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Chapter 3: The Power of Worship. Principle 3: Power misused is power abused. Power is not wrong because it is God who created me and you to have it (Romans 13:1-5). In Genesis 1:26-31, the word “power” is replaced by “dominion,” so being created in the image of God comes with power. Now, why the power was given must be clear. Everything that God created, including us, is for his pleasure. True worship begins once we embrace this truth. True worship goes beyond singing, music, and giving. It is a lifestyle, as it was in the pleasant place called the Garden of Eden. In that place of true worship, there is supernatural power that is

Worship 4 Real

Dr. Eion A. Greaves

greater than the powers that be. As Adam stayed in that lifestyle, the power that was available to him allowed him to name and claim anything he needed, except what God forbid. That power made him a god in the lower form (Psalm 8:4-9), and whatever he asked God for was given to him. Our worship is a weapon of war, and the Bible says our

weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Our creator does not want us to be in a fight, but to worship and bring pleasure to him. However, if we are attacked by the forces, then we are to use our power and authority to settle the enemy, so we get back to the real purpose of the day. 2 Chron 20:22-30 and Acts 16:25-26 tell us how we are to use this power, and after using it, people will fear our God and desire to serve Him. The power that is in worship must transform, renew, refresh, and restore those we come in contact with. To prove this to you, let me share a story with you. In 1 Samuel 10:5-13, because of the lifestyle of worship, the power manifested itself and change came. The prophets coming down from the high place used their instruments to magnify God. As a result, anyone who came in contact with them experienced change. Hmmm, to me, this sounds like deliverance, and it also sounds like revival. No touching, no screaming, no speaking in tongues all day, just simple worship 4 real. In this we can safely say, worship that is according to the pattern that calls us to pay the price, will release us into unlimited power and bring that which is in heaven to earth. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done. Amen!

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