uKUNST ( Democracy & Sovereignty issue)

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WE are uKUNST. WE are alternative. WE are creative. WE are independent. WE will produce. WE will disseminate. We have no masters. We are legion. uKUNST. uKUNST Manifesto uKUNST: All Is Artifice. Creative actions and productions to challenge apathetic human acceptance of religious delusions, bankrupt conventions, colonial and capitalist ideologies and plain lack of reason. (uKUNST Manifesto April 1, 1917). uKUNST Creative Production uKUNST develops, produces and distributes interdisciplinary artsled creative works. uKUNST is an independent creative studio and producer delivering both in-house and external (client) products ranging from audio, visual, performance and digital arts through to literature, animation, music, print and events. By Any Media Necessary Š RFM 1995. Welcome to the second in a series of alternative and radical arts productions. Each uKUNST action, event or production is aimed at challenging the existing status quo across the arts, society, commerce and politics. Developing and producing a series of art or kunst products will deliver these actions. Each product is a standalone creative work as well as a part of the wider uKUNST canon of art provocations, products and productions.

2 | uKUNST Manifesto

Contents Front | Fantasies Of Leadership Saint Boris | Roney FM 2 | Intro | uKUNST Manifesto 3 | Contents | Navigation & Contributors 4 | Democracy & Sovereignty | The Editor 5 | XR Undead 2019 | Roney FM 6 | My Tax Haven & A Slippery June | The Norbitons 7 | GDP | Michael Barnes-Wynters 8 | Brexit Demo | Sonskrif 9 | Black Lives Matter | Pablo Blanquito 10 | Bad Counsel | Martin Lewsley-Stier 11 | Democracy & Sovereignty | Michael Mavrik 12 | Brexsht | Michael Barnes-Wynters 13 | Her Edit | Jayne Phenton 14 | Radical Whispers | Michael Barnes-Wynters 15 | Prospect Street, Hull | Bobby Beasley 16 | Rotten Apple | Roney FM 17 | Englad | Bobby Beasley 18 | Stop Racist Attacks | Michael Barnes-Wynters 19 | Publisher Page | Publication Info Back | Cruel Brittania | Michael Barnes-Wynters Contributors Michael Barnes-Wynters Bobby Beasley Pablo Blanquito Milton Deverall Roney FM Martin Lewsley-Stier Peter Marsh Michael Mavrik Kargan Media The Norbitons Jayne Phenton Sonskrif Š uKUNST & The Contributors 2000-2019

Unlimited Data V1 2019 | Roney FM | 3


uKUNST 002 Democracy & Sovereignty Brexit! The Musical The Great Error (Don’t Put Your Son On The Living Wage Mr. Worthlessman) The Great Error. England 1869 and the Prim Minister Jason Grease-Dogg has so infuriated the ordinary people of Petit Anglais that they have risen up against his austerity and the exorbitant price of artisan bread in the local food boutiques. King Edward IX is away playing polo when his hated Queen Edwina further enrages the austerity-ravished masses by proclaiming in social media, Let them eat crack! The monarchy and corrupt state collapse and the Universally Discredited System is rightfully consigned to the not fit for purpose landfill of history. As the mob runs riot the leader of the revolution, Citizen Broken, establishes tribunals of fiscal impropriety in front of which, the widest gamut of public leaders and bankers are hauled to be pressed on their involvement in the renummeratory rape of the populace. As in Nuremburg the most guilty and enriched escaped the island in advance of the retribution of The Great Error. However some refused to accept that the gravy train had departed and so were arrested, tried and sentenced accordingly. Madame Fandango sits (beneath the guillotine) awaiting her EU pension and twittering on hand-held hardware curiously unaffected as the heads of political leaders and corporate bankers bounce down past her. (Milton Devrall) Editorial Well now… At this stage in time I presume that most of us are pretty damned fed up with the whole state of affairs. Rampant, hedge-funding and vulture capitalists and their bedfellow parasitic, god-fearing politicians and lobbyists. Deluded, disassembling, pompous and deviant clerics. Unashamedly inhuman, greedy, thieving, immoral and destructive corporations, prostituted, self-regarding and corrupted academics, scientists and artists and toothless, compromised and partisan regulators and legal types. Finally, we, the supposed people. We the forgotten feudal fools under the feet of our superior ass, asset and land-grabbing lords and ladies. Ah, bless us all, they’re here again and on the take again. The frackin’ good old days! Welcome to an intro salvo from a disgruntled, deserted corner of your sub-conscious. uKUNST. Next uKUNST due 31 January 2020! Act I The government is right. Protect our sovereignty Protect our democracy A legal system adored the world over. Enjoy. Der Herausgeber October 2019 4 | Editorial | Democracy & Sovereignty

XR Undead 2019 | Roney FM | 5

My Tax Haven Tax year ending, best start spending Scuttle to some place where Living’s with out a care Systems falling, piper’s calling Only one place to dodge this fiscal nightmare. When auditors call and assets are tight I scurry to my tax haven You lurch to the right, a little white lie That leads you to my tax haven. You’ll find a washed up star, an old drugs czar, an ex-MP A viper’s nest of refuge from austerity. The oligarchy are living scot-free Pig happy in our tax haven.

By The Lies Of A Slippery June U.K. M’aidez Tory goons are fighting cross the land No clue right through Promises that no one understands Act one, dumb fun Referendum, are you in or out? Let fly, pork pies Why not shake it all about. For the sake of a Bullingdon feud We’ve come unglued Had a hissy fit, now we’re screwed Turpitude, fearful, rotten and crude We bought their lies, we waved good-bye, They’re regretting it too So adieu the E.U. Act two, deep poo Consequences coming home to roost Vote cast, half arsed Racism is given quite a boost Gits quit, oh shit This is not the end that we foresaw What plan, top man? Answer was a slamming door. For the sake (for the sake, for the sake) Of a Bullingdon feud (not a tiff but a feud) We’ve come unglued (up the creek, in the nude) Had a hissy fit, now we’re screwed Turpitude (should have sued, bloody rude) Fearful, rotten and crude We bought their lies, we waved good-bye, They’re regretting it too So adieu the E.U.

6 | The Norbitons | My Tax Haven & A Slippery June 2018

Gross Domestic Product (Banksy, Croydon) 2019 | Michael Barnes_Wynters | 7

8 | Sonskrif | Brexit March 1019


Black Lives Matter (Alexandra Park, Manchester) | Pablo Blanquito | 9

10 | Bad Counsel 2019 | Martin Lewsley-Stier

Democracy & Sovereignty

People cannot remember themselves before they gave their power away. So now whether by direct democracy, representative democracy, or no party democracy, we are told the term democracy means “rule by the people.” Sovereignty in the modern day can be seen as the exercise of power by the state. In the past a monarch reigned over a sovereign realm. Such a thing causes me to ask, how many sovereigns through the ages were killed when the illusion of absolute power became a burden to them and the people they ruled? History has shown that sovereignty and judgment did not go hand in hand until people had no food. Then came judgment without mercy. After fleeing the persecution and oppression of sovereign states, the invasion by Europeans and subsequent murder of the locals caused the United States of America to lay claim to having one of the oldest modern democracies. How many people in the United States have been let down or sentenced to a quick or slow death by a democracy they keep going that has never helped them? And isn’t it true in the modern world that rule by the people and sovereignty in the same day is insane? As a protest, why do people use music to stand up against modern day sovereignty? The music of Bob Marley is played around the world year in and year out. The sense of morality in his songs continues to penetrate new audiences through time. What I need to know is, if music can penetrate and remain in the human psyche over time, why doesn’t righteous music work on the wicked? Do the wicked ignore the blatant lie of themselves to fight to stay immune to the highest ideals of life, by adhering to a democracy and sovereignty that has never worked for themselves nor the majority? Are the wicked the ones who insist on the band-aid of sovereignty and democracy over the gaping wounds of life beyond their confines? Time will tell as it always does, because people will forget about democracy and remember themselves to take back their sovereign power.

Democracy & Sovereignty 2019 | Michael Mavrik | 11

12 | BREXSHT (David Hollier’s Winston Churchill Croydon Street Art Remixed) 2019 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

Once upon a time there were three little girls who couldn’t find any magazines that they wanted to read. All the publications for women were full of articles about how to lose weight to make you more attractive, or how to dress fashionably or put on makeup to make you look younger. ‘Why can’t we read something about women which is just about what we think, what we do and what we achieve?’, lamented Little Miss Muffet, ‘I’m tired of being bombarded with messages about what I should and shouldn’t eat.’ ‘It’s depressing’, sighed Jill. ‘Women are never represented autonomously. I’m always defined as Jack’s partner.’ ‘They don’t reflect the breadth of women’s experience and their place in the world’, added Little Bo Peep. ’Globally, 70 per cent of people working with livestock are female, but I never see anything about women working in animal husbandry.’ So they decided they would create their own magazine which they would share with the world for free. They approached women they knew, and lots they didn’t, and asked if they would write something or be interviewed. And they did. Comics, sportswomen, scientists, playwrights, writers, artists, politicians, musicians, journalists, founders of charities, campaigners, diplomats, engineers and a pig farmer, all featured in their magazine. It’s called Her Edit. Please enjoy it, share it and live happily ever after. Subscribe on our website to get each issue delivered straight to your inbox, follow us on @Her_Edit and if you would like to contribute email

Her Edit 2019 | Jayne Phenton | 13

14 | Radical Whispers 2019 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

Prospect Street, Hull 2019 | Bobby Beasley | 15

16 | Rotten Apple 2019 | Roney FM

Spring Bank Englad 2019 | Bobby Beasley | 17

18 | Stop Racist Attacks (Redux) 2019 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

Publishers Page First published in 2019 By uKUNST London SW4 The European Union Printed in England Original Design by K3 Media Photographs by RFM, K3 Media & The Artists All rights reserved © 2000-2019 uKUNST Magazine © uKUNST & The Contributors Published in 2019 by uKUNST Londinium, Imperial Britain The right of uKUNST, K3 Media and the various contributors to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the copyright, designs and patents act 1988. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without either the prior permission in writing of the relevant contributors, publishers or a license, permitting restricted copying. Price £2/ $2/ €2 Proceeds from this publication will contribute towards uKUNST actions and productions. If you enjoy it then please pay fot it. Designed by K3 Media & Kargan Media

Publisher Info | 19


WE are uKUNST. WE are alternative. WE are creative. WE are independent. WE will produce. WE will disseminate. We have no masters. We are legion. uKUNST. uKUNST Manifesto uKUNST: All Is Artifice. Creative actions and productions to challenge apathetic human acceptance of religious delusions, bankrupt conventions, colonial and capitalist ideologies and plain lack of reason. (63rd line from of the uKUNST Manifesto, written by Erich Squatt, April 1, 1917). uKUNST Creative Production uKUNST develops, produces and distributes interdisciplinary arts-led creative works. uKUNST is an independent creative studio and producer delivering both in-house and external (client) products ranging from audio, visual, performance and digital arts through to literature, animation, music, print and events. By Any Media Necessary Š RFM 1995. Welcome to the first in a series of alternative and radical arts productions. Each uKUNST action, event or production is aimed at challenging the existing status quo across the arts, society, commerce and politics. Developing and producing a series of art or kunst products will deliver these actions. Each product is a standalone creative work as well as a part of the wider uKUNST canon of art provocations, products and productions.

2 | Title 2019 | Roney FM | 2

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