People gather in landscape

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People gather in Landscape @Reykjavik

Lsc 331 International Field Study @Dominic Yang

Sun Voyager & Shore walk

Frakkastígur, corner Frakkastígur, corner

•Locates at the turning point (black square see plan) of the Hallgrimskirkja, it create a green approach to urban and also direct connection to the Sun voyager sculpture & shore walk. •The place gathers people by providing an oasis in urban corner. Randomly located seats create a sense of relax to visitors, moreover they are well cooperated with the trees making here a place where harbours people while seating.


•Via promoting street art (graffiti) as backdrop, the place becomes more active.

Sun Voyager & Shore Walk •Locates at the fringe of Reykjavik, the Sun Voyager (left corner) as a landmark approach breaking the monotonous line of the view, creating a focus point for visitors to enjoy. •The shore walk is beautifully designed to identify the edge between sea and land; meanwhile it provides a user friendly path for people enjoy sea view and dog walking, cycling, jogging and etc. •Although people are happy near the shore, the linear atmosphere creates a sense of loneliness when individual left behind.


Sun Voyager (sculpture)






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Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík •The Free Church along the shore of Reykjavíkurtjörn (central lake) creates a higher skyline contribute to the surrounding.

Reykjavik City Hall

•Its' historical background and distinctive silhouette making the church a popular place for photo shooting (wedding photos as shown).


Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík The National Gallery of Iceland

•Also, the connection to water feature (lake in front) brings more people to this area, they stop, feeding ducks in the lake, taking photos, seating around the stairs and etc.

Sólland Duftreitur •The cemetery is surrounded by water feature where large amount of grass species are being introduced to form a naturalistic ambience •At the opposite of the cemetery, the edge of the platform is designed with steps where allows people to sit and enjoy a far view of the cemetery, also the water feature in front really calms people down while sitting and looking.




Kjarvalsstaðir •The art gallery locates at the top of the landscape, providing a wider view to the surroundings. •The glass materials are well cooperated with the reflection of the mount, the trees and visitors while standing and taking photos. •Few benches making the space user friendly, while also some sculpture which also acts as watching tower provide frame for the site.



Strokkur Geysir •The geysir erupts every 10-15 minutes; everybody stands around the steaming hole, raising their phones or cameras waiting for the eruption. •It is intriguing to see everybody walk a long distance and wait for a long time to just focusing on one thing, silence while waiting, screams and regrets after eruption.

Strokkur Geysir

Geysir Center •Even the corner of the visitor centre of the Great Geysir is designed to be functional and visually pleasant to people. •Rocks and ballasts materials giving more places to the nature while providing seats for visitors. •The medium-sized trees making the place approachable and some human level.

Grasagarður Reykjavíkur

•Botanical Garden is successful enough for Icelanders to show their friendship to foreigners •It is not only visually pleasant, but also educational. Teachers, students enjoy drawing the surroundings, local people enjoy walking and visitors enjoy taking photos. •Plants are well organised, creating beautiful shadows and lights to the surroundings. •Density of plants are designed rationally to lead people through the journey to the garden.

•High standard of quality of space by integrating tall trees and dense shrubs; nevertheless, similar architectural flowers joining together form a harmony component.

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