American Towman Magazine - August 2017

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Towman Feels Targeted by City A Cape Coral, Fla., resident feels he’s being targeted by the city’s code enforcement department. Brandon Whiteside said he works for a 24-hour towing company and has never had an issue with parking his truck in his driveway overnight until recently. “My vehicle is the tool for my job. It’s like telling me I can’t have my tool belt at home because I only use it only on commercial stuff,” said Whiteside. Whiteside said recently he received a city code compliance flyer telling him he was in violation, which prohibits commercial vehicle parking in a residential area. A city spokesperson said the code has been law for 20 years and can only change through council vote. Whiteside said he’ll push for the vote. Source:

Tow Policy to Change Officials in St. Louis, Mo., confirmed they are changing their towing policies after crime victims complained to a local news station. Victims will no longer have to pay towing or storage fees to the city if they get their car from the city tow lot during business hours, within the first 72 hours of police notification that the car was recovered. The time frame excludes Sundays and city holidays. Under the previous city policy, even if your car had been stolen, you would have to pay to get your car out of the city’s tow lot in the event it was recovered by police. The change means a loss in revenue of about $300,000 a year. Source:

8 • August 2017 - TOWMAN.COM

N.Y. Blue Light Bill NOT Dead Gantt had The Empire previously told State Towing & ESTRA’s lobbyRecovery Assoist, Pete O’Conciation’s Blue nell, that he Light Bill came didn’t see a to a sudden halt need for the bill when state Rep. b e c a u s e David Gantt, “motorists assembly transmove over for portation comyellow lights all mittee chair, the time.” made a motion Hold on Blue Light Bill in New York state is ESTRA says to hold the bill. not a death sentence according to ESTRA. it will attempt The bill’s to convince sponsor, Rep. Gantt to change his mind on the bill Michael DenDekker, then converted and urged its members to contact it into a “sponsor’s hold,” which their reps to go on the bill as a comakes it possible to bring the bill up sponsor. in committee if the legislature returns Source: to Albany later in the year.

Extreme Heat

Keeps Towmen Busy Randy Partlow Jr. of ABC Towing in Coachella, Calif., said that the searing heat in the west has increased calls for him and other drivers. “A normal, regular day has 7, 10, to 12 calls,” he said. “Right now, we’re doing 15 to 20, and then some.” He said the summer season is one of the busiest times for towing companies in the California valley, with extreme heat taking an extreme toll on rides; especially on tires and batteries. “Lots of tires and exploding batteries,” Partlow said. The heat, he said, also poses challenges for tow operators, including dehydration. Source:

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