3 minute read
Bullwinkle Chronicles
The Bullwinkle
By: Bob Seymour
It’s really hard to comprehend that 2021 is in the history books and it’s 2022 already. 2021 was a year that holds many great memories of the thousands of miles ridden and hundreds of people Bullwinkle and I met but there was also a lot of heartache and tragedy in my personal life and the lives of my friends. At times the emotional load I was carrying was so heavy that I had to pull away from everything and almost everyone so I could regroup and get my head together again.
I believe that 2021 was a year of transition and preparation for me for what 2022 holds. No one knows what lies ahead but in my spirit I sense something looming in the shadows that is just waiting for the right moment to manifest. For about 3 months I’ve felt the need to get away from everything and everyone that could distract me from being distracted from the things that add stress to my life. It was a struggle to ignore my phone and stay off social media the first few times I jumped on Bullwinkle and went away but it became easier to get off it each time I caught myself picking it up again. I didn’t realize how stressed and emotionally drained I had become until about the third time I packed up and rode off.
While I was on one ride in northern Colorado I met some much younger people that don’t do social media and I’ve spent several days with them and found myself gaining new perspectives on many life issues. While pondering the things I experienced during the time I spent with my new friends I felt a sense of refreshing and renewal that I don’t think would have been possible had I not forced myself to step back from the work I do so I could get my thoughts together. Bob Seymour 607-972-5047 bseymour75@gmail.com facebook.com/pvt1st

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ullwinkle Chronicles

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has felt the stress and anxiety caused by the financial and political atmosphere in the country today so I want to encourage everyone to take some time away from whatever is weighing on you. Shut down your social media and get on your scooter and ride the stress and anxiety out of your mind. Let the wind and the Spirit renew your perspective by taking the time and making an effort to meet new people with different lifestyles. Challenge yourself to leave your comfort zone and try new things and experience aspects of life you never considered before and go places where you can meet people who are not members of your own generation.
Too often we allow ourselves to dwell in a mundane rut of existence and we miss opportunities to expand our perspectives and experience a more exciting and abundant life…..to the younger readers I’d say “old guys rule” and to us old guys I say if you want to feel young again get out of the rut that is little more than a grave with the ends kicked out and go hang out with some younger people and let them teach you some new tricks while you prove to them that we do indeed rule…..Make 2022 the year that you take back control of your life from the circumstances that surround you and determine in your heart that you overcome whatever life throws at you…...