Roorkee(2013-2015) soodapurva@yahoo.co.in Ms. Shifia Mittal DoMS, IIT Roorkee(2013-2015)
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 08 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
……………………………………………………… Its wise to learn, its GOD like to create
ByMs. Archana Singh DoMS, IIT Roorkee(2013-2015) archana.singh999@gmail.com
She lit a flame She wanted to live, Just this merciless killing Can never end our grief.
But what had happened cannot be undone, Brutally assaulting someone is just not fun. You cannot force a girl for your own hunger for SEX, What all it requires is a change in our mindsets. I fear going out, not just in dark but in the day too, But who cares, this government will let it go in a day or two. She was daddy’s lil girl, Wanted to conquer the world. But they chopped off her wings, In a way one cannot even think. For them, it was just a fun game, But now this hue and cry is all in vain, The whole humanity is in shame. She lit a flame, She wanted to live, To never die again Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 09 | DOMINATION, MARCH2014
Qutopia ………………………………………………………
It’s Exquizite, Kills your Quriosity and adds to your Quizdom. Need we say more? ‘Qutopia’ – A Utopia of the
best Biz Quiz Tidbits to wreck your brains! Rush in your answers to domination.doms.iitr@gmail.com before 21st April 2014. The winner will have their names published in the next issue. Also, person getting the highest score in the current quarter will get a gift voucher. Answers in the next issue of DoMination.
Powered by Buzzing Crowd - Quizzing club of DoMS, IIT Roorkee
Section A (1 Point for each correct answer)
1. Name the BitCoin exchange that declared bankruptcy in February 2014. 2. The power of knowledge’ is the tag line of which newspaper . 3. Which was the first Indian bank to open its branches outside India? 4. By what name is Phiroze Jeejebhoy Towers better known as? 5. Name the Brand with the tagline “Handcrafted in Chennai”.
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 10 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Qutopia ……………………………………………………… Section B (2 Point for each correct answer)
Q1. What is the name of the mascot on the bonnet of a Rolls Royce?
Q2. Identify the celebrity.
Q3. Identify the company
Q4. Identify the watchdog organization.
Q5. Identify the group.
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 11 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Qutopia ……………………………………………………… Answers for February edition Section A
Sochi Olympics picture is in longer side of the note, unlike the usual notes which have picture in the landscape
3. Bihar
4. National
Ranbaxy Laboratories and Jaiprakash Associates are moved out of Nifty. Tech Mahindra and United Spirits will replace them.
Tata Tea
1. TATA 2.
5. Youngistaan 6. Infosys
Winner of February edition
Agam Gupta DoMS, IIT Roorkee (2013-15)
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 12 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
DoMS-da-Evince ……………………………………………………… Tulima Ranjan is a 2010 batch passout and currently working as Senior Business Analyst in Delta Airlines.
1) Please let us know about your
typical business analyst role most of
4) Have you noticed any change in
journey prior to joining IIT Roor-
MBA graduate get offered in the IT
the customer behaviour in recent
An engineering degree from
SOA governance team ensures that SOA
The customer now wants their
VTU in information technology and two
policies, procedures and templates are
travel to be priced to the minimum –
years of Data-Warehousing experience
followed throughout the SOA team and
get me from A to B – no frills. And then
with WIPRO Technology – to sum it up,
that these are updated as required.
depending on their needs they add on
an average MBA aspirant.
things like meals, wifi, extra leg room,
I worked as project engineer
3) What is your views on the current
etc - even a checked in bag. So the
(that’s the fancy title you get as a fresh-
situation of airlines industry in
amenities which earlier were expected
er) on an ETL tool called Ab-Initio in the
USA, particularly in the current
to be provided, have to be paid for
UNIX environment. The backend was
now. And the customer feels they are
mostly Teradata. Interacting with the
The Airline industry in the USA
not paying for something they don’t
machine 8 out of the 10 hours was ex-
hit major snag after 9/11. People had a
want or don’t use while travelling. From
tremely boring. So MBA seemed like
fear of flying and avoided air travel.
airline perspective this broadens the
the most logical pit-stop to change ca-
This has resulted in many airlines filing
number of price-points for the same
reer path.
seat. So they can cater to the demand
(M&A) of major carriers - Delta-
of a broader market and expand their
Northwest, AirTran-Southwest, Conti-
customer base.
2) What are your roles and responsibilities at Delta Airlines?
nental-United over the past decade.
Also, the whole loyalty pro-
Senior SOA Business Analyst is
And the latest being US Airways and
gram has caught on big-time in every
a two part role – in projects and in SOA
American Airlines merger. With this
industry. This is even more so in air
governance team.
consolidation of competition and peo-
travel because of two things. Loyalty
In any project I am Responsible for Cli-
ple getting their faith back in flying, the
programs get you different levels of
ent Engagement throughout the lifecy-
airline industry overall has seen profita-
membership which make you eligible
cle of the Project. I conduct JAD ses-
ble growth and has come out of the
for freebees such as free upgrades, free
sions and create various artefacts (use
recession. Airlines are now aligned to-
first checked in bag, priority boarding,
cases, service contract, traceability ma-
wards discovering new ingenious ways
free Wi-Fi, access to lounge etc. This
trix etc.) for requirements assimilated
for cost cutting. For example delta has
inclines customers to align themselves
from different channels. In delta we
acquired a refinery to produce jet fuel.
with one airline and then stick to it, so
have various channels reservations,
Personally I do feel that this trend of
that they can reach the highest medal-
delta.com, kiosk, ACS etc. who are the
diminishing number of competitors
lion with that airline. Also you can earn
clients to the SOA team. Within the
increases the chances of market manip-
miles with your daily credit card pur-
SOA team I support developers and QA
ulation. We will have to wait and watch
chases and use it towards air-travel if
throughout the SDLC lifecycle. This is a
how this plays out.
you are in the airline loyalty program.
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 13 | DOMINATION, FEBRUARY 2014
DoMS-da-Evince ……………………………………………………… had midnight KTs with offshore. I was
Thank god no one was hurt. But some
5) Recently there has been a lot of
handling production failures on week-
of our friends were in water a long
talk about analytics. How do you
ends. Managing client expectation with
time; one even lost his helmet while in
see the function of analytics in
seamless transfer of application devel-
water. The other was under the raft2
your job?
opment, code deployment, defect fixes
for around 200mtr stretch and that was
Analytics is not a part of my
within tight deadlines and in an agile
super scary. Those few minutes made
job. I perform more of business process
environment has to be the most chal-
them appreciate life even more. Today
lenging role so far. My sincere advice to
we can look back and laugh over it, but
Having said that I would like to
anyone planning to come here on H4
it was a very dangerous situation to be
mention Analytics is one of the major
(spouse visa) – its very difficult to con-
contributors to deltas phenomenal
vert h4 to h1. The only jobs that are
So when folks go rafting, which you
quarterly results. Analytics has tremen-
available are in pure IT development or
should, Be Safe, Be by the book and
dously improved the accuracy with
QA. So please plan accordingly.
make sure you are not in the last raft!!!
which delta can predict on which route
how much a customer is willing to pay
Would you like to share an interesting incident with us?
8) Any message for readers, especial-
at most in any given time period. This
Instead of sharing something
ly for the current batch of DoMS?
allows delta to determine the correct
from work life, I would like to walk
While at DOMS - some of us took trips
price point on which they should offer a
down the memory lane with one of the
at every given opportunity – Rishikesh,
fare such that the aircraft flies full ca-
most unforgettable incident during
Dharamshala, Vaishnodevi, Chandigarh
pacity and generates maximum reve-
– anything that we could fit into the 2-5
nue. Also By analysing passenger traffic
In our first year half of our
days breaks we got. Some of us partici-
on routes it has helped in determining
batch went white water rafting. We
pated and won in lot of B School
which type of aircraft to fly on which
were 27 of us in 3 rafts divided in a very
events. Some of us organized events
route for maximum profitability. During
interesting fashion. The nerds (all of
such the IIT fest, Spornado. And some
an unforeseen event such as volcanic
them – except one had glasses) were in
made use of the amazing sports facili-
eruptions, it was analytics which helped
the first raft, the happy-go-lucky back-
ties we have. In short, apart from stud-
to re-route passenger traffic in real time
benchers (mostly freshers) were in the
ies we all did something that we thor-
to minimize the negative customer
second and the heavyweights (literally)
oughly enjoyed.
were in the third.
In between your busy schedule – make
After sometime, folks in raft1
efforts to find time to do the thing that
turned back and they see blue helmet
you enjoy. Because when you look back
floating across the Class3 rapid they
you might now remember the hours
After my MBA, I came to the
had just crossed. It so happened, that
spent in office, classes or libraries, but
US. When I finally started working it
Raft2 had done two flips right in the
you will always remember the trips, the
had been more three years since I left
middle of the rapid and the only person
awards and the pool table!!!
WIPRO, and my technical skills were
who was left on the raft was a spunky
rather rusty. I joined WIPRO (onsite) as
lady. Slowly she helped pull the instruc-
technical lead for at Capital-One. I was
tor and few others onto the raft. But
overseeing the transition of their entire
the raft had floated downstream faster
Statistical Infrastructures and Tools
than those in water could keep up.
(SIT) Platform from Infosys. Due to re-
Luckily, the few remaining hitch hiked
source constraints, it was just me onsite
with the already overcapacity raft3. It is
and rest of the team was in Bangalore. I
still a mystery how they managed to
used to get KT’s in mornings and then I
stay afloat!!!
6) What is the most challenging role in your career so far?
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 14 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Success Story ……………………………………………………… Ajay Bijli, 46, an entrepreneur who has made a for tune for himself building PVR Cinemas into India’s largest chain of multiplexes
A diamond-studded watch, a
Many of Bijli’s choices can be
theaters. Building Priya Village Road-
private island, a business jet, a
traced back to his growing-up years
show (PVR) became priority. It was a
chauffer-driven super luxurious car,
and to the phase after his father,
tough period and the idea of having a
bespoke anything—luxury is limited
Kishan Mohan Bijli, passed away—
good time took a back seat. “After
only by the imagination. And by the
that was when he had to find his feet
that I became very conservative. Ac-
depths of your pocket. Ajay Bijli, 46,
in the world.
tually the need of the hour was to
an entrepreneur who has made a
run the business and take care of the
fortune for himself building PVR Cin-
It would be fair to say that
inheritance. At that time people used
emas into India’s largest chain of
Ajay Bijli had a privileged childhood.
to wonder why I never bought any
multiplexes (with a turnover of
As a kid, he was pampered—he was
cars—whenever something would
around Rs 1,100 crore) has no such
used to being driven in good cars and
get spoiled, only then it would be
constraints. But, he says, “I am just
travelling first class on holidays. “My
replaced,” says Bijli. It was only after
very reluctant to talk about it be-
dad was fond of Mercedes for the
cause there is no end to luxury.”
longest time and he was a collector,
achieved a certain scale that he
to the extent [that he would buy]
found time for himself again. That’s
It’s not that he doesn’t live
whatever would come on the State
when the cars and the holidays reap-
the good life; he merely isn’t in a
Trading Corporation or what was
mad pursuit of the best things that
possible to import—and he had a
money can buy. There is a Bentley to
good collection. He influenced me as
go to work in, first-class international
far as travel and cars are concerned.
He would always say that if you are
stitched in the UK or Singapore, se-
travelling, then travel well. That has
cluded destinations for family vaca-
tions and a house that’s been under construction for the past 12 years.
His father, who ran a truck-
“The fact that the choices I have
made are priced higher than other
Transport, passed away in 1992. Ajay
things is incidental. It is not the driv-
also inherited a cinema hall called
ing factor for me,” he says. This is not
Priya in New Delhi’s Vasant Vihar.
a show for the world to see and
The theatre business excited him,
especially the potential of multiplexes in a country full of single screen
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 15 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Regardez I’economie ………………………………………………………
Sensex ahead of elections The fever of elections is pick-
24,000 mark before the elections,
governance, scams and lack of lead-
ing up in India, and so are the stock
the economic outlook of India is
ership and are highly unlikely to
market figures. Unlike the pre-
looking positive. Argument ensues
come to power in the general elec-
election situation in 2004, when
between the two political bastions
tions this year. The anti-incumbency
Sensex was on a decline due to the
trying to claim the rewards, with the
against UPA government and the
imminent loss of NDA, the stock mar-
BJP arguing that this is a result of the
projected image of Modi as a devel-
kets are soaring. Since the trend of
public faith in their prime ministerial
opment driven leader may benefit
coalition governments started in the
candidate, Narendra Modi, while
the BJP government. The investors
mid 1990’s, the pre-election season
Congress attributes it to the sound
believe that BJP’s prime ministerial
generally sees a decline in the mar-
economic policies introduced by
candidate will implement the Gujarat
kets due to uncertainty. But this time
their party during their regime. Pin-
development model on a national
around, the Sensex breaching 22,500
pointing a single factor behind this
level hence increasing their confi-
mark and the rupee strengthening
market high would not be correct.
dence in the economy. Modi is be-
against dollar have a different story
There are more than one factors con-
lieved to be a pro-business and pro-
to tell. With the American brokerage
tributing towards the upward market
industry leader and has displayed
firm Goldman Sachs on Tuesday up-
commendable performance in the
grading India to “overweight” from “marketweight” after the domestic markets scaled lifetime highs and Experts forecasting Sensex to touch
economic Modi effect
seems to be instilling confidence in
The present UPA government is riddled with corruption, bad
the foreign investors in Indian markets .Although Modi has been unable
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 16 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
Sensex ahead of elections
……………………………………………………… to come up with a sound agenda to
mismanagement, high fiscal and cur-
pering. FIIs pulled out large chunks
improve the economic scenario of
rent account deficit and high infla-
of money from the Indian markets
India except for a broad economic
tion in the previous year, India still
dragging down Sensex and hitting the
vision. Launching bullet trains, laying
managed a growth of around 5%
rupee hard. But recent RBI moves are
optical fiber networks and interlink-
thus faring better than other emerg-
expected to provide a cushion to In-
ing rivers are what the Gujarat Chief
ing economies. With the FIIs pump-
dian Rupee. The recent cuts in QE did
Minister is proposing when he comes
ing over $1 billion in Indian stocks
not see the market declining, on the
to power. The supporters praise
since the beginning of 2014,the mar-
contrary Sensex has been on a high.
these promises as visionary while the
kets are infused with confidence and
This is because the announcement of
critics call them empty promises that
likely to continue this way.
QE tapering came as a shock in May
are practically unattainable. While whether Modi comes to power
while now the markets are better Indian Economic Fundamentals
prepared to handle the tapering.
or not remains to be seen, one can
With the Consumer Price
The result of general elec-
expect a stable government at the
Index easing to 4.7%, the current
tions will be announced in May and if
center focused towards development
account deficit dropping to around
experts are to be believed, India will
on the economic front. The disen-
$35 billion from $87.8 billion in 2012-
see a stable coalition at the center
chantment of the Indian voter man-
13,rupee strengthening to below 60
which will spur the economic growth
dates better governance and eco-
against dollar, and Sensex breaching
further which is most probably going
nomic reforms.
22,500 mark,
to be sustainable in the long run.
the fundamentals of
Indian economy seem to be growing FII inflow
stronger thus reviving faith in the
A number of studies in the
past have observed that the movement of Sensex is directly related to
QE tapering
the investments by FIIs. It is also ob-
The news of Quantitative
served that FIIs have a considerable
Easing tapering in the month of May
influence on market sentiments as
last year led to the sharp decline in
other market participants consider
the value of rupee against dollar and
FIIs as infallible in market assess-
also saw the plunging to record lows.
ment. Among the major emerging
Every currency saw a decline in value
economies, marred with political
due to the announcement of QE ta-
ByMs. Monica Singh DoMS, IIT Roorkee(2013-2015) singhmonica666@gmail.com
Perspective | Chlorophyll | Qutopia | DoMS da Evince | Success Story | Regardez I’economie 17 | DOMINATION, MARCH 2014
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