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Proud American Bikers
Are you a Proud American Biker? Silly question! Every biker I’ve ever met is a Proud American Biker! We live in the greatest country on earth where you can be anything you want to be, practice the religion of your choice, keep and bear arms, and ride your motorcycle through every state in this great land of the FREE! Let’s keep it that way! We’ve got to stand up for our rights and freedoms! Send us a photo of you Living The Life Behind Barz as a Proud American Biker (Please include the American flag in photo). You can send 1 or multiple to our email: behindbarzmm@ suddenlink.net or post directly to the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ProudAmericanBikers Check out the website: ProudAmericanBikers.com to see photos and videos of other like-minded bikers in the USA!!!

Xander with his dad, Ulyses. He wants to be a Marine when he grows up!