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[New] What to do if you see a Burmese Python nearby
Which authority to call when there is a sighting of a python snake? Procedures are different from those in case of alligators, crocodiles or other emergencies. Calling only the local police, firefighters or elected officials is not going to speed the capture of a wild animal. Whereas reporting to the local authorities should be done, other wildlife management organizations must be contacted first to solve the situation quickly.
Pythons are not endangered species and moreover they are dangerous for the Florida ecosystem and a nuisance to the population. To be successful, the hunt and kill operation needs to be done as soon as the snake has been located, because they move fast. Upon seeing a python snake experts recommend:
1. Do not make noise and keep your distance.
2. Take a picture of the animal and its location.
3. Call immediately the SFWMD so they can send an authorized and experienced hunter right away. The assigned hunter will arrive within an hour to catch the python, before it runs away. Contact numbers: 800-432-2045 / 561-686-8800 / 240-818-1008 (Mike Kirkland – Chief Hunter) / 786-521-2114 (Federico Arrosta – Hunter) / 305-3365957 or 786-525-4064 (Gator and Snake Hunters)
4. Report to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC). They take between 12 to 24 hours to arrive and record the amount of snake sightings in the area. Phone: (850) 4884676 or Email to Python Management Specialist: Pythons@MyFWC.com.
5. Do not try to run it over with a car, catch it or kill it yourself with a firearm, only trained hunters have the tools to do it in a humane and effective way.
6. In case of seeing gators nearby follow steps 1 and 2 and then notify FWC Gator Nuisance hotline 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). They will come, remove and dispose of the gator, as the species has reached a healthy and stable population in Florida.