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Dakotas United Methodist Women (United Women in Faith
from 2022 Journal
United Methodist Women (UMW) is the official women’s organization of the United Methodist Church. Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and support the purpose. We cooperate with organizations worldwide that respond to the condition of women, children, and youth around the globe.
“Knitted Together for God’s Good Work” was our 2021 theme. Throughout our history, UMW members have heard the call to respond to Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors. We have worked to change lives—often one woman, one child, one youth at a time—and create communities of love.
Our social action priority issues for the 2021-2024 quadrennium include climate justice and the criminalization of communities of color.
The Dakotas Conference Mission Team met three times during the year. We were excited to return to “normal.” It is always wonderful to see each other and conduct the business of the Dakotas UMW. Unfortunately, the pandemic continued. Due to continued health concerns, the early January team planning meeting was held by Zoom. During that meeting, we ratified the mail-in election of 2021 officers, the 2021 budget and the 2021 pledge to mission. We also planned the remainder of the year. Early August we also met by Zoom and planned for the Annual Celebration. It was an absolute joy to be able to meet in-person on October 1, 2021, at Jamestown St. Paul’s UMC.
One of our educational events is Focus Day. Focus is an opportunity to fellowship with area women in worship, to participate in the prior years’ mission studies, and to learn about other programs available. A task force of the Conference officers prepares the materials, and teams of District and Conference officers present them. Each District schedules two to four locations within their District to host in April. Health concerns interrupted those plans. Both the Northwest and Northeast Districts cancelled their events. Southeast District chose to have a twohour Focus by Zoom event that was viewed by about sixty women. Southwest District put their presentations together on YouTube. Thank you to the four District Presidents who responded to the health situation in their areas.
The concern for the safety of our membership caused Mission u Deans to re-think their method of presentation also. Instead of having two sites, 2021 Mission u was completely on-line. Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom was presented July 15-17 by Pastor Michelle Brennan and Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools was led by Pastor Nancy
Ellis on August 12-14. Both studies included lectures and also break-out sessions. We thank God for technology and those willing to use it.
All four Districts planned a Fall Retreat and Meeting for the month of September. Due to health concerns at the planned site, Southeast hosted their Fall District meeting by Zoom. The other three Districts were able to meet in person. All of the Districts reported having interesting speakers, worship, business meetings, and the presentation of awards.
The Dakotas Conference UMW Annual Celebration was held at St. Paul’s UMC in Jamestown on October 1-2. Since we could not meet in-person in 2020, members were finally able to join in praise with their UMW sisters. We truly are knitted together in community. The expanded mission team met on Friday. Also, many District Officers met with their Conference counterparts for training and sharing of ideas. That evening, Marjorie Evans-de-Carpio shared current information about Solar Oven Partners. We were also entertained with a talent show, including acts by members of our organization—musicians, storytellers, poets, and actors.
Saturday included inspiration from Bishop Laurie Haller. She reminded us, “We all have a story; we should tell it and live it.” After her message, we “Blessed the Bishop” with a rose-colored prayer shawl covered with Love Ribbons. Due to COVID, we chose not to expose her to hugs with germs attached. Love Ribbon Grants were awarded to all five applicants. No one applied for the New Opportunities Grant. The usual business was conducted. The 2022 Officer Team was installed with yarn pieces to remind us that we are knitted together for God’s good works.
Our Conference theme for 2022 is “Healing and Joy on Our Journey to God.” The Program Book notes, “This has been an enormously challenging year. For each of us as individuals, our United Methodist Women groups, for our churches and communities, there has been so much loss, change, and challenge…We seek to step into that pain and find something new. Our goal this year is to sow healing and joy, in all the surprising ways God offers it.”
Many Dakotas United Methodist Women looked forward to Assembly 2022. The theme for Assembly was “Turn It Up!” It was held in Orlando, Florida, May 20-22, 2022. For the first time ever, there were two options: in-person or virtual attendance. During Assembly, attendees learned about the exciting refreshment of our organization. There is talk of a new name, logo, and website as we move forward into our future. We will remain that organization that calls Christian women into action that can change the world through hope, faith, and love.
Submitted by United Women in Faith (UWF), Marsha Timm, president, Dakotas Conference United Methodist Women