TIM TIM Training Training at at AT AT EXPO EXPO Picking Picking up up the the Scraps Scraps Old-School Old-School Hiring Hiring Tips Tips Highline Highline Recovery Recovery Steps Steps
AT EXPO Official Program pages 59-90 Nebraska’s Arrow Towing saved lives responding to this harrowing wreck.
Life-Saving Rescue Recovery Arrow Towing’s quick response with proper equipment saved two trapped women. by Jim “Buck” Sorrenti
Departments The Walkaround . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 News Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Road Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Beacons On! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Chasing Phantom Tow Operators, part 2 Old-school steps still apply when looking to make the right hire. by Arnold Polizzi
Tow Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Reefer Madness in Pa.
Tow Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Janeway Towing utilized big rigs and air cushions to right a loaded dairy trailer. by Jim “Buck” Sorrenti
AD Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . .36 Tow Boss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Repo Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Towman’s Market . . . . . . . . . . .118 My Baby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 Low Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Adventures of A.T. . . . . . . . . . . .129 4 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Disaster Relief What you need to know to get ‘operating authority’ when assisting outside your area. by Brian J. Riker
Recognizing Our Heroes by Dennie Ortiz
Hopefully this issue you hold in your hands finds you safe and out of harms way. This past month has been a turbulent one with many dangerous weather conditions affecting millions of people across the country. From the devastating hurricanes in the south to the wildfires out west … Our thoughts are with the survivors and their families. This is a time where towers as first responders show they are a critical component in helping those in need and cleaning up after these natural disasters. Media coverage tends to focus on police and fire personnel (whom we all owe a great deal), while towers don’t seem to receive equal recognition. In Baltimore next month, American Towman recognizes the impor-
tance of the towing professional through different ceremonies and events. One event I hold in tremendous regard is the awarding of the American Towman Medal during Festival Night. This forum is where the Towman is recognized for their bravery in performing heroic deeds. When you hear the stories of babies saved from cars trapped in floodwaters to towers sacrificing their own lives to push another out of harm’s way, you’re awed by their deeds. It's an emotional evening that leaves you with a sense of pride and appreciation for all the men and women who choose to work day or night on the dangerous roadways. The awarding of the Hero Medal is uniquely special and everyone should come to share in this occasion at least once to honor these unsung heroes of the road. Be safe out there!
Evaluating Risks, Rewards for your Company by Brendan Dooley
Arrow Towing in Nebraska (p.28) and Janeway Towing in Pennsylvania (p.94) both have recoveries in this issue that show what you can do when you have the right people and equipment on hand. Part of their ability to excel in towing comes down to, in part, risks taken by ownership at different milestones with the business to expand and improve. Author Chad Storlie, a special forces veteran, explains in this issue (p. 20) how businesses can best take calculated risks for mission success. Whether its an expansion of the business or exploiting a competitor's weaknesses, forewarned is forearmed. Perhaps the most risky of towing endeavors exists in the private impound and repossession markets. AT editors Randall Resch and Mark Lacek (p.12 and p.110) offer multiple viewpoints of a repossession event "gone bad" in California this summer where a witness’ video went viral on social media. Holding this issue in your hand, you already know the best place to begin evaluating your business for whatever needs you have: The American Towman Exposition in Baltimore, Maryland, on Nov. 16-19. Prep for everything you need to know and go to the Official Show Program (pgs.59-90). See you there! 6 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
First On The Scene! Dennie Ortiz Steve Calitri Brendan Dooley Charles Duke
Publisher Editor-In-Chief Editor Senior Editor
Randall Resch
Operations Editor
Terry Abejuela
Field Editor, West
Jim “Buck” Sorrenti David Kolman Bill Simmons Emily Oz Mark Lacek
Field Editor, Northeast Chassis Editor Safety Editor On Screen Editor Repo Run Editor
Editorial Board Tommy Anderson Roy Carlson Debbie Collins Belinda Harris Bill Johnson Ron Mislan Kurt Wilson
Dallas, Texas Saint Paul, Minn. Las Vegas, Nev. Greensboro, N.C. South Hadley, Mass. Warren, N.J. Creve Coeur, Ill.
American Towman Staff Ann Marie Nitti Dennie Ortiz Ellen Rosengart Norma Calitri Jimmy Santos Miriam Ortiz Henri Calitri Toni Vanderhorst William Burwell Peggy Calabrese Ryan Oser Helen Gutfreund Emily Oz Steve Calitri
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American Towman Media Headquarters 7 West Street, Warwick, NY 10990 800-732-3869 or 845-986-4546 E-mail: Publisher: dortiz@towman.com Editor-In-Chief: scalitri@towman.com Editor: bdooley@towman.com AT’S Digital Edition: itowman.com AT’S Website: americantowman.com AT’S Weekly: towindustryweek.com ATTV: americantowmantv.com Copyright ©2017 American Towman Magazine is published 12 times a year by American Towman Media, Inc. Subscription: $50–1 yr; $95–2 yrs • US $65 and $105 • International All material published through American Towman Media (AT), to include American Towman Magazine, iTowman.com and TowIndustryWeek.com, including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content is published in good faith. However, AT accepts no liability for any errors or omissions, and does not endorse any companies, products or services that appear. AT does not test or review products submitted for inclusion in its publications. AT does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of content, warranties or claims made or implied by its advertisers. The views expressed are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of AT. The act of mailing or delivering a letter, email or article to AT shall constitute permission to publish that letter or article or any portion thereof. AT reserves the right to edit any and all material submitted. No part of the magazine or websites may be reproduced without prior written consent of AT.
Procession Honors Drowning Victim A young boy who drowned in a pool in East Boston, Massachusetts, was honored by hundreds of towers recently. Brayden Kelly, 6, was found unresponsive in a pool. Those who knew the boy said he wanted to be a towman. Before his wake, more than 200 towers participated in a procession a few miles long around the city. Brayden used to ride around in tow trucks with his uncle. “His family had a lot of ties to towing and they asked for some tow trucks to show up, so we got a bunch of guys together,” said towman David Duff. “We started getting as many trucks as we could together and we just really wanted to put some sunshine on a horrific day.” Source: boston.cbslocal.com.
No ‘Tow to Go’ on Labor Day
On Labor Day weekends, like so many other holidays, towers expect extra calls. In an effort to curb drinking and driving, AAA has offered sober rides home with the “Tow to Go” program since 1998 for holiday weekends. Tow companies in Lakeland, Florida, say they had zero reports of drunk drivers looking for a sober ride home this year. Mark Cygan of Lakeland Wrecker, hopes the reason people aren’t using the “Tow to Go” program is because of the more popular sober ride choices like Lyft and Uber. He says he doesn’t mind which option they choose, as long as everyone arrives home safely. “I would rather go tow somebody for free and not let them drive and not worry about them as opposed to going out and picking them up at a crash and their life being changed forever,” Cygan said. Source: abcactionnews.com. 8 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
FHA Joins Spirit Ride us killed,” said Bryan Albrecht, who Jim Austrich of the Federal Highowns Cavin Wrecker Service and way Administration will be presentserves as VP of training for the Oklaing in Washington, D.C., and homa Wreckers Association. Baltimore, Maryland, at Spirit Ride “We can’t change their driving Ceremonies on Nov. 9 and 17, respechabits, so the only tively. Austrich is way we can protect the Responder ourselves is Training Program through training M a n a g e r and trying to for National Trafchange the way we fic Incident Mando things,” said agement. FHA’s Albrecht. Pat Rooney will be Albrecht is well presiding over aware of the danTIMS training for gers of working on tow operators 100 tow trucks showed for the the roadside. Two Nov. 17 and 19 at Kansas City Spirit Ride in years ago he faced the American Towremembrance of Blake Gresham. his own close call man Exposition in with a drunk driBaltimore. ver. “Fortunately for me I heard him States have begun mandating coming and was able to get about TIMS training for tow operators, three steps away before impact, so it Oklahoma being the most recent to was a pretty scary moment,” he said. do so, effective Sept. 1. Source: newson6.com, AT staff. “The way we’ve always done it doesn’t work. That’s what’s getting
Convoy for a
Cause Remembers Homkey The trucks in Convoy for a Cause came honking their horns along with rain to raise money for Fonda, New York, causes and charities recently. Jason Vosburgh, the lead driver of 2016’s Convoy for a Cause, said there were about 200 vehicles for 2017’s event. This year 100 percent of proceeds went to Radio 810 WGY Christmas Wish Program, Leather Stocking Honor Flight and Toys for Tots. Their goal was to raise $10,000 to split between all three causes. The Convoy for a Cause was also honoring M.W. Roosevelt and Son Inc. of Canajohaire, in memory of fallen tower James Homkey, and to promote the Move Over law. Homkey worked part time for the company
Fire departments participated in Convoy for a Cause in Fonda, New York, that memorialized fallen towman James Homkey. Leaderherald.com image.
and was in a fatal Thruway accident in 2016. He was standing alongside his tow truck when he was struck by a passing tractor-trailer. Source: leaderherald.com.
… I would rather go tow somebody for free …
New Tow Rates, Rules in Toronto In Toronto, B.C., Canada, the city is considering raising towing rates. Currently, nonconsensual tows from streets is $166 and highways is $188. A proposal would increase that to a uniform $250 for either. A tow from private property would now go up to $108 from the current $88. Towers would be able to charge an additional $100 for “recovery services” if they can prove, with two photos, that a winch or specialized extractive device was needed to relocate or reposition the vehicle. The prices would adjust for inflation annually. Towers will be ordered to accept credit card payments as well as cash. The rates proposal still had to go before city council at press time. Source: torontosun.com.
Tow Company Returns Bronze Lions
Two bronze lions reported stolen from a commercial building in Brattleboro, Vermont, recently found their way back to town shortly thereafter. Scott Brooks Towing of Townshend brought the lions, each weighing around 400 lbs., back to the Vermont building. The lions were found in a “rural local town” thanks to a tip from a resident, according to a news release. The two statues were noticed missing by a building supervisor. “The location was given to us by a person who will remain anonymous due to the ongoing investigation,” the release said. A $1,000 reward was offered for the return of the lions, and will be provided to the tipster upon closure of the investigation, according to the news release. Source: sentinelsource.com.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Towmen Assisting in Houston Car Removal Towman Bryan Harvey is frequently reminded that he shares a name with the storm that dumped 50 inches of rain on metropolitan Houston, Texas, and unleashed the floods that had him working 14hour days towing waterlogged cars. Even in their despair, some victims salvaged a smile by posing for pictures in front of the “Harvey’s Towing” sign on the side of his red Dodge Ram 5500 rollback. Harvey killed at least 70 people, destroyed or damaged 200,000 homes — and inflicted an automotive catastrophe on one of America’s most car-dependent cities. The Houston area lost hundreds of thousands of cars, said Michael Hartmann, general manager of Don McGill Toyota of Katy, a city about 30 miles west of Houston. “We have a shortage of rental cars and people not sure how to go about handling claims and just what to do with their lives.”
Towman Bryan Harvey helped following the flooding in Houston, Texas, after Hurricane Harvey. wtop.com image.
The wreckage has forced Houstonians to scramble to try to rent or borrow cars or to work from home— if they can. Some have it worse: They can’t return to work until they resolve the transportation problems, depriving many of them of income and slowing the city’s return to business as usual. Source: wtop.com.
Towman Pulled Officer to Safety Darrah's Towing has been around since 1981
Police are calling a towman in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a guardian angel after he helped pull an officer to safety following a hit-and-run. A police officer made an unrelated arrest during a traffic stop because the driver had a suspended license. While that officer drove the suspect to jail, officer Cody Mosher waited for the car to be towed. A different driver crashed into the back of Mosher’s squad car. Police say Mosher went over to the striking vehicle to talk with the
person behind the wheel, opening the passenger door of the car. That’s when the driver was accused of backing up and dragging Mosher along the road. Mosher hit his head on the road during the drag. Scott Shover, a tower from Darrah’s Towing, witnessed all of this as he was on scene because of the original traffic stop. Police say Shover pulled Mosher out of the way of traffic and used his radio to call for help. Source: kwwl.com.
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Check Out What’s NEW and HOT! Lighted Safety Signs Redi-Letters wants to improve tower safety with its innovative, lighted graphic signs that easily mount and install on wreckers. The company’s flashing “Move Over Safety” signs are color-coordinated for individual states. Redi-Letters also said it will be contributing 1 percent in sales from the safety signs to a fund it created for the families of slain wrecker drivers.
‘Guardian Angle’ Reinforces Trailer Corners B/A Products’ new product, The Guardian Angle, is designed to provide reinforcement to the corners of trailers or box trucks when uprighting over turns with synthetic web slings (flat or round). The Guardian Angle provides a smooth surface for synthetic web slings to contact and slide, allowing the strap to “find home” when tension is applied—
Lift Adapter for Differentials Stertil-Koni’s new differential adapter was specifically engineered to safely lift vehicles by the rear differential using the company’s Diamondlift, a high-pressure telescopic piston lift. The company said the adapter is ideal for lifting and servicing small, medium, and large pickup trucks with a maximum axle weight of 10,000 lbs. Lifting by the rear differential is particularly helpful when the axle tube is obstructed by sway bars, automatic snow chains or other elements. The adapter cradles the differential and is self-centering.
stertil-koni.com 10 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
reducing the possibility of the strap catching on the 90-degree edge of a typical aluminum angle and rolling it away from the trailer. The rounded edge also helps to eliminate cut and torn straps. The large radius of the outer tube spreads the load over a larger surface area. Safety catch strap and ratchet are included.
Perception of Fear Clouds Cases by Randall C. Resch
Screen captures from video posted to YouTube of a “repo gone bad” in Compton, California.
recorded cellphone video depicted the actions of a careless tower intentionally destroying a towed car … but, not so fast. In the usual manner that media reports foul play against the towing and recovery industry, they may again have failed to report all facts in their entirety. Check out the video here: heavy.com/news/2017/08/repo-man-towtruck-attacked-compton-los-angeles-youtube-video/. What you can’t see from the video are pertinent facts that led to another outcome than what’s at face value.
At what point does a civil matter overshadow the importance of protecting a citizen simply trying to do his job?
n July 27, 2014, repo agent Steve Lawson, 50, was aggressively chased and openly executed by several shooters in the early morning hours. The L.A. County Sheriff speculated it was a repossession gone bad. “When the tow truck driver got out of his vehicle, at least one person from a car chasing him shot at and killed him,” said Lt. Sheriff Dave Dolson said. If you’re a repossession agent or a tow operator who impounds cars from private property, this is the reality of your day-to-day existence. Repossessions and privateproperty impounds are a dangerous line of work and we all know it. Fast-forward to Aug. 22, 2017, when another California vehicle repossession gone bad went viral on social media. For approximately three minutes, a witness’ privately
12 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
I’ve watched this scene over and over, reviewing it as if I were assigned this case as an investigator. (As a former Crime’s Against Persons Unit investigator, I have experience in these kinds of cases.) While the video is replete with dangerous actions on all parts; on multiple viewings I’ve removed the “repo element” to look at it from a more humanized perspective. I’ve considered that the repo agent may have been fearful for his life, but only if you recall how repo agents, like Lawson, have been chased down and blatantly executed. In the Lawson case, he was a licensed repo agent and picked up a vehicle early one Sunday morning near a 7Eleven parking lot in Compton, California. News reports said that Lawson was lawfully in-tow with the default vehicle. He was being aggressively followed “by others in multiple vehicles,” according to a sheriff’s spokesperson. “When the tow truck came to Rosecrans Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, gunshots were fired. Lawson continued to drive until he collided with a car near the intersection of Firestone Boulevard and Rayo Avenue. When Lawson got out of his tow truck, he was shot by at least one person,” according to the report. He was transported to a hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Run for Your Life On Nov. 12, 2009, vehicle owner Justin Maurice Moore was home in Clayton County, Georgia, when repo agent Willie Thackston and assistant Brandon Thomas pulled into his driveway in an allegedly unmarked tow truck to repossess Moore’s Ford Mustang. When the Mustang was attached to the tow truck, Moore exited his house with a sawed-off shotgun and allegedly fired a warning shot into the air before shooting as many as three additional shots that hit the tow truck
14 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
and the passenger’s side front tire. Fearing for their lives, Thackston and Thomas jumped into the tow truck and sped off on the flat tire with the Mustang in-tow. Moore jumped into another vehicle and gave chase with the shotgun pointed out the driver’s window. When Thackston saw Moore in close pursuit, he swerved the tow truck from side to side, hoping Moore wouldn’t get a shot into the truck’s rear window. As Thackston unknowingly turned into a dead-end cul-desac, Moore pulled forward alongside
Stop and Retreat Courts have ruled, and I agree, that if there is a confrontation during a repossession, the repossessor must stop and retreat. The stop-and-retreat guidelines are set not only by lawmakers, but common-sense safety protocols. This rule is more a first commandment to be considered set in stone for all professional repossessors. The definition of “fight or flight” (also called hyperarousal) is “a physiological reaction to a perceived harmful event, attack or threat;” chemicals are released into the body that “command” the brain. At what point does the tower feel safe enough to pull over and stop? When do the chemicals tell the brain that it is safe? It is difficult to comment on the circumstances that occurred prior to the video. However, it is obvious the repossessor was being chased, and there was a person on the back of the tow truck performing a violent action. (Any individual who is behind on the monthly car payment is aware of the possibility of the collateral being repossessed. I would bet the debtor in this situation knew exactly why the car was being towed.) We don’t know if the repossessor chose the correct moment to hook to the car. Was the opportunity to repossess the car one with a clear path of non-confrontation, or did the debtor tell the repossessor not to take the car before he hooked up and lifted the car? Could the repossessor have chosen a better moment to “hook & book?” The completed repossession of any collateral should never place the public or the agent in danger. The courts have provided us with a system to recover the collateral using the civil process of a court order, or the selfhelp process without a breach of the peace. When a professional repossessor follows the rule of law combined with adequate training, incidents of danger are minimized. The questions to be answered: Did a breach of the peace occur prior to the repossessor hooking the car? Did the debtor tell him to stop or leave? —Mark Lacek AT Repo Editor
and fired into the tow truck killing Thomas and wounding Thackston. Regarding the chase video, through the context of the Thomas and Lawson homicides, there seems to be a clear perception of fear on the agent’s side. Add to that, this case and Lawson’s murder were in an area that has a history of crime and violence that many repo agents and towmen are aware of. Because chases, attacks and aggressive behavior are somewhat the norm against repo agents and impound towers, there’s a definite reason they have fear in the back of their minds. The video’s agent appeared to have done his job in a legal, licensed manner until confronted by the aggressive car owner. I believe the aggressive rider knew his car was being repossessed through his actions in trying to liberate the vehicle (clearly obvious at 45 seconds into the video). How could this repo agent have known that he wasn’t about to be exe-
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cuted through the back window? Normal, calm people don’t jump onto the back of a speeding tow truck and beat through its rear window.
Normal, calm people don’t jump onto the back of a speeding tow truck and beat through its rear window. Additionally, to have an unknown, third-party vehicle with multiple occupants aggressively chase the tow truck, I understand the agent’s fear of possibly being executed like Lawson or Thomas.
I also believe the chase car’s driver and witness shouldn’t be commended as “a citizen trying to help,” but, rather chastised for continually putting the public in harm’s way for her own “three minutes of fame.” She is guilty of reckless driving by running multiple stop signals, speeding, illegal passing, driving on the wrong side of the street and other violations. If anything, her continuing to chase the tow truck only helped to escalate the incident. Where repossession law may state, “Where confrontation is imminent, the agent is to stop and retreat,” I feel any window was closed where the agent could have calmly rendered that possible.
A Better Way? Recently, I had extended conversation with repo industry guru and expert, AT Repo Editor, Mark Lacek, about this repo topic at the Tow ExpoDallas. We spoke openly on how to conduct peaceful asset recoveries and repossessions. We both agreed that
the process of repossession should me more formally resolved with the help of the civil courts. I believe where a court order should precede any repossession activites, that commands for the lawful surrender of a vehicle in default. Once default is ordered, the court should mandate that deputies be onscene to protect the peace, and the life, of law-abiding repo agents. I believe, once a judge has signed a seizure order, the vehicle’s owner should volunteer the car for surrender; otherwise court deputies will go into the field to serve a warrant that seizes a vehicle. This all comes down to one reasonable question: At what point does a civil matter overshadow the importance of protecting a citizen simply trying to do his job? The video’s agent could have handled things differently perhaps, but did his fear of survival overcome good sense or was it prudent thinking? His continuing to drive looked like a fight-or-flight response. Repo agents and tow operators get a bad rap. They’ve been cast as public enemies Numbers 1 and 2, but perhaps some day the public will consider the numerous associated factors far beyond sparking axles and bad towing techniques.
Operations Editor Randall C. Resch is a retired California police officer and veteran tow business owner, manager, consultant and trainer. He writes for TowIndustryWeek.com and American Towman, is a member of the International Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame. Email Randy at rreschran@gmail.com.
18 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Be Daring and Win
by Chad Storlie
he history of the United Kingdom’s Special Air Service, founded during World War II, is one of daring and victory across the globe. They are leaders in hostage rescue, desert warfare and jungle fighting to name only a few areas of their vast military specialties. The SAS motto is, “Who Dares Wins.” It is easy to understand how highly trained commandos might coolly view risk and risk-taking endeavors, but how can businesses take advantage of special operations forces concepts? Before military special ops teams undertake high-risk maneuvers, they slow the enthusiasm for a mission by conducting an emotionally detached, honest and intelligence-driven assessment of the mission. The special ops team fully explores the objectives and determines if they have the training, resources and skills to be successful. One of the truly unique attributes of special ops mission planning is that personnel safety is one of the preeminent principles of a successful operation. Why? The resource in shortest supply for special ops is their highly skilled, dedicated and experienced operators. You can get more helicopters, weapons and ammunition easier than finding skilled crews to fly the helicopters and operate the weapons. Finally, special ops mission planning lets intelligence and open discussion guide the final decision for a mission. If the intelligence does not provide the detail to achieve the outcome, then the mission is rarely approved.
Risk Assessment Military Special Ops Forces like the Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Air Force Para-Jumpers and Marine Corps Recon units view and approach risk in two distinct segments: internal risk and external risk. Internal risk—how the organization trains and operates—is an area (like in business) where there is an 20 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Training is a main tenet of special operations forces, like for these U.S. Army Paratroopers, that applies to towing business as well. Regular training of personnel prepares them for real-world success.
extensive risk-mitigation process that includes: • Individuals are put through an extensive selection and training process to ensure they meet the unit standards. • Military operations are comprehensively rehearsed to ensure their success on the battlefield. • New technology is tested extensively outside the rigors of combat to ensure performance. • Potentially dangerous activities (parachuting, underwater operations, etc.) have rigorous standard operating procedures. In special ops, the extensive internal risk-mitigation procedures allow for greater external risk-taking for daring operations. Special ops units are employed for high-risk external operations, such as hostage rescue, but their internal risk mitigation practices of training, planning, intelligence operations and contingency plans actually make them less risky in execution. High risk and high reward operations are where military special ops creates the greatest impact to a suc-
cessful military campaign. Strong internal risk mitigation and risk management principles allow for greater success in those externally risky operations where special ops has the greatest impact. The internal and external risk frameworks apply equally well to your business. The internal risk mitigation measures that most tow businesses have today fall into the categories of personnel training, safety, equipment preparedness, cost controls, and communications standards. Externally, a business with strong internal risk mitigation can look for greater opportunities that may appear ambiguous, but that their internal risk controls actually mitigate much of the uncertainty. To help tow businesses undertake greater risk to win, there are some special ops strategies and tactics can be applied in a simple and straightforward fashion. 1. Train beyond your comfort zone. Special ops training is incredibly physically and mentally demanding. The goal is to make it as indistin-
guishable from combat as possible. The special ops training starts with identifying and recruiting great people and then testing them under a rigorous selection process to ensure they succeed in training. In towing, training in close to real-world scenarios prepares operators to be efficient and safe on the road. Personnel retention practices go hand-in-hand with training to ensure highly trained operators feel valued and do not want to leave. 2. Identify, anticipate, and react early to events critical to your competitor’s success. In both business and the military, the classic question of “What will my competitor do?” confronts both organizations at all times. In the military, intelligence and operational leaders create a “most likely” enemy operational plan and identify critical junctures of the estimated enemy plan. Identifying these “action” points in a competitor’s plan creates your own “action” points. When you see your competitor acting or about to act, you can implement a strategy to counter
22 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
or mitigate your competitor’s success. For example, if you expect a new or expanding competitor to begin targeting customers in your territory, you might examine your pricing, revisit frequent commercial accounts, host an open house or cross-training to stay top-of-mind. 3. Create contingency plans to solidify and exploit your success. Few businesses create plans and operational extensions to fully exploit their successes. One of the worst failures a business can have is for a very successful new-service launch flop upon expansion or be unable to maintain high levels of service. Plan for success and be ready to support it. Special ops teams have multiple contingency plans for all parts of a mission from infiltration to completing the objective to extraction and return to base. During the final days of WWII, a U.S. Army Ranger battalion was tasked to find and rescue prisoners of war held in a Japanese camp. American commanders feared that the POWs would be moved or killed
before conventional American forces reached them. The Rangers conducted rapid mission planning and then set out immediately to rescue the POWs. When they successfully seized the camp, they discovered far more POWs than expected that had to be moved to safety. The Rangers had created some basic contingencies and through prior coordination with friendly Filipino guerilla fighters, used ox carts to move the POWs. Being as successful as possible in risky situations is an absolute must for military special ops and tow businesses alike. How successful you are in a new situation depends directly on how well you have trained and led your organization to mitigate internal risk so you can exploit external risk into success and long-term opportunity. About the author Chad Storlie is an adjunct professor of marketing at Creighton University, retired U.S. Army Special Forces officer and an Iraq combat veteran. He writes on various military, veteran, leadership, higher education and business topics. Follow him on Twitter @CombatToCorp or on LinkedIn.
Performing a Highline Recovery by Terry Abejuela
highline recovery—sometimes referred to as a clothesline, high-wire or tight-rope recovery—is a technique for vertical lifts that are too far away from the tow truck, or to move a load from one point to another while suspended in the air. The technique allows the casualty or load to be moved without being winched across the ground, avoiding additional damage to the surface area and/or the load.
Steps The basic premise of this technique is to utilize two tow trucks parked on each side of the casualty facing away from each other. Use the winch line from tow truck one and route it in a straight line to tow truck two and secure. Reel out the winch line from truck one until the winch line is lowered to the casualty. Rig the load for a vertical lift using chains or straps. If using only one lift point, make sure you rig so the lift will be directly above the load’s center of gravity. Attach a snatch block of sufficient working load limit to the winch line from tow truck one and your rigging lift point. Reel in the winch line from tow truck one until the load is lifted off of the ground. The casualty now has vertical lift at a distance that could not be reached by extension of the recovery boom. If the load is light enough, one wire rope can be used. The winch line from tow truck two can be used to move the load along the winch line of tow truck one until the load is where you need it to be, or is winched all the way back to tow truck two. This requires that the highline winch rope be reeled in so tight that the angle between the lines is 160 degrees or 24 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
more, resulting in an enormous amount of tension on the highline as well as the two tow trucks and any anchors in use.
Angles Lines angle between the two lines to a traveling snatch block will change the amount of tension on each line: • When the line angle is 0 degrees, each line will support 50 percent of the total load.
• When the line angle increases to 90 degrees, each line will support 70 percent of the total load. • When the line angle increases to 120 degrees, each line will support 100 percent of the total load. When using a highline recovery technique where you need to move the load along the highline to a location near one of the tow trucks, the line angle may have to be increased more than 120 degrees. In this case,
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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the more the angle increases so does the tension on each side of the line. At 160 degrees the tension on each side of the line will increase to 288 percent of the total load. This makes sense as you are lifting the total load plus pulling both trucks together at 160 degrees. (The additional load is coming from the resistance created by the tow trucks or an anchor being used.) The increase in line tension allows the load to be moved horizontally along the highline; the trucks and any anchors have to be substantial to support even a small load. Heavy-duty trucks or a strong anchor may be required just to recover just a 3,000lbs. vehicle by highline technique; a lesser anchor may move or lighter trucks have the front end lift off the ground.
Resistance Calculating the total recovery resistance on this type of scenario is easier since you do not have to calculate surface or rolling resistance— there won’t be any contact between the casualty and the ground while moving of the load. You still have to calculate slope resistance. Calculating slope resistance for
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recoveries is generally presented at 25 percent for a 15-degree slope, 50 percent for a 30-degree slope and 75 percent for a 45-degree slope. Any slope in excess of 45 degrees is calculated at 100 percent. Don’t forget that if the load is moving down slope, you will need to control the load as it descends along the highline. In a highline recovery we are lifting the load free of the ground, so the load is equal to the weight of the vehicle being lifted. Don’t forget that the line tension will be more than the actual load because of the line angles. There are several variations of this technique to accommodate the weight of the load, whether you need to move the load all the way back to one of the tow trucks, and the physical size and shape of the load. Multiple highlines, snatch blocks, lift points and anchors are all variations to consider in any particular recovery scenario. One common scenario where this technique is beneficial is when a vehicle ends up in a swimming pool. Although there are other methods to remove vehicles from a pool without damage to the area, this technique is relatively quick and can be executed without additional damage.
Another scenario where this technique may be the best option is when you need to lift the load over one or more objects at a distance from the tow truck. If you encounter a scenario where you have a casualty, container or load that would sustain damage from the ground surface during the recovery, a highline will allow you to winch the object up a highline and avoid damages; obstacles in the recovery path like rocks and boulders can be avoided. Motorcycle recoveries are another great opportunity to utilize this technique, as the weight of the load is not as much of an issue and it allows the recovery to be performed without dragging the bike. The highline technique, as with most towing and recovery techniques, should be practiced and perfected during training exercises in advance of utilizing the technique in an actual scenario in the field. Learn what it can and can’t do during a training exercise. Practice is the best of all instructors.
Field Editor Terry Abejuela has 30plus years of light-duty towingand-recovery experience. He is also a light-duty Level 1 instructor for the California Tow Truck Association.
Life-Saving Re scue Recovery Tow training and quick response are the difference between life and death for trapped women
Tony at the controls of the 60-ton Jerr-Dan 50/60 JFB rotator demo truck from Jerr-Dan.
Two women trapped in a car under a semi on I-80 in Omaha.
by Jim “Buck” Sorrenti
rrow Towing is an industry leader for towing, hauling, roadside and recovery and has served the Omaha, Nebraska/Council Bluffs, Iowa metro area for more than 40 years. Ron Arrowsmith founded Arrow in 1975; his son Brad has been the sole owner since 2004. Tony Carr has been the operations manager for Arrow since October 2009. Tony is a member of the Professional Towers Association of Nebraska, the Towing and Recovery Professionals of Iowa and the Council Bluffs/Omaha area Traffic Incident Management. He has a wide range of rigging, towing, recovery and other training and certifications from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FHA’s Traffic Incident Management, Miller Industries, Matjack, The Crosby Group and Texas Towing & Storage Association. 28 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
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Tony has been trained to deal with situations exactly like the life-anddeath scenario Arrow responded to in August. “We were contacted to expedite response by the Omaha Fire Department for what was only described as a semi on top of a car,” Tony said. “I was out in a 60-ton Jerr-Dan 50/60 JFB rotator mounted on a 2015 388 Peterbilt. The truck was a demo truck from Jerr-Dan while I was waiting for completion of my new rotator. “I immediately turned around and headed west on I-80 towards the scene. I arrived on scene in approximately five minutes from the time of the dispatch. I just happened to be out in a truck and able to get right there, so it really worked out well.” Arrow also dispatched its 1994 Pierce Dash walk-in heavy rescue Incident Response truck with air cushions, cribbing and additional tools.
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First responders working to free the trapped women from the Toyota Prius after the semi’s cab has been lifted and moved (top right). The Jerr-Dan JFB’s outriggers were planted for additional support during the tenuous lift off the hybrid (bottom). The decimated casualty Prius after the crash (top left).
“Traffic was extremely heavy due to the solar eclipse and all the travelers headed to watch it,” Tony said. “Traffic was slow for about 40 miles, with the end of the queue being the scene of the accident. “Traffic was slowed when the truck was unable to stop.” When Tony arrived on scene, there was a semi sitting on top of a convertible with two people trapped inside. “Upon arrival, I quickly told the firefighters on scene how I wanted round slings run through the steer wheels as I set up the rotator. I ran a line to each sling from the main winches and lifted the truck slightly.” The driver of the car had her arm pinned between the car’s steering wheel and a truck tire. As the tension was taken up with the 60-ton rotator, her arm needed to be freed before Tony could proceed. The car door was then cut away by the fire personnel using their extrication equipment. Once the door and her arm were free, the truck was slowly lifted clear before being swung to the side and lowered to the pavement to allow the fire and EMT workers access to the victims; both were taken to the hospital alive. Nick Pottebaum, one of Arrow’s heavy operators, assisted Tony. Tim Hendershot and Steve Novak were key operators who helped manage the scene. Additional Arrow personnel were dispatched with skid-loader 30 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
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and traffic control equipment to close the center lanes, and traffic was opened to the shoulders of the road during the investigation. The large debris field was swept up following the crash investigation. The crash vehicles are being held for investigation at the police impound. “We towed the vehicles to the impound,” Tony said. “Things were happening so fast, I don’t even remember which drivers were there, we have about 40. They were simple load-and-go and get the road clear.” This horrific crash killed a 19year-old woman in the pileup and injured five others. With quick response and being prepared as a first responder, Tony was able to help two women get to safety. They lived thanks to him and his Arrow Towing recovery team being in the right place at the right time with the right equipment, training and know-how.
Jim “Buck” Sorrenti, a longtime editor of American Towman, has been our field editor for the past few years. He is a freelance writer and photographer with more than 40 years of experience covering motorcycle, hot rod, truck and towing culture. He writes weekly for TowIndustryWeek.com. 32 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
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October 2017
4 State Trucks (Bawer Tool Boxes) 114 AAA 97 Access Tools 105 Advantage Funding 117 Agero 5 Akins Body & Carrier Sales 91 Allstate Roadside Services 37 American Legacy Firearms 43 American Safety & Supply 111 American Wrecker Sales N 126 Atlanta Wrecker Sales N 128 Atlantic Emergency Solutions N 127 Austin Hinds Motors S 125 Austin Insurance N 136 Auto Data Direct 38 AutoReturn 33 AW Direct 23 B/A Products 2 B & Z Sales S 124 Beacon Software 48 Big Virginia Auction 47 Captain of Recovery 109 Casanova Towing Equipment W 128 Chase Insurance Agency S 124 Chelsea Division of Parker 49 Chesapeake Automotive Equip. N 130 Chester Point Insurance N 126 Chevron Commercial 92 ComeUp USA 36 Condor Products 38 Crouch’s Wrecker Equip. & Sales 39 CTech Manufacturing N 132, M 126 CTTA 112 Danco Products 47 Daniels Wrecker Sales N 127 Deep South Wrecker Sales 18 Detroit Wrecker Sales 98 DewEze Mfg. 106 Driveline Buddy N 123 Dual-Tech Wreckers & Carriers 115 Dynamic Towing Equipment & Mfg. 106
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To receive free information on products and services from our advertisers go to www.TowExtra.com Page#
East Penn Truck Equipment 22 eimPound.com 92 Elizabeth Truck Center 45 Freightliner 7 Futura Trailers 113 G. Stone Commercial N 133 GEICO inside back cover Ginn Carrier & Wrecker Sales 37 Hale Trailers N 131 Hino Trucks 21 Hino of Fort Pierce Florida 116 Hot Shot’s Secret 49 In The Ditch Towing Products 15 Integrated Vehicle Equipment Finance 56 Intek Truck Eq. Finance & Lease 108 ISC Coverage N 129 Isuzu Commercial Truck 13 Jerr-Dan Corp. back cover Kalyn-Siebert 45 Kenworth of South Florida 48 Landoll Corp. 25 Lodar USA 114 Lynch Chicago 55 Manufacturer Express 115 Maryland Carrier & Wecker Sales N 134 Matheny Motor Truck 35 Matjack Jumbo Safelift 19 McMahon Truck Center M 123 Miller Industries 40, 41 Nitro Motor Sports 57 New England Truckmaster N 133 North American BanCard 17 Northeast Wrecker Sales N 132, S 123 Nussbaum Equipment N 125 OMG National 117 Pacific General Insurance Agency M 125 Performance Advantage N 135 Phoenix USA 111 Powerbilt Wreckers 57 Powerhouse 55 Prime Industries S 126
Progressive Commercial Insurance 25 Quest Towing Services 52 Ranger SST 93 Recovery Billing Unlimited 56 Renew Truck Body N 130 Road America 54 Rochester Truck N 136 Sanderson Truck Equipment 16 Santander Bank 27 Santex Wrecker Equipment 53 Select Truck & Equipment M 125 Smyrna Truck Center S 125 Specialty Vehicle & Equip. Funding 58 Spill Tackle N 123 Steck Mfg. 46 The Hero Award N 125, S M 127, W 124 The Spirit Ride 107 The Will-Burt Co. 36 TLC Truck & Equipment 92 Towbook Management Software 11 Tow Industries W 125 Towing Payment Systems 55 Towman Order 113 TowMate 26 Tow Recruiter 56 Transfer Flow 32 Triple K Industries 114 Tri-State Trailer Sales N, M 124 Truck Body Sales W 125 Urgent.ly 99 Utility Trailer Sales S.E.TX W 123 Warn 34 Weego 99 West End Service N 128 Whelen Engineering 14 WorldClass Insurance Service W 123 Worldwide Equipment 51 Worldwide Equipment Sales W 126 Zacklift International 3
Hiring’s Not Just Money, Benefits I just read “Chasing Phantom Tow Operators” (September 2017 cover story). While I agree with a lot of it, you should also point out the demands of the job. I am on call 24/7. Most people, when introduced to towing, are not aware of the demands. You can’t go out and party. I don’t, but some do. As an owner, I worry about operators who just had a couple beers showing up to a wreck. There is no tolerance allowed! When you tell a person applying for a job this, they refuse the job. Like I said, I don’t drink, none of it. But for someone who does, it’s not their kind of job. Then tell them the hours that can be involved … they are gone. It not all about money and benefits! The job requires more than most are willing to give up in their lives! —Randy Strunk, owner Randy’s Auto Service Effingham, Illinois
Visit us at AT Expo Booth #1063
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AutorReturn Donates to Survivor Fund AutoReturn recently donated $2,500 to the Survivor Fund during the annual Wall of the Fallen weekend at the International Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame and Museum. The company also donated $1,000 to the Gofundme campaign for the sons of fallen San Diego, California, towman Fred Griffith to attend the ceremony this year when his name was added to the wall. Griffith towed for Road One in San Diego, an AutoReturn contracted tow company in the region. Pictured from left are ITRHFM president Jeff Godwin, AutoReturn VP John Borowski and ITRHFM second VP Kevin Fox. Contributed photo.
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Chasing Phantom Tow Operators Part Two Finding the right employees the old-fashioned way by Arnold Polizzi
ell, the answer in our business is that good towmen are made, not found. Employees take time to develop. It also takes time to buy and outfit a good tow truck. We place deposits and spend money on equipment before we use it, so we must spend on employees before we can fully trust them to handle expensive equipment properly too. I remember having this conversation on finding employees with towmen going back to the 1970s and 1980s. All wanted to increase their staff and asked me my secret to success with employees. My answer? You have to pay for what you’re looking for … and you have to teach and educate them on your thoughts to get the results you want.
Take a Look First, the person must want or need this job, and have pride in him42 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
One way to evaluate (eliminate) a job candidate is to walk out and look at the pride they take in their own vehicle.
One job cannot pay enough to not have that truck out of commission tomorrow. self and the things they own. Before I even talked with any applicant in my office, I would go outside and look at his car or vehicle he drove. The vehicle could be old or new but it had to be clean … inside. If a man has the sense to sit in a clean car, even a borrowed car, that showed me he would have pride and respect for equipment, my equipment. That was something I always did as a young man when I borrowed someone’s car or truck—regardless of the weather or time of day—I cleaned the complete inside before I sat down. This may not seem important to you, but it is something you will never be able to teach that employee; it must come natural, or you will be fighting him all the time to keep his truck clean, his hands clean, his uniform clean and his appearance. It is a very simple and telling test to do before wasting your time and the applicant’s. A large part of our business is based on the appearance of our employees and equipment, as well as knowledge.
Pay Second, you must overpay that employee for the job you are teaching him, even though you may know he is not exactly want you want at the time. You must meet his needs, now, so he does not go looking elsewhere while you’re teaching him. You both must be committed to the job and an employee who cannot pay his rent becomes your problem. Find this all out at your first sit-down. My personal rule of thumb was that one week’s pay had to equal one month rent or mortgage payment. If that doesn’t match the job you’re hiring for—stop. If you have a young person living at home paying his parents $300/month? OK, pay him $600-$800 per week. If he is married and qualified, he is going to need $1,500-$1,800 per week. If you do not have the work to pay that amount to him—stop—do not waste your time.
College Kids For my afterhours and weekend light-duty work, I liked part-time college students. They’re smart, listen to instructions, and they need money and a car. The car was my tow truck which I permitted them to use, but they had to hold to a written, agreed, signed work schedule; if no acceptance, return the truck, job over. This is where the clean and neat appearance comes in as your vehicles are now all over shopping malls, parks, schools and sporting events. We used pickup trucks with auto transmissions and Holmes 220 electric winches. We would use standard pickup truck bodies with several modifications. (Todays modern chassis and bodies make this all easier.) 44 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
One job cannot pay enough to have that truck out of commission tomorrow. Pictured: the author in 2016
Regular Fleet This fleet was a complete fill-in for the regular daytime employees; my top men were all mechanically inclined, experienced OTR truck drivers who now wanted to stay close to home. Match that OTR pay, they are worth it; there’s less damage to your equipment, less down time, less maintenance on clutches, brakes, tires, etc. (I studied this for years and kept records.) When we hired any man we gave him “His Truck.” That unit was logged in and studied for expenses vs. income. We found that a good driver paid the proper salary made us more money than a person claiming to be experienced but not a good truck driver. My motto was, “There is not any job worth damage to the truck.” One job cannot pay enough to not have that truck out of commission tomorrow. In order to pay the proper amount to an employee and make a profit, you must know how to price your expenses. Know your expenses, invest in good equipment, invest in good employees, add a proper and sustainable profit and then hold your pricing—with excellent service, great equipment and knowledge. Good luck! About the author Arnold Polizzi started Polizzi Towing Corp. and continued the business for more than 37 years. He was the founder and publisher of American Towman Magazine in 1976. He now spends his time custom-building and selling tow trucks for a select group of professional towers. He can be contacted at aptowbiz@bellsouth.net.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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IAA Grabs Houston’s Damaged Cars How do you remove hundreds of thousands of damaged cars from a massive city mired in water and muck? Towman Alex Toll will tell you: one vehicle at a time. “I’m not going to change the world,” said the tower in a Reuters.com account. “But I can help people get their cars replaced.” Toll is one of more than 1,000 towmen contracted by Insurance Auto Auctions to extricate vehicles swamped by Hurricane Harvey. IAA set in motion a massive logistical operation in Houston before Harvey hit southern Texas. The company did the same for Hurricane Irma, which affected Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Florida. As soon as the hurricane’s path toward Houston became clear, the firm acquired or leased hundreds of acres where it could store damaged cars, in addition to the property the company already owned in the area.
Freightliner Updates ‘Team Run Smart’ Freightliner Trucks recently launched a new version of its Team Run Smart website (teamrunsmart. com), an open online community. With more than 48,000 members, Freight-
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liner has enhanced the website for an improved experience with easier access to information, and additional content to assist owner-operators and fleet customers. Visitors can find advice from fellow truckers and dedicated Team Run Smart Pros that share their experiences and provide expertise. Team Run Smart delivers fresh, relevant content on a weekly basis.
WreckMaster 8/9 Now Available WreckMaster has announced that its Level 8/9 course is now available (wreckmaster.com). The Level 8/9 training is designed to provide students with “the next level of education” for heavy incident managers and is open to any level 6/7 WreckMaster. The company said that incident managers, companies who work with or train with fire and rescue personnel and individuals who would like to learn more technical skills in towing and recovery should take the course.
No-Cost Lienholder Searches Eimpound.com wishes to remind towers in the wake of the recent hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters that, in case it is needed, they
will find vehicle lienholders at no cost. When you’re looking for lienholders and owners on abandoned vehicles in order to mail them notifications on the towed vehicles and their locations or pending sales/scrapping, Eimpound.com wants to help. Eimpound.com is a free web-based service that uses a VIN or tag to electronically identify the lienholder and email them via e-receipt and send lienholder/registered owner info back to the eimpound.com user.
CTTA, UCMCS Partner on Training The California Tow Truck Association (ctta.com) and United Coalition for Motor Club Safety take tow operator training seriously and have partnered to create a five-part online course for new hires and towing beginners. Many tow company owners complain that new operator hires often don’t make it to the end of their training, because there is simply too much information to take in. CTTA says its new “Intro to Towing” is the solution. Students will learn all the basics as they go through five video sections and quizzes covering Safety, Professionalism, Service Calls, Tow Truck Anatomy, and Basic Towing Procedure.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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Fleet Technical Congress Joins Show NTEA - The Association for the Work Truck Industry has added a Fleet Technical Congress to be held in conjunction with The Work Truck Show 2018 and Green Truck Summit in Indianapolis, Indiana, in March 2018. At Fleet Technical Congress (worktruckshow.com/fleettechnicalcongress), fleet managers can explore the latest technology solutions while gaining management insights from leaders of some of the country’s biggest fleets and suppliers. Part of Work Truck Week, Fleet Technical Congress kicks off with a full day of training on March 6 at the Westin Indianapolis adjacent to Indiana Convention Center. The Work Truck Show 2018 is held at Indiana Convention Center March 6-9. Educational sessions and Green Truck Summit begin March 6, and the exhibit hall is open March 7-9.
Trail King Names New President Trail King Industries, a North American trailer manufacturer (trailking.com), recently announced the appointment of Joe Kolb as its next president. Kolb will be responsible for day-to-day operations of the company. Effective simultaneously, Bruce Yakley will transition to the role of CEO. Yakley’s new role will be to continue to focus on serving Trail King’s customers, developing employees and strategic growth initiatives.
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Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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ESOP: Selling Out to Employees by Melissa Goetz and Stephanie Klingzell Carlin
n Employee Stock Ownership Plan is a qualified retirement plan that buys, holds and sells company stock for the benefit of the employees, providing them with an ownership stake in the company. There are approximately 10,000 ESOPs in place in the U.S., covering 10.3 million employees (10 percent of the private sector workforce). The two most common uses of ESOPs are for management buyouts and as an added employee benefit or incentive plan. ESOPs also have significant tax advantages. Most owners’ primary reason for selling through an ESOP is a desire to provide a long-term benefit and incentive to employees. Making employees “owners” of the company can increase productivity, reduce turnover and generally create a more positive atmosphere. Research shows that giving employees a significant stake in the outcome can improve their attitudes and that translates into bottomline improvements. Research studies, as reported by the ESOP Association, consistently show that employee-owned companies perform better than those that aren’t employee-owned. A study that looked at ESOPs in closely held companies found that they grew about 2.5-percent faster in sales, performance and productivity than would have been expected for a non-ESOP. If companies combined ESOPs with highly effective management styles, they grew about 8 percent per year faster. ESOP companies are about 25-percent more likely to stay in business over the long term than comparable non-ESOP companies. Having an ESOP in place gives employees the most significant benefit of all: the right to the increase in the company’s overall value.
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Good Candidates Many business owners choose an ESOP as part of their exit strategy, but is it right for you? Business owners should consider these factors: Profitability. It is important that the company is profitable and growing. A company must be profitable over the long run for an ESOP to produce meaningful results.
Making employees “owners” of the company can increase productivity, reduce turnover and generally create a more positive atmosphere. Management. A strong management team must be in place for the long-term success of the company. Most business owners who sell their stock to an ESOP have a management succession plan in place that considers the business owner’s transition out of the company over the next 3-5 years after the sale to the ESOP. Employees. Most business owners who decide to establish an ESOP have a strong desire to reward employees. Not only is it important to demonstrate concern for the benefit of all employees, there must be enough employees and thus payroll over which the ESOP costs can be spread.
There are guidelines regarding number of employees and revenue levels for those interested in an ESOP. But each company situation is different and we have seen companies with as few as 12 employees benefit from a successful ESOP transition. Debt. A company needs to have debt capacity that it can dedicate to funding an ESOP over and above other reinvestment. ESOPs borrow cash, which they use to buy company shares or shares from an existing owner. Some companies will borrow from the selling shareholder or will seek bank financing. A feasibility study will be conducted to determine the viability of the company establishing an ESOP (is there adequate cash flow, growth, debt capacity, etc.) During this process, the company’s stock is valued by an independent certified appraiser, who establishes the sales price of the stock for the transaction between the business owner and the ESOP. Performing a valuation before implementing a plan is a critical step. If the value is too low, sellers may not be willing to sell. Alternatively, the price of the shares may be too high for the company to afford. The valuation consultant will look at a variety of factors, including cash flow, profits, market conditions, assets, comparable company values, good will and overall economic factors to determine the fair market value, as required by the Department of Labor. After all questions have been answered and the business owner decides to move forward with an ESOP, it is important to remember that there are a range of options in tailoring a plan that is best suited to a company’s needs and goals. An ERISA attorney, who specializes in ESOP Trust formation, will design and prepare a formal plan document. The
ESOP is required to be represented by a Trustee, either internal or independent, throughout the transaction to ensure the employee group is being represented fairly. Next, the ESOP acquires assets, which is primarily the stock of the company, which can be at varying levels of ownership. In the following example, a newly formed ESOP purchased 100 percent of the common stock of Towman Co. Inc. While the ESOP now owns 100 percent of the company, it also had to borrow the money to purchase the company and has debt to either the seller or the bank (similar to a home mortgage). Now that the ESOP is formed and in place, employees are enrolled as
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participants based on various factors such as vesting schedules, years of service and hours requirements. A third-party administrator of the ESOP will perform the calculation to allocate the shares of stock, perform compliance testing, prepare participant statements, and prepare the annual tax return for the ESOP. All of the professionals involved in the formation of the ESOP will be an invaluable part of the “ESOP Team” and will guide a company from earlystage ESOP to a mature ESOP. Subsequent to the initial transaction, the company makes annual taxdeductible contributions to the ESOP, which in turn repays the ESOP loan. Stock is allocated to the participants’
accounts enabling employees to collect stock or cash when they retire or leave the company. ESOP participants have accounts within the ESOP to which stock is allocated. Typically, the participant’s stock is acquired by contributions from the company—the employees do not have any out-of-pocket expense to participate. Plan participants generally accumulate account balances and begin a vesting process as defined in the plan. Contributions, either in cash or stock, accumulate in the ESOP until an employee is terminated, quits, dies or retires. Distributions may be made in a lump sum or installments and may be immediate or deferred. The typical
annual flow of funds for a leveraged ESOP is illustrated here:
Act Like an Owner The best ESOP companies provide many opportunities for employees to have some input into decisions about how the company operates. If companies take advantage of that, and allow employees to engage in the company like owners, they will typically find employees start thinking like owners too and people start thinking of them as an owner as well. Better yet, all the research shows that the most important distinction between a successful company and a poor-performing company is how much people contribute ideas large and small on a regular basis. Everyone wins. As baby boomers age, there will be a large group of business owners looking to find a way to sell their ownership interests. Most do not have children in the business, and an ESOP is an attractive alternative. To engage employees to apply their skills for the
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good of the business requires the right kinds of rewards, and employee-ownership often fits that need. ESOPs can be a flexible buyout tool, much more so than selling to a third party. In addition to the tax benefits, financial benefits to long-term employees, and increases in employee morale and performance, the selling shareholder will often times benefit
from a better financial return that when selling to an outsider. About the authors Melissa Goetz and Stephanie Klingzell Carlin own KC&G Business Appraisal Associates in Salina, Kansas. They are Accredited Senior Appraisers who work nationally with business owners in Buy/Sell Agreements, Business Exit/Succession Planning, SBA Loans, Fairness Opinions and ESOP Valuations.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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Miller Industries Graduates Class Miller Industries Towing Equipment recently marked the conclusion of a 15-week supervisor-development program taught by the Chattanooga State Community College Corporate Training and Workforce Development department. A chattanoogan.com article reported the classes taught the leadership skills necessary to effectively manage departments. Participants in the course included instructor Carrie Woods, David Ervin, Mike Biddy, Alex Telegenhof, Chad Bassett, Deadrick Melton, Miller Industries’ Corporate HR Director Bill Beckley, Spencer Adams, Jeremy Tankersley, Wayne Grubb, Corey Blair, David Turner, Alex Beck and Jason Kirk.
Stertil-Koni Sponsored National Lift Week Heavy-duty vehicle lift manufacturer Stertil-Koni (stertil-koni.com) again sponsored National Lift Week in the first week of October, showcasing best practices in vehicle lift safety, service and performance. Now in its fourth year, National Lift Week presented a six-day event to advance knowledge and education associated with safety, usage, service and enhancements in heavy-duty vehicle lifts. Daily topics included Mobile Column Monday, Two-Post Tuesday, Wireless Wednesday, Earthy Thursday, Free-Wheel Lifting Friday and Safety Saturday
Flood Damage to Brakes Bendix (bendix.com) offers the following insights on inspecting and—where possible—reconditioning air brake and wheel-end components that have been submerged in floodwaters. “At the top of the list is the question of whether the floodwater was salt water,” said Jim Szudy, Bendix engineering manager for advanced systems engineering. “If 56 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
the answer is yes, then you should immediately begin replacing parts. … Any brake system valve that’s been submerged in sea water should be replaced, along with air compressors, air reservoirs, antilock brake system (ABS) relay modulators, and brake actuators.” Salt water also heightens the possibility of corrosion at the wheelends, leading to increased chances of rust-jacking and damage to other components. Again, Bendix recommends complete replacement to prevent future failure. If it’s certain the vehicle or trailer was submerged in fresh water, power wash the vehicle and trailer, including the foundation brakes, to assist in determining the condition of components. Then properly check the air brake control systems, including valving and charging. If no evidence of water or contamination is found, thoroughly test the air brake system and ABS before returning the vehicle or trailer to service.
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Bendix recommends retesting— including diagnostic checks of electronic systems such as ABS, full stability, collision mitigation systems, and Automatic Traction Control—30 days after the vehicle or trailer has been returned to service.
Navistar Reports Q3 Results Navistar International (navistar. com) announced a third quarter 2017 net income of $37 million, compared to a third quarter 2016 net loss of $34 million. Revenues were $2.2 billion, up 6 percent from the same period one year ago—primarily due to an increase in truck segment volumes. “We returned to profitability this quarter thanks to strong operational performance across the board, highlighted by a 15-percent increase in charge-outs and solid market share gains amid flat industry conditions, and strengthening margins,” said Troy A. Clarke, Navistar chairman, president/CEO.
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250 Exhibitors 200 Tow Trucks 50 Manufacturers 20 Call Providers & Motor Clubs
he 29th annual American Towman Exposition has been called “One for the Ages.” Thousands of AT Expo fans are wondering what AT is up to this time. This year’s Expo, Nov. 16-19, will be marked in the annals of American History. On Friday, between noon and 1 p.m., the Spirit Ride will proceed down Pratt Street in front of the Baltimore Convention Center to the Inner Harbor. It promises to be among the longest parades of tow trucks ever witnessed. Without hyperbole, the Spirit Ride is the greatest grass-roots towing project since the first tow truck was built in 1916. Born to promote public awareness of the Move Over laws, the ceremonial casket, Spirit, will have relayed through 130 cities, large and small, across America by the time it reaches Baltimore. It will be quite a kick-off to the opening of the Exhibit Hall on Friday at 2 p.m. Attendees will be able to marvel at the custom-built and custompainted “Spirit” throughout the weekend while they are winding their way through a hall packed with more than 250 exhibiting companies
and 1,000-plus exhibits on display. There are 21 wrecker, carrier, trailer, and truck chassis manufacturers exhibiting; more than 50 equipment manufacturers will be among the 250 exhibitors. Everything a tow business owner needs to do business is there, including things you never imagined you could use. For call generation, there are 20 motor clubs and national dispatchers exhibiting, looking for service providers. OK, AT Expo has always presented the most and the best. What’s different this year, more so than any other, is the context of the state of the towing industry. For one, providing towing services today, and trying to compete in the market, is the best of times and the worst of times. AT Expo may be the Promised Land, bringing them all to you in one place. Never has towing equipment been more versatile, durable and high tech. Never has the market been so full of potential allies to help grow a business. Never has the tower been more informed in this age when this magazine reaches every wrecker owner and information abounds on the Internet and through the phenomena of social media. At the same
time, never have insurance costs been so high. Never have relationships with towns and cities been so unpredictable and restrictive. Never have police-tow rates been so disparate from one city to the next. Never has it been tougher to hire and keep a tow operator. All these issues are being addressed by American Towman seminars. Thousands will be in Baltimore simply to get a better handle on their business, or to purchase tow equipment and accessories or to get a boost in business through a call provider. Hundreds more will participate in the American Towman Academy, looking to improve the ways they operate a towing business. All at the game will be there networking among suppliers, educators and their peers, whether on the exhibit floor, the American Wrecker Pageant Hall, or in hospitalities like the Bull & Pig Roast at the Hard Rock Cafe, Calitri’s Cuba at the Powerplant or at spectacular events like Festival Night at the Renaissance Hotel. AT Expo XXIX is the greatest tow show in the world in an age both exciting and challenging.
Exhibit Hours: Friday: 2-5 pm Saturday: 11 am - 6 pm Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm
as of 9/14/17
360 Payments
Exhibitor Roster
360 Payments Mobile Chip Credit card reader and towing specific payment solutions. No contracts!
American Towman Magazine
Bad Dog Tools
The leading publication in the towing and recovery industry for 41 years!
For 29 years we've been making multi-purpose and specialty tools so good we guarantee 'em for life!
Anchor Graphics 4 State Trucks Your leading distributor for quality aftermarket heavy duty truck parts, BAWER toolboxes, chrome and accessories.
Existing to create customized tow signs, parking permits, hang tags for the towing industry!
Badger Glove & Safety
ARI – Phoenix
Beacon Funding
Mobile lifts systems.
The AAA Network of Savings provides superior value to our hard-working highway heroes.
Arkon Mounts
Superior service, fast approvals, and industry expertise, with flexible equipment financing for the tow truck industry.
Arkon Mounts manufactures quality dashboard, console or floor mounts, with charging & security options available.
Pennsylvania State Association representing the mechanical collision and towing industry.
Absolute Perfection Vehicle wrap and applied graphics company that believes in a flawless installation led by a powerful design.
Connected dashboard cameras, GPS tracking, fleet management telematics, wireless phones, DIRECTV.
Best Tools
Access Commercial Capital Provides new or used vehicle and equipment financing & leasing.
Auto Data Direct
Capital One Services
Access Tools The undisputed leader in specialty tools for towing & repo professionals worldwide.
Advantage Funding We provide an array of financing options for both new & used wreckers, rotators and service trucks.
Agero A leader in roadside assistance, offering high volume dispatches, easy online billing and free dispatch software.
all-Grip Vehicle Recovery Systems Dedicated to providing the towing operator with the finest products & tools to get the job done safely. You’re in Good Hands - Delivering a superior customer experience through digital technology and educational tools.
Atlanta Wrecker Sales
Tow123 (Tow mgt system), Direct-Post-Office (certified mailing), DMV123 (real-time vehicle data).
Apply for Capital One Spark Business Card: Unlimited 2% Cashback or 2X Miles on all qualified purchases.
The nation's largest seller of branded title vehicles. Don’t expect the stereotypical used car experience.
Car-Part.com and Cart-PartPro.com creates software that provides auto recyclers with integrated end-to-end work flow.
Automotive Recyclers Association
Dedicated to efficient removal and reuse of automotive parts, and the safe disposal of inoperable motor vehicles. Coaching and consulting auto repair management training.
Ceramic lubricants – good for 30,000 miles. $4 to $8 / qt.
Chelsea Products – Div. of Parker Industries Parker Chelsea the leading power transfer solutions provider to the towing and recovery market.
AutoReturn We can restore a fair and transparent tow distribution in your municipality, maintain your current rate or higher on long-term contract.
Chesapeake Automotive Equipment / Challenger Lifts
AW Direct
Pro-Spot Welding System. Distributors of automotive service and collision repair equipment.
America’s leading supplier of straps, chains, lighting and safety supplies for 30+ years.
Chevron Commercial
B/A Products
Chevron and Vulcan car carriers, wreckers and transporters.
Financial services provider, American Express business cards.
Manufactures the most complete line of chains, wire rope, & web sling products for the towing industry.
Clean Energy Heating Systems
American Safety & Supply
B&B Industries
Offering the finest quality high-visibility clothing & safety equipment at the most competitive pricing.
Manufacturers of quality towing & recovery equipment for over 45 years. Wreckers from 8 to 80 tons.
Roll-up doors, LED lighting.
American Express Open
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
Desktop and Mobile applications with most comprehensive dispatch solution with motor club integration, automated billing, lot management, accounts receivable, & lien processing. We manufacture our own brand of lock out tools. We also supply wireless tow lights and towing equipment.
60 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Beacon Software
Jerr-Dan's #1 distributor for wrecker & carrier sales.
Allstate Road Services
November 17-19 2017
Artic Tundra coat & pants. All safety & Hi Viz apparel.
AAA Mid-Atlantic
Automotive Training Institute
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Jerr-Dan Corp.
in their words
Waste oil furnaces that burn hot and save you money.
The Time & Place for Towmen to Be
Rotator Training
FRIDAY 11/17 Rotator Training
Registration Open Pratt Street Lobby, BCC Friday, 7:30 am - 7 pm Saturday, 7:00 am - 6 pm Sunday, 7:30 am - 4 pm
8 am - 12 noon, BCC
Baltimore Conv. Center/Camden Yards 8 am -12 noon BCC 1-5 Camden Yards Lot H
Registration Open
7:30 am - 5 pm. Pratt Street Lobby, BCC
Friday, 8 am - Noon
AT Academy Seminars Baltimore Convention Center 9 am - 12 noon
American Wrecker Pageant Opens
Donnie Cruse Recovery Conference Luncheon
Conducted by Allstate Roadside Services
11 am Sponsored by American Towman Magazine
Transport from Pratt St. lobby of BCC 9 am Prince George’s Skeet & Trap
AT Spirit Ride Procession
12 noon By Convention Center to Inner Harbor 2 pm - 5 pm Baltimore Convention Center
Spirit Ride Cermony
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Electric Vehicles 4-5 pm Motorad
AT Spirit Ride Ceremony & Reception Seating 5:15
November 17-19 2017
Official Program
62 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Calitri’s Cuba
Co-Sponsored by AutoReturn Luckie’s Tavern, PowerPlant 9 pm - 11 pm
Recovery Billing Course 8 – 12 noon, BCC
AT Academy Seminars 8 – 10 am BCC
Must advance-register
Breakfast for Passport holders
TIM First Responder Training & Certification Friday, 9 am - 1 pm
Exhibit Hall Opens
Order of Towman Cermony
Renaissance Hotel, Watertable Ballroom 6 pm
Festival Night
Ticket required
Renaissance Hotel, Maryland Ballroom Sponsored by American Towman Magazine 7 pm
Luxury Veh. Education, Exhibit Hall C
Conducted by Allstate Roadside Services
Maserati 10:30 am – 11:45 am Mercedes-Benz 12 noon – 1:15 pm
ACE Awards
2 pm Baltimore Convention Center
Co–Sponsored by GEICO, Nation Safe Drivers, USAC/MC
Sunday Pie
Compliments of American Towman Magazine
3 pm Exhibit Hall
Wrecker Pageant Winner’s Ceremony
3:30 pm
Sponsored by American Towman Magazine
Exhibit Hall Closes
4 pm
Official AT Expo Beer Stein purchase thru advanced-registration
Towman Chopper on display in the Pageant Hall
Bull & Pig Roast/Miller Rocks
Hard Rock Cafe-Sponsored by Miller Industries 7:30 pm - 11 pm
General Motors BMW/MIMI 11:30 am – 12:30 pm 1 - 2 pm Maserati Paul’s Technical Corner 3 - 4 pm 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 6 pm
Exhibits Preview: Hall Opens
5:30 pm Baltimore Convention Center
Luxury Vehicle Education, Exhibit Hall C
Exhibit Hall Closes
Conducted by Allstate Roadside Services
Marriott Waterfront Hotel 6:00 pm Must advance-register
Baltimore Convention Center 8 am - 11 Breakfast for Passport holders
Towman Hunt (Skeet) Lunch included
Luxury Vehicle Education, Exhibit Hall C
Captains of Industry
AT Academy Seminars
Towman Monument
Sponsored by B/A Products, AW Direct, WreckMaster
Spirit of Baltimore, Inner Harbor 6:30 pm Boarding/7 pm Sail
8 am - 12 noon
Must advance-register
10 am Exhibits and Pageant
Breakfast for Passport holders
12 noon BCC
AT Welcome Cruise
Rec0very Billing Course
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening 11 am
TIM First Responder Training & Certification
Must advance-register
Miller Rocks
Calitri’s Cuba
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
ComeUp USA ComeUp Winch, the choice of OEM's and Tow Professionals. Offering pulling capacities of 8,000 – 5,000 lbs.
Copart Auto Auctions Copart remarkets salvage & clean title through internet sales utilizing VB3 Technology around the world.
Crouch's Wrecker & Equipment Sales
Your leading distributor of quality aftermarket heavy-duty truck parts, chrome, accessories, lights, tool boxes and more.
The AAA Network of savings provides superior value to our hard-working highway heroes.
The Ultimate Long Reach Kit has virtually every tool you will need to open any vehicle on the road.
For 25 years we have been providing top quality products to the towing industry. Look for Custer Lite-it Wireless.
See Our Ad on Page 114
See Our Ad on Page 97
See Our Ad on Page 105
Custom Radio Digital recording systems, mobile cameras, rear obstruction wireless camera systems, 360º view systems.
Danco Products Towing and hauling equipment manufacturer of wreckers, rollbacks, mult-car carriers and equipment haulers.
Dangelo's Custom Built Mfg. American manufacturer of heavy wreckers from 15-tons to 80-ton rotators.
DewEze Mfg. Free GPS-enabled digital dispatching software. Free demo.
Faster. Smarter. Connected. Providers using digital dispatch say they save an average of 3-5 minutes per dispatch!
See Our Ad on Page 5
See Our Ad on Page 37
DewEze under the hood hydraulic systems provide instant mobile power with the flip of a switch.
DOT Tie Down USA Manufacturer, Towing & Hauling Products, Utility & Standard Ratchet Straps and Hardware
See Our Ad on Page 117
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Miller Industries, Century
American Safety & Supply
Atlanta Wrecker Sales
Auto Data Direct
NON-ANSI Hooded Sweatshirt Teflon coated for water resistance, removable hood, front pockets, medium – 6XL: $59 AT Expo Special - $49.
Freightliner M2 Pros 21ft Jerr-Dan 6-ton steel carrier, alum. wheels, removable rails, toolboxes, 22 head led light bar, wheel lift, hotshift pto $79,900.
Real-time owner and lien holder searches available in 33 states for qualifying companies.
See Our Ad on Page 111
See Our Ad on Page 38
See Our Ad on Page N128 64 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
Dual-Tech Wreckers & Carriers
Eye 3 Data
Manufacturer of quality dependable towing equipment. Carriers, wreckers, parts and service available.
Point Blank offers mobile DVRs, camera and wireless products to meet the growing industry needs.
Dynamic Towing Equip. & Mfg.
Fcar Tech USA Our scanners bring simple, fast, full coverage & bidirectional functions in one tablet tool.
Federal Signal Custer Products
We know the industry and the forces that drive it. We're passionate about getting the funds you need. Get the advantage of our creative loan structuring.
Custom designed imprinted and embroidered sportswear.
East Coast Truck & Trailer Sales
Access Tools
Allstate Roadside Services
Excel Sportswear
Driveline Buddy Safely Secure drivelines in medium + heavy trucks while in tow.
Sales and support of full line Miller Industries tow trucks and tow accessories since 1989.
AAA Mid-Atlantic
Agero RoadsideConnect™
Driveline Buddy
Designs, manufactures, & distributes selfloading wreckers, carriers, slide-ins & rotating rollbacks domestically & internationally.
4 State Trucks
Advantage Funding
Exhibitor Roster
November 17-19 2017
Full service Jerr-Dan distributor (light duty to rotators) and Cottrell Car Haulers, parts, sales, service.
East Penn Truck Equipment Full line Miller Industries dealer as well as various services and dump body applications.
ECCO Worlds most effective and innovative visual and audible warning equipment for commercial vehicles.
Lightbars, beacons, back-up alarms & mobile camera systems.
Find Truck Service National truck service and towing locator for the heavy-duty trucking industry.
FleetComplete FleetComplete is a global provider of IoT solutions for fleet, asset & mobile workforce management.
FleetDown Heavy duty breakdown service with two printed directories and three websites.
eComply Online compliance assurance solution.
Fleetmatics, a Verizon Company
Enovative Technologies
Fleetmatics is a leading global provider of mobile workforce solutions for service-based businesses.
Personal Tens units and devices to improve peoples health.
FleetNet America Environmental Chemical Solutions We teach you how to get paid for what you already do – Cleaning up spills at accident scenes.
FleetNet makes your business better by increasing revenue, improving cash flow, and driving cost savings.
s you read this, wrecker owners are planning to enter some amazing tow trucks into the world’s premier truck pageant. I say truck because the American Wrecker Pageant is the greatest of any kind. From classes, Vintage to Heavy Duty Rotator, these trucks naked would be a draw. Add the amazing graphics, either painted or wrapped front to back, and you have a heavy-metal art show. The Carrier class will wind up with four winners; first, second, third, and Best Presentation (usually influenced by what is carried on the bed, such as antique car or hot rod). All classes have three top spots, first place earning the legendary Silver-plated trophy. Judges pick all winners except for Best of Show, voted on by the attendees. Real estate is expensive inside the Baltimore Convention Center where the Pageant is held, so holding a berth in this Pageant earns true prestige. In other words, not everyone can get in. This year only 60 wreckers and carriers will be allowed to enter. (Policy: First-come, first-serve through advance registration.) Pageant history has seen wreckers trek all the way from Oregon, Canada, Texas and Florida. Several contestants have brought along the artists who custom-painted their trucks. For instance, you’ll see Cecil Burrowes, renowned wrecker artist and painter of the Spirit casket, moseying around the Pageant Hall. He’ll have eight entries which he painted in the competition.
Flitz International Premium polishing products: Flitz metal polish, aluminum pre-clean, sealant, speed wax, polishing buff balls, and microfibers.
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
Globe Trailers
10-year warranty. Get top-notch service & quality for LESS. Sales, parts & service.
Int'l Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame & Museum Preserving the history of the towing industry for over 22 years!
GM Consultants FlowStop FlowStop’s world class spill kit’s, products & equipment for first responders & towing and recovery professionals.
Business broker specializing in towing and auto salvage. Find out what your company is worth.
Hale Trailer Brake & Wheel Force America The leading innovator in mobile hydraulic solutions and your national source for Parker Chelsea PTO’s.
Ford Commercial Vehicles Built Ford Tough, synonymous with the rugged capability, outstanding performance & dependability of Ford trucks.
Free State Nam Knights A non-profit organization raising money for U.S.Veteran & law enforcement families in need.
This recently completed Jets Towing wrecker, painted by noted tow-truck artist Cecil Burrowes, will be at the 2017 pageant.
Full service trailer dealership specializing in the tow industry offering sales, parts, rentals, service & financing.
Intergrated Vehicle & Equipment Leasing As a national direct lender since 1999, Integrated has been providing leasing & financing for the tow truck industry.
Intek Truck / Equipment Leasing
Hino Trucks
Customized, flexible, lease & finance options for all trucks & equipment. Exclusive finance programs up to 10 years.
Medium-duty conventional and cab forward trucks.
International Truck®
Honk Technologies The leading motor club alternative that connects towing/roadside providers to customers 24/7, nationwide.
International® Truck produces medium-duty, heavy-duty, & severe service commercial vehicles sold throughout North America.
InvenTel Auto DVR
Hooks Towing & Equipment
Gantt Insurance Agency
Providing you with quality towing supplies since 1999.
Independent VA Insurance agent since 1988 specializing in towing & garage.
I Tow In
Leading industry innovator offering an extensive range of standard, medium & heavyduty wreckers, carriers & rotators.
ITI Skates products, control arm, container. All purpose, machinery, etc.
Kalyn Siebert
INA / Wreaths Across America
Trailers for the towing industry. Sliding axles, bus transports and hydraulic detaches.
The country’s second largest automobile insurance company which provides its own outstanding Emergency Road Service.
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: NRC Industries
66 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Exhibitor Roster
November 17-19 2017
National Wreaths Across America Day; to remember, honor, teach by wreath-laying ceremonies.
Jerr-Dan Corporation
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
Landoll Corp. Manufacturer of specialized equipment transport trailers, traveling axle and detachables. Galvanizing and new HOSS hydraulic systems.
Exhibitor Roster Marlow Ropes
Metro Tow Trucks
Synthetic fiber ropes for winching and vehicle recovery offer significant strength, handling & safety improvement.
Manufacturer of high quality light, medium and heavy-duty wreckers and rotators.
Midwest Keyless Martens Johnson Insurance
LEDLIGHTS Emergency and safety warning lights, electronic road flares, thrifty flares, work lights, Breastbar™ Light Bar.
Lodar USA Wireless Radio Remote controls for many different applications.
AW Direct
B/A Products
Imagine a world where law enforcement tows are distributed fairly between professional companies who meet service standards. Think it's impossible? Think again!
Magnetic Axle Strap Exclusively from AW Direct! Unique strap includes magnetic base that holds tight for easier attachment.
Exclusive new recovery tool that allows you added safety while getting the most out of your synthetic slings.
See Our Ad on Page 33
See Our Ad on Page 23
See Our Ad on Pages 40, 41
See Our Ad on Page 47
See Our Ad on Page 48
Chesapeake Automotive Equipment / Challenger Lift Challenger Mobile Column Lifts Mobile heavy-duty lifting solutions lifts 54K to 184K wireless operation integrated charging system and batteries included mechanical locking system.
Chevron Commercial
ComeUp USA
Your one stop shop for Chevron and Vulcan Car Carriers, wreckers & parts. We are the eye candy of the Industry!
The ComeUp Bison series hydraulic winches feature our Multi-Disc Brake and built-in air clutch. Available in 20,000 – 50,000 pound capacities.
See Our Ad on Page 92
Matheny Motor Truck
Mobile Video Computing Solutions
68 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Manufacturer Express Distributor of hooks, chains and tow accessories.
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: B & B Industries
See Our Ad on Page 36
See Our Ad on Page N130
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
The World Leader in towing and recovery equipment. Manufacturers of the industry leading brands Century, Vulcan, Chevron, and Holmes.
Millner-Haufen Tool
Tow truck magnets that look exactly like your tow truck – best give away ever!
272F Series Power Take-Off Compact housing. SAE B & C flanges and shafts available. Torque ratings up to 300 lbs-ft.
Miller Industries
Seated massage and fast massage. Back, shoulder, neck or foot massage. 10 minute minimum.
Magnetworks / Stamp Works
Century 1075 Ready to do your heavy lifting. 75-ton rotator features 3-stage boom with 264” of extended reach and 360º rotation.
Largest towing and recovery full service dealership and Jerr-Dan distributor. Truck sales, parts, service and body mounting.
Lynch Chicago
The Shop Business Analysis (SBA) is a diagnostic check that uncovers the strengths & weaknesses of your shop.
Beacon Software Dispatch Anywhere™ Total Towing & Roadside Management No set-up fee and free lifetime training. Featuring smartphone driver apps, automatic motor club billing, comprehensive accounting package and more.
Flatbed, rollback, and wrecker sales.
Massage Corner (Time Out Seated Massage)
See Our Ad on Page 2
Chelsea Products – Div. of Parker Industries
Midwest Wrecker
Landoll, Talbert, Felling & Trail King. Slide axle and low bed trailers. Parts & service.
Management Success!
Midwest Keyless is a nationwide supplier of new and high-quality refurbished and replacement automotive remotes.
Maryland Carrier & Wrecker Sales/Beltway
Lucky's Trailer Sales
Miller Industries & Talbert trailer dealer. Large new and used inventories and full parts / service departments.
Beacon Software
Your local insurance agency specializing in towing and transportation insurance since 1984.
November 17-19 2017
Millner-Haufen offers drill bits, fabrication tools, cutting tools, and grinding equipment.
Full line Miller Industries dealer with locations in West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia and now Kentucky.
Live streaming, hardware, software, monitoring and cloud solutions for municipal, repo and roadside towing industries.
Matjack Jumbo Safelift
Motor Guardian Cam
Matjack air bags, underwater and jumbo cushions, landing bags, rigging, lighting & cribbing.
MGC is a commercial-grade camera systems provider specializing in driver behavior coaching & asset protection.
Muncie Power Products
Text message solutions for customer/staff communications, ETA, follow up, GPS location requests via text.
A leading manufacturer of power take-offs and hydraulic components for mobile applications.
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
Myers, Benner Corp. Property, liability, on-hook, cargo, workman's comp.
Exhibitor Roster Omadi
People's United Equipment Finance
A mobile workforce management software configured to match your towing operations current best practices.
Offering financing and leasing of heavy/lightduty, new or used towing equipment.
Nation Safe Drivers (NSD)
Crouch's Wrecker & Equip. Sales Come speak with our friendly and knowledgeable staff! Full line Miller distributor. We can fill any of your equipment needs!
Danco Products
DewEze Hydraulics
Danco is a leading manufacturer of towing and hauling equipment. Our bodies are strong and dependable.
2017 Ford 6.8L Gas Powering the wrecker industry with clutch pump kits for more than 20 years.
See Our Ad on Page 49
See Our Ad on Page 106
OMG National Tow marketing experts! Over 1,000 U.S. tow bosses trust their online marketing to OMG!
PAC Tool Mounting Solutions manufactures high quality tool mounting brackets. Guaranteed for life.
National Automobile Club
Phoenix USA
For 90+ years NAC has been committed to our customers, service providers & to being the best.
Brings a much needed service improvement to create a trouble-free Parking Management Environment.
Wheel simulators and accessories, lightbars, lighting products, emergency lighting, storage products, Alena wheels and accessories.
National Purchasing Partners
On Track
Photo Card Specialists
Enjoy discounts with companies like Verizon Wireless, Expedia, Air Gas, Sherwin Williams, Impac Fleet and more!
Connected dash board cameras, gps tracking, Fleet Management Telematics.
Manufacturing photo business products for 30 years. Business cards, post cards, calendars, greeting cards & more.
OPS Wireless Ningbo Jiangbei Ton Lifting Industry Co.
See Our Ad on Page 39
Performance Advantage Company
A forward thinking motor club working to make a positive change to benefit our partners and clients.
Ton Lifting NB is a professional manufacturer in innovation design and production for tie down straps.
NRC Industries Manufacturer of towing and recovery equipment renowned throughout the world for their strength and reliability.
Designs and manufactures OEM-specified radio remote controls and integrated machine control systems.
Pneu-Tek Tire Tools
DispatchPlus by pdvWireless allows managers to talk, locate & manage their field and office teams.
Penny Pockets Custom embroidered jackets & shirts.
Olson & Company Axle Caps axle covers for towing buses and trucks.
Driveline Buddy
Dual-Tech Wreckers & Carriers
Spring-loaded suspender bar installed into the frame of the truck U-shaped cradle to rest the driveline in.
Manufactures a full line of quality, low profile towing and recovery equipment. See Our Ad on Page 115
See Our Ad on Page N123
Dynamic Towing Equip. & Mfg. Dynamic Radius Rotating Rollback Dynamic’s New Radius rotates 240 degrees, minimal moving parts, designed for recovery with little road blockage, 4 year warranty. See Our Ad on Page 106
East Penn Truck Equipment Full Line Miller Industries towing equipment dealer. See our custom built trucks! See Our Ad on Page 22
Expo Subscription Specials!
American Towman Magazine One of a kind American Towman and Spirit Ride items free with your paid subscription at the show.
GEICO’s Emergency Road Service Come see how you can join the elite in providing exceptional customer service to GEICO’s 14.5 million customers and 22 million automobiles. See Our Ad on Inside Back Cover
70 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Metro Tow Trucks
November 17-19 2017
Full line of portable, impact driven tools for mounting & dismounting tires.
Offering franchises for road service and residential locksmiths.
PowerBilt Wrecker Mfg. Comparable to anything else on the market. Manufacturer & customization of heavy duty wreckers and rotators.
Penske Truck Leasing Penske operates more than 240,000 vehicles & serves customers from more than 1,000 locations.
Powerhouse Industries 12/24 Volt heavy-duty jump start equipment, DC-Matic 1000 Footpound hammer torque wrench.
e’ve all heard the proverbial bit of wisdom from friends and family: to get ahead it’s all about who you know. Then someone coined the term “networking” some 30 years ago and that term has ruled business circles since. Networking suggests a complex web of references and experience, knowledge and power. One feels all of that throughout AT Expo’s myriad networking events and opportunities. Start with the exhibit floor inside the Baltimore Convention Center where you run into everybody and anybody. The talk on the floor throughout the course of the threeday show has been invaluable to tow business owners: something shared by another tower or a prod-
uct expert, or a rep from an exhibiting service company. One often hears something significant that would not have reached him inside his local bubble. Many come to AT Expo hoping to hear some good word on insurance rates during this time when insurance companies have filleted the tow business owner. Some insurance companies on the floor are trying to work with tow companies. Many come hoping to hear words of wisdom about getting onto the town’s towing rotation, or maybe how to find and keep drivers. Towers with gray hair are sought out. Many are scouting the roster of motor clubs and call providers exhibiting on the show floor, and talking to any tower who has had experience working with this or that club.
There are towers this year coming to Baltimore to see if they can get onto the Spirit Ride route for 2018. Whether it’s for a belief in the cause, the prospect of getting interviewed by TV news, or just the prestige of being a Spirit Rider, many towers are coming to Baltimore spurred by this interest. Towers at AT Expo are rubbing shoulders and comparing notes at the many special events: Calitri’s Cuba and Miller Rocks, the American Towman Academy and the Donnie Cruse Recovery Luncheon, Festival Night and the American Wrecker Pageant to name but a few of the events. American Towman is called the networking mecca of the towing industry and for good reason.
Networking Opportunities
Academy Corridor:
Where seminar attendees congregate before each seminar session, grabbing breakfast, batting the breeze, comparing notes on their tow operations. Time as valuable as the seminars themselves. Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Academy Seminars: Share information with others in the classrooms; talk with the presenters. Exhibit Floor: You never know who you’ll run into and what you’ll learn, whether inside an exhibit booth, in the aisles, or at one of the American Towman cafés. More than 250 exhibiting companies and 1,000 exhibitor personnel. American Towman Café: The food court features live blue grass music and live towmen and women. Get a load off your feet and enjoy the company.
The Captains of Industry Conference will have a Spirit Ride agenda focused on media outreach programs going forward. The dinner features surf and turf at the legendary long table. Jacket and ties. $75 per person.
While there are many venues at AT Expo for great networking, none is more diverse than the Exhibit floor, where expertise and experience abounds inside the exhibit booths and in the aisles. There's usually some business angle to the conversation, wherever one is engaged, but it's not uncommon for two towers to lean against a wrecker and lose themselves in war stories.
November 17-19 2017 72 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Easy online Registration @ ATExposition.com
Towman Skeet: Getting away from it all, enjoying the camaraderie of other tow business owners from around the country. Time for great conversation. Friday morning. Donnie Cruse Recovery Luncheon: For recovery diehards, be prepared to share your most challenging recovery. Friday noon. Spirit Ride Ceremony: If you covet the safety of the tow operators working for you, you’ll be on common ground with those attending the Spirit Ride Reception & Ceremony, Friday 5:10 p.m. Bull & Pig Roast - Miller Rocks! Chill out inside the Hard Rock Café or out in the tent at the canal. Moments unpressured, unexpected. Friday night. Calitri’s Cuba: Lay back, guard down, and enjoy a premium cigar with the world’s greatest storytellers. You’re behind the front lines with all the generals.
Captains of Industry: Enjoy a surf-and-turf dinner with towing’s movers and shakers at the legendary Long Table. This year’s dinner conference focuses on the Spirit Ride media strategy. Be part of it. Thursday evening. Festival Night: Towers are honored for their heroism, their stories told. Steeped in ceremony and tradition, Festival Night is reason alone to attend the American Towman Exposition. Feel the pride! This year features a special tribute to the Spirit Riders. Saturday night. American Wrecker Pageant: At the world’s greatest truck pageant, there’s a lot to learn from the contestants, and friends to make. Sunday Pie: The great equalizer. No matter who you’re standing or sitting next to eating pie, you all have something in common. Sunday at 3 p.m.
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
Hale Trailer Brake & Wheel
First Faymonville MegaMax with steerable axles built for the US market. 50-Ton trailer extends to 42’ and has a deck height of 14”.
Conventional, Cab-over, Hybrid, AwardWinning Medium Duty Trucks. Hino Trucks is the fastest growing medium-duty truck company in America.
See Our Ad on Page N131
See Our Ad on Page 21
Intek Truck/ Equipment Leasing
Integrated Vehicle & Equipment Leasing As a national direct lender since 1999, Integrated has been providing leasing and financing for the tow truck industry. See Our Ad on Page 56
Jerr-Dan Corp.
Kalyn Siebert
Offers customized and flexible lease & financing options for all new and used towing equipment. Exclusive finance programs for up to 10 years.
Roll up ready! Jerr-Dan family of JFB Wreckers, durable, non-corrosive body backed with a limited Lifetime Warranty, ensuring no vehicle is left behind.
HRG-3-50T Bus Transport The complete package for bus, RV and construction hauling applications making it the ultimate choice for versatility and durability.
See Our Ad on Page 108
See Our Ad on Back Cover
See Our Ad on Page 45
Landoll Corp.
Lodar USA
Lynch Chicago
855 HD Detachable & 440A Traveling Axle Landoll New NGL series are equipped with the Rexroth hydraulic valve providing greatly improved operational speed and a highvisibility lighting package.
Lodar 3 AMP Mini System Small compact radio remote unit ideally used for single function applications such as winch control.
Full line Miller Industries distributor. The finest towing equipment available. The right equipment at the right price, right away.
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Powerbilt Wrecker
See Our Ad on Page 55
See Our Ad on Page 114
See Our Ad on Page 25 74 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Dual-Tech Wreckers & Carriers
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November 17-19 2017
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Vulcan
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
Pro-Vision Video Systems PRO-VISION® Video Systems, BODYCAM®, & SecuraMax™ ®: reliable, simple, affordable commercial mobile video & video management solutions.
Exhibitor Roster RC Industries
RP Recovery Consulting
RC tool boxes, storage systems, bumpers & metal fabrications
Distributor of Sonetics Wireless Hands Free Headsets. A better way to communicate on recovery scene.
Recovery Billing Unlimited Advanced business management classes.
Rydin Decal
Renew Truck Body
Industry leading manufacturer of affordable, durable, high-quality tow signs & warning decals.
Purpose Wrecker Authorized distributor for Century and Vulcan Wrecker Equipment.
Polymer replacement body for tow / wreckers.
Quest Towing Services Dispatching towing and roadside events nationwide for over 50 clients.
Manufacturer Express Keeping on the cutting edge of the towing industry, we have continued our Stainless Steel line with a 2''x5' Underlift Axle Strap. Maintenance Free! See Our Ad on Page 115
Maryland Carrier & Wrecker Sales 22” MD Flag Wrapped Wireless TowMate Light bar Great deals on towing equipment and parts including some of the lowest prices on TowMate wireless rechargeable tow lights.
Matheny Motor Trucks
Ram Trucks
One of the largest selections of quality equipment from Miller Industries with the Matheny Motors custom touch. #1 heavy duty sales!
FIAT Chrysler Automobiles manufactures fleet specific vehicles for the commercial, government, and rental industries.
See Our Ad on Page 35
Ramsey Winch Leading manufacturer of Hydraulic/Electric, Worm & Planetary Winches & Hoists. Using advanced processes & premium materials.
See Our Ad on Page N134
Santander Bank Ricky’s Sales & Service Ricky’s Sales + Service family owned + operated since 1972 – we’re here to serve you!
Offers a simple application process, quick credit decisions, flexible programs & customized payments schedules.
Sepson AB Road America Since 1978, a leading motor club with strong focus on light duty & heavy duty services.
A leading manufacturer of recovery winches designed to spool perfectly every time.
Shanghai Jini Special Rope Roadside Protect Roadside dispatching and program administration for over 15 years. Unique / innovative model for the industry.
Ranger SST
JINGLI winch & uhmwpe ropes, tow straps, truck protectors, cargo, storage, safety & climbing nets.
#1 all-in-one tow management solution with lot management, transport scheduling, and private property impound.
Robert Young's NRC Sales & Service
Razor Wraps
Rotary Lift
Distributor for NRC, B/A Products, all-Grip, TowMate, Collins Dollies & more!
Heavy-duty mobile lift and accessory manufacturer.
Specialty Vehicle Equipment Funding Designs and wraps for all wreckers.
Matjack Jumbo Safelift
Miller Industries
OMG National
Matjack high, medium and low pressure airbags, jumbo cushions, landing bags, underwater recovery cushions, plastic cribbing and fiber mats.
Century 12-Series LCG Right Approach Check out the 12-Series LCG Right Approach carrier and Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series #24 car.
See Our Ad on Page 19
See Our Ad on Pages 40,41
OMG Crush – Paid Search. Done Smart. OMG Crush offers tow pro's premium level pay per-click ads across Google, Bing, and extended networks. Top placement. Flat fee model. See Our Ad on Page 117
Performance Advantage Co.
Phoenix USA
Powerbilt Wreckers Mfg.
PAC has been producing top performing tool and equipment mounting systems for nearly 26 years.
Galvanized Powder Coated Steel Toolbox Available in 36 L x 18 D x 18 H and 48 L x 18 D x 18 H corrosion resistant tested beyond 1,000 hours of exposure to calcium chloride.
PB50SR/ 50-Ton Powerbilt Integrated Built for performance and longevity. Keeps you tackling the toughest recoveries with a safe and a quick clearance.
See Our Ad on Page N135
See Our Ad on Page 111
76 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Specialty Vehicle finances tow trucks and specialty equipment. Easy application process. Quick turnaround financing.
Call Providers & Motor Clubs AAA Agero Allstate Roadside Services AutoReturn Copart Auto Auctions FleetNet America GEICO Honk Technologies National Automobile Club (NAC) Nation Safe Drivers (NSD) Penske Truck Leasing Quest Towing Services Road America Roadside Protect TTN Fleet Solutions United States Auto Club M/D (USAC/MD) Urgent.ly
Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Dangelo’s Custom Built
See Our Ad on Page 57
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Rotary Lift offers a full line of vehicle lifts and accessories for virtually any application.
November 17-19 2017
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
ow! It’s what everybody says about American Towman’s legendary hospitality. Unbelievable! A little secret, its origin is a mom who was always there by your plate with a second and third serving … bring home a friend, same thing. Breaking bread is extending the hand of friendship. AT Expo attendees feel that outreached hand with every hospitality. It begins with little things, like the champagne toast to the Towman of the Year at the Captains of Industry Dinner to meals like the breakfasts treated to Academy attendees. Friday night attendees feel the welcome at the Spirit Ride Reception & Ceremony, the Bull & Pig Roast - Miller Rocks! at the Hard Rock Cafe, followed by the Cigar Smoker, Calitri’s Cuba. Miller Rocks is towing’s premier party with live music, magic and comfort food. Calitri’s Cuba is the industry’s amazing event where stories fly among the field generals of towing. The free doesn’t stop and extends into Super Sunday with Sunday Pie. Everyone loves good pie and the showfloor Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. presents a pie spectacular—all you can eat—with an assortment of America’s favorite pies.
Miller Rocks at the Hard Rock
Sunday Pie
Powerhouse Industries
Quest Towing Services
Ranger SST
New technology FIR2000 for Infrared radiant heater. No-smell, no-smoke, no-noise. Sleek design. Low intensity 200,000 BTU power 98.9% efficient.
Dispatching towing and roadside events nationwide for over 50 clients.
The #1 all-in-one solution for towing, recovery, roadside assistance, lot management, private property enforcement, GPS, HOS/ ELD, and task maintenance.
78 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
See Our Ad on Page 93
See Our Ad on Page 55
Calitri’s Cuba in the Power Plant
Renew Truck Body
Road America
Custom Polymer Body With a Renew Truck Body you get what you want: extreme durability w/ more space, compartments and specialized storage.
Since 1978, Road America has been a leading motor club with strong focus on light duty & heavy duty services. Weekly pay through direct deposit.
Santander offers a simple application process, quick credit decisions, flexible programs and customized payment schedules. Finance with a leader.
See Our Ad on Page N130
See Our Ad on Page 54
See Our Ad on Page 43
Sponsored by:
Steck Mfg. Co.
The Will-Burt Company
Specialty Vehicle Funding is a direct lender providing fast financing for tow trucks, trailers, service vehicles and other specialty equipment.
Fourth Wheel Loader Allows drivers to load and secure vehicles up to 5 tons with broken ball joints and locked wheels on roll back wreckers.
Night Scan HDT Night Scan is a full line of light towers that improves safety, efficiency, and makes you more money.
See Our Ad on Page 58
See Our Ad on Page 46
See Our Ad on Page 50
Specialty Vehicle Equip. Funding
November 17-19 2017
See Our Ad on Page 52
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AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
SpeedTech Lights Manufacturer of emergency, warning & offroad LED vehicle lighting.
Exhibitor Roster T-Max Hangzhou Technology Co.
TJR Equipment
T-MAX is the Chinese manufacturer of electric and hydraulic winches, special and reliable.
Your service for switch panels, hand held controls and lighting systems.
Spill Tackle
TLC Truck & Equipment
Absorbent products proven to save time on the road and money for your towing company.
T.R.P. Maryland
Talbert Mfg.
Payments Processing. Accept every way your customers want to pay.
Manufactures high quality heavy haul trailers and specialized transportation equipment including lowbed and travel axles.
TOMAR Electronics
TCF Equipment Financing
TomTom Telematics
Maryland state towing association.
Jerr-Dan Distributor for rollback/wrecker tow trucks and towing equipment. Hammar distributor for sideloader trailers. TOMAR- Setting the new standard for your "on scene" safety.
Steck Mfg. Co. Steck MFG Brand tools; lockout and towing tools.
TLC Truck & Equipment
Towbook Management
Towing Payment Solutions
Side Loader The Hammer trailer is built for heavy duty recovery. Unload and offload while cargo remains level, 25 ton capacity.
Cloud-based towing software for managing motor club calls, digital dispatching, mobile apps for iPhone and Android, impounds and private properties.
Save with Xpress-Pay! Keep your current credit card processor and reduce the high fees involved. Simple, secure, and accessible!
Steril-Koni, USA
See Our Ad on Page 93
See Our Ad on Page 11
See Our Ad on Page 55
Heavy duty vehicle lifts. Bus lifts to truck lifts, we do it all. Superwinch's 47 years of experience is unmatched in engineering, designing, and building winches.
sureFleet Fleet maintenance software focused on efficient management, fuel tracking, repair costs, trip inspections, and more!
Swoop The easiest towing software you will ever use!
Transfer Flow
We are an interactive career site for the towing industry where job seekers and employers come together.
Replacement Fuel Tank for 2017 Ford SWB Super Duty Truck Increase fuel capacity and driving range on 2017 Ford Super Duty SWB truck with a 60-gallon replacement fuel tank system.
Urgent.ly pays you more! Earn more money and get more jobs through our on-demand roadside assistance service.
See Our Ad on Page 56
See Our Ad on Page 99
See Our Ad on Page 32
Warn Industries
V-70 with 3rd Winch Option Heavy-duty recoveries got easier with 3rd winch option for Vulcan V-70. 22,000 lb. rated auxiliary winch. Perfect for difficult recovery situations.
Warn Industries increases Hydraulic Series Winches’ performance and durability allowing for increased productivity and more money in workers’ pockets.
Weego® Jump Starter 66 NEW handheld, pro-grade powerhouse capable of jump starting 10L gas and 5L diesel engines; tactical-grade 600 lumen flashlight. Quick-charges phones.
See Our Ad on Pages 40, 41
80 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
See Our Ad on Page 34
See Our Ad on Page 99
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TCFEF is widely recognized as one of the premier tow and recovery equipment finance companies in the US.
The Barnacle® Parking Enforcement Systems Revolutionary parking enforcement.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Program
November 17-19 2017
TOPS® by towXchange Full service towing & impound management system. Mobile tools, Motor Club, GPS, lien, auction.
Tow Canada Tow Canada tells the story of Canadian towing professionals, delivering educational content from industry experts.
The Will-Burt Company Night Scan light towers provide 360° of overhead lighting improving safety and recovery speed.
Tow Life
Time-Out Seated Massage Corner
Tow Recruiter
Seated Massage – Back, shoulder, and neck or foot massage. 10 minute minimum. Manufacturer’s Spotlight: Dynamic Towing Equipment & Mfg.
Fleet management & telematics to improve vehicle performance, save fuel, support drivers and increase fleet efficiency.
Our brand describes the lifestyle of our customers tow life 24/7. Need a driver? Find them at towRecruiter.com. All towing, all the time!
estival Night this year honors the Spirit Riders along with our industry’s heroes who put their lives on the line. Those who participated in the Rides this year will be honored with a special tribute before the Heroes march in for the American Towman Medal Cere-
mony. Thrill to the sound of the Mike Corbin Band performing live, the Towman Ballads like “The Road Calls” and “Booms in the Sky,” along with American favorites like “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down,” “Glory Road” and “Folsom Prison Blues.” Plus, the world premiere performance of “We Got Bobby’s Law,” a song inspired by Robert Unruh Jr, killed on Feb. 19, 2017 by a passing truck. This Festival Night will be “One for the Ages.” Enjoy a gourmet dinner at the Renaissance Hotel and receive the gift of the commemorative Spirit Ride Coin.
Festival Night attendees receive the Spirit Ride Coin. Spirit Riders will be wearing their lapel pin.
What’s New at AT Expo?
Spirit Riders, TIMS Training, Federal Highway, Insurance Comeback, Lemon Meringue Pie
very year there are new attractions at the American Towman Exposition lending a fresh atmosphere to a storied event steeped in tradition and ceremony. The thrill will be in the air outside the Baltimore Convention Center on Friday at noon as the Spirit Ride comes by with the Spirit casket, followed by the largest truck parade the state of Maryland has ever seen. Then at 5:30 p.m., the Spirit Ride Ceremony will feature Mike Corbin and his wife, Ilce, who will have performed 140 Spirit Ride Ceremonies since June 1.
November 17-19 2017
TIMS First Responder Training and Certification comes to AT Expo for the first time. This is the training program from the Federal Highway Administration that is being mandated in states across the nation, and is expected to be mandatory in Maryland soon. It’s free! Advance registration is suggested to be guaranteed a classroom berth. Take one of the four-hour training sessions: Friday, 8 a.m. to noon; or Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bill Johnson of Hampshire Towing presents one of the premiere
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seminars at the American Towman Academy. Bill is also president of the Statewide Towing Association of Massachusetts. He has battled insurance companies on several fronts, successfully. He diversified into accident remediation (cleanup) and learned how to collect from the insurance companies. This seminar is for the tow boss who wants to turn the tables. Sunday Pie has added a new variety to its extravaganza—lemon meringue—that joins Sunday’s roster of blueberry, apple, pumpkin, cherry and chocolate cream pies.
AT Expo Exhibit Highlights
Exhibit highlights of American Towman display advertisers
Tow Werx Wrecker-Carrier manufacturer utilizing proven and advanced technologies to provide reliability and ease of service.
Exhibitor Roster Trail-Eze Trailers / Dakota Mfg.
Warn Industries
For over 50 years we have built custom trailers to work hard like you do!
Manufactures electric and hydraulic winches and hoists for commercial and industrial applications.
Transfer Flow Towbook Management Software Cloud-based towing software for motor club calls, digital dispatching, mobile apps, impounds & private properties.
West End Service
Whelen Engineering Co.
Worldwide Equipment Sales
2018 White Pete 389HD Tri-Axle • Century 1150 50 ton Cummins ISX 585 HP, 18-spd Manual, 20K FA, 20K PA, 46K RA on AR, (5) Winch Rotator, HHU Underlift, Wireless Controls, Boom/Tailboard.
Pioneer LiFe™ Battery-powered portable area light combining Pioneer SlimLine™ optics with the flexibility of a grab-and-go light.
Full service Jerr-Dan, Landoll, Cottrell dealer. Four locations to server you better. 200+ in stock units ready for immediate delivery.
See Our Ad on Page 14
See Our Ad on Page 51
See Our Ad on Page N128
Wrecker/ Carrier Manufacturers
B&B Industries Danco Dangelo’s Custom Built Dual-Tech Wreckers & Carriers Dynamic Tow. Equip. & Mfg. Jerr-Dan Corp.
Metro Tow Trucks Miller Industries (Century, Chevron, Holmes, Vulcan) NRC Industries Powerbilt Wreckers
Trailer Manufacturers Landoll Corp. Talbert Mfg. Trail-Eze Globe Trailers Kalyn Siebert
Corporate Sponsors
Chassis Manufacturers
Ford Commercial Vehicles Hino Trucks International Truck Ram Trucks
Serving the industry with innovative recovery solutions through a combination of consultation, training, and professional equipment sales.
A manufacturer of “made in the USA” aftermarket and OEM fuel tank systems. America's authority in medium and heavy duty towing, transportation, tires & Emergency Roadside Services. Family owned and operated agency providing towing/recovery, auto transporter insurance throughout the U.S.
TTN Fleet Solutions Industry partner assisting tow and repair partners with increased local opportunities through national sales program.
United Plastic Fabricating
Registry for the towing industry. Thousands of companies use Towing.com to help build a vital internet presence.
The PolyBody®, new and will NEVER rust! Replacement tow truck bodies that will never rust!
Towing Payment Systems
United Propane Autogas Group / ICOM North America
Complete online marketing solutions for towing companies. Proven track record, hundreds of satisfied customers, driving cash calls.
ToZing Towing with technology – a movement to making towing great again!
Tracker Management Systems Cloud & Enterprise Towing software. iOS and Android driver apps. 24/7 TechSupport. Exceptional Service. Since 1986.
Propane use in vehicles, viable, safe, clean, affordable alternative fuel for the future.
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November 17-19 2017
Weego heavy-duty portable power products: jumpstart, charge, power and provide tactical grade lighting too.
West End Service Miller Industries Full Line distributor of wreckers and carriers. Medium-duty international dealer.
Wheel Collision Center Excellence in alloy wheel sales, repair and refinishing. Stocking thousands of refinished and used OEM wheels.
Whelen Engineering Co. Manufacturer of warning light systems; technologies used include halogen, strobe, LED and Super-LED®.
Whiterail Reviews Whiterail Reviews integrates with your dispatch software to effortlessly drive positive online reviews and driver reporting.
Urgent.ly Global-On Demand digital roadside assistance provider.
US Fleet Tracking Live Vehicle tracking with 10-second updates, PTO monitoring, no controls, no hidden fees.
USAC / MD Emergency roadside provider to heavy duty trucks, automobiles and motorcycles.
VF Image Wear/Red Kap High-Visibility Safety Apparel A leading supplier of ANSI compliant high visibility safety apparel and uniform apparel.
84 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Travis Barlow Insurance
The Industry's only national membership association, offering leadership, representation & the gold standard in certification.
Sell us your Key Fobs! WE pay more, we pay faster, we treat you better!
Transit Pros
Towing & Recovery Association of America
Personalized Xpress-Pay portal, earn residual income on credit card payments, keep your current processor!
We Buy Key Fobs
Worldwide Equipment Sales Jerr-Dan, Landoll, Cottrell, Zacklift, Minuteman dealer. 4 locations, best parts, prices; new & used truck trailers.
WreckMaster WreckMaster offers operator training and certification along with a wide selection of rigging and recovery products.
Xinhua Yongqian Vehicles Factory YQ Specializes in making utility trailers, boat trailers under DOT and VIN.
Zip's Truck Equipment Largest selection of new & used tow trucks, car carriers, towing accessories & replacement parts.
Sharing Experience & Knowledge Inspiring Conference Seminars; Enjoy Breakfast Hospitality! $125 Passport (thru advance-registration) Access all seminars!
Towing & Recovery Conference Chain and Connecting Links
Learn how to identify the different grades of chain and how their working load limits are critical to safe operation. Terry Abejuela, American Towman Magazine. Friday, 9 a.m.
Rotator Challenges
Listen in as Jerr-Dan's Heavy Duty team focuses on the current challenges rotators and their operators face today. They will lean-in on some of the demands of the industry and the regions it serves, and how those challenges can be tasked with confidence. Shane Coleman and Richard Guttmann Jr., Jerr-Dan. Friday, 10:00 a.m.
“Scooby’s Mystery Theater”
An entertaining theatrical review of air cushion jobs worldwide. Howard “Scooby” Eagan, Matjack Jumbo Safelift. Saturday, 8 a.m.
Bob & Eric Fouquette This is the famous 8-hour course that teaches you how to charge the value of recovery work and collect from insurance companies. Fee includes two company personnel, the Boss and billing clerk. Sat. & Sun., 8 a.m.-12 noon
Extreme Lifts
Rigging requirements for lifts and winching with multiple trucks and how these types of lifts should be approached. Bruce Campbell, WreckMaster. Sunday, 9 a.m.
Calculating Safe Towing/ Transport Capacity
Examining estimating loads imposed on the equipment during tow or transport. Terry Abejuela, American Towman Magazine. Sunday, 10 a.m.
Insurance Conference Turning the Tables
Bill Johnson, president of Hampshire Towing and the Statewide Towing Association of Massachusetts has pioneered the art of collecting from Insurance companies. Learn methods to keep insurance costs under control. A must seminar. With Steve Thibault, Esten & Richard Insurance Friday, 11 a.m.
12 hour Heavy-Duty
Recovery Rotator Training** by WreckMaster
Thursday, 8 – 12 Noon Classroom, Baltimore Convention Center (BCC) Room 326 1-5 pm Hands-On Training at Camden Yards Lot H
Friday, 8 – 12 Noon Classroom, (BCC) Room 326 $595 advance $695 onsite Fee also includes the A.T. Academy Passport and breakfast Fri.–Sun.
November 17-19 2017 86 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Solving the Insurance Dilemma
Why are insurance rates so high? How do you lower your premiums? Find out what is adversely affecting your premiums without you knowing it. Haley Kirchen, TOPP Insurance. Saturday, 8 a.m.
Futures Conference
Effective Succession Planning
Learn how to be prepared and how to create the life you want in your golden years of retirement. Jim Silverman.Automotive Training Institute. Friday, 9 a.m.
What is your vision for 2020?
A look at driverless cars and the towing issues they bring, as well as where we are with driverless tow trucks, and how these developments are no longer futuristic but here today. John Borowski, AutoReturn. Friday, 10 a.m.
Management Conference Dispatching, GPS and Mapping Innovations
A look at how a dispatch office has changed in the last 20 years. Discussion of modern tools available to dispatchers, such as GPS locations, PTO activity, computer-assisted dispatch for driver recommendations and much more to improve efficiencies. Todd Althouse, Beacon Software. Friday, 10 a.m.
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You know a lot but not all there is to know. VW Settlement Funds for New Trucks
This seminar will cover the towing industry’s opportunity of the towing industry being able to utilize VW settlement funds to renew their fleet. Panel will consist of a Clean Cities representative and a fleet owner. Ronny Martinez, ICOM North America. Friday, 11 a.m.
Operational Productivity
Using a team-based plan of attack integrating leadership, process, skill-building, and technology to optimize operational productivity. Jim Shellhaas, Ranger SST. Saturday, 8 a.m.
Protecting Your Business/ Law Enforcement Networking
How to protect your business and comply with statutes and/or regulations, as well as the advantages of networking with law enforcement to lay the groundwork for long-term relationships. Les Cravens, Auto Data Direct. Saturday, 9-11 a.m.
Electronic Logging Device Compliance
Many tow bosses incorrectly assume they are exempt from hours of service and many other trucking industry regulations. How to be prepared to utilize log books and electronic logging devices by December 16. Brian Riker, Worldwide Equipment Sales. Saturday, 10 a.m.
Leading Customer Service
Achieving a professional image through customer service. Miguel Cifuentes, Road America. Sunday, 9 a.m.
Cost Control Conference
Safety Conference
See how your online review signature dictates your ability to secure profitable cash calls and learn how to effectively encourage, manage and respond to customer reviews. Dennis Wencel, TowProgram.com. Friday, 9 a.m.
Creating the structure for your meetings with the weekly meeting sheet that will guide the meeting leader and also document the meeting for your records that insurance companies will consider to premium reductions. Randall Resch, American Towman Magazine. Friday, 9 a.m.
Whether arriving on a local rescue scene or dealing with a large disaster, Cross Training of all first responders is a necessity. Retired Police Officer and Emergency Management Director Dave Lander will lead an interactive discussion outlining the aspects of interdiciplinary Cross Training from the " 5 W & H " prospective. Join the discussion and learn how to start or improve this training in your community. Cross training of all first responders is a necessity. Learn the aspects of interdisciplinary cross training from the "5 W & H" prospective. Dave Lander, retired police officer and emergency management director. Friday, 11 a.m.
As Move Over laws don’t work, this seminar looks at what NOT to do, the causes of fatalities, the importance of having regular safety meetings and calls for drastic change in the way we respond. Randall Resch, American Towman Magazine. Friday, 10 a.m.
Growing Cash Calls with Reviews
Interdisciplinary Cross Training
Local Search Dominance: Call, Click, Cash!
See how the new Google algorithms can benefit your companies search results and how to leverage reviews, directories, social and video to dominate your market. Mike Rappaport, OMG National and Co-Producer of American Towman TV. Saturday, 9 a.m.
Towing’s Common Costs Behavior
Are you just creating yourself a job or are you a sound viable business? Many towers are great at what they do; but how about at the end of the year with their spreadsheets? John Borowski, AutoReturn. Saturday, 10 a.m.
Instituting The Safety Meeting
Safety: Accidents or Repeated Mistakes?
Protecting Your Drivers
While the Move Over law is designed to protect all first responders on the roadside, this seminar addresses what tow bosses should be doing to protect their drivers working beside the road. Bill Byers, Byers Towing. Saturday, 9 a.m. *Schedule Subject to Change
o city in the world has been visited by more towmen and tow women than Baltimore and its Inner Harbor. There are two reasons for this. One, the American Towman Exposition is the world's largest and most dynamic tow industry event. Two, the Inner Harbor has everything you need within walking distance: restaurants, shops, museums, clubs, water taxis, boats, waterside scenery, hotels and more. The Renaissance, Hyatt, Sonesta, and Marriott Waterfront are all on the harbor. The Baltimore Convention Center and the other AT
Expo hotels are but two blocks from the water. Several AT Expo special events are at the harbor: Miller Rocks at the Hard Rock Cafe, Calitri's Cuba in the Power Plant at Luckie's Tavern, and Festival Night at the Marriott Waterfront. The Welcome Cruise glides throughout the Harbor past Fort McHenry—which inspired Francis Scott Key in writing "The Star Spangled Banner"—and by Fells Point, where you can disembark to explore one of Baltimore's unique neighborhoods, full of pubs and shops.
AT Welcome Cruise: Join American Towman for the dinner cruise Thursday evening on the Spirit of Baltimore.
Expo - Harbor Happenings: Bull & Pig Roast (Mlller Rocks at the Hard Rock Cafe), Calitri's Cuba at Luckie’s in the Powerplant, and Festival Night at the Renaissance Harborplace are just some of the Inner Harbor happenings.
Fell’s Point
Air Fares Round Trip to Baltimore
Historic Ships USS Torsk (SS-423) is part of the fleet of Historic Ships in Baltimore and is one of two Tench-class submarines still located inside the United States.
Baltimore’s Inner Harbor
November 17-19 2017 88 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
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Baltimore’s B&O Railroad Museum is world renowned
Dallas Denver
$154 $224
Ft. Lauderdale $102 Kansas City
Las Angeles
Las Vegas
New Santander Consumer CEO Scott Powell will take on the role of president/CEO at Santander Consumer USA, succeeding Jason Kulas who resigned. Powell will continue to serve as CEO of Santander Holdings USA and as Santander Group’s U.S. head. Prior to joining Santander, Powell held a variety of senior roles at JPMorgan Chase & Co., including head of banking and consumer lending operations, CEO of consumer banking and retail investments, head of retail lending, head of Chase Auto Finance, and chief risk officer, consumer. He also spent 14 years at Citigroup and its predecessors in a variety of senior risk management roles. “Scott’s depth of experience makes him the right person to continue SC’s evolution and to sustain its long-term performance,” Santander Chairman Bill Rainer said. “I look forward to leading the
92 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Santander Consumer team,” Powell said. “My focus will be on strengthening the company’s financial and operational performance, delivering returns for all shareholders, improving risk management and putting our customers at the center of everything we do.”
Vanair Adds Sales, Procurement Help Vanair (vanair.com), a provider of mobile air compressors, generators, welders, battery boosters, battery chargers, hydraulics and engine starting equipment, recently added Jeff Steer as Sales Manager and promoted Greg Kelly to Director, Procurement and Supply Chain. Steer will manage the company’s regional sales managers and independent representatives. Kelly was Chief Procurement Officer. In his new role, he will be responsible for overseeing all the activities and personnel of the purchasing department.
MTS Adds MV Agusta Support Partnering with Motorcycle Towing Services (mts-towing.com), MV Agusta USA will now provide all new 2017 and up motorcycles with a two-year roadside assistance program at the time of purchase. Backed by the two-year warranty, the new roadside assist program provides MV Agusta customers confidence that they have full support from the factory as well as MTS.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
AMERICANTOWMAN.COM - October 2017 • 93
Madness A well-known veteran Pennsylvania tower is called to recover a loaded rolled over reefer. by Jim “Buck” Sorrenti
n Aug. 3, 2017, at approximately 5:30 a.m., Janeway Towing was called by the Pennsylvania State Police Belmont Barracks to handle an overturned tractor-reefer combo on an onramp to U.S. 422 in Audubon. Janeway Towing, established in 1980 in Conshohocken, is a full-line towing, recovery, salvage and transport company. Janeway dispatched operator Rick Royles in a 2009 Kenworth T800/Century 1075 75-ton rotator, operator
Brian Bowe in a 2007 Kenworth T800/Vulcan V-100 XP-850, and president Jamie Dougherty Jr. responded with operator Colin Stevenson in a 2010 Ford F-550 Recovery Response Unit with 2009 Car Mate Recovery Trailer carrying Matjack Jumbo Air Cushions and Landing Cushions. Operator Ricardo Lopez was dispatched as the scene assistant. Once on scene, Jamie and his team did their walkaround and came up with a plan of action.
in Pa.
“The truck was loaded with milk, lemonade and iced tea,” Jamie said. “The box was in great shape, so we decided to air cushion it up.” Jamie was on the air cushions, Rick was at the controls of the Century 1075 rotator, Brian was running the Vulcan 50-ton, Colin was on the landing cushions and Ricardo assisted wherever needed. First, the Janeway team staged the wreckers and setup the air cushion valve control bank and placed the air
cushions. With Jamie at the controls of the valve bank, the unit was lifted with the Matjack high-pressure bags to gain clearance for the four Jumbo Air Cushions. The cushions were placed along the left wall of the trailer where the load was concentrated. Once the air cushions were placed and partially inflated, the Century 1075 was rigged via two lines to an endless loop that was attached to the landing gear leg via a 12-ton shackle and 1/2” Grade 100 chain and an 8” recovery strap was fashioned into a “V” and attached to the slider rail via a 12-ton shackle. The front axle of the tractor was rigged to the V-100 and spiked to assist in uprighting the tractor. The Matjack Landing Cushions were inflated and placed at the tandems of the truck and trailer for the controlled descent. The recovery began by inflating the air cushions to full capacity—following that to just tension the lines rigged to the 1075—and the V-100 brought the front end of the tractor around. Once the air cushions were fully inflated, the rotator took over and finished taking the truck through its
The Century rotator lifts from the other side of the Jersey wall as Matjack cushions raise the loaded reefer.
Underside of the rolled-over semi shows fluids leaking from the engine compartment.
Jamie Dougherty works the valve bank for the air cushions during the reefer recovery.
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Towing in the Genes James “Jamie” H. Dougherty Jr. is the president/CEO of Janeway Towing in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania; his name is synonymous with heavy recovery. He was born to help those in need. He was born to lead. He was born to be a tower. He has it all in his genes. In an interview some years back, Jane Dougherty, Jamie’s mother and the Jane in Janeway Towing, said he took to the towing business very early on; he ate, slept and dreamt tow trucks since he was three, she said. A lifetime tower, Jamie has garnered numerous accolades through the years. Both he and his mom Jane were inducted into the Towman Order in 2008. Members of the Towman Order have been honored for their dedication to the towing trade and the communities they serve. —Jim “Buck” Sorrenti
Matjack lifting cushions work on the trailer’s side (top) and catch bags under the chassis (middle) assist to get the semi on its tires (bottom).
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arc and placing it onto the landing cushions. “The truck came to the ground softly and was prepped for towing while [J&J Environmental] was mitigating the spilled oil, fuel and milk,” Jamie said. J&J, located in Norristown, began operations in 1976. The unit was towed from the scene to Janeway’s main facility for DOT inspection and unloading. Once the unit was at Janeway, the transport company requested the load be transferred to an operable reefer trailer for transport back to its plant for disposal. “The company did not want any liability of the product being sold to the general public due to the refrigeration unit being disabled and temperature not able to be monitored,” Jamie said. “Total time from call out to back at Janeway facility was 4.5 hours. Great job done by the guys on that hot sunny Thursday morning.”
Jim “Buck” Sorrenti, a longtime editor of American Towman, has been our field editor for the past few years. He is a freelance writer and photographer with more than 40 years of experience covering motorcycle, hot rod, truck and towing culture. He writes weekly for TowIndustryWeek.com.
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J & J Environmental’s cleanup crew at work.
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Nation’s Capitol to Baltimore Ride Passing Through
A Chance to be Part of American History
by Steve Calitri
s this issue goes to print, the Spirit Ride will have relayed the Spirit casket in 110 towns and cities across the nation with some 2,000-plus wreckers, fire trucks, EMS vehicles and police cars joining the parade. One police captain called it the longest procession of its kind he could think of, something that will become part of American folklore. Some have called it a traveling Memorial Day. The Spirit Ride has had first responders of all stripes participating in the ceremonies and Rides that honor their fallen. Police officers and firefighters saluting the Spirit casket is a common sight of the Ride that has captured the imagination of participants, onlookers, and the media. Now, as the Ride approaches Washington, D.C., towers have the prospect of joining the biggest wrecker parades, indeed the biggest truck parades, in American history. Tow trucks will first gather at Charley’s Crane Service in Landover, Maryland, at 10 a.m. on Nov. 9 for a procession into D.C. and RFK Stadium for a ceremony led by District Towing and the Federal Highway Administration. “This may well be the biggest event of its kind ever held. We are thrilled to be part of it,” said Jim Austrich, TIM Responder Training Program Manager for FHA. After the ceremony at RFK Stadium, all first responder trucks will proceed into the heart of the nation’s
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capitol, and then to Laurel, Maryland, and Past and Present Towing. Eventually, Spirit will be relayed to Apex Towing, then Linhard’s Towing and the Ride will proceed to the B/A Products plant in Columbia, Maryland, for a 10:30 a.m. ceremony on Friday, Nov. 17, and then to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Towers can join the procession by signing up at atspiritride.com, or, towers may just show up with truck(s) at the ceremony site. The Spirit Ride passed through New York City’s boroughs on Sept. 28 and 29 and then entered Manhattan as this issue went to print. The Ride hopes to score media coverage next in the big cities of Philadelphia, D.C. and Baltimore in that order, as well as in the towns in between. The Spirit Ride is truly an American odyssey. The patriotism, spirit and grass roots participation is part and parcel of each event and procession as the Spirit casket makes its way through the Main Streets, highways and back roads of the nation. Being able to be at a Spirit Ride ceremony where Mike Corbin performs the anthem, “Booms in the Sky,” is a moment cherished. Placing one’s hand on the Spirit baton as it is passed from one first responder to another is a reminder that moments are fleeting. The Spirit Riders, those towers who have hosted a Spirit Ride event and those who rode in a Spirit procession, will be coming to Baltimore to
witness the Ride as it parades past the Baltimore Convention Center; and then be part of the final ceremony of the year on Friday, Nov. 17. The Spirit Riders will be honored by American Towman in the exhibit hall and at special events: Captains of Industry, Thursday, Nov. 16, and Festival Night, Saturday, Nov. 18. You’ll know who they are because they will be wearing Spirit Rider lapel pins. American Towman will be unveiling its second-stage media plan involving all the Spirit Riders at the Captains of Industry Dinner. The plan will bring the towers that hosted relay stations more opportunity to promote the Move Over law and score more media coverage. There will also be discussions on plans for the Ride to continue through those cities already passed through. Towers who are on the current 2018 Spirit Ride route are encouraged to be in Baltimore to learn from those who have already organized and hosted the event. “This is just the beginning,” said Steve Calitri. “The Spirit Ride is the greatest grass roots movement in the history of the towing industry, and the greatest in American history involving all first responders. The participation, the media coverage, the support … as great at it’s been, it will become greater. No one has a deeper resolve than a first responder. Together we will not only create a safer roadside, but a stronger industry.”
September 20th: H&S Towing Service led the Spirit Ride into Pennsylvania's Capitol building in Harrisburg, where the ceremony was majestically staged before the Fountain Plaza and the Capitol Dome. Charles Duke, substituting for Mike Corbin that week, led the program and performed the songs, including the Spirit Ride anthem, Booms in the Sky. Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
GPS Tracking Provided by
Join the Spirit Ride processions. Sign up at ATSpiritRide.com Date
10/17/2017 11 am Rutherford, NJ Nick Testa Nick’s 24 Hour Towing Service 10/18/2017 11 am Piscataway, NJ Mark Bardecker Blue Streak Transport LLC 10/19/2017 11 am Howell, NJ Mike Stahnten Certified Auto Mall 10/20/2017 10 am Burlington, NJ Heather Grove BMS Towing 10/20/2017 11 am Delran, NJ Henry Shinn Lenny's Towing and Recovery 10/24/2017 10 am Philadelphia, PA Kevin Bowe EVB Towing 10/24/2017 2 pm Wayne, PA Barry Simes Tommy's Main Line Towing 10/25/2017 10 am Cochranville, PA Gwen Null Null's Towing 10/25/2017 2 pm Elkton, MD William Cain Chesapeake Service Center 10/26/2017 10 am Grasonville, MD Ed Cousler Parks Tire and Auto service Inc 10/27/2017 11 am Fruitland, MD Steve Wallace Auto Medic Towing & Repair 11/01/2017 11 am Smithfield, VA Ryan Brown Dave's Service Center Inc 11/02/2017 11 am Meherrin, VA Joseph Kellum Joe's Towing 11/03/2017 10 am Colonial Heights, VA Christy Palmer Archileti Palmer's Towing 11/03/2017 11 am Colonial Heights, VA Tricia Palmer B&T Towing 11/04/2017 11 am Chesterfield, VA Bruce Eagle Eagle Towing 11/07/2017 10 am Providence Forge, VA Jeni Webb Dennis' Towing & Recovery 11/08/2017 11 am Bowling Green, VA Mark Giles Jr Bud's Towing 11/09/2017 10 am Landover, MD Kevin Herbert Charley's Crane Service 11/09/2017 11 am Washington, DC Tarek Aburish District Towing 11/10/2017 10 am Laurel, MD Jim Beatty Past & Present Towing & Recovery 11/10/2017 2 pm Owings Mills, MD Anthony Pezzella Apex Towing Service 11/10/2017 3 pm Cockeysville, MD Kathy Linhard Linhard’s Towing Inc 11/17/2017 9 am Cockeysville, MD Kathy Linhard Linhard’s Towing Inc 11/17/2017 10:30 am Columbia, MD TBD At B/A Products Plant 11/17/2017 5 pm Baltimore, MD TBD AT Exposition XXIX AMERICANTOWMAN.COM - October 2017 • 101
err-Dan staged a three-boom salute to the Spirit Riders as it passed through Hagerstown on September 15th. The procession, led by D&D Truck Repair and Towing, rolled by JerrDan's administrative offices in Hagerstown, where it relayed the casket to Road Runner Towing. JerrDan's GM Richard Del Campo said a few words in tribute to the Riders while his company treated everyone to ice cream. Road Runner then carried the casket to Thurmont.
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Jerr-Dan Salutes the Ride
Founding Sponsors
Contribute to the Spirit Ride at www.ATSpiritRide.com
Carnaghi Towing & Repair
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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Disaster Relief When Do You Need to Have Operating Authority?
by Brian J. Riker
ith the recent hurricane strikes by Harvey and Irma in Texas and Florida, and the requests for out-of-area towers to assist with the cleanup and salvage operations, operating authority is suddenly a vital topic for many. Your type of operation and the state (or states) where you operate will determine what operating authority is required. The basic types of authority are: • U.S. Department of Transportation; federal. • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrators’ MC Number; federal. • Unified Carrier Registration; federal and state. • Public Utility Commission/Public Regulations Commission/Department of Motor Vehicles; state. The DOT is your basic registration as a motor carrier with the FMCSA and is required if you conduct any type of commercial transportation across state lines, international borders or even solely within some states as a condition of obtaining commercial vehicle registration plates. The DOT 104 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
A tow truck tows an SUV through deep waters after Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas. abc13.com image.
registration number alone does not give you authority to haul anything, it is merely the first step in become an interstate motor carrier. THE FMCSA’s MC Number is your registration number and authority to conduct interstate movement of goods or passengers as a for-hire motor carrier. This authority will eventually be merged with the U.S. DOT number and is currently administered
by the FMCSA, but is still a separate authority as of today. MC authority is required any time you move people or property for-hire in Interstate commerce unless you are exclusively moving exempt commodities. Generally, a disabled motor vehicle being transported from the initial point of disablement (on public right-of-ways) is exempt; secondary movement of the same vehicle is not.
The Unified Carrier Registration program replaced the Single State Registration System and supersedes the requirements of individual states to register and monitor motor carrier minimum levels of financial responsibility. Most states participate in UCR, and if you engage in regulated interstate commerce, you must register and pay the UCR fees annually—even if your state does not directly participate. (In that event you are required to register with a neighboring state.) Several states have an in-state authority process that is typically regulated by a PUR, PRC or DMV. Usually a motor carrier of property must register and obtain permission from the states where they intend to operate before performing any intrastate (wholly within one state) for-hire transportation of regulated commodities. Towing companies are usually not exempt from state registration; additionally, some states may have two types of registration that apply to towing companies. One is for non-consent tows and the other is for general motor-carrier work (moving cargo, construction equipment, auction transportation, salvage, etc.)
In the Storm When it comes to storm relief, even though you may believe you are providing emergency assistance, you are not emergency responders unless you are contracted directly with a federal or state agency and are providing life-safety support.
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Moving flooded or storm-damaged vehicles to the salvage auction is not emergency relief … it is for-profit motor carrier work. It is not even towing, unless you are working at the direction of an emergency management agency to clear the public right-of-way or prevent further danger to the public. This means you will need to comply with all applicable federal and state transportation regulations including operating authority. While some of the regulations may be suspended or minimized temporarily by executive order of the federal or state government, be sure to check before dispatching your equipment into the affected areas.
Expedited There are two main ways you can obtain operating authority in a hurry should you wish to help with stormdamaged vehicle transportation. You can apply for your own authority, or lease your trucks and drivers to a company that already has the appropriate operating authority.
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If you chose to lease to a company with authority, they will have full legal responsibility and control over your employees and trucks while operating under them. You will be responsible for insurance, workers comp and payroll still, but the other company will be responsible for the actions of your drivers and equipment. You will need to carry a lease agreement in each truck and display their names/numbers on the vehicle. For Texas, the DOT has currently expedited the process for obtaining interstate authority as the state has for their required intrastate authority. Responding specifically to Texas will require a Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation permit for your company, each truck and each responding driver. There are no exceptions, although Texas expedited the process and waived certain training requirements during the first 90 days after Hurricane Harvey. As of press time, Florida hadn’t expedited or suspended any motor carrier regulations. At a minimum,
Florida requires a motor carrier of property to be registered with the DOT and display a valid DOT number. Just because you are engaged in towing disabled motor vehicles does not mean you are exempt from motor carrier regulation, especially if you are not working in an emergency capacity. Further, you may also be subject to other registration requirements like weight-distance taxes, apportioned registrations, tow operator licenses and local jurisdiction business licenses. Please keep all this in mind before you rush into a storm-ravaged area. The extra income may be offset by the additional regulatory burdens of operating outside your normal area. Most importantly, stay safe! About the author Brian J. Riker is a third-generation towman and president of Fleet Compliance Solutions. He specializes in helping non-traditional fleets navigate the complexities of federal and state transportation regulatory compliance. Contact him at brian.riker@fleetcompliancesolutions.net.
Little Red Corvette
by Mark Lacek
think it was in the early 1980s. I had just picked up my repo orders for the night. The repo company that recently hired me was located in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The company tow truck was a Ford F-350 with a Holmes 220. (That 220 is a dinosaur now, but back in the ’80s it was a workhorse.) On my list of repo assignments for the night was a red Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Fairly new in the repo business, this was my first Stingray. The prize was located in Garfield Heights, not a long ride. I headed that way, excited about my first ’Vette. The residence address was on Daisy Street, just off of Turney Road. As I made my left onto Daisy, the Stingray was parked in a driveway on the right. I pulled in forward thinking it would be an easy grab; it was about 3 a.m. and I was excited to see the red sports car … it was a sitting duck. Down the street, I exited the Ford and lowered the 220’s sling to just above the surface of the pavement. After jumping back into the cab, I reversed about 50 feet until my sling was under the rear of the Chevy. Some 30 seconds later, after tossing a couple J-hooks under the rear axles, the Stingray was hoisted into the air and I quietly exited the neighborhood. I pulled into a closed beer joint down the street; the parking lot was empty. I exited the cab once again, with paperwork in-hand to verify the VIN on my latest bounty. Oops. As I wiped my eyes to get a clearer reading of the VIN on the paperwork, and then looked to the dash of the Stingray, the numbers still didn’t match. I could feel goose bumps and fear resonating within as I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Not a soul in sight. (Normally I would check the VIN before hooking a repo, but how many
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It was the early ’80s and one of the repos for the night was a red Chevy Corvette.
red Corvette Stingrays could there be parked on Daisy Street that night?) After a careful panoramic sweep of the area, I decided to lower the Stingray right in the parking lot, neatly, into a parking space. Off I went, hoping my error would never be detected.
Perhaps this is a case of the means justifying the ends? After a couple months, I felt real lucky about my mistake and learned my lesson to always verify the VIN before hooking anything. Several years later, my brother was a bartender at the very same beer joint. Just a few years ago, I was visiting the bar and talking with my brother as he told me a story that would be hard for anyone to believe ... except maybe me. Apparently, a patron of the bar was telling my brother a story of how years ago he’d had too much to drink and decided to risk the drive home. The patron explained that when he woke up the next morning, he noticed his car had been stolen from his driveway. After calling the police and his
insurance company, later that day he went back to the bar where—in disbelief—he saw his car sitting in the lot. As the story goes, the patron talked about how often he had driven his car while intoxicated, and how sometimes he failed to remember driving home. What was weird, the patron said, is he actually remembered driving home that night. He said because of that incident, he quit drinking for years. (Perhaps this is a case of the means justifying the ends?) Here is a fantastic coincidence I’ll share. In the mid-’90s after relocating to Florida, I was repossessing a lot of trucks. I had a great relationship with my client, The Associates Commercial Corp., and I was picking up about 50 trucks a month. One account I remember was a newer Peterbilt 379. The customer had called that very day, telling the collection manager they would never see the truck again. The 379 was the topof-the-line Peterbilt at the time and the client wanted it in a bad way. I was told to spare no expense, just locate and recover the collateral. The assignment came in on a Thursday and my wife and I were headed on vacation the next day. We’d planned a driving vacation up north
to visit family, so I couldn’t delay the trip. There was no time to work the assignment on the Peterbilt 379 until my return. On our return at about 4 a.m., my wife and I were very tired from the day’s long drive, and we were almost home. I pulled off of I-595 and was stopped at the red light. Just as I had come to a complete stop, I heard air brakes on my left. I turned and there was a Pete 379 that had pulled up alongside me. We were the only two vehicles on the road, and on the 379’s door was the customer’s name from the assignment I received the day before we left on vacation. My jaw dropped with surprise as I waited for the truck to move ahead of me. I was able to follow the collateral for a few miles until the truck pulled into its hiding spot behind a Walmart several miles away from the customer’s address. We watched from about 50 yards away as the driver exited the rig and walked to his pickup truck in front of the store. We continued to watch as the taillights on his pickup disappeared out of sight. Over the years I have become quite proficient with a lock pick on the door and ignition switch on a 379. After verifying the air pressure was already up (and the VIN), the truck was on its way to our secured yard … and I had a big smile on my face. The client was thrilled the next day and had no problem with the higher-than-normal repossession fee. The customer changed his tune; he couldn’t believe we located the truck. (Of course, the deep investigation on this assignment paid for our entire vacation.) Sometimes it’s all about keeping your eyes open. Take notice of what is going on around you at all times. Pay attention to the details. Be safe and good hunting.
Repo Editor Mark Lacek authored the Certified Commercial Recovery Agent certification program and has more than 30 years of recovery experience. He is the former editor of “Professional Repossessor” magazine. Email him at Mark@commercialassetsolutions.com.
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Santander Undertakes Hurricane Initiatives Banco Santander reported that the firm and its businesses have implemented proactive measures to help clients impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Santander U.S.’s auto finance unit, Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc., has suspended automotive repossession and loan collection activities, and is providing temporary loan help to customers in the form of suspended late fees and loan modifications. Santander Bank is also providing immediate assistance to its small business, retail and commercial clients to comprise temporarily suspended late fees, temporarily reduced interest rates, the suspension of collection calls, auto repossessions and loan modifications. Scott Powell, CEO/president of Santander U.S., added that as the recovery process starts, they will work with clients whose lives have been
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disturbed, as well as those who require alternate payment arrangements. Source: financialstrend.com.
Sheffield Financial Halts Repo Orders More than 500,000 vehicles in the Houston, Texas, area are estimated to be a total loss in the wake of flooding damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. Sheffield Financial is “actively working” to support its clients and others in the affected area, according to a statement released to Powersports Finance. Parent company BB&T Bank is waiving ATM fees for non-clients using the bank’s ATMs in the disaster counties; waiving fees for Texas clients using ATM and debit cards at other bank’s ATMs; and activating its disaster loan policy. The bank is halting existing and new auto and recreational vehicle
repossession orders in the emergency declaration counties, in addition to its usual compliance with the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act for clients called to active duty, and complying with each state’s insurance department disaster declaration requirements. Source: powersportsfinance.com.
CORP Cautions on Locksmiths The Council of Repossession Professionals recently cautioned repo agencies about the potential pitfalls of using a locksmith company that might be mandated by a particular finance company client—but could utilize employees who may not be aware of or comply with specific state regulations. CORP explained on its site that many states have explicit regulations when it comes to locksmiths, indicating that some jurisdictions prohibit contracting work to local locksmiths
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who might not be employed by a national company. “Some states even demand that these national locksmith companies have an actual physical business in the state they are doing the service in,” said CORP officials. CORP suggested that repossession agencies ask and seek the answers to three simple questions with regard to the cutting of new keys for repossessed vehicles: • Do locksmiths have to have a license to operate? • What type of insurance does the state require them to have? • Does the state require all businesses to carry worker’s compensation? “Once you have this information, now you have a chance,” CORP said. Source: autoremarketing.com.
Fines Issued for Illegal Practices The Massachusetts Division of Banks fined several auto lenders after it discovered unlicensed or illegal lending activities through a statewide survey of 200 car dealerships. The survey was in conjunction with the state’s Division of Professional Licensure and the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The effort examined “Buy HerePay Here” auto dealerships that sell vehicles using retail installment contracts to ensure that used car dealerships were not pricing vehicles far above book value or charging interest rates beyond the state’s maximum interest rate limit of 21 percent. The investigation resulted in 135 cease directives, $170,000 in fines and penalties and more than $200,000 in consumer reimbursements. Among the five companies fined was State Cap Auto Finance for a variety of deficiencies, including excessive fee charges and improper repossession practices. The company will pay a $20,000 administrative penalty plus required consumer reimbursements. Source: bankerandtradesman.com.
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CitiFinancial to Pay $907,000 CitiFinancial Credit Co. has agreed to pay $907,000 to resolve allegations that CitiFinancial Auto Corp. illegally repossessed cars owned by active members of the military, the Department of Justice announced recently. The Justice Department claims CitiFinancial repossessed 164 cars without court orders in violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. The law protects service members against certain civil proceedings, including vehicle repossessions, during active military service. The agency said in several cases, loan servicing notes indicated the company had been informed that the borrower was in the military or had received orders to report for military service and repossessed the vehicle anyway. “The men and women who serve in the armed forces deserve to have us protect their backs while they selflessly protect us,” said U.S. Attorney John Parker in a statement. “This conduct clearly fell short of that and I'm grateful we were able to repair some of that harm.” The Justice Department said the settlement resolves the lawsuit it filed against the company in the Northern District of Texas and covers vehicle repossessions that occurred between 2007 and 2010. Find more Repo news each week on
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2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 74,702 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 62,510 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 76,311 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 64,587 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 32,822 miles 2015 Ford F450, Vulcan 810, 168,730 miles 2014 Dodge5500 Jerr-Dan 20 ft., 137,475 miles
2016 Ford F550, Jerr-Dan 19 NGAF Carrier Wheel Lift, 65,076 miles 2016 Ford F550, Jerr-Dan 19 NGAF Carrier Gas/Auto No Wheel Lift, 68,534 miles 2016 Ford F650, Gas/Auto Wheel Lift, Jerr-Dan 21 ft., 94,238 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 98,446 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 77,353 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 82,077 miles 2016 Ford F550, No Wheel Lift, Gas/Auto, Jerr-Dan, 19 ft., 71,953 miles
For info please call Craig R. Nadolny “CALL FOR DETAILS” on all units
For info please call Craig R. Nadolny “CALL FOR DETAILS” on all units
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118 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
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AMERICANTOWMAN.COM - October 2017 • 119
2017 USA Wrecker Pageant Winners by Brendan Dooley
First Place: Service/Support Vehicle
fter 2016’s heat in Arlington, we were able to move the USA Wrecker Pageant inside to the air conditioning at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas, for the 2017 Tow Expo-Dallas. In case you didn’t make it to the Expo in its grand new location, the 2017 winners are here. AT Publisher Dennie Ortiz was on-hand to present winner’s trophies and runner-up plaques. Chuck Johnson and Craig Willits of Keystone Tape & Supply presented custom-built awards to the Best of Show and Vintage class winners.
2011 Dodge 2500 G.T. Tow Service Smithville, Missouri
First Place: Carrier
2017 Kenworth T270 2017 Vulcan 16 Series LCG LW’s Towing Frisco, Texas
Best of Show 2011 Peterbilt 330 2011 Century 15K Crawley’s Towing Sugarland, Texas
Chuck Johnson (from left) presents the custom Best of Show award to Joseph Crawley, alongside AT Publisher Dennie Ortiz and Craig Willits.
First Place: Light Duty 2016–2017
2016 Ford F-450 2016 Jerr-Dan MPL Parking Control Dallas, Texas
Best of Show–Working Truck First Place: Rotator
2017 Peterbilt 337 2017 Jerr-Dan flatbed Dallas Towboys Rockwall, Texas
2017 Kenworth T800 2017 NRC 50/65 G.T. Tow Service Smithville, Missouri
First Place: Vintage
1933 Chevrolet 1933 Weaver Auto Crane Stance Auto Works Houston, Texas
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First Place: Heavy-Duty Tandem
2001 Peterbilt 379 Challenger 25-ton Chub’s Towing Rockwall, Texas
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All The Young Players Came Closer... The Spirit Ride through Scott City, Missouri, led by Midwest Truck, was a glorious procession of first responder vehicles: fire, rescue and emergency medical trucks and police vehicles, along with tow trucks. The drivers of these vehicles were deeply touched when passing by the ball fields.
by Linda Unruh
am on a crusade with the Spirit Ride to promote public awareness of the Move Over law. My son, Bobby, was struck and killed on Feb. 19 by a truck that failed to slow down and move over. That’s the first reason I am on this crusade. The second reason is that I have owned and operated a towing business (All-Rite Towing) for near 30 years in Tucumcari, New Mexico. “My boys” operating the trucks have always been working at great risk on the highways. They are out there today trying to do their jobs as vehicles speed by just inches away. I speak for every tow business owner in America in saying we need our men and women to be and feel safe. But they are not safe. There are hundreds of casualties a year among first responders. Sixty percent of them are tow operators. One or two towers are struck down every week. This is not just a human safety issue, it’s an industry crisis that we must address head on. The American Towman Spirit Ride is the first project of a national scope
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to address this issue with its mission to promote public awareness of the risks we face and the law that can prevent these accidents. American Towman cannot do it alone … cannot finance it alone. We need you pitching in as many others have. The Spirit Ride has succeeded in drawing media attention to all the towns and cities it has passed through. Television, radio and newspapers have covered the Rides: the relaying of the Spirit Casket, the Ceremonies, the truck processions. The media has been driving the message home to the public: Slow Down and Move Over. This is just the beginning of what the Spirit Ride will accomplish for our industry and for our families. American Towman stepped up to lead this vital mission. I stepped up. Thousands of tow companies have been stepping up to make the Ride happen. You may step up too. You can donate through our Sponsor Program or our new Signature program at atspiritride.com. One can donate at various levels, low and high. You can be part of something very special …
what American Towman calls a “Great American Odyssey,” which it is. There have been so many special moments during the Spirit Ride. One for me was when firefighters saluted our procession from the highway overpass waiving the American flag. In Scott City, Missouri, the procession led by Midwest Truck was saluted when two little league games stopped play and all the young players came closer to the road, went to one knee, and placed their caps over their hearts. Be part of this. Note: Linda Unruh owns and operates All-Rite Towing in Tucumcari, New Mexico. After her son, Bobby, was killed while working on the roadside by a passing truck, Linda lobbied the state legislature for tow operators to be protected by the Move-Over law. It took nineteen days for the state to pass what has become known as Bobby's Law. The Spirit Ride, co-founded by American Towman and B/A Products, is a project of American Towman Spirit Inc., a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. One may donate at www.ATSpiritRide.com
Maryland Towman Fatally Struck by Car Police were investigating a fatal collision that left a towman dead in Langley Park, Maryland, in August. Preliminary investigation showed Gilbert Kuncl, 58, of Ellicott City, was standing next to his tow truck, preparing to tow a vehicle, when he was struck by a passing car, police said. Kuncl was taken to the hospital in critical condition, where he later succumbed to his injuries. The driver of the car that struck him was not hurt and remained on the scene, police said. Source: patch.com.
TDLR Streamlining Procedures With Texans responding to the ongoing disaster caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation streamlined its procedures to help licensees and small businesses recover as quickly as possible. TDLR implemented fast-track licensing procedures for all eligible licensees in the affected counties for the duration of the declared disaster period and any extensions. All eligible licensees in the affected counties currently in the renewal period had their license expiration dates automatically extended by 60 days. TDLR waived renewal late fees and offered replacement licenses at no cost for all eligible licensees in the affected counties. All eligible licensees in the affected counties could renew without completing continuing education requirements. Licensees in the affected area with licenses expired beyond the usual expiration limits were allowed to renew. “TDLR is committed to helping our fellow Texans through the recovery process, and we stand ready to assist in any way we can,” a release said. Source: swtowop.org.
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Featured Safety Articles in AT American Towman office assistant Henri Calitri sourced out these safetythemed articles to improve your survival working on the roadside. You can find these articles from American Towman Magazine available in our digital archive at itowman.com. Check them out whenever you need: • August 2010: Freeway Service Patrol, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2010: Wreck Discipline: Calculations, by Dave Bouvia; Nitrous Systems, by Bill Simmons. • January 2011: Critical Relationships & the Tow Operator, by Steve Calitri. • April 2011: Two Kinds of Green with Accident Cleanups, by John Borowski; DOT Placards: Play It Safe, by Bill Simmons. • June 2011: Avoid Rollover Pitfalls, by Terry Abejuela. • August 2011: Beat the Heat, by Randall Resch. • November 2011: Defining the
Kill Zone, by David Lambert; Our Evolving Industry – Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2011: Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, Part II, by Terry Abejuela. • February 2012: Don’t Neglect Wire Rope, by Wayne Olson. • April 2012: Staying Safe Starts with Attitude, by Terry Abejuela; Drive On or Winch it?, by Randall Resch. • June 2012: Stay Safe When You Get Wet, by Matthew Bartlett; Dangerous Cut Points, by Randall Resch. • October 2012: Tow Lights Add Safety, Compliance, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2012: The ABCs of Attachment Hooks, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2013: Working the NonTraffic Side, by Randall Resch; Performing Safe, Efficient Jumpstart Service, by Terry Abejuela. • May 2013: Directing Traffic at the Scene, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2013: Stop that Truck Before It Starts (to roll), by Terry Abejuela; Three Decades of Safety Advice, by Richard Wolfe.
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• October 2013: Make the Roads a Safer Place, by Terry Abejuela. • November 2013: Wheel-Lift Tows Need Wheel Straps, by Terry Abejuela; Drive Shaft Safety, by Team Wreckmaster. • July 2014: Wheel Chocking and Blocking, by Randall Resch. • October 2014: Customer Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2015: Evaluate, Avoid Fatal Mistakes, by Randall, Resch. • February 2015: ABCs of Fire Extinguisher Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2015: The More Fatal Tire Service, by Randall Resch. • May 2015: Safety First with Personal Protective Equipment, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2015: The Dangers of Vehicle Fires, by Randall Resch. • July 2015: Roadside Safety Isn’t by Chance, by David Lambert. • October 2015: Increase Safety with GPS Alerts, Functions, by Jenny Malcolm; Know Your Tires, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2015: Driving Skills
for the Professional Tower, by Terry Abejuela. • July 2016: Five Tips to Improve Roadside Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2016: Eight Steps to Situational Awareness, by Randall Resch. • January 2017: Cones, Flares in Proper Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2017: Steering Wheel Securement, by Terry Abejuela.
Towers Lobbying for Blue Lights Towman John McDonald doesn’t know how fast the car was going that clipped him as he worked on the shoulder of I-490 near Rochester, New York, in December 2008. All he remembers is being flung onto the hood and his head smashing the windshield. McDonald could be a poster child for a push to pass a “Blue Light Bill” to allow towers to use rear-facing blue lights on their trucks when they assist a motorist. None is asking for blue lights in the front of
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Continued: Towers Lobbying the trucks, which, if illuminated, could be confused with the lights of a police cruiser. Jamie Ricci, who owns Ricci & Sons Towing in East Rochester, which employs McDonald, installed blue lights on some of his trucks over a year ago. He said he was ticketed once and that a judge threw out the $150 fine with a warning to remove the blue lights. “With the number of tow truck drivers that have been killed, I’ll take the ticket, I’ll take the fine for the safety of my drivers,” Ricci said. “The law has got to get passed. Somehow it’s got to.” “The problem is the yellow lights are obscured and nobody pays attention to them,” ESTRA President Thomas Brennan said. “Most people say, ‘I didn’t see them.’ I don’t know if that’s their excuse after they run us over or what.” Source: democratandchronicle. com.
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Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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Aggressive Towing Investigation in Philly Multiple sources told a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, television station that there is a grand jury investigation into aggressive towing in the city. WPVI-TV’s Action Cam was onsite at a recent collision where one vehicle flipped and another was left heavily damaged. Two tow trucks were first on scene before police or firefighters. Since March, the station responded to a half dozen city crash scenes, and each time tow trucks arrived before police. Those same trucks ended up getting the tow, despite the law establishing a rotation system. Since the news station’s report, Philadelphia has entered into negotiations with AutoReturn to operate and investigate its rotational tow procedure. Source: 6abc.com.
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Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Towman, Motorist Killed in Crash A Pennsylvania towman and a driver of a disabled vehicle were killed in a morning crash in Lancaster County in September. Towman Ralph H. Waltrous II, 44, and Robert M. Buckwalter Jr., 46, died at the scene on Route 222 in West Earl Township. Police said Anthony Caldwell, of Stafford, Virginia, was driving north on the route when his vehicle struck the men and Waltrous’ tow truck. Police said both men were outside of the tow truck, which was removing Buckwalter ’s brokendown car. Caldwell was not injured. Source: pennlive.com.
High Incidence of Emergency Vehicles Hit A staggering number of responder vehicles have been hit in Indiana just over the last eight months, according to the Indiana State Police. According to a tweet by Sgt. John Perrine, 74 towing/repair vehicles have been crashed into on Indiana roads between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31 this year. In addition, 242 police vehicles, 26 highway department vehicles, 20 fire trucks and 20 medical/ambulance vehicles have been hit. Police say distracted driving is the biggest reason these accidents keep happening, and remind motorists to focus on the road. “The biggest thing the public can do for us to slow down, slow down, slow down and move over. Everyone’s not paying attention - texting and driving - whether you’re supposed to do it or not we know it happens. They’re talking on the phone, loud music, talking to whoever, you know, you’re in another world half the time, but you have to pay attention and you have to slow down and move over,” said Fire Chief Brian Kazmierzak. Source: wsbt.com.
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Copyright©2017 American Towman Magazine. Characters and stories are fictitious; no resemblance to real life characters is intended.
Send your thoughts/suggestions on the Adventures to scalitri@towman.com or American Towman, 7 West St, Warwick NY 10990
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Towman Delivered Supplies for Flood Victims A Grand Prairie, Texas, towing company and a local nonprofit organization teamed up to help those displaced by the unprecedented flooding in Houston. Dave’s Hi-Way Wrecker delivered a 30’ trailer with supplies to the Red Cross for evacuees taking refuge in Dallas. The idea started with a Facebook post after Hurricane Harvey made landfall and continued dumping torrential rain up the Gulf Coast. “It’s kind of exploded,” said Jimmy Gladney, who’s worked with the towing service for 10 years. “We’ve had a lot of people call us and contact us.” Source: kens5.com.
Company Owner Acquitted on Theft Charges Glenn Landau, who runs Fryer’s Towing in Daytona Beach, Florida, was acquitted of grand theft auto and violating a recovery law in a case involving the theft of a Mustang from Gary Yeoman’s Ford Lincoln in Daytona Beach. Circuit Judge Matt Foxman granted a motion for a judgment of acquittal by Landau’s defense attorneys, who argued the state had failed to prove its case. Foxman cited confusion over the tow sheet, which was a key piece of evidence in the trial. The judge also said Landau’s actions showed good faith after the stolen Mustang was towed by Fryer’s. Foxman referred to a law stating that if a person in the towing industry is in good faith exercising a legal right that person cannot be guilty of theft. Source: news-journalonline.com.
TowShow.com SOUTH 124 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
Featured Safety Articles in AT American Towman office assistant Henri Calitri sourced out these safety-themed articles to improve your survival working on the roadside. You can find these articles from American Towman Magazine available in our digital archive at itowman.com. Check them out whenever you need: • August 2010: Freeway Service Patrol, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2010: Wreck Discipline: Calculations, by Dave Bouvia; Nitrous Systems, by Bill Simmons. • January 2011: Critical Relationships & the Tow Operator, by Steve Calitri. • April 2011: Two Kinds of Green with Accident Cleanups, by John Borowski; DOT Placards: Play It Safe, by Bill Simmons. • June 2011: Avoid Rollover Pitfalls, by Terry Abejuela. • August 2011: Beat the Heat, by Randall Resch. • November 2011: Defining the Kill Zone, by David Lambert; Our Evolving Industry – Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2011: Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, Part II, by Terry Abejuela. • February 2012: Don’t Neglect Wire Rope, by Wayne Olson. • April 2012: Staying Safe Starts with Attitude, by Terry Abejuela; Drive On or Winch it?, by Randall Resch. • June 2012: Stay Safe When You Get Wet, by Matthew Bartlett; Dangerous Cut Points, by Randall Resch. • October 2012: Tow Lights Add Safety, Compliance, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2012: The ABCs of Attachment Hooks, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2013: Working the Non-Traffic Side, by Randall Resch; Performing Safe, Efficient Jumpstart Service, by Terry Abejuela. • May 2013: Directing Traffic at the Scene, by Terry Abejuela. SOUTH 126 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Continued: Featured Safety • June 2013: Stop that Truck Before It Starts (to roll), by Terry Abejuela; Three Decades of Safety Advice, by Richard Wolfe. • October 2013: Make the Roads a Safer Place, by Terry Abejuela. • November 2013: Wheel-Lift Tows Need Wheel Straps, by Terry Abejuela; Drive Shaft Safety, by Team Wreckmaster. • July 2014: Wheel Chocking and Blocking, by Randall Resch. • October 2014: Customer Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2015: Evaluate, Avoid Fatal Mistakes, by Randall, Resch. • February 2015: ABCs of Fire Extinguisher Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2015: The More Fatal Tire Service, by Randall Resch. • May 2015: Safety First with Personal Protective Equipment, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2015: The Dangers of Vehicle Fires, by Randall Resch. • July 2015: Roadside Safety Isn’t by Chance, by David Lambert. • October 2015: Increase Safety
with GPS Alerts, Functions, by Jenny Malcolm; Know Your Tires, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2015: Driving Skills for the Professional Tower, by Terry Abejuela. • July 2016: Five Tips to Improve Roadside Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2016: Eight Steps to Situational Awareness, by Randall Resch. • January 2017: Cones, Flares in Proper Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2017: Steering Wheel Securement, by Terry Abejuela.
TDLR Streamlining Procedures With Texans responding to the ongoing disaster caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation streamlined its procedures to help licensees and small businesses recover as quickly as possible. TDLR implemented fast-track licensing procedures for all eligible licensees in the affected counties for the duration of the declared disaster
period and any extensions. All eligible licensees in the affected counties currently in the renewal period had their license expiration dates automatically extended by 60 days. TDLR waived renewal late fees and offered replacement licenses at no cost for all eligible licensees in the affected counties. All eligible licensees in the affected counties could renew without completing continuing education requirements. Licensees in the affected area with licenses expired beyond the usual expiration limits were allowed to renew. “TDLR is committed to helping our fellow Texans through the recovery process, and we stand ready to assist in any way we can,” a release said. Source: swtowop.org.
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Choose The Most Challlenging Recover o ery Your Company Performed With Exxcellllence
SOUTH 128 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Featured Safety Articles in AT American Towman office assistant Henri Calitri sourced out these safetythemed articles to improve your survival working on the roadside. You can find these articles from American Towman Magazine available in our digital archive at itowman.com. Check them out whenever you need: • August 2010: Freeway Service Patrol, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2010: Wreck Discipline: Calculations, by Dave Bouvia; Nitrous Systems, by Bill Simmons. • January 2011: Critical Relationships & the Tow Operator, by Steve Calitri. • April 2011: Two Kinds of Green with Accident Cleanups, by John Borowski; DOT Placards: Play It Safe, by Bill Simmons. • June 2011: Avoid Rollover Pitfalls, by Terry Abejuela. • August 2011: Beat the Heat, by Randall Resch.
• November 2011: Defining the Kill Zone, by David Lambert; Our Evolving Industry – Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2011: Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, Part II, by Terry Abejuela. • February 2012: Don’t Neglect Wire Rope, by Wayne Olson. • April 2012: Staying Safe Starts with Attitude, by Terry Abejuela; Drive On or Winch it?, by Randall Resch. • June 2012: Stay Safe When You Get Wet, by Matthew Bartlett; Dangerous Cut Points, by Randall Resch. • October 2012: Tow Lights Add Safety, Compliance, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2012: The ABCs of Attachment Hooks, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2013: Working the NonTraffic Side, by Randall Resch; Performing Safe, Efficient Jumpstart Service, by Terry Abejuela. • May 2013: Directing Traffic at the Scene, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2013: Stop that Truck Before It Starts (to roll), by Terry Abejuela;
MIDWEST 124 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Three Decades of Safety Advice, by Richard Wolfe. • October 2013: Make the Roads a Safer Place, by Terry Abejuela. • November 2013: Wheel-Lift Tows Need Wheel Straps, by Terry Abejuela; Drive Shaft Safety, by Team Wreckmaster. • July 2014: Wheel Chocking and Blocking, by Randall Resch. • October 2014: Customer Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2015: Evaluate, Avoid Fatal Mistakes, by Randall, Resch. • February 2015: ABCs of Fire Extinguisher Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2015: The More Fatal Tire Service, by Randall Resch. • May 2015: Safety First with Personal Protective Equipment, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2015: The Dangers of Vehicle Fires, by Randall Resch. • July 2015: Roadside Safety Isn’t by Chance, by David Lambert. • October 2015: Increase Safety with GPS Alerts, Functions, by Jenny
Malcolm; Know Your Tires, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2015: Driving Skills for the Professional Tower, by Terry Abejuela. • July 2016: Five Tips to Improve Roadside Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2016: Eight Steps to Situational Awareness, by Randall Resch. • January 2017: Cones, Flares in Proper Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2017: Steering Wheel Securement, by Terry Abejuela.
High Incidence of Emergency Vehicles Hit A staggering number of responder vehicles have been hit in Indiana just over the last eight months, according to the Indiana State Police. According to a tweet by Sgt. John Perrine, 74 towing/repair vehicles have been crashed into on Indiana roads between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31 this year. In addition, 242 police vehicles, 26 highway department vehicles, 20 fire trucks and 20 medical/ambulance vehicles have been hit. Police say distracted driving is the biggest reason these accidents keep happening, and remind motorists to focus on the road. “The biggest thing the public can do for us to slow down, slow down, slow down and move over. Everyone’s not paying attention - texting and driving - whether you’re supposed to do it or not we know it happens. They’re talking on the phone, loud music, talking to whoever, you know, you’re in another world half the time, but you have to pay attention and you have to slow down and move over,” said Fire Chief Brian Kazmierzak. Source: wsbt.com.
Sheriff Convicted in Tow Scheme A pro tem sheriff for Lake County, Indiana, was to be appointed after press time after Sheriff John Buncich was convicted in late August in connection with a bribery and fraud scheme involving towing contracts. Work the non-traffic side–Stay Safe!
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MIDWEST 126 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM
Continued: Sheriff Convicted A federal jury in Hammond convicted Buncich of five counts of honest services wire fraud and one count of bribery in connection with soliciting, demanding, and receiving over $25,000 in cash and $7,000 in checks in exchange for favorable actions on towing contracts, according to U.S. Attorney’s Office for Northern Indiana. Buncich was immediately removed from office, and the Lake County Democratic Central Committee was to appoint a pro tem sheriff within the next 30 days, according to the sheriff’s office. Until a new sheriff is appointed, Chief Dennis Matthew Eaton was to run the department. Buncich, Timothy Downs and William Szarmach were indicted in November 2016, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Northern Indiana. Downs was a former chief and second-in-command in the sheriff’s department, appointed by Buncich. Szarmach owns and operates CSA Towing in Lake Station. According to the indictment, the
sheriff had “exclusive authority to determine who would do vehicle towing” and from February 2014 until October 2016, the sheriff “devised a scheme to enrich [himself] personally and his campaign committee.” Szarmach and Downs, who both testified, await sentencing. Downs pleaded guilty to one count of honest services wire fraud, and Szarmach pleaded guilty to honest services wire fraud, bribery and failure to file a tax return, prosecutors said. Source: chicago.suntimes.com.
TDLR Streamlining Procedures With Texans responding to the ongoing disaster caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation streamlined its procedures to help licensees and small businesses recover as quickly as possible. TDLR implemented fast-track licensing procedures for all eligible licensees in the affected counties for the duration of the declared disaster
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period and any extensions. All eligible licensees in the affected counties currently in the renewal period had their license expiration dates automatically extended by 60 days. TDLR waived renewal late fees and offered replacement licenses at no cost for all eligible licensees in the affected counties. All eligible licensees in the affected counties could renew without completing continuing education requirements. Licensees in the affected area with licenses expired beyond the usual expiration limits were allowed to renew. “TDLR is committed to helping our fellow Texans through the recovery process, and we stand ready to assist in any way we can,” a release said. Source: swtowop.org.
Feds Say Cop Took Bribes from Towmen A veteran Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, police officer accepted more than $20,000 in bribes to give two towing companies an unfair advantage in the lucrative and highly competitive business of clearing wrecks from Philadelphia streets, federal prosecutors said. Sgt. Brian Smith, who joined the force in 2005, allegedly raked in kickbacks totaling about $800 a month between December 2015 and November 2016 to tip off the tow operators to locations of fender-benders and disabled vehicles reported to the city’s call center. In exchange, according to an indictment, Smith texted the men with advance notice of wrecks before official calls were placed to the next towing company on the city’s rotating list. Smith was suspended for 30 days with intent to dismiss, a department spokesman said. He pleaded not guilty to charges including bribery and lying to federal authorities at a court hearing. Court filings in his case do not identify either of the towing operators who purportedly paid him bribes. Source: philly.com.
Work the Passenger side–Stay Safe!
AMERICANTOWMAN.COM - October 2017 • WEST 123
Featured Safety Articles in AT American Towman office assistant Henri Calitri sourced out these safetythemed articles to improve your survival working on the roadside. You can find these articles from American Towman Magazine available in our digital archive at itowman.com. Check them out whenever you need: • August 2010: Freeway Service Patrol, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2010: Wreck Discipline: Calculations, by Dave Bouvia; Nitrous Systems, by Bill Simmons. • January 2011: Critical Relationships & the Tow Operator, by Steve Calitri. • April 2011: Two Kinds of Green with Accident Cleanups, by John Borowski; DOT Placards: Play It Safe, by Bill Simmons. • June 2011: Avoid Rollover Pitfalls, by Terry Abejuela. • August 2011: Beat the Heat, by Randall Resch. • November 2011: Defining the Kill Zone, by David Lambert; Our Evolving Industry – Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2011: Synthetic Rope vs. Wire Rope, Part II, by Terry Abejuela. • February 2012: Don’t Neglect Wire Rope, by Wayne Olson. • April 2012: Staying Safe Starts with Attitude, by Terry Abejuela; Drive On or Winch it?, by Randall Resch. • June 2012: Stay Safe When You Get Wet, by Matthew Bartlett; Dangerous Cut Points, by Randall Resch. • October 2012: Tow Lights Add Safety, Compliance, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2012: The ABCs of Attachment Hooks, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2013: Working the NonTraffic Side, by Randall Resch; Performing Safe, Efficient Jumpstart Service, by Terry Abejuela. • May 2013: Directing Traffic at the Scene, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2013: Stop that Truck Before It Starts (to roll), by Terry Abejuela; Three Decades of Safety Advice, by Richard Wolfe. • October 2013: Make the Roads a
Safer Place, by Terry Abejuela. • November 2013: Wheel-Lift Tows Need Wheel Straps, by Terry Abejuela; Drive Shaft Safety, by Team Wreckmaster. • July 2014: Wheel Chocking and Blocking, by Randall Resch. • October 2014: Customer Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • January 2015: Evaluate, Avoid Fatal Mistakes, by Randall, Resch. • February 2015: ABCs of Fire Extinguisher Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2015: The More Fatal Tire Service, by Randall Resch. • May 2015: Safety First with Personal Protective Equipment, by Terry Abejuela. • June 2015: The Dangers of Vehicle Fires, by Randall Resch. • July 2015: Roadside Safety Isn’t by Chance, by David Lambert. • October 2015: Increase Safety with GPS Alerts, Functions, by Jenny Malcolm; Know Your Tires, by Terry Abejuela. • December 2015: Driving Skills for the Professional Tower, by Terry Abejuela. • July 2016: Five Tips to Improve Roadside Safety, by Terry Abejuela. • October 2016: Eight Steps to Situational Awareness, by Randall Resch. • January 2017: Cones, Flares in Proper Use, by Terry Abejuela. • March 2017: Steering Wheel Securement, by Terry Abejuela.
Towers Lobbying for Blue Lights Towman John McDonald doesn’t know how fast the car was going that clipped him as he worked on the shoulder of I-490 near Rochester, New York, in December 2008. All he remembers is being flung onto the hood and his head smashing the windshield. McDonald could be a poster child for a push to pass a “Blue Light Bill” to allow towers to use rear-facing blue lights on their trucks when they assist a motorist. None is asking for blue lights in the front of the trucks, which, if illuminated, could be confused with the lights of a police cruiser. Jamie Ricci, who owns Ricci &
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Sons Towing in East Rochester, which employs McDonald, installed blue lights on some of his trucks over a year ago. He said he was ticketed once and that a judge threw out the $150 fine with a warning to remove the blue lights. “With the number of tow truck drivers that have been killed, I’ll take the ticket, I’ll take the fine for the safety of my drivers,” Ricci said. “The law has got to get passed. Somehow it’s got to.” “The problem is the yellow lights are obscured and nobody pays attention to them,” ESTRA President Thomas Brennan said. “Most people say, ‘I didn’t see them.’ I don’t know if that’s their excuse after they run us over or what.” Source: democratandchroniclecom.
Towman, Motorist Killed in Crash A Pennsylvania towman and a driver of a disabled vehicle were killed in a morning crash in Lancaster County in September. Towman Ralph H. Waltrous II, 44, and Robert M. Buckwalter Jr., 46, died at the scene on Route 222 in West Earl Township. Police said Anthony Caldwell, of Stafford, Virginia, was driving north on the route when his vehicle struck the men and Waltrous’ tow truck. Police said both men were outside of the tow truck, which was removing Buckwalter’s broken-down car. Caldwell was not injured. Source: pennlive.com.
Feds Say Cop Took Bribes from Towmen A veteran Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, police officer accepted more than $20,000 in bribes to give two towing companies an unfair advantage in the lucrative and highly competitive business of clearing wrecks from Philadelphia streets, federal prosecutors said. Sgt. Brian Smith, who joined the
Continued: Feds Say force in 2005, allegedly raked in kickbacks totaling about $800 a month between December 2015 and November 2016 to tip off the tow operators to locations of fender-benders and disabled vehicles reported to the city’s call center. In exchange, according to an indictment, Smith texted the men with advance notice of wrecks before official calls were placed to the next towing company on the city’s rotating list. Smith was suspended for 30 days with intent to dismiss, a department spokesman said. He pleaded not guilty to charges including bribery and lying to federal authorities at a court hearing. Court filings in his case do not identify either of the towing operators who purportedly paid him bribes. Source: philly.com.
High Incidence of Emergency Vehicles Hit A staggering number of responder vehicles have been hit in Indiana just over the last eight months, according to the Indiana State Police. According to a tweet by Sgt. John Perrine, 74 towing/repair vehicles have been crashed into on Indiana roads between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31 this year. In addition, 242 police vehicles, 26 highway department vehicles, 20 fire trucks and 20 medical/ambulance vehicles have been hit. Police say distracted driving is the biggest reason these accidents keep happening, and remind motorists to focus on the road. “The biggest thing the public can do for us to slow down, slow down, slow down and move over. Everyone’s not paying attention - texting and driving - whether you’re supposed to do it or not we know it happens. They’re talking on the phone, loud music, talking to whoever, you know, you’re in another world half the time, but you have to pay attention and you have to slow down and move over,” said Fire Chief Brian Kazmierzak. Source: wsbt.com. Work the Passenger side–Stay Safe!
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Company Owner Acquitted on Theft Charges Glenn Landau, who runs Fryer’s Towing in Daytona Beach, Florida, was acquitted of grand theft auto and violating a recovery law in a case involving the theft of a Mustang from Gary Yeoman’s Ford Lincoln in Daytona Beach. Circuit Judge Matt Foxman granted a motion for a judgment of acquittal by Landau’s defense attorneys, who argued the state had failed to prove its case. Foxman cited confusion over the tow sheet, which was a key piece of evidence in the trial. The judge also said Landau’s actions showed good faith after the stolen Mustang was towed by Fryer’s. Foxman referred to a law stating that if a person in the towing industry is in good faith exercising a legal right that person cannot be guilty of theft. Source: news-journalonline.com.
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WEST 128 • October 2017 - TOWMAN.COM