2 minute read
Newly Ordained and Commissioned Pastors
from 2022 Journal
2022 New Clergy
Ordained 2022
Front row, left to right: Rev. Jeanne Sortland Rev. Jennifer McDonald, Bishop Deborah Kiesey, Rev. Martin Avery. Back row, left to right: Rev. Jordan Loucks and Rev. Jeff Lathrop.
Photo by Dave Stucke.
Commissioned 2022
Front row left to right: Rev. Teresa Pearson, Rev. Rey Colon, Bishop Deborah Kiesey, Rev. Sandee Cole Back row left to right: Rev. Thaneal Certa Werner, Rev. Bryce Blank
Photo by jlynnstudios.
The following code system has been adopted to designate the status of the ministers appointed:
AF Affiliate member-Par. 344.4, 586.4d OL Other Local Pastor
AM Associate member-Par. 321 OP Provisional Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1
Certified Lay Minister-Par. 271 OR Retired Elder Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 DM Diaconal Minister-Par. 309.1 (1992 Discipline) PD Provisional Deacon-Par. 324, 325 DR Retired Diaconal Minister-Par. 313.2 (1992 Discipline) PE Provisional Elder-Par. 324, 325 FD Deacon in full connection-Par. 331 PL Part-time Local Pastor-Par. 318.2 FE Elder in full connection-Par. 335 PM Provisional Member FL Full time Local Pastor-Par. 318.1 RA Retired Associate Member-Par. 358.6 Less than full time-Par. 331.7, 338.2b, 428.7 RD Retired Deacon in full connection-Par. 358.6 OA Associate Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 RE Retired Full Elder-Par. 358.6 OD Deacon Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 RL Retired Local Pastor-Par. 320.5 OE Elder Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 SP Student Local Pastor-Par. 318.3 OF Full Member of other denomination-Par. 346.2 SY Supply
Pension Records are Official. The following records are for informational purpose. The “official” record is held by the Board of Pensions. If you are concerned about Pension credit, contact Pensions. Submit Changes in writing! We try to keep up with changes, but your help is necessary! Please let the Dakotas Conference Office or Conference Secretary know about changes in your record, corrections from past years, changes in your family situation, etc. Please do so in writing (email counts). Family Information with Record. The names and birthdays of pastor’s families are included at the end of the service record along with any educational information provided. This information must come from you! Picture Perfect. We prefer pictures electronically and recommend all pastors have their picture taken at Annual Conference on the years we have a professional. A professionally done picture can be used, but disc is best. Dakotas Conference We generally put in the information about your service within the Dakotas Conference and not details about service elsewhere. Information about adult and minor children is included as provided by the clergy. If a clergy wishes not to list information related to children notification must be given to the Conference office.