Feminarum issue 16

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A magazine that gives people a voice..

Ry Williams

Talks about fitness and his road to success..

Tech for 2015

We look at the new technology coming out in 2015.

More articles for you to read on fresh starts..

Picture by Shamaya Studios.

Editor and Founder Helen Wright Writers.. Darren Essex, Maxine Hartley Pollyanna Hale Ann Weekes Steve Wright

Cover photo and picture to the left is by Emma Shamaya at Shamaya Studios. www.shamayastudios.co.uk

You can contact us on: www.feminarummagazine.co.uk And email us on:



From the editor Looking forward to starting 2015 with new ideas and projects....

New beginnings..

However, FEMINARUM's ultimate success stemmed from the wonderful team of writers and our band of loyal readers who had been supporting the magazine right from the start. Even in our darkest days in the very beginning when many doubted we could stay afloat in the established sea of mass media, they never lost faith in what we stood for.

2014 was the year we stood up and grew up. The infancy and embryonic FEMINARUM magazine was rapidly maturing and evolving continuously during this period. We saw it change into something more structured and professional. This metamorphosis allowed for a more fluid transformation by the team and the readers who had a hand in shaping the content within it's wonderfully vibrant and individual pages. Our dedication in supporting charities and organisations both locally and internationally allowed the magazine's real humanity to shine brightly. This quality brought with it many rewards. We were able to raise money and awareness for all the groups we worked with and the ultimate accolade of two awards in its first year, was defiantly a positive sign that we were moving in the right direction.

Our ultimate aim has and always will be to create a digital medium for people who have something to say to the world.

2015 will be presenting us with some exciting prospects and projects . What we really want however, is for you to join us on our amazing journey towards making FEMINARUM magazine something great for everyone to read and ultimately be a part of in the future.... 3

Swap Shop advert. 14

Janus Designs 15-17 4

Priya's Shakti comic review. 38-41

Interesting Text Here Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

Interview with Ry Williams. 43-46


08-09. From the Editor . 10-11. Darren Essex and his exercise regime

14. Transition Advert.

22-23. People's Kitchen.

15-17. Janus Designs article.

24- 25. Transition Advert.

18-19. Anne Weekes and her fresh start article.

26-27. Janus Designs tech for 2015.

12-13. Maxine Harley and her fresh starts article.

20-21. Pollyanna Hale and her detox article.

28- 32. Our Gallery of Guys.


33-34. Great Gatsby book review

35-37. Charlie Hebdo article

38-41. Priya's Shakti comic book review.

43-46. Feature article with Ry Williams.

47-49. Holiday on Ice review.

50-51. Wikaniko products review.

52-53. Coolcos products review.

54-55. Advert space.

56-57. Sanctuary Spa scrub product review.

58-61. Powerful Trainers.

62-63. Advert space.

64. Back page.


FEMINARUM magazine 2015 Cause for a celebration. Everyone was so proud of what we had achieved in 2014. This year is going to be bigger and better... So I sit here, admiring the two awards we won in 2014. It reminds me that we have done so much and have a lot to do... FEMINARUM magazine spent it's first year growing and developing itself. Now we have a great reputation and slick look behind us, the sky is the limit. But seriously, I have to put my business head on and think about how we can make some money out of the magazine. Everyone has been putting their time into making this venture a success but money still talks and I want to be able to expand the magazine with advertising and investment..all of this needs money...

Small businesses know how difficult and frustrating the lack of funds can be when you want to take your enterprise to the next level. So over the Christmas period, I had been racking my brains over how we could make some serious money from the magazine itself. My focus until recently had been to get it to the standard that I envisaged back in October of 2013. Now in 2015, myself and the team here at FEMINARUM magazine want to reap the benefits of our hard work. We will be selling advertising space on a price band level and the cost will depend on where your advert is placed in the magazine. However, you don't need to worry, FEMINARUM magazine will not have any adverts in the first half of the

magazine. There will be plenty of room at the additional pages we will be putting in at the back. Also, our support of charities both local and. International will continue. I am look at some way if getting he magazine on the TV.... Of course, we ran out of time for the calendar last year but it will be out this year and the prostate cancer charity are happy to support us and we will be donating money to a well worth cause. As always, we want to hear from our readers and get them more involved in the magazine this year. So if you have anything you want to say, contact us on the website.


"We will be stretching our wings even higher and pushing the magazine even further.."

So we have many plans for 2015.

charity this year.. (Fingers crossed.)

with me via the website contact page..

I will be getting more involved in the work we do with the magazine but at the same time, it would be great to find a wing man...someone who can work with me on the magazine. The social media side of the magazine takes up so much of my time, and I want to be free to get out there and really push and promote the magazine.

I want the writers to get more involved by telling the readers what they are up to this year.

We want to hear what you are doing...

Also hopefully, I want to walk the Great Wall of China for

If you are part of a charity or an organisation, get in contact

So if you have anything g that you want to talk about, or for us to cover in the magazine, hen let us know on the website: www.feminarummagazine.co. uk

2015 is going to be the year that FEMINARUM magazine grows up and attends the ball as Cinderella.. But we can't do this without the support of the team and all of our loyal readers...


Darren Essex and his tips on a fresh start fitness "Darren has been writing for us from the very beginnings of FEMINARUM magazine and we get a lot of positive feedback from his articles each month".

As always, the beginning of the new Year promises so much... Along with the news Years resolution you have made to drink less and save more, exercise is always one that is high on everyone's list. We are all guilty at some point of saying to our friends and family. "I am going to join the gym and get fit this year." But alas most people don't maintain it and let their gym membership go to waste. So this month Darren has put together some useful tips on how you can get hour fresh start off the ground and make that New Years promise a reality...


“5 Tips to Achieve Your Fresh Start Fitness Goals”

It’s that time of year again when the gym starts to get very busy with all those people who made a New Years resolution to lose weight, get fitter or just be healthier. Most people begin their exercise program but don’t make it past Easter. Your habit change needs to be a permanent alteration to your way of life from now going forward. You can improve your chances of sticking to your resolution with 5 simple tips to success.

1. Determine readiness Firstly consider your physical readiness for exercise such as do you have any underlying illnesses, medical conditions or Injuries? If unsure always consult your GP or health professional before embarking on your fitness regime. As well as the physical aspect there are also mental barriers to exercise, are you likely to stick to a program once you begin, a good Personal Trainer is something you may consider here if motivation is an issue or just finding a good gym partner to train with you.

2. Create Your Plan Put together a program, workout 3 days and times of day you will be able to devote to training each week and stick to those days every week. Workout what type of exercise you are going to do, what are your goals, what is it you want to achieve, is it weight loss, muscle building, cardio fitness etc. Use the help of the gym Instructors and Personal Trainers at your local gym for advice on the best type of exercise to do for your goals some gyms will write you a programme as part of your membership. Start by exercising for shorter periods of time and gradually increase the duration of each workout.

As I mentioned in tip 1 it is a good idea to bring a friend, begin your fitness journey together it will make it more fun and you can motivate each other to keep going so there is less likelihood of you quitting. There will be times when you just don’t feel like working out and this is where a training partner can help give you that motivation and vice versa.

4. Start off Easy As previously stated this is a lifelong commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Your success will be greater if you start off gradually and build up the intensity as you go. You will see or know people training 6 days a week and doing every class on the timetable don’t worry about them start of with 3 days a week even if it’s only 15mins and then progress as your fitness increases.

5. Set Realistic Goals Any goals you set yourself need to be achievable and realistic don’t set the bar too high because when you fail you will become de-motivated and the likelihood is that you will give up e.g. to lose 12lb by Easter or to run a 5k race is realistic and achievable but to set yourself a target of running a full Marathon by then is unrealistic. Think of it like building a house you need to build a firm foundation first on which to build on, making your workout more rewarding and more importantly safe.

So there you go some useful tips and advice to get you started for your 2015 Fitness Journey. Hope you enjoyed reading and good luck with reaching your goals.

By Darren Essex 3. Bring a Gym Buddy

Personal Trainer and Fitness Model.


Maxine Harley and her views on fresh starts. Maxine Harley is looking at new starts and we all know how important it is to have goals especially at the beginning of a new year... How fresh is your 'fresh start' going to be? When things haven't been going as well as we'd wanted, New Year gives us collective permission and opportunity to review, refresh and re-design our lives, at least for the year ahead. But I'm wondering just how fresh our new ideas and new start can ever be. After all, it's still YOU making the choice and decision about what your fresh start will look like – and if you're still using the same mindset that created your old and undesirable life, then all you'll get is more of the same, or very similar! To be truly 'fresh' entails something new, different and tangible. Fluffy mantras and fridge-magnet affirmations won't count for much until you 'behave' differently. That requires thinking differently, truly believing in different outcomes, and in feeling differently too.

So, much more is involved than just a desire for a fresh start. There's some deeper selfassessment, change and clearing out to do before you can get the new version of your life that you want. Whether you believe in the esoteric law of attraction, or you're more of a down-to-earth cause and effect believer – the results are still impressive. There's now an 'abundance' of people extolling the benefits of their new self-designed abundant life (in its many forms). They're not all rags-toriches stories, but many are. So, how can you have a 'fresh' start in the New Year? I'd suggest you ask yourself a few questions to help your clarity and focus... and to write down your answers:What exactly do I want to be different in my life? What form will that/they take? How will I know when I have achieved it? What will be, and feel, different for me?


How will I know when I have achieved it? What will be, and feel, different for me?

What might get in the way of me creating this change for myself? How will I clear any obstacles and make the space in my life to bring in my desired changes?

Your 'fresh start' then has a greater chance of being 'fresh' and less likely to be tarnished and shaped by your past mindset and limited ways of thinking about, and seeing, your life.

Make this year ahead the one of your dreams and deepest desires!

Maxine Harley (MSc Psychotherapy) www.psychotherapysussex.co.uk www.maxineharley.com www.the-ripple-effect.co.uk www.qpp.uk.com www.higher-resonantfrequency.co.uk



Janus Designs

Steve Wright talks about what he will be covering in the next few issues THINGS TO COME IN 2015 Here we are at the start of another year and of course we look forward to the new and wonderful things that we will see in this year. If we take Back to Future 2 as our oracle, we should expect to see hover boards and flying cars this year.. Now, of course, its not likely that these things will come to pass in 2015, but what should we expect to see. This article will look at the top few things to come in the worlds of Technology and Games.


1. Apple Watch - This year will finally see Apple venture into the wearable tech market. The Apple Watch will come in three distinct variations. The standard Apple Watch with a stainless steel case, sapphire crystal face and a range of different bands, The Apple Watch Sport with an anodised aluminium case (Silver or Space Grey), strengthened Ion-X glass and colourful durable bands and The Apple Watch Edition with an 18-karat gold case (yellow or rose), sapphire crystal face and exquisitely crafted bands and closures. Of course you will be able to link it to you iPhone and take calls and receive your texts and emails on it, download apps and contact your friends directly via the watch. But one of the biggest draws, according to Apple, is the integration of Health and Fitness apps and functionality in the watch. It can not only check your pulse but will also track your activity during the day and push you if you haven't reached the daily goals you have set. We will of course have to wait and see if the Apple Watch revolutionises the wearable tech world in the same way the iPod revolutionised the way we listen to our music, but we will know soon enough. The Apple Watch is expected to be released this spring with prices starting at around £300 for the base model. 2. Windows 10 - Although not technically a gadget, Windows 10 will change the way many of us will use our PCs.. It will come installed on all new PCs released but will also, for the first time, be released on various other devices, such as phones, consoles etc. The interface changes its behaviour depending on the type of device and available inputs (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen). With Touchscreen devices the OS still uses the same live tiles environment that Windows 8.1 currently uses.However, if you attach a keyboard or run it on a traditional PC or laptop, a new iteration of the old Start Menu and the old classic desktop is used, with an application list and search box on the left side, and live tiles on the right. Windows 10 is also expected to use Microsofts intelligent personal assistant Cortana, as used in its Windows Phone devices. There will also be a replacement for the old Internet Explorer, codenamed Spartan. Gamers will also be well supported with the introduction of Direct X 12, with consolelevel efficiency and more direct access to hardware resources.Microsoft will introduce the world to Windows 10 on January 21st 2015, so expect to hear more about the OS in future articles. 15

3. 4K Ultra HD TVs - Only a few years ago we were ushering in the new and amazing 1080p HD TVs.. High Definition broadcasts have since become ubiquitous and TV and broadcasting companies are now looking at the next big thing. 4K, also known as UHD (Ultra HD) is a picture technology that quadruples the number of pixels found in a full HD picture. A HD picture has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, whereas a 4K picture is typically 3840x2160 pixels. The upshot is that you get more detail, more depth and more colour resolution to the picture, giving you incredibly life like pictures, which has been described as more akin to looking through a window rather then looking at a TV screen. At the moment there is not a lot of 4K content available to watch on a new 4K TV, with the exception of Netflix which carries two series streamed in 4K currently. Your only other resource at the moment is Youtube content which is beginning to be streamed in 4K. This will of course change as 4K TVs become cheaper and more mainstream and companies start to ramp up 4K broadcasts and media devices. Games 1. The Order 1886 - This game has been long awaited by PS4 owners since the consoles first announcement, and will finally be released on 20th February 2015. The game is a third person shooter developed by Ready at Dawn and SCE Santa Monica Studio. It is set in a re-imagined Victorian era London where you keep the world safe from mutated humans that are half human and half animal. You are part of Arthurs mythical Knights of the Round Table with the characters in the game being descendents of or taking the name of the original Knights. There is also a nod to the book Le Morte d’Arthur with one of the characters, Sir Percival, being a direct descendent of the books author, Thomas Malory. The Game has been in the works since 2010 and is looking to be one of the best games of 2015. It has a single player campaign only and runs at 30fps. I for one am looking forward to taking on the mantle of a Knight of the Round Table.. A full review of the game will follow shortly after release. 2. Batman: Arkham Knight - This game is the final chapter in the long running Arkham series of Batman games. It is developed by Rocksteady Games and distributed by Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The games main storyline is set one year after the events of Batman: Arkham City and just after the death of the Joker. The main villain is The Scarecrow, who has returned to Gotham City to unite Batman’s enemies in a plot to finally kill the Dark Knight.The usual weapons, such as the grapnel gun, line launcher, batarangs, detective vision etc make a welcome return to the game, and the combat system has seen an overhaul making it easier to combine attacks on prone enemies and counter attacks and throw enemies into others for increased damage. One of the biggest draws though is the introduction of the Batmobile as a driveable vehicle. You will be able to call the Batmobile to you whilst in combat and of course traverse Gotham far easier then ever before. The games map is five times the size of Arkham Citys one, so it should be a belter of an adventure. As always a full review will follow once we have the game. 3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - This is the third game in the very popular Witcher series. The game is developed by the Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED and is due to be released 19th May 2015 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game returns you to the Northern Kingdoms to a world in Chaos as a dark and deadly force has descended on the land. These spectral riders, called the Wild Hunt, have plagued mankind for generations. But this time they are only interested in one person. The one person that Geralt considers family. The Witcher 3 is a massive open-world online game. 30 times larger then the last game, The Northern Kingdoms and its inhabitants are stunningly realised in beautiful next-gen graphics. Anything you do in this game has consequences both on you, the storyline, locations and people living there. This game is shaping up to be one of the blockbuster must have games of the year. If you like RPG games with a multitude of characters, beautiful locations and a story that actually makes you feel like your actions and decisions matter, then do yourself a favour and make sure you pick this game up in may. As always, once the game is released we will be bringing you a full review in the magazine. 16


Anne Weekes and her ideas about fresh starts. Fresh Start Vs Resolutions

Happy New Year! My Feminarum Lovelies. How were the holiday events? Did you eat too much? Did Santa show up and out do himself on last year’s prezzies? Did you reach out to someone who needed a helping hand? Well

whatever you did I hope you had a good one. So what you up to for 2015? Have you got your calendar mapped out for the next 12 months? Planning a wedding, divorce, career change, diet or new house? Going to do some extra studies, quitting smoking, cutting out sugar or something else? … And I bet these plans are all under the guise of ‘a New Years Resolution’?

A ‘fresh start’ sounds much more promising than the idea of a ‘New Year Resolution’. I don’t believe in the latter anyways as resolutions are purposeless exercises to me. I don’t understand why we wait a whole year to stop or start doing ‘something’ on 1st January that can quite productively be attempted at anytime on any of the other 364 days? I find it quite senseless to stop/start


doing ‘that thing’ that we truly know we’re not entirely dedicated to changing and eventually revert back to with quick immediate effect! Although a fresh start can be a facilitator for a positive resolution; typical resolutions take long to get started and generally don’t work because they are birthed from a negative womb of fear, anxiety and criticism. Resolutions: Are based on what you or others ‘think’ about you and what you should be doing Are chore and task orientated ! Set you up to fail ! Lacks foundation, focus, motivation and commitment ! Suppresses purpose in favour of pure emotion ! Are reactive behaviours ! Are initiated once a year, usually on 1st January Fresh Starts: ! Are not hung up on failure or perfection ! Means you get to leave the ‘shit’ behind ! Are motivated by new beginnings and opportunities ! Respects the challenges and celebrates the milestones ! Give you permission to express your emotions whilst maintaining purpose ! Are proactive behaviours ! Can happen 365 days of the year [every day] Fresh Starts vs Resolutions? It’s a no brainer really!

Talk soon Ann Sianab


Pollyanna Hale and detoxing...

Dear Readers, Ah the annual January detox. Enough of the mince pies and hot toddy’s, January is all about fresh juices, raw salads and abstaining from anything that doesn’t come from the vegetable isle, or so you would think judging by the product advertisements that fill the gaps between the ‘so-and-so celeb caught on camera with cellulite’ ‘news’ stories that fill the women’s weeklies this month. Except the whole idea of ‘detoxing’ has been taken completely out of context and turned into a very non-evidence based way of saying ‘give me your money and I’ll give you something that makes you think you’re doing good’ Does the body detox? Very much so. We actually have organs designed for this very purpose – liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph nodes and digestive tract. That’s right, YOUR BODY DETOXES ITSELF. Unless you’re purchasing a new liver, nothing you can buy can detox your body for you. (wait that’s not true – in extreme medical cases such as severe drug intoxication and in people with liver and kidney failure, there are medically supervised methods which take place in hospitals, but I’m going to guess most people reading this don’t fall into that category). No pills, juices, powders, meals, teas, herbs, flowers, procedures like colon cleanses and enemas, aromatherapy and homeopathy, or any supplements can replicate what your body was born to do perfectly well naturally. Think about it – there are so many toxins in and around us that we’ve both chosen (alcoholic cocktails, anyone?), and endure (car pollution) that were we not able to rid our bodies of these harmful

substances we wouldn’t live past getting out of the post-natal ward. Perhaps people making and selling these products really believe they have something magic to offer you. Unfortunately they just can’t back it up with evidence. Can they even name one toxin? How does their product specifically rid the body of this that the body can’t already do on its own? But wait (you ask me), don’t the liver, kidneys etc. need a flush out occasionally to keep them working well? If toxins built up in these organs then yes. But they don’t. The ‘toxins’ whatever that means, get transformed, transported, and recycled, and only when this process doesn’t happen fast enough to keep up with the toxins it is bombarded with (which is rare, else you’d never have survived those teenage binge-drinking nights out). So what CAN you do to make sure your body is not overloaded with toxins and they get processed fast enough? By supporting your body and it’s ‘detoxification’ organs to function optimally…………with nothing but fresh air, sunlight, rest (sleep), movement (exercise) and good, nourishing food. Simple! So next time you consider purchasing some Detox Wonder Cure Every Ailment Even Take The Bins Out For You 10/15/30 Day Challenge, ask yourself, is the answer to a toxin clear out already inside you?

Polly xxx www.pollyannahale.co.uk info@pollyannahale.co.uk » »


Mushroom Burgers It’s usually exotic mushrooms that get the credit for contributing to good health, but even ‘common’ white mushrooms are full of protein, B Vitamins and vitamin D, and are immune boosting and anti-inflammatory, boosting energy and balancing the effects of stress. They’re also in season over the Winter months so you should be able to easily buy British grown ones this month. Makes 6 INGREDIENTS olive oil 500g mushrooms, finely chopped 4 shallots 200g tinned adzuki beans, drained 2 dried figs 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped 4 tbsp. parsley 2 tbsp. thyme 2 tbsp. coriander 2 tbsp. tahini or peanut butter 2 tbsp. soy sauce 50g uncooked quinoa 50g ground flax

METHOD Preheat the oven to 180°c. Rinse and cook the quinoa according to packet instructions. Heat a little oil in a pan (you’ll need more if not using a non-stick pan) and gently fry the mushrooms, garlic and shallots until soft. Put the remaining ingredients into a food processor. In a large bowl bowl combine the mushroom mix, quinoa and beany mix, then refrigerate for 30 minutes to firm up a little. Make into 6 patties using your hands, and bake on a greaseproof paper lined baking tray for 35-40 minutes. Serve with salad, sweet potato chips and some good quality salsa.


People's kitchen


We are supporting the Peoples Kitchen in Chichester. This is a non profit group who are looking to use food as a way of bringing communities together. Their next meeting is o the 15th of February at Whipped and Baked in Chichester. Bring some food and come and join us at Whipped and Baked on the 15th of February


"We had such a great time with the first Peoples Kitchen meeting".

"We want as many people as possible to be involved and change people's view of food. " "The thought is that this idea can be used a s a blueprint for people to start up their own Peoples Kitchen. So if you like what we are doing then think about how you can improve and be involved in your community...."


Transition advert. Transition comprises of a group of people who want to build a sustainable local environment in their community. Their plans and project range from concerns over green energy, food and education on various subjects. They hold regular meetings and the public are encouraged to come along. This way of thinking is beneficial to anyone and everyone and Transition Chichester has links with many areas who are all working in the same way. This template can be used in any community. Ideas like the Peoples Kitchen, deal with waste food, food education and bringing the community together. FEMINARUM magazine is proud to be supporting this group..

We will be featuring the Eco Cinema, and The Peoples Kitchen in the next few issues. If want to know more about Transition Chichester then go to their website: www.transitionchichester.org



Janus Designs Tech Review 2015 Janus Designs Tech Reviews in 2015.. Its been over a year since we started writing tech and gaming reviews for Feminarum Magazine, and its become a popular feature in the magazine. So for 2015 we thought we would step it up a bit and totally revamp the way we review tech and games.

We will of course continue to cover the latest game releases, consoles, and tech each and every month with our written reviews, but additionally we will now be producing video reviews, game reviews and walkthroughs, first looks and interviews throughout the year. These will all be available via the Feminarum website, Facebook and Twitter and also via our own Youtube Channel (Details coming soon). Additionally we will also be live streaming games on the PS4 and Xbox One every so often, on our new Twitch Channel.

Our first video reviews will be of the iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 and Apple Macbook Pro for the technology side. Our gaming reviews will cover Assassins Creed Unity and Lego Batman Beyond Gotham on the Xbox One and Alien Isolation on the PS4.

If there are any games or gadgets you'd like to see reviewed in upcoming issues then please get in contact with us via the magazine.

Until then keep your eyes open for news of our videos on the Feminarum Website and Facebook Page.




Gallery of Guys.. More sexy and gorgeous guys for your visually pleading appetite. As always we bring you some lip quivering images of gorgeous guys in our Gallery..

Feast for your eyes each month.. We are proud to say that our gallery has become very popular and so many women are asking if we can maybe do something special print wise on this part of the magazine.. So we may do a FEMINARUM magazine special to showcase the sexy guys that will be appearing and have been in the magazine in the past. If you know of any guys who want to be in our gallery then contact us via the website:



Gallery of Guys. We are providing g you lovely ladies with some serious male eye candy. This gallery is here to put a smile on your face so sip your coffee on a Monday morning and take a peek at our sexy guys within these pages....




The Great Gatsby

This book is a keen favourite of mine.The story is a mixture of tragedy, love and illusion. Of course when the film came out in 2013 ,the world was exposed to the fame and glamour of the 1920's.

F.Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece is so colourful and tragic that it weaves a spell to entrap you right from the first page...

Beneath the shimmering facade of the story lies obsession and desire...


Charlie Hebdo

What does this mean for magazines who cross borders and boundaries?

The big question with the attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo this month in Paris is, how do you keep the peace between freedom of speech and the respect of peoples religious beliefs?

As a magazine who is not afraid to tackle serious issues in our society, we understand the need to give people a voice. However we also know that people have a deep association with their religious beliefs even in the modern 21st Century. This event brings this issue to the forefront and highlights the serious nature of satire when applied to any religious topic. The TV is full of people talking about the necessity to have freedom of speech. The passionate and fierce demonstration of disgust at the gunman and their action is evident on TV and social media. Facebook and Twitter have been full of people venting their opinions on this distressing event.

The Muslim community have condemned this outrage and state that they are angry that their religion being hijacked and abused by fundamentalist. The Government and other agencies all admitted that they knew of the two men previously. So how safe will it be to have an opinion and speak of it in a public area? Will the media be silenced by the barbaric attempts from such groups to stamping out freedom of speech? I truly hope not.. Even a small voice can shout loudly if it needs to... It is obvious that there will be some kind of negative feelings towards people who feel that their religion allows them to act in ways which society deems wrong. This action is not the way people air their grievances. It will be interesting to see what comes out of this tragic event....

But what will be the outcome from this chain of events? The news tells us that the magazine will continue by publishing an issue this month with 1 million copies being printed.



Front page. This one image on the front page of the i on the 12th of January speaks volumes as to how people feel about what has happened. Freedom can never be shackled by politics or religion...





came across this amazing magazine on FB a few days ago. I was initially drawn to read it by the subject

matter. Since the rape and death of the women on a bus in in India in 2012, the women of India have been standing against the violence that they have endured for a long time. This comic brings this sensitive subject matter out into the light.

The leading character herself becomes a victim of rape and witnesses prejudice first hand. The Plethora of Indian Gods decide that this action has condemn mankind. The lady herself possessed by the Goddess talks to her villagers and others to try and change their views on behaviour towards women. This comic also touches on the issue of not just rape but also of women who have been abused and disfigured. It is a great medium to expose and explore issue which has been prevalent in the news recently..

FEMINARUM received the green light to actually review and talk about his magazine from the people who have produced it. It is free to download and we want to spread the word that it exists. We pride ourselves on supporting and raising awareness of women's groups, charities and organisations. So this magazine and what it represents fits perfectly our ethos and philosophy..

"We are by women for women"

The magazine is trying to breach the barriers concerning the very sensitive issue of Gender based violence. It is is supporting the movement against patriarchy, misogyny and social indifference.



The story is basically focusing on the rape and social fallout of a women called Priya. The goddess Parvati is horrified at this event and decides to change the views of men towards women. The story goes on to show Priya talking and confronting those who have wronged her. The Goddess comes into Priya and givers her the strength to stand up to those who have these outdated and harmful ideas towards women. Everyone at FEMINARUM magazine is behind this kind of reeducation and feel that this is a very new and brave way of

address issues that are so deeply I trenches in the lives of those living in Indian. It paints a very stark image if how women who are effect by Gender based violence are stigmatised by their communities and also their families.

women. If you want to know more about this magazine then go to the website and you can download it from there.. www.priyashkti.com

This has been very evident in recent years with girls being murdered because they have spoken out against their attackers. This way of thinking and behaving has to stop and we are supporting this comic in the hope that in some small way , we can change this deep seated mentality towards


Ry Williams. We chatted with Ry about what inspires him and also what his plans are for 2015

Shy Ry to Fit Guy...

Shy Ry to fit guy is a journey about hard work, dedication and immense self discovery. Ry Williams started life as an awkward gawky 17 year old lad. Ry was shy around girls and lacking self confidence. He was given a gym set by his family one year and had no idea how this simple gift would change his life forever.. His training regime started at home and he went from under 10 stone to 14 and a half. He spent three diligent years training using the equipment he had at home. Slowly he began to see major benefits from his hard work. His confidence increased and he began to feel much happier in himself. This dedication to fitness and the training Ry was doing, helped him overcome many obstacles he faced in life.


In the past Ry had shot with numerous photographers including Emma Shamaya, Gilles Crofta, Justin Chong, Justin Tayler, Alex Wightman, Myself and Neuf Neuf. I went along to a shot that both Ry and Emma were doing for the front cover and feature article for this months issue. As always he was a consummate professional through the whole day. Ry along with a gang of gorgeous guys will also will be appearing in our charity calendar out this year.

And so I was not surprised that Ry had a YouTube idea for the fitness world that he works hard in.

In 2015, we find Ry putting together a project he calls The "Ryvolution". It is a channel devoted to fitness. He started it because it was something he'd been looking to do for a while. At the moment there is nothing like it out there.

We will be supporting Ry and his projects as much as we can and so watch this space for more details. The first YouTube date for the Ryvolution will be the 1st of February.

(Photos by Emma Shamaya at Shamaya Studios) www.shamayastudios.co.uk

Ry hopes to produce something fresh and original. "There has never has there been a show like it in this industry." Is how Ry describes this visual project. If you want to see this Ryvolution in action, the link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC8zD4kYGTooRC3DsiN69AEw

I shot with Emma Shamaya and Ry at Porchester Castle last year. Although the weather was cloudy and somewhat cold, Ry was a real pleasure to work with. The day was full of laughs and giggles..

He was a very professional model and came with bags of items that made the shoot much easier. His enthusiasm for the modelling was so evident.





Holiday on Ice. VIP at the Brighton Centre. Holiday on Ice. Myself and my daughter were treated to a VIP night on the 6th of January curtesy of the Brighton Centre. We had canopies before the actual show and received a wonderful goodie bag. The director (insert name) gave a short speech about the event and introduced some of the key people involved in putting the Holiday on Ice together We sat in the south stalls very close to the front row. Both myself and Izzi waited in anticipation for the show to begin. We were not disappointed by the iceskating choreography played out before us. There was great music, colourful costumes and breathtaking entertainment for all the family. It really was a true attack on your sense as each vignette smoothly flowed from the past which spoke of the beginnings of the Holiday on Ice history, right through to the modern day interpretation of this 21st Century ice extravaganza. The whole audience were clapping and enjoying the routines and music and even when one of the skaters slipped, the crowds still cheered. Obviously there were some first night nerves but every single participant was totally professional on the night. (Mckenzie Crawford, Rohene Ward, Andrei Griazev. The couple skaters were awesome ( Daria Perminova & Evgenii Bellianin. Stanislav Vederskyi & Vicktoria Maksiuta. .) were superb and the arial show was spectacular. Both Dmytro Lykov and Kyrylo Liannoi kept us on the edge of our seats.

It was clear that all the skaters were totally focused in providing the crowds with a magnificent show and they did just that. I could find nothing to dislike about the Holiday on Ice show.

My 15 year old daughter enjoyed herself to my surprise as it is not the normal thing she goes to. This just goes to show how diverse the show was in appealing to a wide audience. If you do get a chance to see a Holiday on Ice in the future, I highly recommend you go along. It is good entertainment for all the family. 47

"We were waiting for

the show to start.. Everyone was so excited and we could hear children talking in high voices very eager.".



Wikaniko green products. We reviewed some green products from this range.. Here at FEMINARUM magazine, we are proud to say that we have a very low carbon footprint. There is a lot of talk about green products and concerns over the continuation of waste plastics filling our landfills. Many groups are highlighting the dangerous chemicals that manufactures have been putting into the cosmetics we put on our skins. It's all about thinking about the way in which we use items as well as the eect they have on us and the world around us. Green issues have become very relevant as we move into a new wave of people and communities addressing environmental issues both locally and internationally. We all have a responsibility to look after this wonderful planet that sustains us...

So if you want to be green and know exactly what is in your hand cream and other products, then Wikaniko is the one for you. This company provides a wide range of superb quality goods from, washing powers to deodorants. Just a small change to your everyday products could make a big change to your environment. I spoke with the lovely Diana Morgan who is my local Wikaniko agent. She agreed to give me a broad spectrum of products to review in this issue of the magazine. Hand cream http://bit.ly/ ESBS_avHand Himalayan salt products http://bit.ly/ESBS_Hima Deodorant http://bit.ly/ ESBS_DeoRockChick Full range of soap bars


Edible Himalayan salt. This is crystal salt originates from the Himalayan mountains. It's pink colour comes from all the different minerals. It was amazing to use in cooking and I love the taste. I now don't buy normal salt anymore. You can use this in a grinder or just on its own. A very versatile item to have in your kitchen cupboard.

Luxury hand made soaps. £3.99 These soaps are made without any parabens, SLS or SLES. They are hand cut into 80 gm bars. Everyone enjoyed using them and I noticed that unlike normal soaps, these bars don't go all mushy or sloppy after a few uses either.

Natural Deodorant Stone. £3.99 This roll on us made from salts and is fragrance free. Due to being hypoallergenic and alcohol free, my girls found this brilliant for their skin.

Aloe Vera Gand Cream. £4.69 Aloe Vera is well known for its soothing properties so it's perfect for a handcream. This fact and the creamy texture really helped the dryness I get on my hands during the winter. I kept this with me for two weeks and found it gave my whole household soft hands..

Wikaniko is an eco friendly shopping experience. It's great products make green a pleasure and not a chore. If you want to know more about the products above and more then you can contact them on info@wikaniko.com You can then find out where your local distributor is in your area.


Coolcos make up range. I went to an event back in 2014 and came across a range of cosmetics which really caught my eye. Coolcos is a Danish company who have bought out a range of make up which has no parabens or chemicals in it. I spoke to the lovely Ruth Harper and she very kindly gave me a selection of make up to review. The first thing I noticed was the packaging. The black effect was very smooth and slick. This made the items very easy to handle and user friendly. I applied the pink eye shadow and found that the colour was very rich and it went on smoothly. For me, eye shadows fail in two areas: 1: The colour is not pure enough. The colour should look the same on your skin as it does in the pot. 2: They don't remain on my eyes very long. A sign of a good eyeshadow is that you can see it on your eye lids at the end of the day. The pink eyeshadow did not disappoint and it remained on my eye lids all day. I was very impressed.

The face powder was very fine which I prefer and it blended in well. I do tend to find that they either dry my skin out or sit in the creases. This product did neither of these and to my surprise lasted all day on my face

For me the most important item I have in my make up bag is my mascara. I have tried them all, and yet the Coolcos one was absolutely amazing. The brush made the application onto my lashes so easy and without any clogging.

The nail varnish range has some amazing colours but however both myself and my girls do recommend that you use a clear top coat otherwise they will chip very easily. I do a lot with my hands so nail varnish needs to be very tough and robust. However the nail varnish went on very smoothly. A lot of nail varnish ranges tend to go gloopy and clog up after a while. These did not and went on very easily. My two girls are now big fans of the nail varnish.

Overall, I was very impressed with the range and I will be replacing much of my make-up with Coolos products. If you want the prices of the above products and more information about this Danish cosmetic range then go to their website:



"Overall these products were amazing

to use and really outclassed some of the more well known brands that are currently out in the high street at the moment..."


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Sanctuary Spa Ultimate Salt Scrub The Sanctuary Spa company sent me some of their amazing sea salt scrub to test out. I was a bit dubious at first as I wondered if this would really work. It contains sea salt from the famous Dead Sea. This is mixed in with oils like Jojoba, cocoanut and almond. What the sea salt does is act as an exfoliant and gets rid of all the dead skin. The oils then soak into your skin and leave it smooth and moisturised. I was willing to give it a go. So with my small sachet in hand, I ventured into the shower with some trepidation. The salt was not too harsh on my skin as in the past I have found some of the salt scrubs to be too rough.. This mixture was perfect and smelt amazing. I quickly washed it all off and after drying my skin, I was amazed to find my skin was actually really smooth and soft and I also did not need to use a cream afterwards. If you want to get your body buff for the summer and wash away all the sluggishness of the winter months, I would highly recommend using is product. It retails as ÂŁ11:50 for a 650g pot If you want to buy this product or learn more about the Sanctuary Spa range then go to their website: www.sanctuary.com



A day with the Powerful Trainers.. The Powerful Trainers are part of the Aldingbourne Charity who help those with disabilities gain independence in their everyday lives...

I was very privileged to spend the 5th of December with a group from the Powerful Trainers based at Aldingbourne. The trainers are adults who are trained and paid to do work on a wide variety of aspects from equality to empathy. The Powerful trainers organise workshop style training sessions with clients like local authorities, schools, private businesses and many more.

This work is aimed at raising awareness and promoting a more understanding way of viewing people with disabilities within their specific sector.

I was picked up early by the wonderful John Warwick who despite the early start, was full of enthusiasm. On our journey to Croydon, John picked up several of the girls and guys who would work with him on the training days. Once we had picked everyone up on route, Jo, Alistair John and myself all jumped on the train heading to Croydon. We met up with Tim on route and getting to Croydon, we headed towards the offices of British Rail.


The trainers had been booked to do a days session working with people from the London area of the rail network. It was a very festive training day as we were treated to mince pies and cream before the session began. I was introduced to everyone and checked my camera before I went in the training room. The room was set out in a circle with a board set up all ready. I sat at one side and began my observations both written and pictorial with my camera clicking away furiously. The training team introduced themselves to the group and they began to engage the room immediately. Jo, Alistair, Tim and John all explained in turn about the experiences that they had on British Rail and talked about their feelings on the event in question. I saw all of the faces in the room, looking on intently and listening to the personal accounts being told. It was clear that the Powerful Trainers and a great deal of enthusiasm for the work they do and although it was a serious subject, light humour was inserted all the way through the training period. The whole session was very well constructed with a variety of talks and also audience participation. My favourite part was when several people were chosen to participate in the exercises to illustrate

how difficult doing normal tasks can be if you have a disability. We all had a giggle at people trying to tie their shoelaces with mittens and gloves on or even a blindfold and goggles. It was to highlight the different degrees of disability from mild to severe. The staff at British Rail were very vocal in suggesting ways that maybe people with disabilities could have their journeys improved and also ways of raising awareness. The training sessions are all about getting people to think outside the box and see disability as something that can be address in a sensitive and respectful manner, especially from those who work in the public sector. For me it was a very enjoyable and constructive day spent with some fantastic people who do an amazing job. If you want to know more or book the team for a training session then check the details below:

John Warwick johnw@aldingbournetrust.co.uk Or go onto the trust website: www.aldingbournetrust.co.uk (Photos by Double8)




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