July 2020 BOGO Full eBook

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Juniper Berry

Green Mandarin essential oil 15mL

essential oil 5mL

( S K U 60 20 8 0 0 3 )

Green Mandarin essential oil is pressed from the unripened fruit of the mandarin tree. As farmers grow the citrus trees that are used to produce some of our essential oils, the mandarin tree (Citrus reticulata) goes through a heavy thinning process. Most of the young, unripe fruit was removed during this process and discarded. Now, that unripe fruit is being used to produce Green Mandarin essential oil, making it one of dōTERRA’s most eco-friendly single oils. •

Refreshing aroma

Citrus, fruity, slightly sweet and floral

Diffus e r Bl e n d s :

Coconut and Green Mandarin Body Scrub What you will need: 125g Sugar 30 g Coconut oil 10 g Desiccated Coconut 1 Lime zest (can substitute lemon or orange) finely chopped 10 drops Green Mandarin essential oil Glass Jar with a lid Method: Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix until combined. Store in the jar of your choice. Rub on your skin in circular motions prior to showering and wash off with warm water. Citrus Twist Restorative Footbath

Everg reen Green Mandarin Siberian Fir Pink Pepper Gleef u l Bl en d Lavender Peace ® Bergamot Green Mandarin Pa g e 2 | B O G O F l a s h

Joy Joy Joy Green Mandarin Lime Hawaiian Sandalwood B a c k to B us i n e s s Green Mandarin Pink Pepper Marjoram Frankincense

What you will need: 4 drops Green Mandarin essential oil 4 drops Lavender essential oil 2 drops Basil essential oil 2 drops Petitgrain essential oil 1 drop Lemon essential oil 1 teaspoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: In a shallow bowl, combine the essential oils with the dōTERRA FCO. Fill a basin with warm water and add the oils, swirling to disperse the blended oils, put you feet into the basin and relax for at least 15 minutes

(S KU 492 90004)

Derived from the coniferous tree, Juniper Berry essential oil has a rich history of traditional benefits. Aromatically, Juniper Berry has a woody, spicy, yet fresh and calming aroma Juniper Berry 5mL uses include: •

Diffuse with citrus oils when looking to create a balancing and calming aroma

Add one to two drops to water or citrus drinks

Calming aroma, grounding to the emotions

D i ffuser B lends: Trans i ti o ns Juniper Berry

Sun K i s s e d Juniper Berry

Bergamot and Juniper Berry Aromatic Lotion Bars What you will need: 1 cup Soy Wax 1 cup Coconut Oil 1 cup Shea Butter 10 drops Bergamot essential oil 10 drops Juniper Berry essential oil Method: Combine and melt (microwave or double boiler) beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter. Mix ingredients together. Add Bergamot and Juniper Berry essential oils.* Pour or spoon into mould of choice. Place in fridge or freezer to allow soap to harden for 10 minutes. Remove soap from silicon moulds & enjoy bath time *You can switch essential oils in this recipe, ensuring that they are suitable for topical application.


Wild Oran ge

Luxurious End of Day Bath


G rapefruit

What you will need: 3 drops Green Mandarin essential oil 2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil 1 drop Juniper Berry essential oil 1 cup Epsom Salts 1 teaspoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil

Love Poti o n

I nhal e & Exhal e

J un iper Berry

J un iper Berry

L im e

G rapefruit

Clary Sage

Douglas Fir

Method: Dissolve Epsom salt in the bath water. Mix essential oils and dōTERRA FCO in a shallow bowl. Pour into the bath and swirl the water to disperse the oil evenly. Enter the bath and enjoy! dōT E RRA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 3



Renewing Blend 5mL

Reassuring Blend 5mL

(SKU 31750004)

( S K U 317 1 0004 )

dōTERRA Peace ® Reassuring Blend of floral and mint essential oils is a positive reminder you don’t have to be perfect to find peace. Slow down, take a deep breath and reconnect with the composed, collected you. Everything turning out fine begins with believing it will—add a few drops of dōTERRA Peace ® Reassuring Blend to support you. •

Sweet, rich and minty aroma

Helps promote feelings of peace, reassurance and contentment

Diffus e r Bl e n d s : Per fec tly Pea cef ul dōTERRA Peace

Pe a ce & Q ui et ®

dōTERRA Peace ®

dōTERRA Balance ®

Siberian Fir

Juniper Berry


After th e Sto rm dōTERRA Peace ® dōTERRA Forgive ®

Pe a ceful Mor n i n g dōTERRA Peace ® Wild Orange Grapefruit

Peace Out Purefume Roller Ball Blend What you will need: 5 drops Frankincense essential oil 3 drops dōTERRA Peace ® 3 drops Cedarwood essential oil dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: Add the drops to a 10mL Roller Bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you want to add a little ‘peace’ into your day. Sleepy Dreams Pillow Spray What you will need: 5 drops dōTERRA Peace ® 5 drops dōTERRA Forgive ® ¼ cup Witch Hazel ½ cup Distilled Water Funnel 200mL Amber Glass Spray Bottle Method: Using the funnel pour the witch hazel in a spray bottle, add 10 drops of essential oil and combine. Add the distilled water into the spray bottle and shake well. Spritz on pillows or bed linen prior to sleep.

When you are ready to move forward, dōTERRA Forgive ® Renewing Blend of tree and herb essential oils will help you discover the liberating action of forgiving, forgetting and moving on. Start each of your tomorrows with feelings of relief and contentment with dōTERRA Forgive ® Renewing Blend. •

Herbaceous, fresh and woody

Helps to feel grounded and content

dōTE RRA Forgi ve ® Renewi ng B lend 5m L uses i nclude: •

Diffuse when meditating to help promote calm emotions, creating a nurturing open environment.

Apply to pulse points and heart throughout the day to help feel grounded and content.

Have dōTERRA Forgive ® on hand throughout the day for when negative emotions arise from undesirable situations.

Let It Go Purefume Roller Ball Blend What you will need: 10 drops dōTERRA Forgive ® 10 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10mL Roller Bottle Method: Add the drops to a 10mL roller bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you need to let go of negative emotions and move forward with your day.

D i ffuser B lends: Rai nd ro ps & Rai nbows dōTERRA Forgive ®

C la ry S a g e

dōTERRA Balance ®


Citrus Bliss

dōTERRA Balance ®


dōTERRA Forgive ® Gro und e d & Co nte nt dōTERRA Forgive ® Douglas Fir Grapefruit

Pa g e 4 | B O G O F la s h

Em ot io n a l Relea s e

dōTERRA Peace ® Olive B ra n c h dōTERRA Forgive ® dōTERRA Elevation TM

dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 5


essential oil 15mL ( S K U 3079 000 4 )

Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants, requiring special climate and soil in order to thrive. Italians have used Bergamot for years for its calming and soothing aroma. In Greece, the unripe fruits are used as sweetmeats, eaten by the spoonful as a dessert or with coffee. •

Uplifting and calming aroma

Helps promote a calm and relaxed environment

Bergamot 15mL uses include: •

Diffuse at work, or at home to help promote a calm relaxed environment.

Change regular tea to Earl Grey with the addition of Bergamot.

Diffus e r Bl e n d s : Quiet M in d

Pe a ce & Q ui et





Fennel Winter S u n Bergamot Eucalyptus Wild Orange Pa g e 6 | B O G O F l a s h

Sandalwood G i r l Powe r Bergamot Clary Sage

Siberian Fir essential oil 15mL (S KU 602 0392 6)

Bergamot Baked Custard (Serves 2) What you will need: 3 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 450ml cream or half milk & half cream 60g caster sugar 1 - 2 drops Bergamot essential oil Freshly grated nutmeg, to dust Method: Preheat the oven to 170°C. Beat the whole eggs, egg yolk, Bergamot essential oil and vanilla extract together lightly (you don't want them to become too frothy). Place the cream in a pan with the sugar, stirring to dissolve. Heat to just below boiling point then pour onto the eggs and stir to combine. Pour into a 1-litre (4-cup) capacity baking dish. Stand in a roasting pan half-filled with hot water. Sprinkle the top with nutmeg and bake for about 30-35 minutes: it should still wobble slightly. Serve hot, warm or chilled with poached fruits, a dollop of jam or just on its own.

Th e Siberian fir tree is a tall, light in colour con ifer tree n ative to European Russia an d Can ad a. Siberian Fir h as a un ique ch em ical com position th at is pred om in ately bornyl acetate, wh ich provid es th e m ajority of ben efits of th is essential oil. •

Refresh in g, wood y scent

Calm in g an d relax in g arom a

Helps prom ote a groun d in g an d relaxed atm osph ere

Massage Oil What you need: 2 drops Siberian Fir essential oil 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil 2 drops Frankincense essential oil 1 tablespoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: In a shallow bowl mix all the oils. Apply in a gentle massage to the upper chest, back of the neck and shoulders.

Si be r i an Fi r 15mL us e s i ncl ud e : •

After stren uous activity, d ilute with a carrier oil an d m assage into skin for sooth in g comfort.

Wh en workin g th rough d ifficult circum stan ces at h om e or work, d iffuse S iberian Fir to provid e a calm in g arom a.

D iffuses well with Bergam ot, Ced arwood , Wild Oran ge an d G eran ium essential oils.

In h ale d eeply an d ex perien ce th e refresh in g arom a.

D i ffuser B lends: Fro s te d Tre e s

Even in g Tra n q u ilit y

Siberian Fir

Siberian Fir


Douglas Fir

Peppermint Go o d V i be s

Seren e

Siberian Fir


Juniper Berry


Clary Sage

S i be ri a n F i r

Ju n i p e r B e r r y G i n ge r

dōT E RRA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 7



Encouraging Blend 5mL

Inspiring Blend 5mL

(S KU 31740004)

( S K U 317 6 0004 )

Have you lost your why, your mojo, your passion? dōTERRA Passion ® Inspiring Blend of spice and herb essential oils may help you rekindle excitement in your life. With dōTERRA Passion ® , explore the daring and try something new, as well as discover renewed joy for the current blessings in your life. •

A sweet, warm, rich fragrance

An inspiring aroma to help ignite feelings of excitement, passion, and joy

Stop, reset and restart with dōTERRA Motivate ® Encouraging Blend of mint and citrus essential oils. dōTERRA Motivate ® with its invigorating scent may help you unleash your creative powers and find feelings of courage that come from believing in yourself again. Go ahead and raise the bar—you can do it!

Love Potion Purefume Roller Ball Blend What you will need: 10 drops dōTERRA Passion ® 10 drops dōTERRA Whisper ® dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10mL Roller Bottle Method: Add the drops to a 10mL roller bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you need an inspiring aroma to ignite your joy.

Diffuse in the morning to help start the day with an energised and enthusiastic outlook.

Diffuse at work to help spark creativity, clarity and wonder.

Create a positive, engaging environment with the uplifting aroma of dōTERRA Passion ®

Whisper ® ®

Warm Embrace dōTERRA Passion ® Douglas Fir Sa nda lwood

Pa g e 8 | B O G O F la s h

May help you unleash your creative powers and find feelings of courage

Apply to the bottom of feet in the morning to jump start your day.

Diffuse dōTERRA Motivate ® when working on a project at work or studying.

Apply to pulse points before participating in sporting events or other competitions.

An uplifting and positive aroma, ideal to use in times when negative emotions are present.

Moon light Ro mance

Grapefruit dōTERRA Passion

dōTERRA Motivate Encouraging Blend 5mL uses include:

Dif f u s e r Bl e n ds : My Passion

Fresh, minty and clean


dōTERRA Passion ® Inspiring Blend uses include: •

dōTERRA Passion


Get Motivated Room Spray What you will need: 8 drops doōTERRA Motivate ® 5 drops doōTERRA Balance ® ¼ cup Witch Hazel ½ cup Distilled Water Funnel 200mL Amber Glass Spray Bottle Method: Pour the witch hazel into an amber spray bottle. Add the essential oils. Put the lid on the spray bottle and shake well. Add the distilled water into the spray bottle using a funnel. Shake well and spritz in the air, try as part of a routine before study or when looking to concentrate. D i ffuser B lends: D o n't Let Me D own dōTERRA Motivate ®

Ris e U p dōTERRA Motivate ®





dōT E RRA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 9

Blue Tansy Blue Tansy, also referred to as Moroccan Tansy, is an annual yellow-flowered Mediterranean plant found in northern Morocco. Chamazulene, a chemical component in Blue Tansy, provides the characteristic indigo colour and is recognised for its skin soothing benefits. •

An opt im is t ic a ro ma

A swe et s cent to c re ate a n u p l i f t i n g

Blue Ta n sy 5mL u s e s i nc lu d e : •

Dif f us e to cre ate a p o si ti ve , u p l i f ti n g at m os p h ere .

Ad d 1 or 2 d ro p s to yo u r favo u r i te m ois t uris er o r c l e a n se r a n d a p p ly to p i c a l ly to h el p red u ce t h e a p p e a ra n ce of b l e m i s hes or to hyd rate a n d so ot h e th e ski n .

I n cl ud e 1 or 2 dro p s i n l oti o n fo r a res torin g m a ssa ge af te r a st re ssf u l day or ext rem e wor ko u t.

essential oil 5mL ( SK U 60 20 3 997)


Blend for Women 5mL (SKU 31080004)

Mas s ag e O il Bl e n ds : Zen of the day 3 drops Blue Tansy essential oil 3 drops Cypress essential oil 2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil 1 drop Helichrysum essential oil 1 tablespoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil In a shallow bowl, combine the oils and add dōTERRA FCO. Mix well before using in a relaxing massage. Sweet Aroma 2 drops Blue Tansy essential oil 2 drops Patchouli essential oil 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil 2 drops Cedarwood essential oil 1 tablespoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil In a shallow bowl, combine the oils and add dōTERRA FCO. Mix well before using in a relaxing massage.

A complex and diverse blend that combines with each individual’s chemistry to create a uniquely personal fragrance. Made with Jasmine and Ylang Ylang, known as precious flowers in the perfume and aromatherapy industries. •

Euph oric arom as com bin e with th e warm an d spicy scents

A un ique blen d in com plex ity an d arom atic influen ce

D i ffuser B lends: Wo o d l and Whi s pe r s dōTERRA Whisper ® Citrus Bliss ® Siberian Fir

Pe aceful Whi s pe r s dōTERRA Peace ® Ylang Ylang dōTERRA Whisper ®

Whi m si cal Woods Purefum e Roller B all B le nd What you will need: 10 drops dōTERRA Whisper ® 10 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood essential oil dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10mL Roller Bottle Method: Add the drops to a 10mL roller bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you want to add a whimsy and beautiful aroma to your day. B alanci ng Whi spers Purefum e Roller B all B le nd What you will need: 10 dōTERRA Whisper ® 10 dōTERRA dōTERRA Balance ® dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10mL Roller Bottle

Diffus e r Bl e n d s : Anti-P ro c ra s tin ati o n

B r i g ht & C h e e r ful

Sun ny P ick-Me-Up

Blue Tansy

Blue Tansy

Blue Tansy





Wild Orange

Juniper Berry

G entle En co urage me nt Bergamot Cedarwood Blue Tansy

War m Hug dōTERRA Whisper ® dōTERRA Console ® Patch ouli

Tro pi cal Al l ure dōTERRA Whisper ® L im e

Method: Add the drops to a 10mL roller bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you want a little extra help balancing your emotions.

dōTERRA Purify ®

Spearmint Pa g e 1 0 | B O G O F la s h

dōT E RRA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 11


essential oil 15mL ( S K U 4 1 290 0 0 4 )

Fennel can grow up to six feet in height and has delicate, feathery leaves and small yellow flowers. The history of Fennel use dates back to ancient times when Ancient Greek and Roman warriors were said to have consumed Fennel seeds to make them strong and ready for battle. •

Fen n el is b est kn ow n fo r i t s di st i n c t l iq uorice a ro ma a n d t a ste

B l en d s we l l w i t h B a si l , Le mo n , C y p re s s , L aven d er an d Ro se ma r y e sse nti a l o i l s

Fen n e l 15mL u s e s i nc lu d e : •

P ut a d rop in wate r o r te a a n d dr i n k for a swe et fl avo u r i n ste a d of i n d u l gi n g in sweet s .

B l en d s we l l i n th e di f f u se r w i t h B e rga m ot , C a n an g a , C a rda mo m, Ro ma n C h a mo mi l e, Ge ran ium , G i n ge r, G ra p ef r u i t, Ju n i p e r B er r y, L aven d er, Gre e n Ma n d a r i n a n d W i l d Ora nge e s s ent ial oil s.

Ad d to d es s e r t s fo r a n a ddi ti o n a l d e pt h of f l avour.

Pa g e 1 2 | B O G O F l a s h

Fresh Tuna Marinade (makes enough for 500grams of fresh tuna) What you will need: 1 cup dry white wine (or non-alcoholic cooking wine) 1 clove garlic 1 small onion diced Pinch salt ¼ teaspoon whole black peppercorns 1 drop Lime essential oil 1 drop Fennel essential oil 1 tablespoon olive oil Method: 1. Pour the wine/non alcoholic wine into a shallow dish large enough to hold the tuna and add the garlic, onion, salt and pepper. 2. Mix the essential oils and rub a small amount into the tuna then place the tuna in the wine. Leave covered for 3 – 6 hours. 3. Grill or poach the tuna and use the marinade for sauce.



essential oil 15mL

essential oil 15mL

(S KU 30100004)

(SKU 412 90004)

Re fe r re d to a s a “ fo r b i d d e n f r u i t ” a n d o n e o f t h e “ S eve n Wo n d e r s o f B a r b a d o s ”, G r a p e f r u i t wa s f i r s t d o c u m e n te d i n 175 0 by We l s h m a n Rev. G r i f f i t h H u g h e s . T h e n a m e “g r a p e f r u i t ” i s a t t r i b u te d to t h e f r u i t s g row i n g i n c l u s te r s w h i c h re s e m b l e those of grapes.

Marjoram is native to the Mediterranean and Eurasia, although it is now cultivated throughout the world. It’s name has Greek origins, meaning “joy of the mountains”. In ancient times marjoram symbolised love.

En ergisin g, invigoratin g an d upliftin g arom a

Stron g citrus an d fruity flavour

B li ssful Grapefrui t Water (serves 4) What you need: 3 drops Grapefruit essential oil 3 drops Lemon essential oil 1.2 litres of water Sliced Cucumber Method: Place sliced cucumber in a wide mouthed serving jug. For a refreshing drink, add grapefruit and lemon essential oils to water.

D iffuse to refre sh the a i r w i th a ri ch h erbaceous aro m a

Blen d s well wit h B a si l, Le m o n, C y pre ss, L aven d er an d Ro se m a ry e sse nti a l o i ls

B ath Soak What you will need: 3 drops Marjoram essential oil 2 drops Lavender essential oil 1 drop Frankincense essential oil 1 Tablespoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil ¼ cup Pink Himalayan salt Method: Run a bath, swirl in the Himalayan Salt. Combine oils in a shallow dish and swirl into water to disperse.

In warm weather serve chilled, in cooler weather serve at room temperature.

dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 13

Clary Sage


Clary Sage is a biennial or perennial herb that grows up to six feet in height. The main chemical component of Clary Sage essential oil is linalyl acetate, part of the esters group, making it one of the most relaxing and soothing aromas.

Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family with stems reaching two or three feet in height and bearing small, pink-white flowers. Patchouli has been used in the perfume industry as well as in scented products.

essential oil 15mL ( SK U 3 0 4 20 0 0 4 )

Clary S a ge 15mL u s e s i nc lu d e : •

Dif f us e or ap p ly to p i l l ow at n i ght .

I n h a l in g C l ar y S a ge i s a n i de a l a ro ma pr i or to re l axat ion , b efo re a re stf u l n i ght’s sl eep.

Diffus e r Bl e n d s : Citr us S a ge Clary Sage Lime Grapefruit Restful S l u mber Clary Sage

Fre sh St a r t Clary Sage Lavender Bergamot C h i ll Away Clary Sage




Ylang Ylang Marjoram

Pa g e 1 4 | B O G O F l a s h

Nou ris h in g Hair Mas k What you will need: 50 g Shea Butter 10 g dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10 g Honey 7 drops Clary Sage essential oil 7 drops Cedarwood essential oil Method: Add Shea butter, dōTERRA FCO and honey to a glass bowl and heat until melted (you can use microwave or double boiler on stovetop) Remove from heat.

essential oil 15mL (SKU 30890004)

G roun d in g an d balan cin g arom a

Easily recogn ised for its rich , m usky-sweet fragran ce

Se l f Refl e cti o ns

Add essential oils and mix until combined.


Patch ouli

Transfer to container of your choice with a lid. Place in the fridge or freezer to set. How to Use:



Prior to application mix well to ensure honey is evenly distributed. Place 1 teaspoon of mask on palms and rubbing hands together, then distribute throughout the hair, focusing on dry ends.

Ylang Ylang Pe ace & Ze n Patchouli Blue Tansy

What you will need: 100g coarse sea salt 1 Vanilla pod 50g Cocoa Butter 30 drops Patchouli essential oil 10 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil Method: Split the Vanilla pod lengthways and scrape the seeds into a bowl with the salt.

D i ffuser B lends: Mo r ni ng Me d i tati o ns

Luxuri ous Creamy B at h Sa lt s


Finely grate the cocoa butter and mix with salt and vanilla seeds. Add the essential oils and stir well to blend Transfer the mixture to a jar and leave for a few days to infuse before using. How to Use: Throw a handful of the salts into a warm bath and swish the water about to dissolve.

Use 1 – 2 times a month.

Will keep in a sealed jar for over a month.

Mask will keep for up to a month in a sealed jar.

Allow to rest 20 – 30 minutes (or wrap and leave overnight) before washing thoroughly with shampoo to remove any oily residue.

Ylan g Ylan g Tan gerin e

dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 15

©2 0 2 0 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rved. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s te re d t rad e m ark sy m b o l a re tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i ng s, L LC . AU N Z B OGO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 7 2 0 2 0 .

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