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Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services Discussion

Why the decrease? I detail those factors below. Some might ask, “Why not a larger decrease?” The Board of Pensions has setup a Transitional Reserve fund with over $1 million which has been and will be used to help the Conference transition as a denomination. There is an assumption that the UMC will have some kind of split as a result of the 2021 General Conference. • Apportionment withholding: We have already had eight churches notify us that they are withholding apportionments because of the conflict over homosexuality. The amount that these churches would typically give towards apportionments is around $450,000. • Tough economy: With the pandemic and the poor agriculture prices, many churches will likely see a decline in giving. Aging congregants: Many churches have struggled to reach new people and especially young people. This is a trend hitting the entire church world in the U.S. Some encouraging signs have been seen as a result of COVID-19. • The majority of churches took big steps to bring church to people and are reaching many new people. We don’t know how committed the new people will be to being part of the church post-pandemic through their giving, service, and presence. Many churches also added electronic giving recently which should also help.

Where will the cuts come from?

• Travel: We’re expecting a continued decrease in the amount of travel as we rely more and more on video conferencing to meet and do business. • Apportionment neutral ministries: Camping, Solar Oven Partners, and Spirit Lake Ministry are all on a path to becoming apportionment neutral for their operations. This has been in the works for years and seems very timely as the Dakotas Conference may have less financial capacity to fully support these ministries in the future. • Grant reductions: A host of grants are being reduced mainly because we have seen and expect to continue seeing less demand. The largest grant reductions are in equitable compensation, college ministry, and new church development. • Staffing: Rebecca Trefz will continue to split time as Executive Director of Ministries and Southeast District Superintendent. Amber Laffey’s position as Higher Ground Coordinator will be covered by Deb Kjerstad, Director of Leadership Development. These two adjustments will save some money without significantly affecting services. • General Church apportionments: If we ever have a General Conference, these apportionments will be greatly reduced as the General Church continues to work on becoming more efficient.* • Savings: In past years, we’ve budgeted $100,000 to put aside for a rainy day. As it appears to be raining, we will probably draw from this fund instead of adding to it. Jeff Pospisil, treasurer

* The figure used for General Conference Apportionments is one we received in February 2020. It was anticipated that this figure would be approved at the 2020 General Conference; however, as you know, there was no 2020 General Conference. It is currently anticipated that this figure will be approved at the 2021 General Conference, and that it will be made retroactive for the year 2021, but of course there is no way we can be certain of that. It is also uncertain whether such retroaction would be effective. If not, the figure approved at the 2016 General Conference would be used. This matter is currently before the Judicial Council. If the 2016 figure is required, adjustment to the budget will need to be made accordingly to increase General Conference Apportionments by $231,903.

Jeff Pospisil, right,was recognized for his service as the Dakotas Conference Executive Director of Finance and Administraion by Rev. Rebecca Trefz, left, and Sheri Meister, at the podium. Pospisil left for other employment. Meister and Trefz presented an "Ode to Jeff."

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