Feb 2021 BOGO - Full eBook

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Protective Blend 15mL SKU: 60206735

Invigorate and cleanse with dōTERRA’s On Guard ®. One of our most popular blends harnessing the properties of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils. • Warm, spicy, camphoraceous and woody f ragrance. • Diffuse to enjoy the energising and uplifting aroma. • A powerful blend that protects against environmental and seasonal threats. On Guard ® Protective Blend 15mL uses include: • Ideal for use in your DIY surface cleanser for the home, off ice, or kid’s playground. • Diffuse to provide a purely uplifting aroma.

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Not to be taken. Possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Cleaning Surface Spray Ingredients: • 5-10 drops On Guard ® Protective Blend 15mL • 250mL glass spray bottle Method: Add into a small 250mL spray bottle f illed with water (or vinegar), shake and spray onto surfaces and wipe away. (Use within two weeks) Top Tip: Try using the Surface Spray on dusty tired school bags – to leave them smelling clean and f resh!


essential oil 15mL SKU: 30150004

Bring the f resh clean sense of the outdoors, indoors with the cool green-scented Tea Tree! Tea Tree leaves have long been used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for their cooling and cleansing properties. • Part of Cō-Impact Sourcing program • Green and herbaceous aroma • An ability to cleanse have played a vital part in soaps, shampoos and moisturisers for centuries Tea Tree 15mL uses include: • Tea Tree is known for its antibacterial properties: it can be applied to the skin when necessary • Tea Tree essential oil contains a compound known to naturally repel insects

Spring cleanse your off ice Ingredients: • 5-10 drops Tea Tree essential oil 15mL • 250mL glass spray bottle Method: Add in to a small 250mL spray bottle f illed with water (or vinegar), shake and spray onto surfaces and wipe away. (Use within two weeks)

Wo rks well w ith:

• Combine one or two drops with your facial cleanser or apply to skin after shaving

5 mL

Tanacetum annuum

• Apply to f ingernails and toenails after showering to cleanse and keep nails looking healthy

Blue Tansy

• Diffusing Tea Tree essential oil will help f reshen the scent of the air


Heading back to work, study or just out and about? Can’t think what oils you should grab to get you through – then take the essentials! Easy and convenient, close at hand, and the right size for a handbag or laptop bag. Beautifully boxed and containing three 5mL bottles of our most popular, well known and easy to use oils, the Introductory Kit is a great place to start if you are new to essential oils or wanting to gift an essential oils experience to someone. Lavender 5mL uses include: • Keep a bottle of Lavender essential oil on hand to soothe skin • Freshen your linen closet or room by diffusing three or four drops • Use in cooking to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods and desserts • Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows and bedding for a calming aroma Peppermint 5mL uses include: • Diffuse for a clear crisp scent in the air • Invigorating aroma, ideal to promote an uplifting cheery feeling • Place one drop in palm of hand with one drop Wild Orange and one drop Frankincense and inhale for a midday aromatic pick-me-up

Lemon 5mL uses include: • Add a drop to water for a citrus burst of flavour • Add to a spray bottle of water when cleaning tables, counter tops, and commonly touched surfaces • Lemon also makes a great furniture polish; simply add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood f inishes • Use a cloth soaked in Lemon to preserve and protect your leather furniture and other leather surfaces or garments. • Add one or two drops to recipes that call for a citrus flavour • Diffuse to create an uplifting environment B a ck to S ch ool Diffuser B len d s: Pe rfe c t Atte n dan ce

Stu dy Tim e




Wild Orange

Lemon H ap py m am a Lavender Vetiver


dōTERRA BRAVE ® Courage Blend 10mL SKU: 60207882

Begin any new challenge with conf idence! New beginnings can be overwhelming. A new class, a new peer group, even just a change in how or where you work. Whether you are big or small, sometimes you just need a boost to get moving. With a bright and warm aroma, dōTERRA Brave ® Courage Blend is the ideal blend when you’re feeling unmotivated. Featuring the unique essential oil f rom Amyris Wood, dōTERRA Brave ® Courage Blend helps to create a calm environment.

Tr y usin g d ōT ERRA B rave ® 1 0m L by rollin g:

O nto ba ck o f th e n eck

P ulse points

dōTERRA Brave ® 10mL uses include: • Use dōTERRA Brave® Courage Blend throughout the day to help encourage tranquillity • Try dōTERRA Brave ® when facing new or different situations for its positive aroma to help promote feelings of courage and conf idence

O nto th e botto m s of your feet a n d /or ba ck Only available as an individual oil as part of this promotion. Part of the dōTERRA Kids Collection. Suitable for school-aged children (5+ years). Use under adult supervision.


Air Blend 15mL SKU: 60208807

Getting back into the swing of things can be a little challenging, especially when the weather is inviting, and days seem longer. This is a great time to harness the warming spicy aroma of Clearify ®. • An invigorating, sweet, and ref reshing aroma • Includes CPTG ® essential oils of Litsea, which has a f resh stimulating aroma, Tangerine and Grapef ruit, known to be uplifting to the senses, Frankincense whose aroma promotes feelings of relaxation, and Cardamom, which has a warming, spicy aroma Clearify ® 15mL uses include: • Clearify ® is ideal to be diffused in the home or workplace • For a positive start to the day, try diffusing Clearify ® Air Blend for an uplifting aroma

Clearify Room Mist Ingredients: • 125mL spray glass bottle 10 drops of Clearify ® Air Blend 15mL • 5 drops of Douglas Fir essential oil 5mL • Distilled or f iltered water • 1 tablespoon Witch Hazel Method: 1. In your spray bottle, combine water, alcohol and essential oils. 2. Shake ingredients and spritz around the home for a f resh and clean scent! Store away f rom direct sunlight for up to two weeks.

• Getting back into shape? Try diffusing Clearify ® Air Blend during an intense workout Diffus er B len d s: Take a Brea th er Clearif y


Ri s e ‘ n’ S h i n e Clearif y


Fo re st F lo o r Clearify




Grapef ruit

Wild Orange


Douglas Fir

C learity Clearify ® Lime

DOUGLAS FIR essential oil 5mL


Take a moment of mindfulness in the midst of the hustle and bustle, and surround yourself with the majestic and deeply grounding aroma of Douglas Fir essential oil!

On Guard ® Sanitising Mist is a must-have these days! Keep it at the f ront door, in the car, handbag, school bag, library bag, clutch, gym bag, carry all – pop it anywhere you need. Great to use at the school gate, after using playground equipment, at picnics or attending events.

SKU: 31590004

• Sustainably sourced f rom young trees in New Zealand and part of Cō-Impact Sourcing program • Fresh and clear aroma • Blending with citrus oils will create an uplifting environment and ref reshing aroma Douglas Fir 5mL uses include: • Combine Douglas Fir with Wild Orange, Lemon, or Bergamot in a diffuser to provide an uplifting aroma • Add 1 drop to facial cleanser, a bar of soap, or body wash for an invigorating aroma • Diffuse 2–3 drops with Eucalyptus, or rub into hands and inhale deeply • Combine with 1-2 drops of Wintergreen to a carrier oil for a relaxing massage experience Diffus er B len d s: Lun ch Tim e Es ca p e Douglas Fir

Ca m p f i re Douglas Fir


dōTERRA Passion ®

Wild Orange


Sanitising Mist 27mL SKU: 60203996

On Guard ® Sanitising Mist helps cleanse hands by killing bacteria on the skin through an extremely f ine, quick drying mist. • Convenient and easy to use hand sanitiser • Combining Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary CPTG ® essential oils • Provides an uplifting citrus spice aroma and protective benef its O n Gua rd ® S a nitisin g Mist 27m L is perfec t fo r :

dōTERRA TOUCH ® NEROLI essential oil 10mL SKU: 60202963

In this fast-paced world when the demands on our time and attention are ever present, Neroli is a f ragrance that can transport us, create an oasis in the swirl, nourish the soul and tend the spirit. • The aroma is rich with a floral scent and citrusy overtones • Comforting essential oil, ideal when looking for restorative practices

Off ice-Ready Facial Treatment: Method: Using the roller, gently apply a few dabs of dōTERRA Touch ® Neroli essential oil to your face and massage for a few minutes. Rest for 10 minutes, placing a cool or warm face cloth on your face as a compress. Remove excess oil with a tissue or cloth.

• Soothing aroma Neroli Daydream Perfume:


The bitter orange tree is native to East Asia; however it has been growing in Egypt since it was introduced in the 10th Century.

15 mL

15 mL

Wo rks well w ith:

Citrus X paradisi

• Combine Neroli, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Marjoram essential oils in a carrier oil for a relaxing and aromatic massage experience

Apply to your pulse points; wrists, behind the ears, on the décolletage and enjoy throughout the day.


• Try using Neroli when you are looking for a calming environment


5 mL

• Have you just dropped a child at school, or care, visited an elderly family member? Apply to pulse points and breathe deeply throughout the day for an uplifting scent

Santalum paniculatum

dōTERRA Touch ® Neroli uses include:

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Not to be taken. Possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.


essential oil 15mL SKU: 30890004

• 10 drops Patchouli essential oil • 5 drops Clary Sage essential oil • 2 drops Manuka essential oil Method: Combine all essential oils in a 10mL Roller Bottle and top with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil

• Soothing aroma

Diffus er B len d s: H eave n Scen t Patchouli Grapef ruit Ylang Ylang

M ou n t a i n A i r

15 mL

Restful Blend

Lavender Peace

15 mL

Vetiveria zizanioides


• Combine with Vetiver and apply to the bottoms of feet and diffuse to help calm emotions

15 mL

• Work-ready skin, apply one to two drops to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or problem skin areas, or add to your favourite moisturiser

Wo rks well w ith:

Mentha spicata

• Apply to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck after a long day of work


Patchouli 15mL uses include:


• Its musky allure is robust and tempting and mixes well with warm florals


5 mL

• It has a f ragrance that is rich, woody, musky and earthy

Signature Fragrance

Thuja plicata

Needing to dig deep to f ind the strength to make it through the week? Whether you diffuse or wear it as a personal f ragrance, Patchouli essential oil has an aroma that can ignite the senses!

Patchouli is a bushy herb that is a member of the mint family. The plant, which grows better in the shade, has pale pink flowers.

Patchouli Wild Orange Frankincense

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Not to be taken. Possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.


Clear Blend 15mL SKU: 60200210

Is your mind racing with all the things you need to do the next day? Take a moment to stretch with Easy Air®. A remarkable blend of essential oils which can be used topically or diffused. Minty, f resh and airy you will want to breathe deeply to enjoy the aroma

Easy Air ® Rub

Easy Air ® Clear Blend uses include:


• Diffuse, inhale directly f rom palms or rub on chest or feet when environmental threats are high • Use when outdoors at times of seasonal threats • Diffuse at bedtime for a restful environment • Dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to the chest, back or bottom of the feet Diffus er B len d s: Brave

Ingredients: • 30 grams coconut oil (not f ractionated) • 6 drops Easy Air® Clear Blend • 3 drops Lavender essential oil

• Melt the coconut oil and allow to cool for at least 10 minutes or until lukewarm (you still want it to be liquid). • Once cooled, add in the essential oils and stir until combined. (It is important to allow the mixture to cool before adding the essential oils). • Pour the oil blend into a sterilised jar. Allow to cool completely (you may need to cool in the f ridge ). The coconut oil will set. • Use within two weeks. Store at low temperature (or in the f ridge) Keep out of direct sunlight.

B re ezy B l i s s

Easy Air ®

Easy Air ®


Citrus Bliss™

Frankincense KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Not to be taken. Possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.


essential oil 15mL SKU: 60210228

Long summer nights are perfect to enjoy outdoors, as you unwind f rom the day and ease back into the reality of school, work, study and all things routine. Enjoy the aroma of citronella while enjoying the outdoors. • The aroma is rich with a floral scent and citrusy overtones • Comforting essential oil, ideal when looking for restorative practices • Soothing aroma

Crawl-Away Surface Spray Ingredients: • 6 drops Citronella essential oil • 4 drops Tea Tree essential oil • 1 tablespoon Witch Hazel • 45mL Water Method: Shake well before use. Store away f rom direct sunlight for up to two weeks.

Citronella 15mL uses include: • Diffuse while enjoying the outdoors • Apply to skin with Fractionated Coconut Oil

Wo rks well w ith:

WHAT IT TAKES: It takes approximately 1.5 kilos of citronella plant matter t o produce 15mL of Citronella essential oil.

15 mL

15 mL

Citrus bergamia


Zingiber Citrus officinale bergamia

• Use in shampoo and conditioner for a ref reshing aroma

Coriandrum sativum

• Diffuse to promote a cheery, optimistic environment

15 mL

• Add three to four drops in water for an aromatic surface cleanser


Walnut Diffuser SKU: 60206596

Scent and transform any workspace with the Brevi ® Walnut Diffuser and f ind an aroma to match your mood! The contemporary circle design offers a sleek, modern look. Brevi ® Walnut Diffuser can run f ive hours continuously and 10 hours intermittently. With ultrasonic technology and multiple light settings, you can easily enjoy the benef its of misting aromatic essential oils and create your own uplifting environment.

This is a limited-time offer item unavailable for purchase except during applicable promotions.

• Ideal for your personal workspace • Modern design • Runs f ive hours continuously/ 10 intermittently • Safety feature: Automatic shut off when the water level is low • Selectable LED: several light colour options including blue, purple, yellow, and warm white - LED feature can be set to cycle through all four colours, a single colour, or off • Ultra-f ine mist f ills a room up to 25 square meters

LEMON MYRTLE essential oil 15mL SKU: 60204849

If you’re struggling to get back into routine, enjoy the f reshness and exuberance of Lemon Myrtle f irst thing in the morning or when your energy feels stale for a perfect pick-me-up! • Sourced in Australia

Lemon Myrtle Tea (2 Servings) A ref reshing drink to enjoy during your break! Ingredients: • 2 cups water • 1 tablespoon honey

• Fresh citrus aroma

• 2 drops Lemon Myrtle essential oil • 1 drop Ginger essential oil

Benef its:

• Ice cubes

• Relaxing to the mood


• Cleansing to surfaces and skin

• Pour water into a jug • Add honey and essential oils • Stir thoroughly and pour over ice into glasses


Abies sibirica


Citrus bergamia

15 mL

Works well w it h :

Indigenous Australians have long been using lemon myrtle in cuisine and for healing.

dōTERRA TOUCH ® MĀNUKA essential oil 10mL SKU: 60204448

Enjoy the grounding and relaxing aroma of Manuka essential oil in a convenient format as you face a busy day at work! Revered by the Maori people for its many invigorating properties, Mānuka has been used for centuries in New Zealand. dōTERRA’s New Zealand Manuka Essential Oil is a pure steam distillation of the potent aromatic compounds found in the flowers, leaves and stems of the Mānuka tree. • Sourced in New Zealand and part of Cō-Impact Sourcing program

Tr y Mā nuka essentia l o il in a co nvenient Touch form a t d urin g:

Med ita tion before your presenta tio n

• A rich, spicy, herbaceous f ragrance • Can help promote feelings of relaxation dōTERRA Touch ® Mānuka 10mL uses include: • Use Mānuka essential oil in a convenient Touch format to help ground and centre energies in preparation for deep meditation • Apply during meditation to help centre oneself • Add to your skin care routine to help maintain the appearance of a smooth, clear complexion • Roll on your temples and wrists and breathe in deeply before bedtime • Use as part of a relaxing, soothing massage after a long and tiring day

B efore bed tim e

Ma ssa g e a fter a lon g d ay a t work


essential oil 15mL SKU: 60210610

When you’re back to work, it’s easy to reach for a coffee or sugary drink when you feel your energy lagging. Try using Clementine essential oil for a zesty boost! • The aroma is ref reshing, and sweet. • Scent that can be uplifting to the mood. Clementine 15mL uses include: • Add 3–4 drops of Clementine essential oil to your surface cleaners to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces while also providing a sweet, citrus smell. • Diffuse to encourage a light, pleasant aromatic atmosphere. • Add 1–2 drops of Clementine to juice, tea, or water for a nice twist in flavour. • For a ref reshing boost (and a f resh, zesty scent!), add a few drops to your shampoo. • Try including Clementine essential oil in one of your favourite recipes for a new taste.


Clementine is a hybrid between mandarin and sweet orange. This is a limited-time offer item unavailable for purchase except during applicable promotions.

Diffuser B len d s: H ap py Su n sh in e

Squeeze the Day




Green Mandarin

Frankincense Darling Clementine Clementine Ylang Ylang Cinnamon Bark

Works well w ith:

Pink Pepper

Whether you are heading back to the off ice, the home off ice or powering through to get the kids ready for school, diffusing essential oils can be a great way to help you shift your mindset, create the environment you want (or need) and enjoy the f ragrance magic that happens.

©2 0 2 0 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s t e re d trad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i ng s, L LC . AU N Z B O GO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2 0 2 1 0 9 0 2 2 0 2 1 .

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