doTERRA AUNZ BOGO - July 2021 Day 3

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MONDAY 26 th TO FRIDAY 30 th JULY 2021

dōTERRA TOUCH ® BEAUTIFUL Captivating Blend 10mL SKU: 60203676

Embrace the beauty of essential oils through the combination of Osmanthus, Lime, Bergamot and Frankincense in a harmoniously floral blend. The invigorating scent of Lime and Bergamot help create an uplifting environment. Utilising the supportive and relaxing aromas of Osmanthus and Frankincense, the Captivating Blend will soon become a favourite. dōTERRA Touch ® Beautiful makes a lovely and sweet personal aroma to use daily or on special occasions. Charm and uplift with dōTERRA Touch ® Beautiful Captivating Blend. Use as a personal aroma during your day for a motivating scent. • Create feelings of empowerment and inspiration when experiencing the captivating bouquet that is Beautiful Captivating Blend. • Roll dōTERRA Touch ® Beautiful onto your pulse points for an uplifting experience. This blend features aromas that are both uplifting and relaxing–perfect for times when unsettled feelings arise. When you experience feelings of being overwhelmed, roll on Beautiful Touch to your pulse points.

Bergamot is a unique citrus oil. It has chemical constituents that are simultaneously energising and calming. It uplifts the mood and can be calming when inhaled. The oil’s rich concentration of linalyl acetate and linalool contribute to its ability to influence mood. Lime has a ref reshing and energising aroma that lifts the mood. Its tart aroma is balanced by the f ruity and floral scent of Osmanthus essential oil, helps promote soothing feelings of calm. Frankincense rounds out the aromatic prof ile of Beautiful Touch. The rich scent can help create a sense of balanced mood and soothes emotions. It may also gives a sense of focus. Together, the oils in this blend come together to provide an exquisite scent with calming and uplifting properties. Each is a favourite oil on its own, and when combined provide an incredible aromatic experience. This blend can be used to enjoy a f ragrance that may brighten your mood when you are feeling discouraged, help promote a sense of calm so that you feel inspired and empowered every day.

dōTERRA TOUCH ® BALANCE Grounding Blend 10mL SKU: 60210423

The warm, woody aroma of dōTERRA Touch ® Balance is grounding and creates a sense of calm and well-being. A perfect combination of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile, dōTERRA Touch ® Balance offers an enticing f ragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation. Spruce, one of the oils in dōTERRA Touch ® Balance, is used by Native Americans. Ho Wood, Blue Tansy and Blue Chamomile are ideal to create a calming atmosphere, while Frankincense helps provide a balancing effect. Ideal when looking for Balance, provides a calming and relaxing environment with its tranquil aroma.

Tr y usin g d ōT ERRA B a la n ce Gro un din g B len d in a co nvenient Touch form a t du rin g:

Med ita tio n befo re yo ur presenta tion

• Roll on to wrists, pulse points and back of neck for a calm aroma. • Apply to feet to promote a tranquil aromatic atmosphere. • Try at times when looking for relaxation and balance.

B efo re bed tim e

Ma ssa ge a fter a lon g d ay a t wo rk

Whether you are heading back to the off ice, the home off ice or powering through to get the kids ready for school, diffusing essential oils can be a great way to help you shift your mindset, create the environment you want (or need) and enjoy the f ragrance magic that happens.

©2 0 2 1 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s te re d t rad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i n g s , L LC . AU N Z B O GO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2021 26072021.

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