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[New] FreeBee in Doral Adds Teslas and EXPANDS SERVICE
Doral has expanded Freebee service to be provided by Tesla Model X vehicles! The new vehicles now service the areas bounded by NW 25 Street to the south, NW 87 Avenue to the west, NW 58 Street to the north, and NW 79 Avenue to the east, as well as the 8800 AMLI Residential Building. The new coverage area will now service the new and popular retail center, Doral Square, on the southeast corner of NW 87 Avenue/NW 36 Street which includes World of Beers, Marshalls, and much more!


The FreeBee service first came to Doral in 2019, offering FREE and convenient transportation service to residents, businesses, and visitors. Since its inception, the service area has grown to include locations of interest like CityPlace Doral, Intercontinental Hotel Doral and Trump National Doral.
“I’ve always been a strong proponent of thinking outside the box to implement innovative public transport programs like this that help alleviate traffic congestion on our streets, “said Mayor Christi Fraga. “This improvement of the FreeBee service helps our residents and commuters travel easily to more areas of our City for free, in a sustainable manner that is more friendly for our environment.”
FreeBee rides are easily arranged through your smart phone with the “Ride Freebee” app following these simple steps:
• Download the app at www.ridefreebee.com
• Use the app to Request a Ride
• Select your Destination
• Confirm your Pickup, and
• Enjoy the Ride!
For more information, visit www.cityofdoral.com/residents/freebeein-doral/