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From the Mind of Big Ed
Big Ed aka 2Timer
Hello My Happy People!
The weather is perfect. Not a cloud in the sky. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my sinuses are screaming! I have a love/ hate relationship with spring. I love not having to drag around those damn leathers, But the pollen rips my nose and eyes a new one every time. I’m okay, I guess. I don’t mean to sound like a big baby. YES, I need a tissue, maybe the whole box. Me and the brothers from the club rode to our other Brothers from a different mother,Tuckahoe MC, for their annual Biker Olympics. The ride was fantastic and the games are always fun. I would name the list of events, but I’ll just leave that to those who have experienced it. I also would like to add, Unspoken Sons MC never leaves our second home empty handed after the events. I also want to add, thank you to my brothers of Tuckahoe MC. We always look forward to this every year.
I love this shit man! Something about it. I’m definitely not casting a shadow on my solo riders, but there’s something about riding with a crew. I really can’t put it into words. I mean regular people come and go in your life. You meet someone at work, you may go swing a round of golf. Maybe hit a fishing hole somewhere, but when you become a brother in the MC world. It’s different. I’ve never been in the military. I think highly of the men and women who serve. Especially with my Dad serving in Vietnam. I just think it’s the closest feeling I can get to the camaraderie. It’s no secret that riding motorcycles has you chasing the cloak of the reaper. You face death almost every single time you climb on to your sled, man. Yea…You can say that about cars and trucks, but you are in a cage, man. On that bike though, there is nothing between you and the pearly gates but a split second of opportunity for the reaper to make a sudden stop and you are in the reapers hands. That’s the thrill. The rush of burning down the road at 100 mph. Don’t you lie, you know have twisted the throttle back and caught that rush. To see the dotted line turn solid and feel that bike start to feel just a bit uneasy but you keep on digging for more. Hell son, I’m 44 years old and still taunt the devil sometimes. Not as much as I did in my early 20’s. I’ve got way too much live for now days, but once in a while. I twist that throttle back and can feel myself catching up to a set of wings and a halo HAHAHA!
As I was saying about riding with a crew, it’s the best feeling in the world especially when you have been riding with your club long enough that you learn their moves and know where they are going long before the first signal light starts to blink. It’s all one motion like a engine with the timing set perfect. I don’t care where I’m at in the lineup. In the back catching the road grime or in the middle. Well, I do got to say there is something pretty cool about riding at the front of the pack. Something about knowing each one of your brothers riding your six has your back. I mean, it’s that way no matter where in the pack you are, but it’s a good feeling being in front. I especially dig it when you rolling in your home town. Unspoken Sons have made a 10 year mark. Sure, we are still young but we are now pretty known in our town. So when you are rolling up front, It just feels good to me. Call me strange, but I just dig it and another thing is, I see my prez in the same light as if my mother gave birth to him. Nasty, is a good man a great leader and he’s always thinking ahead. He’s honest and straight up no matter if it’s going to hurt your feelings. So yeah, I dig riding up front with him. He’s done a lot to build this club. He’s ate a lot of shit. He’s guarded this club and stood his ground to keep it. Some of the new guys only see what’s in front of them. Don’t know the balls it took to create this MC and what was laid at risk to keep it rolling. No it’s not a one man show, the brothers of the club kept it moving forward, but Nasty has poured his heart and soul in to it and I respect him for it. Just so you know, this is not some kiss ass words I’m spitting on this page. I’m not built like that, but as I’ve always heard growing up, ( Real knows real ) and there is a whole lot of real in Nasty. Even though the times are changing and the PC world is overflowing in to the MC world.
Nasty really keeps his focus on old school values and how old school bikers are supposed to be. Old school is a dying breed but a that’s why there’s a lot of flaky individuals who can’t make it. Too many cry babies and no real balls anymore. No real trust either. So when You meet someone real, be real and stay real.
Well I’m going to jump off this black and white page and get to work. Got a lot going on with this start of spring and hitting the road. Time for a oil change and replacing the brakes. I will speak with yall again soon.
Yall be safe out there and I’ll see you on the street Behind Barz
Big Ed / 2Timer