Juniper Berry
Green Mandarin essential oil 15mL
essential oil 5mL
( S K U 60 20 8 0 0 3 )
Green Mandarin essential oil is pressed from the unripened fruit of the mandarin tree. As farmers grow the citrus trees that are used to produce some of our essential oils, the mandarin tree (Citrus reticulata) goes through a heavy thinning process. Most of the young, unripe fruit was removed during this process and discarded. Now, that unripe fruit is being used to produce Green Mandarin essential oil, making it one of dōTERRA’s most eco-friendly single oils. •
Refreshing aroma
Citrus, fruity, slightly sweet and floral
Diffuse r Bl e n d s :
Coconut and Green Mandarin Body Scrub What you will need: 125g Sugar 30 g Coconut oil 10 g Desiccated Coconut 1 Lime zest (can substitute lemon or orange) finely chopped 10 drops Green Mandarin essential oil Glass Jar with a lid Method: Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix until combined. Store in the jar of your choice. Rub on your skin in circular motions prior to showering and wash off with warm water. Citrus Twist Restorative Footbath
Everg reen Green Mandarin Siberian Fir Pink Pepper Gleeful Bl en d Lavender Peace ® Bergamot Green Mandarin Pa g e 2 | B O G O F la s h
Joy Joy Joy Green Mandarin Lime Hawaiian Sandalwood B a c k to B us i n e s s Green Mandarin Pink Pepper Marjoram Frankincense
What you will need: 4 drops Green Mandarin essential oil 4 drops Lavender essential oil 2 drops Basil essential oil 2 drops Petitgrain essential oil 1 drop Lemon essential oil 1 teaspoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: In a shallow bowl, combine the essential oils with the dōTERRA FCO. Fill a basin with warm water and add the oils, swirling to disperse the blended oils, put you feet into the basin and relax for at least 15 minutes
(SKU 492 90004)
Derived from the coniferous tree, Juniper Berry essential oil has a rich history of traditional benefits. Aromatically, Juniper Berry has a woody, spicy, yet fresh and calming aroma Juniper Berry 5mL uses include: •
Diffuse with citrus oils when looking to create a balancing and calming aroma
Add one to two drops to water or citrus drinks
Calming aroma, grounding to the emotions
D i ffuser B lends: Trans i ti o ns Juniper Berry
Sun K i s s e d Juniper Berry
Bergamot and Juniper Berry Aromatic Lotion Bars What you will need: 1 cup Soy Wax 1 cup Coconut Oil 1 cup Shea Butter 10 drops Bergamot essential oil 10 drops Juniper Berry essential oil Method: Combine and melt (microwave or double boiler) beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter. Mix ingredients together. Add Bergamot and Juniper Berry essential oils.* Pour or spoon into mould of choice. Place in fridge or freezer to allow soap to harden for 10 minutes. Remove soap from silicon moulds & enjoy bath time *You can switch essential oils in this recipe, ensuring that they are suitable for topical application.
Wild Oran ge
Luxurious End of Day Bath
G rapefruit
What you will need: 3 drops Green Mandarin essential oil 2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil 1 drop Juniper Berry essential oil 1 cup Epsom Salts 1 teaspoon dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil
Love Poti o n
I nhal e & Exhal e
J un iper Berry
J un iper Berry
L im e
G rapefruit
Clary Sage
Douglas Fir
Method: Dissolve Epsom salt in the bath water. Mix essential oils and dōTERRA FCO in a shallow bowl. Pour into the bath and swirl the water to disperse the oil evenly. Enter the bath and enjoy! dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 3
©2 0 2 0 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s te re d t rad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i n g s , L LC . AU N Z B O GO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2020 06072020.