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Hubert Philipp Weber / Erhard Lesacher (Hg.)

Lesebuch Konzil Texte des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils Council-Textbook Texts of the Second Vatican Council 336p.| hardcover | 21 x 13 | ca. 90.000 words ISBN: 978-3-85351-243-2 | Price: € 19,90 (10/2012)

Content Exactly 50 years ago (in 1962) Pope John XXIII. opened the Second Vatican Council. Undoubtedly, this was the most significant event in the ecclesiastical history for the 20th century. The texts and documents remain perfectly relevant even today, providing a “basic orientation for the problem which has to be faced, today as 50 years ago.” Reason enough for the editors, Hubert Philipp Weber and Erhard Lesacher to subject the text under close scrutiny and to make them readable for an actual understanding along with acknowledged specialists. Chosen texts of the Second Vatican Council in translation provide an insight into the achievements of the council and its assignment for the church. Brief introductions and concise marginal comments help the understanding and encourage independent further reading. Suitable for people interested in theology, also without in-depth knowledge!

The editors Hubert Philipp Weber studied catholic theology and philosophy in Vienna. After working as an assistant at the department of dogmatic at the Viennese university, he is now lecturer at the catholic-theological department as well as head of the Viennese archbishop’s office. Also, he is active in the field of theological adult education.

Erhard Lesacher studied catholic theology in Vienna. After having worked in the position of an assistant at the department of dogmatic at the Viennese university, he became a research assistant. Since 2001 he is director of the „Theologische Kurse“ (theological courses).

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Index of contents The Second Vatican Council: Obligatory signposting? Are we going this way? INTRODUCTION by Peter Hünermann CONSTITUTION ON THE SACRED LITURGY Sacrosanctum Concilium | by Manuela Ulrich

DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH Lumen Gentium | by Bernhard Körner DECREE ON ECUMENISM Unitatis redintegratio | by Roman Siebenrock


Structure of the book


DECREE ON THE APOSTOLATE OF THE LAITY Apostolicam actuositatem | by Hubert Philipp


DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH Gaudium et spes | by Erhard Lesacher

DECREE ON THE MISSION ACTIVITY OF THE CHURCH Ad gentes | by Franz Gmainer-Pranzl DECLARATION ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Dignitatis humanae | by Franz Gmainer-Pranzl

Every chapter begins with an (2-6 sides long) introduction regarding the particular text, explaining its genesis as well as its special characteristics.

Every chapter contains a selection of the particular original text of the Second Vatican Council.

This selection of the original text of the Second Vatican Council is accompanied by reading aids, which sometimes also give further information to special articles of the text.

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Hubert Gaisbauer

Ruhig und froh lebe ich weiter Älter werden mit Johannes XXIII. I’m living on – calmly and glad Getting older with John XXIII. 240 p.| hardcover | 21 x 13 | ca. 54.000 words ISBN: 978-3-85351-234-0 | Price: € 22,50 (10/2011) | Including an essay on Loris Francesco Capovilla by Ewald Volgger

Content Using diaries and numerous letters of Pope John XXIII. Hubert Gaisbauer traces this impressing and empathetic personality. The “Pope of the council“ charm and charism are made sensible in brief episodes. Apart from clichés, the image of the priest is coming up, consequently following Christ and supporting his church faithfully. At the same time, the family person of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli is portrayed, who remains himself in the „Spirit of Simplicity“ – after having become priest, bishop and pope at last – that is emanating from Roncalli’s letters to relatives. Ageing happily and with dignity – a pretty common desire in our days. How can this goal be achieved? The book tries to give answers, modelled on John XXIII.

“Hubert Gaisbauer shows how up-to-date the Pope of the council is.” (Salzburger Nachrichten)

“What this book makes it so special, is Gaisbauer’s wisely interpreting and benign look of everyday’s’ facets and the small weaknesses and the grand strengths of John XXIII.” (bn; Reinhard Ehgartner)

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Extract: “I am not an outstanding pope like my predecessors, I am not beautiful, look at my ears, but you will be comfortable with me!“ said John XXIII in his first speech to the associates in the Vatican. These words do not only reveal self-degrading and the kind of self-irony which was well applied by Angelo Roncalli. They also reveal a healthy amount of confidence, being perfectly aware of his qualities, specially of the feature of human benevolence. Like many other stiff Vatican rules, Pope John XXIII. disliked the way of having to sit alone at the table as a Pope: „I have been reading the Gospels carefully – and there is no passage that prescribes isolated meals. Everyone knows – also Jesus loved dining in company.“

Author Hubert Gaisbauer was born in 1939 and studied German philology and dramatics. He was cofounder of the Austrian cultural radio station Ö1 and worked there at least as director of the religion department. He is still working as journalist – preferred subject: lifestories of people in art, literature and religion.

„Enriching life in the daily purpose as long as we have the strength for taking effects insistently is by far better than letting it waste away in laments of past days or of more or less remote weather warnings.“ „I am going to acquaint myself with the thought of death, not for the sake of grieving but to clarify and elevate life in a cheerful way. Thus, by life shall become happier, more agile and laborious. To put it in a nutshell: I’m living on- calmly and glad.“

„From now on, it will suffice for one of us to remind the other of Pope John XXIII., so that the hearts will open up and we will understand each other.“ (Loris Franceso Capovilla)

Special licence information: • licence inclusive photos is preferred but not essential • assistance in acquiring the copyright permission of the photos by Wiener Dom-Verlag

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Hanns Sauter

Bilder des Lebens Ikonen als Antworten auf heutige Glaubensfragen Images of life. Icons as answers to present-day questions of faith 148p.| hardcover | 21 x 13 | ca. 30.000 words 40 coloured images included ISBN: 978-3-85351-244-9 | Price: € 23,50 (10/2012)

Content Interest in icons has lasted for a long time. Despite a number of contributions to these special images of Saints, Hanns Sauter manages to establish a new approach: He follows the question of which meaning icons do have for our present-day life. „Because God’s ministry is not an event of the remote past, but it is present, always, even today.“ In this book, every icon is assigned to a Christian-religious basic question, like the question of trusting in God, the community with Jesus or the question of what comes after death. Answers are elaborated by close scrutiny and interpretations. Interweaving crucial background knowledge, Sauter still provides comprehensible and coherent explanations. The message of the icons are delivered in a way traceable for everyone, also without well-grounded theological knowledge.

Born in 1951 in Würzburg; the author Hanns Sauter studied theology at the universities of Würzburg, Vienna and Freiburg, putting focus onto theology and history of the Christian East. He concluded his studies with a thesis upon the theology of

icons. At present, he is mainly active in the field of pastoral care for seniors in the Viennese archdiocese, in the institutional adult-education and holds a position as a consultant for the Andreas-Petrus-Werk. He published numerous articles in journals and pastoral-liturgical practical literature.

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Extract: Here we find the beginning of our salvation and the initial of redemption The Icon of the annunciation of Mother Mary answers the question of God’s path to mankind. God starts his work of salvation with the annunciation of Mother Mary: Today we find the beginning of our salvation and the revelation of the secret of eternity. The son of God becomes the son of the virgin and Gabriel announces the tidings of joy …“ God wants to start over new. Mankind is supposed to become as he imagined in the moment of creation. This initial does not carry actions of God excluding mankind, forcing his will onto them but acting together. Therefore he searched for a human being ready to let herself in on him and working on a plan alongside him – a plan that is beyond human imagination. Such a partner, God has found in Mary.

Special licence information: • licence just inclusive photos • assistance in acquiring the copyright permission of the photos by Wiener Dom-Verlag

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Helmut Krätzl

... und suchen dein Angesicht Gottesbilder – Kirchenbilder ... searching for your face Images of God – Images of Church 192 S.| hardcover | 21 x 13 | ca. 37.000 words with 16 art works ISBN: 978-3-85351-223-4 | Price: € 23,50 (12/2010; 2nd edition)

Content The angry and jealous God? Or the merciful God and father? It’s very complex and multiple, what the bible tells about this God: In three parts auxiliary bishop DDr. Helmut Krätzl interprets the images of God of the bible for today. This book contains biblical exegesis as well as explosive conclusions, coming from the correlation between the images of God and that one, which the church has communicated in the course of time. These images elucidated in this book range from the touching ones of the Old Testament and from the disturbing ones to those of God and Father Jesus Chris. They are accompanied by 16 “images of God” of the art history – elected by Hubert Gaisbauer.

The author DDr. Helmut Krätzl is auxiliary bishop emeritus of the archdiocese Vienna. He was born in 1931 in Vienna, studied theology at the University of Vienna and was ordained in 1954. In 1977 he became auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese Vienna; from 1981 to 1985 he was vicar-general. Mainly because of his commitment for a consistent realization of the Vaticanum II as well as for the interreligious dialogue he has attracted a lot of attention, also beyond the Catholic area. He has already published several books.

Special licence information: • licence inclusive photos is preferred (but not essential) • assistance in acquiring the copyright permission of the residual work of arts by Wiener DomVerlag

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Extract of the preface Nowadays God is a very present topic in public discussions, as for long time any more. The reason therefore isn’t the noticeable increasing interest in the religious (not necessarily in religion), but a strengthening, polemic atheism that becomes missionary. Some years ago amongst others this led to a vehement political debate about the question, whether the name of God should be mentioned in a constitution of the European Union or not. This has evoked a new form of criticism of religion, a downright campaign against monotheism. Two arguments against monotheism are produced: On the one hand the opinion is hold, that monotheistic religions because of their belief in the one and only God are constitutively incapable for peace, intolerant, focused on authority and incompatible for democracy. On the other hand the ethic grounding of the monotheism, pushing for a universal responsibility, is reviewed as causing violence and making future impossible. [...] It’s alarmingly what kind of image of God the atheistic “missionaries” are using, even how they handle with the bible. They range

on the same level like their biggest enemies, the religious fundamentalists. What kind of religious education have they all got? What has Catholic annunciation made wrong or culpably failed to do? [...] The crisis of faith of many people follows from distorted images of God, which were mediated to them. And Church herself increasingly loses her credibility, when she proclaims a good and merciful God, but isn’t an image of him by herself. The personal faith depends on in what kind of image God meets me. The main task of church is to open a way to this meeting. Lately the problem of the images of God, just in combination with the particular image of church, affected me a lot. In many lectures within adult education I talked about it. In the following reflections I’ll trace the diverse images of God in the Old and New Testament and will try to explain them. At the same time I’ll demonstrate, with which consequences the church will have to handle, what this means for their annunciation, for the ceremony of sacraments, for their whole life. In everything she is and does, church should “picture” God, should be His ikon.

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Franz-Joseph Huainigg & aktion leben (ed.)

Aus dem Bauch heraus Pränataldiagnostik und behindertes Leben A decision from the gut

Prenatal diagnosis and disabled life 238 S. | hardcover | 21 x 13,5 | ca. 360.000 words ISBN: 978-3-85351-217-3 | Price: € 18,20 (05/2010)

Content This book focuses on prenatal diagnosis and combines all relevant prospects regarding the topic antenatal examinations. “No matter if boy or girl – the important thing is that the baby is healthy!” This sentence full of good hope is often heard by parents-to-be. But what if there are indications for a possibly handicapped baby because of prenatal diagnosis? What if it suddenly becomes an essential matter, a matter of life? It’s a matter of life and death of a human being. It’s a matter of power and powerlessness of society. This book represents a pleading for prenatal diagnosis, which also gives a chance to handicapped kids – without socially romantic luxury and without denunciation. With texts of participants of the literary award “Ohrenschmaus”.

The editors Franz-Joseph Huainigg was born 1996 and has paralyzed legs since he was a baby. He studied German language and literature as well as medial communication at the University of Klagenfurt, where he got his doctoral degree in 1993. In 2002 he became a member of the Austrian National Assembly. Personally involved he is spokesman for disabled people and represents their interests.

Aktion Leben is an Austrian initiative, which has been pleading for an extensive protection of human life for more than 50 years. It’s an independent, parachurch, non-profit, private association, which finances its activities mainly with the ais of donations. Its main businesses are consulting and assistance for pregnant women and (sex-)education.

Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

Extract of the preface Everyone today, who is expecting a baby, will hardly get around prenatal diagnostic – including the hope of a healthy child. So parents make use of the offered examinations promising to give information about the physical condition of their unborn baby. And if there are abnormalities they are suddenly confronted by the question: “Should or would we get a handicapped baby or not?” Nowadays it’s difficult to let a human be and live like he or she is. This book invites to think about the reasons for that. One factor, that conspicuous results of prenatal diagnosis plunge parents into a crisis, is surely that just a few have experiences with disability. And the fewest can imagine that a life together with a handicapped child can be liveable and fulfilled. So this book handles with one of the most serious questions of our time. It reports on prenatal diagnosis and its consequences for handicapped children and adults, for parents expecting a baby, for involved health personnel and for jurisdiction. In this book a lot of people tell about their experiences – beginning parents, who were confronted by a conspicuous result for their unborn baby. Both are reporting: parents,

who have decided to abort the child as well as parents, who have decided to get the baby and who have risen to this challenge. Handicapped people give us insights in their life, also in a poetical way, and enable us to expand our focus. Additionally this book shows different approaches of doctors and the pressure, they are confronted with concerning this topic. That directly leads to the political-juridical part of the book. Politics is responsible for the conditions, in which families with handicapped children as well as handicapped adults have to live. Jurists are explaining the complex thoughts behind these decisions. Ethical aspects of prenatal diagnosis are also described in detail in this book. The last part of the book contains important information about consultation and a list of institutions, which give further information, build networks and help. Finally this book shall contribute that decisions should be neither merely intuitively nor merely intellectual made. Such decisions are getting coherent, when intuition and intellect complement one another. Therefore extensive information and outspoken state-ments are needed. This book contains that all.

Special licence information: • the juridical and political parts in this book have to be adapted to the regulation of the particular state • the service part with import addresses has to be adapted Contact: Mrs. Katrin Feiner, Stephansplatz 4/6/DG, 1010 Wien, AUSTRIA | phone: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3963; fax: +43 (0)1 512 3503-3960; mail:

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