Borderline Arts and Cultural Festival 2016

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ENTRY FEES The entry fees for each section are as follows: Drama:

Creative Writing:

Solo Competitions £2/€2.50

All entries £2/€2.50

Duo Competitions £4/€5.00 Group Competitions £10/€12

History: All entries £2/€2.50

Art: All entries £2/€2.50

Photography and Digital Film All entries £2/£2.50

Fees must be paid when the entry is submitted. Late entries in the Verse Speaking and Drama competitions will be accepted on the morning of the competition but will charged at 1.5 times the rate and details will not appear in the festival programme. Discounts will apply for schools with multiple entries. Please make cheques payable to Borderline Players Entries to:


Borderline Players

From NI—028 686 59011

Main Street

From ROI 048 686 59011

Pettigo Co Donegal



CHILD PROTECTION STATEMENT The festival committee believe that every child regardless of age has at all times and in all situations a right to feel safe & protected, and we will take the following steps to ensure same:


All ages are as of 1st January 2016


Entries for Verse Speaking and Drama must be submitted not later than Friday 12th February to be included in festival programme. Late entries will be accepted until the morning of the competition, but will not be listed in the programme.


Entries for the Art, History, Creative Writing and Photography & Digital Film competitions should be submitted not later than Friday 26th February for adjudication.


Competitors for the Verse Speaking and Drama Competitions are asked to arrive at the venue no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start of their competition on the day of the festival


We accept that it is our responsibility as a group to check that all adults with substantial access to children have been appropriately vetted.


We will hold a register of every child involved with the group and have a contact name and number in the case of emergencies


Treat everyone with respect and respect a child’s right to personal privacy.


Remember that some issues are confidential.


Tack action to stop any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour


The decision of the adjudicator is final in each instance and no discussion will be entered into.


Ensure a group policy is in place for the collection of children after rehearsals and competitions have finished (all children must be picked up by a parent or pre-approved adult. Children permitted to walk home must bring in written authorisation from a parent or guardian.)


All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and submitted to: Borderline Players c/o Donal Monaghan Main Street


Encourage children to respect and care for others.



Upon receipt of any information from a child or suspicions, we will record what has been seen or heard accurately at the time the event occurs

Co. Donegal


We will where possible ensure that activities take place in a group format.

PHOTOGRAPHY & DIGITAL FILM Entries in the Physical Category should be submitted mounted with the competitors name, address and telephone number on the reverse. The photograph should be titled.

Entries in the Digital Category (Film) should be submitted on a USB Pen Drive, CD-R or via email (please note USB Pen Drives or CD submissions will not be returned unless collected by the entrant.

The subject for the photography and films is open to competitors own choice.

Physical Category

Digital Category (Film)

PH 1

12 Years & Under

DP 1

12 Years & Under

PH 2

16 Years & Under

DP 2

16 Years & Under

PH 3


DP 3


All entries should be submitted not later than Friday 26th February for adjudication. Prize-winners will be announced during the festival. Entries must be submitted with the appropriate fee

WELCOME TO FEIS 2016 Dear Patrons We are very excited about our 12th Annual Cultural Festival. Every year we find our festival growing. Last year was the first in the fabulous new Termon Complex and this year should be even bigger and better. We have added a short film category for all ages and an adult poetry and drama section- so come on all you parents and teachers, show the kids what you can do! We are sorry to hear that the wonderful Feis Fermanagh will not be taking place in 2016. We hope to see it back stronger than ever, in 2017! Hopefully we can, in some small way, fill a gap for the talented young people in the area. So with respected adjudicators, medals and trophies second to none and a fantastic venue, we hope that you will give us your support in 2016!

Siobhan O'Brien Chairperson-Borderline Players


ART Movement to Music: Competitors have freedom of choice as the materials used or the form of entry. All entries should be received on or before Friday 26th February 2016 for adjudication

Primary 4—5 Years


The Sweet-Shop or My Family

5—6 Years


Cars of In the Garden

6—7 Years


Pets or A Day at School

7—8 Years


Fairies or At the Zoo

8—9 Years


Superheroes or The Seaside

9—10 Years


On Safari or My Team

10—12 Years


Winter Wonderland or Easter Bonnets

MM 1 Open Age

Competitors will perform a piece of no longer than 5 minutes based on dance/mime. Marks will be awarded for interpretation of music, choreography, and dramatic effect.

Acted Scene AS 1

12 Years & Under

AS 2

12—15 Years

AS 3

16 Years & Over

Groups of 3 or more to present a scene or play no longer than 10 minutes. Competitors may wish to provide costume, set and props

for their scene and will have 5 minutes to prepare and tidy stage. Secondary 12—15 Years

Senior 1

Bullying or Hobbies

Over 16 Years

Senior 2

Self Portrait or Social Media

New for 2016 - Adult Verse Speaking & Drama Competitions: The following competitions are open to those aged 18 & over Verse Speaking - PT7

NB: All entries should be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee—see fees section

Monologues/Solo Drama - SD7 Duo Drama - DD7 Acted Scene - AS3



Monologues/Solo Drama

Sight Reading

SD 1

6 Years & Under

SR 1

10 Years & Under

SD 2

8 Years & Under

SR 2

12 Years & Under

SD 3

10 Years & Under

SR 3

16 Years & Under

SD 4

12 Years & Under


Over 16 years

SD 5

16 Years & Under

SD 6

Over 16 Years

Duo Drama

Creative Writing entries must be received on or before Friday 26th February 2016. Winning entries will be announced during the festival and prizes will be presented.

Short Story

SM 1

10 Years & Under

SM 2

12 Years & Under

Competitors write a short story on a theme of their own choice with no more than 1000 words.

Solo Mime

Own Poetry Competitors should submit a poem written by themselves on a theme of their own choice.

DD 1

6 Years & Under

SM 3

16 Years & Under

CW 1

8 Years & Under

OP 1

8 Years & Under

DD 2

8 Years & Under


Over 16 years

CW 2

10 Years & Under

OP 2

10 Years & Under

DD 3

10 Years & Under

CW 3

12 Years & Under

OP 3

12 Years & Under

DD 4

12 Years & Under

Prepared Prose

CW 4

16 Years & Under

OP 4

16 Years & Under

DD 5

16 Years & Under

PP 1

12 Years & under

CW 5


OP 5


DD 6

Over 16 Years

PP 2

12—15 years


Over 16 years

Group Improvisation G1 Open Age Teams of two or more competitors. Topics will be presented by the adjudicator before the competition. Teams will produce a scene of no longer than 5 minutes

NB: Entrants are asked to ensure that their full contact details are included on each entry i.e. name, address, contact telephone number and school name (if applicable).

HISTORY The history section will illustrate competitors awareness and understanding of historical events that have shaped the national and international landscapes. Please note that depending on entries, competitors may be adjudicated in separate age categories. Candidates are free to choose the format of their entries which may include essays, reports, illustrations, presentations or models.

Primary Schools (12 Years & Under)

Secondary Schools (12 Years & Over)

Ancient Rome or

Leaders of the 20th Century or

Ireland 1916

Ireland 1916

NB: Entrants are asked to ensure that their full contact details are included on each entry i.e. name, address, contact telephone number and school name (if applicable).

Entries should be submitted not later than Friday 26th February and prize-winners will be announced during the festival

VERSE SPEAKING Competitors free to choose their own poem or may select one of the prescribed poems for their age category (see attached selection)

PT 1

6 Years & Under

PT 2

8 Years & Under

PT 3

10 Years & Under

PT 4

12 Years & Under

PT 5

16 Years & Under

PT 6

Over 16 years

PT 7 Over 18 years

PT 7 Poets Recital: Open Age Competitors will choose 5 poems from the works of any 1 poet. They will memorise 1 poem, and the adjudicator will then select one of the remaining 4 for the competitor to read. Recitals should include a short essay on the poet and the competitors reasons for choosing him/her. Recitals should be handed to the festival attendant on arrival.

PT 8 Themed Recital: Open Age Competitors will perform 2 pieces on a theme of their choice. These can be poetry, prose, drama, mime or movement to music. Recitals should be handed to the festival attendant on arrival

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