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Ghost Riders MC
Organized by The Nash County Ghost Riders
John “JohnBoy” Shook and Kerry “Mason” Brubaker present $1,200.00 to Mrs. Shannon Barger, the director of Kidz-N-Motion on the ground s where the new Kidz-N-Motion facility will be constructed in Rocky Mount.
JohnBoy presents $1,200 to Mrs. Barger.

The event was arranged by: John Shook (JohnBoy) and his wife Ashlyn Shook (DuctTape), with the assistance of the Nash County GRMC Vice President, Kerry Brubaker (Mason) and his wife Tonia Brubaker (BruckHaus)... and all of the Brotherhood at the Nash County Ghost Riders Motorcycle Club (and their Ol Ladies). NASH COUNTY, NC
The Nash County Ghost Riders MC (GRMC) conducted a fundraiser for “Kidz-N-Motion” on November 6th. All members of Nash County GRMC and their ole ladies worked extremely hard to ensure the fundraiser was a great success. The Club sold 100 chicken plates, raffled off over $500 in gift baskets, and sold 50/50 tickets to account for the total of $1,200.
Kids-N-Motion is a Non-Profit organization that will offer services for children with special needs. The organization is directed by Mrs. Shannon Barger. Shannon currently runs On the Move Kids Gym, a local sensory gym that is open to children of all abilities. She is supported by her husband Wes Barger and her 3 children Garrett 20, Olivia 17, and Gracelin 11.
The money raised from this fundraiser will go to support building a new facility that will be approximately 8,000 square feet and will meet increasing demands for equipment and available space. Kidz-N-Motion will seek to provide social interaction and physical fitness opportunities for children with developmental challenges through learning activities that include natural and structured play. The non-profit’s desire is to help children grow into contributing and participating members of their families and communities.
To find out more, please visit: Onthemovekidsgym.com and click the tab for Kidz-N-Motion.

Story & Photos: Kelly Brubaker & Jaybird Bailey
22 www.BehindBarz.com

6723 Ward Blvd. Wilson, N.C. 252-291-2121