Number of lessons: 6
Phase A. Approaching the
Lesson Planning Number of lessons 1
B. Case study
C. Planning and
Observations - Comments We were concerned about the positive and negative effects of the sun on the human. Formulating a basic query and designing a questionnaire
Conducting a survey
Collecting and processing the data Making conclusions
development D. Final analysis and explanation of the results.
A. Aprroaching the topic. Our goal this year was to reach the positive consequences of the natural elements in human life. We decided to deal with the sun and how it can affect our lives At an early stage we talked with the children and ended up in all those cases where the sun, according to their experience, have an effect on our lives. Noting all that had been said, we completed this table: Positive effects of the sun in our lives We can go for a swim, go for a walk, ride a bike when there is sun It offers fun It helps plant growth It keeps us warm in winter It is essential for our body, it helps in the production of vitamin D
Negative effects of the sun in our lives It may cause a sunburn It can create allergies (pimples) If you stay too long in the sun without a hat you may get a sunstroke It can cause eye problems It is likely to cause skin cancer
After the formation of all the above, and since it had not been suggested by the children something about the effect of the sun on our mood, we asked the children the following question: "How do you feel if one day you wake up, go outside and find that it is a sunny day? ". The majority of children responded that this would make them feel positive emotions (joy, satisfaction, pleasure et. Al) and if the weather is not good it may make them feel sad. So it was suggested by our side, and the children agreed with willingness, to investigate this aspect of the matter, whether and to what extent the sun affects our psychology, mood and emotions.
B. Case Study: Questionnaire Design Since we arrived at our central research question ( "Does the sun affects our mood?") we tried with the children to decide how we can examine if this is true. Some children suggested to ask a number of their peers and to note their answers. Others have proposed to go in the courtyard on sunny days, cloudy days and rainy days and asked our questions there. When I told them that it may take us some time, because we do not know when we will have cloudy days or rainy, a child had the idea to find images online that are sunny days, cloudy days and rainy days. We proposed to seek for videos as well, with related sounds that have a similar content. We agreed to do our research and talk about the topic again. The next day, we collected the students' proposals and came to the design and drafting of our questionnaire, which is presented below:
QUESTIONNAIRE Question 1: Circle from the feelings above, the ones you feel when you look at this picture fear, fright, worry, curiosity, stress, relief, security, frustration, joy, frustration, sadness, sorrow, love, anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, despair, pain, satisfaction, euphoria, anxiety, anger, contentment, serenity
Question 2: Circle from the feelings below the ones you feel when you look at this picture fear, fright, worry, curiosity, stress, relief, security, frustration, joy, frustration, sadness, sorrow, love, anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, despair, pain, satisfaction, euphoria, anxiety, anger, contentment, serenity
Question 3: How does this picture make you feel? Circle the answer that is best for you.
1. very sad 2. quite sad 3. neutral (neither happy nor sad) 4. happy 5. very happy
Question 4: How does this picture make you feel? Circle the answer that is best for you.
1. very sad 2. quite sad 3. neutral (neither happy nor sad) 4. happy 5. very happy
Question 5: Listen carefully to these sounds * for a minute. Then write down how they make you feel: *
Question 6: Listen carefully to these sounds * for a minute. Then write down how they make you feel: ___________________________________________________________________________ *
Question 7: Listen carefully to these sounds * for a minute. Then write down how they make you feel: ___________________________________________________________________________ *
In a pilot phase, the questionnaire was filled - answered by the children of the class in order to make any possible corrections, add or remove things.
C. Development and implementation of the survey
The pupils of our class visited other classes of the E Class. Having explained to their classmates that they are doing a survey without revealing the purpose of it, they asked them to complete the questionnaire if they wish, without writing their name. They responded to a total of 24 children and having gathered the completed questionnaires returned to our classroom to begin their analysis.
D. Process analysis - Formulate conclusions In order to be able to assemble the answers to the first two questions in a table and analyze them more easily it was suggested to categorize the feelings caused to us into positive (relief, security, joy, love, satisfaction, euphoria, satisfaction, serenity) and negative (
fear, fright, worry, stress,
irritability, frustration, sadness, sorrow, anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, despair, pain, anxiety) and after this separation to make a frequency table for each of the questions 1 and 2. Table of Frequencies for question 1
number of children
Positive feelings
Negative feelings
Both positive and negative feelings 3
No feelings 4
Frequency table for question 2
number of children
Positive feelings
Negative feelings
Both positive and negative feelings 1
No feelings 0
It seems from the above that the picture in question 1 (picture of a sunny day) creates to most of the students, 17 in number, positive emotions, while few children appeared to have mixed feelings (4 children) and about as many as them do not have a feeling. On the other hand, the picture showing one cloudy day seems to cause negative feelings to the vast majority of the children.
To analyze the students' answers to questions 3 and 4 we made tables such as the following in the word program and histograms in the excel program Frequency table for question 3 What makes you feel this picture very sad
Number of children who gave this answer 0
quite sad
neutral (neither happy nor sad)
very happy
Bar chart with the answers to question 3
Αριθμός παιδιών που έδωσε αυτή την απάντηση 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 πολύ λυπημένο – κάπως λυπημένο ουδέτερα (ούτε λυπημένη – λυπημένο λυπημένο ούτε χαρούμενο)
χαρούμενο – χαρούμενη
πολύ χαρούμενο χαρούμενη
Table of frequencies for question 4 What makes you feel this picture very sad
Number of children who gave this answer 1
quite sad
neutral (neither happy nor sad)
very happy
Αριθμός παιδιών που έδωσε αυτή την απάντηση 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 πολύ λυπημένο – κάπως λυπημένο ουδέτερα (ούτε λυπημένη – λυπημένο λυπημένο ούτε χαρούμενο)
χαρούμενο – χαρούμενη
πολύ χαρούμενο χαρούμενη
Bar chart with the answers to question 4 Analysing our data for questions 3 and 4 now we could say the following: Picture 3 (a sunny day) makes children feel happy or very happy and almost in their total. On the other picture showing a rainy day (Picture 4) causes mainly neutral feelings to the children.
Finally, to collect and present in an image the data collected for questions 5, 6 and 7 we decided to use the possibilities that the Internet gives us and turn the responses of those took part in the survey into word clouds. We visited the page and for each one of our questions, we entered the answers in a text, that is the words that revealed what emotion - emotions generated by the corresponding sound they heard. The bigger the letters a word has in a word cloud, the more often it appeared on the children's responses. The three words clouds created are shown below : Word cloud for question 5
Word cloud for question 6
Word cloud for question 7
It seems that the sounds in question 5 ( birds singing on a day of fine weather) created emotions such as joy, excitement, serenity, tranquility to most of the children. In Question 6 (sounds of a rainy day) the students responded that they primarily feel fear frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger and curiosity. Finally to question 7 (sounds from trees wiggling because of strong wind) the answers that prevail are neutral feelings (curiosity, nothing) or negative ones (fear, anxiety, sadness) . To sum up, we would say that discussing the data that we gathered the children noticed that both the pictures and other sounds, perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent, influence our emotions. The students have concluded that on days when the weather is good (ie it is sunny) we feel happier in general and our mood is better. This does not apply to the same extent on cloudy or rainy days. As the students said characteristically we may not always feel sad on these days but we do not feel so good. Finally looking at our original survey question again ( "Does the sun affects our mood?"), we came to the conclusion that this is true and that the sun affects positively our mood.