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The Motorealtor
The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play- James A. Michener. Calling himself the “MotoRealtor” Daniel Almodovar of EXP Realty in Fredericksburg, VA is definitely blending his two passions, Motorcycles and Real Estate. When riding a Suzuki Hayabusa that was specifically built to easily “socially distance” other sport bikes, there is only one way to show a house.......quickly!
In a post Covid-19 world, normal is a word that has been removed from most of our vocabularies. Change has been the only constant and the ability to adapt quickly has been a requirement for any and all entrepenuaers in today’s world. The current housing market has seen a flood of qualified buyers thanks to historically low mortgage rates. Coupled with a fraction of the inventory of homes normally seen on the market, this has made a seller’s market of epic proportions. Any house that would usually be picked last in any recess game of dodge ball is suddenly swept up into a feeding frenzy of offers for ten to twenty thousand dollars over asking price.
If you build it, they will come. New construction homes have emerged as an oasis of consistent timelines and a predictable housing source for many battle weary home buyers. After exhausting themselves attempting to outbid each other on less then desirable homes, many are left frustrated and usually back at square one after each small glimpse at home ownership.
Enter our two wheeled, dare we say it, Hero? Opportunist? Daniel would say he’s not overly concerned with what you would call him....as long as you call him.
With power sports sales up 18% in 2020, according to Roadracingworld.com, its safe to say that most riders were looking for an outlet. After being cooped up in your home under quarantine for most of the year even your most tame rider is itching to tear up a road or two. While you’re out getting some fresh air, why not tour the area and see what new construction homes are available? When Daniel asked this question he found the answer to be a roar of horse power and rubber that could not be ignored.The MotoRealtor soon found himself the leader of a continuous chain of new construction rides with motorcyclists that were both willing and able to purchase homes and chomping at the bit to eat up as much asphalt as possible along the way.
When asked about his love of motorcycles Daniel said, “There’s just something about the connection to the road and world around you when you’re riding. It can be calming, exciting, and terrifying all within the same stretch of road. It’s not for everyone, but for those of us that embrace and appreciate motorcycles its an unbreakable bond that transcends most socio-economic barriers. There’s a lot to be said about something with that kind of power.”