2 minute read
Portraits For Vets
By: Ray Schmitz
Artist, Ray Schmitz, holding his latest painting of US Air Force veteran, Charles Sykes
Ray Schmitz is creating Portraits For Vets...and he is doing it free of charge!
Are you a veteran? Know of a veteran? They can be active duty or retired, male or female, living or not living, and any branch of the military.
This is how it is going to work... You can nominate someone by going to www.facebook. com/BehindBarzMag and post a photo of your veteran you would like painted or you can also email a photo to behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net and we will post the photo for you. The photo with the most “likes” will win.
Every issue of Behind Barz mag we will feature the winning veteran’s story and the painting of your veteran by Ray. The painting is yours to keep! Deadline for the July-Aug issue will be Saturday, 15 May 21. Votes or “likes” will be tallied after midnight on that date.
This is such an awesome gift provided by an amazing artist, Ray Schmitz! ...to give of his time and talents for our US service member heroes and their families!
Charles E. Sykes
Charles Sykes US Air Force 1966 - 1970
Charles Sykes of Rocky Mount, N.C., enlisted in the USAF in 1966. After basic training at Lackland, AF Base in Texas, he went to Ellsworth Air Force Base near Rapid City, S.D. He was assigned to the the 821st Combat Defense Squadron as a security guard on the flight line. Then he went to missiles (same squadron) and was an escort driver. He escorted missiles, guidance systems for missiles, and nuclear war heads to the missile sites. These missile sites were built as a deterrent to a nuclear strike by the Soviet Union. He was given a top security clearance and worked in Wing Security Control as a COM Plotter. He served 3 years at Ellsworth.
After Ellsworth, Sykes was sent to San Antonio, Texas for AZR School where he had weapons training and survival skills training. He was then sent to Udorn, Thailand during the Vietnam War and served with the 432nd Security Police Squadron Pacific Air Command.
While at Udorn his daughter became sick and at 8 months old needed surgery to remove a kidney. She had a 50/50 chance at survival. Sykes came back stateside on Emergency Leave. He asked to get re-assigned to Seymour Johnson in Goldsboro, N.C. because of his daughter’s health and was denied. He was soon flown back to Udorn, Thailand where he completed his assignment with the United States Air Force and was then honorably discharged.
Charles Sykes is the father of Behind Barz Editor, Debbie “Doobie” Sykes.
Ray Schmitz is a self-taught artist who is able to capture the free wheeling spirit of a Texas cowboy or the majestic beauty of a flying eagle. He served 4 years in the US Air Force. He especially likes to work with “everyday people” who freely share the passion for their life’s moment, real or imagined, being illustrated. Ray is doing Portraits For Vets to shine a light on our countries vets, our heroes. There are many out there who have untold stories and many are bikers. Check out his website at: www.CANTEJAS.com
Other examples of Ray’s work.