13 minute read
from 2022 Journal
1. The online agenda is the official agenda. Adjustments are made throughout the session as necessary. All requests for additional items to be placed on the agenda shall be emailed to the agenda coordinator, Duane Coates (dcoates70@yahoo.com), at least 48 hours before the start of Annual Conference Session. 2. The boundaries of the Annual Conference shall be established through seating areas provided for clergy and lay members on the floor of the conference session. Voting members will be seated in the designated areas and will be identified by the color of their lanyards.
a. The Bismarck Event Center Hall D is the official space for seating for voting delegates. Seating will be assigned. b. During Plenary Sessions all non-voting persons, including spouses of clergy and lay members, will be seated in areas designed for guests. c. Lay representatives from non-chartered new church starts, Elisha and Samuel Project interns (who are not lay members), retired clergy persons who have served churches of the Dakotas Conference but who are members of other annual conferences, and special guests of the Bishop will be recognized as guests and may be seated with voting members. d. Any non-members participating at hosted sites shall not have voice or vote, except for those non-members whom the Sessions
Committee has extended temporary speaking privileges. Those privileges shall be for the restricted purpose of making presentations on agenda items.
5. The District Superintendents shall receive and relay to the presiding officer all requests of members to be excused from the Annual
Conference Session. Those names will be printed in the journal.
6. Voting will take place with electronic devices. All voting delegates must pick up a voting device when they enter the plenary space each morning and return it each day after the last plenary session. Volunteers are present and will assist as requested.
7. Voice — To be recognized to speak to the floor or body, members must seek recognition by going to a microphone and requesting to speak. When making a request, hold up the colored card that will indicate the purpose of the request, green to speak for a motion, red to speak against a motion, white to ask for a point of clarification or information or point of order.
a. The presiding officer will recognize the speaker by location and give the speaker the floor. b. When requesting recognition, please state the request concisely and clearly and refer to the agenda item, if applicable. c. Floor speakers are requested to state name, church or organization, and relationship to the body — “Sally Jones, Sioux Falls First
UMC, lay member.” Floor speeches are limited to three minutes. d. Requests for personal points of privilege shall be submitted to the agenda coordinator.
5. The following persons shall be given the privilege of voice and vote during plenary sessions:
a. Clergy and laity as defined in Par. 602 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and Rule 6.11 in the Dakotas Conference Rules and Policies found in the Conference Journal b. Clergy from other denominations serving in Dakotas United Methodist Churches who have been granted voice and voting privileges by the clergy session per Question 25 in the Business of the Annual Conference. Announcements shall be submitted to the registration desk. They will be shared by the presiding officer, or conference secretary during the session if time allows or on the screen during a break or, ,following the session through conference communication channels. All reports from conference and other related agencies are published in the conference workbook. Permission must be secured from the agenda coordinator at least 48 hours in advance of the Annual Conference session before any other printed materials may be distributed. Materials must be submitted in a digital format for approval. The consent calendar shall be those items found in Section 2. Requests to lift items from the consent calendar must be submitted to the conference secretary by email (conference.secretary@dakotasumc.org) at least 48 hours before the opening of session. In the request, list the specific item number you are requesting to be lifted and the names and e-mail addresses of at least 15 voting members that agree with the request. Any proposals to change legislation, such as amendments, must be submitted electronically to the conference secretary digitally, using the strike through feature for removing information from the legislation and underlining new proposed language.
Submitted by: The Round Table which includes representatives from the Strategy Team, Continuing Dakotas United Methodist Task Force, and Dakotas Global Methodist leadership. Membership also includes: Al Roll, Missional Impact Development, lay person, and Coach Kris Mutzenberger, elder in full connection
Action: Create a new standing committee on Inter-Methodist Relations in accordance with Dakotas Rule 6.16.1. To engage in negotiations in mutual and cooperative efforts and ministry and mission between the Global Methodist Church and the Dakotas United Methodists.
Relationship to the scriptural imperatives and rationale: We are a people of promise and rest on Gods promises, such as that found in Jeremiah 29:11, "I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope." (Common English Bible, CEB)
Implementation: That under the provisions of Dakotas Conference Rule 6.16.1—Mission, Staffing, and Structure. The description of the mission, boards, councils, committees, officers, and staffing configuration of the Annual Conference, as found in Sections 1 through 5 of these Structure and Rules, may be modified by a simple majority vote of the Annual Conference; the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church establishes a new Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations.
Outcome: The Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations be mandated to invite the appropriate judicatory(ies) of the newly organized Global Methodist Church to engage in negotiations towards engaging in mutual and cooperative efforts of ministry and mission. Areas for negotiation may include but not be limited to camping, mission activity, disaster response, and administrative services. Any contracts or formal agreements resulting from the negotiations must be reviewed and properly approved by the Board of Trustees, the Common Table, the Bishop, and a majority of District Superintendents.
Resources required and potential financial impact: Expenses relating to the work of the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations shall be paid from the Transitional Reserve Fund up to $10,000 per year. Expenses in excess of $10,000 shall be approved by the Board of Pensions, Council on Finance and Administration, and Common Table.
WHEREAS we are a people of promise and rest on God’s promises, such as that found in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope” (CEB);
WHEREAS for generations, United Methodists and our predecessors have invested prayer, time, money, and energy in the various ministries and missions of the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church;
WHEREAS our common heritage and values, combined with our history of working together, make ongoing cooperation possible:
WHEREAS we are charged to “do no harm,” we recognize that a lack of goodwill and cooperation would significantly impair the ministries of Methodist denominations in the Dakotas following the disaffiliation of congregations from The United Methodist Church;
WHEREAS we are charged to “do good,” we strive to take intentional steps to ensure that separation be gracious, because we recognize we have been given “this treasure in clay pots" (2 Corinthians 4:7, CEB);
WHEREAS we strive to “stay in love with God,” we endeavor to discern ways in which,, in spite of separation, we can recognize, respect, and work hand-in-hand with our sisters and brothers within the Body of Christ;
That under the provisions of Dakotas Conference Rule 6.16.1, the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church establishes a new Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations.
2. That the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations be mandated to invite the appropriate judicatory(ies) of the newly organized
Global Methodist Church to engage in negotiations towards engaging in mutual and cooperative efforts of ministry and mission. Areas for negotiation may include but not be limited to camping, mission activity, disaster response, and administrative services. Any contracts or formal agreements resulting from the negotiations must be reviewed and properly approved by the Board of Trustees, the Common
Table, the Bishop, and a majority of District Superintendents.
3. That the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations consists of four to eight members. The initial membership of the Standing
Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations shall be nominated from among the laity and clergy of the Dakotas Conference of The United
Methodist Church by the Conference Nominations Committee and elected by the Common Table no later than September 1, 2022.
The Conference Standing Rules shall apply to nomination and election of members, except that membership on the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations shall not count against the limitation found in Conference Rule 6.3. The Executive Director of
Ministries shall be an ex officio member with vote.
5. That the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations shall be dissolved at the conclusion of the 2028 regular session of the Dakotas Annual Conference unless the Annual Conference takes specific action otherwise.
6. Expenses relating to the work of the Standing Committee on Inter-Methodist Relations shall be paid from the Transitional Reserve
Fund up to $10,000 per year. Expenses in excess of $10,000 shall be approved by the Board of Pensions, Council on Finance and Administration, and Common Table.
Respectfully submitted by: The Round Table representatives from Strategy Team, Continuing Dakotas UM Task Force, and Dakotas GMC leadership. Members include: Al Roll, lay person, Dakotas Conference Missional Impact Development Coach; Kris Mutzenberger, elder in full connection, Northeast District Superintendent, Ray Baker, elder in full connection, Fargo Faith UMC; Allison Galbreath, lay person, Steele UMC; Teresa Whetsel, full-time local pastor, Miller UMC; Peggy Hanson, elder in full connection, Lead Trinity UMC; Alona Burtz, lay person, Winner UMC; Thom Bowsher, elder in full connection, Milbank Central UMC; Brandon Vetter, elder in full connection, Bismarck Legacy UMC; Ross Reinhiller, elder in full connection, Williston Faith UMC; Val Reinhiller, deacon in full connection, Williston Faith UMC; Keith Shew, lay person, Dakotas-Minnesota Area Director Camp and Retreat Ministry; Sheri Meister, lay person, President/ CEO of Dakotas Methodist Foundation; Jeff Pospisil, lay person, Dakotas Conference Executive Director of Finance and Administration.
Title: Lay Equalization
Submitted by: Jeff Lathrop
Action: Change the lay equalization formula. See, in Rules and Polices section 6.11—Lay Members of Annual Conference and Lay Equalization, Part B. Language changes are related to the closing paragraph Part B, on pages 183-184, of the 2021 Conference Journal. The changes include language related to apportioned giving.
Relationship to imperatives: This legislation ensures that all churches within the Dakotas Conference are able to more fully participate and engage within the connection. Full participation and engagement within the Dakotas Conference would enable us to better live into more of our gospel imperatives.
Implementation: According to the policy as stated in the Conference Journal, those already tasked with these duties are the Conference Secretary and the Executive Director of Finance and Administration. The Conference Secretary and Executive Director of Finance and Administration would be responsible for implementing the changes.
Outcome: The hope is two-fold: 1) This legislation would increase church participation and support for the Annual Conference because of a conference rapport and plan; and 2) This legislation would increase revenue and provide greater stability.
Resources: This is spelled out in the resolution. The apportioned budget should not be impacted as the resolution would authorize the Transitional Reserve Fund to cover overages that may result.
Change the lay equalization formula so that the last paragraph of p. 183 of the 2021 Conference Journal would read:
“The maximum projected number of additional lay members needed for equalization shall be determined annually by the Conference Secretary, based on the clergy members and the pastoral charges listed in the Business of the Annual Conference reported in the most recent Journal. The members needed for equalization shall then be allocated to those pastoral charges. Under this formula certain pastoral charges that have contributed at least 50% of their expected apportionments for the previous fiscal year or 50% of the five-year average of yearly apportionments owed, whichever is less beginning with the pastoral charge with the largest reported membership and proceeding in descending order of membership, shall be entitled to elect additional lay members in keeping with this formula until equalization is reached (those lay persons attend Annual Conference at pastoral-charge expense). The formula is as follows: The total number of lay members needed for equalization divided by the number in the conference, as reported in the statistics of the latest journal, divided by the total number of charges in the conference as reported in the ministry appointments of the latest journal to get the average members per charge. That average is then divided into the membership of each charge. The total membership of each eligible charge is then divided by that average. The resulting quotient, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the maximum number of lay equalization members a charge is eligible to elect. The number of lay equalization members a charge does elect is limited by the total number of lay members yet needed for equalization. Lay members elected in this section are in addition to the members elected under the provisions of 6.11.a and b. (by virtue of office). For purposes of this section, “expected apportionments” are defined as the Conference-determined percentage of each church’s income received for the support of the operating budget. For purposes of this section, payments of “expected apportionments” shall not apply to mission congregations as defined by ¶259 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016 edition. The enforcement of the rule shall also not apply to those churches who, in the determination of the Executive Director of Finance and Administration, are making satisfactory progress in a plan established according to the policy concerning our apportionment method “Regarding Churches paying less than 100% of Apportionments,” as published on p. 188 of the 2021 Dakotas Conference Journal.
Respectfully submitted by: Jeff Lathrop, elder in provisional connection, Grand Forks Wesley UMC
Submitted by: Karl Kroger
Action: Modify the processes for local churches leaving the United Methodist Church. (Disaffiliation Process) Relationship to the scriptural imperatives and rationale: These changes would enable persons going through a very significant process to be better equipped and cared for. It also sets up any remnant community to be supported in continuing their mission.
Implementation: The Dakotas Conference Cabinet would implement this action immediately and form response teams as needed.
Outcome: Provide a more thoughtful and healthy process for congregations considering leaving the United Methodist Church.
Resources required and potential financial impact: Expenses and resources will be incorporated into existing staff responsibilities. If there are additional expenses these expenses could be included as costs for churches leaving to support remnant congregations.
As part of determining readiness for a local church to leave the United Methodist Church under paragraphs 2553, 2548.2, or 2549 in the Book of Discipline, attention shall be given to supporting the potential remnant body of members--including the possibility of financial support, response teams, and pastoral leadership and care. When a district superintendent meets with the local church governing body to determine readiness to proceed to a church conference vote to leave the United Methodist Church, readiness shall also be assessed by the Dakotas Cabinet. All readiness assessment information shall also be made available to local church members.
These policy additions shall be retroactive to 2021—to include evaluation of the disaffiliation of the former Prairie Winds United Methodist Church, and support and care for the members of Dickinson United Methodist Church. Respectfully submitted by: Karl Kroger, elder in full connection, McCabe UMC